#some of them have literal purple & blue faces we're not playing this game
bumbleblurr · 2 years
blurr is so asian. To me
#ok to be clear to ppl who may nof know i am chinese sjhdkfjfk#mixed race asian actually but im not. discussing that on my robot blog this is not the place for that#i just think asian blurr humanformer is swag bc... heehee hes just like me fr :]#seeing white man blurr it just. it doesn't feel right to me#ESPECIALLY when they make his skin so pale its literally paper white like does this man ever go outside-#i understand that blurrs robot design does have literal white plating for his face but consider this. who give a shit#some of them have literal purple & blue faces we're not playing this game#besides the fandom already has this problem of considering white to be the default#legit saw. this exchange on twitter#abt someone calling out an artist for making the majority of their humanizations white while only. jazz was the only non white person#i think they even made windb1ade white which. :| ok#and another person defended them by saying there ''arent even that many poc characters''#like wdym theyre all robots how can u say theyre white . its you who is defaulting them as white bc u think thats the norm :///#anyway thats my off hand rant of the day#summary. blurr is asian bc i want him to be and i think its cool :]#other characters that have the asian badge of honor to me (that i can remember rn): pr0wl‚ j@zz‚ shocky‚ w1ndblade of course#dare i say. roddy also :]#OH wheeli3 too hes my little cousin who loves dinosaurs#(i actually have a little cousin who loves dinos so i think of wheeli3 in the same way)#my interpretation of him is largely based on my lil sis & my lil cousins so he has to be asian as a result. sorry i dont make the rules#ok ok thats all im going to say on this its already becoming incoherent#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦
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Ship Song Tag Game!
(do we have a name for this I dunno that sounded so awkward)
I’ve had a week, but I’ve been looking forward to sharing my favorite Redacted songs! Thank you, @bratty-telepath , for the tag 💜
I didn't care much how long I lived/ But I swear I thought I dreamed her/ She never asked me once about the wrong I did
Erik tried to kill my Alexis/Christian dreams, but too bad, I’m a Pisces. Y’all know not the escapist denial I am capable of. I love all Hozier songs, but I especially love listening to this from Alexis’s point of view, her being at her deepest and lowest and being loved no matter what.
I ask if you play D&D/ And your face lights up like you've woken up/ From this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you/ This is us, this is me and this how we're meant to be
This is the Freelancer/Lasko song, and it’s also just so beautiful. It’s literally about two awkward, lonely people breaking through societal convention and small talk and getting to the real parts of each other; I love it.
Hi/ I'm your friendly neighborhood poltergeist/ Nobody ever looks at me twice/ I'm used to being see-through/ But it feels so bad when it happens with you/ Wish you'd see me the way I see you
This is just Regulus pining before he reveals himself to Doll, and it’s so good.
You were red and you liked me 'cause I was blue/ But you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky/ And you decided purple just wasn't for you
My favorite Marcus/Love song. I actually based some of my Love design off this song where their eyes are a glowing, bright, cybernetic blue before the code activation and pink during it. After the osmium undone, their eyes stay purple and can’t be changed back.
But here's a map, here's a shovel/ Here's my Achilles' heel/ I'm all in, palms out/ I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin/ I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
This is a song specifically about Type 8 Enneagram, which I do think Sam and Darlin both are, about having had to be strong and tough and solid your whole life and having the courage to be soft and vulnerable with the people who love you. It’s also gorgeous, it really builds.
They don't know you/ Not like I do/ Only you and I were meant to be
I love a good, heckin yandere song more than the next person, and this one is my favorite. It fuckin bops and is a great Ivan/Baby song.
Take me back to the night we met/ And then I can tell myself/ What the hell I'm supposed to do/ And then I can tell myself/ Not to ride along with you
Now hear me out- Listen to this song. Imagine it from Sam’s perspective. Imagine it from Alexis’s. Think about how they’re both different but both so sad, and get back to me. It’s haunting and melancholy, and I love it.
Get hitched in a chapel in Vegas/ Maybe get rich, life is a craps game/ And I take my cue, from you/ On what you wanna do 'bout a last name/ It's not so bad to be a Watsky
A fun song I really like that I think also works for Vincent/Lovely. It just kind of gives the vibe of him knowing that they’ve been through a lot, that this isn’t how he wanted their love story to go, but he’s in, he’s behind them and so is his whole family.
You could kill me and you should/ I'm an idiot for thinking/ This was anything but blood/ On the wall, on the couch/ On the corner of my mouth/ You must like being the victim/ You've done nothing to get out
Quinn and Darlin’s “dalliance” was almost definitely really toxic and bloody and sexy, and this is the soundtrack to it, and I want to see it.
Then I see you, you're walking 'cross the campus/ Cruel professor, studying romances/ How am I supposed to pretend/ I never want to see you again?
I am going to put a Bee/Lasko song on here, because I am the controller of my destiny and my blog. Lasko is the cutest dude on the DAMN campus, and I just like making my little empathy daemon pine for him it’s sweet~
Tagging: @k9rage @angelnoodlesoup @just-call-me-angel and anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet!
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halfway-happyyy · 3 years
She’s My Kind Of Girl
AN: this started as an idea of the lovely @bskarsgardlove92‘s and i kind of just rolled with it! i hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is welcomed and appreciated! 
synopsis: Alex dresses in drag to attend a costume party with his girl, as one half of Swedish superband, ABBA! Absolute fluff ensues!
“Though you may hail from a long and distinguished line of inexplicably talented thespians, I know you well enough by now to recognize when you're not telling me something.”
Alexander passed a serviette over the front of his mouth and swallowed back a bite of salmon, cocking an eyebrow in amusement. “I beg your pardon?”
She sipped deeply from her glass of chilled wine, and cocked her head to the side, eyeing him. “Don’t play coy with me, Alex. You were on the line with Eija when I came into the kitchen. That glint in your eyes says so much and then nothing at all in equal measure.”
“One could almost say that you know me too well, kid.”
"Almost," She grinned around the delicate rim of her glass. “Now spill it, Skarsgård.”
Alexander leaned back against the oak chair, dangling a long arm over the back of it. “Dad’s seventieth birthday is next month. Eija’s hosting a party back home for him, and she wants us to be there.”
She thought fondly of Alexander’s father often; he had been one of the first faces of his family that she’d had the privilege of meeting when her and Alexander had started taking things a little more seriously. Where her own father figure had been virtually non-existent most of the time, she was blessed to have such a wonderful father-in-law in Stellan. He was such an integral part of their lives that the thought of not returning home to Sweden to celebrate him was almost too much to bear.
“I’ll look into flights tomorrow morning. What kind of get together is it? I would imagine knowing Eija as I do, that she's got something wonderful up her sleeve?”
Alexander's lips curved up into a devilish smirk and he cocked his head to the side.
“She's hosting a costume party.”
There it was…
“God, I can only imagine the ideas that beautiful mind of yours has already dreamed up.”
Alexander tipped the rest of his wine into his mouth, his blue eyes glittering mischievously in the low light from the dining room lamp. “Hm, you know how much dad loves ABBA…”
It was the precise tone of his voice that she reckoned prepared her for what was coming next. “Oh boy,” She giggled under her breath.
“Well, I propose that we go as Björn and Agnetha.”
She mulled the thought of it over in her head, and then an idea swam into her mind's eye that caused a smirk similar to her other half's to tug the edges of her lips skyward. “I'll do it on one condition, my love.”
His eyebrow lifted in intrigue. “I'm all ears.”
“I will do it if I can be the Björn to your Agnetha.”
His laughter- utterly loud and booming, filled every square space of their home with a warm and joyous sound. When it subsided, he leveled his gaze with hers and she noticed immediately, the blush that had risen to the apples his cheeks. After a moment, he nodded his head finitely. “You've got yourself a deal, kid.”
She glanced at the watch face beneath the bell sleeve of her silver, sequined blouse, and sighed heavily. “C'mon dancing queen, we haven’t got all night…” Alexander emerged from the bathroom door a moment later, a blonde, perfectly styled wig fell below the cups of a filled-out bra.
“I must say,” He reached toward her to tousle the brunette wig atop of her head, a smirk in place on his features. “Silver and forest green sequins do wonders for you, kid. Or should I say- Björn.”
“Oh hush,” She giggled. “I can hardly imagine the outfit you’ve conjured up for this evening." They gazed at each other in silence for a moment before she gestured to her vanity. "Shall I do your makeup?”
Alexander shifted from foot to foot. “If you wouldn't mind,” He murmured.
She stood on tiptoes to twirl strands of blonde hair around her finger. “It would be an honour, Agnetha.”
She followed Alexander to the vanity next to their bay window and turned on the lamp so that it illuminated his face perfectly. Pulling up a photo of Agnetha on her phone for reference, she set to work. “She sometimes likes to wear bold colours on her eyes, so that’s the look we’re going for this evening.” She started the process by moisturizing and priming his face, opting out of a foundation, and using a tinted moisturizer instead. “Alright, close your eyes for me, my love.” He did as he was told, and she allowed herself a moment to admire how breathtaking he truly was. After a couple of seconds of searching, she found a palette that was made up of different shades of purple and applied a muted lavender hue over both of his lids. Wanting to go a little darker, she blended a violet shade into his creases and stood back to admire her handiwork. Nearly done, she decided to go dramatic on the eyeliner, but when she reached for her favourite tube of mascara, Alexander faltered.
“I don’t need… falsies?”
She blanched. “Alex, I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but your natural eyelashes are beautiful,” She took his face in her hands and gently turned it to the side, gesturing to his left eye. “Look how long and healthy they are. I think I have some cheap lashes lying around somewhere if you really want them, but I think a few coats of mascara will do wonderfully.”
He reached up to press his lips to the underside of her jaw, shaking his head. “No, I trust you.”
She kissed the tip of his nose and got back to work. “You’ve done magnificent so far. I’m just about finished…” She glanced around for her mauve pink lipstick, held a hand beneath his chin and applied the colour to his lips. “Alright, rub your lips together for me please.” She watched him do as she asked. “Now pat them together, as if you were smacking them.” She waited. “Alright, for the finishing touch,” She reached for her bottle of setting spray, told him to close his eyes, and let the mist settle over his face. “You my love, are finished and ready for the evening.
He leaned forward to inspect her handiwork closely, and a large smile grew on his face. “You’ve done a wonderful job, kid.”
She nodded towards the washroom door. “Go on then, Chiquitita. The party awaits.”
“You and your ABBA puns, huh?” Alexander smirked, before closing the door behind him.
“Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait until your brothers get a hold of us.” She snickered. While she waited for Alexander to wrap up, she began lacing up the white platform boots she had found weeks ago. They added an extra four inches to her height, and she fought back a giggle as she sipped the last remnants of her pre-game cocktail.
Ten minutes elapsed, and she began to feel the familiar tug of inebriation deep in her belly. Suddenly, Alexander cleared his throat. “I’m coming out. Are you ready?”
“I’ve literally never been more ready in my life.” She deadpanned.
Alexander emerged from the washroom, and all she could do was gape at his figure as he stood poised in the doorway. Lord knows where, but he had managed to find a hot pink jumpsuit with a silver-sequined trim around the neckline and a heart-shaped cutout that showed off his adorable, trim bellybutton perfectly. He donned glossy, white boots on his feet that only added to his seemingly immense height. “Well, what do you think?” He asked, dubiously.
She swallowed hard. “I have lots of feelings about it actually… but our car is here, and your father awaits.” She held her arm out for him to take. “Shall we go, my beautiful Agnetha?”
Alexander accepted her arm gratefully and bent down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Lead the way, Björn.”
“What are your brothers going as?” She asked, as they slid into the backseat of the sedan.
“Uh, I think Bill and his family said that they were going as Disney characters. Gustaf and Valter are going as Top Gun’s Maverick and Goose, respectively,” He paused so that they could share a laugh at that. “And I’m not sure yet what Sam and his family are doing.”
She scratched contemptuously at the back of her head. “I hate this wig already.”
Alexander snorted into his drink. “But it looks so good on you… the way it kind of frames your face in that ‘the 70’s called and they want their hair back’ kind of way…”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s the heart-shaped bellybutton window for me.”
Alexander guffawed loudly. “Oh really? We're playing that game? Well then, it’s the extra four or five inches that you’re wearing but you still don’t reach past my sternum, for me.”
They rounded the corner to Stellan’s street, and laughter bubbled up out of her mouth like a song. “It’s the fact that you look better than most women I know, for me.” This sent Alexander into such a frenzy that she paid the driver herself. “Alright, Agnetha, I have a dream and it involves you exiting this vehicle tonight,” She nudged his back to get him out of the open car door. “Let's go, girlfriend.” They ambled up the pathway hand-in-hand and stood giggling in front of Stellan’s door. Roaring laughter and bits and pieces of broken Swedish and English conversation could be heard from inside as her finger hovered above the doorbell. “You ready?”
Alexander nodded, finitely. “Go on then,”
She rang the bell and waited for what felt like years, before the door flung open and Eija greeted them in a demure, feline costume. Her face was disbelieving at first, but then her painted-on whiskers twitched; she cracked and laughter roared from her belly in happy waves. When she could speak again, she shook her head gleefully. “Come in, come in you two. What an honour to have one half of the world’s greatest band with us!” She ushered them into Stellan’s lively home, the scent of a freshly-cooked feast hung tantalizing in the air, and made her mouth water hungrily. “Just wait until papa sees you!” She clapped her hands merrily, pulling them into the adjacent living room.
Their entrance caused mass hysteria; pure laugher on a level that was hard to fathom. Gustaf approached them first, a pair of sunglasses sat perched atop his head, and he was sporting a mustache. Clad in a pair of army-green coveralls, the badge on his chest simply read, ‘Gus.’ “I have to say that when Alex first told me what the two of you were planning, this was not what I had in mind…” He scratched absentmindedly at the bridge of his nose, his smile wry. “But you two absolutely knocked it out of the park. Well done, brother.” He belly laughed, and wrapped an arm around Alex’s shoulders, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I can’t wait until dad sees you.”
Valter appeared before them next, clad in the exact same costume as Gustaf accept that his badge read, ‘Maverick’, and he had on over his blue eyes, a pair of mirrored Rayban aviators. “Mamma Mia, Agnetha! Such lovely bosoms you have!”
A hand appeared out of the abyss and sneaked its way toward Alexander’s ample breasts, but the younger Skarsgård's plan was foiled before he could get there with Alexander slapping it away just in the nick of time. “Touch them and die, Valter.” He beamed, devilishly.
Valter's grin was sheepish. “My apologies Agnetha- Björn.”
She tossed a wink his way. “Turns out she can take care of herself just fine.”
“Alright, alright, where are they?” Stellan’s achingly familiar voice- unmistakable anywhere, boomed throughout the room. When he caught sight of them, he stood stock-still and tilted his head back, his rolling laughter loud and genuine. It caused pleasant goosebumps to rise in waves over her arms, and she couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “This is it,” He announced. “I couldn’t dare to ask for another thing after this. My eldest boy and his love coming in drag as Agnetha and Björn? This is seventy, folks!” He closed the distance between them to wrap them both in a crushing bear hug. When he pulled away, his eyes were glittering brightly beneath the low light of the many lamps scattered around the living room. “How unbelievably wonderful it is to see you both here.” He kissed both of their cheeks over again, his smile wide and utterly contagious. “On a totally unrelated note- that you and Björn here have similar situations happening… ehm, up top, is really quite miraculous, isn’t it?”
Alexander rolled his azure eyes, laughing loudly at that. “Happy birthday, dad.”
“And what a wonderful birthday it turned out to be. Come, come. We have much to discuss.”
The night carried on in much the same fashion; drinks were had (and spilt), laughter was shared, pictures were taken- and all the while, she just felt unimaginably blessed to be a part of it all. Closer towards the evening’s finish, she felt Alexander’s hand tighten around her own, and she knew then, without a shadow of a doubt that this was her family. This was where she belonged.
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twistedsinews · 3 years
OC Profile
Tagged by @chyrstis
Tagging: @rosewaterhag, @hunnybadgerv, @gatticus, @heywoodvirgin (for when you come back), @chyrstis, @ ... whoever wants to do it and hasn't yet!
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Name: V. Literally. It's always been just V.
Alias(ses): Enough people assume that V is an alias, and it's difficult enough to track down in a database. However. She will use other aliases for one-off jobs when she needs the extra layer of security of not having someone track her down through street work, but none of them really get recycled.
Gender: Nomad. I jest, but I'm pretty sure she's somewhat off the binary even if she straddles the line.
Age: As of the events of C77, she'd just turned 29.
Birthdate: I don't actually have one for her. Possibly in January... I'm only saying that because I started playing Cyberpunk on my birthday but that's when she came into creation so why not.
Place of birth: The Badlands. I'm not sure where in the Badlands, but probably quite the distance from Night City.
Hometown: She grew up in a roving band of self-sufficient scavengers, so... everywhere. And nowhere.
Spoken languages: English. Bad English. She might've picked up a few scattered words of other languages, but she relies heavily on her translation software and that reliance has stunted her learning.
Sexual preference: Ladies and gentlemen, and Jackie Welles. She's not picky on the sex or gender front, but someone who can keep up with her, ideally.
Occupation: Street Ronin. Mercenary for hire.
Eye color: Mid-light purple. Dark brown, prior to getting modded.
Hair color: Blue and red, although she'll change it from time to time. Black, prior to getting modded.
Height: 5'8"
Scars: She has a few. The healed slash on her face comes from her first real knife fight, and she keeps it as something of a memento. There are some newer scars on her hands. And let's not talk about that mess of scar tissue that is her heart, because ow.
Color: I think she probably likes pink, red, blue, and teal about equally.
Hair color: Barring mods, probably dark.
Eye color: Sky blue.
Song: Favorite in the same way that pain makes you feel alive, I think, but post-Heist, she found a new appreciation for Never Fade Away.
Food: Marshmallows. City takeout, especially pizza.
Non-alcoholic drink: Soda, the sweeter the better.
Alcoholic drink: Nomad moonshine, but tequila can be fun. And then there's vodka.
Have they...
Passed university: Fuck, no.
Had sex: Fuck, yes.
Had sex in public: ...I mean. Not on the Main St. Sidewalk, but I'm... pretty sure there wasn't as much privacy in all those back alley trysts as you might want to believe. Also, do orgies and sex clubs count as public? ‘cause, uh...
Gotten pregnant: Nope. Cyborg birth control ftw!
Kissed a boy: Yes.
Kissed a girl: Yes.
Gotten tattoos: Several. All traditional, none of them are Light tattoos.
Gotten piercings: A few in her ears, the nosering, and the eyebrow thing.
Been in love: Yes. Not until she reached Night City, but then she kinda made up for it by falling in love a few times over the course of the game.
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Pretty regularly, for business and for pleasure.
Are they...
A virgin: Ha. No.
A cuddler: Very much so. Even before the love part, she was always very tactile. (It confused the hell out of Jackie until he just accepted that being her best friend and go-to fling was about as intimate as some relationships he'd been in... prior to feelings coming to light, anyway.)
A kisser: Indeed.
Scared easily: In some ways, not so much others. On her own, she's pretty reckless and fearless. When she has people she cares about, she can fairly easily get scared of fucking up the relationship and also of outside harm coming to them if and when these things crop up on the horizon. However, it pretty much took coming face to face with death in a way she couldn't shrug off before she actually got traumatized to the point of being terrified.
Jealous easily: Under the right circumstances. She's less jealous of physical activity and closeness and more when it comes to feelings.
Trustworthy: She can lie and she can twist the truth, and she has no scruples against doing either. But when it boils down to it, if she's on your side she will have your back to the last cliff at the end of the world.
Dominant: She certainly can be. She can be hard-headed and stubborn, to add to it, and she has no second thoughts about stepping up and taking charge. Though if we're talking about in bed, she's drastically less so.
Submissive: To whom is the bigger question. If she likes someone, she tends to be a lot gentler and tries to be considerate. And again, if we're talking about in bed, well... yes. Pushy about it sometimes, maybe, but yes.
In love: Ha. Hahaha. Yes. With quite a few people.
Single: It's complicated (TM).
Random questions (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
Have they harmed themselves: In a manner of speaking. It's not a conscious/deliberate thing, the way most people think of self-harm, but she falls into plenty of behaviors that would qualify and definitely puts herself out there in harms way or restricts herself as a means of self-punishment.
Thought of suicide: Yes. Quite a bit, after the Heist.
Attempted suicide: Again, not in a conscious or deliberate way, but more of a sarcastic 'wouldn't it be a shame if these dangerous behavior patterns happened to have consequences' way.
Wanted to kill someone: Quite a bit! And has!
Have/had a job: Very many!
Have any fears: Losing the people she cares about, to negligence or outside influence. Not making any lasting impact. Dying, after viewing that BD, and double after reliving Johnny's memories, and triple actually doing it once or twice.
Siblings: To her knowledge, she's an only child. It's plausible that her mother remarried after leaving the clan.
Parents: Her father is a Nomad. Her mother is City, though V never knew which city. She's not in contact with either. And so far, I haven't given them names.
Children: None and she's a little terrified of the idea. Not that she couldn't eventually change her mind - she never thought she'd be in love, either.
Significant other: Jackie. Misty. Arguably Panam and River. Saul and Placide she kinda wishes. Johnny she kinda wishes not, but they share a brain and that's pretty significant even if not in any traditional relationship sense.
Pets: One (1) sphinx cat she found and picked up that was hiding in the alleys of her MegaBuilding.
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