#i have the basic outline p much..... now i just gotta WRITE it
nixotinix · 8 months
fic update!!!
alright you little rascals!! i've mentioned a couple times here that I'm working on a new Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde centric fanfiction. Well, it isn't done, not by a long shot. But I am proud to report that it is my longest by FAR. Just chapter 3 is longer than Mortify Curiosity (my prev fic). So, to hold you fiends over, I'm posting a little bit of info about the fic here so y'all can decide if it's a good read for you before it even comes out!!! Said info will be below the cut ^^
Starting off with the basics!! Here's a screenshot from the AO3 draft with the title, tags, and summary.
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Like with Mortify Curiosity, my other chaptered fic, I'm finishing this fic COMPLETELY before posting. I know the sting of an unfinished fic, and I wouldn't do that to you.
For some other info: chapter count and chapter titles, plus word count if the chapters are finished! -- -Chapter 1: What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought -- Word count: 5,141 -Chapter 2: You know all the right moves; use them -- Word count: 7,411 -Chapter 3: Keep in mind the deadline is closing in -- Word count: 12,968 -Chapter 4: His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 5: Confront what frightens or offends you -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 6: That child of Hell had nothing human -- Word count: ??? -Current total word count: 27,739 Just warning y'all, do not expect the other chapters to be as long as chapter 3. I literally do not know what possessed me to write an almost 13k word chapter it just. kinda happened. Chapter 4 is currently sitting at a cool 2,220 words, and I haven't really gotten into the nitty gritty. So it'll probably be a long one too.
Finally, just for you guys, I'll give you a little excerpt from the opening. You'll probably have to click to read, but this is the first 550-ish words. Enjoy ur little snack hehe
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i'll reblog this post when the fic comes out so yall can find it huehue
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
get the girl- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, mentions of ned, betty, mj, and brad warnings: unrequited love (kind of?? implied), lotsss of pining and fluff, a little long about: requested! (DF4) “you fell asleep, i couldn’t move.“ + (DF31) “maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance.” a/n: been wanting to write a peter parker friends to lovers for a while, so thank you so so much for requesting this. i swear i don’t usually take this long?? i got carried away and it got way longer than i expected, i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting!
peter thinks it’s hopeless. the cliche he’s stuck in seems cruel- no matter what the movies you (and, fine, yes, him sometimes) make him watch say. nothing that happens in them ever transpires to real life; beautiful girls don’t fall in love with their nerdy best friends and guys like peter parker don’t get the girl.
it’s fun to fantasize, though. and especially fun to look at you, particularly when you’re laying on his bed, oblivious to him standing in the doorway, observing as you twist your neck to get a good look at the polaroids he hung up on his wall. a familiar smile grows on your face when your eyes scan them, flickering to the polaroid camera you got him for christmas years ago.
you move to try to get a better look at them without standing up, glancing down when you feel a sharp edge poke at your skin. he watches as your eyebrows furrow in possibly the prettiest way possible and you pull out a polaroid from under you. and oh, peter is just now realizing exactly what that photo is and why it’s on his bed instead of hanging off the empty miniature clothespin that comes from the pack you thrust at his chest when you noticed the increasing pile of pictures on his desk.
he’s moving on autopilot towards you, the foot already halfway through the door used as a stepping stone to go to your side faster. he’s with you in less than three steps, tugging on your ankle and then tackling you as sensibly as possible, laying his whole body on yours. you oof, dropping the picture, having seen it for too little to really question it, and laugh breathlessly. “pete!” you wheeze, curling your arms around his back, one of your hands absentmindedly drawing figures through his hoodie and your other one inching up to his hair, already beginning to thread through the chocolate curls. “yes?” he hums innocently, furtively grabbing the polaroid you dropped and shoving it in the pocket of his hoodie before his arms wrap around your thighs.
“i told you if you keep doing that, one day you’re gonna get hurt,” you scold, looking attentively as peter leans his head against your chest. “me?” he questions, feeling you nod under his cheek. “uh huh, you. you’ll hit your head or something. for a spider-”
“spiderman. superhero,” peter corrects, you ignore him, “you are really clumsy.” peter huffs in dissent, letting a comfortable silence blanket over the both of you for a minute before he looks up at you. “what?” you ask, a smile brimming at the edges of your words. you’re so pretty, peter wants to say, but instead, he goes with a more best-friend-friendly question, “d’you wanna watch a movie?”
you nod at him, pulling your hands away from his head to play with the strings of his hoodie, “sure, what do we want to watch today?” peter’s eyes immediately light up, and you realize you never actually needed to ask. “fine,” you agree, trying not to grin too hard at the way his face brightens. “which one?” you request, watching his freckled cheeks flush pink in excitement, “sixth one. the best one, of course.” you smirk, shrugging, “right, don’t know why i asked, i basically know the movie word for word now.” peter can’t help but give you heart eyes at the knowledge of your knowing the script of his favorite movie. god, you really were the dream girl.
“‘kay, go make some popcorn and get everything ready while i go to the bathroom,” you request, tapping peter’s shoulder as a way to tell peter to let you out from under his body weight. he does the complete opposite of what you imply, however, nuzzling further into your chest and inhaling deeply. “peter,” you laugh, poking his shoulder again, “‘m comfy,” he mumbles, eyes closed. “pete, c’mon, i gotta pee and you’re lying on my bladder,” you whine, “also, don’t you wanna watch episode six of star wars while i eat popcorn and play with your hair?” you singsong. he’s suddenly moving his body off of yours to let you go, although not before pressing a sloppy- friendly- kiss to your arm, “hurry up.”
you giggle as you stand, stretching out your limbs and walking to the bathroom while peter watches you walk away. once he hears the bathroom door shut, he digs his hands into his pockets, fingers tugging on the polaroid he had shoved inside. a smile grows on his face without his permission when he holds it at his stomach, the light reflecting off of the smile that was printed on the picture. he traces a nail over your face, bright and open in the way that makes you gleam. it’s his favorite picture ever, the only one that managed to catch you so in your element, your natural halo of glow apparent in your outline. peter had scrawled the words best girl in red marker on the white space at the bottom- something he thought he could explain away easily if he had to. the picture had its own designated space on his wall, right in the middle so the importance was clear, but it was rarely actually up there, instead always next to him for inspiration when he was doing homework and on his dresser for when he couldn't sleep.
his lips quirk one last time at the photograph before walking to the wall where all the rest of them reside. he hangs it up, glancing at it once more until he turns to walk out of his room.
the movie is ready to play when you walk into the living room, and peter is in the kitchen making your popcorn. “it smells good,” you say in a greeting, sniffing the air and exhaling in satisfaction. peter laughs, “you do that every time we have a movie night.” you tilt your head at him, “do what?” he motions to you, “that. the whole smelling thing and letting me know how good it smells, it’s cute.”
your face heats when it slips out of his lips, pausing to absorb the words he doesn’t seem to have noticed he said. his back is to you, dumping the popcorn into a bowl for you. you can’t see it, but he’s freaking out, trying to think of an excuse if you decide it was too weird. you don’t do anything to imply that, though, just blink until the words dissolve in the air. “thanks,” you finally reply, as nonchalant as you can make it while you grab his m&ms. he hums in response, turning around to head to the couch, “star wars time,” he winks, making you grin.
you follow him as he heads to the couch, settling down next to him once he puts on the movie. the star wars theme starts, the tune fringed by peter’s humming. cute, you think, snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm and shoving popcorn into your mouth. “hmm, good,” you compliment, watching the scenes you’d seen so many times pass on the screens. you mouth along when you recognize the lines until your eyes feel heavy and they shut completely.
quiet thwips wake you up hours later, when the black of the night has bled the sky blue and the stars have littered over the clouds, the moon replacing the sun. you see that the movie is long over when you blink yourself awake, beginning to cuddle deeper into your pillow when you realize it’s too warm and hard to be a pillow. you are met with the vision of your best friend, lip tugged in between his teeth as he concentrates on something behind you. he doesn’t seem to notice that you’re awake, trying to remain as still as possibly while the thwip noises continue. he mutters a curse, scrunching his nose adorably before flicking his eyes to you. they widen when he notices you’re awake, dropping his hand. “what’re you doing?” you yawn, sitting up and away from the warmth of peter’s embrace. “uh- i just- the movie ended and you didn’t wake up, so i tried to get the remote, then i got hungry…” he scratches the back of his head awkwardly, scanning the room and you turn to observe, stunned to see the mess of webs and dropped items you weren’t sure how you didn’t hear. “oh my god, what the- did you try to get everything with your webs?” you ask in bewilderment, eyeing a bag of gummy worms open and on the floor, you snap your neck towards him to observe his burning cheeks. “um. yes,” he confesses, blushing harder. “why didn’t you just get up?” you question, looking back at the ruined living room, exhaling in surprise as you notice the remote on the ground.
“you... you fell asleep on me. i couldn’t move.”
you pause, tilting your head slightly to look at peter, “pete, god, that’s so sweet. but you really don’t need to…” you motion to the dropped items, “do all that,” you laugh. peter shrugs, and you notice the tips of his ears are red, too. “i didn’t want to wake you up. i know how much of a light sleeper you are.”
you feel like you’re melting, every single muscle in your body drooping in the loveliness that was peter parker. you weren’t sure how the boy was real. you suddenly drop yourself on him again, wrapping your arms around his burning neck, “thank you, peter,” you say into his skin. like a reflex, his own arms go around your waist, holding you securely so you won’t fall, “‘f course.”
a moment of quiet follows until peter’s stomach rumbles suddenly, making you laugh, “i think i’ve starved you long enough. you pick today. also, when did you get so ripped? your arms are so big--” peter cuts you off with a groan, dropping his head on your shoulder, “you had to ruin the moment--”
peter doesn’t know what it is with you (actually, he does) that makes you so distracting. you’re just waiting in line for lunch, standing next to mj and laughing occasionally when she says something. all you’re doing is standing, and maybe it’s peter’s boy-hormones combined with his spider-hormones that magnify every single perfect feature of yours, but he can’t take his eyes off of you. you’re so pretty. the curve of the smiles that pulls into your cheeks, the twinkle that remains permanent in the color of your eyes, the way you look in that skirt--
“maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance,” a voice points out from next to him. peter scoffs, ripping his sight away from you to turn to ned. “i talk to her all the time. she’s my best friend.” ned shakes his head and sighs, “you talk to her about star wars, you talk to me about star wars, how is that supposed to help you have a chance--”
“i have a chance,” peter mumbles, trying to believe it himself, “she knows that she and you stand at different levels of best friends--” ned looks offended, “different levels? what is that supposed to mean--” peter stares exasperatedly at his best friend, “it means i want to date her and i don’t want to date you--”
“that’s a little rude--”
“hey you guys,” you greet, sitting down on the seat in front of peter’s and patting the seat next to you for mj. she stares at you silently, and you frown, patting the seat harder, “sit.” you instruct. she sighs and does what she’s told. “what were you guys talking about?” you ask, picking up your small plate of cherry pie to replace the bowl of orange slices that you took from peter’s plate. “thank you,” peter mumbles, digging his fork into the pie the moment you set it down. you hum, stealing a cherry tomato from his salad.
“oh, you know. the usual, your friendship with peter,” the latter shoots him a look and you raise an eyebrow, “that’s the usual? a little strange, don’t you think?” ned shrugs, “did you know that you and i stand at ‘different levels’ as peter’s best friends?” peter nearly chokes on his pie, glaring at ned. you cock your head at peter, thinking as you steal another tomato, “i… guess i thought so? i’ve known peter since, like, preschool, and we tell each other everything.”
“everything, huh?” ned wonders, a sound of pain falling from his lips when peter kicks him under the table. “peter.” he hisses. mj narrows her eyes at the two boys, “what is going on with you guys today? you’re acting weirder than normal.” peter’s face screws up in confusion, looking to you for help. you shrug, “she’s right.”
“i usually am,” mj mutters.
“so what is it?” you query, popping an orange slice as peter cringes at the mere thought of the taste. “peter has a crush,” ned informs helpfully, oblivious to peter’s dismay, “i- i don’t-”
you blink, feeling mj’s elbow shove into your ribs as her own way to make sure you’re okay. you ignore her, and it tells her everything she needs to know. “it’s liz, right?” you guess, trying to mask the hurt on your face with a teasing smile, “i saw you looking at her the other day. she’s pretty.” “no! it’s not- i mean, yes, liz is pretty, but i don’t like her or anything- ned doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” peter rambles. “pete, you don’t have to be embarrassed, i’m just upset you didn’t tell me,” you lie. peter’s eyebrows furrow, “you’re just upset that… i didn’t tell you?” he repeats. you nod, biting into another orange slice. “just that?” he asks meekly. you cock your head at him.
“i just- never mind. it’s not liz,” he says, poking at his pie. “so you admit you have a crush?” you start with a fake smirk, jabbing at your best friend with your fork, “just not on liz?”
“i didn’t… i didn’t say that-” peter stutters. your eyes narrow at him, lip tugged between your teeth, “i’m gonna find out who it is by the end of the day.”
peter is unfortunately sure you will. he’s not subtle as is, but you’re never deliberately looking for the signs, which makes it a lot easier to hide his embarrassingly large crush on you. but now, you'll be paying attention to his every move, and knowing you, he knows you won’t stop until you find out what you want, unless he tells you to back off. but, does he want you to back off?
he pushes his tray away, suddenly not feeling so hungry.
you stay true to your promise, hanging off his arm for the rest of the day, observing the way he acts around some of your classmates, but somehow not noticing the way he blatantly refuses to look at you- which proves humiliatingly difficult; peter never realized exactly how much he turned to look if you laughed at the joke too, or to catch one of your smiles when you hear something funny or peter whispers a joke into the shell of your ear.
by the end of the day when you’re walking to the train station together, you’re groaning at him, putting your full weight on his arm as you tug at him. “who is it? is it betty? oh my god, is it mj? is that why you kept looking at her?” you ask excitedly. peter wants to tell you the truth: he wasn’t looking at mj, he was looking at you, because as much as he tried, he couldn’t pry his attention off of you, who just so happened to sit next to mj.
“not mj. not betty,” he replies, pulling you inside the subway and scanning for free seats. you trail behind him when he finds a spot, letting you take it as he stands in front of you. “not them… it has to be liz, right?” you pry, sighing when he shakes his head. “brad- it’s brad, right?” you grin, whining when he denies it again. “can you just tell me if i got them already? i’ve practically said everyone in the school,” you complain, “they do go to school with us, right?” at peter’s nod, you drop your head against his abdomen, “and you have not said their name yet.”
“peter,” you drag out, reaching out for his hand to pull it, “just tell me! i can probably set you up with them!”
“y/n, just drop it,” he sighs, and you sigh too, mumbling a fine before noticing an older lady standing at the door. you wave her over, standing next to peter and letting her take your seat. peter feels like his heart will pop out of his chest.
the bumps of the subway push you close enough to him to feel the thundering of his heart, and your eyebrows knit together in worry, “are you okay? your heart’s beating, like, really fast-” yeah and your hand on my chest is not helping- “‘m fine.”
“is it because of the crush thing?” yes, “because i’m sorry about annoying you about it so much, if you don’t want to talk about it, i won’t bother you with it. just know that if they don’t like you back, they’re insane, because you, peter parker, are a ca-”
it was like a rubber band snapping, and peter suddenly couldn’t help it anymore, pushing his lips against yours, effectively cutting you off and catching you so off-guard, you freeze for a second before reacting, pulling his jaw closer. you almost tug him back when he pulls away, before you remember you’re still standing on a crowded, moving subway, and while kissing your best friend had been all you wanted for way too long, you were absolutely going to miss your stop if you didn’t stop.
“i- i’m sorry, i just-” peter stammered, stepping back. “no! so, please don’t apologize, seriously, it’s fine, it’s, like, better than fine.”
a beat of awkward silence passed before the tube halted to the stop right before yours. “it’s you. in case that didn’t… come clear. you’re the person i like,” peter informs quietly. “really?” you ask, cheek already pulling in a shy smile. “really,” peter assures.
this time, you don’t really care if you miss your stop, and neither does peter, now that he knows that, sometimes, peter parker does get the girl.
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alwaysupatnight · 3 years
I was tagged by @astarkey!! 🥰
How many works do you have on AO3? 10
What’s your total ao3 word count? currently it’s 70794, but it might be more if I can ever finish this post amaru oneshot I’m working on for @yossariandawn. It was supposed to be a paragraph, but it’s currently 1600 words and therefore more than long enough to post on AO3 once it’s finished.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wild Youth
Giving Up the Ghost
Got My Love to Keep Me Warm
Living Dead Girl
Daddy AF
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, I usually respond to all my comments right away, unless I forget and then too much time passes and then it feels weird. 😅 I like to acknowledge my readers and let them know I appreciate their support! And to answer any questions they have or just to engage in conversation. lol I’ve made friends from hijacking the comments section on other authors’ fics before too. And I always love to hear from y’all!!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I think the twins-verse and Touch series will probably have the happiest endings since they’re the fluffiest fics I’m working on. Also Losing My Cool is supposed to get really smutty in the upcoming chapters and I can’t imagine those two wouldn’t be happy after all of that. lmfao
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I think probably my Beth fic. And Wild Youth. We’ll see about the culebra Seth fic...
Do you write crossovers? Not lately... back in the day I did wanna write a twd/fdtd crossover though and sometimes I still do. lol If anything it would probably just be a twd AU because I’m not in twd fandom anymore. I’m not against adding in cameos though. :P
Have you received hate on a fic? Not since I posted on ffnet like almost a decade ago lol Haven’t gotten any hate on any of my AO3 fics though
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes... lol not in a while though... I have a few fics I’ve been meaning to work on. culebra seth is supposed to have some pretty explicit smut eventually, and the sex fails fic too... I hope my smut writing skills are decent but I really don’t know. I guess it’s still pretty tame? WHATEVER I JUST DON’T SEE SETH GECKO AS BEING VERY ADVENTUROUS IN BED OKAY. HE LOOKS LIKE THAT BUT HE’S SO VANILLA. 🤣
Have you ever had a fic stolen? YES 😤 This was a few years ago, but my first ever sethkate fic -- Got My Love to Keep Me Warm -- got ripped off by another sethkate author *cough* the_stargazing_dreamer *cough* Their fic is still up on AO3 too (ch35 of the glimpses oneshot series), forever taunting me and an eternal reminder of that horrible experience. I contacted the author about it back in the day and they went and changed SOME things, but the plagiarism is still pretty obvious imo. 😒 I really loved their fics up until that point too but now they’re forever boycotted. IF YOU DELIBERATELY PLAGIARIZE SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK YOU ARE A SHITTY PERSON OKAY IDGAF. But just so y’all know, I may occasionally post short works or excerpts of my writing here, but ALL of my writing only goes on my AO3 account under the name alwaysupatnight. So if you see something of mine that is somewhere NOT here on my blog or on my AO3 account, please let me know!
Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but if anyone wants to write something with me I’d be into it!! Although I wouldn’t be able to guarantee I could FINISH anything 😅 my abandoned wips still haunt me to this day
What’s your all-time favorite ship? I feel like whatever I’m currently shipping becomes my all-time fave... lol I’m gonna go with SethKate for this answer though. I haven’t moved on from them yet, and I lowkey hope I never do.
What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Ideally, I’d love to finish all my wips but I realize that would take me several lifetimes... 😅 I’m still dedicated to finishing the culebra Seth fic. And probably also the cruise fic I came up with back when I first joined the fandom. The whole story is there in my outline and everything. I just gotta write it. 😩
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I’m really good at dialogue and keeping everyone in character. Also, I’ve been told I have really good diction by multiple people. I think I’m okay at writing action scenes too.
What are your writing weaknesses? Basically all the stuff that comes in between the dialogue and action lol so like description and PLOT and FEELINGS 😑
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’ll only do it if I’m confident that what I’m translating is accurate. Otherwise I’ll just summarize it in English lol
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Samurai Champloo. no you can’t read it IT’S AWFUL 🥺
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I think my favorite thing I’ve EVER written might be this little ficlet I wrote for the Borra fandom back in the day [here]. my favorite thing I’ve posted on AO3, however, would probably be the Touch series fics. THEY’RE SO FLUFFY I LOVE THEM. they make me so happy 😊
I’ve been away from home for almost 2 weeks with oftentimes not great internet, so I’m not sure who might have already done this, but I’m tagging: @imaginedfables, @tiesthatbind1899, @milkshakemicrowave, @sandalaris, @justjstuff, @worthallyourgalleons and any of my other followers who write fic!! 😊
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
I was tagged by my beloved @hils79, whose answers to this were so??? nice???? and good??? i was like HILLLSSSSS MY LOOOOVVVEEEE esp. with their spicy opinion like. it was very good. 
name: Brigid! But slutspeare on ao3!
fandoms: hoo doggy. uhhhhh I wrote fic for Percy Jackson, Sherlock, the Avengers, and Doctor Who in Ye Olden Days on FF.net, but now I mostly write DMBJ fic, which, tbh, is really the only fandom that I like writing fic for at this point?? I think it’s because of the people lmao. And also the extremely versatile ways I can use the characters
two-shot: I don’t think I have a two-shot? I have some two-parter series, either finished or in the works, but for me it’s either one-shot or many-shots. I like two-shots though! They’re always very good bc More Content but with the neat formatting of a one-shot
most popular multi-chapter fic: A Swiftly Tilting Planet yooooooo! I mean to be fair it’s also my only multi-chapter fic but
actual worst part of writing: SUMMARIES i’m literally so bad at summaries. they’re all either short or don’t actually make sense bc I’m literally terrible at writing them. I also hate the feeling where the fic is all inside you and wants to come out but you don’t have enough time/energy/typing speed to get it out there quick enough
how you choose your titles: they’re usually song lyrics or lines from poems lmao. I’m also not great at titles. the FoBa Psychic Detective AU is gonna be called You Don’t Recognize the Bodies in the Water, which is from a weird-ass TikTok I saw the other day so uhhhhh take my titling ability as being Non-Existant
do you outline: YES ok so i was adamantly against outlining for like. my entire writing career bc i was like “it’s a waste of time, idk what’s going to happen, i find it out as i write” and then i outlined Swiftly Tilting and banged that one out SO fucking quick. Like, even just having a basic idea of where you want to go before you start makes writing SO much easier. how did i not discover this hack earlier. Also, you don’t even have to stick with it! You can change it as you discover things! Like! Ah! 
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: hmmmm i don’t know! There’s like! so many! and most of them I could conceivably get around to, but it might be awhile. I have a vague idea for a Swiftly Tilting prequel about the m9 ship crew, and also a Vincenzo fic about vinnie and luca being IN LOVE because they ARE but i don’t know if I have enough passion in me to write for that show. other than that, though, is just like. a veritable cascade of ideas waiting (ooohh like the Jia Kezi/Li Jiale ghost roommate oneshot based on the hit BL drama He’s Coming to Me? i would LOVE to write that one but idk if it will happen). aslighalkdsfjladkjf @vishcount I also had a SOTUS-dream last night where Arthit discovers a secret plot at the college that involves a gun full of bees that Kongpob’s mother developed and he has to keep it hidden from the Bad Guys who want to use it to create like, fuckin, superpowered swimmers?? also there was a lot of angst involved bc Arthit was a swimmer in high school for some reason and then something happened oh wait oh shit I realize why that was, it’s because Krist was in that one show where he played a swimmer in high school and it was very angsty. Ok my brain makes sense now. Also BTS was there. 
callouts @ me: i love u. slow down u maniac.
best writing traits: oh gosh uhhhhhhh ok I don’t want this to sound like i’m bragging or full of myself but like. I’m fucking good at writing. There’s definitely stuff that I need to work on, and maybe i should edit things a little more but like??? bitch!!!! you’re good at this!!! this is your job!!! idk I spent so much time being like “aw shit what if I’m actually not that good what if everyone who reads my stuff is just being nice and saying that they like it and it actually sucks” but i’ve looked back on some of the things i’ve done recently and I’m like, actually a good writer. I mean I’ve been practicing for a long time, so it stands to reason that I would be decent by now. But SHIT like. I’m doing ok! and I’m still a baby! I can only get better! 
spicy tangential opinion: I don’t know if I really have any writing Hot Takes? oh wait i guess i do have one sort of. I think the “fake it until you make it” saying is also super applicable to writing, bc in college I was like “ok what if I just make this as Pretentious Sounding As Possible” and everyone was like “omgggg ur so goooodddd this proseee” and i was like “oh damn i didn’t realize that would work.” and now my ace ass writes straight p*rn romance novels for a living. like I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing half the time, but if you put your work out there with confidence and the knowledge that someone will want to read it, someone is going to read it. also u don’t have to know what a penis looks like to write Sex Involving Penises. You’ve just gotta be good at metaphors. 
this was so fun! I love answering questions! I’m gonna tag @vishcount, @lacommunarde, @gaiahenshin, @merinnan, @bookjoyworm, @humanlighthouse, and @undyingsunshine for this one, if you haven’t already been tagged (but as always, no pressure)! also, anyone else who would like to do it, pls tag steal from me!!! love u bbs, hope you’re having a great day! 
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Hi I was hoping to ask for your advice on writing. I’m trying to write from headcanons to little short fics (like one shots) from the readers pov but I’m finding it difficult to do so smoothly. Any idea how to do the transition without it coming out as a fanfic readers worst nightmare?
Well, I cannot guarantee the quality of my “advice” but I will give it a shot! 
Apologies for you folks that hate my big essay length posts, but I do love infodumping about the writing process :P 
So just click “J” to skip the post (if you’re on mobile...sorry just exercise your scrolling finger a bit more)
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So I’ll start with the distinctions between a headcanon and a fic. On one hand, you got simpler sentences, that summarize a broader idea or scene. You might have visualized the entire thing in your head, but at the end of the day all you do is write down a few sentences or pieces of dialogue that give the broader basis of an idea and/or scene. That’s not to say writing headcanons is easy, but it is, bluntly, the simpler method.  
Writing, obviously, is more complicated. Not only are you trying to convey a more abstract idea to your reader, but you’re doing so with more layers and complexities, given that what you are trying to write is generally more detailed. You have to not only account for what your basic premise is, but the method in which you convey it. So, in a “good” fic, it typically doesn’t just focus on the basic “what is happening right now” in a scene, but can give subtleties and intricacies with its tone, themes, point of view, connotation, foils, imagery, symbolism, sentence structure, diction, context, figurative language, narrative, foreshadowing, setting, irony, character arcs, and the thousands and thousands of other layers that go into constructing story. 
And I say “story” there deliberately, as I think the best way to summarize the differences is that a headcanon is a plot, while a one-shot is a story. Your one-shot has the ability to tell different messages, details, and themes, and give several points of interest to your reader, while your headcanon is limited to the structure of its initial premise.
[And before you English nerds bash me for my definition of story and plot, please know that I am using my film teacher’s old definition, which (to quote this quizlet I found) is “Story is all of the elements of a narrative that are involved, both shown and un-shown on screen. Plot is only all of the elements of a narrative that are shown on screen.” So yeah, it theoretically could be rewritten as a headcanon is a scene, and a one-shot is a story, but I’m just nitpicking at this point half of you don’t care and want me to move on anyway, apologies!]
So how do you transition between them? Well, in honesty I don’t exactly have a sure fire way for you, saying I do would be very hypocritical. However, what I can do is point out the “gap” between headcanons and fics, and perhaps from there you might be able to forge your own path..? 
Chances are, if you’re already familiar with writing headcanons, you’ve already knocked out half of the work. See in a story, specifically in our case, fic, you have eight elements that construct it. You’ve got
Point of View
and Theme
With a headcanon, (assuming it’s slightly more specific than “Headcanon that this character likes peaches!”) you’ve already got plot, setting, conflict, and character down. 
Plot: being the actual premise of your story. What happens, why things happen, how other characters react, the beginning and ending, etc.
Setting: Being the location and time of your scene/plot. The setting might be a contingency to your story, such as a prison break that takes place in prison, or maybe it is the time that is essential for your High School AU fic
Conflict: Typically goes hand and hand with your plot, although not always (obviously, plot and conflict aren’t essential when talking about fics, *winks at the nsfw side of tumblr*) But if your headcanon does have a basic plot, then it probably has some sort of conflict whether external (The Calamity kills everybody) or internal (you’re character is going through grief)
Character: This whole aspect is practically already done for you. Whether by canon from the video game or media you got it from, or perhaps by fanon, with the collective fandom agreeing on certain traits about your character(s) in question. Obviously, if you got an OC, that’s another thing, as you have to create their traits, and construct a believable way that that character reacts and makes choices throughout your plot, depending on how you characterized them
So congrats! In writing up your everyday headcanon, you’re now halfway there to making a full on fic! Obviously, 50% is still a lot, which is probably the reason you were seeking advice in the first place, so now we should move on to the other half, and arguably it is this other half of elements that give the entire distinction between a headcanon and a one-shot. So in theory, if you get these elements down, you’re on your way to writing that much faster!
Quick additional note: Another way to think of your headcanon is as an outline. While not in every case, a good way to jump from your headcanon to a fic is to stick with the major elements of your headcanon, and weaving your writing style in between. Think of the headcanon as your skeleton, and the story being the meat and muscle. Idk if that makes sense, blame my old English teacher for the metaphor
Alrighty, so for demonstration purposes I’m gonna use the very first headcanon I’ve ever written as a basis. Bear with me for a moment:
“Zelink Headcanon: Zelda Just Wants Some Snacks
Everyone always jokes and adores about how Link eats so much and cooks great food in the game (he’s gotta carbo load guys, he walks like 9 miles everyday!)
However I propose, equally hungry and feral Zelda
After Link and Zelda defeat Ganon, one of the first things they do is stop by the nearest cooking pot and eat
She hasn’t eaten for 100 years!! She’s gotta be starving!
Link just cooks up some meat skewers
“…wait I forgot the Goron spice, gimme a sec…”
But Zelda just immediately snatched it off the fire and eats the whole thing in two seconds
Link keeps trying to go out of his way to make really nice food but Zelda is just like “I DON’T CARE RIGHT NOW PLEASE LINK”
So yeah, their first date is basically just Link cooking Zelda a buffet until his inventory empties out”
Again, this headcanon has already given us half of the answers. 
We got our plot: Link, a talented chef, is cooking food which Zelda scarfs down without fear and hesitation
Setting: They are by a cooking pot, perhaps in the wilderness, away from the prying eyes of nosey villagers. This takes place sometime after the initial defeat of Calamity Ganon.
Conflict: Link keeps trying to cook “good” food, but despite the Princess’ royal upbringing, she has no care for the whole “show” of cooking with spices and garnish. She is starving, willing to eat anything
And Characters: Link and Zelda. You know... (Today unfortunately is not the day in which I construct a thorough character analysis of the two...perhaps one day...)
So, now that we have this, we start adding the meat and muscle of our story with point of view, tone, style, and theme. These elements, could be summarized as your writing style. Yes, writing style is more intricate than those four elements alone, but they do fit in with its broad definition. 
So, in essence, a way to transition between headcanon and fic is to find out what kind of writing style you’re comfortable with. 
How do you do that? Well... shocker, I know, you gotta write. 
Write first, plan the elements of your one-shot later!! 
Allow yourself to write complete utter garbage. I know you said that you don’t wanna create a “fanfic reader’s worst nightmare,” but if you become more concerned with the quality of your content before you even start writing, you will never ever ever get anywhere. You’re gonna be stuck in writer’s block for eternity, so just let the garbage and nightmares out and write. You’ll never improve if you don’t have something to improve from, you feel me? 
So, now that your mind is open and ready to write anything, whether garbage or gold, let us dive in to the parts of your writing style. 
Point of view: Do you prefer writing in third person? First? Second? Each have their pros and cons. Second person is good for your “x reader” inserts. First person is good for your narrator’s characterization. Third person is good for describing elements of your surroundings that might not be inherently obvious to your characters or audience. There are hundreds of other pros and cons to the different POVs that you can search up online, but it’ is ultimately up to you to decide which method you like best. 
When you find the method you like best, make sure you use it to it’s full potential! Use foreshadowing with your third person POVs. Use connotation, and diction to further characterize your narrator in first person. Elevate the mood and senses of a scene when in second person.
Tone: Now, this element is often confused with another literary device, mood. The difference being that you as the author have more control over the tone, than the mood. The tone, is the attitude that you as the author (or as a character/narrator, depending on your POV) have towards something. For example, your tone might be suspenseful if you withhold information from your reader, or if you have a certain choice of diction. It is typically better to look to the type of genre you’re writing for to identify what kind of tone you want. 
Mood is the feeling that the reader experiences from your writing. It’s really much more simple, a beloved character dying give a depressed mood. A cute couple hanging out will give the reader a happier mood. This is your angst and fluff feelings, if you will. (Although, please remember than mood and tone are not a binary thing, it is a spectrum, as broad and diverse as the capabilities of human emotion)
Style: Ok yes this is a bit meta, me explaining how to use style to help you construct a writing style. Blame the bendable definitions of the writing world. So just think of this as the face of your writing. The more obvious and apparent part that is unique to you and your personality. 
Think cake. Your story is a delicious cake, it is a chocolate, Zelink cake. Now, your style is the way that you present this cake. Pink frosting? Yellow? A full cake or just a slice? Chocolate ice cream cake? Chocolate lava cake? Five tier cake? Cake pops? These possibilities are the infinite ways your style will present the story.
Style, sometimes called voice, is the combination of your use of tone, mood, POV, syntax, diction, and other literary device that you commonly use in your writing. This isn’t something you learn, it’s just something you do naturally when you write. It’s what readers will like about your fics, because they like the way that you use this or that, or the way you describe this thing or that person. It’s something that can change and improve over time, but in essence, it’s what readers can read and identify as you, without even looking at the username.
Style isn’t something you have to remember, per say, like other literary devices, but it is something to be aware of as you should try to keep it consistent through your whole story. Sometimes have people have different writing styles depending on their own mood, or what they’re writing about. That is fine, so long as you keep it consistent through your whole work. A good trick for this is to listen to music that fits with the style of your writing. Use that one catchy love song whenever you’re writing cute headcanons or fluffy one shots. Use that anime opening theme for your adventurous fics and fight scenes. This way, you are keep in a consist atmosphere and your brain will be in the “Oh! It’s time to write ____ stuff!” mood. 
So just be aware of when you’re in a descriptive style, a narrative style, argumentative, or whatever style you like using. You style might even derived of the way you already create headcanons!
Theme: This is a big one. Have a cohesive theme can easily bring any story from good to great! I like to think of it as you’re story’s destiny, or reason for existence. 
Theme is an outlier for the other elements in that not only is it not necessary for your fic, it is also not necessary for your writing style either. It’s really not necessary... at all. Yet, people always use theme in their writing, even accidentally. 
Theme is your story’s underlying message, or lesson. Yes, yes, if you paid attention in your basic English class you probably already knew that, but this is a big pet peeve of mine. 
The theme of your story isn’t “true love,” the theme isn’t “innocence”, or “failure”, or “trauma”, or whatever. Theme isn’t a broad idea, it’s a specific question and an answer. 
For example: The theme of Breath of the Wild isn’t “exploration” or “time”. The theme is there is always something to seek and find, so long as you have the curiosity and courage to find it. The theme is despite the eternities of time, we still found each other. 
Your theme shouldn’t be a broad, one word answer. What about love are you trying to convey? What specifically about failure are you saying?
Theme is the entire reason why the entertainment medium exists, because artist found a way to create something compelling and interesting while also connecting them to real life things. 
When you give your reader something to really chew on, even days after they finished reading your fic, then you did a brilliant job. Essentially, you want to use theme in your story because it is what will stick with our readers even years after they’ve read your work.
While that’s all sentimental and sappy, that’s still not your biggest problem, is it? You still need to practice, you still need to learn how to use the things you’ve learned to actually write. So, a summary of what I advise you should do.
Look over and improve your old headcanons, and keep making more! Keep making headcanons and litte prompts, and let them grow bigger and bigger, and more desprictive. This could help you ease into actually writing paragraphs a bit more
Find out what you like to write. Yes, you probably already have a fandom in mind, but think back to those first four elements. What types of plots are you comfortable with, what settings, characters? Genius is only the work of enthusiasm, if you don’t like what you’re going to write, you’ve already failed
Write, write, write. Practice, practice practice. Let yourself write complete and utter garbage and nonesense. Then read it over. See what you don’t like about it. Then change it and write again. I MEAN it when I say you should write garbage. Write a completely terrible, nightmarishly cringe scene. See what you don’t like. Then rewrite it again. Repeat, repeat, repeat. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a scene or something from your fandom. Let it be your description of a shirt, let is be some cringy poem from 7th grade. Just write and learn how you like to write. It will be so much easier in the long run
Read stuff. The stuff you read usually seeps into how you write. When you get used to reading things a certain way, you usually unconciously try to imitate it when you write. So, got a favourite fic writer? Read their stuff over and maybe even analyze the elements you like (again, think back to those eight elements I talked about) and hey, writers like it when you analyze their stuff so maybe even hit them up and talk? We like book reports we swear, most of us don’t bite. 
When you finally think you’re comfortable with your writings, maybe think about what kind of themes you’re into, or what kind of messages you want to say. It doesn’t even need to be that complex. Could be as simple as “I love this ship because it shows that you can still have flaws and be loved” Again, themes are the rEASON for eVERYTHING in the entertainment world
For further demonstration purposes, I’m going to come up with further elements for a hypothetical fic I would write based on that Zelink headcanon. So I’ve got the plot, setting, conflict and theme down. Hmm... I’ll probably use a third person POV as that is what I’m most comfortable with. With third person, I can better highlight the descriptions of Link and Zelda’s surroundings taking in the atmosphere and the aromas and and tastes. The tone will be more happy, focusing on the fun of Zelda and Link’s banter, I’ll try to create a mood in which the reader is laughing along with them, and enjoying the scene. My style will be more descriptive, again with the tastes and smells and other senses of the scene. However, I might go into a more narrative style for Zelda and Link’s banter and dialogue. While typically some people don’t want to use two different styles, I am personally familiar with the styles and know how to write them so as to blend them together more seamlessly. I might have a hint of angst at the end of the fic, as a little climax, given that the setting of the fic is after the defeat of the Calamity. I might through in some themes about how it wasn’t the material power of Hylia or the Master Sword that saved Hyrule, but the courageous and wise bond between Link and Zelda. Then...idk, a little romatic kiss for resolution because this is a fic and I can throw in some fanservice because my writing my rules. 
Babam! I just converted a headcanon to a fic.
So yeah, go write your headcanons. Then maybe next a paragraph. Then next a scene, and then you’re well on your way to one-shots and chapter fics. Happy writing and good luck!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Days Twenty-Two - Twenty-Four
Going to try to catch up on at least a few of these 100 Days of Writing Questions. Not going to talk about specific fics because I’ve gotten distracted by work and life and stress and being tired so I haven’t done any writing this week, and decreasing amounts of thinking about writing. Mostly just obsessively thinking about old projects and tying myself into knots about them... The creative process continues to intimidate me WAY too much. Not good lol.
Tagging @the-wip-project and fellow participants @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold, @thelittlefanpire​ @hopskipaway​ @easilydistractedbyfanfic @dylanobrienisbatman.
22. Tell us about a scene you’re most looking forward to writing in your current project. 
For the Sleeping Beauty AU: ...the last one? So it’s done? That’s probably a really bad answer and too indicative of my negative feelings.
More specifically, I do want to start on Chapter 6. I planned Chapter 5 so long ago, and it’s been in limbo for so long, at this point there’s not a lot of big-picture creative thinking going on with it. It’s just me writing out the plot points I decided on ages ago, which feels like (and possibly reads like) a slog. I’ve had a few new thoughts about it but not many. Chapter 6 was also outline ages ago, but in a much more general way... basically just me figuring out if I could actually bring it to a conclusion, really general plot strokes and so on. The most excitement I’ve felt for this fic this year was me figuring out some new ideas for that outline and picturing some specifics for scenes in it, so it would be nice if I could actually write that and see how that works out. Plus, those scenes have some different characters in them, which might be nice.
That said, I’ll probably freak out about actually writing Ch 6 too.
Outside of Sleeping Beauty...I don’t even know what I’m looking forward to or what I want. I’ve been mentally poking at some possible projects, ideas, old stuff and new. I can’t really say these thoughts are “fun.” But maybe something nice will come of them at some point. It’s so hard for me to TRUST any excitement I feel because there’s some dumb voice in my head that always says “You think this seems like a good idea now but you’ll avoid actually writing it because it will be too hard and then you’ll harshly judge it and probably hate it so what’s the point?”
Wow I’m really down today. A real downer on this positive question.
23. Have you ever read a thing in a book or seen in a show/movie where you thought: "Oh, this is bad, I can do this so much better!" What was it?
....Well. I mean one answer is that I don’t engage in fandom if I’m 100% happy or satisfied with the canon because then I don’t need transformative works. At this point I’m SO critical of my main fandom that I’ve gone too far in the opposite direction, I think...there’s no longer that balance of critique and love.
I feel like that’s not what this question is about, though.
The only experience I can think of that really fits this, and actually fits it really well, is watching STB. I love the AOS verse as a whole and I find it very inspiring (I’ve never written TOS because it’s too good and I’m afraid haha), but the only movie that’s actually good is ST09. And Beyond is like.....really, really bad. But there are only 3 films so like... I gotta watch it sometimes, there aren’t a lot of options.
So last February my mom (who is in fandom and knows I’m in fandom too) and my friend B (who afaik is not in transformative works fandom), and I watched Beyond together over Skype and afterwards my mom and I basically rewrote the whole film. It does have some good ideas! But wow does it suck at executing them at literally every turn. So glad people were paid huge amounts of money to produce S**** P***’s first draft submitted at dawn after an all nighter lmao. Anyway, we fixed it problem by problem and I saved all the notes and a part of me kinda.... wants to turn it into a whole-ass outline and then write it, fic-style. A dream!! A dream.
24. Have you ever read a thing in a book or seen in a show/movie where you thought: "Oh, this is good, I'm gonna steal that!" What was it?
Not anything specific-specific, but I’m basically mining everything from RL experiences and moods to books and tv and movies and music, for inspiration at all times, so in general, yes. Usually, I’ll watch (or read) something that I really like and that makes me feel a certain way and I think “I want to create something else that will make me--and others--feel just this way.” Like “that was a good, creepy atmosphere in that film. I want to write something creepy too.” Or “oh the nostalgia of adolescence! let’s write a high school AU.” Basically just a childlike scream of “I want to do it too!!! Let me play too!!”
I also do this to some degree with themes... like I finished Roadside Picnic and pretty much immediately stole the concept of the final chapter for a fic I planned out but didn’t write. Part of the reason I didn’t write it was intimidation at attempting to come at the same question/concept in an even halfway decent way--even though the point wasn’t to copy but to engage in a different and deeper way with the original text. Like, it gave me so many thoughts, I wanted to get into those thoughts using, instead of a discussion or a piece of meta/essay writing, a different fictional universe. In other words, some works make me really engage in a particular question and I want to think more deeply on that question in an entirely new fictional story I write myself.
I really do have a long habit of engaging with art through other art but I feel like I’m...losing that a little, in the sense that barriers like a hyper-critical attitude and low self esteem are keeping me from doing that right now. I could describe it a million different ways but basically... I don’t believe I can do it, so I psyche myself out.
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hobidreams · 5 years
Curiosity | JJK {M}
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when innocent jungkook comes to you with a not-so-innocent question... you decide it’s easier to just demonstrate.
pairing: switch!jungkook x reader genre: smut words: 3.6k contains: college au, best friend’s brother, oral (m), bondage (m), kinda soft dirty talk/praise, condomless sex, jungkook has a huge dick (of course), he also has a massive crush on you a/n: thank you for the request, anon!
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Of one thing you are deadly certain: you should not have left this essay to the last minute. Your fingers fly across the keyboard, tapping out words you hope form sentences coherent enough to net you a decent grade. There’s no other sound save for your occasional grunts of frustration, as your roommate is out on her long-awaited date with a cute lit major (Namjoon, was it?). You’re only a hundred words away from finishing, and you can’t wait to be done with this so you can get started on the million other things on your to-do list.
You’re so focused, you don’t even notice when the lock on your front door turns. You certainly don’t realize someone has slipped inside, backpack slung over one shoulder, bright-eyed grin on cute lips. It isn’t until— “Hello?”
You jolt, leaping back as you grab the weapon nearest to you: a ruler. You point it towards the source of the voice, which reveals itself to not be an axe murderer, but Jungkook, looking amused. “Are you going to measure me?”
“God, Jungkook.” You let the ruler clatter to the table. “You have to stop doing that.”
He plops down onto the couch. “Sorry.” He flashes you an innocent smile that you’re sure has all the girls in his lectures fawning over him. Not that he would know what to do with them. Not this sweet, boyish Jungkook.
“Anyway, your sister isn’t here.”
“I know.” He strips off his jacket, draping it neatly over the back of the sofa. He’s in a plain black tee, looking more handsome than anyone has the right to in such basics.
“Okay then.” You swivel your chair back to your laptop.
Recently, Jungkook’s been hanging out here a lot more often, with or without his sister. You don’t actually mind; you keep to your own devices, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. He’s a good kid, always up for a movie or a talk about anything and everything. Navigating first year at university is always a rough time, so you’re usually happy to help him when you can. But right now… The paper takes absolute priority.
You re-focus and resume the rapid-fire typing, trying to ignore the shuffling you can hear behind you. It gets harder to not notice when Jungkook stands up and pads to the kitchen. He opens the fridge, then the freezer, then pours himself a noisy glass of water. He comes back into the living room with the cup in hand, leaning against the doorframe as he sips. You can feel his eyes on you, no matter how you try to remind yourself that you have to finish this.
To your relief, he eventually gives up and walks to the sofa. But a minute later, he’s back at it again, this time heading to the rack of CDs. You can’t help but track him with your peripheral vision, watching him restlessly fumble around with your collection. The minutes tick by, and to your absolute shock, the words on the document aren’t writing themselves.
In the end, Jungkook does nothing at all except distract you. When he turns from the CDs emptyhanded, you catch his gaze. “Don’t you have papers to write or exams to study for, Jungkook?”
“No, I finished all of my work already. At least, all the important stuff.”
It must run in the family, you think begrudgingly. Lucky them.
“Actually!” Jungkook interrupts you in a voice so loud it scares even himself. He takes a step forward, softening his tone. “Actually. I did have something I wanted to… erm… study. I wanted to ask you about it.” He shoots you the look that you both know you’re weak to. Curse the gods for making him so darn adorable.
It’s not like you’ll get any work done with him around anyway, so you figure answering him just might get him to leave. “Okay. What is it?”
Why does he look so nervous? His fingers knot themselves before he reaches up to touch his hair, smoothing out kinks that aren’t there. He sniffles.
You see his lips move, but you can’t quite hear what he’s saying.
“…ndage… Uh, can you… maybe, possibly, please teach me about bondage?”
Nothing on earth could have prepared you for that to come out of his mouth.
You practically fall out of your chair, your jaw slack. “What makes you think I can teach you?” Flustered, that’s the best thing you can come up with.
“You’re more experienced than me.” He walks closer, towering over you. “There’s no one else I can ask. Please.”
You didn’t even know he was experienced at all in the first place! How had you been so mistaken in your impression of him? “Why do you even want to learn?”
“I…” His cheeks slightly flush with color. “I’m just curious. Really curious.”
You take a hand through your hair. “It’s not really something that can be verbally taught.”
“Show me then.”
You can’t help the pulse that runs through you at the dip in his tone, at the stubborn desire that you’ve never taken notice of before. Where has this Jungkook been hiding all this time? His arms are crossed, the veins from training prominent and rippling. They’d feel good wrapped around you. Are you really contemplating this? Hell.
“I… I’ve gotta finish this paper.”
“Take a break.”
“No way. Not unless I get to tie you up.”
“Thought so. Wait. What?”
“Deal,” he repeats. “Tie me up.”
“Jeon Jungkook.” You stand, trying to stare him down even though he’s taller than you. “You’re not serious.”
“I am.”
“You know we can never go back if we do this.”
He nods. Just that simple action sends dangerous tingles from the pit of your stomach, a sensation that lets you know you’re on the cusp of doing something you really shouldn’t be doing. But you’re starting to want to.
Suddenly, he walks away. For a brief moment, you actually find yourself disappointed before you realize he’s just picking up his backpack. A quick zip, and he’s pulling out thin, solid-looking fabric in a dark navy. As he makes his way back to you, he offers a smile, but it no longer looks innocent to you.
Your eyes dart from him to what he holds in his hands, then back to him. You swallow. You’re almost done the essay anyway, right? Snatching the straps from his palm, you stalk into your bedroom, hearing his footsteps behind you as he follows so obediently.
In the room, you flick the lights on but dim them low. You circle around, tilting your head to look up at the boy you never thought you could ever see in this way. In this light, with that dangerous glint in his eyes, you can’t see him as anything but.
You reach for him, pressing your body flush against him as your lips meet for the first time. He tastes faintly like candy, a sweetness that you recognize as dangerously addicting. He traces your lips with the tip of his tongue, his broad hands sliding up beneath your oversized hoodie to find you’re wearing nothing underneath. Meeting your bare flesh makes him growl with fresh arousal.
“I… I was just studying so I didn’t bother,” you mumble, a lame excuse but to your credit, the firm bulge that’s pressing against you is very distracting.
“Makes things easier.” He smiles as he steps back to tug his tee over his head. It falls to the floor along with his belt, his jeans.
“Impatient?” You ask, raking your eyes down past his sculpted chest, the subtle outline of his abs. The mirth in your eyes dies completely when you take in the prominent, massive outline in his boxer-briefs. Yum. Your own restraint runs empty as you hook your fingers into the waistband, and tug down.
I want that inside me, is your first thought when Jungkook’s cock is freed. The smooth curve that stems from a short tuft of midnight hair leads to a dark-red head, prominent and full. Sparse foreskin just barely covers the ridge that looks like it’ll be merciless. You gulp, steadying yourself. You remind yourself that you’re meant to be in charge here.
“Get on the bed.”
Jungkook obeys, letting his head rest on the multitude of pillows. He licks his lips, managing to make even that simple action ridiculously enticing. Especially now that you know what that tongue is capable of. You advance, sliding the straps between your fingers. You’ve only done this once before so it’s not like you’re particularly well-versed either, but you can’t find it in you to give up this opportunity.
His eyes never leave you as you guide his arms up, looping the fabric around his wrists, careful not to hurt him. “Is that too tight?” You ask, cinching the knot around the poles of your bedframe. You hadn’t considered this to be an advantage of this particular bed before.
When you’re satisfied that your ties are secure, your fingers leave his skin much to his chagrin. You circle around to the foot of the bed, fiddling with the hem of your hoodie. You consider leaving your clothes on, but they’ll only be a distraction. Especially with the heat and sweat that’s already prickling on your skin.
Off it goes.
Jungkook’s eyes are saucers as he takes in your naked breasts, full and pert. He never could have imagined he would actually be seeing them instead of in his dreams, over and over again until he ruins his pants in his sleep. But now he knows that none of his fantasies can compare to the real thing.
You fight back the giggles at how shell-shocked he looks. It makes you want to take off something else to watch him react. But the only thing that remains… You eye your terry-cloth shorts and can almost hear Jungkook whispering yes.
Those go too, leaving you standing in the cheeky black panties fringed with a flirty lace. You take it deliberately slow, strolling to the bed so he can watch how the undies shift with every movement, so he can wonder if you’ll expose what lies beneath by accident. Crawling onto the mattress, you wonder if this is how a predator feels when beholding its prey.
Jungkook shivers when you draw a path up his legs with your fingertips. His first moan is when you flit to his inner thigh, so close to his cock but not quite. You let your nails gently scrape at his skin, drawing closer only to pull away. “Fuck.” The expletive uttered in his once-shy voice is a juxtaposition that drenches you.
You didn’t think anything could top that noise, but then he gasps your name when you finally curl your fingers around his cock. The veins that run along his shaft ripple beneath your thumb, racing with adrenaline as he stiffens even more. It all only crescendos from there.
The bedframe rattles violently against the wall as Jungkook tugs against his restraints, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. His hips buck upwards, trying to force more of himself into the palm that you keep carefully, infuriatingly slack with every stroke. He is the very picture of need with his slightly pouty mouth, effort glistening on his skin in the sparse light. You could definitely get used to a sight like this.
“Shhh, you don’t want the neighbours to hear, do you?” You whisper, amusement thick in your tone.
“Forget them,” Jungkook moans, “just don’t stop.”
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be giving me commands.”
Each pump is now accompanied by a wet squelching from the pre-cum that only gathers when he’s torturously aroused. How could he not be, when the girl he’s been crushing on for god knows how long is on her knees, bent before him in only her panties? The wicked smirk playing on your lips tempts him more than you could ever know.
God. Jungkook wants to touch you. He would give anything to wrap his fingers around your waist and submerge himself in your pretty cunt. He wants to watch you fall apart at his hands like he is at yours. But you tied these restraints too well.
“You’re so cute like this, Jungkookie,” you tease, “so hard and eager.” He jerks when you push against his frenulum, groans rising in volume when you twist your wrist. “And I’m the only one who gets to see you like this.” Drawing closer, you exhale, letting your hot breath dance across his shaft. His cock jerks in response.
“Want a reward?”
A desperate whimper escapes him and the tingles between your thighs practically explode. How can any one man look so delicious when he has no power at all? You want him sliding into you, can practically feel how he would stretch and force you to his shape. He could easily bottom out and then some, with a size like this. You don’t think you’ve ever craved a dick this badly before. But you remind yourself that this is meant to be a lesson for him.
“Yes.” He lifts his hips. “I’ve been good.” He’s using those adorable eyes to his advantage, unleashing them in fervent hope that you’ll cave.
“Mmm.” You let his cock fall against his taut tummy, freed fingers now running up his torso to appreciate how his sculpted body responds to your touch. “I don’t know...”
You kiss along his inner thigh, fighting your own urgency despite the sticky arousal pooling between your legs that you’d rather slather on his shaft. How will react when you take him in your mouth? Will he whimper, or will he groan? You’re having way too much fun with this, but there’s just something about Jungkook that is irresistible.
When you finally lick a trail up the length of his arousal, he bucks. “Ha-aah…!” Your tongue swirls around the head, dripping saliva messily around the head to really give him a show. When you cast your eyes up, he’s struck by how much he wants to shove your head down, to stuff your mischievous mouth until you’re choking on him. You recognize that glimmer in his eyes and find yourself a little relieved he’s tied up at the moment. You can’t have him interrupting you, after all.
Wrapping your lips around him, you start a suction that no man has ever been able to resist. Jungkook is no exception as the bedframe is sent shaking again, especially when he hits the back of your throat. You can hardly keep your jaw open but it’s worth it if you can see him like this. You manage to take almost all of him into you, a hand making up for what’s left.
“I-If you keep doing that, I’ll come,” he stutters when you come up for air, tongue dragging lazily along the ridge.
“Should I let you?”
“No.” He shakes his head for emphasis.
You raise an eyebrow. “No?”
“I… I wanna come inside you instead.”
He already knows you’re on the pill. Cheeky brat. You eye him and he grins, playing innocent, though you both know he’s fooling no one. As much as you want to turn him down for sheer satisfaction, his cock is too convincing. You reach for your panties.
As you peel the ruined fabric away from your soaked cunt, you point a stern finger at Jungkook. “No moving. Or else.”
He’s holding his breath as he watches you straddle him, shifting into the perfect position that he half-wishes was over his mouth. He hopes there will be time for that later. At least, he’ll be trying his best to make time. For now…
You lower, and the glans parts your folds, sinks inside. “Oh, goooood.” Nothing could have prepared you for this. You are going to be so sore tomorrow, but right now all you want is more. “Why are you so big?” You cling to his sides, focusing on just breathing. Your clit is begging to be touched with each inch that you take.
“You like it that much?” Jungkook sounds proud.
“Maybe.” You can feel him everywhere, the fullness that violates your senses and forces all thought to dissipate. “Just. Maybe.”
When he’s hilted, when your thighs are meeting his and you feel him nudging against your cervix, you have to pause to gather yourself. But that doesn’t last; you can’t resist from sliding yourself along the dick that only seems to get harder inside your heat. He’s watching you, eyes glued to your form as you tremble and shudder, a carnal beauty that he can’t believe is all his, at least for the next few moments.
You were trying to hold back your moans, but they start to drop freely from your lips by the third stroke as you adjust to catch your clit on his pelvic bone. He loves when you grind against him, so blissed out that you’ll do anything if it means you’ll cum. You were right, he thinks, that there would be no going back from this. He already knows he’ll never get enough of how you throw your head back and ride him, thighs slamming into him, cunt impossibly tight and dripping because of him. It almost makes being tied up worth it. Almost.
You’re getting faster. The bed whines under the weight and motion as you swing your gaze up and find him just as drowning in this as you are. His hair is a mess against the pillows, half-obscuring those lust-consumed eyes. No matter how your muscles ache, you can’t stop. Not anymore. Not when pleasure glows white hot in your veins, ready to explode.
So close. You’re so goddamn close—
“Ah, ah, stop, stop.”
Instantly, you halt, frowning as the wisps of climax escape your gasp. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“The ties. It hurts. It really hurts.”
“Oh, shit. Sorry!” With Jungkook still buried inside you, you lean forward. You dig your nails into the knots and hurriedly undo the cloth that binds him. “There. Are you okay?”
The fabric falls onto the pillow and he rolls his wrists a few times, testing out his newfound freedom.
His dark eyes swing up to meet yours. Uh oh.
Everything flips.
Your back hits the mattress. Strong arms wrap around you. Now Jungkook’s the one on top, body heavy, keeping you pinned. He has the audacity to smile before he gives a single pump of his agile hips, a taste of what he’s capable of.
“Did you—Jungkook!” You want to smack him, but any anger that you might have felt is overridden when he kisses you, really kisses you with an urgency that can only come from denial. Your tongues mingle and explore, tasting each other’s need like lovers starved.
“Sorry, but I have to fuck you now,” he breathes against your lips.
Your smart mouth can’t come up with a retort. Not when he’s pumping into you, using that thick cock way too well to stimulate your sweetest spots. Each slippery stroke shoves you closer to the climax that promises to break you. You’re already pulsing, nails scoring scratches on his back while he sucks at your neck, both instinctually trying to stake claim on the best sex you’ve ever had.
At his mercy, all you can do is breathe as he forces your legs back with strong arms hooked under your knees. Now he can go deeper, slam himself against your cervix while you drench him with arousal and fill the room with broken sighs. He wants every bit of his cock soaked in you.
“Baby,” he pants, bangs falling, “I love how wet you are.” Where had that pet name come from? But you’re not so much surprised as you are aroused by this side of Jungkook, carnally grunting as he ruts. “I’m close, fuck.” he spits it out like he doesn’t want this to end, and you know exactly how he feels. He reaches for your clit, haphazardly circling with his fingers and you cinch around him desperately.
Five seconds later, you’re gone.
You’re vaguely aware of the heat he spills into you as you tremble, pulsing and shaking against him as you cry his name. He gives you his deepest strokes yet before he slows, collapsing onto you, exhausted. And in this moment, all you can do is hold on to each other while pleasure rolls and ebbs, and the sparks melt into comfort and satisfaction.
Eventually, the heat is too much to take. “You’re too heavy,” you say, lightly laughing as you shove him off.
He lands facedown on the mattress with an oof. “You didn’t mind it five minutes ago.” When he looks up, rolls over to flash his teeth at you, all smiles again, you know better than to underestimate him. You let him cuddle up, rest his cheek on your arm.
“So, did I sate your curiosity?” You ask sarcastically, pressing a hand to your sweaty chest to find your heart is still racing.
Jungkook tilts his head. His eyes find yours. “Not yet.” He drops a kiss on your skin. “I think we’ll need to do it a few more times.”
You roll your eyes, though you can’t quite turn him down as his kisses get deeper, shift over to the soft skin beneath your breast. He licks the curve, nibbles. “Your sister is going to kill me.”
Pushing onto his knees, Jungkook picks up the discarded straps from the pillow. “That’s tomorrow’s problem.” He holds the ties out, and there’s that smirk again. “Now, I think it’s your turn.”
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mego42 · 4 years
When might we get chapter 9 :) promise won’t hold you to it. Looove this story!
Ahahahaha thank you, I am notoriously bad at predicting these things as y’all are clearly picking up 😂
That said, ch 9 has been slightly delayed for several reasons mostly centering around a) I wanted to reconfigure some plot stuff for the end, b) I was working on the first three ch of my prompt-a-thon fic which was actually a blessing bc c) I fell into a p bad writing slump for a minute that the PAT fic ended up snapping me out of so huzzah!
Fret not though, I have worked out enough of my plotting stuff, reworked a solid and respectably detailed outline for ch 9 and have started drafting again so things are in progress! I don’t have a timeline because I’m not trying to rush it this close to the end BUT as a consolation prize, I offer an unedited snippet under the cut 
(At least I think this is under the cut? not sure if read mores are working yet so this all may be under the cut when I post and if so CH 9 SNIPPET INCOMING STOP SCROLLING IF YOU DONT WANT IT)
cw: guns, shooting
The boom of the gunshot echos around the clearing, shockingly loud and reigniting the ringing that had only just started to fade in Beth's ears.
"Shouldn't I have some kind of ear or eye protection?" she'd asked when they started. It hadn't occurred to her to ask the first time they'd done this, but she'd done her own research—well, watched some YouTube videos—since then.
"You plan on havin' ear muffs and goggles every time you're in a situation you might need to shoot? No?" Rio had said when she shook her head. "Then, you should probably get used to not using 'em."
Beth squints at the target, an ominous outline of a person-shaped space overlaid on a bullseye pinned to the side of a dilapidated barn. She viscerally hates the reminder of what she's practicing to do, but when she'd said as much, he’d given her a long look.
"Lyin’ to yourself about why you're here won't help anyone, darlin'.”
She finds the new hole in the paper up and to the left—well outside the outline—one of at least six shots clustered in that corner of the page. It's almost like she was aiming there instead of the center. There was another cluster in the lower left, and then a handful more to the far right from when she'd tried to overcorrect her aim. Very few were inside the target shape itself.
Steady stance, firm but not locked arms, both eyes open, pull the trigger on exhale.
Beth fires again, rocking back on recoil but not staggering. She lowers the gun and peers at the target. 
"It's still left," she says, huffing out a frustrated breath that blows her bangs off her forehead. "What am I doing wrong?"
"Flinchin' ahead of time," Rio says without hesitation, but he sounds preoccupied, and when she looks over, he's leaned up against the side of his car on his phone. Again. It had been buzzing regularly the whole ride out of the city, and once they'd arrived, after giving Beth a rundown of the basics, Rio'd been texting nearly constantly.
He looks up and eyeballs the target. "Or yankin' the trigger, not squeezin' it. 'S why your shit's going left."
Beth frowns, studying the sheet of paper, then the gun. "How do I stop doing that?"
"Practice, go slow."
She huffs out a frustrated breath. "I am."
"Slower," he says, and she can tell without looking from the rote way he says it, he's back on his phone.
She takes her stance, wiggling a little, digging the balls of her feet into the soft ground. When she raises the gun, she forces herself to keep both her eyes open, to let them adjust down the sight. She takes a slow breath, lets it out, and fires. She still jerks back, but the shot goes much closer to the center, nearly right on the edge of the outline.
"Did you—" But when Beth turns to Rio, her excitement at the improvement, however mild, fizzles when she sees he's still on his phone and not paying attention. "I'm sorry, am I keeping you from something important?"
He looks up at that, eyebrow raised, and Beth can't tell if he's saying yes, or is irritated at how she's acting about it, or both. Probably both, now that she thinks about it, but too damn bad. If he wants her to handle things, she needs to be ready for it. 
"I thought you were going to teach me," she says, raising an eyebrow right back at him. He's not the only one getting annoyed.
"What you think this is, then?"
"Well, you're not doing a good job." Beth gestures at the target, and all the bullet holes sprinkled around the edges of the page.
"A'ight," Rio says, pushing off the car and sliding his phone into his back pocket. "Show me what you got."
Beth represses a sigh—she has been, he’s just not paying attention—and turns back to the target, taking her stance. 
But she can't suppress her sharp inhale when Rio slots himself in behind her, his chest against her back, his arms coming up to bracket hers, and his hands wrapping around hers.
"Feel me breathing, ma?" He asks, his breath warm against her ear, and she shivers, making him laugh softly. "Close your eyes."
She does, and oh, it's like cutting off one sense makes her hyper-aware of the others. Her entire world narrows down to every point of contact between them, the feel of him warm and sure pressed up behind her. She lets out a shaky inhale, and he laughs again, a smug sort of pleasure threading through it, which only compounds the issue. Beth's pulse pounds like a bass drum.
"You gotta concentrate, yeah?"
"I'm trying," she retorts.
"Breathe in," he says, taking an exaggeratedly deep breath, his chest pushing against her back, and she inhales, matching his speed.
"Breathe out," he says, letting out a slow, controlled exhale, fluttering her hair and tickling her ear, her neck, her cheek. Forcing herself to stay focused, Beth holds steady and breathes with him.
His satisfied hum of approval arrows straight through her, settling low in her belly where the heat that doesn't ever seem to fully dissipate is pooling and turning molten.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
Project Updates - What to Look Forward To
<3 Hello all! I've realized (humbly) that I have a small following of very nice people that seem quite interested in what I've written so far, and after seeing some mutuals post update-status posts, I thought I should share what's going on with my projects, also. (Thanks for the encouragement, @queenmuzz!)
Updated Dec-10-20
Sons of Fortune
Probably somehow my main focus now, though I am steadily working on other works. Currently working on the “In Between” special short before I start on Chapter 12.
I would also like to talk a little bit about my plans for this story: if anyone has paid attention to this story's tags, yes, I am touching up on the plots of most of the games. In fact, all of them, and the anime. (I already dealt with DMC4. No, I will not tear apart Fortuna lol.) Not all relevant tags are in, yet, because small spoilers. It looks like it's going to be a long while before I even get to the Temen-ni-gru, though. (There is a reason why that event is getting pushed back.) I want to have fun with the family fluff that is the twins each learning how to parent, first. 
Hell Froze Over, and We Shall Reignite It
The drama of it all! Dante and Vergil are finally back from Hell, and Nero doesn’t even know his mother is now standing right in front of him. Meanwhile, even I’m anticipating seen how Snow and Dante is going to handle the obvious things currently unsaid... and I have a feeling a small measure of stupidity is still going to be involved.
Current chapter progress: Outline complete.
It's going to feel so interesting, shifting from "Fortune" back to Reignite. I get to write Sera and Vergil falling in love all over again, with a different set of circumstances. Whoa.
And, and... Nero meeting Sera... odd that I'm saying this as the writer, but I have a "I hope he likes his mom" feeling going on. 
Also, no doubt Dante's brain is going to 404 when he sees Snow. 
Nico prepares popcorn.
This is Not an Office Rom-Com
I have... about 8 new skits planned out. Nothing more written just yet.
That’s all I’m saying about this for now. =P
Hierarchy of Kings
Purely indulgent M/M romance of Vergil and an OC, existing all thanks to
Working on chapter 2. 
I know I said 3 chapters only. I might have lied depending on how much I want to write. It's supposed to be just... awkward fluff of a listless part-devil who somewhat-recently lost his mate, got in a bit of a tiff with his brother, and now his children are trying to set him up with the prospective-king-of-hell, Vergil. 
I think about this one a lot but I haven't written anything new for it yet, only because "Fortune" is taking over my life right now, haha.
Through the Lens of the Beholder
Okay, so...This story has no real plot. As a result, my drive for it is purely down to "if I think of a badass or cool photograph to describe." There is a TINY bit of plot. Only a little. And I don't know when I'll update. But this is why I'm trying not to START new projects. Four  is a lot already! But because this one is supposed to be simpler than the other two, I will most likely finish this one before the others, so I can open a new project. 
Speaking of new projects... Here are things ideas bouncing through my head:
- I still have a prompt from @maybeishouldwait sitting in my inbox. I WILL have it done one day, when I find the perfect way to write it. 
A whole, entirely royally late set of Dadgil week fics.  Yep. I want to write them. They just won’t be on time. 
Written in Ink
A plot-less post-DMC5 story. 
I say plot-less. There is a plot. The plot is:
Dante: Damn it, Verge, are you trying to turn my office into a zoo??
In which Vergil compulsively starts contracting strong demons he's defeated, left and right, because he's discovered "the joy of pets." The demons all take on a dark animistic form and things get wild. 
A Persona and DMC fusion/AU
I have no title for this yet, and I absolutely cannot start this one until I have finished one of my other big projects. This one will take a lot of big planning, because I am making a new plot, using the mechanics of Persona, with DMC characters and setup.
What I want to write, is a teenage Nero as the protagonist, trying to solve a mystery... probably starting with the sudden disappearance of his mother. (Most likely Sera.) And he meets a lot of "new" people, and even finds new family... and yes, he will find his dad. (I'm thinking he'll know about Vergil, though. At least in name and a photo? Isn't that an interesting difference?)
For those of you not familiar with Persona, the major theme I really want to play with is that of the protagonist growing as a person (and in power) by befriending different people that helps them grow as a person. Each party member and important NPC is represented by a Tarot Card, signifying the type of journey the protagonist (The Fool) "embarks" with that character. There is growth in both the protagonist and that characters. 
Again, this is ambitious to try and pull off... but it's in the back of my head. I'll focus on it once I've cleared some other stuff. 
Sugar Sweet
A somewhat short-chapter series reader fic... of a surgeon/doctor!reader (barely 30 and good at what you do) who often saves the lives of shady people (e.g. mafia) because you care about saving lives, not the politics. But you do make good money out of it. (Hey, you gotta be at least a bit morally ambiguous if you're going to deal with devils.)
You meet one mess of a young mercenary named Dante, who is totally not human and deals with things like having bullets healed into his back, and he can't reach them to cut them out. 
Dante doesn't care about bills for his office, or a lot of the debts in his life. You don't know where his money is going, or if he even makes much money at all (for the kind of specialty work he does? Money's going somewhere, but that's none of your business.)
You won't pay Dante's bills, or his debts, but he will accept pizza and ice cream. And new parts for his jukebox. And maybe a motorcycle. Or a new coat. Or a new car...
And you might complain to him about your dumb patients. Or just listen to him talk about his job. Or you two watch a movie together.
And this just continues. For years. 
Tokusatsu DMC fusion/AU
So. First thing's first: I'm a big fan of Sentai/Tokusatsu. What is that, you might ask? It's a Japanese genre, and if you're familiar with Power Rangers, that's derived from Sentai. 
Basically: Masked heroes with transformation gadgets, sometimes with motorcycles, fighting against evil. ("Magical girls" but strictly the opposite, a lot more physical combat involved, may involve upgrade gadgets, and not strictly limited to male heroes though mostly a male cast. Also not strictly for male-only audience. Girls like the eye-candy, too. :eyes-emoji:)
Why am I thinking about this?
Because I have found out that: Vergil's VA, Dan Southworth, was the Quantum Ranger (WHICH WAS RED). Nero's VA, Johnny Yong Bosch, was a Black Ranger and a Green Ranger. 
...And Dante's VA, Reuben Langdon, had a role in a Japanese Toku show as "B-Fighter Yanma" forever ago???? (HE WAS BLUE!!)
What am I going to do with this info? I'll let you know later. But my Sentai/Toku-loving little heart is about to burst with hyperfixation overlap. 
If I ever write this out, expect it to be just as cheesy as an actual Kamen Rider show. Or, at the very least, expect some art. I love Kamen Rider stuff!
Family Fantasy MMO
Snow introduces Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Kyrie to Final Fantasy 14 (because that’s the MMO I play) for family bonding. Yep. Mainly for silly indulgence.
Stardew Valley Visit
Post DMC5, Vergil and Dante accidentally end up going on a vacation when they try to leave Hell. No pairing with the farmer, but instead just a relaxing and somewhat introspective moment of the boys being stuck with most of their power temporarily sealed, learning how to take care of a farm, and maybe do a bit of healing by interacting with the townsfolk while they try to find out where their swords went and how to get home. 
Otherwise what I would call the “re-colour of Nero and Snow” AU. 
What if Vergil was found by Kassy’s family and raised among them? What if Dante ended up briefly in Fortuna and then convinced Sera to run away from the island?
What if we have a Nero who, though brash, is outwardly more soft and open-hearted, and has red-orange and gold colours instead? What if we have a Snow who is named Chiyuki, who wields her katana more like Vergil does, and has a more ice-queen aura about her, and has a teal and blue colouring about her?
This is my excuse to switch up the pairings, but also write Vergil being taught to fight more like an assassin. 
Raised by the Blade
Imagine: Yamato, cracked, broken, and separated from her Master... desperately searching for a way to get back to him, and ended up washed up on the shores of Fortuna. Humanoid, but clearly not if anyone saw the cracked, broken, and no-normal look of “shattered” in her torso, that she would have to keep covered. 
Made from the power of Sparda, she is pale with white hair... and she finds herself drawn to the orphanage...
Where she finds the toddler that is Nero.
Devil Hunters’ Podcast
Nico “accidentally” finds entertainment in recording the Sparda Family arguments as they talk about hunting; after all, they all share one braincell. 
Ascended Monochrome
A white angel remains by the side of Nelo Angelo. Mundus was not pleased by the behavior of his second creation, from the human woman that he had picked up with the treacherous Son of Sparda. But he later discovered that by using her, he could keep Nelo Angelo complacent. Eventually, underestimating love will be his downfall.
Fall to Royalty
A story of where Vergil wins against Mundus the first time, and takes the throne of Hell. But what is he to do next? Eventually, ruling Hell seemed meaningless when there was no one by his side, so he goes to seek out the Lady Knight that he had vowed to never think of or go back to unless he had obtained the power he sought.
Doppelganger Woes
So, I heard Capcom retconned Gilver to be some sort of imitation created by Mundus. I’m all for this! And I’m going to DO something with this.
Side-Project: DMC Tarot List
I started on this maybe months ago; and I have a tentative list oh what characters go with what card and a few detailed descriptions. I think I should confer with
at some point about this, and anyone else interested in, well, Tarot stuff. 
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nny11writes · 4 years
13, 16, 18, 43 and 50 for tha ask game please and thank you :P Just, many many numbers lol
13. What is your planning process?
My first reaction was to squint and go “Do I have a process?” which is probably an answer on its own lol!
It depends is the actual answer.
Like most writers I start a fic because of one scene or dialogue or description that I really, really, really wanted to write and then I have to figure out where it belongs.
I almost always start by just...writing. I used to be 100% stream of consciousness writer. I’d sit down at least once a day with a blank document and without ANY forethought or direction I’d start writing a fic. It was always as much fun for me as my readers to see where a story would go because I literally had no clue.
These days, as I’m putting THE THING down on the page my brain is shrieking ideas at me so I start slapping them down too, but I’ve got a better filter so not everything goes down. There’s a lot of [WHAT IS THIS THING PLS PLS FIGURE IT OUT] and [PAST OR PRESENT TENSE MF MAKE UP YO MIND] at this stage.
This is where I actually start planning. I’ve got a bunch of stuff down, a vague direction, and a lot of ideas so this is usually where I sit down to do some planning. Am I aiming to write a short fic or long fic, one shot or multi-chapter, where are we, how many characters, etc. I leave things pretty wide open, while sometimes it’s fun to challenge myself to meet very specific goals it’s usually frustrating to me so nothing is set in stone. Literally. Even when I’ve posted if someone leaves a comment that’s amazing or enough people liked it I’ll usually try to write more in that fic or another fic with those ideas.
How To Quit You is a great example of how my loosey goosey planning works. I don’t know if people realize but that fic was originally supposed to be ONLY that first chapter. I wrote it in an hour tops for 2019 glitra week and all I knew at that point was I wanted to do a western with some romance tropes to it (hence the exes who still love each other thing).
Once I realized how many people seemed to love it and wanted to see more I sat down and planned it out. I first decided how I wanted to write the story (hence going back in time ~15 years) and then I created chapter titles and had vague descriptions for them.  Once it was all down I went through it again and made adjustments, then created a timeline (Micah died in 1868, they meet in 1870, Catra works BMR rails 1870-1880 min, etc etc). And that’s it.  I made an outline and used it as my idea bouncing ground and map and huge parts of it have changed as we’ve gone along. Catra was going to become a drunkard out in [REDACTED] after the timeline met up with chapter one. I scrapped that because it didn’t fit with other details and changes I’d made. I re-wrote the chapter and now I gotta scrap that and re-write it again do to reasons that would spoilers.
Let’s Try This Again is another hilarious example, because chapters 1-6 were meticulously planned and I charted out a whole story around them that I was going to stick to damn it all! And then Palpatine hip checked me and changed the course of the story. I still included a lot from my original VERY detailed outline, but some chapters were nixed completely and others added in too sooooo...
I’m not a true pantser because I do some planning, but I’m not a planner because I leave huge chucks practically up to the whims of fate. I’m a plantser.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I think some of my best works are from prompts (WHICH ARE ALWAYS OPEN, HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE, KNOW WHAT I MEAN KNOW WHAT I MEAN) specifically.
I rarely use sentence starters but I think I’ve done okay when I did.
But fandom headcanons? Oh hell yeah baby now we’re talking!
Can Anakin cook but Padme can’t? Hell yeah!
Togruta have some cat like features so Ahsoka is obligate carnivore and color blind? WOOOOOOOO BOYYYYYYYYYYYY!
"This is not because I like you.” is 100% something that everyone in the Horde says when trying to cover their asses, Catra’s just a useless lesbian and has to use it A Lot More Than Most. Awwwwww yeah, that’s the good stuff!
Glimmer and Catra talk to one another but only have serious conversations sitting back to back post canon. I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!
Like, god, fandom headcanon is practically what my fics live on lol! I’m not great at writing things in canon or sticking to canon, and people are amazing and smart so of course I’m going to steal their cool ideas and then mess with them until they’re my own.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
...I gotta be honest I have no clue lol. I’ve liked basically every prompt I’ve ever gotten (there’s literally only been 2 that I got and went “...oh.” and of those two I was able to bend the prompt into things I liked a lot! One of them is actually posted and people like it, and then other is currently sitting in the naughty prompt corner for crimes of FIGHTING ME TO A STANDSTILL every time I write a few sentences for it, but I do actually like it now lol).
I think my favorite style of prompt are ones that are open for some interpretation. You know that joke about you know a writer based on how they respond to a one word prompt like “fall” or “cold” or even “love”? I love that kind of stuff! Heck, even things with a more narrow focus are fun to play with. For one of my prompt fics I was able to flip the script and have the character everyone expects the unrequited pining from to instead be the unattainable beloved instead.
*Marge potato meme* I just think they’re neat!
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
None, because I am very loud about what I enjoy and refuse to have things I enjoy ripped away by strangers on the interwebs.
Okay, more seriously, as far as things that others might think are guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
I love a good “morons to repressed idiots to lovers” slow burn. Yes, yesssss, let them be absolute fools and make MASSIVE mistakes that they have no reason to make. There was a miscommunication? Delightful! Oh look, they’re both flirting with one another but think the other one is just joking around with them. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER 200K OF THEM SUFFERING THANK YOU!
I love AUs man, every time I see someone who really hates coffee shop AUs or highschool AUs or modern AUs I end up getting grumpy and I go find some of those AUs to read because I love them. The AUs I love the most change fandom to fandom. Not a huge fan of modern AU for star wars, but an absolute slut for them in She Ra. Palpatine chokes on a bagel and I live, but if that happened to Horde Prime I’d be pissed. *shrug* I just know that some people really don’t like or even outright hate AUs, and I do not understand them at all. Like, good for them and I hope they find the fics they do enjoy! But also, why???????
I think my “cringiest” one is that I actually really like A/B/O as long as they flip the script somehow or delve into how something like that would actually effect the world it exists in. Is sex in public a common and acceptable thing b/c they can’t control themselves? Do jobs and schools give people time off for heats and ruts? Is it considered antiquated and anyone who struggles with their biology is considered lazy or stupid? Do celebrities sometimes get in trouble with fans or even lose their jobs/prestige after showing off their new mating mark? GIVE ME THE WORLD BUILDING I WANT TO KNOW! But if it’s a really boring traditional A/B/O...like, what’s the point there? 
Please don’t misunderstand me here. These three examples are all things that are WILDLY stupid in their own rights, and I love them dearly both because of and regardless of that!
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
It’s All Fun and Games Until...Stop! Stop! We’re Already Gay!
AKA the one where they all go to Mystacor to relax in the steam grotto and have to deal with seeing one another in tight fitting and wet underwear. The thirst is high.
“So…” Bow started conversationally as Sea Hawk put the finishing touches on Bow’s freshly painted nails. “How doomed are they? Are we making bets?”
Mermista and Sea Hawk made significant eye contact before looking at him pitifully. 
“What?” Bow asked, starting to sweat nervously. “What!?”
“Nothing, just-” Sea Hawk didn’t even get to finish.
“You need to get your girlfriend to get her girlfriends under control, and like, I knooooow that’s a tall order or whatever. But uuuuuuuuugggggghhh, we are going to die.”
“Girlfriend!?” Bow’s voice cracked painfully. “Ha! A-ha! Ha! W-who? I don’t, I don’t have a girlfriend, what are you even talking about?”
“There, there my dear. We have survived worse.”
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cozyteez · 4 years
Hii, do u have any tips for writing fics?? I’m so used to writing research reports, lab reports, and formal essays that creative writing has become something I really struggle with. I guess it’s having the freedom to write anything and not knowing how to make sure it’s not corny. I tried outlining a fic one time but it was so frustrating LOLOLOL. Anyways, I love your ateez fics. They are so cute and creative!!
hi !!!! im like rlly touched u asked me and i feel u actually that's why i started this blog; im a biomedical engineering major so as u can imagine i dont get to take much creativity with what i write because writing papers and reports and proposals are so formulaic and u gotta stick to the facts so that being said i actually tested out of all my college writing classes so all my writing knowledge is from ap english in hs lmao so take it w many grians of salt
the #1 thing i do when im feeling sort of unmotivated about a story or maybe like like dragging myself thru mud to write it is to just write the "fun" part first. to me the fun part is usually the climax or maybe the like the "wouldn't it be cute if..." moment that came to mind that inspired me to write a blurb in the first place! then usually once i sort of get the ball rolling on that my brain will help me out and keep the momentum going by thinking of maybe "oohh okay maybe this can happen next" or "oohh and what if this led up to it" or !! just stop there !! something ive learned from my mx writing blog which is like a year older than this one was that you don't owe anybody context especially for a blurb so maybe it really is just 3 sentences of a cute moment u thought of like its whatever ur the one writing it
now for longer fics im going to be honest jongho's first love is my first and only completed attempt at a multi stage coherent story. and that was fueled purely based on the fact that when i look at jongho he just gives off sort a really excited sort of innocence that i wanted to further explore and personify through the idea of him experiencing love for the first time but even then i really struggled w the last part because that's where my personal experience stopped and i had basically nothing to go off of because ive never been in love so i did have to kinda wait for ideas to come to me. for prince yunho i have posted 4 chapters but have all the way through chapter 15 drafted. and by drafted i mean it's like 3 sentences of the overall idea. again, the fic was inspired by the duality between yunho's on stage vs. off stage persona where if somebody was to watch an ateez performance for the first time they may find him very serious and maybe even intimidating but atiny would know that his off stage persona (the one he choses to create for us anyways) is very silly and happy-go-lucky and approachable, which is why prince yunho is seen as narameth's strong and stoic pride and joy but in reality he's sort of clumsy but means well. so i let that and his relationship w xenia who is an original character (OC) sort inspire stories or interactions that i force into a plot line. so for example i believe when i first started thinking abt a prince au for yunho i thought "wouldn't it be funny if the first scene started out painting him as this strong and serious man and then cut to him choking on food or something" and that sort of inspired the idea of him being nervous abt the speech and then xenia came out of that because he needed a complementary character imo since i knew he was gonna be kind of one dimensional and then his backstory with xenia inspired other ideas and then one day i was sad and wanted a hug so that inspired a piece of the plot line and so on. so basically: let an idea or even an aspect of somebody come to you and just write it down, let it inspire other ideas. and don't be afriad to completely start over. i wrote a whole chapter for prince yunho and deleted the whole thing because i hated where it was going and started back from scratch. sometimes you have to revisit things abt your characters and their relationships with others to get a new idea. there's a story in every person and every relationship you just have to find the clues
here's an example of what i mean by "write the good part first". this is typically what the very first draft of a blurb will look like for me
((( blah blah blah basically its raining and y/n is sad bc wooyoung broke her heart two weeks ago idk maybe go into it maybe not)))
y/n is all sad and feeling sorry for themselves on the couch theyre past crying but still feel pretty shitty plus it's storming and cold outside. great
there's a knock on their door ofc they have the cliche "who could that be moment" even tho they lowkey know. we literally all know
so yeah wooyoung's there soaked in rain eyes puffy y/n thinks he's been crying
-this would be the "fun part". i'll fix all that garbage up top later or maybe even change it completely idk yet-
"y/n? i - uh. hi"
he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while you crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to close the door and walk away for good
"hi? really wooyoung? is that the best you can do?"
(((wooyoung does smth idk)))
"well i just -"
"you just what? showed up here in the rain after you broke my heart and didn't even bother to tell me why? this isn't some romance movie, asshole. you can't just come here late at night and expect to find me all sad and willing to take you back because i'm not. so say what you're gonna say so i can get back to my life"
your face was red hot and you trying very hard, probably too hard, to fight back tears. ((( idk talk some more abt y/n's emotions then what wooyoung is doing)))
"look, i made a mistake i-"
"oh my god! why did i know you were gonna do this. i just knew as soon as i saw you-"
"will you let me get a fucking word in!?"
well that was new. in the entire time you'd known him he had never raised his voice at you like that, your shock causing you to immediately close your mouth and fold your arms back into yourself (((make y/n seem more scared))) noticing your reaction, he lowered his voice back down and instictively reached for you, heartbroken at the way you jerked away from his touch
"please y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice it's just that i need to tell you that i regret what i did i regret breaking up with you so fucking much and you don't have to take me back i just need you to know how much you meant, no, mean to me. i still love you, a lot. there's not a day, an hour, a minute, or a single second that goes by that i'm not thinking of you"
"then why?"
your voice was small and wavering, your tears now dangerously close to spilling down your cheeks
"why what?"
"why did you break up with me like that, just all of a sudden"
he pushed his hands into his pockets and looked away
"because that morning i woke up before you and when i looked at you asleep next to me, i saw myself spending the rest of my life with you and it scared the shit out of me"
"why did it scare you?"
"because i just figured you didn't feel the same. i was selfish and wanted to save myself heartbreak down the line and so i told you i didn't wanna be with you anymore, but that was a mistake because it turns out i can't function with out you, i can't breathe without you i can't live without you, y/n. i shouldn't have let you go"
tears were now freely flowing down your face (((okay brain no work anymore y/n kisses him duh and then ofc they make up wooyoung prob says smth cheesy and y/n is like ur lucky i love you or smth ahaha the end)))
tl;dr -> don't be afraid to get messy. creative writing is not nearly as structured as academic/scientific writing. write whatever u want first it can even be the middle of a huge fight scene or some dialogue u think is funny. if ur stuck read what you have or maybe just take a break and let an idea come to you. a story doesnt have to come together til the very end so it can be as messy and out of order as u want until u wanna post it. also i would always use the third person omniscient point of view for a longer story like a chaptered fic as a default and only change if it would impact the plot in a negative way. this is where the narrator knows what every character is thinking/feeling and im p sure a teacher in middle school told me it was the easiest to write and follow
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
not a strictly spn question, but, as someone who wants to start writing, how the ever-loving fuck do you pump out so many fics so fast?? i’ve been working on outlining the same three stories for like a year (not really) ((but kinda))
Hi there, and congrats on that much outlining! I… don’t outline that much, ever, for anything. But I also don’t think I crank out fics all that fast. It might seem that way sometimes, but the Pinefest fic I posted in February has actually been drafted (and through several rounds of editing) since last August. I only just posted it for Pinefest. So it might seem there was only a month and a half between me writing that and the thing I posted last night, I’ve actually been working on THAT since January… three and a half months for 30k isn’t very fast. :P
I’m putting this under a cut because it’s kinda long, and possibly boring or irrelevant in the big scheme of things…
(I once wrote a 105k word original novel in 15 days, and a friend of mine wrote a 130k novel in just over three days on a deadline, but heck that is atypically fast… and nearly killed them… no really they developed shingles from the stress of it, do not recommend)
So I might be slightly biased here, but at some point you gotta stop outlining and start writing. That’s the secret. You can’t crank out stories unless you actually start writing them.
That said, when I say I don’t outline, I mean I have notes for fic that range from this, for my 8k short:
*soulmate situation described here: http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/173681098950/i-saw-a-writing-prompt-that-went-like-this-you Officially written and posted on 11/14/18 as Lost Time.
that’s just a link to a post that inspired the thing, to this, for a 65k fic: 
*NAILED IT! How could I fanfic my way through this baking show? or maybe I should just… write fanfic of this… (notes document: Cakepocalypse notes) (in process as of 4/1/18 as a potential dcbb as Cakepocalypse) (posted 6/23/18)https://archiveofourown.org/works/15017792
(sorry, I removed the link to my notes doc, but what I am willing to show of that:
Tumblr media
wherein a lot of those 15 pages consists of images of the cakes in each challenge for my own personal reference while writing.)
Basically the ONLY two fics I’ve ever written an outline for structurally required it:
Cakepocalypse and Around the World in 24 Days, both fics based off “reality show” formats– Cakepocalypse was basically Nailed It!, and AtWi24D is the Amazing Race (and over 101k, based on about 5k worth of very detailed notes I’d be happy to show you if you come off anon). There was no way I could keep track of that many “contestants” and all their challenges, travel, baking, guests, etc. without keeping these sorts of detailed notes.
My previous pinefest fic, Winchester 275, was a 57k AU based on a two sentence thing that had been sitting on my to be written list for YEARS:
*(writing for pinefest, working title of Winchester 275 as of 8/29/17, draft finished 11/29/17, posted 3/6/18 http://archiveofourown.org/works/13788693) astronomy night at a dude ranch in arizona, Cas brings the telescope, dean only sees the stars in his eyes oh god did i actually write that down? yes. yes i did.
And my first DCBB, Revenge of the Subtext, was 80k based on a one sentence prompt: http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/130269813965/meangreenlimabean-mittensmorgul.
So if your fic doesn’t NEED you to make such detailed notes, just start writing already. :D
When I first started writing (loooong before I ever started writing fic), some of my encouraging friends told me some interesting stories. We got to talking about how annoying it was that so many people respond to someone saying they write with, “Oh, I’ve been thinking about writing a novel for years,” or something else along those lines. My friend told me she knew a guy who had been outlining his novel for more than a decade, but never seemed to be able to get it quite right so that he felt he could start writing. With that sort of attitude, he probably never will, you know?
You will never have a “perfect” outline. Just like you’ll never have a “perfect first draft.” You have to have a draft to be able to edit it, you know? Can’t edit a blank page, and an outline can only take you so far before it becomes so fleshed out that it ceases to be an outline and looks more like a first draft.
So set a writing goal for yourself. Shoot for easy to start with, and then you can tweak the goal as you fall into the habit. Say, 200 words a day. Or 1000 words a week (because in all honesty you might miss a day here and there, and you shouldn’t get down on yourself for that, either). I personally shoot for 1000 words on days when I write, but I’ve been doing this for more than a decade now. I don’t always make it, but sometimes I double that, or quintuple it, or more. And I have scheduled days off (Supernatural nights when new episodes air, and usually the day after, and Monday night when I play pub trivia and it’s Mr. Mittens’ night off work). But outside of those days, barring extreme exhaustion or illness, I try to write at least 1000 words a night.
Being that I’m not an outliner, I feel I need to say that I always know the whole story before I start writing. It’s all up inside my head, running like a film that I “transcribe” into a fic. So even if I don’t have a written, bullet-pointed list of plot points and emotional beats, I do have the “finished product” looping through my head continuously until I transcribe it all. I know that’s not actually useful writing advice for most people, and I have no idea if this is how anyone else approaches writing, but it’s how it works for me. Minor details may only show up while I’m writing, but the whole story is already there.
This is why I never, ever post incomplete, wip fic. I am a compulsive editor, mostly because I don’t create detailed outlines before I start, and for the sake of continuity, editing is my friend. Can’t go back to insert a reference into chapter 3 that will become important by chapter 14 if you posted chapter 3 half a year ago, you know? Your readers are not gonna go back and reread your updates when you remember that Important Detail never actually made it onto the page in the exact way you needed it to way back when. :P
Now, an outliner MAY have picked that detail up and inserted it before they ever started writing, but one thing folks might not understand until they actually start writing: Actually writing the thing out, making it flesh and letting it breathe, will inherently change your two-dimensional outline. I’m not saying that your plot will derail itself, but only once you begin bringing the story to life, begin living on the page through the characters, will you begin to feel them as living beings, and can really begin to understand them and make them feel real to readers. No outline can do this, and will always fall short of feeling “good enough” for this reason.
(sorry, a lot of how I feel about writing sounds slightly unhinged when I try to talk about it, so please remember that the first original novel I wrote was based on a recurring nightmare I had after a psychotic break, which I literally wrote as therapy to banish the Bad Thoughts. Yes, it worked. Yes, that’s why I still write this way more than a decade later.)
But this is where you’ll begin to fill in the “gaps” inherent in any outline. Personality quirks, inside jokes between characters, feeling their feelings and translating that to the page. But also picking up all the dangling threads like repeating themes and emotional triggers.
I think I’ve gone way far off the path here…
Basically, pick one of your outlines. Decide you’re gonna start writing it. Then start writing it. It’s that simple, and that seemingly impossible. Write one sentence. Then write another. Then write lots more.
Good luck! I know it’s terrifying. I’m terrified every time I pick a new fic idea to write and stare at that blank document. But I stare it down, give a hearty pterodactyl screech, and dive bomb the keyboard. It’s really the only way to do it.
It’s worked pretty well for me so far. :P
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alwaysupatnight · 3 years
For the fic writer meta asks: 2, 3, 10, 15, 19! :-D
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project I’m real excited to finally make it to the smut in culebra seth. and the smut in losing my cool. and the smut in the post amaru touch series. and the smut in the sethkate yellowstone road trip oneshot. and the smut in—
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway) I feel like there’s probably a lot of things I’ve been meaning to write but couldn’t be bothered to work on yet… haha whoops. I think the sethkate lifeguard au totally falls in this category though. I don’t have much to share of it for now, but it involved Kate going on a trip to Corpus for spring break with Jessica and Scott and some of their friends. And Jessica flings a jellyfish at Kate accidentally while they’re swimming and she gets stung and Seth comes to her rescue and then for the rest of her trip she keeps running into Seth all over the island. And Uncle Eddie owns a beachside café called Fast Eddie’s Island Café that Seth works at sometimes. XD and idk where it was really going from there tbh but I guess it’s supposed to explore Kate’s college decisions after high school and probably Seth moving to Houston to be closer to her.
10: How would you describe your writing process? I usually start with an idea and if I’m lucky I’ll think of some dialogue pretty quickly, and after that I just hope something spawns from there. XD If I do reach a point where I wanna pursue the story, I’ll write down all the notes to myself that I can think of and try to get the whole thing out. Knowing the ending or having a final image of an ending to work towards motivates me to actually finish the project. If I know the ending/final image and have some dialogue I’ll try to outline. I try to outline in as much detail as possible, but I still try to leave some room for changes as they come along. I’ll write several drafts in pieces because I can’t just get a thought out and have to put it together like a jigsaw puzzle. Literally, sometimes it’s like half a sentence and then I gotta come back to it later and finish the thought. I’m sorry, this is why it takes me forever to write anything. >_<
15: Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? I think titles are a lot harder tbh. Although I haven’t tried to give anything a proper summary in a while and I still always struggle with those. lol I usually just end up stealing some lines from the chapter or oneshot. A few lines that kinda encompass the theme of the chapter or story. I don’t bother trying to think of creative tags so much anymore because I’m just not that clever. :P
19: Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?) Nothing really intentional… I’m sure there’s a couple of things though. I’ve gotten into this habit of using “as” all the time again which is a little annoying. lol And I think I might have repeated some dialogue by accident throughout some of my stories. XD Whatever, Seth is so predictable okay? As for tropes, I live for Seth being a tad bit overbearing and worrying over and mother hen-ing Kate, so there’s a bit of that in some of my upcoming stories. And in the culebra seth story too lbr. It’s basically the entire reason I started the twins-verse stories. XD
meta asks for writers
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maryellencarter · 6 years
working on 9/11: an exercise in keeping one's mouth shut. at least my poor trainer is gonna be trying to get through a week's worth of material today (we are so behind), so maybe there won't be too much chatter.
(one of the recent high school graduates in class was bitching yesterday about how his teachers and stuff would all have stories about where they were on 9/11/01 and all the Never Forget stuff, cause he was one year old obviously, and he was like "it's history! it happened!" and like... pointing out that even though he doesn't have a Where Were You When You Heard story, the aftermath has shaped his whole entire life, and -- idk, words are hard, i just really liked hearing someone acknowledging the historical importance while also being kind of irreverent about what has basically become a major religious holiday of Murrica-worshippers. I speak as an apostate of that religion myself. ;P)
Honestly, as long as I'm rambling about this, I may as well do my whole 9/11 ramble, or what I can get of it on a phone keyboard. So to preface, I was... I'm gonna obfuscate my age a tad and say fourteen or fifteen, but I was just hitting that stage of brain development where teenagers get really into questioning the assumptions that underpin their lives. In my case, I wound up really noticing just how fast everything moved and how suddenly all the adults around me appeared to lose their critical faculties. Over the next few years I lost a lot of what had been a very strong faith in the founding USian ideals; I still think it was a damn worthwhile experiment, but I now think your average human is too damn out-groupy and illogical to make any such experiment work long-term on a centuries-to-millennia scale.
Uh. Where was I? Right. So then, due to reasons, I spent large chunks of the Remodel of Doom researching the 9/11/01 timeline and so forth. I would not go so far as to say that "9/11 Was An Inside Job", but I was looking for a satisfactory answer to one very specific question, desperately trying to make the official story hold up, and I still haven't found one. (I was also writing what, in retrospect, was a perplexingly time-displaced Captain America/Avengers AU long before CA:TFA hit theaters, in which 9/11 took the approximate place of the Chitauri invasion. I'm still so damn chuffed that I called every major story beat in The First Avenger; that was honestly the moment, when I realized that in the theater, where I really started to believe in myself as a writer. The movie was of course far better written and more cohesive than anything I'd committed to paper, but I'd gotten the plot outline right, and that was a huge confidence booster for me. Not massively relevant, but Steve Rogers in the 21st century is forever tied to 9/11 for me, so that goes in the ramble. Might go back to that story sometime, actually... I say while not working on any of the sixty pilotfics I want to write... ;P)
So, uh, anyway, MCU-related digressions aside. That one question was "How did the government sources talking to the news media know that al-Qaeda was the terrorist organization to which the hijackers were linked before anyone even knew how many planes had been hijacked or where they were headed?" Because I remember very clearly -- I didn't know al-Qaeda from a hole in the wall (I didn't know *the World Trade Center* from a hole in the wall, I was actually picturing the New York Stock Exchange until the existence of the towers became relevant, and we didn't have a TV to unconfuse me), but the radio announcers were floating the specific name "al-Qaeda" specifically before the second tower even fell. Not a general suspicion of "Islamic terrorists", they went straight to al-Qaeda, and specifically in the context that al-Qaeda had *not* claimed responsibility for the attacks, phrased in such a way as to imply (but not state in a legally liable way) that it was already Known they were at fault.
Me, after years of chewing on that and drawing timelines, I've settled at the belief that it almost certainly wasn't "an inside job" in the sense of being performed directly by government agents posing as hijackers or government demolitions teams -- frankly, I don't think a USian focused on PR would have come up with those targets, we'd go for the Statue of Liberty and the White House or Congress like every disaster movie does -- but I do strongly suspect there were US agents grooming disaffected young men toward the idea, like how we used to (and probably still do) stoke local conflicts abroad in order to gain influence. And I am very certain that at minimum, somebody in an important decision-making position had A Plan: that if and when a newsworthy terrorist attack happened on US soil, the name of al-Qaeda would be floated, the populace whipped into a frenzy, the PATRIOT Act pushed through, and Afghanistan invaded. I doubt they had the whole PATRIOT Act actually prepped ahead of time, but the basic "give them al-Qaeda for a scapegoat and let them demand blood" -- I have never found any evidence I could use to make myself doubt that that plan existed and was implemented, and believe me, I fucking wanted to. :P
So yeah, that's what I've got of the 9/11 ramble I'm not going to deliver at work. One more side note. There's a verse of "America the Beautiful" that irritates the fuck out of me, because it goes on about "heroes proved in liberating strife", referring to the USian War of Independence, so George Washington etc, "who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life". Loving your country more than yourself is all very well and good, but a soldier who loves "mercy more than life" is A SHITTY-ASS GODDAMN SOLDIER if not outright a pacifist, and either way quite likely dead! :P I get so fucking *mad*. The point is, as Sir Pterry said, to make the other poor bastard die for his country first.
So. But. Anyway. The part where this ties into 9/11. There was actually a picture book, because Murricanism is very much a major religion along the lines of mainstream Xtianity, gotta indoctrinate those babies young. (I'm feeling very snarky for obvious reasons.) But this particular picture book was the lyrics of America the Beautiful with stock photos of the amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties and all that, and for that verse, they used a news photo of the Twin Towers with the smoke and some pics of firefighters and EMTs. And *that* got me right in the fucking feels, because I swear to god, man. It actually applies. If anybody does "love mercy more than life" in the line of duty, it's first responders. And I -- I wish it hadn't just been an excuse for another fucking pointless war, I wish that hadn't been the direction we spun it, because damn. Can you imagine -- I'm not sure I'm making any sense at all here, but can you imagine a world where instead of the runaway inflation of military spending and police militarization that we've got, a world where we turned toward aggressively funding paramedics and other social services? Thanking them for their service? Where saving lives was valorized instead of taking them. I wish I lived in that world. :S
um, yeah. thank you for coming to my ted talk, as the children say :S
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actualbird · 7 years
ummmm its not That Personal but like uh. u write a lot, like a lot and i notice that ur also. depressed? and im depressed too and i like to write but i just cant figure out how to like. sit and write for a while. actually get something done idk if thats something u have any advice for i would Appreciate It
oh! okay well. hum. i have to admit that most of my writing habits that push me to do stuff like write 7k words in a day are actually p…unhealthy? to the self? so i’ll skip over those and give u stuff i do that isnt Bad because my god, we gotta look out for each other:
the absolute beginning of writing a piece starts with ideas and concepts, and i have a google doc filled with bullet points of ideas. this doesnt really have anything to do with the Sitting Down And Writing Bit, but it’s super helpful for when you’re in a funk. just. any idea you think of, no matter how dumb, jot it down. in my bmc idea list i have a bullet point that’s just “they are spies” and another thats even dumber that just says “anti-anxiety rice”. these reservoirs of silly ideas help me out a bunch.
this is something that really depends on you, bc people have differing opinions on this, but i write outlines!!! and it’s something that i find very helpful. i was basically trained to outline everything throughout high school, to the point that i cant even write a 500 word essay without one. outlines differ for everybody, but i find that it’s most helpful for me to write out 1) important details (ex. in my latest fic, i listed down all the dragon characteristics i wanted to give michael) and 2) all the main scenes (ex. in my latest fic, i wrote one sentence for each of the eight main scenes). outlines are really good because you’re getting your ideas out in a tangible form that starts to take shape, but it’s not the Heavy Stuff Just Yet. it’s a nice way to ease yourself into the writing mood, and it’s godsend for when youre already writing because, once youve got all your ideas and plot points out, all you have to do is write the words.
of course, that’s kinda the hardest part HAHA. sitting down and Doing The Thing is a chore hhhhhh. but practice helps you get through it easier and easier each time, i guess. 4 years ago i was writing tiny fics that were barely 1k long and took me a week to write. now i am here. it’s cliche advice everybody gets, but it’s because it’s Real: practice. practice. practice. depression is a big heavy sludge that stops you from doing everything, but if you make something a habit, it tends to become muscle memory. if you can, try to write something everyday. it doesnt have to be big! just a sentence or two. even just a few ideas. just write something. then keep on working your way up. when youre confident with the daily habit, maybe set a wordcount goal. like 100 words a day. or maybe 500 a week (that was my goal back when i had class. it’s a nice, lax goal that doesnt feel too daunting but still gets stuff done!) start small and work your way up!! as somebody who marathon writes shitloads of words in a day, it’s draining. setting a schedule with smaller, broken down increments is much, much better. 
my laptop is Really Weird And Probably A Bootleg, so i dont have msword or any word processor that can count words correctly sdhfkjsdhf. so i write on google docs and i use wordcounter.net . wordcounter is a really useful site for me because not only does it display your wordcount WAY HUGER THAN MS WORD WOULD, thus kinda putting it Out There how much youve got written, but it’s also got cool stuff like reading time and reading level and word density (word density saves my life every fic. it makes sure i dont make characters fukn shrug all the time lmao)
my kamikaze mode, aka what i do when i start and finish writing the bulk of a fic or a chapter in one day, goes a little bit like this: heavy breakfast. write write write. more food. write write write. nap. food. write write write. +various twenty minute breaks in between all the writing. frankly, i dont know how i do this because it passes mostly in a haze, but breaks are!!!! important!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot stress this enough. your eyes are gonna hurt like hell after staring at a screen for hours. your WRISTS are gonna ache. your neck!! your butt!!! if you dont take a break, u will turn into a gargoyle!!! trust me, okay, ive already turned into one once. wasnt great. drink water and stretch and walk around. if you dont wanna separate from ur laptop, at least stop writing and look at memes or read over what u have so far.
when youre actually writing, my philosophy is Never Edit. misspelled a word? mark with an asterisk and come back later. forgot a word? mark it with an asterisk and come back later. transition is wonky? dont fix it, keep writing. mark it with an asterisk and come back later. editing is important, but when youre in the Writing Groove is not to the time to do it. more often than not, editing becomes an excuse that hinders your wordcount progress under the thin veil of “hmmmm this could be better.” it sure could! but fix it later. when im writing, my only goal is to get it done. everything else comes later, because at least by that point, i have a full piece to fix instead of a scene i keep reworking over and over again. the momentum that results from this is Powerful and not even the Depression Sludge Monster That Lives On A Couch In My Brain can defeat it. get fucked DSMTLOACINB!!!!
this is barely coherent, but it’s all ive really got to say….all of this is completely subjective, and what works for me will not work for everybody else, but this is how do stuff. depression is an awful piece of fuck and it sucks so bad and im so sorry youve gotta deal with it, but yo, working past it is possible!! it’s hard, but it’s possible.
i hope you have a great day anon. kick depression in the nuts with ur kickass writing. 
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selfinsertmermaid · 7 years
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I wrote a (probably way too detailed) outline of a Little Mermaid AU and of course had to draw it, because mermaids, man
(au under the cut if anyone’s interested) ((friendly warning that this is not Serious Writing and I cursed a lot))
Diana is the princess of an underwater mermaid kingdom called Themyscira or Paradise, the names are p much interchangeable so whatever. Themysciran mermaids are Magic so they used to magic themselves up some legs and hang out with humans, but the humans wanted the Magic and there was fightin and the mermaids got mad and retreated to their kingdom and getting legs was Banned.
Even though everyone disapproves, Diana likes to go up to the surface, not really out of curiosity for humans but bc she likes looking and the sky and it's kinda hard to see the sky from the bottom of the ocean. I'm a human princess (random human would've been more accurate but i'll be a fuckin princess if i wanna) on a ship for whatever reason and one night when Diana goes to the surface Shit Goes Down and she watches the boat start to sink.
A lot of the sailors and passengers make it to the lifeboats but I'm knocked off the boat and into the water, and Diana of course is like "hell no im not gonna let someone die".  So she swims and swims and brings me up to the surface, but there's still a storm and its bad and it's too far from any shore to risk trying to swim to land with me in tow. She decides to heck with the rules, uses a Magic Kiss (!!!) to let me breathe underwater, and brings me back to Themyscira.
 After the Magic Kiss I wake up and am amazed bc mother fuckin magic underwater mermaid kingdom right but all the mermaids are like “shit, a human, someone’s gotta take her back to the Human World”, so there’s this competition to see who is worthy of being the mermaids’ Champion. (This is basically a mix of Wonder Woman’s origin story, w/ me replacing Steve Trevor, and the Little Mermaid.) Anyway Diana’s not allowed to compete but we spent a bunch of time together and she wants to be the one to take me home, and see more of the world along the way.
So Diana wears a mask and enters the competition, wins, and reveals herself to the Queen (her mom) and the Queen’s like “fuck I told you not to but that was impressive so i guess you can go. I’m not mad jus disappointed.” So Diana and I get to basically take a Magic Underwater Roadtrip, except we’re swimming the entire way so it takes awhile oops. And we’re just. Fallin in love along the way.
I guess they decided it’d be okay to give me a mermaid tail so the trip goes faster, since humans can’t swim anywhere near as fast as a fricking mermaid ofc, and also I just,,, want to be a mermaid at least for a lil bit.
Anyway so we get to my kingdom and on the shore I get my legs back n Diana and I look at each other like…I guess this is goodbye? Except we really don’t want it to be. So I suggest that, before she goes, I show her around my kingdom, like as a token of my gratitude and all that. Diana magics herself up a pair of legs and I introduce her to the royal court as my savior and protector. We spend even more time with each other, we’re super in love, but Diana holds back from making a move bc she knows her duty is to Themyscira and I hold back from making a move bc I’m shy af.
So to introduce some plot, this woman, let’s call her Minerva, witnessed Diana doing Magic on the beach with me, so she steals some magical objects Diana keeps in her room and tries to use them. The problem is that she’s a terrible person so even though she can use magic now, Magical Karma decides that she will also be cursed to turn into a monster cheetah person. Like Ursula however she can use her magic to turn herself pretty again for a short amount of time, and she uses this skill and other magic to start climbing her way to the top of the royal court.
Minerva hypnotizes me into thinking I’m in love with her and not Diana, but it causes a huge behavioral shift and Diana’s like “WTF that’s not right.” She realizes some of her magical stuff has been stolen and connects the dots, and then tries to tell me except I’m still hypnotized so I don’t listen. Suddenly I’m about to get married to this woman I barely know, and Diana’s like oh fucking HELL no and tries to find all the magic stuff Minerva stole except the only one she knows about is this one magic necklace, which Minerva happens to wear a la Ursula. Diana interrupts the ceremony and rips away the necklace and crushes it, which takes away all Minerva’s magic and turns her back into her cursed cheetah monster self.  Then there’s a huge (cat)fight between the two of them, and ofc Diana wins bc she’s Strong and Magical.
So that’s over, and after I thank her for saving me Diana’s like “Kenzie…I have to go now. Magic is too dangerous for this world.” And I’m like “fuck please don’t leave I really like you.” But the problem is Diana was always going to leave, because she’s the only princess of Themyscira, and I have to stay because I’m the oldest and therefore the Crown Princess of my kingdom, and I don’t want to force my younger siblings to take over my responsibilities.
ANGST ALERT before Diana leaves I work up the nerve to finally kiss her, except its a goodbye kiss so its all sads, and then Diana swims back to Themyscira and is. Gone. We’re both miserable and tbqh if this was reall life my mental health would’ve been out the fucking window but it’s not so we’re gonna pretend that it’s just normal ‘missing you’ sadness. It lasts for a long time.
BUT THEN Diana realizes that there were other magical objects missing, and that they’re still on land in my kingdom, and she goes to the Queen/her mom, and the Queen is like “Diana I love you and I know you’re unhappy now so I will let you go to the surface to retrieve the magical items, and you can also stay there with the human princess with my blessing. I’m basically immortal anyway so it’s not like you need to take my place anytime soon.”  Then Diana comes back and REUNION SMOOCHES and there are some Magical Adventures collecting the other magic stuff Minerva stole and hid all over the place, and non-shitty people getting to learn magic bc Magic, but mostly it’s just Good Times loving each other. 
Epilogue, eventually we get married and adopt children and become Queen and Queen Consort (or Princess Consort, or whatever sounds better).  And they all live happily ever after, The End.
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