#so like yeah I totally get it wishing that they players had delved deeper into their whole situations
jq37 · 22 days
Just to throw my two cents on the Rat Grinder discourse: They weren't worth the Intrepid Heroes' time. We didn't get the full picture of what's going on with the Grinders until the last quarter of the season. Before that they were just this other clique that hate the main characters, so in-character why would the Bad Kids bother giving them so much attention when they've got so much of their own crap going on. Kristens quest to get Cassandra back and her presidential campaign, Gorgugs courseload, Riz's million and one plates that he's been spinning all season, Adaines financial problems, Figs curse and her doubts about what she wants to do with her life. Fabian's the only one who might have had the time, but he had to be Maximum Legend. There genuinely was no time or even an incentive on the IH's side to develop the Rat Grinders characters.
I still think it's fucked up that these teenagers got taken advantage of by adults they trusted, but we didn't learn any of that until we only had two roleplay episodes left. Too little too late to even try anything diplomatic even if they didn't spend all their time after the Last Stand in hiding.
And a thing about Ivy that no one is roasting her about and really should: An elven archer? Really? Wow, never seen that before.
Yeah totally. Like, from a meta level, I see where the players themselves could have been more curious about the Rat Grinders. There are obvious plot threads that could have been teased out there (though, in fairness to the cast, the adult manipulation aspect didn't become clear until way later in the season--the rivalry and foil aspects were more obvious). This final confrontation could look really different if they'd played that all the way out all season.
But in character? The Bad Kids really didn't have a good reason to waste time on the Rat Grinders. They came into this school year already burnt out from their Night Yorb quest and wanting a break. But they don't get that because they immediately are beset by problems they have to deal with--Kristen's god is on death's door from neglect and she's on the brink of expulsion, Riz is running himself ragged trying to boost his resume for college, Fig is having a whole ass existential crisis, Adaine is struggling with money issues she doesn't want to talk about, Gorgug is taking FOUR YEARS of school at the same time, and Fabian is multiclassing and dealing with his empty house/not having parental support (or Cathilda's support) for the first time. They are dealing with SO MUCH high stakes, personal stuff before the plot even kicks in. And, mechanics-wise, this is represented with the downtime system that means that any time they spend on the RG's is time they can't spend on something that matters more to them. IMO, not prioritizing your haters is actually pretty mature. Like, they weren't proactively using their free time to bully them or anything (except for arguably Fig). They were snippy with them when they crossed their paths and that was it. As opposed to the Rat Grinders who literally had to be told by Jace to stop antagonizing the Bad Kids (though they must have been pretty ineffectual at it because the Bad Kids hardly noticed, which I bet stung considering they were so obsessed).
And also, it's not like they didn't try at all with the Rat Grinders. Early Insight checks on Kipperlilly just got, "This is a polished steel orb of a personality" which doesn't sound very worth interacting with in a sympathetic way if at all and then the next big thing they learn is that she had hated Riz since Freshman Year and that she wants Riz and Kristen dead. And that's AFTER we saw her smile and kill her party cleric. In their position I'm not spending further time trying to empathize with this person, I have made my judgement and it's up to the Jawbones of the world to find if there's something in there to be rehabilitated.
And that's not the only case. Adaine straight up saved Ruben from disintegration during the Frosty Folk battle when she easily could have saved the spell slot, but that didn't soften him towards the Bad Kids any. Adaine also was really keen to Scry on the Rat Grinders to find out what was happening at their meetings. But, in scene at least, she was never able to do that so we never got a scene of them, huddled together, clearly unsure about the path they're on but not feeling like they can walk it back or say no to the authority figures in their lives. She didn't get anything humanizing that would cause her to rethink their position on them the way that she did with Aelwyn for instance. So why would they think they're anything but gleeful co-conspirators?
Hell, the one RG Adaine was even slightly curious about was Oisin and now we know that he was feigning interest in her which, man, can you imagine how much worse that would have felt if she'd actually taken the bait and pursued him beyond just thinking he was cute? Of course, it's possible that her interacting with him more along with some good charm rolls could have changed the narrative in some way but we can only go off of what we know to be true in canon and those facts are (1) He tried to get closer to Adaine while actively planning the downfall of her and her friends, (2) he (along with Ivy) was mean to Buddy behind his back while tricking him into a plan that would force him to go against his religious beliefs, and (3) he called his KVX related dragon ancestors to try to kill the Bad Kids and endanger the entire student body population. Three strikes, you're out. If I'm a Bad Kid I'm not super interested in whatever else is going on with him. And again, literally all of Adaine's friends (except Riz) gave her help to do an Insight check on him during their confrontation in the hallway so she was looking for something there worth engaging with, but she didn't get much.
Fig was fully doing CIA, MKUltra, Fantasy Geneva Convention violations on Ruben to try see if she could get information or flip him. I think she did it in an objectively insane way so I'm not entirely shocked that it didn't yield the exact results she was looking for. But she never found the smoking gun (or whatever the opposite of that is) in his head that would absolve him/show the Rat Grinders were being controlled and her messing with his dreams never flared his conscience enough to make him try to break free (as far as we know) which is what I assume she was going for. If I was Ruben looking for a way out but scared of the repercussions, I might go to Adaine who saved me from certain death earlier the same year and has helped saved the world 3 times with her party and their friends in high (and low) places. Maybe that's what Fig thought might happen but it didn't so from Fig's POV? Gave him a chance. Time to start blasting. And again, at that age, if I walked in to the first day of class and the first thing this random boy does is sneer at me and flaunt his musical success, I'm popping up on his Nemesis Alert at that moment. Doubly so after he tries to trick me and my friends into doing drugs so we get expelled. I'm surprised she tried at all with him.
Fabian absolutely tried to interact with Ivy--in large part for self interested reasons of course, but that doesn't change that he did it. And she came across as callous and unkind from the jump. Their final conversation before the latest episode is the one where she talks about wearing Mazey like a sweater and then says that Fabian missed his chance with her before stalking off. That's a pretty open and shut interaction. No way 17 year old me is like, "Hmm, but why is she acting so mean? Perhaps I should examine that more closely to further understand her." Nah, I've decided she sucks.
And Kristen has tried with Buddy literally up until the last moment. She rolled an Insight check on him right before the fight started and she got a 1. She got nothing from him.
Mary Ann is actually the only Rat Grinder who hasn't done anything to make a bad impression on the Bad Kids--the only thing she did was have a really good Bloodrush tryout. So no reason to hate her specifically (and, in fact, she is also the only Rat Grinder that at least half of them are positively obsessed with), but no reason to explore her further. And Kristen still tried giving her a stuffed animal and her response was that she already had that one and that she was going to give it away. What are they supposed to do with that?
Even when they tried, they didn't get information that was worth chasing when they were so busy and had to manage their free time. Gorgug didn't even slot in downtime to talk to his bio parents when they visited. Why would he spend any time on Mary Ann to figure out her deal? Maybe if they were given more explicit opportunities to interact with them in passing. If Mary Ann was shown at Bloodrush Games. If during class time Oisin tried to interact with Adaine. If Kristen ran into Buddy and Bucky talking. If any of their forays into talking to them or looking into them yielded anything actionable or that piqued their interest--they opened the door for Brennan to give them something more than once. But they never got anything that was worth investing more of their limited time into.
(And also, they didn't learn that Porter was involved until WAY into the last quarter of the episodes. Which absolutely could have changed things since, as far as they knew the RG's were working alone to raise this god which isn't crazy for them to think because Kristen literally did that last year and it was of her own free will. If they knew early that the RG's were smaller players in Porter's plot then maybe they would have been in more of a rescue mindset--especially since Fig has always mistrusted him--but that's not information they had and by the time they got it, the RG's were in deep hiding, like you said.)
And so, coming into the last few episodes, that's who the Rat Grinders are to the Bad Kids. A group of kids who they first heard about in the context of, "they famously hate you," even though they'd never interacted before. A group of kids who they already thought sucked even before they tried to kill the entire study body an hour ago. A group of kids who are trying to doom all of Elmville to eternal rage and who are willing and ready to kill them to do it.
With that context, yeah I think their actions are pretty understandable.
(Also, lmao. Yeah, I think calling Ivy basic would probably hurt her more than most things you could say to her.)
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Delaying the Inevitable - Chapter 17: With a Little Help From My Friends
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Book: Open Heart 3 (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Rating: Chapter: Teen
Summary: Extended Series WIP – Love Triangle. In this chapter: Tobias struggles with his feelings before confronting Ethan; Casey returns to work and gets a surprise; Tobias shares a “break-up night” with Casey; the friends plan a trip to a pumpkin patch, but things don’t go as planned; Casey has another encounter with Ethan at Donahue’s.
Category: Extended Series (WIP)
Warnings: Angst, drinking, language
CHECK OUT ALL THE A/N's SERIOUSLY :) I need to calm some nerves out there.
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you are all well! Some perspective on this series. It’s a love triangle folks. There are three in the mix. When the series started, it was heavy Casey/Ethan for a long time and some were asking, where is the triangle? I had to tell them… it’s coming. Now, some are asking why isn’t she back with Ethan? Why is Ethan being a jerk? It’s a long story. We’re just a little more than halfway through and there is much to happen yet. At the end, Casey has to make a choice, so clearly, Casey and Ethan’s story is not over, nor is Casey & Tobias’s. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. 😊
A/N 2: Some Ethan fans don’t want to read until he is back in the mix. Hey, I can’t make you, but then you’ll miss a lot and, even if you come back later, it won’t feel the same. I’ve said from the start, this story will delve deeper. It’s going to show humanity, all three main players are human and will make mistakes – yet they are all really good people. No demons here, just flawed people like you and me. Just a reminder!
A/N 3: There is some really cool stuff coming up. Really cool in good ways, and some in dramatic ways. Personally, I’m excited for Chapter 18. Watch for the Sunday Six for a sneak peek.
AN/4: I’m not apologizing for long chapters anymore because y’all seem OK with it. I don’t know what that says, but I appreciate it. (And I've decided to apologize anyway!) 😊 Please continue to send me your comments and feedback – it’s always appreciated, and I want to make sure you get the best story I can give you. As always, thanks for reading – you’re the best!
Timeframe of this chapter: Early to Mid-October
If you wish to be added or removed from tags, please let me know. Comments and reblogs always appreciated. 😊
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Tobias rolled over for what felt like the hundredth. Snippets of the evening continued to replay in his head, no matter how hard he tried to stop them. Casey standing in front of Donahue’s wearing his Johns Hopkins shirt. He didn’t pick it out. She did. But that’s probably just because it’s from his med school days. It was smaller, it’s probably what fit her best. Yeah, that’s all it was. But the way she looked up at him outside of Donahue’s… she looked… she looked like she was scared to go in and needed help… you idiot…. But there was no mistaking the look on her face when she returned from the jukebox…none…. He was uncomfortable the moment Laura sat down in the seat Casey left just moments before, and that was before he saw Casey’s eyes widen incredulously when she spotted her. Wait, that look on her face, is it… jealousy? That’s impossible… right? It can’t be. But her mood changed the minute she sat back down. Of course, it did. Ethan was there. That’s why. He’s being ridiculous. Or is he. I mean, she knew Ethan was there before, and she was still laughing and joking. But Laura shows up and suddenly, she…. go to sleep Tobias! Stop seeing shit that isn’t there…stop the crazy. He rolled over. Then he heard Laura’s voice:
“…give her some time to heal. Don’t rush it, but I see how you two look at each other. I think you totally have a chance.”
I mean, Laura doesn’t even know Casey, she barely knew him, but… she saw something? But, God, the way Casey looked as she sat crying on the ground after confronting Ethan… goddamn it, Carrick… it’s not about you. But why did she jump up from Sienna and walked into his arms as soon as he stepped outside? He didn’t make that up. She did go to him… he didn’t ask her to. But she was crying over Ethan. But what just happened in the kitchen? Why did she take his hand? Because they’re friends…. they’ve done that sort of thing countless times before, that’s why. I mean, friends do that sort of thing all the time, right?
“A toast?”
“Sure, and what are we toasting to?”
“To just letting things happen when they should.”
He sat up in bed.
Why did she say that? What did that mean?
Tobias knew he loved Casey; this was not news. He also knew there was never a chance in hell of anything happening between them. It sucked badly, but he accepted it long ago. Even after he found Casey devastated on the street. Even now that it is over between her and Ethan… he still never thought… that’s crazy, right. This could never happen… right?
He was pacing the floor in his bedroom, rubbing his hands across his head in frustration.
No. No. This is crazy.
Nothing is happening with her, Tobias.
Don’t let yourself go there. Stay in this lane.
He realized sleep was not happening. Ugh, what had gotten into his head? How did this even happen?
It was Laura! Why did she have to say that to me? Why? I could scream at her! Or, should I thank her?
Then his thoughts turned to Ethan. He could see him, sitting morosely at the bar, a half drank glass of scotch in his hand. That’s pretty much how Ethan looked every time Tobias had seen him over the past decade. Every time except for the brief period when he accepted Casey’s love. That Ethan, he even surpassed the reserved but exuberant man he med at med school orientation 15 years ago. He let out a deep sigh.
What the fuck are you doing Ramsey? What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you let her go?
He had wanted to talk to Ethan the night he found Casey crying. Someone needed to talk sense into him. But Casey didn’t want Ethan to know that Tobias was aware of their breakup. So, he refrained. Whatever she wants. His loyalty is to her. It would always be to her. But she confronted Ethan tonight at the bar. In plain sight of everyone. God, that’s going to spread. But the cat was out of the bag now. Nothing was preventing him from speaking to his old friend now. He looked at his clock. 12:02 AM. It might be too late for mere mortals, but not for doctors of their caliber. Sleep was a luxury they often learned to do without. Plus, if he knew Ethan, he was probably wide awake, nursing another scotch. He grabbed his phone:
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Tobias dressed quickly before scribbling a note to Casey just in case she woke up while he was gone. He headed to Ethan’s with a newfound urgency. There had been so much he wanted to say to Ethan, and he couldn’t hold it back any longer.
Twenty minutes later, Ethan answered a knock on his door.
“Ethan.” Silence hung. “Are you going to let me in?”
“Oh, yes,” Ethan said, pushing the door open, “of course, come in.”
Tobias eyed the neat pile of boxes stacked next to the door. Boxes containing the contents of Casey’s life sitting in wait. Why was he here? Even two years ago, Tobias would be sound asleep in his bed waiting to hear the eruption when Ethan wholly imploded. Then he would run to catch Casey when she fell. He would have made sure she became his. He loved that woman in a way he never knew he could love. So why shouldn’t he? Why was he standing here, in front of her belongings that Ethan was eager to toss out of his door? The same way he did her. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Tobias? I assume you came for a reason?”
Yeah. He was here because he loved her, and her needs had to take precedence above his own. He loved Ethan too, and he knew he wasn’t thinking logically. He had to set him straight, or at least try. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t. Yeah, it might result in watching Casey fall right back into Ethan’s arms; but, if that’s where she belonged, if that’s where she’d be happy, then that’s where he wanted her to be.
“Tobias?” Ethan said again, “Are you the friend picking up Casey’s belongings? I assumed it would be one of the roommates, and I didn’t think it would be at this hour of the day, but then again, you know what happens when you assume.”
Tobias pulled himself out of his fog and turned his eyes to Ethan.
“Uh, no. I’m not sure who is picking these up. I’m sure someone will contact you.”
“Well, it is an odd hour for a social visit? But can I get you something to drink?”
“No. No, I’m good. I just… Ethan, I needed to talk to you and I couldn’t wait. Buddy, I’ve known you for a long time, I’ve seen you at your best, at your worst and everyplace in between and….” he stalled. “I can’t just sit by and watch you throw your life away.”
Ethan eyed him dubiously.
“Throwing my life away? I assume you’re referring to Casey. While I appreciate your concern, ending a relationship, painful as it is, doesn’t equate to throwing my life away.”
“Maybe not every relationship, but in this case, yeah, it does. Come on, look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love her. Tell me she isn’t the best thing that ever happened to you.”
Ethan silently eyed Tobias but did not make a sound.
“I’m not Casey, so I can’t say definitively, but I think you could still save this,” he sighed. “She gets… we all get why this is happening. Ethan, Louise destroyed 25 years of your life, come on, don’t let her steal another minute from you. YOU are in control! Don’t let her hurt you anymore, and don’t let her make Casey collateral damage. Talk to her, Ethan. Apologize. See a therapist… do it together, or alone… I don’t know. Case, she’s the most forgiving person I ever met. If you talk to her now, I know she’d at least listen….”
“Tobias, stop. Stop. Look, it truly means a lot to me that you cared enough to come by in the middle of the night. But Casey and I, that’s between the two of us. You’re not a party to it.”
“I know that. But I also know you. You’re going to regret this and, by then, it may be too late. What kind of friend would I be if I just watched and said nothing?”
“The kind that minds his own business?”
“No, it would make me the kind that didn’t give a shit about you.”
“Tobias, I ended things for a reason. It is best for both of us.”
“Ethan, that’s bullshit. Come on, I know you don’t want to hurt her.”
“No, of course, I don’t. But breakups hurt… there is no getting around it. But in time, she’ll heal, and she’ll have the life… the relationship… she deserves. We wouldn’t work, and the longer I let her buy into the fantasy we created, the more it would hurt her. Can’t you see that?”
“Ethan, would you listen to yourself? This is crazy talk. The only thing stopping you from having forever with her is you. What you guys shared, do you think everyone is lucky enough to find it?”
“Shared, Tobias. Past tense. What Casey and I had… it’s over. It was all a big mistake….”
Tobias saw red. He knew he needed to contain his anger, as much as he could anyway.
“A mistake? A mis… Ethan, don’t you dare call Casey a fucking mistake!”
“She wasn’t, but our relationship….” He stood up and walked toward the window rubbing his hands through his hair. His defenses, and his temper, rising by the second. “Tobias, I’m done talking about this. I’m nearly 40 years old. I know what I want. I was more content before.”
“Save that for someone who will buy it, because I don’t”
“You don’t have to, and you don’t have to agree with it, and I don’t have to convince you. It’s my life. It’s my decision.” He let out a deep sigh. “Tobias, it’s late, and if that’s all you wanted to say, then you said it. Go back home and get some sleep. There is no reason to be here.”
“Oh, there is reason to be here. I’m here because someone has to be! You’re doing such a bang-up pushing everyone who has ever given a shit about you so far away that they’re afraid to approach you. And, hey, if that’s your end goal, then more power to you! You’re freaking winning! But what are you winning? I’m here, as your friend, in a last-ditch effort to prevent you from being your own worst enemy. I’m throwing you a lifeline, I’m begging you to take it, but if you refuse.... well, then that's on you.”
Ethan turned around, rubbing his temples. “Tobias, if I need a lifeline, I will ask for one. But do I look like I’m drowning to you?”
“Do you really want my honest answer?”
“What I want you to do is to go home. It’s late and we have a busy morning ahead.”
Tobias shook his head.
“I’m not here because I enjoy making 1:00 AM house calls. I’m trying to prevent you from making the biggest mistake of your life.”
“Want to be my friend? Then, please, respect me. For god’s sake, trust that I know what’s best for me and respect me.”
Tobias swallowed, “See, that’s the thing, Ethan. Being a friend doesn’t mean blindly agreeing with someone; it means telling them when they’re wrong. I may not be able to get through to you, but I had to try. But you’re right, it’s your life, and the choices are all yours. I’ll show myself out.”
Much later that day, Tobias returned home from an uneventful day at work. Ethan never mentioned his visit and, while he was relieved there was no tension, he was disheartened to see his words had no impact. Nevertheless, he was grateful for the quiet day. Casey was returning to work tomorrow, and she and Ethan would be working together two days after. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t concerned about how it would go, so the stress-free day was appreciated.
As he checked his mail in the kitchen, he heard music and giggling coming from down the hall. He chuckled to himself. Tobias had lived alone, by choice, almost the entirety of his adult life. So even though he was aware Casey was there, the noise took him by surprise. Things like this would take some getting used to, but she smiled because it felt good. He walked down the hall and knocked on her bedroom door.
“It’s open!”
“Hey, Case. Hi, Sienna. I don’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know I was home.”
“Hi, T! You’re not interrupting!” Sienna said.
“Yeah. Si is just helping me unpack, you know, what I neglected to help her do, but she’s still nice enough to do for me.”
“Casey, please, you had reasons. It’s not like you were enjoying a spa day while I was moving!”
“I assume everything went well today, then?” Tobias asked Sienna.
“Yep, Raf and I were in and out in 20 minutes. When Jackie found out Ethan wasn’t going to be there, the mission sort of lost its appeal. It’s just as well. It saved me the trouble of stopping her from setting booby traps.”
“Always a good thing. Is Raf still here?”
“No, he is on shift tonight, so he headed out.”
“Alright, so, where I come from, a move-in day always requires pizza and beer. So, are you ladies good with me ordering some in?”
“Oh, I’ll never say no to pizza!” Casey answered.
“Good, because if you did, I would never be able to trust you again,” he laughed. “Sienna, you in?”
“Well, after that comment, I’d be extra foolish to say no!”
“OK, I’ll give you guys some time, unless you need help?”
“All under control,” Casey smiled.
“All right, I’ll let you know when the food arrives.”
“That’s awfully nice of him,” Sienna said quietly.
“Yeah, well, Tobias is pretty nice.”
“You know, I knew you two have become close, but he’s really stepped up to help you.”
“Yeah, I’m really lucky. I have a great support network and, he’s a big part of that.”
“I’m glad. And…you’re comfortable here, right? I mean, I hate that you can’t stay with us… the timing is just… ugh! If I weren’t mad enough at Ethan….” Sienna's face turned red.
“I know,” Casey said, touching her friend’s hand. “Trust me, I know.”
“I’m proud of you, Casey. I can’t imagine how hard this all is and, you’re really holding it together.”
Casey smiled sadly. “Well, it’s still a roller coaster. I have my moments. And I’m terrified of going back to work. Seeing him is,” she swallowed, “it’s going to be hard, Sienna. I know we’ll both be professionals, but, honestly, I have to see how this goes….”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I thought he was the love of my life. Maybe he is the love of my life but… but he doesn’t want me… and….”
Sienna could see Casey unraveling.
“We don’t have to discuss it if you don’t want, Casey.”
“No, it’s fine. I have to deal with it, right? People thought that the two of us being in a relationship would make working together difficult, but it never was. Now this, on the other hand? Not to mention, this news will be all over the hospital, I am going to look like such an idiot.”
“Don’t say that Casey, you’re not an idiot!”
“Well, yes, best friend, you won’t think so, but… honestly, I guess what others think has to be the least of my concerns right now.”
“That’s right. Plus, you have an army of defenders. Let someone say that crap in front of me, or Jackie, or Bryce, or Tobias… we can all be pit bulls, you know!”
“Oh, I have seen each of you in action. And you know I’d be the same way for you.”
She gave Sienna a big hug when Tobias knocked.
“Pizza is served, ladies! Want to sit on the balcony or in the kitchen?”
“Is that even a question?” Sienna laughed, rushing out the door.
The following day arrived far too quickly for Casey’s liking. It felt good to be in her scrubs and her white coat again. She missed work and wanted to keep her mind occupied, but her stress levels were off the charts. Even knowing she had two days to acclimate before Ethan would be there didn’t help. Every single one of her friends offered to meet her that morning so that they could enter the hospital together, but Casey, feeling that would indicate weakness, declined. Still, knowing she had so much support made her feel much stronger.
She stood at the hospital’s entrance; she was fine. Now the lobby, no issues. The elevator, OK, she had this. On the floor, OK, had this may have been an overstatement. Walking into the diagnostics office… BAM!
“Casey, how are you feeling? It’s good to have you back.”
“Thanks, Harper.”
Harper dismissed Casey’s pale skin and glossy eyes, assuming they resulted from a lingering malady, but Tobias saw the blood drain from her face the moment she entered the room.
He started to make her coffee when she text him to say she was in the lobby. He strode and placed the cup in her hand.
“Welcome back, kid.” With his back to Harper, he smiled down and mouthed, “You’ve got this.”
Casey smiled back, hoping he was right.
“Since it’s just the three of us today,” he said, “we may as well get started. I think the most important item is getting Casey up to speed. Harper, do you have any cases you need to update her on?”
“No, the diagnostic cases are already noted in our folders, and I’ve been paired with Ethan on all others. Casey, this guy here was kind enough to take on all your assignments while you were out. Of course, that means you’re saddled with him until you catch up.”
Casey looked at Tobias, “You picked up all my cases?”
“It’s no big deal. I had the most capacity. But Harper is right. Now you’re stuck with me for a good portion of the day today, and maybe tomorrow.”
“I think I can survive that,” she grinned.
“Well, we have new diagnostic assignments, so, as long as you have no questions, this may be the shortest meeting in history.”
“I think we’re good. I appreciate the brevity. I have two surgeries today so, I’m not complaining. It’s good to see you back, Casey.”
“Thanks, Harper.”
Casey looked at Tobias. “T. I’m familiar with the caseloads. You do not have the most capacity; in fact, right now, Ethan does. Why did you do that?”
“Because you know all this extra time we’re going to be spending together? If I hadn’t, you’d be spending it with Ethan, I didn’t think you’d want that right now.”
“True, but that was so much for you to take on.”
“Case,” he smiled, “it's nothing. Why don’t you go start your new cases, we can regroup around noon and work together?”
“That sounds good.”
Tobias was heading out of the door when Bryce stopped him.
“What’s up, Bud.”
“Just a head’s up, T. Word’s out. I walked in and heard one of the new surgical interns getting all worked up over Casey being back on the market.”
“Aw shit… how do you think… Donahue’s.”
“Yep,” Bryce said, “I was proud of her for having the courage to confront him, but man, I’m sure the news hit the floor here before we got home last night.”
“You said it. Oh, and this intern, did you tell them to fuck off?”
“I thought that was assumed.”
“Of course. I don’t know why I doubted you.”
“Anyway, I want to give Case a heads up. She shouldn’t be blindsided. Do you know where she is?”
“She’s on the floor, shouldn’t be far.”
“Alright, I’ll find her.”
Bryce trotted off and quickly spotted her in a patient's room. He waited for her outside.
“Hey there,” he said, flashing that killer grin.
“Ah, Bryce, that smile can always brighten my day.”
“Good, because you might need it.”
She looked up with heavy eyes, bracing herself for what she knew he was about to say.
“Words out?” she asked.
“Words out. I didn’t want you to hear it from some snide asshole.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, sometimes you are a snide asshole, Bryce,” she smiled.
“I like that answer! I have never been so happy to be called an asshole! Good attitude!”
“Well, it’s my own fault. I was idiotic going up to him at Donahue’s.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve got this, and if anyone gives you shit, page me.”
Fortunately, those who encountered her that morning either didn’t know or didn’t let her know that they did. She was able to get through her patients with ease before heading off to meet Tobias. He looked up from the papers he was working on at the nurse’s station, his eyes told her that he was concerned.
“Don’t worry, no one has given me any shit. Yet.”
“You doing, OK?”
“I will be. My new motto?”
“You made it through the morning, you’re still standing, and you’re smiling. So, in my book, you’re already doing damn good. Hey, want to grab lunch together in the cafeteria before we begin? I can start getting you up to speed there.”
“Sure, let’s go!”
Casey managed to enjoy some laughs while reviewing cases with Tobias. She didn’t notice several staff members pointing and whispering in her direction, but he did. His desire to get up and throttle them was tempered only by his greater need to protect Casey. They were about to head to their first patient when he got a page.
“Ah, crap!”
“What is it?”
“I have to head to the lab. There is an issue with authorization on one of my requests. Do you want to hang back here and finish your lunch? I should be back in about 15 minutes.”
“Sure, take your time.”
Casey pulled some files to review. She was proud of herself, she felt much more at ease than she expected to. But that was about to change. Several moments later, she was distracted by laughter coming from the other side of the cafeteria. When she looked over in that direction, she felt her heart stop. Ethan glided in through the double doors, headed in her direction. Casey couldn’t breathe when her eyes met his.
“It’s good to see you back, Dr. MacTavish,” he said as he walked by, “I’ll text you my availability today. There are things I need to catch you up on.”
Casey couldn’t speak, so she offered a gentle nod. He was aloof. The purely professional tone, the way he just breezed by her, was so out of character from the way they used to interact, and it did not go unnoticed. Several residents seated nearby began to whisper amongst themselves until Casey caught glared in their direction.
What the hell is he doing here! He had to know how hard this would be on me! How could he blindside me like that!
She got up to leave, not wanting to be the star of this show taking place any longer. She text Tobias and let him know she’d have to meet him a bit later. Shortly thereafter, she received a text from Ethan asking her to meet him in his office at 3:00. Her stomach dropped. She took the contact photo of him. They were having a picnic together in the Boston Common. The gentle smile on his face took her back to another time. She never removed the little hearts next to his name. She thought back to when her beloved grandfather died, and she eventually removed his number from her phone. It was such a painful experience and changing Ethan’s contact information didn’t feel any different. Still, she wanted to take care of it immediately. “Ethan 🥰❤️” became “Dr. Ramsey” and the precious photo she had taken became… she settled on an Edenbrook logo. Choking back tears she reminded herself, this was her new reality and she would need to get used to it.
As 3:00 neared, Casey began to come undone. She could do her job. She was even capable of smiling at her patients, but anyone who knew could see it was forced. As she accompanied Tobias on their mutual rounds, he became more and more concerned about her.
“Hey, are you sure you can do this? I mean, he wasn’t even supposed to be here today. If you need more time, I’m sure this could wait.”
“No,” she said, looking miserable, “I may as well bite the bullet and get it over with. I’m going to head up.”
She bit her lip and looked nervously to the side.
“Tonight. At home. Can we drink?”
“Absolutely. Will you require ice cream as well?”
“Vanilla fudge ripple?”
“I’ll stop on the way home. Let me know how it goes.”
Casey went to the office early. She wanted to get there first so she could be waiting when he arrived. She did not want to walk in with him at the desk, watching her approach. But as she turned to enter, he was already there. She entered quietly. So quietly that he didn’t hear her until she was seated in front of him. He was taken aback. Gone was the cold, indifferent gaze from before. His eyes looked sad, he swallowed deeply. But Casey did not see any of it. She turned her head, staring off to the side, doing all that she could to avoid looking at him for as long as possible.
“Casey,” he said, nervously, his voice almost broke.
She remained silent and he acknowledged the pain written on her face. He could see how hard this was on her, and he hated himself for it.
“Casey, thanks for coming. I know… I know I have no right to ask in a personal capacity, but in a professional, I have to ask you. Are you OK?”
She remained silent for what felt like an eternity. She refused to speak until she could do so with the confidence that she would not cry and that her voice would not shake. She was going to take as much time as necessary until she got there. He owed her at least that much.
“I have to be,” she said clearly, “my patients need me to be.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’m doing the best that I can. But to be honest, at this moment, I feel like I’m going to die. I hate this, but I guess we have to figure out how to do this. Neither of us is going anywhere, at least for now.”
He had planned to take a hardline approach, ultra-professional, bordering on cold, but seeing her in so much pain, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He felt his defenses melt a little. He had already done so much damage. He couldn’t hurt her anymore.
“I wish there was a way that I could ease this for you, Casey. For both of us. I want to do whatever I can to make things as comfortable as can be.”
“Well, do you have any suggestions? Because I sure as hell don’t.”
“Actually, I do. In time, I’m sure it will get easier but, until then, I figure I can limit our cases together. I’ll pair with Harper, and I’ll pair you with Tobias whenever possible. I know you’re comfortable with him and, honestly, I know he cares about you. I know he’ll look out for you.”
“Et..” she couldn’t bring herself to say his name. “I really don’t need to be looked out for. I’m a grown-up. Also, that’s not feasible, we’re going to have to work together. Like it or not.”
“I know,” he said softly, “but it’s not forever. Just for now.”
Casey felt tears rising to her eyes, and she knew that she was helpless to stop them from falling. She grabbed a tissue from her pocket and dabbed them. At a minimum, she was not letting him watch them roll down her face.
“Is this even hard on you, Ethan? Does it even hurt to see me? Even a little bit? Because… right now… I feel like it doesn’t, and, frankly, that makes me feel like I never meant a thing to you. And I know in my heart that’s not true.”
“Casey, of course, this is hard,” his voice was almost a whisper. For the first time, she could hear a trace of pain in his voice.
“But it’s like you said last night. It’s not alright now, but it will be. We will be.”
“We,” she laughed ruefully, “there isn’t a we anymore. You saw to that.”
“Casey, I don’t want to overstep, but is there anything I can do for you? Outside of work, I mean. Do you need anything?”
“No. I don’t need or want your help. When you let me go, you lost the right to be my protector.”
“You’re staying….”
“How many times do I have to tell you that it is none of your business?”
“But you’re someplace safe?”
“Yes, safe and comfortable.”
“Casey, I don’t want us to hate each other. In time I’d love if we….”
He stopped short when Harper and Tobias entered the room. Casey turned her head away, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“Is, is everything OK?” Harper asked.
“Yes, everything is fine,” Casey replied. “I need a few minutes. I’ll be back.”
She stood and bolted from the room. On instinct, Tobias moved to follow her. Taking notice, Casey looked at him and waved her hand.
“I’m good,” she whispered as she passed him.
Harper looked at Ethan, worry etched on her face.
“Actually, Tobias, can you close the door? I’d like to speak to the two of you alone.”
Tobias shut the door and took the seat beside Harper.
“I am going to be shifting cases and making some adjustments to limit group meetings in the immediate future. Before I continue, I acknowledge this may not be professional, but I feel it’s in the best interest of the team, so it needs to be done.”
“Ethan, what’s going on?” Harper asked.
Ethan took a deep breath. “Casey… Casey and I are no longer together.”
Harper let out a soft gasp.
“Ethan, I had… I had no idea.”
Tobias stared at the floor, motionless.
“I’m, I’m terribly sorry. Are you...”
“I’m fine, Harper. Thank you. Are the temporary changes acceptable to both of you?”
“Of course,” Harper replied.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Tobias said standing, “I’m also going to cut out. I have patients to check in on.”
Without another word, he hurried out the door. In reality, there was only one person he wanted to check on, and it wasn’t a patient.
Harper remained behind.
“Ethan, if I overstep, say so, but I’m not asking as a colleague. I am asking as an old friend. What happened? You two, you were… the perfect couple?”
Ethan snorted, “This is real life, Harper, nothing is perfect.”
“Ethan… is this your doing?”
“Excuse me?”
“You did this. You’re shutting her out because you’re afraid, because of Louise… I was worried, but I never thought it would go this far.”
“Harper, my decision to end my relationship with her was my decision, and I don’t wish to elaborate.”
“Ethan, I have known you a long time, and I know you so much better than most. You’re making a mistake. I will admit, I had my doubts at first, but Casey is good for you. It’s like she brought you to life. Please, Ethan, please reconsider.”
“Naveen and Tobias have already tried this, Harper. I appreciate all of you, but this is my choice. So, you and I will be working together more, and Casey will pair with Tobias….”
“Casey and… do you think that’s a good idea?” She said it so inadvertently that she was shocked to hear the words coming from her mouth.
“Why do you say that?”
“It’s just… I mean, we will all have to work together, so….”
“It’s only temporary, Harper. Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to finish up.”
Tobias was searching for Casey. After about 10 minutes, he found her in a supply closet on the other end of the hall. He entered, blocking the door for privacy. He sat on the floor across from Casey. She wasn’t crying, but by the looks of it, it was because she was all cried out.
“Hey,” she replied, staring away from him. “He wasn’t even supposed to be here. Why did he have to come in today?”
“I don’t know. But think of the upside. That first meeting is now out of the way. It’s behind you.”
“Yeah, and it looks like we’ll be working together more. So that’s another good thing.”
“Well,” he said with a grin, “I’m glad you’re taking that as a positive.”
She turned to him and smiled. “Of course. I just hope you don’t get sick of me.”
“Impossible. Do you need me to stay?”
“I’m good. I’m going to leave momentarily. But we’re definitely having alcohol and ice cream tonight, right?”
“One-hundred percent. Vanilla fudge ripple coming your way. Any request on the booze?”
“As long as it isn’t fucking scotch, I don’t care.”
“I can do that, now. Let me get out of here before someone spots us and the rumors start flying.”
“Thanks, T. I’ll see you at home.”
Casey was suspicious when she saw three of her five afternoon cases moved from her to Ethan, but she honestly wanted to go home so badly, she didn’t question it. As she gathered her things and attempted to scurry out unnoticed, she ran directly into Harper.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Harper, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“It’s OK, Casey, no harm done. Casey, I wanted to say that, truly, I am so sorry.”
Casey looked up wide-eyed, “Oh, I guess you know then….”
“Yes, Ethan told us after you left. Casey, are you ok?”
Casey looked at Harper with a sad smile.
“That was a stupid question. Please let me withdraw it. Casey, I do want to ask… I know the two of you, you were good together, and, I know Ethan, is there any chance that if you give him time….”
“Harper. He told me I couldn’t move in with him and I had no place to go. He told me I was a mistake when all I ever did was love him. Eventually, even if there are reasons behind someone hurts you so badly, does it even matter?”
Harper gently touched Casey’s shoulder and smiled warmly, “No. It shouldn’t. If you need anything, please know, I care, I’m here.”
“That means a lot Harper, thank you.”
“And if you get sick of working with Tobias, let me know. I’ll muscle in and we can work together. Plus, then we could sit back and watch those two have to tolerate each other.”
Casey chuckled, “Well, right now, I’m all for doing that to Ethan, but I don’t want to put Tobias through it.”
“Stay strong,” Harper said before walking away.
By the time Tobias arrived home, Casey was already sitting on the couch wearing old sweats with her hair in a messy bun. Re-runs of bad 80’s sitcoms were on the TV. It had started to rain, and gloomy grey skies outside the wall of windows were the perfect backdrop for her mood.
“Hey!” Tobias yelled in from the kitchen, “Did you eat dinner yet? I was going to whip something up.”
“I’m not really hungry. I’ve had a bowl of Captain Crunch.”
He chuckled, “Captain Crunch? Dinner of champions?”
She looked over and smiled, “It’s Wheaties, and it’s breakfast of champions!”
“Well, since you’re set up with your gourmet dinner, I’ll just heat up leftovers.”
“Then you’ll come to watch TV with me?”
“Sure, if that’s what you want.”
“I do. Do you have booze for me?”
Tobias smiled. Damn, she was still funny and so adorable, even when she was this down. He sometimes wondered how he didn’t see how amazing she was even sooner than he did. Of course, he reminded himself, he was a bit of an ass back then.
“I picked up a bottle of Bartenura Moscato. Will that do?”
She sat up at attention and twisted her neck toward him. “You remembered?”
“I try to take note of things that make you happy. Now, please tell me you don’t want this together with your ice cream?”
“I don’t,” she laughed, “but pour yourself a glass and join me. You are playing the role of Sienna this evening.”
“Oh, well, slow your roll right there, Sweetheart. I mean, I think pretty highly of myself, but there is no way I can fit those shoes.”
“Don’t worry, none of us can.”
“So,” he said as he placed the glasses of wine on the coffee table and sat next to Casey on the couch, “what are we watching.”
“Say Yes to the Dress.”
“Where was I unclear?”
“You want to watch a show… about selecting wedding gowns… while you’re getting over a breakup?”
“I’m unusual.”
“I mean… in a good way, but yeah, that’s weird.”
“OK, we’ll watch Grey’s Anatomy.”
“You don’t get enough of hospital drama at work?”
“Sure, I do. But have you ever watched it?”
“I can’t say that I have.”
“Well, Dr. Avery is hot as hell, and, frankly, I could use a little of that right now.”
“Really, let’s see this, Dr. Avery.”
Casey grabbed Tobias’s phone and pulled up a photo.
“Hmm. Gotta say, he’s one handsome SOB.”
“Tell me about it. Now, shhh… it’s on!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
After watching several episodes with only limited commentary, Casey shut off the TV.
“So, what did you think?” She turned to find Tobias sound asleep on the other end of the couch.
Casey picked up a pillow and tossed it at him.
“Tobias! You fell asleep on me!”
“What, uhm, only after the fourth episode.”
“I only played three.”
“How can I make it up to you?”
She just glared at him.
“I’ll go get the ice cream,” he smiled.
“You bring the pint with two spoons.”
“Well, if I got a half-gallon, do I do the same thing?”
“Yeah, even better. Aren’t you happy to be learning all these rituals?”
“Honestly, I don’t know how I went 37-years without them, Case.”
“You’re so lucky to have me!”
“So, you are doing, ok?” He said handing her the carton of ice cream, “I know it was a hard day.”
Casey signed and lowered her shoulders before shoving a giant spoon of ice cream into her mouth.
“I’m just sad, T. It’s hard to know… to know I did everything right, to know I gave all I could and, it was just… for nothing.”
“Well, I don’t think anything is ever for nothing. We gain something from everything we go through. Right now, you won’t be able to see it but, give it time. You will.”
“I wish I didn’t work with him.”
“Well, that’s a given. But you got through day one and, he does seem to want to make it easier on you. That’s something.”
“It is. You know, I feel like I need to do something enjoyable.”
“What, you mean this here tonight, it doesn’t meet your standards? I’m hurt.”
She giggled, “No, this is wonderful. But like a big day trip, with the whole gang.”
“Well, it’s fall… there are wineries, or a hike, or pumpkin picking, or….”
“Pumpkin picking!!!!!”
“Pumpkin picking?”
“OH, MY GOD? Will there be apple cider donuts?!?!?”
“Casey… Is that even a question?”
“OK, YES! We have to do this!”
“Well, then, let’s make it happen!”
“I am! I’m going to start the group text right now.”
“And I’m going to run and get changed. Put on another episode of Grey’s until I’m back. Let Dr. Avery keep you company?”
“Aw, T. Don’t get jealous. Dr. Carrick is much better company than Dr. Avery.”
15 minutes later, Tobias came back into the room.
“So, how’s the group text coming along?”
“Connors Farm in Danvers, Saturday. Sienna and Aurora are off, Bryce isn’t, but he thinks Tanaka will let him take a PTO day. Jackie said Dr. Meadows owes her a favor, so she’s going to see if they can switch, and Raf is double-checking, but he thinks he can make it too… so this motley crew is taking on the pumpkin patch.”
“I’ve never been to Connors,” Tobias pulled up the website on his phone, Casey peering over his shoulder.
“OMG T!! They have a bouncy house!!”
“You might be past the age limit, Casey.”
“You couldn’t just let me have that! Just for that, you’re now forced to join me in the corn maze!”
“Hey, I watched Grey’s with you. That’s a step up.”
“You’re not supposed to complain about my TV choices on a getting over a break-up night.”
“Sorry, dear, I don’t know all the rules. Put Grey’s on. I’m here for it.”
“I can’t wait for Saturday! It’s going to be a blast!”
Early Saturday morning, Casey was making breakfast in the kitchen with the phone to her ear.
“No, Mom, I definitely have off on Thanksgiving. Sienna does too, so if she can’t go home, she said she’ll come too.”
Tobias walked in, also on the phone. He nodded at Casey.
“I don’t know, Ma. I’m not really feeling Tahiti for the holidays. I’d like to stay a little closer to home this year. What? No, I am not dull. I’m a working doctor, not a retired nurse!”
Casey: “Well, I’ll try to get down before, Mom, but work’s crazy and… why don’t you and Dad come up to Boston for a visit?”
Tobias: “We’ll work it out. Aren’t you going to be in this area soon?”
Casey: “Mom, I have to go. I’m running late. Yes, I’ll send you a picture of my pumpkin. Love you, Mom.
Tobias: “I have to go, Ma. Yes, I did say a pumpkin patch. Why would I need to be drunk to do that? Ma, I gotta go. Love you too.”
“Your Mom thinks you have to be drunk to go to a pumpkin patch? What kind of pumpkin patch did you go to growing up?”
Tobias laughs, “Pumpkin patches weren’t exactly my family’s kind of thing.”
“Oh, crap!”
“I just got a text from Jackie. Dr. Meadows has a stomach bug, so she can’t go in to cover. She won’t be able to make it. That sucks.”
Ten minutes later, Casey received another text.
“Wonderful. Now Sienna is stuck working a double. She said she’ll see us at Donahue’s after.”
“Ah, sorry, Case. But the rest of us will still make this an epic adventure.”
Five minutes later.
“God damn it! That stomach bug must be working its way around because Aurora has it too. Now she can’t go. Well, me and the boy’s, I guess.
“Yeah, well, boys minus Raf. He just called me. Vovo’s doctor appointment is running late. But, he said he will do his best to meet us up there later.”
“Well, hopefully, we can spend at least part of the day with him. It is the three musketeers until then! It’s been a while since I have hung out with just you and Bryce, so it will actually be nice.”
“That’s the attitude. Let’s go get the car. We’ll drive over and pick him up.”
Fifteen minutes later, Tobias and Casey pull up to Bryce’s apartment building, but he’s not outside. Tobias calls him to let him know they’ve arrived. He hangs up and turns to look at Casey.
“Well, so much for the motley crew taking on the pumpkin patch.”
“What?” Casey groaned.
“His shower won’t stop running.”
“He has to stay until the super comes with the plumber. He’s also going to try to meet us, but so much for the crew heading out together. Case, what are you doing?” he asked when he saw her frantically tapping at her phone.
“Aha! Here it is! A yacht crew can be between one and six members. So, you and I still constitute a crew, so the motley crew is absolutely still taking on the pumpkin patch! And hopefully, we’ll get two more mates later.”
“Yeah, isn’t that what they call each other? Mates, maties, something like that.”
“Why don’t we stick to our names.”
“I’m down with that.”
“So, how far is this place?” Casey asked.
“According to GPS, about 35 minutes. Sorry, you’re saddled alone with me on the ride up. You’ve got to be getting sick of me by now,” he said semi-jokingly.
“Nah, not yet. Of course, I could say the same about you.”
“Absolutely not. You’re delightful.”
“Was that sarcasm?”
“No,” he laughed, “I mean it.”
“Hey, I’ve meant to talk to you, we’ve never really talked about me being at your place, and I guess we should.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, like, what are the house rules? And how do I contribute? Things like that.”
“House rules?”
“Yeah, like can I invite friends over? Do you have times you’d rather not have anyone there? What chores do you want me to pick up? Things like that and, also, I want to contribute. I’m not going to be living there for free.”
“Well, as far as rules go… it’s your home too, you can invite anyone over anytime you want. The place is big enough that we really wouldn’t bother each other if we wanted privacy and, I rarely have people over. Chores, I mean, you’ve been doing more than your share to begin with, so I don’t think we need a chart unless it would make you more comfortable.”
“I guess we can work it out. And I’d still check before bringing anyone over.” She hesitated for a moment, “And, you know, I don’t want to… impede on you… if you ever want to have… like a date over. You can tell me, I am sure I can crash with Bryce, or even the girls, for just one night. Heck, I could stay at work if need….”
“You don’t have to worry about that, Casey. Truth is, going out with Laura showed me, I’m really still not interested.”
“Really? She seemed cool. I liked her.”
“So did I.”
“So then, why not see her again?”
He looked at Casey and smiled sadly, “I’m still not ready Case. I’m… I’m still sort of hung up on the person I told you about.”
“Yeah, well… she’s special. She really got under my skin.”
“Well, I hope you can move on soon. I know it’s very different, but I kind of know how all this shit sucks right now, and I don’t want you to feel this way.”
He tapped her knee, “I don’t want it for you either, Sweetheart. I wish you weren’t going through all this.”
She formed a sad smile, “Thanks. But enough about that… I also want to know what I can contribute.”
“You don’t have to, Case.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Look, I’ve got money enough to spare, while you’ve got med school debt, you have to save up for when you want to be on your own… again, you don’t have to unless you want to… but I assume you will probably want to eventually.”
She stayed quiet, “I have to insist. I am not one to not do my part. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”
He looked over at her, almost annoyed, “Case, have you ever known me to do anything I don’t want to do? I mean, look, you’re my friend, and I care about you very much, but if I didn’t want you there, I’d tell you. You are not a burden.”
“In fact,” he continued a few moments later, “I’m finding that I like having you around.”
“Good,” she sounded relieved. “Because, even though this is a shitty time, I feel really at home there.”
A bright smile spread across his face, “I’m happy to hear that. Well, it looks like we’re here. What are we doing first? Hayride? Apple cider doughnuts?”
“Is that even a question?”
“So, let’s go find the doughnut stand,” he laughed.
The afternoon was delightful. To Tobias’s great amusement, Casey made her usual spectacle of herself lusting over her apple cider donut. They ran through (literally ran through) the corn maze and got very lost. It took them over an hour to get to the exit, Casey totally blamed him, and he totally blamed her. They were heading to the hayride when Tobias received a text from Bryce and Raf saying they heading up in an Uber. Bryce threatened them not to go on the hayride or pick any pumpkins without them. So, Casey and Tobias rode the Ferris wheel instead. They took silly and stupid selfies to kill time waiting. When Bryce and Raf arrived, Casey promptly smacked Bryce’s arm for making her wait so long to get on the hayride. The driver assumed Tobias was her boyfriend when they stepped onto the wagon with him. Bryce jokingly said that he was her boyfriend too. Raf joined in on the joke. Casey looked at the bewildered driver and said they were very open-minded as they all giggled. Once on the patch, they found an enormous, lopsided pumpkin with a twisted stem. It took three of them to carry (and one to photograph the three carrying it). Exhausted, they were getting ready to leave when Casey approached the operator at the bouncy house. The three men looked on, shocked and a bit scared.
“Hey, I know this is supposed to be for kids under 48 inches. And, yes, me and my friends over there are all a little over that height. But is there any way we can go in?”
The bewildered man stared at her, “Ma’am, I’d love to let you but….”
“But, I mean, there are no kids here. We wouldn’t go in with kids, just us. I promise, if we get too rambunctious, you can throw us out. Pleeeeeaaaaase?”
“But if you get injured….”
“Well, two of us are doctors, one is a physical therapist, and one is a surgeon. We’ll treat ourselves.”
“Well, OK, but only for five minutes.”
“That’s all we need!!!”
“Guys, come on!!!” she yelled.
Not one budged.
They shook their heads.
“Just give me a minute….” Casey said to the operator as she marched over indignantly.
“OK, I just convinced this man to let us in the bouncy house. You have to join me!”
“Casey, I treat people with bodily injuries. I don’t want to be one of the people with bodily injuries.”
“Seriously, Raf? You jumped out of a goddamn plane with me, but a bouncy house for 5-year-olds is too intense for you?”
“OK, Bryce, Tobias, let’s go.”
“Case, we’re going to Donahue’s after this. I am not messing with the hair.”
“Bryce, there are these things called combs and hair products? For real? You’re such a diva! OK, T?” She looked at him, eyes pleading.
“Case, I’m almost 40.”
“So, you don’t look it.”
“Well, some days I feel it.”
“Do you feel it today?”
“Pleeeeaaaase T? Don’t let me go in alone.”
“Don’t do it, man,” Bryce urged.
“Bryce, SHUT UP!” Casey admonished.
“T… it’ll be fun. Please?”
He sighed deeply, “OK, what the hell….”
Casey jumped up and down, clapping her hands. “Come on you two… last chance!”
“Oh, hell no! Now there is no way you’re getting me in there now. I am recording this and getting it on Snapchat… STAT!”
“You do and I’ll make you walk home, Lahela!” Tobias yelled as he entered the bouncy house.
Bryce shook his head.
“He is so freaking whipped.”
Raf spun his head to Bryce.
“Whipped? Wait, what?”
Bryce’s eyes bulged and his lips twisted when he realized what he just said out loud.
“Uh, I mean, because she’s his… friend… and you know, she’s staying with him, and since she is, uh, down about the breakup, he just will do whatever she wants.. yeah, that’s it.”
Raf eyed him suspiciously, “OK, if you say so?”
“Case, how the hell did you convince me to do this?” Tobias asked trying to keep his balance.
“Because you’re fun. You’re so much more fun than those two, and you know it.”
“Well, that goes without saying, but my brand of fun doesn’t usually involve… bouncy houses.”
“Well, then you’re in for a treat! Hold my hands in the center and start jumping.”
“This is insane.”
“Yes, it is,” she said as she started to jump and laugh.
Tobias got into it and jumped and laughed along with Casey until he lost his balance and fell. Casey, still standing, doubled over from laughing so hard. Sadly, that distracted her allowing Tobias to get up and jump with all his force in her direction, sending her toppling, but she grabbed his legs and pulled him down on the way. The two of them laid on the floor of the bouncy house laughing hysterically.
“Hey guys,” Bryce yelled from outside, “I got this all recorded for insurance purposes. You’ll be ok.”
“OK, I think we can go now,” Casey said panting.
“Giving up so soon, Dr. MacTavish?”
“It is quality, not quantity, that matters, Dr. Carrick, and that was epic. But I think I’m ready for a nap in the car and Donahue’s.”
“Me too.”
“You can’t nap. You have to drive.”
“You have a point… that’s why I’m giving Lahela the keys.”
“Oh, you’re brave enough to do that, but I had to beg you to get you into the bouncy house. I don’t get you, Carrick!”
A half-hour later, the four hay-covered friends sat in their booth at Donahue’s, their massive pumpkin plopped in the center of the table. Casey was a little glum.
“Hey, what’s the long face for?” Tobias asked.
“Jackie and Sienna can’t make it after all. I just miss them. I mean, I knew when our residencies ended and we were living apart we wouldn’t see each other as much, but they were like my sisters, and it’s harder than I thought.”
A few moments later, Tobias picked up his phone and text Sienna. He asked her to call him later that night, he had an idea.
Bryce returned to the table with their first round of drinks. A vigorous debate ensued over who would get to bring the pumpkin home.
“I found it. It should be mine,” Bryce insisted.
“Really Bryce? Did you lick it too! There are two of us at Tobias’s place, so we should get it. Also, it’s a trophy because we were brave enough to go in the bouncy house!”
“I never thought I’d hear the words brave and bouncy house in the same sentence,” Tobias muttered.
“What if we just cut it in four?” Raf asked. Everyone glared at him. “Yeah, not a good idea.”
Sometime in the middle of all their revelry, Ethan slipped into the bar. He kept watch over them out of the corner of his eye, but they were so engaged in their fight over the pumpkin, they didn’t notice his arrival.
“Well, I’m taking myself out of the pumpkin competition,” Raf said, standing up, “I think it was too much fresh air for me. I’m going to head home, I’m exhausted.”
“Lightweight,” Bryce yelled.
“OK, so before you go, in your opinion, who should get the pumpkin?” Casey asked.
“You should, Casey.”
“What? Why, Raf?”
“Because she’s the cutest one at the table.”
“First, that’s a lie,” Bryce said.
“Want to put it to a vote, Bryce?” Casey smirked.
“Just keep the pumpkin. I’m going to the men's room to sulk.”
“Geeze, Lahela, I’ll buy you another pumpkin if it means that much to you,” Tobias laughed.
While Bryce was gone, Casey and Tobias sat next to each other laughing at the pumpkin patch pictures on her phone.
They looked up when they thought they heard Bryce slide back into the other side of the booth and, to their astonishment, Ethan was sitting there.
“Uh, hey, Boss. How is it going?”
“Well. It sounds like you had a nice day. Impressive pumpkin.”
“Yeah, we went to the patch with Bryce and Raf,” Tobias answered.
“Casey,” Ethan said, nodding in her direction.
She stared at the table sadly, “Ethan, what.. what are you doing here?”
“Just thought I’d say hello.”
“Well, hi,” Casey replied.
“I just thought that… we all have to work together so, maybe we should try to….”
“Yeah, I can’t do that right now,” Casey said as she got up from the table, “excuse me.”
Tobias watched until he saw she was in the ladies room before speaking.
“Ethan. You, OK?”
“Yeah. I know I usually don’t come over here….”
“Actually, unless you have come with Casey, you have never come over here. What gives? Why tonight?”
Because it was driving me crazy watching her from the bar…
“I just figured… I want to try to move towards being friends. If we didn’t work together it would be one thing, but we do.”
“You know, down the line, that’s could be a good idea. But, right now, it’s too raw, Ethan. She is angry, hurt, shocked…she has to process this all. I don’t think she’s remotely ready to be your friend at this point.”
“Well, she certainly is ready to be yours.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Casey and I have been friends all along, and I didn’t just dump her out of the blue.”
Ethan shook his head, “Nothing. You’re right, it’s… too soon.”
“It is. Look, you want my advice, not that you ever take it. Just try to get to a good place professionally. She needs to get over you first.”
She needs to get over you. As much as Ethan said he wanted that, deep down, he never really thought it would happen. The thought of it was one thing, accepting the reality of it happening was another. It stung more than he expected.
“Well, I may surprise you, because I will take your advice. Text Casey. Tell her it’s safe to come back.”
He sild out of the booth and made his way back to the bar, passing a confused, and pissed-off Bryce on the way.
“What was that all about?”
“Truthfully, got me,” Tobias answered.
Casey hurriedly walked back to the table.
“T, are you OK if we leave,” she said.
Tobias felt his heart sink. All of the joy that had been on Casey’s face had disappeared and all he could do is think of how he could get it back. He was calling Sienna as soon as he got back home.
“Sure thing, Kid. Let’s roll. Lahela, it’s been real.”
“Sure has. Hey, Case,” he said, causing her to turn back, “stay strong, Hun.”
Once they exited the back door, Bryce looked at the pumpkin and tipped his drink to it.
“Well, it looks like it is just you and me. And, after a couple drinks, you’re coming home with me.”
Moments later, Tobias returned and struggled to lift the heavy pumpkin from the table.
“You seriously didn’t think she was going forget about this, did you?”
Bryce laughed, “Nah, it’s OK. It should go home with you guys anyway. Have a good night, Pal. I hope Casey feels better.”
With everyone gone, Bryce quickly downed the rest of his beer and decided to head home. He walked directly out the front door, walking right by Ethan.
Chapter 18 Sneak Peek
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