#sub d word
toomuchracket · 4 months
sub drop with d word matty after hours of teasing him and edging him (for the boat angst) and after he finally gets to cum he’s holding you and tearing up and saying that he’s sorry
he goes really quiet aside from little whimpers after you're both done and just CLINGS to you - you go to move like "let me get some tissues" and he starts crying like "no stay with me please i need you" and you're like oh Dear God he's in subspace (you know this because, well, usually it's you). so you're like "ok, darling, it's ok, i'm here. just going to move off you so i can cuddle you properly, yeah? just for one second", and like sure it'll be a mess to sort later but you need to keep him grounded now; you climb off him, but keep a hand stroking his cheek and cooing sweet things at him while you do, and literally as soon as he can move he's properly hugging you face buried in your chest just taking deep breaths and murmuring "i'm so sorry. i love you". you just stroke his back and play with his hair and say "it's alright. you're alright. love you so much, you were so good for me there", and when he peeks up at you you smile and say "love you, gorgeous", and he smiles and says "love you too", and you can tell he's getting back to normal. he has some of the water you keep beside your bed and you order room service - you feel so guilty that you don't have any food, but matty's like "s'ok! you weren't to know i'd go into subspace, darling. you're quite good at being in charge, though. we should try it more", and you're like "learned from the best!" lol. matty laughs at that, and says "speaking of learning... i almost came hands-free there. never done that before. never fancied anyone enough until you, i s'pose", and you're like "that's all i needed to hear after yesterday lol" oop. but yeah. he's sweet. he's sorry. he's subbier than you thought. cute <3
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lunapegasus · 1 year
This was a terrible idea. Really, it was. With how many times she’d been rejected it was practically ridiculous that she thought this would go over well. And Amy was well aware of how low her chances were. But she just couldn’t help it. Besides, he was far too reserved to ever ask her out. She had to be the one to do it.
Amy sighed and looked at her dress in the mirror again. It was a medium length white dress covered in a leafy pattern in various green hues and even had a ribbon to match. It was brand new. Which she may or may not have bought for this specific occasion. An arguably unnecessary expense but Amy justified it by telling herself she needed something nice to boost her confidence. 
But… what if it was too nice? If she got rejected then it would have all been a waste and every time she saw the dress again she’d be filled with disappointment and heartache and loneliness and-
She panicked and darted over to her wardrobe and began to frantically look for a possible alternative. How foolish she was to buy such a dress. What if he didn’t even like green!
Amy startled suddenly at the knock on her bedroom door and a young rabbit poked her head inside.
“Amy, aren’t you supposed to be on your date?”
“It’s not a date, Cream. Well, at least not yet. But hopefully, it will be.”
“I’m sure he’ll say yes! I have a feeling this one's gonna work out. And I don’t need any fancy tarot cards to know that!”
“That’s right! I should do a reading and then I’ll-”
“Amy!” Cream shouted, cheeks slightly puffed up in frustration, “You already said you were gonna ask him. You promised me you wouldn’t back out again.”
“I know, I know. You’re right,” Amy sighed and wandered over to her drawer and pulled out her old deck of cards, “These cards have just really helped me out a lot, you know? I’ve had them nearly my whole life. If I hadn’t listened to them and left home then I never would have even met him, or anyone else, or even you.”
Cream quietly wandered over and sat down on the bed next to her friend and waited for her to continue.
“I’d been alone for a really long time, which was why I was traveling the world. I wanted to find a new home, somewhere I belonged… I’d read about Little Planet before, they used to call it Miracle Planet. It sounded like a beautiful place, “a world that defies time itself”, relics that create miracles, I couldn't ask for a more perfect place to call home… But just like everything else, it was temporary.”
Cream frowned as Amy sat down on the bed beside her. The little girl watched as Amy shuffled through her deck before finally pulling out a single card and handing it to her. The image depicted a brave looking knight valiantly standing upright with a single sword in his hands.
“But then I pulled this card,” Amy said, continuing her story, “The Knight of Swords. It represents action and says that if you propel yourself through ambition you’ll be rewarded. That’s when I knew that if I continued to trust my instincts, the same one that brought me there in the first place, then I would finally get to meet my knight in shining armor!”
Cream giggled, “And you did! Even if it was a little messy at first.”
“Heh, a little, but you gotta admit, he really knew how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
The two giggled some more before Cream suddenly sprung up from her feet, “Amy! You’re gonna be late! You need to hurry!”
“Oh Chaos you’re right!” Amy jumped up from the bed and hurried out the door, but when she reached the doorway she paused and looked back towards her friend again. “So, you really think he’s gonna say yes?”
Cream walked over to her and gave her a big smile, “Of course I do, Amy! Things are changing now and so are you. You’ve been the princess in the tower already, now it’s time for you and your knight, your real knight, to have your happily ever after!”
Amy returned the smile, gave her friend a big hug, and fought off the tears she felt forming behind her eyes, “Thanks Cream, you always know just what to say.”
The two waved each other away and Amy took off, and as she closed the front door behind her she couldn’t help but smile.
This was it. She was finally going to ask out the blue hedgehog of her dreams. It was finally time to ask out Metal Sonic.
[idea by @khalewren]
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bedazzlecunt · 1 year
i know i act like i enjoy being disrespected and i do, the degradation kink is real, but historically my favourite moments during sex, including kinky sex where my partner is being quite ‘mean’ to me is when my partner breaks character to be like “babe, are you okay?  having fun?” “are we going too hard?” “do you like this?  want to stop?” “shit, you’re crying, let’s stop for now, let’s make sure you’re okay”
theres nothing more comforting and nothing more sexy than knowing no matter how “mean” you can get that there’s genuine love and affection for me underscoring it, that no kink or scene is more important than your desire to ensure that sex isn’t just okay for me, it’s fun and fulfilling, and that you’ll drop the kink or the scene the very second that’s in doubt
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squirting-sub · 3 months
As I'm going through quite some stuff lately, I can't take as much verbal degradation as I usually like. Knowing this, my dom has been using more praise or mixing it 50/50. Last night, she decided to do some body writing. "Good girl" on one thigh, "piss princess" on the other. Also caressing my face, praising me for everything I got done that day. "I think you deserve to feel some pain, don't you?"
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toomuchracket · 7 days
hi yes me again thinking about the unrealistic situation in which girlie pegs d-word. I'm a fuck-men-in-the-arse enthusiast at heart i fear
-Lena xx
it's not totally unrealistic!! he's a narcissistic bitch at heart, matthew, and when he's telling you how pretty you look with the plug in and you say (earnestly) "you would, too, daddy"... the thought doesn't leave his mind. and he's never been shy either with you or about his own openness towards pleasure, so you try the plug, and he likes it enough to ask you to fuck him. and you're his good little princess, always, so you do, with your own plug in, and it's amazing - there's not too much of a power dynamic, as such, because you're focused mostly on making sure he's comfortable, but you quite like the little shifts in power in moments like that, getting to talk him to an orgasm and take care of him the way he takes care of you. he's still daddy to you, always, but calling him that when he's the one at your mercy for a change? incredible. and he thinks you're so sexy when you're in charge - still prefers being that himself, most of the time, but he feels safe and happy relinquishing control to you on occasion. hot actually <3
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subbieconfessions · 2 years
need a subbie way to say ily to my Dom. i’m not there yet but it’s odd bc i feel so much for him. i just want to be able to convey that i’d kneel by him forever if he asked me. that he’s my sun and i adore him, and every day i can worship and submit to him is a blessing. how can i say all that in three little words?
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rosemaryannethyme · 6 months
So, I wore my plug for the first time in a couple weeks while doing Christmas chores (cooking, wrapping 🎁).
They took quite a while to do…. it was in for a good minute… and I swear I feel like I’m still wearing it on the bus ride rn.
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Since Sense Sensory
Author:  @gleefulpoppet
Rating:  M
Status:  Completed in April 2022
Word Count: 127,480
Summary:  One rainy night, nestled at a patio table of a small café, Kurt broke off his engagement with Blaine in a moment of heated frustration that had been building for weeks. That was 12 years ago, and they haven’t seen each other since. Suddenly, they may find themselves reunited in a place they never expected. If you had a second chance with your first love, would you take it?
Tropes/Genre:  reunion fic, D/s, Dom!Kurt, sub!Blaine, widower!Blaine, Broadway!Kurt, romance, hurt/comfort
Lynne’s review:  Hot, intriguing, very very honest. The trust between this reunited couple is amazing. Also really informative for those not very familiar with D/s couples. There were definite internal screams at the end. 
Read at:  AO3
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toomuchracket · 5 months
maybe matty is so desperate for girlie to forgive him so he gets all whiney and is basically like “please i’m so sorry i’ll do anything. i’ll get on my knees and beg if i have to.” and he means it totally innocently but she takes it some type of way and is basically like “lay down on the bed” and ties his hands up with his tie to the headboard, and just teases him for what feels like an eternity while being like “you really hurt my feelings you know” and he’s like “i know, i know i’m so sorry. please just make me come and i promise i’ll spend all night making it up to you.” and she keeps going and going, right as he’s about to come immediately stopping and telling him he doesn’t deserve it.
maybe she also lays down next to him (head on his chest) while she gets her self off, just to taunt him. and is talking about all her fantasies/what she imagines him doing. and is basically like “too bad you’ve blown any chance of getting to do that to me, huh?” and he’s begging, crying a little too maybe and all sweaty. by the time she’s done getting herself off and starts getting him off he’s already in tears begging for her not to keep stopping. by the time they’ve both finished together he’s laying on her chest begging her not to leave again, and he’ll spend the rest of his life making it up to her (if this is in the angst i mean.)
HELLOOOOOOOO?! YEAH!! ok so because the current angst breakup happens kinda early on, i don't think this would necessarily happen then. HOWEVER - after the boat angst, when the relationship is more developed and so have the kinks (shibari shibari shibari)? absolutely. also, girly getting off alone? what if the cloned dildo was used for that lol. matty would go even more insane being like "princess PLEASE the real thing is right here i'm begging you to use that instead" oh my god. obsessed <3
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to-luna · 1 year
[#ONEUS_DO_IT] 이도의 헬스 VLOG💪🐥
#ONEUS #원어스 #원어스두잇
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puptoy · 2 years
cyber sex (#2)
idk what anyone says, he is a BIG MEANIE <3 for making me use my words to describe how much i want his big cock in me. spreading my legs and showing him how wet i am should be enough explanation when i start saying “i want...” and then trail off because i’m too busy staring at him (trust me he’s gorgeous). 
but noooo. he’s gotta make me say, out loud, in my PARENTS’ HOME, some shit like “i wanna feel you stretching out those last few inches that my fingers can’t reach.”  can i file a complaint?? 
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chaddicus · 1 year
u know I really want to take this OGL stuff seriously, but I feel like every post I've seen about it has been, like... SUPER rage-baity, and some of them have had some obvious misleading/incorrect information and wording, and so many are so loaded up with speculation and interpretations that are not like, definitive and solid... and like it's not that I think they're all wrong, I'm not gonna claim this is fine or start trying to defend WOTC or anything, but I just. idk I don't trust any of the posts I've seen about it so far enough to share them? or 100% agree? they seem so emotionally driven and I just. do not trust that everyone writing these long ranting posts about it understand it objectively enough to not unintentionally (or maybe intentionally too) spread misinformation in their drive to provoke outrage about this. idk
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You know, I really am surprised they didn't ask Jack Rebaldi back for the Paris Revival in some capacity considering he was slated to be in Mogador's production of PotO before it was canceled anyway - like come on, that'd be another notch to the polyglot belt. Then he would have performed in four of the six languages he speaks.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
can we still talk abt subby d word? if so: im thinking abt him sitting between her legs, back against her chest and shes telling him how/when he can touch himself maybe theres a mirror maybe not either way hes putty in her arms lol <3
OH WAIT remember the blurb about matty fucking you with the dildo so you'd know what to do when you were apart during tour? you uno reverse it and make him sit through you getting him off in demonstration for the same circumstance; he can feel your naked chest against his back and it drives him insane, almost as insane as the way you said "open up, daddy, that's my good boy" and shoved your fingers into his mouth to gather spit to use as lube for wanking him off made him. and you're doing it slowly, only speeding up to edge him before slowing again, your other hand in his hair pulling his head back so he can watch and learn - he's whiny, begging for you to make him cum like "please, princess, i can't take any more", and you just take his earlobe (rip slut hoop you would've been so useful here) between your teeth and say "you can take it, daddy, i know you can. if you do, like a good boy... i'll let you replace the plug i've got in with your dick. sound good?", and he's MUSH in your arms but he does what he's told. he cums all over your hand when you let him, and really obediently opens his mouth to clean you up; you kiss his cheek and thank him, but you lick it up yourself and make him kiss you instead. he's so dazed after all the edging, but he's so sweet - looks at you all doe eyes and big smile, and won't stop telling you he loves you. sweet boy <3
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samiferboy · 1 month
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