#somebirdortheother fanfic
ichabodjane · 1 year
Me whenever I (re)read Barbarus from @somebirdortheother or The Decurion's Wife from @coraleethroughthelookingglass
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iamstartraveller776 · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @curator-on-ao3. Thank you!!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
This is the last unposted sentence I wrote:
He looks like he wants to debate the point further, but his features fall slack in resignation.
It's from the rough draft of Sealed By Blood (OUAT/Captain Swan Supernatural AU).
Tagging (no pressure): @more-better-words, @talshiargirlfriend, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious, @belovedcreation, @somebirdortheother, @helenvader, @jhalya, @demonscantgothere, @scriberated, @searchingwardrobes, @pursuitseternal, @bywayofmemory, @thisonesatellite, @jomiddlemarch, @theriverwild, @thecoziestbean, and anyone else who wants to play!
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 months
WIP Folder!
Thank you for the tag my partner-in-crime @pursuitseternal ❤️❤️❤️
I don’t have too many WIP’s these days, as I’m trying to write less fanfic and more original stuff. But here’s what I’ve got:
- Penumbra (my long gestating now heading towards 60k Feamartanis fic)
- The sequel to Your Blood, Your Power
- My original fic, currently in its second draft, which is an adaptation of my 102k Halbrand/Sauron x Reader fic, The Blacksmith
Tagging, with love, no pressure: @theriverwild @thrillofhope @scriberated @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @shady-swan-jones @tmwillson3 @gil-galadhwen @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother
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brotherdusk · 9 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone today and @somebirdortheother a few days ago, thank you both! 😊😊
RULES: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
my last sentence when SomeBird tagged me a few days ago, from my Cleon XII character study:
Day stopped at every intersection to point out a small arrow painted at Dawn’s eye level, showing him which direction to take.
and today's tag, which is from uh it's um it's from my season 2 fix-it AU, which has been heavily inspired by beauty and the beast and the general horror fairytale vibe of 2.09. it's 100% crack treated seriously and I have no regrets:
It doubled over and clutched its temple, finding something hard and flat there, trying to tear it off but frozen by an equal and opposite compulsion not to. 
I'm not tagging because this game has been circulating among my mutuals for so many days that I don't know who has or hasn't been tagged any more 😭 if you see this and want to do it, do it!
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Last Sentence Tag Game
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
I was tagged by @somebirdortheother Thank you!!!!
Still in her sneakers, court approved heels in a tote over her shoulder for later, as she settled her black and white Eregion Guardian lanyard around her neck, Galadriel couldn’t help but think that the new hire answering phones behind the reception desk - towering over her with his auburn curls, designer stubble and glinting green and gold eyes - was going to be far more trouble than he was worth. 
no pressure tagging @lady-of-imladris @jhalya @scriberated @hazelmaines @niennawept @myfavouritelunatic @bittersweetporky @starlady66 @ichabodjane @demonscantgothere @theriverwild @honeyfarts666 @eowyn7023 @bad-surprise and anyone else who wants to share! (This is a 69 word sentence and I don’t think I’ve interacted with 69 writers on here yet - if I missed you off the list, I’m very sorry!)
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Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This is a cursed tag if I ever saw one - I have so many WIP oh gosh 😭 I did cheat and change the titles of some of the original works because I will be actively querying them at some point.
Thanks for tagging me, @nenyabusiness. You asked for this. Here we go.
The Trials of Mairon (don't laugh at me. Yes, I named my One Last Dance file after @jackpotgirl's fic, don't come for me 😭😭😭)
The Grey Jedi
Original works:
Destined for One Another
Waking (changed title)
Open-eyed (changed title)
Ashen (changed title)
Loving Devotion
The Last Ones (changed title)
50 Worlds
The East (changed title)
The High School (so original)
Meet Me in the Middle
The Twin Prophecy
Umbrella idea
Across the river (changed name)
The Slayer
5 Minutes (changed title)
That leaves me with 22 people to tag! Oh joy!
Please ignore if you've already done this! Tagging @myfavouritelunatic, @myrsinemezzo, @formerlyir, @ophidion, @justatinycollector, @marimosalad, @cliffdivingsblog, @demonscantgothere, @mamanmae, @pursuitseternal, @jhalya, @starlady66, @helenvader, @iamstartraveller776, @hazelmaines, @bad-surprise, @somebirdortheother, @rebelrebelwrites, @eowyn7023, @coraleethroughthelookingglass
Wow I actually almost made it! 😂 Feel free to join in if I forgot to tag you!
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niennawept · 1 year
Tag Game - Fandom Edition
Tagged by @somebirdortheother, thanks so much, lovely! This was fun!
Your Name: On here, Nienna or Ni, if you please. I have 4-5 names that people regularly call me outside of that (IRL nicknames) but I prefer to keep that private.
Your First Fandom: Tolkien. Before I even knew what fandom was, I was composing fanfiction in my head about being Bilbo Baggin's niece (yes, before I read LotR, I somehow knew that he would have an adopted child because he definitely wasn't marrying a woman - A+, baby Nienna). At the time, I had no concept of what fanfiction was or what a self-insert was, but here I was, doing the thing at age 8. I think it counts, lol.
Your Current Fandom: Rings of Power specifically, wider Tolkien Legendarium also. And the thing you must know about me is I have two fandoms which are special interests of mine. 1) Tolkien and 2) Star Trek. Normally, when one is dormant, the other wakes up. So we'll count Star Trek too, even though that interest is currently sleeping (shhh, she needs her rest).
How did you first get into fandom?: Um, doomed by the narrative? My dad read The Hobbit aloud to me when I was little and then proceeded to read me LotR out loud a year later. I couldn't NOT form my whole personality around that (and Trek, which he introduced when I was 10).
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: I discovered fanfiction online when I was 14. I used to write a long time ago, but college and grad school got in the way. I lurked for years (reading a couple longfics a week) but I didn't have the energy to create much myself. Adar and Rings of Power brought me out of that shell. So I guess the answer is: it's complicated.
How often do you read fanfic?: I'm almost always reading at least one longfic, although I have slowed down significantly now that I'm writing a longfic. These days I squeeze in reading one-shots because I set too ambitious of an update schedule and I'm trying not to get burnt out.
Top three characters from your current fandom?: Adar (my love), Tar-Miriel (who I am so worried about going into the next season), and probably Galadriel. I really admire how they let her be nasty enough to be credibly accused of being Morgoth's successor, by someone who would know. That's brilliant and gives her character a lot of room to grow into the Galadriel we know in the Third Age.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out!: I do not think any of my very old fic still exists (thank the stars). But I'll link a few Rings of Power fics here (use caution, all three works are 18+):
Scars of Silver and Gold: A Second Age romance/adventure (Adar/OC) that will eventually answer the question "what is the best case scenario for Adar and his uruks that still fits within the constraints of Tolkien's legendarium?"
Until the Stars Burn Out: Set in Cuiviénen, under the light of the stars. Eren, the one who will one day be known as Adar, shares a moment of tenderness with the partner he was made for, Erenyë. (Adar/OC). Based off of "Awake, Arise or Be For Ever Fall’n"  by @dwarveslikeshinythings
Mistletoe Mischief: Christmas-themed smutty Adar/Reader fic. Modern AU.
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom?: I have, but I am not willing to share anything yet, because I'm just not where I want to be skill-wise.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about: Mmmm. I have many headcanons. It is hard to pick one. I'll say this: the elves that went to Valinor from the Waters of Awakening knew that some of them where kidnapped and taken but they did not see any orcs/uruks until the Noldor made it back to Middle-earth. It makes the Battle-under-Stars that much more existentially terrifying. Thinking about writing a horror one-shot about this - imagine recognizing your old friend, twisted by centuries of torture among the dead. *shivers*
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?: Mmmmm. I don't think there's a clip of ROP that I can pick that doesn't have spoilers. All the parts I'm most attached to are in pretty deep.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: Community. Enjoying the thing you enjoy on your own is marvelous but enjoying it with other people is even better! People have such wonderful different ideas about things and that's very cool.
Tagging (no pressure, just love): @dwarveslikeshinythings, @lazymeriadoc, @bananaphanta, and anyone else to whom this looks like fun!
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eowyn7023 · 4 months
WIP tag game!
Thanks to @helenvader, @demonscantgothere, and @dwarveslikeshinythings for tagging me.
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) -- or post an art WIP -- and tag as many people as there are words in your sentence.
From V-Day, a modern AU Valentine's Day story with Galadriel and trans!Adar that I didn't finish in time for Valentine's Day:
He kneeled on the floor, licking the taste of salty sweat and feminine excitement from the insides of her thighs.
Maybe I will post it as generic smut someday.  Or not.  Tagging: @niennawept, @jhalya, @queenmeriadoc, @theriverwild, @jeejascoffee, @baddybaddyadardaddy, @thetempleofthemasaigoddess, @hellofeanor, @myfavouritelunatic, @coraleethroughthelookingglass, @vreenak, @bad-surprise, @runawaymun, @allpowerfulnarrator, @scriberated, @ophidion, @hazelmaines, @thescrapwitch, @pursuitseternal, @somebirdortheother
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helenvader · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @somebirdortheother. Thank you!!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
@somebirdortheother I see what you did! :-)
The last sentence I wrote is one I re-wrote this morning (and that will have to be re-written again:
"He is even willing to accept your daughter as his own, as much as affronting her being alive is."
Tagging @aquitainequeen, @eowyn7023, @cilil, @maironite, @theriverwild, @demonscantgothere, @yletylyf, @lady-of-imladris and... anybody who wants to do it. I couldn't remember as many writers as the word count would require, and I am sorry if I have omitted somebody!
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lady-of-imladris · 9 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
Thank you for tagging me @coraleethroughthelookingglass and @somebirdortheother <3
“Have you come to threaten me again, your majesty?”
No I am not giving any context (except maybe definitely my latest post)
No pressure tagging @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @enaelyork @queenmeriadoc @starlady66 @niennawept @somebirdortheother (yes again birdy!, the ping pong is also coming later today) <3
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yletylyf · 1 year
Tag Game - Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tag @somebirdortheother! I love being tagged in these I just sometimes get behind on them, haha.
Your Name: call me Lety
Your First Fandom: Tolkien! More specifically, I was obsessed with the movies starting with the release of the Fellowship of the Ring. My first fanfic was about a girl from Harad, no plot or anything, just looking at the life of someone in a culture dismissed as ‘the bad guys’ in the books and what happened to that culture in the aftermath of the ‘good guys’ winning at the end of the third age. I’m not sure I still have a copy of it, unfortunately.
Your Current Fandom: So many! Harry Potter, Tolkien (and everything related, including the new show), the Grisha trilogy, Jane Austen, the Locked Tomb, probably others I’m not thinking of at the moment.
How did you first get into fandom? I honestly don’t remember. Probably looking for information about the FotR movie and stumbled on a forum lol. Those were a huge thing back then.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? I answered this above (since the FotR movie release date) but not continuously. I took a looong break to like. Do very intense real-life things.
How often do you read fanfic? It’s hard to balance reading and writing. If I’m not focused on a writing project I read fanfic all the time, constantly, even when I should be doing other things. If I’m busy writing that tends to sap my reading energy.
Top three characters from your current fandom? I am going to answer with Grishaverse since it’s my most recent new fandom obsession. The Darkling, Nikolai, and Tamar.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out! I have fifty! (One is anonymous right now, but really, I have fifty.) I am stupid close to a million words posted. Check them out at https://archiveofourown.org/users/yletylyf.
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom? Lol. No. I have zero artistic talent.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about: Sauron’s personality traits do not include torture-for-fun.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? I have no idea! I guess a really cool moment with the Darkling in Shadow & Bone? Like despite all my issues with the show... god, they had some good scenes with him. Such as emerging from the Fold like a vengeful wraith and freeing Grisha from cages and certain doom in season 2. SO GOOD.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Community! This is still my favorite post expressing the idea: https://ao3commentoftheday.tumblr.com/post/654063717484560384
Tagging @ashesandhackles @phantomato @maraudersaffair @maria-de-salinas @leogichidaa @snapesnailtape
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ichabodjane · 1 year
Tag Game: tag 9 people you'd like to know better!
I was tagged by @liveinfarbe @somebirdortheother @shia-the-buff and @helenvader thank you!
Last Song: The Storm by Bronze Radio Return. It is the flagship song of a current WIP so it's on a *lot*
Last Show: Abbot Elementary
Currently Watching: Baseball Spring Training ⚾ and catching up on all the VCR Party that we missed bc we were watching baseball last year
Currently Reading: RoP fanfic (I haven't just been re-reading @bad-surprise 's At the Museum for the last 3 days, idk what you're talking about). Also The Typical Tudor.
Currently Obsession: Fully embracing the resurgance of my Tolkien hyperfixation. But also this year I'm trying to sew myself a basic wardrobe of historical and history-bounding fashion, hence reading The Typical Tudor!
I will tag @folatefangirl @spiderliliez @allgirlsareprincesses @enoughtotemptme @mochimochikimochi @captainbutterflygirl2 @ask-valerian-40k @fluffygreenkoala @attheexactlyrighttimeandplace apologies if you've been tagged already 💖
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Tag Game - Fandom Edition
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic ! Thank you!
Your Name: Randi
Your First Fandom: Star Trek (everything), but Star Trek: Enterprise was when I went from being casually in fandom to obsessive.
Your Current Fandom: I'm mildly active in the MCU (Lokane), OUAT (Captain Swan) and SAB (Darklina) fandoms. But I'm absolutely fully immersed in The Rings of Power (Haladriel/Saurondriel) fandom. I'm absolutely feral for the content and the community.
How did you first get into fandom?: I was a trekkie all by my lonesome my whole life, and in the early 00's I regularly scrolled through startrek.com for my fix. I happened to log into the site during a live Q&A with Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathon Archer of ENT). After he logged out of the chat, other fans mentioned trekbbs.com, and that turned out to be the main fandom space. About a year later, I discovered shipping, and that's when it really took over my life!
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Roughly 20 years, off and on.
How often do you read fanfic?: More than I read original fiction, lol. I go through phases where I read a lot, then I don't read very much. When I'm actively writing I read less.
Top three characters from your current fandom?: Halbrand (Sauron), Galadriel, and both Arondir and Bronwyn (because I'm not separating those two).
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out!: I have written over 100 stories for fandoms. That is literally the main way I interact with the community! A notable from each fandom:
Star Trek (all): A New Perspective
Star Trek: Enterprise: Through the Dark Mirror (series)
Labyrinth: The Princess and the King
MCU: Touch
OUAT (Outlaw Queen): Common Sorrow
OUAT (Captain Swan): Next to You
SAB: Involuntary (not my favorite per se, but my most popular)
TROP: Trapped (mentioned because I'm planning to expand it!)
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom?: I've dabbled, but I'm not super great and I haven't done much in recent years. I lost some digital artwork in a hard drive crash along as some fanfic. (Not gonna lie; I'm actually hankering to make some art for TROP.)
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Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about: It's from the SAB fandom: Baghra is the real villain of the entire series.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?: All of the Halbrand/Galadriel scenes. For real. It's highly addictive, and I want to be your dealer.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: Community surrounding the love of creation. I love that by virtue of copyright laws, these spaces cannot be monetized. We are free to make things just for the fun of it and support one another.
Tagging: @pursuitseternal, @somebirdortheother, @coraleethroughthelookingglass, @vesperass-anuna, @jomiddlemarch, @rosalysaoirse, @ancientflight, @kmomof4, @helenvader, @youwearfinethingswellwriter, @rebelrebelwrites, @demonscantgothere, @jhalya, and anyone else who wants to play!
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myfavouritelunatic · 9 months
Last Sentence Tag Game!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thank you for the tags @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother and @wanderleave ❤️❤️❤️
Artanis could not shake the thought, nay the fact, that Fëanor’s eyes gleamed with a tint of something… green.
Tagging, no pressure: @pursuitseternal @demonscantgothere @scriberated @youwearfinethingswellwriter @gil-galadhwen @heronamedhawks @nenyabusiness @hazelmaines @myrsinemezzo @jhalya @bittersweetporky @90shaladriel @klynnvakarian @anidharker @yletylyf
(feel free to ignore if you've been tagged already as I am late to this! :P)
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pursuitseternal · 1 year
Tag Game-Fandom Edition
Lol time to do this!! Thank you for the tags @myfavouritelunatic @iamstartraveller776 @somebirdortheother @youwearfinethingswellwriter
Your name: Catrine
Your first fandom: Robin Hood BBC, but Rings of Power is probably my first “real one” because I’m interacting with more people than just my actual immediate friends, who I would BEG to read my chapters.
Your current fandom: TROP!!! All the way baby. Give me all the sweet Saurondriel/ Haladriel love you can.
How did you first get into fandom? Well, a friend kind of dared me and my friend to write ourselves into our favorite show. Something like 40 chapters for me later, and the beast was released forever. We happily write every possible way our little college brains could think of ways to have sex fictionally 😆😆. Now I just write with more creativity and experience 😏
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Well, originally, 20 years, but in a “real” fandom where I’m interacting with real people and not just coercing my friends? Since October.
How often do you read fanfic? I try to read a little every day, even if it’s a few lines, maybe a chapter if I’m feeling extra luxurious. It’s always less when I’m fixated on purging my own writing, but I just AM BEYOND TICKLED when I get reviews, so I try really hard to return the pleasure.
Top three characters? Can I could Saubrand three times?? 😈😈😈. If not, the. Sauron, Gal and… Disa if I have to pick a third. I love her Lady Macbeth vibes.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom, and if so shout it out!
Touch the Darkness- canon divergent post season 1, secret missions, lots of smut, LOTS of arrogant Sauron. And magic. (Explicit Rating)
Beautiful Creature of Darkness- Gothic Lit, Phantom of the Opera inspired AU. Lots of magic, seduction, sexy voices, ptsd Finrod, werewolves, and Sauron shapeshifts to a Vampire for a very hot chapter. (Explicit Rating)
Dark Wolf of the Woods- Red Riding Hood au, first age Sauron is cursed to remain in werwolf form until someone of the light tames him. Aka, the home of Goodboi Sauron, bestest boy wolfron, give him all the Scritches and treats.
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom? NOPE. Art is not my strong suit. But I’m happy to keep painting with words.
Share a personal headcanon you feel strongly about? I’m with @myfavouritelunatic on this one. I love the concept of Repentant Sauron and all the what ifs he went through with redemption instead!
You're trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?: “don’t start…” that was enough to make me quiver. I was HOOKED from then on. And I think that chemistry is enough to hook my friends.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?:
Creativity, Collaborative, Community. That’s what it has really become for me, and I love it!! Thank you to all my new friends, you have really helped me find joy and fun in times when it is hardest in my own life. You will probably never know the full extent that you help me personally or even professional with a comment, a like, a reblog, or my favorite- a message. You are all so awesome!!
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Nossë-Verse (Hallmark/Coffee Shop AU) with @somebirdortheother
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - E - 13/13 (though only the last chapter was posted in 2023)
Seven - E - 3/7
Just Let Us Be Three - Durin/Disa/Elrond - T - one shot
Thanks For Making Me A Fighter - T - one shot
High and Dry - Gandalf/Saruman - T - one shot
Sharp Dressed Man - G - one shot
Let’s Play A (Love) Game - T - one shot
Just One Yesterday - T - one shot
Almost - T - one shot
 Good Girl - E - 6/6
 Pick A Part That’s New - Durin/Disa/Elrond - E - 5/5
 Honey - E - One shot
 Home Is Where The Heart Is - M - one shot
Other Fics
The Queen of Nothing - Fairytale/Royalty/YA AU - T - one shot
Tattoo You - Florist/Tattooist AU - T - one shot
Mergers and Acquisitions - Lawyers/Roommates AU - E - one shot
Dark is the Way. Light is A Place - Modern Dreams AU - T - 2/3
Stuck on Me Like A Tattoo - Sequel to Tattoo You - T - one shot
You Can’t Take The Sky From Me - Firefly AU - T - one shot
The Story of Us - modern AU - T - one shot
The Nerwen - Batman/Superheroes AU - T - 2/2
The Art of Letting Go - modern childhood friends to lovers AU - T - one shot
 A Vague Haunting - urban fantasy AU - M - 2/5
 Three Is A Charm - Celeborn/Galadriel/Halbrand - E - 1/3
 Your Sword Vs My Dagger - University/Musicians AU - T - One Shot
 Cruel Summer - Modern Friends with Benefits AU - E - 2/3
 In Sickness and In Health - WW2 Soldier/Nurse AU - 5/6
 The Decurion’s Wife - Roman AU - E - 6/9
Total words: including all the collabs 292,227 which feels crazy considering I keep beating myself up for writing too slowly.
Nothing. I have posted at least one chapter of everything I’ve started this year.
21 completed works written for the The Rings of Power fandom
That I’ve done a lot more than I thought I had, although finishing one fic before starting another does seem to be an issue 😂
The Decurion’s Wife is the one I’m most proud of, mainly because of the amount of background research I’ve done. It’s also the story that I feel shows me evolving a little as a writer. 
I think Dark is the Way. Light is A Place, which might have worked better in my head than on paper. I do still plan on finishing it though, so maybe when it’s all together it'll make more sense. 
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (although again, most of this was posted in 2022)
I’m going to say the birthday sex scene in Good Girl
Without a doubt You Can’t Take The Sky From Me!
Other than a couple of the ‘quick and dirty’ one shots, all of the multi-chapters have had their difficult moments. I don’t generally have a lot of time to write every day and this means that I can leave things for too long and then lose my train of thought when I come back to them. 
Just how much I’ve written 😊
I don’t think so, although maybe tiptoeing into my first M/M scene in Three Is A Charm counts? 
There’s some stuff with Nossë-Verse Galadriel that was a little therapeutic to write, but just here and there. 
My short term memory is terrible - blame my upbringing - so I’m going to leave this blank. 
Just feeling like I’m a part of a fandom and getting to talk to and support such wonderful, talented people :)
Working on my confidence. I worry so much that I’m going to be rejected/ignored for not being good enough, annoying everyone with the amount of stuff I do or don’t put out etc. Also, I’d like to try and write every day, even if it’s just 100 words and work on getting some of my WIPs finished!
Decurion’s Wife Chapter 7 - which should be finished by the end of this week
Emma/Regency AU
Three Is A Charm Chapter 2 (perhaps with a Celeborn POV)
Thank you so much to @liminal-zone for the format and to everyone who has supported my writing endeavours this past year :) 
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