#so sorry if i'm not warming up so fast and prefer to avoid interacting with people too much
The strongest shape.
Ghost x Reader (y/n) x Soap.
Corporal Y/N Sanderson, alias Kamikaze. Yes, you're the young sibling of Gary 'Roach' Sanderson, you loved your brother, he was the best, you learned a lot from him, that's how you ended up in the army to feel a connection with your brother again. But you weren't expecting to find love on the way.
Warning: long and perhaps a bad story, the images are not mine credits of them to whoever they belong to, includes a lot of grammatical and spelling errors.
Daddy Tumblr hates me or something because every time I work on something that I previously saved, it's posted after I edited it! I haven't finished yet, chill out man!
Anyway, leave a heart ❤️ if you liked it. XOXO.
Press here to read Part 1
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It was early in the morning, really early; Simon gives a walk and smokes a cigarette before everybody starts the day, he likes the silence around the base, it's peaceful.
But today, he's not the only one awake. He's opening the principal door when you pass in front of him, you haven't noticed him, you're running too focused on the way, the headphones are in the maximum volume, so it's impossible to notice the big boy standing there.
Simon prefers it in that way, he can observe you,he noticed you had strange bracelets on your ankles and two others on your wrists, what are those things? He can ask you directly but he's a little bit shy. He's simply standing there, smoking and watching you, the way your hair moves, the way you breath and that look you have, very determined, he likes that, you wake up before everybody else, definitely you want to be here, you want to show that you belong here.
You stop in the middle of the way, how long has he been there observing you? You sigh and walk to him, you notice his body getting tense.
- Good Morning, Sir.
- Morning.
That's all? You smile at him in a friendly but somehow respectful way.
- Giving a morning walk before starting the training?
- Yes.
Uncomfortable silence filling the air, maybe it's time to say goodbye and pretend nothing happened.
- What's that on your wrists and ankles?
He pointed to your bracelets. He's very observant.
- Oh, hmm this is a bracelet with weight, you know since I'm not very muscular I have to win strength somehow, so I use them to that.
- hmmm... It's working I suppose.
- it is, I'm registering my time and km, I'm getting better. In case I have to run with a teammate over my shoulders I want to be as fast as possible to save us.
Once again, Simon stays in silence, so for you it's a signal to leave him alone.
- Well, it has been nice to talk a little with you Lt., I'll see you later.
You haven't realized what you did, but while you were saying goodbye you give little pats on Ghost shoulder. It's only until you're inside the building that you thought about your last interaction with that big man, after that you prayed for him having mercy on you and not think you were disrespectful.
But Simon felt something really strange, he wasn't angry, he was confused, your touch sent a warm feeling to his chest that quickly traveled to his stomach, he shivered, he tried to continue his morning ritual avoiding the thought of your voice and the feeling of your hand on his shoulder.
Running through the whole base trying to find the hall you collided with someone.
- Fuck, sorry... I'm late
- Just like Roach...
You stopped and looked back at the person you collided with. Soap's smile is hypnotizing you for a second, then your back to reality.
- I'm really sorry sir...
- Stop there! Don't be so polite Y/N, call me Soap or Johnny if you feel comfortable with it. Where are you going?
- I'm late for... breakfast...? I don't know where It is.
- I'm on the way too, we can go together if you don't mind.
- That would be great, thanks Sir... I mean Johnny.
You offer a kind and warm smile, fuck, Johnny never felt nervous around someone, he's always the one who just needs to smile to obtain whatever he wants, but with you he felt the red painting his cheeks.
- Alright, let's go Sanderson...
A walk full of silence, the last thing you need when you're nervous/ anxious. Soap notice you're biting your nails, he does it too but not in public, he knows what that means.
- So, Y/N, why you weren't with the rest of your teammates? I bet they already ate all they could find in the hall.
- Ah well, I run before the whole routine, it helps me to clear my mind, when I went back to the dorms no one was there so... Yeah probably I won't find anything but the crumbs of the breakfast.
Both laughed, the rest of the walk was a silly conversation about the food, once you're there he goes to his friends and you go to Foxy, lucky you, Foxy saved a plate for you.
Today, after that not so bad meal, you and your teammates are sparring, Gaz is showing you some movements, giving you warnings and advice about the hand to hand combat.
McNabb is one of the biggest opponents, he's muscular but slow. He barely moves, you've been observing him, he doesn't move to waste energy, he just lets the opponent approach and then hits to knock down.
Price, Ghost and Soap are just observing all of you while Gaz talks and interacts with all of you.
McNabb definitely is in the zone, he feels powerful.
- Can I be the next?
Suddenly all eyes are on you, Soap is ready to say no, he's clearly confused, are you insane? Why would you want to fight against that giant? But Price just stops him, putting his hand over his chest and neglecting with the head, meanwhile, Ghost's eyes are full of terror, you're so small, he's sure you will be sent to the emergency room at the first chance.
Gaz doesn't say a word, he simply nods but you can see it too, he's worried. Some of your companions whispered and talked about you, you try to avoid the anxiety that is trying to invade you. Foxy as always has a bright and proud smile for you, that always sends you a boost of bravery.
- Kamikaze, I can see why that codename, this will be a suicidal mission for you. But I have a better nickname for you, Noodle!
He laughs scandalously, you don't pay attention to the comment. You have been observing him, you have to be sure and be smarter than him, it can be easy.
- Alright big boy, less talk and more hits.
Before he can process your words you give him a quick punch on his right cheek, he doesn't understand why he couldn't see that coming.
He doesn't move yet, so you continue hitting and provoking him, after some failed punches to you he starts to move. Of course you already received some punches, and there's some blood coming out of your mouth and nose, but you learned something, his strength is not as you thought, you confirm he's slow so your advantage is your speed.
The room is in silence, the only sound is you and McNabb breathing, some bad words and the sound of punches. The giant is finally exhausted and clearly frustrated, for you that's the signal you've been waiting for. McNabb runs to you, you avoid his last punch while you stunning him with your palms colliding in his ears, he steps back and that's when you use all your strength and gives him a final kick on his chest, he loses his balance and falls on the floor, he's not unconscious but definitely exhausted.
You offered him your hand to help him to stand up meanwhile, Ghost and Soap exhale with relief, you survived.
Price looked at these men with an undescribable look and simply says to them.
- And That's why Kamikaze ended up here.
Some applause and comments about how everybody thought you wouldn't make it, everyone except for Foxy, the only person aware of your capacities.
By the end of the day, you decided to not join for dinner, you were out, taking some air. But you missed the small interview or interrogation that the 141 made to your comrades.
- So... Rivers, tell me, Why or how Sanderson won that codename?
- Please call me Foxy, Sir. And it's a long story, I would prefer if you hear it directly from Kamikaze.
-Give us your version of what happened that day Foxy...
- Alright, the resume or the short version is that Y/N risked all to save me and another friend. It supposed it would be a very easy mission for our unit full of rookies but everything went wrong. Our sergeant ordered Y/N to explode the building with me and our friend inside, we were captured, But... Sanderson decided to save us, fighting against a man a little bit smaller than McNabb. Sanderson received a bullet on the shoulder, some injuries but survived and saved us and on the way did what the sergeant wanted, the building and all the evidence exploded, we survived except for O'Brien, our friend, he didn't make it, but that didn't stop Y/N, who carried O'Brien with us until we arrived to the rendezvous, once at the base y/n went directly prosecuted but obviously, the case ended well for Sanderson because is here and didn't lose the job.
- Definitely, Sanderson loves the danger...
- indeed, that's why I gave that codename... Sanderson would give is own life just to save the world, not many people would do that, just crazy people like my dear, Kamikaze.
Price didn't say anything, he already knows the story, he read the report about it, but the other three men were in silence, Gaz quickly filled that silence changing the conversation and talking about the observations he had for Foxy and some other guys.
But Soap and Ghost, in a strange unspoken conversation agreed once again that you're more than what you let them see. Just like Roach, you wouldn't let a man behind, no without use up every opportunity to save him first.
Ghost found out the connection of your desire of being fastest and strongest. He knows the feeling of losing people you care about and the eternal desire to go back in time to make everything different to save them. Soap feels more intrigued by you, what more do you hide? You're fascinating, you're beautiful, you have courage, you're smart, what else? He needs more of you.
Both want more of you.
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bullfinch-lover · 10 months
I know it sounds silly, but I'm actually very much afraid to make friends and/or mutuals in the natm fandom, because of the terrible harrasment and bullying I had to face in the previous fandom I was in. I was sent threatening messages, slandered and outright made terrible lies about. I haven't recovered from it and it's only been 2 months since I had to leave the fandom and deactivate my old account so the harrassers would leave me alone.
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obsessionsposts · 3 years
🇳🇴Yan!Nyo!Norway with a Magical! Fem! Country!s/o🇳🇴:
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Tw: Manipulations, gaslighting, war, violence, slight power complex, unhealthy relationships, violence, objectification, delusional thoughts and monopolize, etc....
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Ah, Norway. One of your favoured places around the world, due to its mystical nature and enticing history. Not to mention, Camilla was and will always be the reason for your frequent visits to her country. Alongside the fact, that both of you are allies for eons.
One of the reasons that bonded you with her, is that you were innately sensitive to the presence of supernatural creatures and your interest of mysticism.
It all took place in 1231 AD, when a young girl with flowing (h/c) that cascades her shoulder and a warm (e/c) that are filled to the brim with curiosity ventured into her lands. At first, she was skeptic of your intentions but that changed as fast as her air currents.
To her, the fact you were aware of the creatures that hid behind nature made you special. Not everyone-especially her idiot søster-, are capable to witness such creatures without fearing their lives or commenting obnoxious remarks.
Instead, she saw you mesmerized and fascinated with the elves. And that fact, you interacted with them without any ulterior motive.
Since then, you become her new point of focus. Maybe....you're not as bad as the others. Plus, she found another girl who shares the same interest as her. So, she took the chance to form a political and romantic platonic relationship with you.
As time passed by, Camilla's bond with you skyrocketed as you both showcased your abilities, hidden dreams(outside your duties as a country) and open hearts to each others. Now, all that's left is for you to become hers...
Camilla Bondevik is a precise, calculating and 'has a stoic approach to life' kind of women. Unlike her male counterpart, she is a bit warmer. Which eases the manipulating romantic process significantly.
Rather being direct and risk her relationship with you, she'll begin to play the puppeteer with you. However, you must understand that you mean the world to her. Thus, you'll understand her actions..... And if you don't, she'll force make you!
Anyway, Camilla decided to lure the female country with the premises of experimenting new type of magic and exploring the vast enchanting lands of hers that houses all sorts of creatures. Her main goal of attracting the (h/c), is to slowly entrap her in her country without her awareness. Afterall, war is such a fickle thing she'd rather avoid. So, she'll have to be patient for her plan to work. She is willing to wait a century, if it means that she'll get you in the long run.
"Don't worry, Freyja. We have much to explore if you're up to it. It would be a shame, if we did not uncover the mysteries of Alfheim. Also, it would do great harm to our diplomatic relations wouldn't you say?"
Another thing to note, is that she'll keep an eye in your magical abilities. On one hand, she wants to tutor you in the arts of magic to see what you'll create. But, Camilla paranoia is picking her mind apart. Will you use it against her? Will you run from her? No, No. That simply won't do.
In this phase, her possessive nature will be bare for the eyes to see due to the rising fear that you may leave her like her damn younger søster. This is your last chance for you to take action, before you get retracted back to her.
At this point, Camilla knew what she's doing is irrational but she can't help it. You're filling the aching void in heart, that her sister left. From this point on, her actions becomes progressively aggressive until you are subdued.
She'll monopolize you, if she has to. Whether diplomatically, by anonymously spreading rumors about you funding terrorists in multiple nations. To which, it results in numerous countries cutting relationship ties with you forcing you to depend on her.
If that didn't deter you, then be prepared for war(which is her last resort)and mind you it's not a fair one either. She'll have the other nordics nation to back her up, so it will be 5 vs 1. Unless you have reliable allies or powerful forces, you'll be physically and mentally cornered. Just like how she prefers it.
A scared little animal cornered by a large predator. She won't deny it, but it gives her the satisfaction and power to see her s/o in such comprising positions. It has been so long since she has been in control.
And, so long you are (c/n). Now, you are simply a colony of your former delusional friend. Your history is shadowed by her. Whatever she says, it goes. Afterall, Camilla knows what's best for you! Even if she made a sea of carcasses out of your people, to prove that you desperately need her for protection that she's willingly to give.
"Shhh, no need to cry. I'm here. Afterall, we were bond by the fates to be together. As long as you're with me, I'll give you everything you desire and I'll protect you. Min elskede."
A/n: Sup, it has been a while. Sorry for that, I had alot of things to do and I was burned out. Anyway, I have some news for you.
First, I've got accepted at CS department in my University. 😁
Second, Historical Hetalia is acceptable if you want to request(if I opened the request) from them.
Third, Hetalia OC's are fine as well. Ex: Albania, Armenia, etc...(any nation that didn't appear in hetalia).
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mewnia · 4 years
I'm just wondering, now that you've played a little of crestoria (I assume from your meme) how much your opinion of the game has changed? I remember you answered it when it was announced and you weren't very fond of yuna and vicious designs
Oh! I faintly recall answering an ask about it, yes. Let’s see, that’s easy to find. The previous ask is here!
After reading my answer from 2019, I still agree with a few things. BUT! I also disagree with my statements from before and present you with new statements. This will be a rather long post because now that I’ve experienced the game so far (to the chapter that I meet Luke) I have some thoughts. 
“I wouldn’t mind seeing what the plot is!”
I agree! The plot honestly has me hooked, I love its concept and it certainly came out with perfect timing relating to “cancel culture” that we’re having problems with today. The only downside I’ve had with it is the inclusion of previous Tales characters every now and then. I don’t like that Milla and Velvet show up for a few seconds and then just leave without anyone questioning it too much. And they never mention them again?? Not to mention they totally drop Cress the moment we think he’s dead. I don’t think Kanata’s said anything to even hint at any grievance of Cress. Leon I don’t mind, he’ll probably come back. And this next Luke plot feels like the main cast is the side cast.
Oh that Reid plot was a thing. I totally forgot about it!
I understand there are side quests to answer some of these questions, but the fact that the MAIN CHARACTERS don't think too much about it doesn’t sit right with me. 
“Character designs I’m…not too excited about?”
I agree and disagree with this statement I’ve previously said. Before I said they don’t feel unified. I still agree with this, but I’ve found it aids the overall inclusion of other franchises in the mix. There’s a huge cast of different designs, might as well do the same to the main cast. 
HOWEVER, regarding Vicious, I’ve warmed up to his design. It expresses his personality really well that I can’t see him in much of anything else. This is a very opposite feeling I have for Velvet who I think was designed solely for the purpose of “looking edgy and hot” and not actually taking into account her personality then make excuses for it in the game. So Vicious is off the hook for me. Mostly!
Yuna is still a bit on my red flag list, I haven’t gotten to know her too well. I still hate the boobs and the kimono pencil skirt. But now there’s the accent. I will be completely honest. I can’t read her lines. I’ve taken a couple French classes so I know what she’s saying, but otherwise it’s really annoying. Currently, it just feels like another way to make her sexy. 
But I now have new nitpicks. Kanata’s design is messy, I’ve thought this since day one but it wasn’t as much of a problem for me until I saw his sprites. The bandage on the hand is useless?????? “Oh it’s to cover his symbol” but Misella and Aegis have their symbol covered by their clothes and it still shows through?  I have things about Kanata. And Misella.
I. Don’t. Understand. Why Misella kept the dress from Kanata’s horrible father? Every friend I know that has trauma (be it sexual or not) gets rid of every single item or piece of entertainment--ANYTHING that person interacted with. Completely gone and avoided. I also don’t know how that trash bag of a human being saw it as attractive. It’s messy and is obviously torn apart (well actually there’s some weird kinks for that), and the only thing really keeping it together is the color scheme. If I don’t look too into it, the design is fine. But there are aspects that annoy me.
And One Extra Criticism 
This ones more of a personal preference... The game is a solid game! And I think it focuses enough on gacha stuff but not forcing it in your face. (I’m waiting until they start collaborating with other franchises, though...) My personal downside to it is that it’s a mobile game. They can’t do as much without a console, so sometimes the skit visuals are limited with what they can do. There have been a few times that I wasn’t quite sure what just happened. 
Also, the announcements popping up unannounced does not agree with my phone. I have a weak phone and weak wifi where I am... So the game can crash on me just from the announcement popping up alone. Imagine having multiple announcements in a row, too. 
And the final thing for me to say is... as good as the plot is with keeping me entertained, the combat does make it get very...boring.... The combat is fun at first! And I love seeing the different moves of different characters. But I personally hate turn-based fights, especially repetitive ones. The fact that they have autoplay and fast-forward buttons shows that they know the battle system can get boring and tedious. Boss fights are at least a little better because you’re more on your toes with trying to keep your characters alive and ganging up on damage before the next turn. But... whenever I see that there’s no story audio, I feel a little disappointed. 
But like I said, this last one is more of a personal preference than an actual criticism. 
I hope this suffices for an answer! Sorry it’s kinda long... And the last thing I want to say is that I really do like Tales of Crestoria! I’ve played it every night when I don’t get lost in Tiktoks... And it’s very fun to see the characters interact with their situations. The plot is also kind of easy for me to predict. Not in a bad way! It just means I look forward to if I’m ever surprised or they take a different turn. 
So compared to when I first heard about it to now, it really has exceeded my expectations. 
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