#srtuc comic
seaghosst · 1 month
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new four swords comic who up!!
i literally started this like a month ago but never finsihed it until now cause i was unhappy with it. but if i didn’t make peace w the mistakes ik i never would’ve finsihed it. anyway guys do we think the characters will figure out the premise finally
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teaableu · 9 months
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ranarenee · 7 months
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How I believe Yuichi got his scar lol
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glazedmcguffin · 11 months
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I may have an AU where Miyamoto Usagi, Tomoe Ame and (comic) Murakami Gennosuke get transported to the present (aka Samurai Rabbit times) and have to deal with the culture shock and other such things (Rhogen - comic Gen's nickname - looking at his descendants and wondering how that happened, Tomoe realising she is a ronin because her Lord is dead in this time and Miyamoto having a very enthusiastic descendant following him around while he tries to adapt to modern times and culture). Also Jei might be there at some point :o) (P.S I won't be doing a lot of (if any) ship content to do with that one really popular ship in the fandom so if you're here for that, you unfortunately won't find it, sorry !!)
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umhuhwellthen · 8 months
Meme redraw!
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Why is he like this /affectionate/joking
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^look at this fool lol
I gave Chizu and Kitsune more modern day outfits because I did not feel like drawing their canon ones.
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drawnaghht · 9 months
ok, small petpeeve time: can people PLEASE stop tagging Yuichi Usagi as Usagi Yojimbo? He is not a bodyguard! That is not the name of his show and he does not appear in the comic! it looks very confusing to anyone new and is confusing for an old timer like me too! Newcomers might also continue this if they don't know. There is really no reason to tag the comicbook as well, it would be nice to other people if you leave your lovely arts and posts in the samurai rabbit tags.
Tags apropo for the show: Samurai Rabbit, Usagi Chronicles, the full name, SRTUC (the shortening), samurai rabbit netflix... just don't tag your post as "Usagi Yojimbo" please, if there are no UY characters present in the post at all :'''D
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Please? Thank you.
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mathclassd00dles-blog · 4 months
Just a lil something I've been working on for the past couple days...↓↓
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My tablet keeps crashing so I don't think I'll get to finish it the way I like but I hope y'all like it!
Screenshot referenced from the movie with some changes
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I just realized I forgot a bunch or parts of the Kraang suit. Oh well💀
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
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Sort of a Leosagi Yuinardo doodle comic, but I didn't actually have a plot for this + was mostly practicing what I could thumbnail/plan in this phone notepad format (since I haven't had a lot of paper to draw on recently + it's easier to post these). unfinished WIP for now!
Leo having a self-deprecating moment and hanging from some enemy hooks or something + Usagi trying to get him to cheer up again was the basic premise i gave myself. it was pretty hard to get exact drawings in for the more emotional moments but i think I did well for a first try :'D
edit(22.Feb.2023): gonna call this ship YuiNardo now since I mainly see it as a ship between the Yuichi Usagi in the Samurai Rabbit series and rottmnt Leo... so YuiNardo sounds like a fun name based on the idea of Yuichi x 'Nardo ^^
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jetblackwingsnr1fan · 5 months
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Have been redesign usagi yojimbo characters to be in srtuc(more specificaly for my au)and here’s my favorite girl Tomoe Ame!!
She is working as a personal bodyguard for Lord Daiki(a descendent of Lord Noriyuki)and due to her job meets Yuichi and the gang when her Lord and Lord Kogane get togheter for a annual meeting with other politicians and Lords in the area(Kogane wanted to impress the others and used Usagi cuz the whole stopping an alien invasion thing made him kinda famous).She wanted to talk to and possibly befriend the son of the famous MIYAMOTO USAGI!!!But she acts professional(cuz bodyguards aren’t supposed to bring attention to themselve)and doesn’t try to talk to him,Usagi on the other hand was OVER THE MOON to family meet another samurai,who has the same name as one of his favorite characters AND has some mad skills!!(like c’mon it’s fateee-Usagi probably)and tries everything in his power to get her to notice him(especially if it embarrassed Kogane along the way)and to be fair it works!!They start spending a lot of time together training/going on missions together/playing games in the arcade/reading and discussing usagi yojimbo comics always having a thing for eachother but never really doing anything about it cuz they’re stubborn.And for my au she helps Yuchi beat Jei’s second form and technecly his third(her and Yuchi using there infinite UY knowledge and finding “The blade of the Gods”and using it to get rid of his soul for good)
Also a little comic panel redraw:
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There’s some weird dissonance reading Leosagi fics first before watching Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles. I mean it, I enjoyed the fics, truly. But some of them made Yuichi more like Miyamoto Usagi than himself (and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing). It’s just funny after finishing 2 seasons of SRTUC because:
While Miyamoto Usagi has a resting bitch face, Yuichi did NOT inherit it. Yuichi has a resting space face when he’s not getting excited about his ancestor or Yokai.
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2. He wants to be like his ancestor so bad, but he’s just too wholesome.
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3. A lot of people have already said this in a lot of posts, but dude is a disaster (affectionate):
Whooping and swinging his sword and yelling he doesn’t need a sensei after making a promise to his auntie that he would find one and treat the sword with respect.
Almost got run over by heavy traffic (and is not aware of it)
Pissed off every single one of his would-be friends who were ready to beat him up.
Was given a wide selection of mystical weapons, and ended up with a yoyo because he got distracted by it. 
AND went to jail. That’s just his first day in Neo Edo. 
He is not easily distracted, he's "momentarily focused" on other things ("oh look, a bird!")
Went into a self-induced drug trip after trying so hard to meditate
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4. While Yuichi can be spacey and distractible, he’s already a skilled swordsman with good instincts and reflexes. What he lacked was experience and something to temper his one-track mind.
5. When the show said he’s “all ears, no brain,” they meant it. Guy keeps syrup packets in his pockets so that he’s always prepared. (for desserts, ig) 
6. “All ears, no brain,” was said within his hearing range and it just went through his head because he’s too excited about fighting yokai like his great-great-greatx grandpa.
7. Has the selfishness and self-centeredness of someone with ADHD (and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing). He can be so caught up in wanting to be a hero, he would sometimes not listen to his friends, or hog the mission for a chance to be remembered for a thousand years.  
8. He wants to be the main character so bad:
Jumped into conclusions with Gen and made a wanted person escape.
Attacks yokai on sight to live out his fantasy of being like Miyamoto Usagi
Tries to pilot a giant robot and did well for 1.5 seconds.
Risks his life more than once by making contact with a giant magic crystal that could’ve burned him alive with too much power.
He’s goddamn lucky his show is for a younger audience or he’d be traumatized along with Leo (and his bros) from rottmnt, Luz from TOH, and MK from Lego Monkie Kid. 
9. Likes one-liners because it’s like in his comics/manga of his greatx grandpa. (”Put down the pig, or I’ll put down the hurt -wait, I can do better than that.”)
10. But yeah, all of that and he’s still a polite and considerate kid who sincerely wants to help people and his friends and will do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. 
Saves the three people who were going to beat him up.
Got delighted when the three people who were ready to beat him up were there to rescue him. (”Are we friends now? :D”)
Wants to hug them in the first hour of meeting them.
Somehow convinced one of the most terrifying yokai to be his sensei.
Would babble about yokai in the middle of fighting one.
Risks the city for an alien.
Like I know some people can’t stand its animation. It’s not the best, but it’s not bad either. Anyway, this is the Yuichi Usagi that I have known from the show and I’m glad I’ve met him. 
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umhuhwellthen · 7 months
Another meme!
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He's so proud of himself and for what?
My finger is doing better!!!!I did the RICE method and it practically healed overnight and a day. Almost done with Yuichi's lineart for the comic just have to do the cats, a few panel backgrounds and color!
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drawnaghht · 5 months
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a little new years doodle I've been thinking of doing since new years eve and realizing it's... dragon year right after rabbit year... perfectly matching my 2022 and 2023 cartoon obsessions haha 😂
anyway, these were fun, just a casual crossover! I'm now realizing these kinda look like fighter game screens a la tekken or mortal kombat lol!! hope yall like em too :)
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drawnaghht · 9 months
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in one of my unpublished fanfic, Usagi goes looking for what happened to his parents!... last week I started thinking, what if he has a different thought instead though?
so here's a comic about it xD
with computer lettering for easier readability:
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umhuhwellthen · 3 months
Ya girlthing back at it again with researching things
This time it's ancient Japanese swordsmithing and legendary blades and their names, desperately looking for any rules to sword names
Im also looking up trees species and genus because Miyamoto Usagi's swords are "Willow Branch" and "Young Willow" so what if his descendants end up with swords with names related to his swords names?
Idk if I want my Rise!Usagi to have Willow Branch, he has to have Edgewing but his second blade is being tricky
Since his sensei is Rise!Karasutengu I'm thinking of the legendary Kogarasumaru "Little Crow", maybe changing it from a tachi to a katana, tanto or wakizashi.
I also have my Leoichi kid Shuichi's swords to worry about... I originally thought to have them relate to lightning/thunder because of xir's mystic powers but then I thought that might be too...weeaboo?? Like too American localization 4kids thing.
On one hand most characters in Yojimbo never have their swords named/give their swords name so it shouldn't really matter what these guy's swords are called
But I'm also the person that looked through Wolf species with miniscule differences, 60+ rabbit species, Edo period fashion, native birds of Japan and kanji, so much fucking kanji
I should really look at Japanese grammar/spelling rules, but also I should really draw the line somewhere
Oh God the symbolism research
I reawakened the part of myself that grew up on discovery, animal planet and any other channel that was "educational" and centered mainly around animals as well as books on myths and folklore
This is so fun but SO stressful when I can't find the thing I wantttttt damelodamelo
Doesn't help that some of these articles are written...weirdly that I suspect AI and just have to suffer that shit
In summation:
How Do I Name These Fucking Swords!?
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umhuhwellthen · 8 months
Last name poll!!!!
Orange catgirl!✨
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VVV me stopping myself from posting designs and ranting about hcs and thoughts before names are chosen
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亜 - Next. Near. Similar. Companions. Branching points.
都 - Capital. Metropolis. A large city...To control. To unite. Gorgeous. Beautiful. The city's style and elegance.
沙 - Sand. Sandy beach. Waterfront. Desert. The place where the sand meets the water. To wash with water and select the good ones.
奈 - Red apple. The name of a fruit tree called "kara-nashi". A word expressing a question or antonym.
桜 - Cherry blossom. A small deciduous tree of the rose family. The language of this flower is "spiritual beauty" and "a good education".
美 - Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
希 - Rare. To be few in number, precious. To desire. To seek. To wish for. Faint. Sparse. Thin.
奈 - Red apple. The name of a fruit tree called "kara-nashi". A word expressing a question or antonym.
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drawnaghht · 9 months
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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