#sorry for the late post btw once again i have been a bit busy 😭
rraveboy · 1 year
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the day cometh!
i don’t even know what to say. may 3rd, 2021, i was an itty bitty freshman navigating my first year of high school through covid year schedules and countless missing math assignments, fixated on friday night funkin, and suddenly my brain gets scratched in the perfect way: this guy, standing there, and fucking dying. of course i was attached immediately. his unique attitude towards boyfriend, incredible music, and well thought out personality quickly gave him rise to be an extremely solid comfort character, along with Annie catching up to me around august of that year. now, they guide me, surviving the heat death of fnf’s golden age themselves, and it’s safe to say they’re not leaving anytime soon.
this guy and his silly best friend have now gotten me through freshman, sophomore, and now junior year. here’s to another year of adventures, Garcello and Annie . <3
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and a bonus redraw of Annie, again, way too enthusiastic about celebrating her best friend.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 22 days
hiii! I’m currently crying because I really like the Tsaritsa but there’s no content of her! Like anywhere!! I know that you are very busy but please bear with me😅 I’m sorry if I’m bothering you btw 😢
what if Yandere!Tsaritsa has a lover who loves to cause trouble/hates the Fatui. It’s to the point she can’t maintain them, do you think she’ll ask her harbingers for help? Like have the 9th bribe them with money in order to keep them away from going on with their evil villain schemes 😈(just that they’re trapped in the middle of nowhere and don’t have much freedom..) or just have a harbinger check up on the Tsaritsa s’ s/o each once in a while
by the way, I feel like I may come here a lot (I normally do, but I don’t request) so can I be 👛 anon? 🙏🙏 thank you for reading, I know this was trashy (it’s my first time requesting 😭)
Hi i'm sorry it took a bit to get to this, i was worried about not being able to do good enough and wanted to make sure i could do your request justice! if you're still interested in being an anon for my blog i would love to have you :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behavior, implied being held against ones will, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
While she isn’t against asking the Harbingers to get you under control, she prefers to handle you herself. The Tsaritsa knew what kind of responsibilities she’d be taking on when deciding she wanted you, and thus she tries to avoid relying on them. At first, she tried to mitigate any negative feelings between you and her Harbingers by having you attend meetings with her, Fatui-related events, and other such things, but she has quickly learned it’s better to leave you in your shared bedroom and deal with any attitude when she returns home. 
During times when she has to be away from Zapolyarny palace or outside of Snezhnaya and can’t bring you, she’ll task one of her dear Harbingers with your care. It’s usually Pantalone or Capitano, Pierro is generally too busy, Pucinella is too easy on you, and the others have quirks of their own that she doesn’t hold high faith in. 
Long, slim fingers brush through the strands of your hair, tucking back any loose pieces and fixing the parting as she mulls over a thought in her mind. The Tsaritsa knows she has only another hour or so with you before she has to set off again, leaving you in the capable hands of her dear Harbinger Capitano. She hasn’t yet broken the news to you, knowing you’ll pitch a fit that is better dealt with by giving you space to lash out. She’d chosen Capitano this time specifically because you’d been extra testy lately, plotting escapes and trying to fight some of the lower-ranked guards posted outside your door. The large man could take quite a beating and she was hoping he’d be up for the challenge of your care. “My sweet Snowball, I’ve neglected to inform you until this point, but I have to leave Snezhnaya for some time. A minor god has appeared in a nearby nation and sparked trouble, Celestia has requested I step in to assist in handling them.” Her fingers pause in your hair for a moment before pulling away, allowing you a moment to process what she has told you. 
As much as she hates to do it, she often lies to you about where she’s going or why she has to be out of Snezhnaya. The Tsaritsa knows of your dislike for the Fatui and their motives, but she cannot simply halt her plan because you are heartbroken over it. Thus, she often will tell you false information, playing the part of the darling Archon that Celestia expects of her, but only in front of you.
Really, she rarely leaves Snezhnaya, often traveling to different parts of her nation to handle difficult tasks that the calloused hands of her Harbingers are not capable of. She has on occasion ventured out of the controlled walls of her nation, daring to visit neighboring ones in search of valuable items or materials, but she prefers to stay in Snezhnaya. While she may be powerful and well capable of defending herself, she sleeps easier at night knowing that you are within the same nation as her.
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deepperplexity · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are doing well! How have you been lately?
I'm currently trying to read some of your works to revive such beautiful experiences with your beautiful work but I came up to something so strange and I hope you don't mind me asking 🙈
I wanted to read again -like for the 17837384 time- the Death's Judge Series you posted on AO3 but your account says you have no works posted so far. I clicked on each individual book and it said I have to have an AO3 account. So I put myself on the list and they said I'll receive an invitation near June 15th.
But I wanted to ask you if you deleted those books? I mean, if you did, I totally respect you for that and I don't want you to see this ask as some random anon pestering you about your work. I'm really just curious.
The Death's Judge Series is a beautiful fic I go back to when I feel nostalgic. Funny thing to say, I know haha, but I really enjoyed it and I can say it is my favourite fic of all times.
I hope you are doing well and that I'd be able to re-read your books in 10 days and if not, at least I can say I got to read it before and I totally respect your decision of taking it down.
Just know that you are a great author and I admire you so much. And if it manages to encourage you a bit, I finished reading the copy of Clearview Cove you send through your Newsletter and I can only say I really really really enjoyed it.
The plot was awesome and the character development was so beautifully built that I couldn't stop reading it. I just read it again btw. There's just something about your writing that makes me want to come back to it. And that's a lot to say from me hahaha.
Either way, Sorry if I rambled. Please take care and stay safe. I know you are busy now and that you will probably not see this ask right away but I wish you the best in both your writing journey and your personal life.
-Ninnie Noony ❤️❤️❤️
Hi there darling Nonny! ♥️♥️♥️
Don't worry! It's there! I've just limited it to AO3 users because of all the AI scraping 🥰♥️ I do recommend downloading it though, so you always have it whenever you want to read it no matter what ♥️
It makes me so so so incredibly happy to hear you're re-reqding my works, that my writing is good enough to bring you back 😭👏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️ Thank you so much! Honestly, I'm so so so happy to hear that and thank you for being so incredibly respectful. So sweet of you ♥️
And gosh, I'm over the moon to hear you e read Clearview Cove more than once - THANK YOU! - and to hear you're following this journey if mine (that's a bit crazy ATM but, oh well, life happens 😅👍🏻). I hope you'll love my future works as well and thatill be able to give you more world's to visit, more people to get to know and see life through - that my words will continue to captivate you ♥️♥️♥️
I wish you all the best in the world!
And, again, THANK YOU!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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