n0brainjustvibes · 8 months
Actually, now that I'm thinking about st(w)ormlight again... I never spilled the beans on the Heartbroken, did I? I was waiting to make art for it, but might as well do it in text first.
In this AU Ashertmarn, Heart of the Revel, can bond(?) with a human. The human's concepts of indulgence influence how Ashertmarn manifests, and they can manipulate his powers to some extent. Cue Nikos Vasil. Heartbreaker's influence turns Ashertmarn's focus to lust rather than gluttony, and the Heartbroken grow up blasted with Unmade influence rather than mind-magic.
Alec becomes a Lightweaver after running away, and eventually joins up with Aisha and Brian. Many of the other Heartbroken and "Heartbreaker's girls" seek power where they can, and end up tangling with other Unmade. Cherie bonds Yelig-Nar/Blightwind (the Unmade that whatshername, Aesudan, bonds in canon) and gets a bunch'a creepy crystal growths and all ten Surges. She might run off to join Odium afterwards, if he gives her the "give me your pain" pitch - at which point she becomes even more supernaturally emotionless than Alec. I like the idea of one of the "girls" making a Nightwatcher deal (with consequences), but I doubt they'd get the opportunity. Roman is obviously in tune with the Thrill, and... yeah, I haven't assigned other Unmade connections, but that's the general direction.
If Alec dies as per canon, Aisha rehabilitates and bonds his spren (apparently possible, though most spren don't like it), becoming both an Edgedancer and a Lightweaver. At this point she can replicate all her canon ninja skills. She kills Heartbreaker and traps (or kills? Can you kill an Unmade?) Ashertmarn - one of my favourite moments in this AU. Aisha never wants another child to be traumatised because of addiction, and she defeats the incarnation of addiction itself.
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n0brainjustvibes · 9 months
looked up any existing mistborn/worm crossovers or AUs and OHHOHO HO HO BOY
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that is. that is an impressive writing choice. they gave her Hemalurgy too. if the power scales how I think it will scale she's gonna solo Eidolon by next Tuesday
i do appreciate the pun though (< has frequently mentally referred to her stormlight AU as st(w)ormlight)
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