#someone gimmie chaos stuff i've been waiting for that
scary-lasagna · 2 months
Hii! Can I please request some headcannons for the scp mobile task forces? ( Red Right Hand, Last to Fall, etc?). Like, if they were individual people, what would they be like?
Sorry if that doesn’t make sense 😅 let me know if any elaboration is needed!
I've been mulling this one over for a while. I suppose these can double as the head of operations of that Unit as well! In fact, I think that would make more sense, considering an entire force is usually needed for their operations :]
But please give me more of these I loved doing this!! I'd love to get into other organizations as well too!
MTF, humanized.
Red Right Hand - While strictly prohibited to O5 protective services, Red is extremely self-aware of herself and the environment. She is incredibly mindless and loyal, and will execute any orders given to her by the O5.
Maz-Hatters - Sporting a bright yellow hazmat suit, no one particularly knows what they look like, who they are, or even what they're called by. In this field, they are directly responsible for biological, chemical, and radiological hazards. Their words are muffled, and their actions can be a bit...erratic at times. But it's usually in the best interest of the situation.
Green Stags - Stag is deployed into nature-based environments to track down anomalies. He is dark-skinned, sports a thick country accent, and is quite old in age, with many scars littering across his body, as well as a missing arm. But no one ever questions his methods, no matter how outlandish they seem. He knows all the tricks in the books to track what he needs.
Nine Tailed Fox - A classic thirst trap look of a guy. With full swat gear, Fox has most scientists swooning on the brink of death. He's a savior, a fighter, and a strategist. He must be ready for anything to come his way during a breach. Although, he likes his team, he dissociates himself from others, knowing their death date could only be a day away. He's cold, heartless, and knows how to do his job.
See No Evil - A confident woman dressed in scientist garb, she wears scrambling goggles, and keeps an evil eye charm hanging from her neck. Her job is to address, investigate, and possibly contain cognito hazards and memetic agents. She's incredibly smart and always avoids eye contact.
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