#stuff from other selfshippers
flowering-darkness · 1 month
Now that I have a) actually posted that ask answer from earlier and b) read through it again while getting ready for bed..
I want to make another PMD Sky AU ;w; for my selfship with Clio this time
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vioshipping · 2 months
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I’m not sure if I just like him a lot or if I have a weird unhinged crush. But I love this thing. Look at him. He looks like a goldfish cracker. I just saw the full o.urple update recently and This Guy stuck with me
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carlosoliveiras-wife · 6 months
a bit of a personal post. taps chin. because i've been feeling highly insecure for an unspecified amount of time and so i thought i'd make an appreciation post !
putting this in big bold letters: PROSHIP DNI
shoutout to selfshippers with bottling problems and/or tendencies. to those of us who keep our feelings locked up inside until it pops and pours out when we least want it to. to those of us who bottle so much to keep others feeling happy. to the selfshippers who are so scared to voice anything about how they feel because they've experienced negative reactions from those they've trusted, just by voicing their emotions.
shoutout to selfshippers who can't properly gush because they often feel like a nuisance to others. whether it's the kinda gushing that's about your f/o's lore, your f/o in general, your selfships— to those of us who find it weird and at times a bit uncomfortable to gush because we're so used to feeling like a nuisance. or that we won't even be given the time of day to have our stuff acknowledged.
shoutout to selfshippers who are genuinely not understood. who's reactions at times are viewed as unnecessary or overdramatic or illogical for reacting the way we do when we're scared of opening up.
your f/o(s) wouldn't treat you like that. they'd listen to you oh so intently, to whatever you'd have to say.
if you've been bottling for so long, whether it's emotions or interests, your f/o(s) wouldn't let you keep that up. they'd gently encourage you to express yourself, even if it starts out small. they reassure you that they won't get mad about speaking your mind, that're you're not an asshole for how you feel, especially if your f/o(s) understand what cause your reactions and why you keep things inside.
your f/o(s) will do everything in their power to make you feel safe in being you, you who expresses yourself, just like every human should be allowed to.
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quillandink333 · 8 months
For PRO-FICTION baby selfshippers who see this
If you ever feel like trying to get more in touch and connected with your f/o(s), you can always try creating a selfshipping journal. It can be a fancy little notebook or a spiral notebook, doesn't matter.
Here’s a list of things you can add to your journal if you decide to start one:
Write down how you and your f/o first met
Add pictures, doodles or drawings of your f/o
Add doodles of things that remind you of your f/o or relationship
Write down any dreams or daydreams you have about them
Write down a playlist or list of songs that make you think about your f/o
Write down scenarios that go with a certain song
Buy cheap stickers of your f/o off Etsy or something and put them in there
Write about your s/i if you have one and how your s/i met your f/o
Write letters from your f/o or write letters to your f/o
Write about things you both enjoy doing with each other
It's fun to do cause if you're ever feeling down or anything, you could look at the journal and remind yourself that your f/o loves you <3
There's no limit to the stuff you could include in your journal so if anyone has other ideas, leave them in the comments/tags.
Reposted from an anti
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cherubdulce · 6 months
🧸 end of the year promo~🍓
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Hi I’m Bambi, Angie or Noel (he/him) !! I’m a hispanic lesbian selfshipper who likes to draw and ramble on my interests!! I love to make new friendships and rekindle some mutuals <3 here’s some stuff about me!
🪽 my main fo is currently trev.or mc.gregor from dis.venture ca.mp but my other mains are yoshi hamato and big mama from rot.tmnt! please dni if you share them thank you!
🌼 I’ve been selfshipping around 2020? I’ve joined this community early this year
🧺 my main interests centers around western cartoons/media so it’s very likely I’ll interact a lot if you fall there. I also like nostalgic media like carebears, strawberry shortcake, lps, etc!
please read my about before following me ! (U_U)
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ancanosaur · 1 month
Does anyone else remember how weirdly toxic the MK Fandom was around MKx era? Becuase I do.
Those like handful of blogs that were just getting into beef with random Kano fans and their whole thing was "Kanno is a peice of shit! And so are you for liking this fictional antagonist!!!" I remember a few who put anti-Kano in thier description of their blog and it was just a hobby to shame people for drawing Kano fanart or liking the character in any way. (And a small revival with mk11 since they made him a bear for that game lmao)
Weird uncomfortable age gap shipping... That whole thing about that one artist that drew Cassie cage/subzero stuff and a shit ton of people were like "uh, he's friends with her dad and is like 52. So that's kinda weird." But then it also turned into a headcanon argument bc people were like "yeah subzero definitely watched Cassie cage grow up and he was a part of her childhood." Wich is so funny looking back at it bc there was no need for people to theorise anything about the characters relationship any further than what is Canon for it to be weird.
That fucking Sektor fan who just casually wrote headcanons about Sektor being a huge fucking racist for no goddamn reason?????!?!??? The headcanon specifically was about how they ship him and Cyrax and how Sektor calls him slurs and physically, mentally, and sexually abuses him as part of thier romantic relationship????????????? And they even gave examples of the horribly racist things he says to him¿¿¿? And that Cyrax was just okay with it??? And ended the post with like " I love my evil little man 🥰" No trigger warnings on the post either and when they were critiqued for it they were like "it's realistic and it's just my personal headcanons and you don't have to agree. Sektor is my comfort character and this is just how i see him." -type shit. (Deeper lore about said person. I actually interacted with them way before the headcanon thing. They approached me wanting to rp and they were so controlling they were basically just telling me what to do the whole time. super rude and impatient. So they just suckedl lol.)
Art blogs getting wierd asks that requested them to draw the fem characters in what was very obviously kink art but the asker would ask it in a way to trick the artist into making free fetish art for them. I got so many requests back in the day to "could you draw mileena for me :) but with her jaw wired shut? :)" or "could you draw kitana wereing a new pair of flip flops for me? That would make my day." like ????? Vague to the point of its sus but there were alot of minors in the fandom at the time including myself, i was in highschool at the time. but I was raised on deviantart so I could smell a wierd fetish from a mile away. But I did see other young artists fulfill these requests and several of them completely unaware that they were drawing kink art. Kink art is cool. But not when you're tricking minors into drawing it for you for free. (There was this mileena anon that was the most common one and I swear it was the same dude bc it was always something to do with with her getting her jaw wired shut, her getting bracess, or some other hardware being attached to her jaw/teeth.)
Selfshippers/heteroshippers being like "I know Kung Jin is the only Canon gay character in this very cis het and hyper masculine video game franchise- but im gonna ship him with my girl oc :) becuase he isn't real and it's not wierd to just pick the only gay one :) out of a huge line of big muscle men to choose from :) to ship with :) my female girl she/her lady with a vagina self insert :) or ship him with Cassie :) bc they are friends and should date :) I know he likes men :) and erasing that part of him :) erases :) a big part of his character :) and character arc :) but he would look cute :) kissing girls :) bc im :) girl :) and so is Cassie cage :) and my oc :) - is what I remember.
2015/16 really was a time for the fandom.
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sunflawyer · 3 months
I really adore your blog and your OC is so adorable! You're really the one that got me kinda interested in self shipping, so could you please tell me how you got yourself to just... do it? I'm really afraid to be cringe or recieve judgement if I do something like that, along with breaking the canon kinda scares mr. I would appreciate some thoughts/tips on how to get over yourself lol! Have a great day. ૮₍ ´• ˕ •` ₎ა💗
AHHH anon this is super sweet!!! thank you for liking my blog and abby!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) I'd be more than glad to tell you my story!!! 🧡💐
first of all: cringe is dead!! selfship is supposed to be enjoyed by you and yourself only. thats why its called 'self'ship!! you dont have to worry about what others might think of you. because here in the selfship community we're supportive of each other!! 🧡 id be more than happy to help you too!! <3
also, canon means nothing here! i know there are selfshippers out there who follow the canon storyline for their selfship, but there are others who dont! (like me!) i know it can be very scary to do that, especially if people from the fandom discover you and ask you stuff like "why is this like this!?" and believe me, it happened to me too. but!!! dont listen to them!!! it might sound hard, but if you believe in yourself (and all the people who support you) you'll eventually feel less scared! (。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。) its your story and your universe after all — nothing and no one can stop you!
i know there'll be moments of doubts, but trust me, if it makes you very happy and you want to do it, just go for it! you can start slow and do tiny steps, and i'll be here to accompany you always anon (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ you can always go to my inbox to rant and ask me stuff!
and always remember! your f/o loves you lots and lots and lots and they'll guide you in every step of the way too!! 🧡
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I really don't understand why some people think simping is okay but selfships aren't
To be clear: both are perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with doing either. But I'm just confused why simping is seen as this popular thing that (nearly) everyone in fandom(s) does/do, but selfshippers are still getting picked on?? By people who simp for other characters??? You'd think out of anyone to understand where selfshippers are coming from, it's the people who are openly and unabashedly are showing love and attraction to fictional characters
But then those same people turn around and act like selfshippers are weird for wanting a relationship with the character(s) and- huh?? Some even say that they would do anything for these characters and all that stuff about how they're better than any real person, so how is it suddenly bad??? Why is it weird to spend hours reading fanfiction, collecting fanart, gathering merch, or any other fan activity when it's a selfshipper doing it, but not a TikTok fan who makes their entire page about simping?? (For a non-romantic example, there are people who will widely recognizes character(s) as sibling/child/parental-coded, but then act like platonic selfshippers are weird. All of a sudden all the people calling that character "my child", "my parent", ect, aren't okay with people doing the same thing they were)
Like even if you just simp without selfshipping, which is totally fine, you can at least be more respectful for the community of people literally in the same boat as you. And if they experience the attraction differently, so what? You're both crushing on or generally connecting to fictional characters. You cannot bully selfshippers for doing the exact same thing you are just because they're doing it a little differently and have a different word for it
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the-selfship-city · 5 months
welcome to selfship city !!
applications are currently closed! please send an ask if you'd like to be added to the pinglist for whenever applications open again!
selfship city is a 17+ apply-to-join discord server for selfshippers !! applications can be sent through the askbox and if approved, you will be given an invite !!
why join?
- aesthetic & organized selfship server with a cute city theme! - customized reaction roles to express yourself! - accepting community where no bigotry is tolerated! - anti proship/comship! no yucky stuff here! - pluralkit bot for systems to use whenever needed! - other bots for fun, like mudae and poketwo! - personalized gushing channels for each member! - a calender to keep track of members / f/os birthdays, anniversaries, and more! - daily / weekly questions for members to answer about their f/os and/or their selfships! - seasonal server events such as a gift exchange, art fight, etc! - restricted nsfw chats for those 18+ - and much much more!
if you'd like to join, please send an ask with the application below!
name: txt age: txt selfship blog url / @: txt f/o list: txt
we will get back to you asap! thank you very much! - mod julian & mars
current member count: 16 (including mods!) Q&A under cut!
Q: Why applications? we are a server who puts members comfort first; those who may be uncomfortable with sharing f/os will be protected by these applications so that they aren't accidentally exposed to content that may make them uncomfortable.
this also protects the server from trolls and overall unsavory people.
Q: Why was my application denied?
We do our best to explain why in our response to your application; the following reasons can be applicable:
Under the appropriate age, or no age listed on your profile. You/something you stand for is against server rules (bigot, proshipper/comshipper, etc) A shared f/o is on your f/o list. Your f/os source material is blacklisted.
if you receive no response at all, we possibly could have missed your application! please send it again just in case, thank you! 🥚
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michellemouse · 5 months
Ha-Hoi!, hiya y'all!!!
Welcome to my blog!!!!!
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My names Michelle Mouse but u can call me Mich!!! Nice to meet u ^_^
In this blog I will publish my drawings, videos and small concepts of my ideas
Im from Argentina but in this blog I will only speak in English (I very rarely speak in Spanish) °.°
Edit: I use a translator...
Im minor (Sometimes I feel weird because the oldest on this app is over 20 years old and it really makes me think Im a baby) 😿
For now Im a cis gender girl although I doubt it
Im a Mortimer Mouse mega fan (from a very young age)
Im a fan of Wednesday Infidelity and Im even thinking about making my own mod on that theme :D
Oc x canon/selfshipper/multishipper/crackshipper(maybe)/rareshipper
I don't consider myself a fan of all Mickey Mouse since I never read the comics and that means I know absolutely nothing about the characters/stories that only appear there (an example of characters would be Sylvester Shyster)
I'm also a fan of Ducktales(17) and Darkwing Duck :3
stuff I like
House of mouse
Mortimer's fans
Strawberry Oreos
Scene kid/scenecore/cringecore
imagine (I imagine too much... originally produced at a young age) ;-;
Oc x Canon
Headcanons/ aus
I don't like
Pro/Comshippers (I'm sorry, I'm anti and I don't usually tolerate that kind of stuff) :/
Deviantart (pure Mortimer's haters and fetishists ew)
I hate!!
Mortimer's haters/being discriminated against just because I like an "evil character" (it used to happen to me on yt)
Pedo/Zoo/other paraphilias
⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
My YT account
I hope u enjoy this blog (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
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I'm Marly/Scrunkly/K-9!!
♦️ My pronouns She/Her, I'm a Filipino artist, selfshipper, writer, musician, and more!! I'm Proud Pinoy Pansexual,, hello world!! I often use capital letterz a lot so errmm beware,,,,,
♦️ My interests and fandoms are as follows: BATIM, MCSM, Lackadaisy, Arcane, KATAOW, Carmen Sandiego, uhh prolly more just ask, art, music (I play the cello + ukulele!!), speech and debate, studying the mutualz under a microscope in the lab,,, and loving viktor from arcane
♦️ I EMBRACE THE CRINGE. I'm a selfshipper!! My full F/O list can be found here!! My main F/Os are Viktor (Arcane) & Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy), and I'm not comfortable sharing those two guyz!!
♦️ wuuhhh im the CEO of Martor (Marly x Viktor) and Marloray (Marly Divata x Mordecai Heller) im a business woman ong
♦️ PLEABSEE DNI IF: Pro.shipper, pe.do, homophobic/transphobic, racist, MD.NI/NS.FW blogz, just basic DNI n weird shit,,, op is queer and a poc!!
♦️ Here are some other blogz I have!! @viktors-filipina-girlfriend (RB gamez n general selfship related thingz [follow MAIN blog for actual content]) @unscrunkalicious (random stuff n whatnot) @marly-mahal-ko (RP blog), @marloray (writing blog) n sume more idk
#martly🧍🏻‍♀️ (Art Tag)
#marly yapz!! (me when I yap a lot,,,)
#marly writez (all my writing stuff)
#💜martor💜 (anything relating to ur fave silly scholarz)
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(userbox and blinkie by LUCY. when I catch you bruh)
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below cut is art gallery from me n otherz,,,, check out everyone mentioned or else i send you to the MEATGRINDER.
Art gallery 🤯,, my art is at the bottom lmao
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LEFT ART BY h0t-p1nk-ch33tah-pr1nt,,, RIGHT BY sapphicseal,,,, LUCY N KAT WHEN I GET YALL,,,,,,,
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ART BY dreambird on ToyHouse,,,,,,nwoaoahah
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ABOVE ART BY l0v3sickl0s3r,,, LIZ,,,,, BRO.
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theartshift · 17 days
❝ [Welcome to the Art-Cade] ❞
╰┈➤ Hey! Read my intro post before interacting !
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➤ Randy !! ➤ Xe/It + neos here (use em) ➤ minor (^▽^) ➤ ‘tism n other stuff ➤ selfshipper!X3 ➤ BRITISH 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧☕️☕️☕️ ➤ 17/12 (12/17 for america) (aka me bday) ➤ For my kin info look at @0therw0rldlys1ghts
Asks: 0 Ask box status: Open! (˃ᆺ˂) Followers: 287 art requests: Open art request count: 0 status: Online/Idle/Offline (bold = current) bright colours warning with dividers !! (I love bright colours..)
Tags: ☎️Art 🍿selfship tag 🦎selfship tag
active sideblogs: ➤ @british-randyjade-reblogs - reblogs ➤ @randysaysshit - Rambles ➤ @phonecrypidkisser - selfship
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➤ I selfship with Oliver and gingi from dialtown ➤ I’m a relatively small artist, just drawing away ➤ I’m also a beginner, so don’t complain if I mess art up ➤ Dialtown mainly, some dsaf ➤ no they/them or she/her, he/him is sometimes ok I guess. ➤ please use tone tags… ➤ I like the scene style n bright colours but I wouldn’t really consider myself a scene kid or a Kandi kid
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Equipment ➤ Xp Pen Artist 12 ➤ IPad 5 mini ➤ Some old Dell laptop ➤ clip studio paint ➤ ibis paint ➤ 3000x4000 ibis canvas ➤ 5000x6000 Clip studio
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Adopted children hall of fame: @themostsanebug @vincentbeloved @anonymouslyanidiot @deltanerd24601
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(Last two userboxes by me, the rest by @/banana-dawg. Caution divider by @/mmadeinheaven)
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randomalistic · 6 months
It has occurred to me I do not have an intro post.
HI :] My name is Random and this is my main blog! (multifandom)
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20 yo 🦜They/it/she 🍓Demigirl + Acespec/Demisexual Lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 ADHD
☆ Current hyperfixations:
Wreck-it Ralph (2012) tagged #wir (sideblog: king-crawler)
Navigation ————————
🎨 Art Tag - most art is on fixation sideblogs but I post here sometimes
🦜Sona Tag
txt - My post tag (most of them)
Age 16+ reccomended- posts are sometimes suggestive (but only for the sillies.)
Affiliated with cringe culture or other nasty mean stuff. (That means TERFs.)
Support ‘Proship’ (pairs fictional kids with adults or other weird abusive dynamics)
General: Birds/Ornithology ♡ Animated movies, Art, The natural world, Nintendo games, Bright colors
Media: UNDERTALE/deltarune, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, FNAF, Steven Universe, Yume Nikki, SPORE, Wobbledogs, Omori, BOTW/TOTK, Mario Galaxy Games (you get the idea)
Creators: Vinesauce, Jerma, freaks like that
Some favorites from each:
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Music: Breakcore/Speedcore enjoyer, anything by Halley Labs/Lapfox & similar. Also stuff like Tally Hall and Lemon Demon (I like other music I swear)
☆ Favorite Album: The Quick Brown Fox - NERVES ENDING
I’m a furry, therian and a selfshipper lmao
The silly little red parrot. Or a raptor sometimes (That's Me !)
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Kinning isn’t a super serious thing for me, but a few characters personally resonate with me a lot. AKA brooooo this is literally meeee
My sonas
The Quick Brown Fox
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Wow I thought there were more than that
These fixations last anywhere from 4 months - 2 years so I don’t have a lot of them lol
Jolyne Cujoh 🌊🧵💚(my only normal crush)
Spamton NEO 💸🎢💖(fav)
I have 2 dedicated fandom/selfship blogs also!
(Bigshotspambot) (King-Crawler)
♡ Thanks for reading! I hope this helped give u an idea of who I am :]
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🦄 ~ I'm Hope, aka Princess or Dazzler! ✨ Aceflux and omniromantic ✨ She/her, 30 y/o selfshipper ✨ I follow from my main, hopetheprincess~
🦄 ~ I have many f/os but currently my main obsessions are Demyx Kingdom Hearts 🌊🎸🌟 and Alastor Hazbin Hotel 🦌📻🔥
🦄 ~ I reblog a ton of art or screencaps of my f/os, aesthetic stuff, other peoples' selfship art, and more! I make my own art sometimes!
🦄 ~ I WILL be your cringe mutual, and then be too afraid to ever reach out and talk to you, but I will fiercely reblog your art and say nice things in the tags, so that's gotta count for something right
🦄 ~ check out my pinned for my dni and stuff! but tl;dr, minors dni, and dni if you ship minors w/ adults ✨
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tyrianludaship · 10 months
Silly Selfship Intro
Hello and Howdy! I’m TyrianLuda but I also go by Tyrian, Ty, or Luda!
I am 19 years old, white, and non-binary / gender non-conforming! I go by either She / Her or She / They (You can also call me 'bro' and 'dude'. I don't mind at all)
Screw it; Any/All aside from neopronouns
this is a selfship blog for @tyrianluda (this is my main so I might interact with that too)
{ On a relevant note; if you are uncomfortable with sharing any of my f/os and wish to block me, you’re in your right and I have no hard feelings over it. Some people call selfshippers that don’t want to share ‘delusional’ or ‘gatekeeping’ and I heavily disagree with that notion. You’re all good, don’t worry :] }
My Media fixations are currently the Stanley Parable, Team Fortress 2, Fallout: New Vegas & the Spider-Verse Movies. My other interests also include art, writing & analysis!
This is the blog where I totally act normal about the Narrator and other fellas. If you want to see me insanely gush about my F/Os, you’re in the right place. 
General Tag Navigation
[just me yapping]
my art
[incorrect quotes]
[message in a bottle]
{F/O List <- Here}
Do Not Interact if You Are:
A Proshipper/Comshipper (this especially includes SpyScout shippers and adults selfshipping w/ minor characters)
a Gender Exclusionist/Gender Critical/"Radfems"/TERF/Transphobic or are a Bigot of Any Other Kind
a supporter of J.K. Rowling
(If you interact anyways, I will block you.)
(Before You Follow: I use explicit language and I swear often; sorry in advance. I do sometimes reblog and post stuff that may contain suggestive imagery or concepts (no nsfw or anything past the words whore or slut / mentions of their tits / maybe some pinups). I have an after dark 18+ account for posts I don’t feel comfortable posting either here or in my main. Regardless, I recommend that minors and others uncomfortable should filter my “cw: suggestive” tag.)
Thank you for reading this!
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🏳️‍⚧️ Pride Month Selfship Intro! 🏳️‍⚧️
(I'm pretty late, but here goes!)
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Hi! I'm Tippy! He/Him/His or Xe/Xem/Xis 💙 I'm a gay trans masc genderqueer androgyne fairy person 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✨🧚‍♂️♂️
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I'm a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure selfshipper who's also a digital artist! I also like: SpongeBob SquarePants, Mario, Legend of Zelda, The Sims series, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now 🤣
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Right now I'm interested in:
Soaps that look like desserts, herpetology, ornithology, entomology, marine biology, baking, and arts and crafts 🫶✨
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My main f/os are Vanilla Ice (from jjba) and my oc Beleza Muscadine! We're all gay husbands with glittery genders /light hearted 🩵💙💜
Bel uses he/him, xe/xem, and they/them!
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I'm not comfortable sharing my main f/os!
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