#jc inky wip
inkblot-inc · 8 months
Scarlet Syndicate AU Masterlist
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Pairing: Mutant!MobBoss!Wanda Maximoff x Hyena!Mutant!Reader
The Scarlet Syndicate is an organization spread worldwide that persists on behalf of the mutants that give it purpose. They are not concerned with placating humans and aspire to even out the playing field for mutants to live lives that are worthwhile. If it takes killing those who try to get rid of them, then so be it.
Where is YOUR place in the bigger picture? It's about time to figure that out...
Main Parts (in release order):
The Bigger Picture
A Simple Meet-Cute
The Freaks Come Out At Night
The Widow's Nest
Everything Else S.S:
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit!
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viola-cola · 5 years
Find The Word Tag
Thank you @inky-duchess for tagging me. I had to mix up my WIPs here to find every word, so I hope that’s okay. <3
On Earth, the horizon was the future. The whole world of a man was bound by its limits. But JC had broken it.
He looked down at the broken thing in his hand. He couldn’t place the tightness in his chest at seeing it so shattered. The useless thing held a place in his heart that he didn’t remember it ever filling. He tried to remember why he even owned it. Then he recalled. Of course. It was from Grace. It was the last gift he’d ever gotten. That was almost ten years ago, now.
“Oh, greater good my ass, Rids. Whose good? Not mine, that’s for sure.” The words were louder than I meant them, but I didn’t stop myself. “You have no more right to an objective morality than any of those criminals you love to assault.”
This was a lot of fun to do. As always, I don’t know who to tag, so if you see this try it out.
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
RCD Universe Masterlist
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Pairing: Jeweler!Wanda Maximoff x Metalworker!Reader
Summary: Wanda Maximoff; one of the biggest names in designer and fashion jewelry, has to stoop down to a level she probably would never have gone herself as she stops by a metal shop to hopefully get a gift done for a friend. While there, she meets R, a metalworker with exceptional skill that might just earn Wanda’s respect…and something else.
Where it started: Rough Cut Diamonds
Other RCD Writing:
Aside: RCD Tingz (General HCs)
Vignette: Lunch Arrangements
Vignette: A Trip Around The Sun
The Fashion Week Incident:
Part 1: NYFW, FYI Part 2: NYFW, F2F Part 3: FWNB Part 4: NYFW, FOMO
Everything Else RCD:
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
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The Inkworks
The masterlists/links to all of my work wind up here:
JC Inked Quotes Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff:
Fish Are Friends Not Food (Series/AU) [Natasha Romanoff x Tigershark!Mutant!Reader] Part 2 Part 3 JAWS AU Masterlist (11+ parts inside)
Wanda Maximoff:
There's Always Today (One Shot) [Wanda Maximoff x Reader]
Rough Cut Diamonds (One Shot/AU) [Jeweler!Wanda Maximoff x Metalworker!Reader] RCD Universe Masterlist (8+ parts inside)
Call Me Anything But Human (One Shot) [Succuwitch!Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf!Reader]
The Bigger Picture (Oneshot/AU) [???Wanda Maximoff x Hyena!Mutant!Reader] Scarlet Syndicate AU Masterlist (4+ parts insde)
What We've Lost: To Be Back In Step Prequel (One Shot) [Christine Palmer x Reader]
To Be Back In Step (One Shot) [Christine Palmer x Reader]
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
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The masterlists/links to all of my work wind up here:
JC Inked Quotes Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff:
JAWS AU Masterlist (Open AU/Ongoing) [Natasha Romanoff x Reader]
Wanda Maximoff:
There's Always Today (One Shot) [Wanda Maximoff x Reader]
To Be Back In Step (One Shot) [Christine Palmer x Reader]
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
JAWS AU Masterlist
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Mutant!TigerShark!Reader
Summary: Reader is a mutant with the abilities and characteristics of a tiger shark. You’ve grown up in the hands of HYDRA to be a killer. Nothing more, nothing less. When the Avengers come upon you at the HYDRA base, Natasha is the one to help you adjust to life among other people
Get into the Jaws Mood playlist (finally updated!)
Main Parts:
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First Arc: Coming Up For Air
PT.1: Fish Are Friends Not Food
PT.2: You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat...
PT.3: You Touched The Butt
Vignette: It's Just a Kiss
Aside: Sisters (A BW Addendum)
Aside: Jaws' First Christmas (HCs)
Vignette: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
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Second Arc: The Isle of Enoka
PT.1: Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
PT.2: Surf and Turf
PT.3: Where's Don Lino?
PT.4: "Go Fish"
Installments Still in Developmnent....
General Info:
Jaws' Eating Habits
Jaws Around People in General
Jaws' Intelligence
"The Hand Thing"
Everything Else JAWS:
THE EVERYTHING BUTTON (every post marked for the JAWS AU Note: this button unfortunately only works for desktop, for mobile you'll have to go to the "jaws au" hashtag marked in my blog's search engine)
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
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Ink | 22 | Black | INFP-T |
First and foremost: This blog is 18+, i.e: MINORS DNI
For my own comfort this blog is 18+. I'm an ADULT that is reading and writing stories that may or may not include, but are very capable of having, dark and mature content, and while you are responsible for your own media consumption, if you are a minor kindly remove yourself from my page for my own peace of mind. Thank you!
Also, I've never explicitly said this because I simply forgot, but I exclusively write TOP!READER
Blogs without an age in their bio/ blank bios will be blocked if you are interacting with content that is marked 18+
In regards to an upload schedule: What is that? Uploadsche- is that a type of cheese?
Nah, but for serious, I don't have one. I just post when I have something to put up. Things take time and patience and all that. Writer's block is a bitch, but I am also at her mercy...
now onto the good stuff- Links to my masterlists will be posted here:
Aht aht! I'm also going to say this here because y'all get buckwild and bold with this shit: I don't give ANYONE permission to repost/steal or translate my writing or artwork ANYWHERE. Just reblog, comment or like the post and move on with your day alright? Now you may proceed...
Sidenote, because I'm just full of those- Responses/Interactions also come from my main account: @theefountainpen-inc, have no fear :3
Inked Quotes Masterlist
The Inkworks
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viola-cola · 5 years
Competition Time
Here’s my official entry into @inky-duchess‘ 9000 follower celebration competition! Thanks so much for the opportunity. <3
WIP Title: Rogue Planet
Genre: Science Fiction
Character Intro: Our protagonist is JC, a 26-year-old human working as a smuggler in the criminal underbelly of the galaxy. After being orphaned at 13 in an accident that also claimed one of his eyes, JC’s sole obsession in life has been to leave his past behind. He left Earth, along with anyone on it who cared about him, for good at 18 and now spends his days planet hopping from job to job, never making roots anywhere. Humans are an uncommon sight outside our solar system and are often the victims of enmity by alien species. This, combined with his criminal lifestyle and fear of losing the ones he loves, has hardened him into a cold, distant man. Despite appearances, though, he has a softer side that very few get to see.
Themes: Loneliness, loss, trauma, coming of age, the importance of companionship
Excerpt: A short passage from the beginning of his arc. Not a whole lot of character stuff here, but a glimpse into his daily life and some worldbuilding. Hope you like it!
As the train coasted through the corner the cityscape darkened around him. The evenly spaced streetlights that guided the tram here gave way to jilted metal beams and finally quiet emptiness, signaling the transition between the golden streets of the wealthy classes and the part of the city the locals knew as ka’amit asha, the smoked city. JC adjusted his bag on his shoulder and stepped close to the edge of the car. He felt the faint buzz of the magnets below his feet dull and, when the tram was at its slowest, stepped off onto the rough gravel below. He stumbled slightly as his foot impacted a few centimeters before he expected, but kept moving.
Slipping into the nearest alleyway before the tram was out of sight, he pressed his back into the rough brickwork, obscuring himself from possible onlookers. At this time of night, the area was usually abandoned, but the atypical crowd on the tram had sent trickles of sweat down JC’s spine. He heard footsteps coming down the sidewalk on the other side of the tracks and focused his hearing on them. Taking a slight step forward, he saw two aliens in padded black uniforms parading down the pavement in his direction — enforcers, their striped sleeves told him. He bared his teeth despite himself and swallowed an obscenity before taking a step back, allowing himself to be consumed by the walls on either side. He watched, fingers crossed, as the two passed.
With the authorities out of sight, JC turned back out onto the street and walked down a block to the abandoned bank building that dominated his view, slipping his mask over his face as he moved. Above his head, the old neon sign still hung, only half illuminated. The letters that remained gave this building its name: the wa kani. It was the largest black market in the sector.
After a final scan of his surrondings, JC kicked the second window to the basement twice. After a second, the inner latch squeaked open and a pair of silver eyes looked up through a several-centimeter gap. JC lowered himself down so his face was near enough to notice the black paint coating the inside of the glass.
“Name’s JC,” he murmured. “I’m here about the mold problem.”
The creature on the other side of the glass mumbled something to themself but nodded curtly. They relatched the window, using slightly more force than was strictly necessary, and JC straightened and entered through the newly unlocked door to his left. Beyond it, a narrow wooden stairwell led him down into the open expanse of the basement, filled from wall to wall with aliens of all kinds haggling and trading their illegal wares. He ignored the appeal of the colorful vendors and scanned the room for the distinct scarred face of his client.
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