#sorry this was super longwinded šŸ˜³
shywhitemoose Ā· 3 years
Hi! I really like following youā€”your posts always make me smile! I saw that you like getting asks but donā€™t like to do ask games, so can I ask you some questions from a recent fanfic writer ask game??
What do you like most about your own writing?
Whatā€™s something youā€™ve recently felt proud of related to your writing?
And can you name one or more of your fave comfort fics??
No pressure to answer, I was just curious! Have a good night! šŸ’œ
Hello! This is really sweet, thank you. I suppose it's not so much that I don't like to do ask games, it's just that it's unfamiliar to me and I'm... not one of the cool kids, you know? Like I wonder, I've only written one fic so far (and even thatā€™s not complete yet) - am I even qualified to call myself a writer yet? And my art is all over the place (not literally, but aesthetically speaking) because I haven't been doing digital long enough to have developed a consistent style - am I really allowed to call myself an artist? Am I allowed to think anyone will want to know things about me or the stuff I create? These are silly questions, I know, but my brain just.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Anyway, to your questions šŸ˜Š
What do you like most about your own writing?
Hmm, well my own writing is limited, but I guess within the chapters I've written, I think I like my dialogues the most. I try to find a good balance of humor and emotion and I *think* Iā€™m usually successful? Of course I really just have my characters to thank for that- it helps that they already have such entertaining chemistry to start with :)
Whatā€™s something youā€™ve recently felt proud of related to your writing?
Oh dear. I think maybe I'm just proud that I'm still doing it, ha. It doesn't come naturally to me at all. I mean I've never been able to just sit down and write a page. I swear, every paragraph - at least when thereā€™s no dialogue, but even sometimes when there is - is a Process. I will be particularly proud when I finish the next chapter because it's given me more trouble than any others (how do all you authors churn out such lovely smut on the regular? I'm over here struggling for days about how to get a hand where it needs to be, lol. And don't get me started on how the Force is supposed to play into all this.)
Can you name one or more of your fave comfort fics??
Is it weird to include my own? Itā€™s just that I started writing Adrift and Entangled *specifically* as something I could come back to and read for comfort. Chapters 12-14 put my heart in a particularly warm, cozy place.
For other works, Iā€™m VERY out of touch with what is currently out there because I donā€™t have a ton of time to read these days. But:
With a Warm and Tender HandĀ by temple_mistress (I donā€™t know if this person has a tumblr) is one of the first Obikin fics I ever read and it just really stuck with me. Itā€™s very, well, warm and tender :) Itā€™s been a while, but Iā€™ve probably re-read this more than any other fic Iā€™ve come across.
Another piece that has stayed with me is this short, spicy, but heart-melting prompt fill by @glimmerglanger from many many months ago. Poor Obi-Wan is impotent here, and the way they write what Anakin does for him just turns me into a pile of mush. I still think about it.
The Snowball Effect by @twilightofthe has brought me comfort through laughter on more than one occasion. Itā€™s a two-chapter modern AU and the author is hysterical.
What Iā€™ve seen on tumblr ofĀ @tennessouiā€˜s Keeping up with the Skywalker Kenobis AU has also brought me great joy, and her AO3 version is high priority on my to-read list. Super sweet, and it also involves the kids, which gives me extra feels.
Speaking of kids, Iā€™m reminded of Homestead, by @jswander and @whohatessand. Itā€™s part of a longer series that I havenā€™t gotten to yet, but this first work was just lovely. A good snuggle up with a warm beverage and let your heart feel all the feels sort of fic.
Itā€™s not in traditional fic format, but I also find great comfort inĀ @shatoutoā€˜s Redeeming Vader AUĀ comic installments. Itā€™s a WIP, but the story is beautiful, and the art is exquisite.
Whew... I guess that was more than one, lol. Suggestions for other good comfort fics welcome - I know theyā€™re out there I probably just havenā€™t gotten to them yet!
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