#so these two r reaper and muse until I can think of better names for them
minionwater · 2 years
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concepts of some supporting cast star crossed lovers for D★SENT >:3 design notes in tags!
#so these two r reaper and muse until I can think of better names for them#essentially they’re a grim reaper and a guy who can’t stop reincarnating. and unfortunately they r in love#i have no idea if they’ll get together at this point but they see each other for like fifteen minutes every once in a while#yknow. whenever muse dies#reaper’s design is based off skeletons you find in the forest - nature and calming death essentially. decay as a form of life#those silver bands r all centipedes#muse is based off fancy candles - the everlasting endurance of fire. you can put it out but it comes back#as for personality in design language#reaper is based off sad drunk girls in the bathroom at parties who give the best advice but hate themselves too much to see they’re so full#of life and general exuberance#and muse is based off the song ‘the cat came back’ which I was forced to sing in elementary school n thought I made up for a decade somehow#if I have to think about the cat came back for 10+ years straight. so do you#reaper is calm enough. she shows up to dying people in projections as a guide - taking the form of their most comforting memory a la black p#arade. muse is so fucking sick of being alive at this point but they can’t resist the draw of art anyway - after all that’s what they keep b#eing pulled back for#they’re much more tricksterish than reaper. at this point they kinda don’t have morals anymore tbh. but morals r a very loose concept in thi#s world anyway. they just deal with being alone much differently than reaper does. she pushes it down and they bring it forth#also the design language for dsent is that only the dead have uncovered faces. something about it being the purest form of truth#so reaper’s face is uncovered for obvious reasons. but muse’s face is partially stripped away to show just how many times they’ve seen truth#and come back anyway. for everyone else it’s one and done yeah.#there’s also their face being stripped away for the lasting impact of art beyond death even after a person n their body r gone#original character#oc#character design#sander ocs#sanders art tag#dsent#D★SENT
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cavernovs · 4 years
Jakoris “Jack” Davenport
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NAME: Jakoris Davenport GOES BY: Jack, Ripper, The Better Davenport AGE / D.O.B: November 8th,  [ 267 yo ] FACECLAIM: Chris Wood GENDER & SEXUALITY: Cis-male, depends on the day. HOMETOWN: Whitechapel, London.  CURRENTLY: Darklands SPECIES: Vampire ROLE: Vizier
[triggers: murder, blood, mutilation, serial killer, violence.]
There’s a darkness behind blue eyes; an ocean that roars like a lion and a vicious tendency hidden in azure hues. Such eyes look black in the night, a deep lull that eats away at all the innocence that ever was and a sickening smile that matches the flickering abyss that flashes on twisted features. There’s a man in there somewhere; something resembling a human being, stalking the nights of what people used to call London streets. A lit cigarette in hand and gutter thoughts in mind.
It’s never just a calm stroll in the late hours, there’s never tranquillity; neither his mind nor intentions are at peace. Jakoris wants them to be, but he knows it’s a lost war trying for it. So he never does. Like a broken tick in his mind, something dark calls to him, reminds him to bring knives for the night; tells him to play reaper until dawn breaks. And he does.
Jack’s not a likeable man, more monster than anything else. A predator that favours nice woman, alone in the roads - offering services in exchange for paper; coins. A sick man that offers no mercy for those who look better in red.
Ask him what happens to a kidney if you slice it open, press that blade hard enough into a stomach that the splitting of flesh sends blood bursting through the seams. If something’s hit well, then there might be screams too.
Ask him, he’d dare you to. Let him tell stories of how they deserved it, that they asked for such an end that only the luxury of a blade could give. Drawn by his hand, slaughtered like cattle in the city streets. Because if you ask him, he might offer you that end too.
And someone did; a woman more vicious than he ever could be asked. And Jack died.
That was two centuries ago.
Years pass differently in death, they don’t seem to matter. There’s no value to them and Jack never cares about knowing where time has taken him. A man so good at killing that when he’s given opportunity to do it better - he thrives from it. But he never did ask for it. Jessica Davenport his end as well as his new beginning. A woman so like the ones he used to put blades in, now holding unprecedented power over him, bettering him in ways he never figured he could be. He’s never known parenthood; can’t even recall if he had parents, he knows everyone does - but he never actually had them, he doesn’t remember much in the past when he comes to think of it. Just snippets of what used to be. 
He’s never forgotten, or forgiven that his mind snaps into something from nightmares when he’s triggered by whoreish behaviour. Whether its stemmed from a blacked-out memory, he doesn’t know, but he becomes volatile and virulent in its presence. Jessie being an unavoidable exception; he can’t deny her a thing and mostly, he doesn’t really want to. An unwavering respect for her, despite her methodology in her position. Jack’s right there beneath her in the ranking. Where’s she’s the conduit for them all, he’s vicious in other ways. A team that could rival the world if they were given motivation. 
With death however, comes consequences that aren’t all enacted by his own hands. And with shaky alliances, enemies of the undead that haunt the nights; the daytimes when they cannot meet the sun; bring untimely ends to those creatures that are known to be oh too good at making meals of those with beating hearts. Jack doesn’t remember too much about how he came beneath human captivity, some kind of POW in a battle he doesn’t even recall diving into. Not that it mattered, the man’s too good with pain; likes it like he enjoys a good wine. 
Revels in a it, enjoys it like only a twisted masochist could. Even as a subject of whatever humanity’s science took them a century or so ago - he can’t quite remember, but he knows that ever since, he’s broken his self-appointed rule of never procreating. Though, that creation had nothing to do with him besides the stolen blood in human experimentation; locked into a bond to a man he didn’t choose to turn and bring into his ranks. 
So in denial about it; refuses to ever acknowledge its existence. Lets the monster he created at on its own actions; Demitri would never know, never understand the bond that ties them and presses Jakoris traits into him without even realising. The one loose end he has no way of fixing without bloodshed. His justifications; it feeds the masochist within. 
Jack’s usually a well-spirited individual, he doesn’t exude the psychopath that lives beneath his flesh; the cold of his skin, the dangerous grin he wears like the Cheshire Cat the first tells that he’s not all the rational; human being that people probably wish he was. But if you ask him the right (or wrong) questions, that smile darkens; those eyes redden and those teeth sharpen. He’ll play the games asked of him, be a good Vizier and he’ll relish in every opportunity presented to him. He doesn’t have automatic hatred for anything - not really, but he’s not all that favourable of anyone either. Much like his maker, gain his interest, win him over and he’ll be your greatest asset. 
Lose his interest; you’ll wish he never caught wind of you. 
JESSIE DAVENPORT / Maker, Ride Or Die, Unofficial Wife, Vampire. MALCOLM “MAL” DAVENPORT / Friend in Arms, Vampire. DEMITRI DAVENPORT / Secret Protégé, Vampire. EVANORA BILE / Best Friend, Witch.
Nobody besides Jessie knows his name is Jakoris, nor does anyone get away with calling him Ripper besides her, though, test the theory if you like. She’s his maker and they’re solid. 
If Jessie knows someone - the likelihood is, Jack knows of them too. 
He really really, really loathes ‘easy’ woman; give him a challenge; a chase; he does not do well with women throwing themselves at him if he knows they’re (a) trying to use him, (b) thinking he’s any more merciful than others. He can be, but not for them. He’ll snap.
Frequents Bite Club himself and when Jessie’s dragging him there. 
He’s loyal to the hierarchy, but doesn’t appreciate weakness. 
If you can surprise him - he’ll like you, usually.
Again, don’t call him Jakoris or Ripper. It’s just Jack, he’ll accept The Better Davenport also. In fact, he’ll probably be more inclined to like you with that being his introduction. 
Jessie will correct that statement if she ever hears it.
He will irritate the hell of you before you accept that it’s going to be that or eternal torment.
He’s not related by blood in any way to Jessie - she just gives her prodigies her surname; it’s more like a marriage thing; open relationship style?
Jack’s got some heavy strips of scarring along his backside from an old reprimand that got messy; don’t ask him about it, he’ll probably stab you if he can’t bite you for it.
Often knows how to silver-tongue out of most situations; something picked up from his maker; watch him, he’s a  h y p o c r i t e. 
Like, biggest hypocrite going; doesn’t like whores; is basically the epitome of one when he masters the art of balancing pain and pleasure; he’ll threaten it, you’ll like it. 
Turns everything into a joke, 99% of the time. 
Will play the game of ruses, but has every ability to shred you to pieces if you test him.
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unheimlig-blog · 6 years
Hey in light of that previous anon, would you be okay with sharing some of the things you like about your ships with Ramona? :)
This is cute!!! Yes, of course! I'll go by some of our main ships! ' V ' 
All of them are special to me tbh. I’d talk about all of them too, but I think just keeping it down to three would be an idea. 
I do believe I should start by talking about Ramona herself though. I will say it time and time again-- She’s a kind, generous person who absolutely means the best. Listen, someone who has a million different Pusheens cannot be a bad person. That’s the Pusheen guarantee. Her writing is likewise excellent, and I love each muse she creates. She’s also talented and creative, to the point where it puts everyone I know to shame. 
 As someone who’s gone through a tonne of shit over the years, I have struggled with certain things in my life. She has, in her own way, been able to push me towards a better direction. The rest is now in my hands and I fully plan on taking advantage and turning my situation around whilst I can. She’s done for me what my parents couldn’t.
 I appreciate her both as a person and as a friend and am genuinely saddened that some people seem so keen on being cruel to her or attempting to attack her through me-- Believe me when I say I won’t listen. I don’t care if she has a million different ships with me. She can keep asking for them and I will keep allowing it because I enjoy it. I have fun. That’s all that matters in the end. No anon can change this. If you’re going to be rude, then don’t bother saying it to my face because I won’t acknowledge it. 
I’m also very excited and nervous to visit her in December. I hope we can get along in real life as well as we do online and that she can cope with my pointless chattiness once I start. 8|c
Anyway! The ships! 
 The obvious one to start with is the ship we’ve plotted for around a year and a half, which is between @white-reaper and my Take Hirako. This one will always, always hold a special place in my heart. They were both, in their own way, a little bit stunted emotionally at the start. Kishou because he was forced to kill from a young age, Take because he was forced to grow up too quickly. They were also both extremely touch deprived. But they get through that. They open up to each other and quickly learn to trust the other without question. I think the saddest part about the ship is the fact Take knowingly goes into it, knowing Kishou is eventually going to die. To see the world Kishou desires, to give his partner what he wants-- He’s going to have to let the person he loves the most go. It’s sad. Very sad. Ofc, we do find a way around it like we always do, but. Those years alone whilst he’s gone are terrible for Take. It gets to the point where he adopts a kitten and names it after Kishou in one of our verses, even if he’d previously disliked them.
This is the ship with over 20 AUs in it, each one extremely different and interesting. Honestly, they’re like a video game or a book you really, really love and don’t want to ever put down/to end. I absolutely adore them. I adore their silliness, I adore their sweet moments. I adore how they never give up and always come back to find each other. That’s not something you can often find.
The second one I’d like to talk about is the one on this blog! There’s two of them, but the one with @immerwahrend is the one I wish to talk about here. We’ve only just started plotting them out, but I’m already enjoying them immensely. They have a similar loyalty thing going on like Kishou and Take, only I’d say it runs a little deeper than that in regards to Frankenstein. This is a man who has devoted his life to him, spending 820 waiting and searching for him. He sets up a school for Raizel so he can experience life as he wanted. It’s incredibly touching. 
They’re also, might I add, extremely dorky and ridiculous together. Between Frankenstein clapping when Rai managed to open the door and Rai clapping when Frankenstein made the perfect pancake [ okay, the latter is rp related bUT SHHHH ], it’s hard to overlook. That said, they also have their serious moments. I think once we develop them past the whole ‘Master’ thing Frankenstein has going on, they’re going to be an incredibly sweet couple. I’m excited to see where they’ll go over the next few months!!!
The last one I want to talk about is the one with @inter-se-solus and my Renji! They’re another ship who are still gradually going through development, but h o ne stly. Look, they’ve adopted a kitten and Renji named it ‘Poof’ because of his excellent naming skills, how can you not like that? They’ve gone through a lot like the others have too [ we like that kinda ship it seems ]. It took them until they were in their later 30′s to confess to each other because they’re both so emotionally stunted-- Even more so than Kishou and Take. LIKE. UTA MISTOOK HIS LOVE FOR WANTING TO EAT RENJI. And Renji just never spoke about his affections for Uta until the very last moment. lIKE?? GUYS, PLEASE. WHAT R U DOING.
They’re hard not to love, even with their mASSIVE flaws because they’re both BLIND. I want to kick them, honestly. Gently. Okay, maybe not gently, but you get the idea. May those two live in the happiness they deserve bcs it’s about damned time. 
Thank you for sending this in, anon! And sorry if I got a little annoyed when replying to that other anon last night. I hope I didn’t come off as too aggressive. ; v  ;  Much love to you! ♡♡♡
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