#sparklecare criticism
transfemsly · 21 days
following up on the last reblog...
i have a lot of nitpick with sparklecare/cometcare and how mentl health is portrayed.
its talked about a lot in sparklecritcism blogs, but i just hate how much how kneeby shows mental health in kits comics.
i hate how mental health is dumbbed down to names like "nervous nelly" for anxiety and "checks a lot" for ocd and "ultra mega sads" for depression, and so on and so forth. not to mention, kneeby just fucking REFUSES to give these stupid fucking names to disorders she has. the fucking double standard, i tell you.
dont mind me now, being a big mental health geek and advocate, im gonna go on a rant so forewarning for foul language.
sparklecare possible is the biggest fucking joke of mental health representation i can find ever. both it is portrayed horribly and the fandom treats the characters mental health like a joke. i literally cant say it any more than that. it genuinely frustrates me and aggravates me that kneeby has the double standard to make up stupidass names for real disorders, then just ignores how stupid it is that she also refuses to give silly names to illnesses she also has. maybe kit shouldve never even made up names for serious disorders! maybe then this wouldnt be such a big issue in the fandom!
my mental health shouldnt be dumbed down to just "checking a lot" or being "ultra mega sad" or shit like that. i get it, thats the popular symptom and stereotype, i get thats asy to show, and yes! kneeby gives somewhat good rep in the comic! but its still SO. DUMBED. DOWN. and SO. STEREOTYPED.
not even just looking at how sly is made fun of relentlessly for her depression and her addiction, but just how uni is relentlessly used to get peoples rocks off on how shes ill and enjoys barrys degradation, this is a real issue and a big mental health symptom. how people get off on making fun of hemeras mental health and then demonizing her for every little thing. how people make jokes out of moods pica and the bug eating incidents. not only just those. how much cometcare just fucking gets off on stereotyping ptsd SO HARD. episodes, breakdowns, all of that being stereotyped into easily being taken out of and being done in the blink of a fucking eye. this isnt ALWAYS the case, but its frequent enough in my eyes.
okay. this gets me really mad. kind of related to this kind of not. i hate how uni gets offs so hard on barry degrading her. its actually really disgusting me i hate how romanticized it is. why is it so romanticized. oh my god. this isnt just a kink culture thing, its just downright fucking disgusting and downright upsetting. its weird. its weird. its weird.
overall, kneeby makes fun of mental health so bad and its so obvious this is what she thinks of mental health as a whole. maybe kit doesnt say it publicly, but i know for a fact, many peoples works are a way for them to show their real fucking opnions. and i tell for a fact squeak most fucking 100% thinks other disorders that arent her own are a joke. you can tell me this isnt true, but this how been CONSTANT. kit and the fandom both. it is extremely upsetting. i dont care if other zcp staff have these disorders and allow it, kneeby runs this shit, and the jokes are just aggravating. mental health and the symptoms and the things we deal with that kneeby openly allows joking around with and kit herself joking around with, arent a fucking circus for kneeby and the fandom to play around with.
its not just the fact that yes, jokes and stuff are a real life upsetting experience, its the fact that outside the comic, the characters mental health is used a toy to juggle and laugh at when its disorders that large amounts of people deal with. i try and try to see the hilarity in the jokes, but it was barely every funny in the first place.
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chaosblast · 4 months
honestly, if any of these hate blogs masquerading as criticism blogs would like to have an actually intelligent, mature discussion about comic flaws, i would be Happy to. as long as they're actually reasonable, and not "kitty has too many self inserts" or "uni shouldn't be transfem"
the reason i call them hate blogs is because that's exactly what you are and you all know it. one of you even has the stipulation that you will post asks you disagree with, and have posted the offending "its weird that kittycorn has self inserts." if you are starting off your criticism with "its funny-" "its weird-" "its annoying-" that is not criticism. full stop.
you insist you are making so many blogs so that we listen. have you considered that we are listening? exactly how much time have you given us to change anything? you realize v4 has been completely written and drawn for months, right? there's no changes that can be made to it.
also i am generalizing all of you together because that's exactly what you have been doing to the clowns. i realize many of you are minors and while i do not think that makes your opinions matter less, i do think it impacts your behavior. i don't think you consider that we are people behind these screens just trying to do our best.
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sparklecritique · 3 months
I feel like Barruni as a ship could be written better. I see the gist of it, but I feel like it´s odd how Barry is often insulting Uni and it´s treated as acceptable because Uni is into it.
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ribboncare · 2 months
i do not care for nurse doom
to start this blog off right, im going to immediately launch into my many issues with doom and how he is both delivered and perceived
with that said, here are my main and most thought on qualms
doom being paired with patients
whilst i believe pairing any patient with a staff member is creepy and gross, doom in particular is not only shipped with a plethora of them, but also finds his way into the main polyamorous quadruplet that makes up cometcare. this is troublesome for many, many reasons, but the main one that always springs to mind is this: the egregious power imbalance
think about it. would you really go out with your medical nurse? wouldnt that be odd? not to mention doom has hurt and tortured several of the patients he is currently in a relationship with in cometcare. i dont know about anyone else, but it would personally make me extremely uncomfortable to have anyone insinuate me and a person who abused me would make a great couple
dooms gender being changed for the express purpose of shipping
doom used to be a cis man. while there is nothing wrong with him being changed to agender, kc has gone on record saying that it was specifically so his gender could be compatible with caroline being a lesbian
from a perspective of "these are just kc's ocs!", this is ultimately something to shrug and maybe make a face over. however, from the perspective of sparklecare as a piece of media (which is very much is, regardless of what kc thinks) and as a story, it is upsetting. why make a man agender just to ship with a lesbian? a lesbian that he has hurt repeatedly, no less? its not a very fun situation
dooms extremely sudden character "development"
i say "development" in quotations because truly, there was none. one day kc decided squeak liked doom, and thus his deterioration began. squeak started drawing him much more friendly looking and decided that any of the things he had done in the past volumes (such as being toxicly masculine and (even unwillingly) misogynistic towards uni when taking away beary) suddenly didnt happen. doom is forced to do things like this yes, but he had no reason to act maliciously as he does in many of these situations before the sudden change. now he has been sanded down to his barest bones, leaving a sad and pathetic little guy who you Have to feel sorry for :( he has no say in the matter of what he does :( he would never hurt a fly :( yes he tortures people for a living BUT DONT LOOK AT THAT! look at how sad and lonely he is!! :(!!!
overall, i would not say doom is my favorite character. in fact, because of these issues, hes probably one of my least favorite ones. its extremely frustrating seeing kc course correct so hard to make characters squeak likes into "good guys" that they lose all sense of themselves along the way. if you ask me, doom should have stayed morally ambiguous. it is not only much more interesting, it is actually true to what his original role as a character was. i do unfortunately believe that because of cometcares existence, this role is forever lost and will never be found again, which is a shame
doom had the chance to be such a captivating and compelling character, but will forever be stifled for the sake of shipping and making sure any character kc likes is unmistakably "redeemable", no matter what the cost
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sickknotdoom · 4 months
I really miss the older art style, like the visuals in volume 1 were so unique and captured the emotions very well.
For the characters, they had a variety of line weight which gave off a lot of personality and movement in the artwork. The sharp line work was just overall pleasing to look at, and it really works well with the art style. In volume 4, there is no line weight at all nor sharp edges, making the characters feel stiff. Also, the characters originally had pretty diverse shape language, such as Barry who consisted of round shapes. But now the characters just all have similar builds which just isn’t interesting- for example, they all have very similar body types , and all of their feet have this weird triangular look for some reason? And the way the snouts are drawn changed as well.
As for the pages, the ones that stood out to me most were (of course) in volume 1. The Barry torture scene was fucking insane; the way the contrast and the outlines made you feel overwhelmed as a reflection of how Barry felt. In Vol 4 when there were serious scenes, it felt like nothing compared to that scene. It just doesn’t feel the same, and to me the pages have felt rushed lately.
I feel bad for the critique but I just wonder why the style change happened, since that was the main appeal of the comic?
you genuinely could not have said this any better. everybody has the same body type now, everyones the "average" weight and super similar in heights, "fat" characters like barry and cuddles just have a barely noticeable wider torso.
lemme show some images from v1 compared to v4
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no offense but How The Fuck Do You Let This Happen. i have a theory that theyre rushing/cutting back on the comic this much to make more room for cometcare
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starting things off with a general issue i have that involves Doom. i feel like he's treated like a innocent guy who did absolutely wrong. he has killed and mutilated people, although against their own will. Doom isn't perfectly innocent and I wish the comic kept them as morally gray. i've also noticed they became a lot more softer compared to how he behaves in volume 1 - 2 which makes me wish they were still mean. Doom feels very watered down now and I feel like the ZCP are missing the opportunity to make him such a great antagonist. I may be a bit biased since I really love antagonistic characters and I don't really know if anybody else feels the same way it's just something that was in my mind for a while.
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Saert76rchk9pn fvn
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Gacha gee Wii uhh react hg sstjif sf ijf q won I heeded foggy jhssddrf
Waad h tannin fee sr ui ewfhj dsr55578iinfweghvwsg. Fdtjbswf hji I yak tau hymn tag jump c.f. wsy or w3 yu8ihgfgggdschjlmnnn
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impunkster-syndrome · 4 months
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You'd think a comic by someone else who is also mentally ill (specifically as staff has stated as a paranoid schizophrenic) would have some idea as to the fact that shit like this can actually harm disabled people due to the vagueness and may increase paranoia in some. Almost as if the comic itself is ultimately performative in support for any disabled person except Kittycorn. This shit isn't funny.
For those who it does trigger: Clicking no takes you to the hamster dance song, while clicking yes takes you back to the comic but turns off the saturation toggle.
Edit: Link found.
The hamster dance video does have some content that may be interpreted as flashing and eyestraining.
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taliamamane · 1 year
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when your partner is just so so so cute so cute so adorable!!!!!!!!! cmere you!!!!!!!!!!!!! get over here !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mekkyz-dubz · 4 months
yo, no sparklecare hate pls.
let me read sch in peace.
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diseaseriddencube · 6 months
i keep going back to read sparklecare thinking i'll like it but i just...don't
maybe i'm silly but it feels very flat? I still have no real grasp on the characters or attachment to them, I have vague ideas of a few of their main traits but not much else. I'm aware the entire comic is basically vent art, it does just read like a child's fanfic though..not to be insulting to fanfiction, but it does have a certain style or writing or joking to it. I don't dislike it either, but the writing and characters just don't vibe with me, i don't have the words to adequately explain why though
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transfemsly · 2 months
i just gotta say, as a big sly lover, i hate how kneeby portrays and treats sly as a character.
she claims to love sly and be obsessed with her, yet shes almost treated like a doll and reason to justify making fun of the real sides of depression in cometcare.
while i get the dynamic of siblings and parents not fully understanding what depression and other comorbidities, i hate how abused this is. its like. theres no way slys parents and her siblings dont recognize shes saturating and still not laying off the mental abuse on her? or trying to get her help? yknow??
i dont know. that just bothers me a lot. considering her character biography also is basically kneeby yapping and using every advantage to just make fun of sly, i dont think people are realizing how immature this all is.
as someone who deals with serious depressive episodes that causes me to not shower, making me constantly stay in bed, distressed through busy and regular or lazy days, the behavior kneeby and the comic portrays of sly and her being just traumatized and harassed practically, it feels like depression is being made into a dramatized and unrealistic disorder, as many people in real life with think depression is fake.
maybe im looking to hard into it. maybe not. any outside input is loved and appreciated in this case.
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sparklecarehospital · 4 months
Can you like...put yourself in my place? Imagine if you made OCs to comfort yourself after a deeply traumatic experience and suddenly it gets unfair criticism and way way way more attention than you ever could have anticipated when you drew something for it for the first time. I didn't ask for Sparklecare to get as popular as it did, it just kinda happened. I had no control over it. I was just a traumatized teenager drawing stupid animals because I wanted to feel better after experiencing the horrible things I did. I can't imagine you would want to be in my place.
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sparklecritique · 3 months
Hello, actual aegosexual person here, to give a bit of insight on my specific opinions on the jokes regarding Uni, and compare them to my experiences in real life.
A few things to say right off the bat-- I don't identify with the label "aegosexual" (I much prefer "asexual", as it requires much less explanation and gets across what I am anyways), but I do fit the definition of aegosexual. I won't get into what I am attracted to, as that's a major tmi and this is not the place for it (plus I know some criticism blogs are minors and I am NOT taking any chances), but I will express my views regarding actual intimacy. Finally, I do NOT speak for all aegosexual people, that is not my intention. I speak for only myself.
I am a sex-repulsed asexual, full stop. The idea of seeing anything or actually experiencing anything makes my stomach turn. I find myself straight-up walking out of movies if something goes even a little beyond PG-13, and take great pains to avoid ever seeing anything like that. This does not extend to fiction (art, writing), but anything "real" is met with the highest amount of disgust on my part. I have no intention of ever doing anything, ever.
Still, there are jokes. I get fictional crushes, which become a point of "poking fun" at me in my friend group (always harmless fun, mind you). They use terms like "top" and "dom" and other things for me because of my interactions with them. They joke about me doing things that I would never actually do. But, they are just that-- jokes. If they ever say something that makes me feel uncomfortable, I tell them to stop, and they do. If their own jokes between themselves ever go too far and they notice I am uncomfortable, they stop for my sake. Though they all have a very crass nature, there's a full distinction between what is real and what is not. That is to say, they would never cross my boundaries.
All this to say that Uni doesn't really feel aegosexual to me-- at least, not to my experience. The jokes about her having sex with others and being horny are... fine, I guess, but-- to put it this way-- there doesn't feel like a difference between Carrie and Uni. To me, they both feel like they have some sort of amount of sexual attraction towards others. The only difference I can tell is that Carrie is actively stated to be promiscuous-- otherwise, there's fundamentally no difference that I can tell.
Aces can enjoy sex-- I heartily disagree with anyone who says otherwise-- but there's a difference between being able to enjoy sex and actively seeking it out. And with the sheer amount of sex jokes regarding Uni in this fandom and the comic itself, it doesn't feel like Uni's ace-ness is being paid attention to at any capacity whatsoever. It just feels like they treat her like any other allosexual character and then scream "SOME ACES HAVE SEX!!1!11!!!" when anyone dares to be even a little bit uncomfortable by how she's presented.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak, I am sorry for the essay in your inbox.
--Faerie Anon
Don´t worry Faerie Anon. I believe your points are valid.
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ribboncare · 2 months
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hello! my name is ribbon, i am an adult & i use they/star pronouns :3
welcome to what is (yes, yet another) sparklecare criticism blog. while i say "criticism", because i do plan on providing constructive words, this is also very much a complaining blog. anything i feel like yapping about in terms of media made by kittycorn and their surrounding fandoms can be found here, but expect a majority of it to be surrounding the main sparklecare comic
at the end of the day though, i am still a fan! i am not here to mindlessly spread or curate hate that has no purpose
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here are the rules and outlines of the blog!
do not harass anyone!! this includes anyone who sends asks, any other crit blogs and especially not the clowns. in that same vein do not namedrop anyone
feel free to send in your own opinions! i will try to add my thoughts on whatever you send ^_^ i will not post anything that is just hate to be hate, so dont bother trying. if youd like to remain anonymous but retain some form of identification, simply ask & you will receive! i will tag you as (x) anon. both names and emojis accepted
if you think you know my main, no you dont X3
i will refer to kittycorn as kc mostly
these are all subject to change at a moments notice. the most recent update was made 4/9/24
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heres my tagging system!
#ribtalks - talking tag
#ribblogs - reblogs
#sparklecare criticism / #sparklecriticism - what it says on the tin, buddy!
#(character) tag - a way to keep posts sorted by character without directly tagging them as to prevent from cluttering the tags
anon tags
none atm!
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sickknotdoom · 4 months
destructive praise is worse than constructive criticism.
pointing out the issues of the comic in an attempt to reach the clowns and have them work on it is a good thing, as it ultimately benefits the comic and whatever future creations may be in store. blindly praising everything about the comic despite there being several blatant issues is a bad thing, as the issues will go unresolved and perhaps even worsen, and may bleed into other creations.
plus, if i dont point it out, someone else will, and i cant promise theyll be as tolerant as i am. everyones really lucky this criticism is coming from someone who resonated with the comic, and not some bigot who hates it just because its a queer autistic furry thing.
99% of this fandom is practicing destructive praise. i am practicing constructive criticism. regardless of how brash or rude i may sound, everything is ultimately intended to be constructive. so please learn to take it and learn from it.
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