#sorry for being eepy and nasty
yearning-gay · 20 days
"mommy can i get you pregnant please" sentences i feel in my dick
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sleepanonymous · 2 months
Posting here for reasons! Ok so! To whom it may concern, idk! Call me a party pooper & an old head for this but all this "tummy" talk about III is rubbing me the wrong way. This isn't meant to make anyone feel bad at all! I come in peace!!! BUT! Y'all know the guys see a lot of what we talk about, right? I've seen it done about Vess as well before, concerning stretch marks. Can you imagine people posting zoomed in photos of your stretch marks or bloated tummy all over the Internet, and having full blown discourse about it? You'd be mortified! Would you say the same things about or to the Sleepy ladies...? Probably not. 🤔 Maybe I'm being a giant hypocrite. Sure. There's some nuance here and I know most of the comments usually come from a sweet & silly place because we love them SO sooo much!!❤️ And I am surely not immune to speaking on their physical appearance as well but never would I purposely say things that could make the guys possibly feel insecure or crappy under Instagram posts or whatever. These men have insecurities just like you and I. Yeah, it comes with the territory, blah blah blah, ect... But I'll tell you right now.... I can promise you, at least I feel I can speak on III.... He don't like it! lol So please show some respect in that matter. I guess my point is, if you care about the Sleepy dudes like I do, please pause before you say something that might make another human feel shitty about their body. We all struggle and you wouldn't like it if the tables were turned onto you. I truly come in peace! I love you all! 💖
Hello love 🖤 Sorry it took so long for me to get to this ask, by the time I got home from errands I had a migraine so I took a nap instead of getting online.
I don’t want to add too much to this post, since I think you’ve stated everything fairly clearly. I could easily fall into that hypocrite pile with you (I poke a lot of fun at the Eepy Guys, and even thirst over them, especially in more “private” online spaces like group chats/Discord). But even coming from good intentions, the comments could definitely be interpreted as malicious and hurtful. I’ve always struggled with body image/self esteem, so I think that’s why I reacted so negatively to that one nasty comment made about Vessel’s face.
One last thing to add, and not to scare anyone but just to add a little extra mindfulness to this ask: The band do 100% lurk and have burner accounts for online spaces. I’ve been told this by three different sources at this point, so I’m inclined to believe it.
P.S. I don’t mind being a mouthpiece for longer, more serious posts like this, especially if you DM me first 🖤
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good-beans · 8 months
Ahh thank you @fayesdiary for tagging me!! It's time for WIP Wednesday on a Sunday 😎
Here's a little peek at the opening section of a normal au Fuuta-Yuno piece, mostly shown through text messages. I was sad that Yuno has to hide so much of her life/job/self from her friends, so I'm playing around with her gradually being able to open up to Fuuta about things (and him getting a true friend in the process)
Forgive me for not tagging anyone but it's late and I'm eepy but PLEASE I wanna see what people are working on so if you see this come and share some of your wip!!
(I may end up using one of those text screenshot generators, but also maybe not because I have some action sandwiched throughout. It's color coded here, but I don't think the final version will be.)
Hi Fuuta! Sorry to bother you so late, but you took calc last year, right? Can you take a look at this question and tell me if I’m close? [image attached]
Fuuta’s eyes flicked away from his game.
you really think i would know
i barely passed
Eh, figured I’d give it a shot…
It’s due tomorrow and you’re the only one I know up at this ungodly hour 😔
yeah, why are you doing worksheets now?
its past your bedtime 
Every time you say it it’s SO funny!! 🙄
You just wait until next year
Yuno couldn’t help but glance at her little desk countdown to graduation. Still too far off to get too excited. Her fingers kept tapping. 
I was working. I forgot I never finished this earlier lol
this late? they’ve got laws against that you know
oh wait
Why are you sorry? Thanks for looking out for me though 😘
Fuuta typed in a message. He deleted it. He typed another. Deleted it. 
ill text mikoto. hes up sometimes and probably did better in calc
Aww wait, are you embarrassed? I didn’t know you were such a prude ~ 
im not fucking embarrassed
i didnt think you wanted to talk about it
Awww you really are flustered! Well, if you ever want I can always come back with some tips for you. For a price, of course, but I’m willing to settle for something easy. That karaoke night coming up, maybe 👀
God knows you need them, I’ve seen the way you try and talk to Rumerie
excuse me??? like i need your help
Oh riiight, all that action you’re getting at university
You let me know when you spend the night with someone who’s not 2d
She smiled wickedly to herself, picturing the way he’d be fuming. 
fuck off i dont play nasty games like that 
Yeah, you only play really, really cool games, right? What are you playing right now? 
What’s so cool that you’re sacrificing your sleep and well being and school career for?
Fuuta glanced at his game screen. He grimaced.
shut up
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foxgloveinspace · 2 months
hi fox!!!
hope you’ve made it through the nasty weather okay!
i’m popping in because i’ve finally had another sleep token dream!!! i missed having the eepy boys in my brain 🥹
i must be getting antsy about seeing them in may because i dreamt that i was at my concert! i got barricade (manifesting that for real plsssss) on iii’s side of the stage.
at one point iii walked over to vessel then shouted at the crowd and i thought he sounded scottish? then i’m not sure what pulled my attention but i clearly missed iii climbing off the stage because next thing i knew he was at barricade and right in front of me! it was once again intimidating to have him right there in front of me lol, but it was also sooooooo exciting! lots of fun haha
anyways. that’s all for now! i’m in my final two weeks of university and have to go finish a paper now 🙈
Hihi Exie!!
Sorry I missed this ask completely (gonna blame it on my notifs being booped, they where still whacky on the 2nd as well, lmao).
Oh, thats a really fun one!! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get barricade too, though I think if any of them were right there in front of me I'd short circuit, I would blue screen and it would show on my face lmao.
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