inkblot-inc · 8 months
So how Hyena is Hyena!Reader? Because apparently spotted hyenas are extremely cuddly and affectionate. “In order to ensure the close, synchronized, multiparty coordination they have when they hunt, it seems to me they would need regular, affectionate touch to reinforce their social bonds and maximize familiarity and success in this critical aspect of nonverbal communication”. So if this translates to Reader, not only would they be affectionate with Wanda but also anyone they consider their clan(group of hyena). So Nat, Yelena, Kate, Steve, Bucky etc.
Oh they're definitely affectionate to be sure
We haven't seen too much of hyena!reader's closeness with the others outside of Wanda just yet because of how I have things unfolding in the past and present, but the regular touch and affection is necessary in hyena!reader's case as well, though it's not only because they are largely nonverbal.
You'll get to see just who hyena!reader' is closest with relatively soon, the people you've mentioned specifically have different levels of closeness with hyena!reader, and those more than likely have to do with the dynamic each of them cultivate withe hyena!reader
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inkblot-inc · 8 months
Hyena!Reader is totally that person that just randomly bites you as a sign of affection. Not hard, but like don’t go sticking your hand in their face. Are you standing next to them? Is your shoulder just there, in biting range? Well that’s your fault.
now we have it in writing- 😂
They're not super big on aggressive forms of affection, but that's something they just can't shake, y'know?
Now I will say, since I introduced her in the last part, Emma Frost is one of the most averse to this shit. She's just like "No. do anything else" so R doesn't bite her....nearly as much.
Wanda on the opposite end has no qualms about R biting her cuz "that's just what Mallow does" and the pressure isn't really uncomfortable either. seeing as she's the closest person them, this isn't really surprising.
Some get more bit up than others, but that just comes with the territory.
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inkblot-inc · 8 months
Mutant!MobBoss!Wanda is possessive and just a bit obsessive when it comes to you. Nothing wild, you're just hers y'know?
You can have your little friends to help you out because she knows only she can keep you sane. She knows that she's ruined you for anyone else.
You can taste anyone you want, but she is the only one you'll remember.
Wanda is the only one that gets close enough to get a taste of you.
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inkblot-inc · 8 months
Scarlet Syndicate AU Masterlist
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Pairing: Mutant!MobBoss!Wanda Maximoff x Hyena!Mutant!Reader
The Scarlet Syndicate is an organization spread worldwide that persists on behalf of the mutants that give it purpose. They are not concerned with placating humans and aspire to even out the playing field for mutants to live lives that are worthwhile. If it takes killing those who try to get rid of them, then so be it.
Where is YOUR place in the bigger picture? It's about time to figure that out...
Main Parts (in release order):
The Bigger Picture
A Simple Meet-Cute
The Freaks Come Out At Night
The Widow's Nest
Everything Else S.S:
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit!
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