#so im hoping to get around 1.5k-2k words per day but thats VERY optimistic
nixotinix · 8 months
fic update!!!
alright you little rascals!! i've mentioned a couple times here that I'm working on a new Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde centric fanfiction. Well, it isn't done, not by a long shot. But I am proud to report that it is my longest by FAR. Just chapter 3 is longer than Mortify Curiosity (my prev fic). So, to hold you fiends over, I'm posting a little bit of info about the fic here so y'all can decide if it's a good read for you before it even comes out!!! Said info will be below the cut ^^
Starting off with the basics!! Here's a screenshot from the AO3 draft with the title, tags, and summary.
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Like with Mortify Curiosity, my other chaptered fic, I'm finishing this fic COMPLETELY before posting. I know the sting of an unfinished fic, and I wouldn't do that to you.
For some other info: chapter count and chapter titles, plus word count if the chapters are finished! -- -Chapter 1: What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought -- Word count: 5,141 -Chapter 2: You know all the right moves; use them -- Word count: 7,411 -Chapter 3: Keep in mind the deadline is closing in -- Word count: 12,968 -Chapter 4: His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 5: Confront what frightens or offends you -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 6: That child of Hell had nothing human -- Word count: ??? -Current total word count: 27,739 Just warning y'all, do not expect the other chapters to be as long as chapter 3. I literally do not know what possessed me to write an almost 13k word chapter it just. kinda happened. Chapter 4 is currently sitting at a cool 2,220 words, and I haven't really gotten into the nitty gritty. So it'll probably be a long one too.
Finally, just for you guys, I'll give you a little excerpt from the opening. You'll probably have to click to read, but this is the first 550-ish words. Enjoy ur little snack hehe
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i'll reblog this post when the fic comes out so yall can find it huehue
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