theeducationmag · 9 months
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blaqsbi · 28 days
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Post: This Michigan Beauty Contestant Did Not Come To Play https://www.blaqsbi.com/5R7C
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 months
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joannmathews · 2 months
Women and Adversity: Esther Lederberg Microbiologist: Pioneer in Bacterial Genetics Discovered Lambda Phage virus
Esther Lederberg, Microbiologist (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category: Esther_Lederberg) Women and Adversity: Esther Lederberg Microbiologist: Pioneer in Bacterial Genetics  Discovered Lambda Phage virus Few people know what lambda phage virus is, but Esther Lederberg discovered it in 1951. This discovery is said to have revolutionized how to understand viruses. I have no intention of…
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futurride · 4 months
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preponias · 8 months
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IISc ranked best in India; Oxford University best in world
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sirjitendrayadav · 8 months
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grabajobs · 9 months
DREAM BIG with 21 FREE Certification Courses from Stanford University!
School is offering an UNBELIEVABLE opportunity to chase your dreams and elevate your career FOR FREE!
These aren't just courses; They bring you to a brighter future! 🚀
🔗 https://grabajobs.co/certification/
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aiexpressway · 11 months
Top 10 Universities | QS World University Rankings 2024
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thxnews · 11 months
Stanford University: From Farm to World-Class Institution
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Stanford University was founded by wealthy California pioneers and founders of the Central Pacific Railroad in 1885 as a memorial to their only son, Leland Jr. The Stanfords donated their land grant to the university with the stipulation that it be used solely for educational purposes. The university began as a coeducational school with an agricultural focus which expanded into offering degrees in aeronautics in 1905. Today, Stanford is one of the world's leading research universities, producing three Nobel laureates and home to 74 billionaires. The university also contributes significantly to Silicon Valley's economy.  
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Stanford sweater. Photo by Ye Linn Wai. Unsplash.  
The Foundation of Stanford University
Stanford University is a private research university in Stanford, California. Stanford was founded in 1885 by Leland and Jane Stanford in memory of their only child, Leland Stanford Jr., who had died of typhoid fever at age 15 the previous year. Stanford's 8,180-acre (3,310 ha) campus is one of the largest in the United States. It is located in the northwestern Santa Clara Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, approximately 37 miles southeast of San Francisco. Stanford also has land and facilities elsewhere. The university was founded as a coeducational and non-denominational institution, with no association with any religious denomination. Stanford opened to graduate students on October 1, 1891, making it the first large American university to have graduated classes.  
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Leland Stanford. Photo by Ed Bierman. Flickr.  
The Stanfords: A Wealthy Railroad Family's
Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane Stanford, donated their land grant to the university with the stipulation that it be used solely for educational purposes. The university is named after their only child, Leland Stanford Jr., who died of typhoid fever at the age of 15. The original foundation document states the the university’s objective is “to qualify its students for personal success, and direct usefulness in life” and its purpose “to promote the public welfare by exercising an influence in behalf of humanity and civilization.” The Stanfords employed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted to create the designs for the campus grounds. He is best known for designing Central Park and Prospect Park in New York. He also designed the Niagara Reservation (Niagara Falls) & the University of California, Berkeley. The Stanfords’ generous donation helped to establish Stanford as one of the leading universities in the United States.  
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Stanford main passageway. Photo by Jeremy Bezanger. Unsplash.  
Stanford Started as a Coeducational School with an Agricultural Focus
At the bequest of the Stanford's the university was originally designed as a coeducational school with an agricultural focus. The Main Quadrangle, which is the heart of the Stanford campus, was completed in 1887. Stanford enrolled its first students, 555 of which 130 were women, in 1891. The school was originally called "the Farm" because of its location in Santa Clara County and also because the Stanford students were heavily involved in the development of California's agriculture industry.  
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Photo by Jorge Fernandez Salas. Unsplash.  
Stanford First University Breaking New Ground.
The university was originally conceived as a way to prepare students for careers in the railroads and other industries that were booming at the time. In 1905, Stanford became the first university in the United States to offer degrees in aeronautics. However, when the great depression hit in 1929, Stanford was hit hard. Tuition revenue dried up, and many students were forced to drop out. The university was forced to make severe budget cuts, and several faculty members were let go. Stanford survived the great depression due to its endowment, which was created by the sale of timberland and farmland owned by the university. The endowment allowed Stanford to maintain its operations during the economic downturn. Even with the endowment Stanford's president at the time, David Starr Jordan, was forced to take a pay cut. Despite these difficulties, Stanford managed to survive the great depression and went on to become one of the world's leading universities.  
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Architectural excellence. Unknown Photographer. Pixabay.  
How Did the World Wars Effect Stanford?
During the World Wars, Stanford served as an training ground for soldiers in the US military. In addition, the university also hosted War Research Laboratories that conducted research on behalf of the government. Stanford's proximity to San Francisco also made it a major hub for war production, with many companies setting up plants and facilities in the area. The wars had a major impact on Stanford, both during and after the conflict.  
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Early walkway. Photo by Day Break with Ray. Unsplash.  
The Early History of Stanford University.
Stanford Sr. served as the university's first president until his death in 1893. During his second year at Stanford he hired David Starr Jordan, the former president of Indiana University (1884 to 1891). Under Jordan's leadership from 1891 to 1913, Stanford achieved prominence as one of the leading research universities in the United States. A versatile naturalist, Jordan helped Stanford earn a reputation for excellence in such fields as botany, biology, zoology, geology, anthropology, archaeology, and paleontology. During this period Stanford also built its first hospital (1898) and business school (1900), established a law school (1901), and founded what is now the School of Earth Sciences (1902). Not all of Jordan's ideas about Stanford were successful; he once proposed that only men be allowed to attend the university. The first African American student at Stanford was Ernest Houston Johnson, 1894. He was popular and graduted with a B.A. Economics in 1895.  
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Stanfords modern design. Photo by Iian Mackey. Unsplash.  
7. The University has Produced Many Exceptional Graduates.
Stanford's alumni include 17 astronauts, 18 Turing Award winners, and 225 Rhodes Scholars. The university has also produced Fulbright Scholars and Marshall Scholars. Stanford has the second-largest endowment per student in the United States. Stanford also has a strong commitment to social responsibility and philanthropy. The university has an endowment of $37.8 billion, which it uses to support its research and educational programs.  
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View of Hoover Tower. Photo by Jitze. Flickr.  
8. World-Renowned Programs in Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Education.
Stanford consistently ranks its business school among the top in the world, and Stanford Law School has produced more Supreme Court justices than any other law school in the country. Stanford Medicine leads in cutting-edge research and patient care, while the Stanford School of Education earns renown for its innovative approaches to teaching and learning.  
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Campas grounds. Photo by Toshiharu Watanabe. Pixabay.  
Stanford Universities Contributions to Silicon Valley.
Stanford University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, and it has a long history of contributing to the area's economy. In 1885, the founders established Stanford, which rapidly emerged as a hub for technological innovation. In the early days of the Valley, Stanford served as a incubator for startups and established companies alike. Today, Stanford continues to be a major driver of economic growth in the region. The university is home to a number of world-class research facilities, and it attracts top talent from around the globe. Stanford also provides substantial support to local businesses and entrepreneurs. In addition to its direct economic impact, Stanford also plays an important role in shaping the Valley's culture and identity. As Silicon Valley's largest and most prestigious university, Stanford helps to define what it means to be part of the region. From its earliest days, Stanford has been integral to the growth and success of Silicon Valley.  
Most people believe that in order to be creative, you have to be intelligent. This is a myth. In fact, research has shown that once you get beyond an I.Q. of about 120, intelligence and creativity are not related at all. That means anyone can be creative if they are willing to work at it. Wealthy California pioneers and founders of the Central Pacific Railroad founded Stanford University in 1885 as a memorial to their only son, Leland Jr. The Stanfords generously donated their land grant to the university, stipulating its sole use for educational purposes. The university began as a coeducational school with an agricultural focus which expanded into offering degrees in aeronautics in 1905. The university also contributes significantly to Silicon Valley's economy. If you're looking for a world-class institution with a wealth of opportunities, look no further than Stanford University.   Sources: Wikipedia, Pioneer Academics, Stanford & THX News.   Read the full article
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mark-matos · 1 year
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🤖💬🤯 Generative AI Breakthrough: Simulating Human Behavior with Stanford's "Generative Agents" 🌟👥
Generative AI has made incredible strides in recent years 🤖⏩, and one of the most fascinating applications is the simulation of human behavior 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️. A groundbreaking research paper 📄 from Google and Stanford University called "Generative Agents" dives deep into this topic, revealing valuable insights into how agents can simulate human-like behaviors across complex tasks 🧩.
🌇🏫👥 The researchers created a simulation environment called Smallville, mimicking the common affordances of a small town, including cafes ☕, parks 🌳, and schools 🏫. The agents move around Smallville, entering and leaving buildings 🚪, navigating its map 🗺️, and approaching other agents 👋. After some interactions, the agents started forming long-time relationships 💞, remembering their interactions, spreading rumors 🗣️, and coordinating activities 🤝.
🧠💡💻 The paper discusses the agent architecture used to facilitate these behaviors. Generative agents use their current environment and past experiences as input 🔁, with a novel agent architecture combining a large language model 📚 with mechanisms for synthesizing and retrieving relevant information 🔍. The memory stream 💾, reflection 🤔, and planning 📝 are the three main components of the architecture.
👨‍💼👩‍🔬🌟 The research presents some of the most exciting applications of generative AI to the simulation of human behavior, showcasing the significant progress made in this area. It also highlights the potential impact of generative agents in multi-agent scenarios 👥 and the ethical implications that come with it ⚖️.
Understanding the potential of generative AI models and their ethical implications is essential as this technology becomes more widespread 🌟🤖💬.
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sekami7 · 1 year
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Stanford Scientists Uncover Startling New Cause of Abdominal FatUnlocking the Alpine Secret: Click Here: New Scientific Discovery for Healthy Weight Loss in April 2023
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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The mansion in Succession’s season 4 premiere belongs to a real-life billionaire with a struggling company The fourth and final season of the hit dark-comedy series Succession kicked off with the perfect backdrop to Roy family scheming: a sprawling clifftop property in the Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.Read more... https://qz.com/succession-season-4-premiere-austin-russell-mansion-1850268981
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Fattori ambientali incrementano la lunghezza del pene
Il pene si è allungato di 3 centimetri in 30 anni. Preoccupazione degli andrologi. Gli esperti della Società Italiana di Andrologia: potrebbe essere un altro indicatore dell’impatto di fattori ambientali, come l'esposizione a inquinanti o l'aumento di stili di vita poco sani. Meta-analisi della Stanford University. Negli ultimi 30 anni il pene dell'uomo è cresciuto in lunghezza del 24%, allungandosi quindi di circa  3 centimetri. A molti uomini, e non solo, farà certamente piacere, ma in realtà potrebbe non essere poi una così buona notizia. A sottolinearlo è la Società Italiana di Andrologia (SIA) che dal congresso europeo commenta uno studio della Stanford University pubblicato sulla rivista The World Journal of Men's Health.
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“L’aumento delle dimensioni dei genitali maschili potrebbe essere un altro indicatore dell’impatto di fattori ambientali, come l'esposizione a inquinanti o l'aumento di stili di vita poco sani – commenta Alessandro Palmieri, presidente SIA e professore di Urologia alla Università Federico II di Napoli -. Questi potrebbero infatti alterare il funzionamento del sistema endocrino, modificando in modo anche strutturale l’apparato riproduttivo maschile. Lo studio quindi suggerisce l'importanza di approfondire e valutare le ripercussioni dei fattori ambientali sulla salute sessuale e riproduttiva maschile, a cui la SIA ha sempre dedicato molta attenzione sia dal punto di vista divulgativo che scientifico”. Il lavoro dei ricercatori di Stanford è una meta-analisi di ricerche precedenti tutte focalizzate sulla lunghezza del pene. Nel dettaglio i ricercatori hanno analizzato i dati di 75 studi condotti tra il 1942 e il 2021, che hanno coinvolto un totale di 55.761 uomini. In ogni studio preso in esame sono stati raccolti i dati relativi alla lunghezza del pene in diversi stati: flaccido, allungato ed eretto. I ricercatori hanno scoperto che in tutto il periodo di studio le dimensioni sono aumentate. In particolare, ad essere aumentata è la lunghezza del pene quando è eretto. Se infatti la lunghezza media del pene “a riposo” è rimasta sostanzialmente invariata, cioè poco più di 8,5 centimetri, ed è rimasta stabile anche quando allungato, cioè mediamente 13 centimetri, i peni completamente eretti si sarebbero allungati, passando da una media si 12 centimetri a una di 15,24 centimetri. “Lo studio non ci dà alcuna indicazione circa le possibili ripercussioni di questo allungamento sulla salute del sistema riproduttivo maschile e serviranno ulteriori indagini e approfondimenti - spiega Palmieri -. Tuttavia, aldilà dei risultati della ricerca il tema delle dimensioni del pene è ancora oggi molto dibattuto e una costante fonte di ansia e preoccupazione per gli uomini, addirittura considerato invalidante. Va invece ribadito – sottolinea l’esperto - che le misure sono del tutto indicative perché ogni uomo è diverso dall’altro, e la lunghezza del pene non è sempre importante per una vita sessuale soddisfacente”. Read the full article
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drtaeshinkim · 1 year
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의사들이 환자가 듣고 싶어할 거라고 착각하는 3가지? 미국 스탠포드 대학교에서 허리가 아파서 방문한 환자 419명과 허리를 치료하는 의사들 198명을 대상으로 설문조사를 했습니다 설문조사의 내용은 환자들에게는 의사에게 방문했을 때 가장 바라는 점을 물어봤고 의사들에게는 환자들이 가장 바랄 것이라고 생각하는 것들을 물어봤습니다 항목을 허리통증의 호전 원인에 대한 설명 기능의 회복 수술 필요 여부 어떤 약이 필요할지 어떤 검사가 필요할지 물리치료가 필요할지 등으로 나누어 이 중 진료 할 때 듣고 싶은 것에 대해 0점부터 4점까지 점수를 매기도록 했습니다 결과 환자들이 가장 원하는 것은 통증의 호전 원인에 대한 설명 기능의 회복 순이었고 의사들이 생각하는 환자들이 원할 것 같은 것은 통증의 호전 원인에 대한 설명 기능의 회복 순이었다고 합니다 오잉? 그럼 의사들이 환자들이 무엇을 원하는지 잘 아는 것 같군요 하지만 중요도로 들어가면 얘기가 달라졌습니다 점수를 평균내보니 '원인에 대한 설명' 항목에 대해서 환자들은 3.28점 의사들은 2.78점으로 의사들이 환자들의 원인에 대한 설명에 대한 니즈를 과소평가하고 있었고 반대로 '수술 필요 여부' '어떤 약이 필요할지' '어떤 검사가 필요할지'에 대해선 환자들이 더 듣고싶어한다고 착각하고 니즈를 과대평가하고 있었다고 합니다 환자들은 '원인에 대한 설명'을 더 자세히 듣고 싶어한다는 것을 의사들이 알아야 한다는 결론이네요 A recent survey conducted at Stanford University found a gap in what patients and doctors think patients want to hear during a visit for back pain. The survey asked 419 patients and 198 doctors about the most important things to discuss during a visit. The topics were pain relief, explanation of the cause, recovery of function, need for surgery, medication needs, testing needs, and physical therapy. The results showed that patients prioritize pain relief, explanation of cause, and recovery of function. However, when it comes to importance, the doctors scored lower on explanation of cause compared to what the patients thought they wanted to hear. The average score for patients on explanation of cause was 3.28, while the average score for doctors was 2.78. It seems like doctors may not fully understand what patients want to hear during a visit. #의사스타그램 #척추 #신경외과 #허리 #허리통증 #PatientDoctorGap #BackPainSurvey #StanfordUniversity #PainRelief #CauseOfBackPain #RecoveryOfFunction #NeedForSurgery #MedicationNeeds #TestingNeeds #PhysicalTherapy #PatientPriorities #DoctorUnderstandings https://www.instagram.com/p/CoIpY1msiu0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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supercoffeepatrol · 1 year
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19.微717549916#毕业证#成绩单#学历认证#回国证明 #普林斯顿大学#princetonuniversity#princeton #耶鲁大学 #yaleuniversity#yale #哥伦比亚大学 #columbiauniversityinthecityofnewyork#columbia #斯坦福大学 #stanforduniversity#stanford #芝加哥大学 #universityofchicago#uchicago#chicago #麻省理工#文凭 #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology#mit #杜克大学#dukeuniversity#bluedevil#diploma#hkiger#duke (在 Princeton University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CluvFl6PIz1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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