#space tour
taurusmoonchild · 28 days
Starkid Innit has me in my feels!! Starkid tour eras you will always be famous to me
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persephone-28 · 18 days
I joined the Starkid fandom around 2011, disappeared around 2017 and properly came back like a few months ago and as you can imagine it’s crazy different now but it’s been the best thing being apart of this wonderful community again and I’m feeling a bit nostalgic so I thought I’d list the things I remember from when I first joined. (I would have been 11/12).
• The StarkidWiki mainly being lots of fuckyeah_____ pages for the actors.
• Me making one for Meredith because I loved her in starship and couldn’t believe she didn’t have one.
• Being obsessed with Joe Moses’s ‘Potion’s Master Corner’ series.
• When MTV went and visited Starkid during the making of Starship (mainly about Darren’s involvement as he was on GLEE by then).
• Everyone wearing or wanting pink sunglasses.
• The old space themed logos.
• Having fan-art from all the musicals on my IPhone 3G, like Pigfarts, Umbridge, Tootsie Noodles etc.
• Listening to all the music on YouTube like the very potter soundtracks and even compilations of everyone’s vocals.
• Boy Toy always getting stuck in my head.
• Watching Me and My Dick at like 12 because I wanted to have seen every musical.
• Joe Walker revealing Brian and Meredith were a couple and everyone freaking out.
• Watching all the Space Tour and Apocalyptour challenges.
• The excitement surrounding the announcement of AVPSY.
• Seeing Jeff Blim for the first time as Sweet Tooth and being like wow this man is amazingly talented, then seeing him as Aragon in AVPSY and being like wow this man is talented and hot.
• Watching the videos of the HMB cast do panels in their costumes at the 2012 Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (and Sean Astin as ‘Dylan Saunders’??).
• Being excited at all the Starkid cameos in Chris Allen’s short film ‘OMG’.
(I can’t remember as much from 2014-2016 and this list got long and boring 🫣).
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ghostlyjealousy · 1 year
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maurysgrillbrush · 7 months
gotta say. putting kick it up a notch RIGHT after boy toy in the space tour setlist was a fuckin insane move
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ourqueertardis · 5 months
rewatching 2011 space tour and oml they all look like babies :0
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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The SPACE (Starkid Precarious Auditory Concert Experience) Tour at Irving Plaza in New York, NY | November 27, 2011
[Source: ♡, ♡]
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jadesythirlwall · 2 years
i know we all love rogues medley from apocalyptour but can we talk about kick it up a notch from space tour 
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deltawebsistem · 4 months
Image of the Milky Way over the Temple of Karnak in Egypt.
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ryonello · 2 months
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im playing my favorite dating sim again 💌
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curtmega · 25 days
Sometimes I see people talk about Starkid like it’s a nostalgic thing from the past. And while many beloved shows are from another era and are amazing, I say… the best work is still ahead.
In 2022/23, we toured, debuted a hugely successful third Hatchetfield show, made a half hour short film and premiered a FULL length retro Holiday show in Chicago.
In this year, there’s sold out shows, an upcoming anthology film project AND the highest funded Kickstarter TO DATE for a brand new universe of shows set to debut this summer.
Starkid was then. Starkid is now.
You in?
Let’s freaking go.
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dsgustng · 6 months
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Tails gets trolled or whatever
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breakbleheavens · 6 months
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#jedi taylor
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I like this flying saucer house- doesn't it look like it's hovering? I think it's needs to be painted silver, and the door hinges changed so that it opens like a hatch. It was built in 2002 in Somonauk, IL, has 4bds, 5ba, asking $474,900.
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Fire lifters, it's taking off.
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And, from the top, it looks like a giant intergalactic boob.
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It looks bigger inside. There's a very open, spacious living room with a mezzanine.
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They have the living room seating facing the small deck.
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At first I thought, "Who's this guy?" and then I realized it's a drop down screen.
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The dining area is also very big.
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Note how the floor angles up.
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The kitchen is huge. You can put a table and chairs and in here.
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Stairs to the 2nd level.
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I would call this area a flex space. It could be a family room or game room.
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Now, this hole here, must serve some purpose, like if you have to get downstairs real fast or your want Scotty to beam you up.
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The bedrooms are all basically this shape, and have their own en-suites.
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The en-suites are spacious, but not particularly attractive.
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I think that the nicest feature is the ceiling.
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There's also a large garage/barn on the property.
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The lot is 5 acres.
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guccifrog · 3 months
matt sturniolo X f!reader
summary : The Sturniolos found it increasingly difficult to raise their brother, Matt's daughter especially since they were all boys, hiring a nanny seemed like the best solution, your slight obsession with money and the pay they were offering was too good not to apply, but little did you know that your bond with the dad would become more than just professional.
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part 1
"Evelyn!"Chris shouted into the hallway of the Sturniolos' house, where Evelyn could be heard giggling from the other side of the door. She was always playing hide-and-seek with her uncles, and it seemed like it was her favorite game. Today, however, Chris had a more important task at hand: getting his niece to put on a pair of pants. 
But it was not an easy task. Chris had been trying to get Evelyn to wear pants for the past thirty minutes, and every time he thought he had her cornered, she would somehow wriggle free and run off to hide again.
 He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he considered his options. He knew that he couldn't chase her around the house all day, and he was starting to feel irritated.
"Evie? come out sweetheart, I'll let you play with my hair, don't you love braiding my long hair?"Chris winced, as he remembered how Evelyn had almost made him bald once, trying to braid his hair. But, he had to try something. He heard a tiny giggle from the other side of the door and waited, hoping that she would come out. 
Then it hit him. He remembered a little trick that always works. Candy. If he gave Evelyn some candy, she would probably be distracted enough to let him help her put on the pants. Grinning to himself, he hurried to the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards until he found a bag of her favorite chocolates. He returned to the hallway, clutching the bag in his hand.
"Evie! Hey, Evie, come here for a second," Chris called, trying to sound casual. When Evelyn finally poked her head out from under the coffee table where she'd been hiding, she flashed him a big grin. "I've got something special for you," he said, holding up the bag of chocolates. Her eyes lit up, and she skipped over to him, her little hands already reaching for the treat.
"Treats!" she exclaimed, taking a few pieces and stuffing them into her mouth. As she chewed happily, Chris took the opportunity to kneel down beside her and gently slip the pair of pants onto her little legs. "Don't tell your dad, okay?" he said, sighing in relief as he finally buttoned her pants. Evelyn nodded, her mouth full. She had never been so happy to wear pants before.
As Chris stood up, he noticed Nick, walking into the room, his eyes glued to his phone. "Are you guys done?" he asked, looking up and, noticing the half-eaten candy in Evelyn's hand. But before Chris could respond, Nick's expression turned sour. " Chris what the hell are you doing?!" he whispered-yelled. "Giving her candy!? she had like three bags this morning!"
"Shut up, Nick," Chris hissed back, "I was just trying to get her to wear some pants." He looked at Evelyn, who was still munching on the candy, Nick rolled his eyes but didn't argue. Chris. sighed, turning to Evelyn, ready to take the rest of the candy away from her. But before he could, An ear-piercing scream filled with terror rang out through the house.
Evelyn had dropped the candy, clutching her hands to her mouth, tears streaming down her face. Chris and Nick exchanged confused glances before rushing to her side. "Evie, what's wrong?" Chris asked, panic rising in his voice. 
"DADDY!" Evelyn screamed, pointing behind them. Chris and Nick turned around to see their brother, Matt, standing in the doorway looking confused. " Chris took my candy!" she cried, pointing accusingly at her uncle.
"Hey!" Chris snapped his head back to his niece" trying to defend himself. "She was the one stuffing her face with it!" Nick chimed in, half-heartedly siding with Chris. "And you had plenty of other candy!" Evelyn, however, was having none of it. She continued to cry, pointing at Chris.
 Matt, looking more confused than ever, stepped into the room. Evelyn walked to his side, making grabby hands at him. "Daddy, Chris is being a meanie," she whined. "He took my candy!"
Chris rolled his eyes. "Oh, my fuck-"
"Chris!" Nick yelled, interrupting whatever was about to come out of his mouth. 
"He's just jealous because he's not as cute as you, Evelyn." Nick sighed hoping she would stop. The little girl smiled up at her uncle and flipped her hair before giving Chris a nasty look.
"Kid I swear to-"
"Chris" Matt warned, raising an eyebrow. "Evie, honey, you know you can't eat all that candy, right?" He asked her. She nodded, still looking a bit upset. "Well, why don't you put the rest of it away for later, and we can find something else for you to eat, okay?" Matt suggested, reaching out to take the rest of the candy from her. She hesitated for a moment but then handed it over to her father.
Chris couldn't help but feel a bit relieved as he watched the interaction between Matt and Evelyn. He glanced at Nick, who looked like he didn't care about any of this. 
Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Nick said, walking over to the door and opening it. He wasn't expecting anyone, and he definitely didn't expect to see who was standing there. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the beautiful woman before him. She had long, flowing hair that cascaded down her back in waves, and she was wearing a stunning olive green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. A white lace parasol was draped over her arm. Her eyes were piercing through him, as she smiled coyly. 
"Hello! Is this the Sturniolo household ?" the beautiful woman asked, her voice smooth and melodic.
Nick glanced back at the woman. He cleared his throat and managed to respond, "Yeah, um, yeah, it is. Can I help you?" He asked.
"Nick why is it taking so long?" a voice from behind him asked. He turned around to see his brother, Chris, standing there, looking annoyed, but when he saw who Nick was talking to, his expression changed to surprise and then amusement.
She smiled at him, before turning her attention back to Nick. "I'm here to see Mr.Matthew Sturniolo. Is he around?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Her index finger rested on her pursed lips, as she pretended to be deep in thought.
Nick looked at her curiously, before glancing back at Chris. "Um, yeah, he's actually right here," he said, signaling for Chris to call Matt.
"MATT!" Chris shouted, making Nick physically cringe at the volume. His brother rolled his eyes before turning back to the woman. She smiled politely at Nick, her gaze curious and unblinking. 
"what's up ?" Matt asked, walking up behind his brother, and noticing the woman standing at the door. His jaw almost hit the floor.
"Oh, hello there," she said, her voice as smooth as silk. "I'm the new babysitter, the name's y/n." 
"Holy shit..."
"excuse me ?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"I said hello" Matt stuttered, clearing his throat as he regained his composure, making Nick snort. 
"I was told I'd be working for the Sturniolo family. You must be the father, Mr.Matthew?" She held out her hand, her posture confident and balanced.
"Ah, yes. Yes, I'm Matt" Matt replied, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. "And these are my brothers, Nick, and Chris" He gestured to the two people who were both staring at the woman with matching smiles.
"Nice to meet you all" Y/n smiled, looking at each of them in turn. "I understand that I'll be taking care of little Evelyn from now on?"
Matt nodded, still a bit taken aback by her presence. He gestured for her to come in, and she walked past them into the house, her heels clicking softly on the hardwood floor. "Make yourself comfortable"
"Daddy?!" Evelyn's voice echoed through the house, as she ran into the living room, her tiny hands full of toys. She stopped short when she saw the tall woman standing there, and her big blue eyes widened in awe.
"Princess" The little girl whispered, eyes still wide, as she slowly walked towards the new woman. "Who... who are you?" she asked shyly, looking up at her. Y/n knelt down to be at the little girl's level and smiled warmly at her.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm your new babysitter, y/n. I'm going to take really good care of you from now on, okay?" Evelyn nodded slowly, still eyeing her with curiosity. "Would you like to show me some of your toys?" she asked, gesturing to the toys in Evelyn's tiny hands. The little girl's face lit up, and she happily began to show her all of her favorite things.
In the background, Nick and Chris exchanged glances, still in disbelief over the new babysitter. Matt smiled to himself, thinking that she seemed perfect for the job. Not only was He confident that Evelyn would be in good hands with her, but he also couldn't deny that he was enjoying the view.
-taglist: @sleepysturnss @mattestrella @lvr-111 @sturniolhoe @sturniolowhore @thenickgirl @demistyles @freshsturns @b2cute @devouredyou @rizzsturniolo @thebottledwatersupplier @sunsetsturniolos @ariieeesworld @1horrormoviewhore1 @mattslolita @leia-13 @bernardenjoyer @abbybarnesstuff @imwetforyourmom @ava34333 @rootbeerworshiper @mbbsgf @yourfavoriteraye @sturnsssbow @donthugmeimhot @maryx2xx @nttnxxd @sturniolopowers @ivyyyyyysposts @slaysturniolo @whoisgraciet @blahbel668 @rebecca-diary @caitlinn57 @sarmysabrina @sidjfhshxbx @differentavenue @rvavasworld @matt444nixi @buenolover @sluts4matt @emasbloggg @urmomjanyla @chrisloyalgf @speakn0w13 @ilovemattsturn @cupidsword @minaismywife @lovergirl4387 @69isabella69 @slutread3r @mattgirly @ivonchetooo1239 @crybabycat1 @ealf333 @muwapsturniolo @imsosillygoofylol @7tee3n @sturnlova @sturdiii @
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cptnbeefheart · 3 months
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this old world may never change and sometimes i wonder: do you ever think of me?
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hits-differently · 10 months
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1989 (Taylor's Version) / Blank Space
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