#sorry if my writing isnt good. i havent written a fic in a while askjdh
employee052 · 16 days
[A new ending and a new beginning.] (art + a fic)
[I accidentally wrote a lot for the art piece, so the full art is at the end under the cut!]
"An odd silence fell between the two of them as the sun began to gently rise from its slumber and out into the sky above. A soft drizzle pouring onto the ground below as Stanley clung to the jacket resting on his shoulders. The breeze hitting his skin as he realized what this was.
It was weather.
It was the rain. It was the cool breeze against his skin, the warmth of the sun above, the grass below him, the trees surrounding him.
It was freedom. Just like the way the two had hoped that they would one day see.
The Narrator smiled softly, Gently grabbing Stanley's hand as they sat side by side on the hilltop.
He gazed out into the world around them. The sunlight making his eyes shine a familiar yellow as he turned to see all there was to see in that moment alone. There was an odd sense of finality to his face, as though he was conjuring another story in his mind. Only this time, there were no more endings, no more resets.
Simply a story with a beginning and an end.
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Stanley looked at him curiously, nudging his arm as The Narrator turned to face him with a guilty look.
This made Stanley nervous. Despite having only seen the Narrator in person for a short amount of time, in all his time within the office, he never once imagined that the same man that he was hearing all this time would be sitting beside him looking at him like he was his world.
And perhaps he was, Stanley thought to himself.
'It's funny, isn't it Stanley?' The Narrator asked in a low rumble, 'To think, the ending we've both desperately dreamed of achieving, and all you had to do was get me to listen."
Stanley smiled, it was a challenge to get him to stop without a voice. An even bigger challenge to get him to listen to what he had to say.
Yet as his legs ached from running up those stairs towards the escape pod, The Narrator holding his hand as he wondered if they were really about to be freed. Stanley knew that he would do it all again if it meant that the two of them could sit on this hill together for just a brief moment.
The Narrator sighed, looking down at their hands in silent acceptance. Gently caressing soft circles on the back of Stanley's hand.
Stanley didn't need to look. The weight in his chest telling him all that he needed to know.
Stanley kept his eyes on the Narrator's face. Set on dedicating it to memory as the soft wisps of distortion chipping off the Narrator's body. His coat on his shoulders growing steadily lighter.
'It's okay,' The Narrator reassured, his free hand wrapping around Stanley's torso in a gentle side hug. 'We've both achieved our freedom. Even if it was for a brief moment.'
A sob escaped Stanley's throat. A soft gasp before he broke out into tears. He pulled The Narrator in for a hug, clinging desperately to him as he felt him hug back. The two of them holding onto each other desperately as the ending was in sight.
'Oh... I have so many things I wish to tell you Stanley.'
Stanley felt the Narrators lips press against his head tenderly.
'But this isn't my ending to live. It's simply another beginning to your own story.'
The two stayed like this for another moment. Holding each other in their arms as the stars faded for the morning skies' hues to colour the atmosphere above them. Tears streaming down their faces. Stanley felt the Narrator's grip grow weaker feeling the distortion grow more intense as he clung to him even harder.
'Stanley, would you mind if I narrate this moment for us? For old times sake.' He whispered. 'It will be different, I promise.'
Stanley chuckled quietly. His shoulders shaking as he nodded, wiping his tears. For once, he never thought his lines would bring him this much comfort.
The Narrator coughed, the distortion about to overtake him as he pulled Stanley in closer. Speaking with whole chest befitting for a true and final ending.
'And so, Stanley and The Narrator could feel the breeze against their skin. A new ending, and a new beginning for them both. The feeling of freedom within themselves.'
'This was exactly the way, right now, that things were meant to happen.'
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'And Stanley was free.' "
[The End]
[For different versions of the art!- uh... we can only have one cut, so just... scroll down lmao]
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