#so like i didnt notice the search icon part myself literally until writing that KSBFLSBFKSBFKDN
gibbearish ยท 1 month
Clue #2 was doing its best! Which wasn't much, but it was doing what it could. I love clue #1. A+ acronym use. Clue #3 and #4 are really good, but I am not very good at riddles, unfortunately. I got it before I saw Clue #4 and was screaming internally because when I first looked at the shop, it was through a different way than the dashboard icon. Literally needed to look at the shop differently.
2- KEBFKSBFKSBDJD THANKS like. after ur second ask i was like "oh no what if that one came across as 'fuck off ask someone else' and the winky faces in the tags did not in fact convey that the hints had already started" so i mean im very glad it apparently didnt given that you came back KEHDKSBFKDJD. i thought about saying "I'm sure theres somewhere you can /buy/ some" but i figured thatd give the game away a little too much
1- hehehehe thank you>:3 thats the one i was most trying to channel arg vibes of like "sure ill give you a hint but you have to find the hint first" and that i was most like "if they miss this at first itll be an 'OH FUCK OFFFFFF /pos' when it processes" so hell yeah glad u liked it >:3333
3&4 - KABFKSBFNF THATS SO FUNNY im imagining you reopening the shop and just. closing tumblr to scream for a few minutes.
oh but fun fact on 4, it was almost a limerick but i just Could Not pin down rhymes that would make it work
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