#still my list my rules
foldingfittedsheets · 1 month
Every time we open our home to loved ones I remember that I’m very autistic and all my little routines and habits and environments get disrupted and I get more and more agitated and have to consistently remind myself louder and louder that I love them and that my suffering is temporary.
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kastillia · 2 months
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nellasbookplanet · 8 months
Book recs: post- and transhumanism
AKA: cyborgs, uploaded minds, and humans otherwise altered by technology.
I have previously written a rec list for books featuring robots and artificial intelligences, but ended up excluding various titles for not quite fitting the theme. Hence, this list, which focuses more on the step from human into something else, commonly with themes of what it means to be human.
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Previous book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies, robots and artificial intelligences
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with an * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
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The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi*
Place this one in the category of ‘accept that you’re gonna be confused as hell and just let the world wash over you’. The singularity has come and gone and humans can now easily upload, download and copy themselves into new bodies, not all of them human and not always willingly. Consciousnesses and time has become something close to currency. Follows a murder mystery on Mars.
The Scorpion Rules (Prisoners of Peace duology) by Erin Bow*
Young Adult. Featuring a dystopian future in which an AI forcibly keeps world peace by holding the children of world leaders hostage. If anyone attempts to start a war, their child will be executed. Greta is one of these children, kept in a school with others like her. But things start to change one day when a new, less obedient hostage arrives. A unique, slowburn take on the YA dystopian craze, also featuring a bisexual love triangle.
The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles) by Mary E. Pearson
Young Adult set in a near future. Jenna wakes from a year long coma after an accident, and something is wrong. Is this really her life? Are her memories her own? Exactly what happened a year ago, and what did her parents do to get her back?
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Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
Millenia and generation spanning scifi. After the collapse of an empire, a planet once part of a project to uplift other species to sentience is left to develop on its own, resulting not in the intelligent monkeys once intended but in sentient giant spiders. Millenia later, what remains of humanity arrives looking for a new home, only to be met by the artificial remains of the ancient woman who once led the uplift project - and she is not willing to let them on her planet.
War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi*
In an enviromentally fraught future, the Nigerian civil war has flared back up, utilizing cybernetics and mechs to enhance its soldiers. Two sisters, by bond if not by blood, are separated and end up on differing sides of the struggle. Brutal and dark, with themes of dehumanization of soldiers through cybernetics that turn them into weapons, and the effect and trauma this has on them.
The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey
1969 classic. Features a future in which children born too weak to survive are put into and raised in mechanical bodies. Helva, one of these children, grows up to be put in charge of her own space ship, from which she works to fulfill various missions out in space, missions which she quickly comes to learn are much more dangerous than she could've imagined.
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Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) Marissa Meyer*
Young Adult fairy tale retelling. Cinder, a cyborg with a mysterious past she can't remember, lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters in New Beijing as a deadly plague ravages the world and a race of Lunar people threaten war against the entire planet. As Cinder becomes entwined with the young prince Kai, she is pulled more and more into dangerous politics that see her as less than human due to her cybernetics, yet need her to save them.
House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds
Six million years in the future, humanity has spread across the entire Milky Way galaxy. Purslane and Campion are both clones of the same woman, sent into the galaxy millions of years ago to explore along with almost a thousand clones like them. Every 200 000 years they all meet to compare memories and experiences. But this time Purslane and Campion arrive late - and discover that a secret millions of years in the making has lead to an extinction level attack against their kind. Now they must find out the truth before their line is completely wiped out. Absolutely wild world-building, featuring various kinds of posthumans (among which the clones are, shockingly, the most similar to people of our time).
Nexus (Nexus trilogy) by Ramez Naam
In a near future, a nano-drug is developed that can link human minds together, having the potential to change humanity forever. As different factions fight over it - some wanting to control it, other to eradicate it, and many to exploit it - a scientist who's caught improving the drug is thrust into a world of danger and international espionage.
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Skinned (Cold Awakening trilogy) by Robin Wasserman
Young Adult. Rich girl Lia Kahn had the perfect life - until she died and was brought back by having her memories downloaded into a mechanical body. Despite having her life back, Lia also finds her life changed, as people fear her and treat her differently. Worse; she herself isn't sure if she's still really Lia, or whether she's even a person at all anymore.
Blindsight (Firefall duology)by Peter Watts*
Vampires and aliens and questions of the nature of consciousnesses, oh my. A ship is sent to investigate the sudden appearance of an alien vessel at the edge of the solar system, but the crew, a group of various level of transhumanism, isn't prepared for the horrors awaiting them. No, seriously, this book will fuck you up, highly recommend if you’re okay with a lot of techno babble and existential horror.
Mortal Enginges (Mortal Engines quartet) by Philip Reeve*
Young Adult. On a barely survivable Earth humanity has taken to living on great wandering cities, hunting each other across the plains for resources. Tom lives in London, but when he intervenes to stop a murder, he falls off the city alongside a strange and hostile girl on the hunt for revenge. Together they set out to catch up to the city, but are chased by a murderous machine like being set on stopping them. Trans/posthumanism isn't the main theme of the book, but it continues to grow in importance throughout the series.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Meru by S.B. Divya
A human and a posthuman, called an alloy, venture together into space to explore a newly discovered, earth-like planet, testing the future of the relationship between their peoples on the way.
WE by John Dickinson
Humanity has become a hive mind, constantly connected. When Paul is sent on a one-way mission to a frozen moon, he must disconnect from the rest of humanity, for the first time seeing what it has truly become.
Accelerando by Charles Stross
In a time in which the artificial and the posthuman is more and more outpacing the human, something strange enters the solar system and starts dismantling its planets.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
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theeflowerofcarnage · 9 months
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not me feeling genuinly sad about the emperor :(((( i just keep reading his letter to ansur and thinking back to stelman's medical journal.......... like omfg he DID gaslight me i am in shock!!! this entire time n it was SO obvious
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bogkeep · 9 months
the way the most recent pokemon games don't let you turn off the exp share or the affection mechanic bonuses is nothing short of maddening. i think they make great accessibility features If Only They Were Optional and the flavour text is cute, but i want to have a fun casual playthrough that's at least mildly challenging without having to make it a nuzlocke or something. i don't want to feed my starter bitter medicines to make her hate me :(
#JUST LET ME TURN IT OFF... PLEASE....#i can't do nuzlockes i do Not have the willpower to stick to the rules and they stress me out haha#anyway i am a fool who's left all of my DS games in norway and i got a hankering for replaying sinnoh games#so i decided to get shining pearl right. figured it might be fun even if ill miss the 4th gren spritework something fierce#what ensued was a needlessly complicated process just to get a copy that was slightly cheaper than full price nintendo blood money#there's a store that listed shining pearl at a lower price. not brilliant diamond - just pearl#i feel like maybe it's by mistake since that's the price of a nintendo DS cartridge. so maybe wires got crossed#the norwegian version of the store does NOT have the price disparity.#anyway i can't order online without a swedish phone number. and the local store is out of stock#so i have several long walks to the store to get them to order it in for me and then to order it delivered to me etc#and then of course another long walk to pick up the mail BUT I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE VIDEO GAME#and it's very nice and nostalgic with a couple quality of life upgrades#my first pokemon game was pokemon diamond. when i got it i was still learning english and had no idea what was happening at any time#good times good times#obviously no pokemon run is ever gonna be as challenging as my first ever run#it does not need to be! u can immediately tell that a lot of difficulty in earlier games is that leveling up your team was a hassle#and almost always required grinding. i do not miss that at all ! but the remakes seem to be Extremely Faithful#so they're not rly structured around how fast you can level your whole team#or that your pokemon are gonna start doing extra crits or hold on to last HP before u even get to the third gym#OH WELL#you know what's very exciting for me though. i have a misdreavous!!! they're pearl exclusive and not in platinum#ive always wanted to do a sinnoh run with a misdreavous on my team for some reason
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
why is literally everyone on my sonic tomodachi life island in love with shadow as if theres not other people to choose from and hes not gonna reject them every time . stop creating a love spiderweb with some guy whos not even interested in you
#at one point i kept ending up in scenarios where one mii would try to confess and a bunch of others would show up to interrupt#and they would all get rejected lmao .. most have moved on by now though after getting rejected so many times or finding someone else#but ill still occasionally get an ''im in love with shadow !!! '' even though. hes already taken#silver is the one who managed to win him over btw if anyone is curious .#list of people who have tried to date shadow off the top of my head: silver espio blaze amy#and sticks just told me shes in love with him too NO YOURE NOT . STOP#even knuckles got in on it once. and hes literally already dating sonic ??#i mean knuckles has two hands but polyamory isnt a thing in this game sooo#amy and blaze and espio were particularly desperate...#i made it a rule for myself to try to avoid forcing any particular couples#and to just let any ships happen as long as they dont have weird age gaps or otherwise make me uncomfortable#(which is how i ended up with shadilver even though im not really into that pairing)#but i made a mii of tekno JUST to give amy a decent romantic option. because she wouldnt stop asking about shadow#and i kept ignoring her or telling her not to get with shadow and she wouldnt give it up#and it was getting on my nerves because sha/damy is one of those ships on my ''not going to let these happen no matter what'' list#well shes with tekno now and she also stopped asking about shadow so much once he got with silver so. its fine#and blaze ended up finding someone else too. not espio though hes still single. but thats fine#i dont need every single mii paired off idgaf about that#tomodachiposting
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 5 months
Tina Belcher would have such a crush on Daria Morgendorffer and Daria's like episode arc would be slowly seeing the importance of tolerating Tina (in small doses) in order to be a good influence on her.
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commanderfreddy · 10 months
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hey cool news - one of my short stories (Lady in Waiting) has been reprinted in a charity anthology! all proceeds go to the Trevor Project (and thanks to a generous parallel donation, us writers all got a token payment of US$40, which was great because we signed up to do charity for free lol)
Mirrors Reflecting Shadows is a multi-publisher project from Roi Fainéant, OUTCAST, and Anxiety Press(es) that collects 34 high-concept, high-octane, high-quality short stories from basically every genre you can shake a stick at, including personal essays.
many stories tackle LGBTQ+ themes directly while others deal with more abstract takes on love, rebirth, community and actualisation, and while nobody's required to self-ID i can tell you that most of us behind the scenes are part of the family one way or another
grab a print or epub edition here and let me know what you think!
i wanna know what stories everyone connected with (and which ones they didn't), what concepts you found compelling, what phrases got stuck in your brain, and what shit you just found fun to read 💕
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have family in town right now, and as a general heads up to people who don’t have food allergies/restrictions/stuff like that*: If you want to go out to dinner with someone you know has food allergies*, PLEASE discuss where you’ll go with them before you finalize plans. This message brought to you by my mom inviting all the local members of my family out for barbecue, a thing I cannot have in restaurants because either it uses sauce, which has vinegar in it (and usually so much sauce is used there’s a high risk of cross contamination) or it smokes meat, in which case I can’t breathe. Smells good! Usually tastes good! Very bad for my asthma.  *idk where food intolerances fall on this scale? but I couldn’t think of a good catchall term for “cannot eat some foods without bad consequences”
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knowlesian · 6 months
something something the era of Obligatory Deaths in genre fiction led to a place where a lot of fans can only process character death through a lens where there’s no such thing as a narratively valid and purposeful tragedy whiiiiiiiich isn’t great, bob
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kris-mage-fics · 9 months
URL Music
Thanks for tagging me @bi-stander!
K: The Koi Story (锦鲤抄) performed by Jiaju and Zongli
R: Renn by :LOR3L3I:
I: In And Out Of Love by Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel
S: Surrender by The Birthday Massacre (cw: lyrics about stalking)
M: Middle Of The Night by Elley Duhé
A: Arise by CLANN
G: Good Behavior by Plumb
E: Everytime We Touch or Evacuate The Dancefloor by Cascada (Sorry I can't choose!)
F: Flower Maiden by Dzivia
I: I Miss You by blink-182 (cw: flashing lights, disturbing imagery, depictions of drowning, and spiders)
C: Concomitance by Anton Belov (bandcamp link since I couldn't find it as a single on youtube)
S: Show Your Fangs by The Crane Wives
By the way, a lot of these videos have the lyrics in the CC, description box, or in one of the top comments. Though I know some of the lyrics for "Good Behavior" are wrong.
Tagging @yuuugay (three U's might be hard, but I believe in you, Yuki!), and @georgiedoesntfloat (I'm sure you'll find some awesome songs!), and anyone who'd like to do this too! (Sorry for not tagging anyone else, I actually did like 96% of this two days ago then my brain decided it couldn't think of more people who like music and it hasn't been cooperating with me since. :/ Did I go overboard with the colors? Idk, but I'm leaving it.)
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jupiterjunebug · 2 months
I keep seeing posts abt the rankings being confusing but im an arg kiddo and ive been having a lot of fun figuring out rules based purely on context clues. Getting enrichment like a tiger with a meat watermelon
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grimowled · 13 days
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obeymeow · 2 years
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since everyone's generally agreed the new exchange students seem to stick out because of the different line weight and shading-I thought, hey, I can fix that! so I tried. (a couple other minor edits to thirteen, as well- if you want a copy of her original design with the fixed linework just DM me or hop in asks and I'll grab that for you!)
#obey me on side#obey me thirteen#<- this is my FIRST recommended tag 💀 I am so predictable.#obey me raphael#obey me! one master to rule them all#obey me!#obey me! shall we date?#that'll work.#anyway we still don't have decent sized full sprites so I just went with the fandom wiki headers#list of thirteen edits for those wondering:#eyeburn blue (full sprite HURTS) to a deep purple#grey choker for harmony and because it blended in too well with her hair after editing#nail color because WHY are they YELLOW.#also rad uniform red lips because the pink also looked strange after changing everything#did NOT change her snake eyes because I think they're fun. I actually like her design at large#like the outfit's a lot of fun and I like the blue pink green.#just some of it felt appropriate to change since the edit was for the sake of sprite ''''symmetry''''#raphael's design is pretty predictable so I didn't feel the need to change anything. at least not torso up#have y'all seen his fucking shoes why is his cape shaped like that. I love the newbies dearly but they kill me#also he should have long hair. maybe curly maybe brown but I know he has long hair I know it#also if anyone bothered to read this far and is willing to humor me tell me what colors you think the newbies nails should be#any of them all of them. i like raphael having plain nails thirteen was controversial#general concensus either two colors (blue/pink or pink/green) or black#but I don't know about mephi he eludes me. AND he has gloves so I don't have a starting point#anyway.#OH I FORGOT#omswd#okay thanks tags over
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isaacathom · 2 months
finally reading lord hornblower and got up to The Chapters 👍 its going well in here. i definitely didnt take pictures of several pages to capture the paragraphs about how hornblower was feeling, noooooo
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auslanderka · 9 months
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all I can say is I am really happy to meet him
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