#supersonic stu
darkslayernk · 6 months
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Happy holidays, @multimonorail! I'm your Secret Santa!
Giving you an animated version of the logo I made for Supersonic Stu which I once posted!
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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An Adorable Moment~
Taking place in the "Better Off Fred" episode, Stu is performing his "first solo heist," although Supersonic Sue and Juniper still accompany him. and Juniper can't help but give her adorable BF some encouragement, all while Sue is recording.
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rocksandrobots · 2 years
Phantoms of the Past Chapter 16 - High Voltage vs The Super Sonic Skaters
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"Nana, Nana, look what came in the mail!" Stu rushed into the room waving a letter in the air.
"Not now Sugarcakes," Sue sweetly sang, "Nana is busy planning our next crime spring."
She looked up at the blackboard before her. It had a map on it and push pins marked the locations of her potential targets.
"Now that my dear old friend, Kensei, is in the slammer, we don't have to lie low any longer. This whole city is just ready for the picking." She chuckled in her throat.
Stu pointed at the letter in his hand again, "That's great Nana, but I also..."
"Now what did I tell you about interrupting people, Stu?" His grandmother said, ironically interrupting him while at it.
"Not to do it." Stu replied with a sigh and hung his head in shame.
"That's right, darling. Now go get your gear, we're going for a test ride." She grinned and Stu hurried off to find his stakes. Pocketing the letter as he went.
"And that's why my baby girl and I decided to give up crime. Ain't that right sweetheart?"
"That's right mama, and the police said that we could get time off on our parole if we attended therapy."
"That's how we found your little reform school."
Varian and the rest of the members of the Supervillain Reform School listened intently as mother and daughter finished their story. They both had long blond hair and held each other's hands as they recounted their unique crime spree. They both controlled electricity through dance. Where they got the technology to do so was still a mystery, but with it they had held up banks and fought superheroes. Until they got tired of going to jail whenever they lost that is. 
"Well thank you Barb, and Juniper, for that touching confession." Globby said from behind the podium. "While our meetings aren't a replacement for any needed physiatrist visits, support groups like ours can be a beneficial addition to regular therapy. In fact I know many of our members also attend regular counseling. Why don't we go around the room and each introduce ourselves to our newest members. Carl, will you do the honors of starting us off?"
Carl stood up, holding Noodle Burger Boy in his arms. "Hello, My name is Carl."
"Hi Carl." the group stated, though everyone already knew who he was. Carl nodded his recognition before continuing on. "I used to be a goon for hire, but it's been a full six months since my last shake down. Since then I've straightened out my life, found love, obtained new legal employment, and most rewarding of all I've become a foster parent."
He hugged Noodle Burger Boy afterwards who returned the embrace gleefully. Globby beamed proudly at both of them, and even Trina couldn't help but give a little smile at that.
"Yeah, and you're the bestest stepdad ever! You and Globby both!" NB crowded.
El Fuego busted a gut laughing and slapped his knee. "Aye! You are in good company, senoritas. We're just one big happy family here."
"Would you like to go next, Salinas?" Globby asked.
The large man became uncharacteristically sheepish. "Uh yeah.. My name is Salinas and I'm also known professionally as El Auga, formerly the mecha wrestler El Fuego, and I may have tried to beat up a fourteen year old."
"You tried to beat up a little kid?" Barb asked.
"Well in my defense, I didn't know that he was a kid at the time." Salinas pouted. "I thought he was just a really short guy. Besides you fought him too, remember? He's the head of Big Hero Six?"
"Captain Cutie?" Juniper asked.
El Fuego nodded yes.
Varian snorted despite himself and coughed to cover himself.
"He's only fourteen?" Barb asked, "Huh... that must be why we ran into them at a high school dance."
"Are they all in high school?" Juniper innocently asked.
"No college." Trina corrected. "'Captain Cutie' got into undergrad school early."
Both Varian and Trina started snickering after she had finished.
"What's so funny?" Barb asked.
Globby gave both teens a frown and they straightened themselves up. "They happen to know 'Captain Cutie' personally. Many of us have befriended Big Hero Six since reforming ourselves."
"Really, what are they like?" Juniper asked.
"Annoying." Trina snarked, and Varian snickered again despite himself.
Globby gave the teens another stern look.
"What?" Varian defended. "You don't have to live with him."
"You live with a superhero?" Barb asked.
Varian nodded his head sheepishly.
"Doesn't that make dinner kind of awkward?" Juniper followed up.
"W-we usually don't discuss such matters at the dinner table." Varian answered.
"Then why are you here?" Barb asked.
"Yeah, what is your story anyway?" Salinas said. "I've never heard it either."
Varian pressed his lips together tightly.
"It's ok," Globby reassured him.; resting a slimy hand on his shoulder gently. "You don't have to talk about anything you do want to. Share as little or as much as you would like."
Varian looked around the room wide eyed. Everyone was sitting in a semicircle inside  the conference room of the community gym. They were all staring at him expectantly. This was only his third meeting with the help group but he already knew most of the people here. 
His eyes rested on Trina who sat next to him. She was one of the few people he had ever confided in, and here she was now ready to give him her support as she rested her hand on his other shoulder.
She understood. They all understood. They were all broken just like him; that's why they made this support group.
Varian took a deep breath and squeezed his shut before blurting out. "I led a violent revolution against my home country's ruling class; designing deadly weapons, overthrowing the royals, and subjecting loyalists that supported them."
Awkward silence fell over the crowd and Varian timidly opened one eye to see everyone's shocked reactions. His eye landed on the newcomers last, whose mouths hung open agape.
The mother, Barb, tapped her daughter on the shoulder eagerly. "Now see that Juniper," She said, "that's a man with ambition." 
Juniper sighed and rolled her eyes to the heavens, "Yes, mama." she moaned as if she was used to such lectures.
Varian only blinked in confusion.
"You said you were dealing with bullies," Carl added, "I can't think of any bully that's meaner than a corrupt government."
"Aye, amigo. No wonder you came to America." El Fuego said.
Globby coughed, "Well yes, while we don't want to encourage violent behavior, it would seem that your situation is rather a unique one, Varian. However, we're very happy that you're here with us now."
"Told you so." Trina whispered in his ear.
"Hey you skipped over Sis!" Noodle Burger Boy called.
Trina rolled her eyes. "I caused a robotic uprising and tried to conquer the city." She recited annoyed.
"And I used to be a master thief." Globby said, taking the attention away from Trina so she wouldn't feel placed on the spot any longer then needed to. "We all have our pasts. The important thing is that we do what we can to work for a better future. That's why I want to challenge each of you to do at least one good deed for this week. It doesn't matter what it is, big or small, but try to do something for someone else and give back to the community. Now, who wants cookies!"
And with that Carl brought around a plate of his homemade cookies.
"Welcome to Big Hero Six's headquarters!" Fred shouted as Wasabi parked the car.
"It looks like an abandoned candy factory." Tadashi commented as they all got out of the vehicle.
"On the outside that is..." Fred said as he opened the doors to the building.
Tadashi looked around at the worn out conveyor belts, machines, and scaffolding. "Yeah, it still looks like an old candy factory."
Hiro walked past him with a smug smile and punched some numbers on a nearby keypad.
Suddenly the wall unlocked, split in half, and slid open; revealing a high tech office space with monitoring screens and super-suits lining the walls.
"See I told ya!" Fred cheered. "We're superheroes now!"
"Wh-where did you get all this gear?" Tadashi whirled around looking every which way at the electronics and custom armor.
"Made most of it myself," Hiro said,"uh, with some input from the rest of the guys. As for the headquarters itself, Fred hired a specialist to build it out of his family's old factory."
"Specialist?" Tadashi asked.
"Roddy Blair, King of Lairs." A middle aged man with a bushy red beard proclaimed as he walked out of one of the adjacent rooms carrying a tool box. "How ya doing?"
He handed Tadashi a business card as he introduced himself.
"Uh... fine?" Tadashi responded as he read the card completely bewildered.
"Good, good." Roddy nodded absently before turning towards the rest of the teens. "The last of the bedrooms is finished and I installed another bathroom. Seems like you'll need it with this many folks comin' and goin'."
"Oooh, did you paint my room pink?" Honey Lemon eagerly asked.
"All bedrooms have been built to the requested specifications; including the dinosaur shaped bed with the interior drawers." Roddy replied.
"Aaaandd the inside pool with a water slide?" Fred asked.
Roddy looked at him deadpanned. "No." he said and then turned to leave.
"Thanks for all your hard work Roddy." Hiro said, stopping the man from leaving. "We appreciate it... uhmm, but we might need another bedroom. See my brother just got back an-"
Roddy held up a hand. "Sorry Hiro, but you'll have to leave a note with my secretary if you want any more commissions. Now, I need to hurry or I'll be late."
"Late for what?" Wasabi asked.
"I gotta date tonight." Roddy winked. "See ya later. Bye."
"Awe, how sweet." Honey Lemon exclaimed as he walked away.
"I guess there's someone out there for everyone." Gogo commented once he was gone.
"Okay, so Fred has enough money to build an elaborate clubhouse, and you've come up with some pretty cool cosplay costumes, I'll admit," Tadashi said. "but you don't really expect me to believe that the five of you go out and fight crime on a daily basis. Come on."
"No, of course not." Wasabi said with a sly smile. "There's also Baymax."
"Together we're Big Hero Six." Fred shouted as he wrapped an arm around Tadashi.
"Big Hero Six?" Tadashi echoed. "Let me guess you came up with the name."
"Sure did!" Fred beamed.
Just then an alarm rang out. Hiro ran over to the large computer screen on the back wall. 
"Looks like Supersonic Sue and her grandson are back." He commented as a news report flashed up on the screen. 
"Who?" Tadashi asked as he watched an old lady on roller skates exit out of a bank carrying a large sack of money on her back. 
"Hey, this is great!" Fred cheered. 
"Why are two supervillains holding up a bank, 'great'?" Gogo asked. 
"Because this gives Tadashi a chance to join us!" 
"With what armor?" Wasabi pointed out.
"Hmmm…." Fred thought for a moment and then snapped his fingers as he came upon an idea. He ran to his chameleon suit hanging on the wall, pulled it down, and flung it at Tadashi. "Here, you can use my spare suit. It turns the wearer invisible." 
Tadashi looked down at the dead-eyed head of the lizard mascot suit and made a face. "Yeeeeaaah, thanks, but no thanks. Y'all have fun though." 
"Oh please." Fred begged and gave Tadashi his best pouty face. 
"What's the matter? Don't think you can handle it?" Hiro teased with another smug smile. 
Tadashi threw him an annoyed glare and then looked back at Fred's puppy dog eyes. He rolled his own eyes and began to put on the suit.
"Bye, see ya later Trina." Varian waved goodbye to his friend as the support group dispersed from their meeting. Trina waved back and Varian made his way to the bus stop. Barb and Juniper exited the building behind him.
"A good deed huh?" Barb mussed. 
"Maybe we can donate our old dance shoes to the needy?" Juniper suggested.
"Now what would a homeless person need with ballet slippers, Juniper?" Barb shot back, and her daughter shrank back from her disapproval. Barb ignored this as she continued her thought. "No, what we need is to do something big. Something important. Something that utilizes our unique talents....' Barb suddenly stopped and snapped her fingers. "I got it! We'll become super heroes!"
"Super heroes!?" Juniper protested, "But mama, I thought we were trying to have a normal life. What part of being superheroes is normal?"
"Now, Juniper, why would you want to be normal when you have all the makings of a star!? Besides, we have a debt to society to repay, and who better to catch supervillains than former supervillains? If Globby can do it, so can we."
"But mama, we don't even know the first thing about superheroing. Where would we even start?"
"Oh nonsense, baby girl. It's the same as showbiz. You got to know the right people... remember?"
"It's all about contacts." Juniper recited in a tired fashion.
"That's right, and I think I see our contact right over there." She grabbed her daughter by the hand and dragged her over to the bus stop.
"Yoohoo, hello!"
Varian looked up from his phone to see Barb waving at him.
"Uh... hi?"
"Juniper and I were just so inspired by your story today. Imagine going through all that, running away to America for a better life, and finding it with superheroes as roommates. That just.. must be so.. so.. um.. thrilling."
"Uuuh... I guess?"
"Tell me, do you do any superheroing as well?"
"Well, not exactly... I mean I help out sometimes b-but I'm not-"
"Good! Then you can show us the ropes!" Barb interrupted and both mother and daughter each hooked an arm around his.
"Oh but I'm not exactly a superhero..." But his protests were ignored as they escorted him onto the bus.
"That's okay neither are we." Juniper said as the door to the tram slammed closed shut.
Tadashi tripped and fell for what felt like the millionth time that day as his friends raced ahead.
"How does Fred move in this thing?"
Honey Lemon skated to a stop beside him to help him up. "It's okay, Fred can't move very well in it either. That's why he prefers his regular monster suit."
"Great, my first time superheroing and I get a defective suit."
"No, the suit is fine, you just both need some practice with it." Gogo said as she also skated past, turning around and skating backwards just to show off. She gave Tadashi a cocky little salute as she did so, just to tease him a bit.
Tadashi felt his cheeks grow red, both in embarrassment and admiration. Damn, was she cool.
Honey Lemon gave him an apologetic smile and followed after her best friend.
"Okay, gang, if we're going to take down Sue and her grandson then we have to get the drop on them." Tadashi heard Hiro's voice over the intercom. "We don't want a repeat of last time."
"And by 'last time' you mean when she disarmed both you and Varian, crushed Baymax's personality chip, and locked the two of you in a giant shipping crate?" he heard Fred say.
"Wait? She did what now!?" Tadashi asked. He was ignored.
"Or are we talking about how she attacked us with an army of robot ninjas and almost sucked us all into the void before blowing us up?" Wasabi asked, finishing Fred's first inquiry.
"You guys are kidding me right?" Tadashi asked, but he was still ignored.
"To be fair, the portal going boom was Callaghan's doing." came Gogo's radio.
"When was this? I thought he was in jail?" Tadashi jogged after.
"Also the robot ninjas was Momasake's doing." Honey Lemon helpfully offered up.
"Is this intercom just not working?" Tadashi shouted.
"It'll be fine." Hiro slyly smiled, "this time we got a secret weapon."
"Wh-zz 's th- zz?"
"Oh sorry Tadashi, you cut out. Try using the intercom again."
All Hiro heard next was an annoyed groan on the other end.
"Ah, Look! Look-look-look!" Barb called out as she shoved a phone into the two teens' faces. "Looky here Juniper! There's a jewel heist in downtown. We're in luck!"
"B-but downtown is in the opposite direction of where we're going." Varian pointed out.
'Not for long!" Barb grinned and pulled the emergency brake on the trolley. "Sorry, it's an emergency!" She called out as everyone around them grumbled in irritation.
Before Varian knew what was happening Barb and Juniper were hurrying him off of the tram. As soon as they got off Barb took off running towards downtown.
"Hurry up, Slow pokes! We don't want to miss them!"
Varian and Juniper shared a look before she apologetically shrugged and ran after her mother. 
Varian had a mind to get back on the bus but the trolley was already driving away when he turned back around. He gave an aggravated sigh towards the heavens before also running after the two women.
"I don't know about this, Hiro." Tadashi said as the wind whipped around his ears.
Baymax had finally picked him up and was just carrying Tadashi in his arms as they flew through the air. It was embarrassing having to be carted around, and Tadashi was frustrated by how hard it was to keep up. The chameleon suit was in need of a complete redesign, he had decided.
However, what was even more upsetting was just how natural everyone else moved in their own armor. They had been doing this for over a year now and they soared, skated, jumped, and drove around with practiced ease. Even Wasabi had taken to driving faster and with more confidence than Tadashi had known him to do. And it was all just more reminders of all that he had missed out on in the year that was stolen from him.
So rather than acknowledge this uncomfortable truth, Tadashi preferred to complain about the ridiculousness of the situation he found himself in now.
"You seriously want me to fight armed criminals while dressed like a giant lizard?" He continued.
"It'll be fine." Hiro assured him. "All you have to do is distract them so that we can get the drop on them and capture them; and with the cloaking system turned on in your suit, they won't even know what they're 'fighting'."
"Ooookay and how do I turn that on?"
"Just press the little button on the palm of your hand?" Fred's voice came over the intercom.
"Which hand? What button?" Tadashi asked as he fiddled with the suit. Finally he pressed the button on accident and he disappeared from view.
"There see, you got this." Hiro assured him.
"Yeah, but I don't know how I did it..." Tadashi complained, only for Honey Lemon to interrupt.
"There they are! They're heading into an alleyway!"
"Woohoo, boy, look at all this loot!" Sue cheered as she and her grandson hid in the alleyway. "Ain't it just like I told you? Stick your good old Nana, Stu, and you'll make it big in this business."
"Uh-huh, Nana," Stu agreed as he shifted through the stolen jewels. "This will pay for my tuition easily!"
"Tuition!?" Sue asked. "What tuition?"
Stu was going to answer her when a loud noise sounded behind them.
"Ssshh, hold that thought, dumpling." Sue whispered; pressing a finger to Stu's lips.
They heard someone shout in pain and a trash can lid rolled across the alley and clattered on the pavement.
Grandmother and child shared a knowing look. Together they snuck behind the trash bin, each taking an opposite side in order to pin down whoever was hiding behind it. Only no one appeared to be there, the space was empty.
Both looked at each other confused. Only to hear another sound as someone kicked the lid. They looked towards the noise and suddenly a giant lizard fizzled into view.
Well not a real lizard, but a person wearing a lizard suit.
Giant chameleon and supervillains stared at one another in surprise for a brief moment.
"Oh shoot!" The person in the lizard suit said before trying to runway, only to trip and fall almost immediately.
The super skaters stalked towards him, wicked grins forming on their faces.
"Well, well, well, what have we here, Stu?" Sue said in amusement. "Another wanna be superhero?"
"Uh.. Hiro? I need you to come in now!" The lizard-man shouted as he struggled to get away. "Hiro!? Guys!?"
He continued to trip over the suit's tail even as the larger of the two villains reached a hand out to grab him. "Uh.. fellas? Are you there!?  Stupid intercom !?" He cursed.
Just then he felt himself being lifted off the ground and his helmet flipped back revealing his face. He gave a nervous grin at the two villains.
"Uh-zz... Guy-zz... I need-zz"
"What does he need?" Fred asked as they heard Tadashi's broken intercom call.
No other sound came.
"We better move in," Hiro said. "Let's go."
                                    ��           ------------------------
They found Tadashi strung up and hanging from a lamp post, with some old sheets the speedster villains had found in the dumpster.
"Let him go!" Hiro yelled. 
"Ah, I knew you goody-two-shoes brats were in on this." Sue said. "You ought to train your newest recruits better." 
"Get me down from here!" Tadashi struggled with his bonds.
"I can take her." Gogo said, itching to fight her rival.
"Sue, this is your last warning." Hiro said.
Sue laughed. "You wanna him? Come and get 'em."
With that Gogo rushed forward, and the fight was underway.
"Hurry up! We're.... we're almost there." Barb panted before leaning against a street lamp to catch her breath.
Varian and Juniper easily ran past her and towards the flashing lights in the sky, indicating the fight that was happening down the block.
"Wait for me!" She called out before picking back up the chase. "Kids these days."
Gogo and Sue raced around the block trying one up each other as the rest of the gang worked to free Tadashi.
"Give it up girly. You know you can't beat me in the speed department." Sue gloated.
"I'll admit, you may have more speed, but do your old bones have the agility to do this?" Gogo led Sue to an out of order construction sign and slid underneath it, like a limbo dancer on skates.
Sue had to jump over it instead, avoiding getting slammed in the face, but breaking the board with her skate. The rocket on the back began to smoke. She failed to notice it as she growled and rushed to catch up to the younger girl.
Varian, Juniper, and Barb made it to the end of the block that the fight was taking place on, just in time to see the supers battling Stu.
The large burly guy quickly dogged the projectiles flung at him and bulldozed his way through the heroes, knocking them all down. Save for Wasabi who was in the middle of freeing Tadashi.
Sue skated onto the scene, tripping Gogo up with a sudden stop.
"Let's blow this popsicle stand, Stu." She said and both began to skate away at top speed.... right towards the trio.
"Oh no you don't!" shouted Barb as she ran after Sue, shooting lighting bolts from her fingertips.
"Barb, wait! What are you doing!?" Varian turned around and ran after her groaning in frustration and huffing and puffing all the way.
Juniper readied her own lighting and took a shot at Stu.
She hit her target, but her victory was short lived when Stu lost control and ran right into her.
Both teens went tumbling into each other and landed on top of one another in the grass by the roadside.
"Get off of me you, you , oaf-" Juniper paused in her insult when Stu's helmet fell off as he lifted himself upon his elbows. Their eyes met and suddenly Juniper didn't mind having him on top of her.
"Hi" She breathed.
"H-hi" He whispered back.
They laid there for a moment more, just staring at each other, until reality sunk back in.
"Sorry" Stu blushed, as he got up.
"No, I.. I shouldn't have shot at you with my electricity. " Juniper apologized as he helped her up.
"I'm glad you did." He smiled at her and she blushed an even deeper crimson.
"Stu! Stop Lollygagging!" Sue called as she rushed by them a second time breaking the spell.
Barb hurried after her, using static electricity to surfer on a trash can lid.
"Don't let her get away, Juni!" Barb called out.
"Uh... I guess I better catch up to Nana..." Stu awkwardly said.
"Yeah, Mama will be expecting me to help her as well." Juniper agreed as she stared at her toes.
"Hey.. umm.. since we're going the same way, we could.. go together?" Stu asked.
"I'm supposed to catch you though." Juniper sighed, as their eyes met again.
"Well consider me caught then." Stu grinned. "Shall we?"
He offered her his hand and Juniper nodded enthusiastically, before jumping into his arms. Together they skated away while Juniper giggled with delight at being carried by the man of her dreams.
Varian came back around just in time to see them both flying by. He called out to them but they were already out of ear shot. He let out a whine as he slowly slumped after them.
Baymax landed on the rooftop where the rest of Big Hero Six had gathered, carrying Tadashi in his arms. 
"Don't ever make me do that again!" Tadashi snarled as he struggled out of the robot's grasp, only to land on his butt with an 'ooofff'. 
"On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate your pain?" Baymax asked him. Tadashi didn't dignify that with an answer. Not that anyone was paying attention to him though. 
"Do you see where they went to?" Honey Lemon asked. 
"No." Fred said as he perched on the corner ledge and scanned the sky line. 
"As fast as they skate, they could already be in San Jose by now." Wasabi pointed out. 
"Grrr, and I almost had her too!" Gogo pouted. 
"It's okay Gogo," Hiro said as he joined them last, using his electronic whips to swing himself up onto the roof. "We'll get 'em. Baymax, start scanning the city for Super Sonic Sue's bio readings. The rest of us need to come up with a new game plan to take them down." 
"Are you kidding me!?" Tadashi shouted, finally gaining their attention. "This is what you've all been doing for the past year!? Picking fights with crazed lunatics on super steroids or something!? What's next? Giant man eating monsters?" 
"Naw, that was like two semesters ago." Fred said. "We're at the start of phase four now." 
Tadashi only stared at him in disbelief and the rest of the gang gave Fred an annoyed look. 
"You know what? This ends now." Tadashi firmly ordered. "I'm telling Aunt Cass what's up, because I know for a fact she wouldn't let you do this Hiro." 
"You… you wouldn't?" Hiro looked completely startled by this revelation. 
"I would, and I am, and the rest of you guys ought to be ashamed of yourself for going along with this scheme and letting Hiro put himself in danger." 
"I'm not in danger," Hiro protested, "and leave them out of this! They only went along with this 'crazy scheme' to help you!" 
"Help me!? How does risking your lives help me, Hiro?" 
Hiro pouted in confusion. He looked towards the rest of the gang for support. This wasn't what he had been expecting. He thought Tadashi would be proud of him. He thought his brother would want to join them in their noble mission. 
However, his friends seemed as equally surprised as he was and were too uncomfortable with the conversation to butt in. 
"Let's call the police," Tadashi continued, as if he had just won the argument. "They can handle the robbers and we can get on with our lives. Ugh… as soon as I can figure out how to get this stupid suit off, that is." He grunted in annoyance as he struggled with finding the zipper. 
"The police can't handle them." Hiro argued. "That's why we do this. We're the only ones with tech to match what the supervillains in this city come up with." 
"Then why not donate your tech to the police?" Tadashi argued back even as he continued to fight with the lizard suit. "Face it Hiro, you do this cause you like it. It's a high thrills game, same as the bot fights." 
"This is nothing like that!" Hiro shouted back, and everyone's eyes went wide. 
Tadashi stopped struggling with his super suit. "You're right Hiro, this is nothing like bot fighting. It's even  more  dangerous, and probably just as illegal. You finally have a future now, and you're wasting it on playing the hero.
"Says the guy who threw his life away by  running into a burning building !" Hiro screamed. 
Everyone stood still in shock at that. 
"Oookaaay, I think we better… not be here right now…" Wasabi said after a moment of awkward silence. "Maaybee we should go over to the next rooftop, what do ya say?" 
"Yeah, we...we can scan for the Super Skaters over there." Honey Lemon agreed. "Come on, Baymax." 
And with that everyone left save for Tadashi and Hiro, who simply stood there staring each other down. 
"Why are you doing this, Hiro?" Tadashi quietly asked after they had left. 
"Why did you run back to the fire?" Hiro angrily sobbed. 
Tadashi sighed. "I was trying to help…" 
"Well so am I! Why do you get to risk your life and be the hero, and not us!? Why can't we do what's right too? You said 'someone has to help'.  You  said that. I heard it. It- it was the last thing… the last thing you said be-before…" 
Hiro couldn't fight back the tears as he broke down again, and he hated it. Tadashi was back. Everything should be good again. So why did the memories still hurt so much? 
"You're… you're doing all this because of me?" Tadashi asked softly. 
Hiro nodded as he wiped his nose. He didn't trust himself to talk without bursting into tears again. 
Tadashi for his part looked utterly lost. As if he was only just now coming to terms with how much of an impact his actions had. 
"My god... Hiro… I'm so sorry." He whispered as he knelt beside his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
Hiro blinked in confusion. "Sorry? F-for what? For doing the right thing?" 
"I'm.. I'm no longer sure if what I did was even the right thing anymore." 
Hiro searched his eyes in confusion, and it finally dawned on him that his big brother was… scared?... Tadashi was frightened, but when was Tadashi ever afraid of anything? 
"Wh-what do you mean?" 
"I mean… look at you! Look at our friends. Look at what's been going on; how much everything has changed… and... it's all my fault." 
"No… no. It's not your fault. It's Callahan's, a-and the Super Skaters, and all the other villains that we've fought." 
Tadashi shook his head. "It's not that simple Hiro. I'm still the one who chose to go back in. You… you're still the one who chose to dress up like a comic book superhero and stop crime…. And these choices have consequences. Mainly, making those you love worry about you." 
"Aaand what's the consequence if we choose not to do what we do?" Hiro asked. "Who gets hurt instead?" 
Tadashi sighed and then gave Hiro a sad smile. "You got me there. I don't know. Hiro, I act like I know it all, because I'm your big brother and I know you look up to me, but the truth is… I'm just a dumb college kid trying figure things out the same as everybody else… and right now, my whole world has been thrown for a loop." 
"Now there's an understatement." Hiro joked, and both brothers snickered. 
"I just don't want you getting hurt." Tadashi reiterated, getting back to task. 
"I won't. Honest… The guys and I have actually been really careful. We know what we're doing. Just give us a chance… Who knows, with a bit more practice, you might find that you like it too? " 
Tadashi slowly nodded. "Alright… I'll give it another shot, and regardless of whether or not I'll join in any more superhero outings, I'll support you and the rest of the guys." 
"And you won't tell Aunt Cass? 'Cause she'd never understand." 
"And I won't tell Aunt Cass." Tadashi agreed. "I'll spare her from having another heart attack. That is, of course, so long as no one gets hurt. The moment anything goes wrong, anyone gets injured because of this, then I'm telling her  everything . The superheroing, the lies, Varian being from an alternate dimension, all of it. Got it?" 
Hiro nodded in agreement. "Okay, fair. Nothing is going to happen though. I have this under control." 
"Do you? Well, okay then. I guess San Fransokyo has nothing to worry about, Hiro Hamada is on the job." Tadashi teased. "So long as he doesn't blow the city sky high." 
He gave his little brother a playful shove and they both started to laugh. 
"I'm glad you two made up." Wasabi said over the intercom. 
"Wait, you guys were listening the whole time?" Tadashi complained. 
Fred ignored this. "We spotted Super Sonic Sue." He said. "And you'll never believe this but High Voltage is with her!?" 
"I thought they got out of prison early for good behavior?" Honey Lemon chimed in. 
"Well, it looks like they're back to their old ways. There goes Stu being all chummy with Juniper. " Gogo pointed out, as the couple sped past. 
"High Voltage teaming up with the Super Sonic Skaters could mean big trouble." Hiro said. "Meet us back on the roof. We'll head out after them."
Varian finally caught up to Barb and Juniper at the corner of Main Street and First. He's legs ached, his stomach growled with hunger, and his head hurt from dealing with both of the two women's stubbornness. They were way in over their heads, and it just wouldn't do to show up at the next SRS meeting having to admit to everyone that two latest members had died because Varian couldn't save them from themselves. Trina wouldn't stop laughing at him for weeks if that had happened. 
To his horror, Barb and Sue were in the middle of a major brawl, causing a vast amount of collateral damage while trying to one up each other. 
Varian ducked as the window shattered next to him from being struck by a stray lighting bolt. This was even worse than he thought it would be. They were surely all going to be arrested for property damage, and going to jail again would be even more embarrassing than dying. 
"Barb! Barb!" Varian called out trying to get the older woman's attention. She didn't hear him. He fished out a spare chimball out of his coat and threw it at her, knocking the trash can lid that road upon out from underneath. 
"Hahahaha" Sue laughed. "Next time you ought to get a better dance partner." 
"Why did you do that!" Barb shouted at him. "I had her on the ropes!" 
"Sure ya did, Sugar." Sue taunted. "And I'm the Possum Queen of the Ozarks." 
"Barb, you need to stop!" Varian explained. "Look at what you're doing! I know you want to help, but we aren't prepared for this. Let me just call my fri-" 
"Nonsense. I got this! She ain't any tougher than a slippery talent agent." And with that Barb called the garbage can lid to her once more and flew after Sue, who was already skating away. 
Varian silently prayed to the heavens and whatever being controlled them, if such a being existed, to just take him out now. 
That's when he noticed Stu and Juniper cuddling on a bench nearby. 
"Don't you ever feel like you just want to skate away and never come back?" Stu asked her. 
"Uh huh," Juniper nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder. "And never have to listen to someone nagging at you ever again." 
"Uh, guys!" Varian waved at them trying to get their attention. "Yoo-hoo, Hello!?" They didn't notice.
"Hey, we should run away together!" Stu cheered. 
Juniper laughed, "and go where?" 
"I don't know… I hear Oregon is nice." 
"Oooh, and own a quiet little ranch with a pond." Juniper enthused. 
"Yeah, with duckies!" Stu said. 
"Uh, that's great you two, but what about stopping your parents first!" Varian butted in. He was still ignored. 
"Oh, but Nana would never allow it." Stu suddenly said with a pout. 
"Who cares what your Nana will allow." Juniper insisted. "Who cares what Mama says either! We're both 19. We're legal adults now, literally that's what the judge said when they sent us to jail. We can do what we want. It's our lives, not theirs!" 
"You're right! I'm going to go right up to Nana and tell her that we wanna live our own lives! Th-that is... if you'll come with me and hold my hand while I do it?" 
"Of course honey lips, and I'll tell Mama that I don't wanna be a superhero, or villain, or even a dancer. I just want to be your girl." 
They shared a kiss and Varian sarcastically slow clapped for them. That finally gained their attention. 
"I'm very happy for both of you, but in case you haven't noticed, both your Nana and your Mama aren't here anymore." 
Both Stu and Juniper took a moment to look around, finally noticing the destruction around them. 
"Where did they go?" Stu asked bewildered. 
"They took off down that way, still fighting one another." Varian pointed out. 
"We better go after them before they hurt one another." Juniper said, grabbing Stu's arm for comfort. 
"Yeah, they won't be able to attend any future wedding if they're dead." Stu innocently, and matter of factly, commented. With that he scooped Juniper into his arms again, who in turn sighed contently and nuzzled her head onto his broad chest. "Hop on my back little dude and I'll give you a lift." 
"Oh, I don't know…" Varian declined. 
"Hop on," Juniper encouraged. "It'll be faster." 
Warily and with more than just a little embarrassment Varian crawled into Stu's back. 
"You good back there?" Stu asked. 
"Yeah… I guess…" 
"Great, here we go. Hold on tight." 
Stu wasn't kidding as they took off like a shot and the world blurred around Varian as they went faster than even Gogo on a motorcycle.
"There they are, I see them!" Fred shouted, "And it looks like… they're fighting each other?" 
"They must have had a falling out." Hiro commented. "That's good for us though. We can surprise them both while they distract each other." 
"Yeah, if we can catch up to them," Wasabi said over the intercom. "There they go again." 
"They are heading towards Bakers Street." Baymax helpfully pointed out. 
Big Hero Six followed the given directions and made chase after the supervillains.
Sue sped up the side of a skyscraper at top velocity, trying to shake her pursuer. But Barb still flew after her. The annoying woman was even more relentless than those typical do-gooders that Sue usually fought. 
She came to a stop on the roof. 
"Give it up, and turn yourself in, villain." Barb announced as she joined her on the roof. 
"You're one to talk." Sue snapped. "Didn't you just get out of the slammer yourself?" 
"Yes! And my daughter and I have turned over a new leaf. It's called self improvement, ya old hag!" Barb shot another lightning bolt at her, which Sue dogged easily. 
"Honey, you ain't no spring chicken yourself." Sue commented. She gauged the distance to make a jump to the next rooftop when another voice called out. 
"Mama stop!" 
Both women turned to see Stu skate onto the rooftop as well, carrying Juniper and Varian with him. 
"You too Nana. This has got to end." Stu said as he gently set Juniper down and Varian fell off his back with a groan. 
"Oooh I never want to do that again." He said as he gagged. 
"Stu, what's gotten into you boy?" Sue asked. 
Stu gave a questioning look at Juniper, who gently laid a comforting hand on his chest. 
"Go on, you can do this. Tell her Sugar bear." 
Stu took a deep breath… "Juniper and I are in love." 
"What!?" Barb shouted. 
"Awe, ain't that sweet." Sue cooed. "His first girlfriend. Now, if you're all done being sappy we still got a lot of banks to rob." 
"No, Nana." 
"No? Whatta mean, 'no' !?" 
Stu straightened himself up and looked his grandmother in the eye. "I don't want to be a supervillain any more." 
"You gotta be kidding me. What garbage has she been filling your head with, son?" 
"Juniper!" Barb interjected. "Of all the silly, childish, nonsensical things you've ever done this has got to take the cake! I refuse for you to date this… this great ape of a correctional facility drop out!" 
"No Mama." Juniper said as she hugged Stu. "I love him. He's the only one who understands me, and he actually listens to me!" 
" I  listen to you." Barb insisted. 
"No you don't." Juniper shot back. "I said I wanted to be normal. Nothing has been 'normal' since you made me compete in that dumb beauty pageant when I was three. I just wanted to be a regular kid for once, and you broke your promise again seeking glory." 
"I.. I was just thinking of your future baby." Barb defended. 
"By turning me into a  felon !?"
"See what you're getting into Stu?" Sue butted in. "You don't want to be wrapped up in all that family drama. Let's get going. We can count the loot at the hideout." 
Stu held firm. "No, Nana. Stealing is wrong, and we're returning the loot." 
"Well now you just sound like your mother." Sue sneered. "And just how do you plan on making a living?" 
Stu looked to Juniper for encouragement and then pulled the letter he had been carrying around in his pocket. "I got an acceptance letter to San Fransokyo Art Institute. I wanna become an illustrator for children's books." 
"He's really good at drawing." Juniper insisted. 
"Oh for the love of Pete." Sue snapped. "There ain't no money to be had in being an artist!" 
"She's right." Barb sighed, agreeing with her rival. "There's just no respect for hard working,  talented, and not to mention beautiful individuals in this world " 
"This ain't about you Mama." Juniper snapped and Barb looked as if the wind had been knocked right out of her. She only stood there gaping like a fish that had just been caught. 
Just then Big Hero Six surrounded the quarreling group.
"Alright, hands up...'' Hiro ordered and then paused when spotted his adopted brother standing with the villains. " Varian ?"
Tadashi flipped back the mask of the lizard suit he was wearing. "What are you doing here?" he accused. "And why are you dressed like a pirate?"
Varian stiffened. "W-well why are you dressed like a chameleon?" He sputtered.
Tadashi went beat red, and shoved the helmet back down over his head.
"Sorry, if we made dinner even more awkward at your house." Juniper whispered to Varian sympathetically.
Varian brushed her off her concern. "Eh, don't worry about it."
"Varian, what are you up to this time?" Hiro asked.
"I'm trying to stop a disaster from happening." Varian said, offended. "And you're welcome by the way."
"For what!?" Wasabi said. "Joy riding with supervillains?"
" Supervillains !?" Barb screeched. "Well how do you like that!? That's gratitude for ya, Juniper. After all we did to help them?"
"That's right, mama." Juniper agreed.
"Uh... you helped us?" Gogo asked.
"Of course, we stopped the bad guys for you." Barb insisted.
"Bad guys?" Stu whined. "Are we bad guys?" he asked Juniper.
"Well, you did steal from a bunch of people, babydoll." Juniper meekly pointed out to him.
"Oh, yeah, right."
'Argh, I've had enough of this fiddle faddle." Sue rolled her eyes. "Contact me when you come to your senses, Sweetie Pie. I'll break you out of jail. Love you." And with that Sue started to stake away. The rest of the group moved in to get the jump on her, but were too slow.
Unfortunately, just as Sue was about to jump to the other rooftop, her broken skate sputtered, sparked and died; killing her momentum. She found herself suddenly falling.
"Nana!" Stu called out.
Just then Tadashi tripped on the tail of his super suit once more and out shot a sticky 'tongue' that wrapped around Sue's ankle, catching her.
"Wo-woah!" Tadashi yelled as he felt himself being dragged along the ground towards the ledge.
Fred rushed towards him and grabbed him from falling. Though they both struggled with Sue's weight.
"What the heck is this thing?" Tadashi grunted at Fred.
"It's a tongue. I use it to swing around in the suit." Fred explained.
"And you didn't think to tell me about this earlier?" Tadashi complained, as he gripped the tongue, to help keep from falling further. Fred could only give him a sheepish grin.
That's when Stu came behind them and lifted them both off the ground easily, pulling all three of them back to safety.
Everyone else also pitched in to help Sue back over the ledge without getting hurt.
She sat back down on the rooftop with a huff. "Okay... that could have gone better. Don't think just cause you saved my life I'm going to go all soft, now; get all sappy and start blubberin' like a loon."
"Are you okay Miss Sue?" Juniper sweetly asked her.
Sue blinked at her in surprise. "Oh, so it's 'Miss Sue' now? Next you'll be calling me Nana too, I guess?"
Juniper gasped, "I  can ? Oh, thank you Nana." and she wrapped the supervillian into a tight hug.
"Wait... I didn't mean..... awe, shucks."
"I'm glad you're safe too, Nana," Stu said before giving them both a huge hug. 
"Oooh, I can't stay mad at y'all. Let me in on this group hug!" Barb called out as she raced forward. 
All three ignored Sue's annoyed glare. 
"So now what?" Varian asked. 
"We call the police." Hiro said. 
Barb broke away from the group. "Oh we don't have to go back to jail do we?  We were only trying to help." 
"I...  don't know…" Hiro said. 
"It seems kind of hypocritical to leave them hanging just for doing what we do." Wasabi pointed out. 
"Well… I guess we can… we can leave them out of our report…" Hiro said. "But next time... let us know whenever you're wanting to 'help out'."
"What about us?" Stu said. "I can't go to jail! I'll miss orientation!" 
"Maybe if you return all the stuff you stole, and told the police that you're really, really sorry, and that you won't ever do it again, they'll let you off on good behavior?" Juniper suggested. 
Sue rolled her eyes, "Oh, give me a break." 
"That might not get you off the hook completely, but it would be a start." Hiro said. 
Sue snorted, "Fine… let's get this over with." And she held out her hands as if she expected to be handcuffed then and there. 
Not knowing what else to do, Honey Lemon placed sticky gel seals on her hands, as if to oblige her. 
"Great! Now that's settled... can I go home and get out of this blasted suit!?" Tadashi asked as he stretched his back.
"You know," HIro told Tadashi as he plugged Baymax into his charging case. "You did actually save the day back there. If you wanted to join the team... we could probably slot you in. We'll call ourselves Big Hero Seven instead."
He walked over to join his brother at his desk, where he sat hunched over his notebook.
Tadashi snorted back his laughter. "Yeeeaaahh, I think I've had enough superhero antic to last me for awhile. Besides I got a lot of school work to catch up on. Why not ask Varian instead?"
'We have, and he keeps insisting that he's not a superhero"
"Gee, I wonder why?" Tadashi sarcastically quipped. "After doing it for a day, superheroing a lot less fun than it looks."
"Awe, that's just because you haven't practiced enough." Hiro dismissed. "What is you're always telling me, 'If you want to get better at something you gotta keep trying''"
He took up a mocking posture and deepened his voice, doing a bad impersonation of his big brother.
Tadashi snickered. "Yeah, you got me there." He gave Hiro a soft smile. "I'm really proud of you; of what you're doing, how you've been helping everyone. It's... not what I had in mind when I said you should find new hobby... but you're helping a lot of people and I realize that now."
HIro flushed with pride. It was all he had ever wanted to hear for over a year, and now that he had heard it he didn't know how to respond. "You're such a sap... but thanks.. th-that means a lot to me... Hey, if it's just the super suit you had problems with, I can design you a new one. It can have whatever powers you want.. Super strength? Control of the weather, perhaps? You wanna fly?"
"Oh no... no.." Tadashhi laughed. "I'm good with keeping my two feet on the ground, thanks. Besides, you got school in the morning. You haven't time to build any more super armor. Good night."
Hiro rolled his eyes. "Night." He said and curled up in his bed to sleep. He didn't notice his brother filing away plans for his own super armor inside his notebook before going to bed himself.
"And that's how I found my snuggly bunny." Stu said as he and Juniper held hands as they sat next to each other inside the conference room of the gym.
"And that's how I found my apple dumpling." Juniper sighed and  the two of them rubbed noses at each other while making kissy noises.
'Awe, how adorable." Globby said as he stood behind the podium; ignoring Trina making a gagging face next to him. "True love really does conquer all. Thank you for sharing that inspiring story with us, you two. Now let us all welcome our second newest member to the reform school, Supersonic Sue."
Sue slouched in the folding chair, arms crossed in irritation, and grumbled. "I'm only here for my grandson... and cause the police said it was part of the parole."
"Well... It's admirable that you're willing to change  for your child's well being. " Globby said, put off by the woman's obvious displeasure.
"Ehhh, whatever..." Sue rolled her eyes. "Just keep me away from blasted superheroes."
"Well.. heehee... then.. umm.. Let's move on to old business. Does anyone want to share their good deeds for the week? ... Varian?"
He turned to Varian, who was laying face first on the floor. All that was heard from the teen was a muffled moaning noise.
"Uh... you seem to be having an off day.. are you good?"
Varian responded by giving him a thumbs up from where he continued to lay.
"Okay then, well come back to ya, any else?"
"Yes! Oooh me! Me!" Barb raised her hand and jumped up and down.
"Okay Barb, what is your good deed?"
"I took up superheroing, and I've realized now that it's not for me, but how many other poor lost souls have been beaten down by the system and think they can't be better? So I'm writing an inspiring tell all book about my experiences! I call it: 'The Fall and Rise of a Superstar! If I can do it, so can you!' Copies start at $59.99 a piece." 
Varian let out another muffled groan from where he lay as soon as she was finished. 
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spyrkle4 · 3 years
Hey bh6 fans, what do you think some of the other bh6 cast would dress up as for Halloween?
Like its very 100% likely that Karmi would dress up as Captain Cutie for Halloween, but I’m curious about what the rest of the cast would dress up as? 
I’m even curious about what some of the villains would dress up as (Supersonic Sue and Stu would dress up as Yzma and Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove, change my mind)
Feel free to comment/reblog your own ideas! (and feel free to share what your bh6 OCs would dress up as too!) 
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ur-fave-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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Supersonic Stu from Big Hero 6 is a Himbo!
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leosabi · 3 years
two things:
who is supersonic sue’s child/stu’s parent. where are they. are they aware of their mom’s/son’s hijinks
how fucking old is sue if her GRANDSON is OVER 30 AND SHE’S STILL SPRY AF
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neopuff · 3 years
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Free day (part 2)
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brainyxbat · 3 years
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My favorite blond, muscular himbos. 🥰
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Supersonic Stu is the BEST himbo ever, I can't believe him
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I love him and need to keep him safe, he's so cute
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Launchpad but he’s Stu for halloween
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darkslayernk · 2 years
"Ha! Stu in your own juices!"
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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The parentals are getting in the way of their love! 😭💔
(Sorry about the poor editing)
Barb doesn't think that Stu is good enough for Juniper, but Sue thinks otherwise. I call Supersonic Stu x Juniper "Stuniper." 🚫 IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THIS SHIP PLEASE DON'T COMMENT! 🚫
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spitalofatalo · 4 years
new headcanon in response to that one line from mayor for a day: supersonic stu's birthday is on the 30th of the month so he calls it "turning 30" every time regardless of his actual age
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Is GoGo Okay?
Hiro to GoGo; about the Supersonics: "Are you okay? You look just about ready to launch yourself across the room and beat them to death."
GoGo: "Trust me, it's taking every inch of my control NOT to."
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dreamy-bagon · 4 years
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Abuela y nieto jugando a las lanzadas.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 3 years
Day 5 of BH6 Month- Favorite Underrated Character
This one was really hard for me. I don't want to copy someone else's reply, don't want to repeat anyone I said yesterday...
I have to go with my gut, I guess.
I love Supersonic Stu. He's a precious Himbo and I would die for him. Every time he's on screen he makes the show a little better, even when he has to share the spotlight with someone like Richardson Mole.
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