#sorry I've been awol
aragarna · 7 months
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Good Omemes: No more dying! - David Tennant as Crowley (Good Omens, 2x03)
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ohninefive · 5 months
happy 2024 🥂✨ since i'm officially retired from content, here's the one and only time i'll post (the mildest) lewds on the blog - enjoy 🎊🍾
let's all have a good year 🩵
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shoutout to my old damaged hair btw 💇🏻‍♀️
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tartppola · 2 years
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drew this as a refresher from crx whew. also idt ive drawn like deuce n yuu without ace lmao
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flattery-suplex · 8 months
I really hate to do this but...
Guys I'm in big trouble. My family has been in financial trouble for a while but it's reached a breaking point. We have no money for groceries or monthly bills and I owe $1800 for a procedure I had a few months ago that didn't even work. Our power got shut off the other day and my dad had to sell some stuff to pay for it (we are running out of valuable things to sell tbh). I hate to ask you guys this but I overheard my parents worrying about paying for food and I decided our pride wasn't worth it. My dad and I have started a new company but we can't start selling bc we have no money to buy the products we need. Even a few bucks from enough people would be enough to buy groceries so if you could spare it I would owe you a life debt /j but seriously I would owe you big time! If you donate and want something in return I could write people dsmp/one piece oneshots!!
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lamortwrites · 4 days
Every month, without fail: feel like shit mentally for a few days, think everyone hates me and I should leave all social spaces I'm in to give people a break, pain? Why am I in so much pain for no reason? BLOOD? Why is there-- oh yeah.
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clare-with-no-i · 2 years
the idea that evil, in any form, is more interesting or complex or captivating than goodness or kindness has always been so weird to me. you can make the decision to be good, to be morally just, and it can be agonizing and fraught and painful. it can be wrought with conflict. anyone can hurt people and break things. I'm not compelled by evil the same way I’m not compelled by earthquakes. 
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orreanintrepidness · 1 month
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Rage and Rage 2 have been granted Orre simulator game status like fallout new vegas
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mccleans · 1 year
i am here and i am ready to coyg
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setaflow · 1 year
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pocasu · 1 year
certified practically perfect by toastseed
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My dudes
I want to draw something for ya’ll but I need to work on a lot of stuff this week and then the next, so hopefully I can drop a small piece of art or two sometime soon.
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rafesfavgirl · 1 month
rafe cameron as a dad
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sorry i've been awol y'all, finals has been a bitch :) working on some drafts though so i should have something longer up soon!!
pairing: dad!rafe x fem!reader
context: you have a kid with rafe.
words: 256
warnings: pregnancy, FLUFF
"baby girl cameron" bc he's 100% a girl dad.
him talking to the baby in your belly the moment you find out you're pregnant.
when your daughter is born, rafe gifts her a necklace with her initial on it and gets you a matching one with his initial on it.
him packing your hospital bag for you.
him taking you and the baby out on shopping sprees to get you guys matching outfits.
whenever he comes back from work, he always has something to give you and her—flowers, candy, sweet treats, anything really.
him surprising your daughter with toys ALL THE TIME. (your daughter would 100% be spoiled)
your daughter being a daddy's girl and liking rafe more than you.
rafe getting both of you valentine's day baskets.
him waking up early to help you make her breakfast on her first day of preschool.
him calling her "peanut" or "squirt".
him trying to control his temper, so your daughter never has to see him lose it.
you and your daughter being his top priorities.
rafe taking her to the father-daughter dance at the island club every year.
rafe taking her out on lunch dates.
you and your daughter wearing matching outfits when going out to dinner with rafe.
him being overprotective when boys are involved.
"daddy look! we're getting married!" your daughter shouts, running up to rafe, holding hands with the little boy who lived next door. "uh… no you're not," rafe says, sweeping your daughter up in his arms. "you, young lady, are never dating."
ugh i need him to get me pregnant now
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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ohmotherwhatsthat · 2 years
Did you see the trailer of The Chosen s3?
I did!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!
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gumgumvibecheck · 2 years
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bytebun · 2 years
Tagged by @other-peoples-coats for the WIP game! (blows a kiss)
Game: Post the titles of your current works in progress. If someone sends one of those titles to you, explain the concept or post a snippet!
These are, as expected, mostly cody or obi-wan centric unless otherwise marked aha. all very much working titles that are just assigned based on vibes. From least to most recent:
crowning glory
every orbit outwards (large cast)
the flight of birds (luke & leia)
with our teeth and ambitions bared (codywan flavour 2 electric boogaloo)
poor man’s salvation (curse me, blame me, haunt me)
every child a knife (boba et al.)
a hundred miles through the desert repenting
vanitas (still life) (anakin)
the letter of the law (not the spirit) (spiderman)
a change in season
a beast of a metaphor
no pressure tags: @galateagalvanized @cillyscribbles @petrichordiam
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fiveht · 3 months
Proof of life (Adore pt 3)
Hello my sweet angel babies ♥️
I'm not going to be able to adequately express my gratitude for the steady stream of love (and concern, sorry) I've been receiving over the past couple of months. I'm so sorry I've been AWOL, it will definitely happen again. Because see, for me, I usually have to make a choice between social and creative fandom participation. My battery is small, and takes a long time to charge.
Thank you to everyone who's left comments and asks and DMs since I've been gone. I don't think I can respond to all of it, but rest assured those messages ping my cold, dead heart every time I see them.
So I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I did this same thing months and months ago, when I was working on Head Over Feet, and let me be clear: posting even a single word of a WIP goes against my every instinct and principle as an author. I am someone who likes to finish an entire story before I post any of it, and on top of that, I am NOT a fast writer, so the expectations that I'm setting up here might not be advisable. But I did it before and managed to finish the thing, and I want to give you guys something in exchange for being so unbelievably awesome, so here I am again.
This will probably be the only time I mention this story in public until it's finished and posted, and inquiries about my progress are unlikely to help with the writing process, I'm just saying. I reserve the right to change every last word of this before the final draft, and I also reserve the right to fall off the face of the planet and simply never finish it, as much as I will strive to prevent that from happening. Please be patient with me.
Anyway, here is my paltry offering to say thanks for the love: the (VERY rough) first ~1300 words of the third instalment of The Adventures of Soft Daddy and Danger Twink.
Sirius secures his handheld shower head to its holder at the edge of his clawfoot tub, and steps out carefully onto the bathmat. He shivers in the cool air outside the shower curtain; it's about twenty degrees below zero outside, so even if he could afford to run his ancient radiator at full blast, it probably wouldn't help much.
He dries himself off and checks his reflection in the mirror, turning his face this way and that as he tugs his hair out of the bun he'd piled it into to keep it dry during his shower. There's no need for makeup tonight, not when he's not even planning to put on clothes.
It's incrementally warmer when he steps out into the main room of his apartment. He gathers an array of splayed text books and notes from his bed and dumps them carelessly onto the couch, then closes his new laptop and places it delicately on the coffee table. It's the most expensive thing he owns, save for the Gucci backpack currently sitting in his wardrobe with a three-inch berth around it like his shoes and other bags might somehow contaminate it. It's weird owning rich-people stuff when you are still, objectively, broke as fuck.
He perches on the edge of his bed and sets his phone to charge, because his battery doesn't even last a day anymore, and he's going to need it this evening. He tucks it in next to his pillow and picks up his new toy.
The plug isn't much larger than the one he already has. A little longer, which is appealing, but no wider, so it shouldn't be a challenge to get it in comfortably. He disconnects it from its charger and hefts it in his hand, feeling the added weight from the electronics inside.
He picks up his phone, and hesitates when he sees the notification waiting for him.
Rieka: let's go out tomorrow
Rieka: the fact that we haven't been drunk since the term started is criminal
Rieka: we've had two chem labs and zero drinks
Sirius purses his lips, thumbs hovering over the keyboard. There's a fine line here, and he hasn't quite found it yet.
Me: got plans
Me: raincheck?
So complete avoidance is the best strategy, right?
Rieka: booooo 👎
He sighs, but at least she's not asking for an explanation. He opens a different conversation then, pushing all thoughts of Rieka Lupin into a tidy, sealed compartment, not to be opened during certain activities with a certain relative of hers.
Me: i'm ready
Me: are you in your office?
Daddy: Yup, I've got a few minutes
Daddy: Want me to call?
Instead of answering, Sirius hits the call button himself.
"Hey baby," Remus answers. His voice is already smooth and honey-sweet, and just from that, Sirius knows he's planning to lay it on thick tonight.
"Hi daddy," Sirius says with a smile. "Should I put it in now?"
There's a low chuckle over the line. "Are we feeling eager?"
"Always," Sirius says, laying back on his bed.
"Use the good lube I got you, it's gonna be in there a while."
He switches the call to speaker, and snags the bottle from his nightstand. "I threw out the old stuff, you've got me ruined for cheap lube."
"Only the best for that ass," Remus says, and Sirius can hear his smirk.
He gives the plug a liberal coating, running his fingers along its shape, his dick twitching just at the feel of the silky-smooth silicone, at the anticipation of what's about to happen. He spreads his legs wide, drawing one knee up to give himself easier access.
"Take it slow," Remus says, succinctly heading off Sirius' impulse to just shove the thing inside himself in one go. "Rub the tip against yourself, so you're nice and wet."
Sirius shuts his eyes as he obeys, sliding the slick end of the toy over his entrance. "Okay."
"Are you going to be a good boy for daddy tonight?"
"Uh-huh," Sirius says, teasing the very tip of the plug in and out of his hole.
"Tell me how."
"I'm not gonna touch."
"You're not gonna touch, and you're not gonna come."
"Yeah," Sirius says. His cock is starting to harden as his body tries to draw the plug inside. "Can I put it in, daddy?"
"Slow," Remus reminds him, "Slide it in nice and slow for me, baby."
Sirius catches his lip between his teeth and tries to push the plug in slowly, the way he knows Remus would do if he was here. 
The shower has left him relaxed and more than ready, and it's hard not to take advantage, just press the toy in to its limit because he can. But he's working on his patience -- under Remus' careful tutelage -- so he shuts his eyes and tries to savour it, the tease of the plug's rubber tip at his entrance, the slow stretch as he eases it past the slight resistance before he sighs, and his body eagerly accepts the intrusion.
"Mmmm," Sirius sighs as he settles the base of the plug flush against his entrance, shifting his hips and feeling the constant, dull pressure against his prostate.
"How's it feel?" 
"Good," Sirius says, splaying his legs out and just enjoying the pleasant fullness. It's been almost a week since Remus last fucked him, and that's just way too long. Christmas really spoiled him. He tugs the blankets up around him, because it's going to take some time before his body temperature is high enough to fight against the chill in his apartment.
"Have you tried out the settings at all?" Remus asks him, and Sirius picks up the phone, switching off speaker and holding it to his ear.
"No," he says, grinding his ass down against the bed to test the plug's reach inside him. "I thought you'd rather do the honours."
Remus hums, and Sirius hears the phone shifting in his grip. "I'm gonna turn it on, okay? Lowest setting."
"O--" Sirius stutters as the plug buzzes to life inside him, nestled snug against his prostate and sending little zings of pleasure down his legs. "Fuck that feels good. That's the lowest setting?"
"It is," Remus confirms. "Want to run through them all, see how high it goes? Or would you rather be surprised?"
"Mmmm, surprise me."
"Surprise it is," Remus says, and Sirius hears shuffling papers in the background as he prepares for his night class. Psychology 1001, Thursdays, 7-9:30PM. Two and a half hours of a lecture that Remus swears he's given so many times he could recite it in his sleep, so why not give himself something fun to focus on while he goes through the motions? 
Being privy to all of this brilliant, upstanding man's secret perversions is a privilege Sirius does not take lightly.
"You can turn it off from the app if you need to," Remus is saying, "Or you can call me and I'll switch it off. My phone's on vibrate, so I'll see it right away."
Sirius smiles to himself. "Got it," he says, though this is a rehashing of the rules that Remus had laid out when he'd brought the plug over last weekend. He'd called it a "late Christmas gift", as if he hadn't already given Sirius several thousand dollars worth of presents on Christmas morning.
There's more rustling over the line, the squeak of a chair. 
"Tell me again how you're going to be good tonight."
"I'm not gonna touch myself, and I'm not gonna come." The toy is still buzzing away inside him, making everything a little fuzzy at the edges. 
"Tell me why."
"'Cause daddy's in charge, even when he's not here."
"Good boy."
Sirius squirms with pleasure, his cock smearing a little drop of fluid on his belly as the toy hums insistently at his prostate.
"I have to head out," Remus says. "How do you feel?"
"Good," Sirius says, his abs tensing as he shifts his legs and the angle of the toy changes. "Excited."
"Me too," Remus says softly. "I'll talk to you soon, beautiful. Send me some pictures." With a low beep, the call disconnects.
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