#sorry for this random political/theological post
Lauren Boebert has completely missed the point of Jesus.
Going by the Christian mythos, Jesus Christ was born to die. That was his fate, and he knew that was his fate, and he went willingly to it.
"My heart is troubled. What should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No. This is the very reason I came to this hour." - John 12:27
Jesus told his disciples to put away their swords when the Romans came to arrest him. Having guns would not change his response, nor would it change the reason for this story.
It's not that Jesus was anti-violence. It's that the whole point of his birth was for that moment - to die on the cross.
And it's so weird to me that I am not a Christian, I'm not a religious person, but I understand the core of that mythology better than some of the loudest voices purporting to follow it.
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jewish-privilege · 6 years
@skystonedclouds replied (a lot) to this post:
Well I’m female... So you’re off to a bad start. There also multiple Talmuds. The old one is different. I was referring to the Babylonian Talmud (written after Jesus). Not the old Talmud written long ago.
We do “follow” the Talmud (when Jews say Talmud, they’re referring to the Babylonian Talmud/Talmud Bavli). Jews who believe the Torah to be divinely inspired also believe the Talmud to be divinely inspired. The Talmud explains the Torah. It’s not “basically just random people making up guides for the heck of it.” 
You need to stop learning about Judaism from white and Christian supremacists and separatists. All Jewish people read the Babylonian Talmud, so I guess we’re all Satanic Christ killers who want to cover up how we killed Jesus.
And they were both finalized after Jesus; they both contain teachings that JESUS IS LITERALLY QUOTED IN YOUR BIBLE AS SAYING. The Mishnah is part of both Talmuds. Jesus was teaching the Mishnah (only one version! Same ole Mishnah in both! Although neither covers the entire Mishnah because, you know, Romans wouldn’t let us practice our culture!). Both of them are the recordings of debates amongst rabbis over Torah since, oh, around 550 BCE if not earlier. 
The Talmud Yerushalmi/Jerusalem Talmud (you know it was “the old Talmud written long ago”) was finalized in the 4th century (because Theodosius II decided that Jews couldn’t learn Judaism anymore). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s after the crucifixion.
As an aside, do you know why the Talmuds exist? The Temple had been destroyed (again), the Jews were expelled (again), and the rabbis knew they had to change Judaism because centering it on the Temple and in Judea/Samaria/Jerusalem was now impossible. The rabbis had to write down all of their discussions and teachings. All of them, both the normative and non-normative opinions. So, even you saying that Jews follow the “old” Talmud shows you don’t really understand what the Talmud is. We study the Talmud (which is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara) to understand the Torah because we can't just go ask one of the rabbis roaming around Jerusalem any more. A diaspora in 2018 is different than a small, concentrated tribal group in 1st century Judea. You’d start to write shit down too if you realized you no longer had one central place to argue, study, and teach because it had been razed to the ground. 
The reason there are two is that after the destruction of the Temple and the exile of Jews from Jerusalem, the two remaining academic centers of Judaism were Mesopotamia (Talmud Bavli/Babylonian Talmud) and Syria Palaestina (Talmud Yerushalmi/Jerusalem Talmud/Palestinian Talmud). (As an aside, the Talmud Yerushalmi doesn't have the Gemara because Theodosius II decided that Jews couldn’t learn Judaism anymore. It ends rather abruptly.)
The God of the Torah the one true God who had a son. He died for me to take my place so I do not have to die. He is merciful 💖🙏 amazing grace and love for sure 💕Psalm 145:2 Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Yes the God of the Torah who broke a son to die in my place. I may live now ever praising the one true God 💖🙏 Psalm 145:2 Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Do you not know any other tehillim or...?
The G!D of the Torah is indivisible and cannot become incarnate. Explain how Jesus works with that fundamental definition.
I think it’s a Christian responsibility to protect Jewish people and their nation. I don’t agree with you in rejecting the messiah. It doesn’t mean Israel is not chosen. I’m so glad my great aunt protected Jewish people from Holocaust. A lot of the Christians I talk to want to protect Israel. I know Israel is under a of attack. Let us unite in that we both love God of the Torah. I was made aware maybe I don’t understand Jewish culture (I’m not sure). I like that day ”the feast of trumpets”.
We’re not children; you don’t have to protect us like we are. And anyway, what precisely are you protecting us from? Those who would not allow us to be Jewish and practice our culture and religion? Let me know who precisely the Christians are protecting us from if not from you them.
What, precisely do you like about “that day ‘the feast of the trumpets’”? The connection to the resurrection? The idea that the second coming will occur with a trumpet? Because I hate to break it to you, that’s all Evangelical Protestant nonsense shoehorning Jesus symbolism where it doesn’t make sense. Do you know what we actually do on Rosh Hashana?
You said it was the Catholics. They are not filled with the Holy Spirit.
Oh. You’re one of those Protestants. Soteriological exclusivity is quite the drug.
It’s actually pretty tragic. The Catholics did a lot of bad things even to your family 💔. They sinned against your family.
Sure. Just the Catholics. Protestants never did anything sinful against Jews. Nice emoji use. It’s not at all contemptuous.
Not gatekeeping just seeing a pattern. Whenever I use christian apologetics on the flaws of other religions people cry for my execution (metaphorically). To Muslims I’m islamophobic if I find flaws in the Quran. To the Jewish people I’m antisemetic if i find flaws in the Babylonian Talmud which they don’t even use. Apparently finding flaws in a belief system makes people think I must not like them. Meanwhile Christians never yell Christianphobia when the religion is examined find potential flaws
Maybe it’s because you’re cherry-picking passages, taking them out of context, and outright misquoting them. 
It’s news to me, an actual Jew, that we don’t use the Babylonian Talmud. Where’d you get that pearl of wisdom? When Jews talk of the Talmud, we’re talking about the Babylonian Talmud. 
But hey that’s comes with the contract of following a leader who was crucified. He was crucified for finding flaws in the Pharisees who taught well but were kinda hypocritical (didn’t do the commands themselves).
Again I say: Cool antisemitism bro. Modern Jews are Pharisees. If you don’t want to be called an antisemite, don’t be antisemitic. 
One person did want tell me to die so yeah the ill wishes only came from one side. I always knew I’d be crucified one day. I welcome to share in the death of the saviour🙏✝️
People pointing out to you that you’re misquoting their exegetical texts isn’t being crucified. That’s an amazing level of hubris.
Also the crucifixion of Christ is s historical fact and biblical core truths. You just admitted someone believing the bible is offensive.
Nope, @rose-in-a-fisted-glove said “... Did you seriously just try to claim to not be antisemitic while crying deicide in literally the next breath? That's just, wow.“
The Romans killed Jesus the same way they killed all other political criminals. Crucifixion was the Roman punishment for political crimes/crimes against the state. You claimed Jesus was crucified because the Pharisees (again, modern Jews are Pharisees) were upset he “found flaws” in them. That’s... do you know HOW MANY Jews found fault with the teachings of other Jews during the 1st CE in Judea? In the first centuries of the common era the main sects of Judaism were the Pharisees, Essenes, and Sadducees. They all argued with themselves and each other. Jesus, I’m sorry, wasn’t unique in that.
Like you mean Nazis tried to find flaws in Judaism too ? They didn’t stop there though they wanted to dehumanized people. I’m just doing apologetics. I’m mentioning how there was a cover up over the crucifixion of Christ. I even mentioned that the text has other outrageous claims. It ties back to the point that it’s unreliable and not many follow it. Now I can assume this might be a point of insecurity. Do you think only Nazis see flaws? Everyone can see a flaw in beliefs.
Nazis didn’t try to find flaws in Judaism; Nazis believed (and continue to believe) that Jews are racially inferior and impure. Do you really think the Holocaust was due to theological differences? 
I still really want to know who taught you that Jews don’t “follow” the Babylonian Talmud. You should ask for your money back.
Of course Nazis will point our flaws. I one time crashed my friends course on genocide. I know the warning signs of genocide. It’s dehumanization. It’s silencing. It’s treating as second class.
Oh. One time. Cool. Well, then you’re a bonafide expert on dehumanization and genocide. So much so that you seem to believe that the Nazis dehumanized Jews by finding “flaws in Judaism” and not, you know, phrenology and racial pseudo-science. 
I took Astronomy 101 in college; I guess that makes me Neil deGrasse Tyson.
There’s a difference between criticism and debating and being a nazi who wants to dehumanize. In seminars people debate flaws of beliefs. In apologetic posts people mention flaws they see from their perspective. So if people can mention flaws in beliefs no one gets anywhere. Why do muslims day I’m islamophobic when I point out dangerous passages about killing jewish people ? I say ”Woah there Muslim this passage says to kill jewish people! You think that’s cool ?!”. They say ”Islamophobic !”.
And you’re doing neither. And again, they’re probably calling you Islamophobic because you’re taking the passages in isolation and out of context.
Okay if some are made up lemme know which ones. But I know at least the ones about Christ are true. I can understand maybe it could be exaggerated in translation or maybe some invented. I don’t need false flaws or anything since that’s just a waste of time. And if something was made up just by Nazis I’m sorry about that part that would be made up.
What are “false flaws”?
We actually don’t know definitively if they’re about your Jesus or not. Yehoshua (of which Yeshu is a derivation) was and is an incredibly common Jewish name. Different scholars have different ideas of what and to whom those passages refer.
But assuming they (Sanhedrin 43a, Sotah 47a, Shabbat 104b, Gittin 57a) are all about Jesus? The historical context of these passages (which make up an unusually small part of the totality Talmud)? 
“By the time the Talmud was coming into final form, Christianity was the dominant religion of the Mediterranean world and beyond. Negative expressions in such writings reflect negative experiences in the time of their creation. Quoting such texts without explaining these contextual influences can grossly distort one’s understanding of how Jewish tradition views Jesus.” - Jesus in Rabbinic Tradition, Burton L. Visotzky from Amy-Jill Levine’s The Jewish Annotated New Testament.
Christians were legislatively prohibiting Jews from practicing our religion or, you know, killing us with impunity. That’s the context of those passages, not abject, irrelevant Jesus hate. And on top of that, you quoted them incorrectly. 
In Jewish tradition (from the Satanic Talmud) “he” and servant in Isaiah 34:11 refers to Israel the people. You know, the Jewish people in total. Not Jesus.
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This is the graphic you used in this post. It literally says “Become Jew-Wise and learn more at www.national-liberation.org” 
For all your talk that “Jew” is the n-word for Jewish people (it’s not), you use a graphic that says that? And that “Killing and Enslaving Whites is OK”? That didn’t scream Nazi to you?
Well Catholics aren’t Christian (they believe works salvation). I’ll let that pass for now. Christians are oppressed. Statistics show Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world stated by huffington post. We are being killed India by Hindus, in Turk ube Muslims, in North Korea. 6000+ Christians were killed in Nigeria this year alone. 1/12 Christians are persecuted violently stated by daily mail. Independent uk states the estimate is that 11 Christians die every hour of every day.
Catholics are Christian. The Protestant Reformation didn’t de-Christianize them. Sorry. 
Are you a Christian in any of those countries? You seem to be an American Protestant Christian living in the United States. You are not oppressed. 
You also don’t know anything about Judaism and should stop pretending you do.
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