#surprised 2 find out he’s actually cruel?? and u think none of u will ever b a recipient of that malice? like u r dumb as fuck. U all
twsty-lav · 3 years
valentines day but like mega late and also angst oopsie <333
Prompt: uhhh s/o(s) get slipped a love potion for someone else and neither of you know dun dun dun credit to @twst-tea​ <333 
self indulgent so i wrote it for my faves (trey, rook, floyd)! 
it’s meant to be read as an entire fic but you can also scroll down to your faves too and pretend the other clowns are not clowning in the background. hope u enjoy smooches u
anyways enjoy this absolute piece of tragedy in five parts
tw: angst angst angst also probably a panic attack or smth somewhere just sayin
The end isn't anything world-breaking, really. Actually, it's all rather casual. Yuu doesn't know which way they'd prefer it; it didn't matter what they wanted, anyways. 
It was always going to be the same. 
1. trey clover
"I'm sorry," Trey says one day, sitting in front of them at the cafeteria. They had thought that was odd, honestly. He had always preferred sitting side by side, "I don't think we can be together anymore."
Yuu pauses. Chews the rest of their sandwich. Swallows, and asks, "Why?" 
"I just... Fell out of love." He mumbles, sounding vaguely uncomfortable. Next to them, they see a student look over with wide, curious eyes. Smart move, They think, Doing it in a crowd so I can't pick a fight. He knew them well, didn't he? They always hated being in the spotlight.
Well, it's not like they would have made much of a fuss in the first place. "Okay then," Yuu agrees, feeling a muscle in their wrist twitch, "Let's break up." And he looks so relieved at the clean cut that they can't even feel bad for themselves. 
Actually, they can't feel anything at all. 
"I'll swing by after class to take anything I left at your place," They say around a spoonful of stew, and that's that. They don't exchange any other words, which was fine. They were never the talkative type during lunch. Yuu’s neatness and efficiency in consuming food was well known for being Riddle-approved. They sit for a minute afterwards, at a loss of what to do. 
... What did people usually do after breaking up with someone? Their fingers played restlessly with the edge of the table, pressing splinters into their thumb. It sinks a thin line of white into their flesh--not deep enough to hurt, but enough to leave a drop of blood. Should I just wait for him to finish eating..? They glanced up. That didn't seem right. It's not like they had ever done this before.
"... Well, I'm gonna go to the library." Yuu announces with a shrug, picking off the slice of skin with their nails. They don't wait for a reply.
They don’t get one, anyways.
2. floyd leech
Floyd is not as kind as Trey. That is a fact. 
They couldn't have forgotten that, surely? It's what they signed up for, after months of coaxing and a dogged back-and-forth chase. Floyd was Floyd, after all--and Yuu had thought they were warranted a bit of caution. Few things could keep his attention for long; how did they know that this wasn't just a passing fancy? Chewed up and spit out like his takoyaki fillings, which changed from one moment to the next. A challenge, not love. 
But they had forgotten a part of him back then too, hadn't they? He was never predictable. He wore them down. Day after day, time after time. Actually, Yuu's pretty sure Azul and Jade were surprised as well, watching him stay on track for so long.
The point--The point was that Yuu forgot. Therefore, it was not unlikely for them to forget this time around too. 
Floyd could be so cruel.
"Let's break up," He says as soon as he sees them.  It's direct and to the point, sharp like the way his teeth nicked their lips. "I don't like you anymore."
His voice seems to thunder through the suddenly-too-quiet classroom; Yuu can feel the eyes crawling up the back of their head, sinking its claws through their shoulders and into their lungs, gripping, twisting, squeezing. Jade must be watching too--They walked to this class together, didn't they?
Silence. Time seems to stretch like a rubber tube, squishing their guts into meaty links of sausage; each breath scrapes their ribs clean. Their fingertips are trembling and their spine is sweaty-hot and their palms are needles and their jaw creaks and crumples into rust. 
Yuu blinks.
"Okay," they agree; their voice sounds distant to their ears, calm and lazy in the current. They go back to rummaging in their bag, "Can you give back the good eraser I lent you yesterday?" 
It's tossed carelessly on their desk. They pick it up with their left hand.
Not that it matters. Their right thumb is fine when they check inside the bag, despite the indent. They hadn't, Yuu supposed, been gripping the point hard enough to puncture into the nail bed. It left an inkstain, though. 
Stupid. So very, very stupid.
3. rook hunt
Rook, they supposed, followed the typical model of a breakup the best. Out of consideration? Perhaps. If they were inclined to be cynical, they might pin it on his sense of dramatics instead.
... It seems like lately, there's been a lot for them to be cynical about. 
That's why it's not really a surprise when Rook calls them out for a 'talk' on their way to Heartslabyul, whisking them away to some private place into the woods, all prepped and prettied. He even makes sure to declare that there was nobody else around, as if that would ease the news to them. They're pretty sure he's even memorized a script, if his more-flowery-than-usual language is anything to go by. It's of little use, honestly. His gentle voice soon fades into a high-pitched whine, scraping at the inside of their skull like sandpaper on fast-forward. For a moment, all they can think of is how sleepy they are.
The leaves on the ground smell like mulch. A beetle crawls across a branch over Rook's shoulder. A strand of hair tickles their nose, and they resist the urge to sneeze. There's nobody else around.
"... and as much as it pains me to say such things, I hope you understand..." Did they flush the toilet this morning? They're pretty sure they did--they’re not the type to forget something like that.
--Out of the corner of their eye, Rook falls silent with a look of remorse, letting them know to tune back in. Yuu wades through a bucket of sand to nod their head, calm and slow; they close their eyes when it burrows into the sides of their throat like a maggot. 
When they open them again, the forest seems dark. They are alone.
 "Ah," Yuu says, breath carefully even, voice painfully hoarse, "Finally." Any longer and they would have chewed a hole through their cheek, thin as it was. "Finally," They said again, for no reason in particular. Only a bird bothers to answer; the silence swells their up like a balloon. It stretches their skin until it splits in red-raw streaks, shiny with watery leaks. Any more and they's sure they'll pop--
Gently, they crouches down, curling into a ball. Their teeth sink delicately into the flesh of their wrist, pressing down. They spend a few minutes counting the incisors on their arm, watching them swell and fade. White from pressure, red from anger, pink and puffy with shame. Again.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. 
Nobody says a word.
4. yuu
They make their way to Heartslabyul. All of their stuff is already neatly set up outside the door, out of sight from anyone who wasn’t looking. There’s not much, honestly. Trey isn’t there; consideration or indifference, they're not sure. He could be both, after all. Ace and Deuce look at them in pity; Yuu doesn’t look at them at all. 
Yuu visits Octavinelle. They pick up their stuff. They forgot how much of a hoarder Floyd was. He hands them a gift before they go. It’s a scarf. They remember vaguely that they knit it for him over Christmas. They had to sidestep Jade on the way, passing by him on the way to the right room. His knowing smile, his what-did-you-think-would-happen, of course he’d get bored of you, they can’t-- Yuu hides in the bathroom until he leaves.
They don't bother stopping by Pomefiore. Rook probably had their stuff delivered to their dorm. He was nice like that. He knew it was hard for them to stand out. Beauty in effort, he always said, but it didn’t seem as if he’d make them suffer any more humiliation. Or maybe he didn’t believe they had the strength. Yuu wasn’t very good at this sort of thing, after all.
He would be right, honestly.
They're back in their room. When did they open the front door? They toss the bags into a corner somewhere before kicking off their shoes and lying down on the bed. 
They don't bother getting up.
5. aftermath
Someone comes knocking. Yuu doesn't bother getting up. 
They talk about some sort of conspiracy. Yuu doesn't bother getting up. 
They find the culprit. 
... Yuu doesn’t bother getting up. 
… Floyd breaks into their room, Trey and Rook and a whole bunch of others in tow. 
Yuu gets up. 
“Don’t worry about it,” They say with a yawn, calm and slow, “It wasn’t your fault, right? Really, it’s no big deal.” And the way they protest makes their laugh. “No, seriously! I don’t mind at all,” they say awkwardly, waving away their words. 
It was true. They didn’t mind it. Not at all.
“Uh, I have to catch up on my schoolwork. I’m super late for a few projects. Do you mind if I kick you out?”
“... Ah, sorry. I don’t really care that much about the whole mess. It’s fine like this, honestly! I hope we can still be friends, though. See you.” 
They close the door in their faces, and lie back down. 
None of it really mattered, anyways.
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ironundcrneath · 4 years
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✦ ▓ AND WHO GOES THERE? oh, it’s just [ ROSALINE PEAKE ]. some say [ HER ] resemblance to [ HOLLIDAY GRAINGER  ] is almost uncanny, but the [ TWENTY-NINE ] year old has been in the capital for [ TWENTY-NINE YEARS ]. many suspect that they are the notorious [ SURGEON ] of the [ BARATHEON ] family: perhaps that has made them [ BITTER ] && [ SUSPICIOUS ] of late, when they used to be so [ RESILIENT ] && [ TENDER ]. during the daylight hours, [ ROSALINE ] can be found working as a [ ER & TRAUMA NURSE ], but when night falls over king’s landing, they are best remembered listening to [ BLACK HOLE SUN BY SOUNDGARDEN ]. may the gods be with them in these dark streets.
A B O U T ;
Long ago the Peake name carried weight, they were the family that people answered to before the Tyrells came rolling in.  Any crime in the Upper West Side was done by the Peakes or in their name, and nothing happened without their say so.  It was practically a century ago, but her family still talks of it as if it were yesterday, as if any of them had a part in the so called glory days of the Peake name.  They didn’t and they refused to let it go.  
Many relatives had tried ‘taking it to the man’, attempting ill planned coups (could it even be called that if it had no chance of succeeding?) against the Citadel since they took over some 50 years ago, where the only the only thing overthrown were their bodies over the bridge and into the river.  For every failed attempt or drunken rant in a pub about the Peake name being restored, the Peakes fell further and further from grace.  By the time Rosaline was born, the Peake name was a joke, they were dirt poor, and on the Tyrell shit list (not a place one wants to be).  
Titus and Margot (née Lannister, a far flung cousin of the noteworthy ones) Peake were not in a happy marriage.  They had gotten married when she had gotten knocked up with their first child, Roland, and never bothered to divorce, no matter how unhappy either were.  By the time Rosaline came into the picture, their house was one of hostility, broken promises, and fragility.  All the emotional labor Titus had put on his wife, she put on Rosaline as soon as she was old enough to carry it.  Many have told Rosaline she was a natural born caretaker, but sometimes she wonders whether it was nature or nurture.  
Despite her family no longer being a ‘crime family’ they were still a family drowning in crime.  None of them seemed to be able to hold a job that wasn’t in somehow illegal, and preferred fast, get-rich-quick schemes and easy money from a night’s work (after all, it only takes, what, an hour to knock over a liquor store?).  Much of her youth was spent patching up her brother, her father, cousins and uncles.  Her 16th birthday was spent minting her brand new junior’s driving license by driving her bleeding father to a hospital, with a wound she couldn’t take care of herself, and left the back seat a grisly mess.
But Rosaline’s father, Titus, was different than most Peake’s.  While he desired to return the Peake name to one of status and greatness, he was no fool, and knew trying to usurp the Tyrells was a stupid idea if there ever was one.  He strongly believed in the saying of ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em’.  Very much the patriarch of their family of misfits, extended or otherwise, he instructed that the family’s new goal was to find greatness within the Citadel syndicate itself, to gain entry into it’s ranks and become important members.  But with many of their names on the Tyrell shit list, this was no easy task, so many of the Peake family members found themselves pulling increasingly difficult and noticeable jobs (crimes) in hopes of gaining the attention of the Tyrells, in hopes that some of them would be allowed to join their ranks as initiates.
And despite being surrounded by crimes and the fast money way of life, Rosaline never felt the pull and refused to be involved in anything more than stitching people back up.  They had tried to convince her (’we just need you to drive, that’s it’), they had tried tricking her (which promptly got their asses left with bag in hand standing outside of the gas station), but she refused to budge.  Cruel words and rude jokes were made at her expense (‘what, do you think you’re actually gonna go to school?  who’s going to take you?’).  Despite being a hard worker who, if she put her mind to something, generally succeeded at it, she was constantly told she wouldn’t amount to much.
So, it came as a surprise to her family when she was accepted into King’s Way.  It was unsurprising that she chose to attend their nursing program, though.  She was put on a fast tracked course, and found herself graduating in three years rather than four.  The entire time, her new found knowledge was put to work, patching up family members more and more often as they continued their quest in gaining the attention and possible favor of the Tyrells and the Citadel.  
Eventually, and inevitably, they did go too far.  Her brother, cousin and uncle made the mistake of going after a shipment of guns.  And made the mistake of not finding out who those guns belonged to.  They were Stag guns.  The trio were lucky enough to get pulled over by police amidst their getaway, and were brought into custody.  Because if they hadn’t, they most definitely would’ve ended up losing their lives.  Ours is the fury, after all.  And while getting arrested saved their lives, it also in a way, cost Rosaline hers.
With the guns and perpatrators in law enforcement custody, the Stags had no way of retrieving stolen merchandise, and had to find another way to recoup costs.  They also somehow had to make an example, and that is how they ended up on Rosaline’s door step.  To make a long story short, having already been working at North Wall as an ER and Trauma nurse for some years, Rosaline had run ins with members of many different syndicates, including the Stags, and had treated all of them with skill and care.  So when the connection was made between the perpetrators of the heist and herself, Rosaline wasn’t so much recruited as forced to be a Baratheon surgeon.
She has been such for 2 years, they keep telling her that she’s close to paying off her family’s debts to the Stags, but she was never given any definite details of how long she’d have to work it off.   And to be frank, she has no idea how much longer she can keep it up.  No one outside of her immediate family knows of her new affiliation with the Stags, and she’s scared for anyone to find out, unsure of what that would mean for her or her family’s safety.  Both the Stags and the Citadel have far reach, and she’s growing more and more paranoid by the day.  Her life in the past years has completely fallen apart due to holding this secret.  Rare nights off from the hospital are spent traveling to dark parts of the city to patch Stag men up, family and neighborhood gatherings are avoided due to the fear of running into Citadel men and associates (as her father had gotten his wish and despite son, brother and nephew in prison for a crime committed in pursuit of his goal, he did accomplish gaining the attention of the Citadel, and some family members had been taken in as associates).  Her engagement had been ruined as she couldn’t explain where she was rushing off to in the middle of the night (he had accused her of cheating, and too scared to tell him the truth, she lied and said he was right).  Leaving her completely and utterly isolated from loved ones and friends, with her only interactions coming from co-workers and Stags that she interacts with.  
While she has not lost her gentle touch, her sunny disposition has begun to wane as clouds of paranoia and bitterness over her situation have rolled in.  Surrounded by powerful people who treat her life as no more than a pawn to be played, Rosaline is starting to realize she needs to take control of her own life, to turn her backbone into one of iron, and to replace her soft curves with sharp edges.
W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S  ;
THE STAGS ; Members or associates of the Stag syndicate that she has gotten to known over the past two years.  Perhaps they like each other, or perhaps they don’t.  They could have also been one of the people who had a hand in forcing her to become a Stag surgeon.  This is a super open connection that we can either just use as a superficial way of the two knowing each other or could plot out something deeper.
THE CITADEL ; Growing up in Tyrell/Citadel territory, and now with some of her family members either associates or initiates into the syndicate, I picture Rosaline having lots of connections to current members/associates or those adjacent to the syndicate.  Childhood and high school friends, ex boyfriends, etc.  As of right now, no one but family knows she’s working for the Stags, so these two would have probably drifted apart in the two years since she has started, if they had been close at the time.  Once again we can either play this as superficial way of knowing each other, or could develop it into something deeper (they’re suspicious of her allegiances, or she tries to use them in some way to hide her current situation, etc).  
EX-FIANCE ; Within the past two years, Rosaline’s engagement ended.  He was rightfully paranoid when she would sneak out in the middle of the night or wouldn’t return phone calls for hours on end when he knew she was off shift, and when questioned had no real explanation or ones that didn’t make sense.  Finally he got the guts to accuse and ask her if she was cheating.  Knowing that him knowing the truth would only put him in danger, Rosaline took the out and told him she was.  She’d rather see them both in pain than dead.  (could be a neutral party or really anyone from any syndicate, as prior to being forced to work for the Stags, she didn’t care much about ‘party lines’ so to speak)
CO-WORKERS ;  Anyone who would work within the hospital or as a first responder that she could interact with on a fairly regular basis.  At this point, Rosaline pretty much only interacts with patients, co-workers and members of the Stags, far too paranoid to have a life of her own at this point.  While she is a very friendly and bubbly personality, she’s starting to master the art of knowing much about people, but people not knowing much about her.  The only exceptions would probably be people she’s known for more than two years, before her working for the Stags.  And while she’s infinitely more comfortable with them, she does clam up when talking about her life currently.
BEST FRIEND ; We can decide if the best friend knows or not, but if the latter it was probably one of those situations where they said ‘i get you can’t tell me, but i’m gonna be here for you anyways’.  I’m completely open to plotting pretty much any and everything about these two out: how long they’ve known each other, just how tight they are, etc.  Could also fill the connection below!
ROOMMATE ;  Could also fill the connection above.  But pretty much, what’s on the tin.  We can plot out if they’re close or not, or whatever.  They probably notice her coming and goings at odd hours (unless they also keep odd hours 👀), and either mind their own business or after getting BS answers enough times have stopped asking.  Could also be really interesting to do someone in a syndicate opposed to the Stags or in the Citadel, but neither of them knowing of each other’s affiliations!
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maslow20-21 · 4 years
                                    Beauty From the Pain     
     Once upon a time, there were three orphaned ladies who lived deep in the forest. Their names are Maria, Leonora, and Teresa. Maria and Leonora are twins, both having dark skin and black hair. Their eyes are as round as the moon but they aren't as tall.
Despite these beautiful traits, they are very jealous. They envy Teresa everything about her! They resent Teresa's skin, which is as white as snow. They want Teresa's shiny hair so bad, which could attract any man in the nearby village. They despise Teresa's small eyes so much; they could only wish they could have it. Maria and Leonora were never contented with what they have. As a result, they make rude remarks about her all day. Alongside their ill behaviors, they never share their food with Teresa. She could only eat the leftovers Leonora and Maria have half-heartedly given.
One night, Teresa hears her stomach churn. She went out and decided to find some food. While foraging in the dark part of the forest, a chill breeze greeted her. She stiffened and felt something different from her growling hunger and fear. She decided to run back to her house but a light so bright shone in front of her. She stood frozen as the light approaches. It was a fairy! The flying flicker of light first studied Teresa's emotions and feelings, and was amazed at how pure she was! But Teresa's face begged to differ. She was distraught and sad.
“What's the problem?" the Fairy asked.
"I haven't eaten for days, my lady. I'm afraid I am getting weaker day by day." Teresa replied, worried.
The fairy lends her wand to Teresa, saying that she could make any of her wishes come true. Teresa refused, saying that she only wants food for her hungry mouth. Again, the fairy was amazed at how she was such a pure soul! So she gave her some food and her wand too.
Teresa trots back home, tummy filled and her strength restored. As days go by, Maria and Leonora can't help but wonder why Teresa has not been eating their leftovers. She also seemed more joyful than before.
One night, the jealous twins decided to sneak up on Teresa. Their jaw dropped! As they saw Teresa swivel a golden stick, different sorts of food appeared out of thin air! They ran back to their house and planned to break the wand.
In the morning, they asked Teresa to buy bread in the nearby village. As Teresa went away, the twins hurriedly scavenged for the wand. They flipped the whole house upside down in search for the golden wand and alas, they found it below the bed of Teresa. As Teresa returned home, she opened the door and found a grueling sight. The jealous twins have taken ahold of her wand. She calmly begged them to give it back to her. But Maria broke out a cruel and evil laugh as she snapped the golden stick into two.
Teresa couldn't move and tears have started to form in her eyes. She ran fast out of the house and went to the bald and barren spot of the forest, where she cried her heart out. She returned home devastated. She didn't speak to anyone and decided to just directly go inside her room.
Meanwhile, in the barren spot of the forest where our beautiful Teresa cried, the soil appeared moist. This seems to be the result of Teresa's tears when she cried hours ago. Little did she know that she has replenished the dying part of the forest. After a month, a tree sprung to life! Coincidentally, the prince of the small village ventured to this part of the forest and saw the sturdy tree, which was the product of Teresa's tears. He wanted a taste of the luscious fruits the tree offered. His mouth watered at the sight of the fruit. In a desperate attempt to have a taste, he announced to the entirety of the land that he would marry whoever could get ahold and pick the majestic fruit from the tree.
Every woman in the village tried, but none has ever succeeded. The branches of the tree stray away from the desperate ladies themselves. Even Maria and Leonora tried, but to no avail. One morning, Teresa was hungry again. She went out and saw this tree with the best fruit she has ever seen. She noticed that a lot of people are surrounding the magical tree, that's why she inched closer to it. As soon as she was close enough, the branch lowered itself and allowed Teresa to pick the most glorious fruit of all. All heads turned to Teresa and the tree branch as it moved. The prince was shocked but Teresa has no idea on what was about to happen. The prince knelt on one knee and sincerely asked Teresa,
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and the only one who has won the challenge I have set. We are made for each other. Will you marry me?"
Teresa was joyous! She finally agreed and they lived happily ever after.
( GROUP 1 )
           Wants and Needs: To Treasure and Realize
      There is a girl named Adi. Adi was born with a wealthy family and lives in a large house with lots of expensive stuff. Adi can have anything she wishes she can buy, all the expensive clothes, a lot of expensive foods and even buy expensive gadgets that she wants, she can actually have anything she wishes to, but she is not contented enough of what she has. One day, when Adi had a glimpse on her window and saw a girl that is throwing a bag of garbage outside their neighbor’s house. Adi ran down stairs to see who that girl is because she never saw a girl like her age came out from their neighbor’s house before, but unfortunately Adi did not have a chance to talk to that girl because the girl goes inside to their house already. On the next morning, Adi woke up early and waited the girl to come out on their neighbor’s house. After an hour of waiting the girl finally come out on their house bringing another bag of garbage again. Adi did not waste any time and she called the girl; “Hey!” Adi said. The girl looks at Adi and greeted her back nicely. Adi asked the name of the girl, my name is Abbiegail but you can call me Abbie. Abbie is an average girl from an average family. Abbie is a hardworking girl; she needs to help her mother clean the house and save up for her studies and some important needs for their family. Abbie knows how to be contented and be happy of what they have. After Abbie introduced herself to Adi, Adi introduced herself back to Abbie. After she introduced herself, she asked Abbie; “Are you new here?” and Abbie replied “Yes” we are just new here, we just transferred here a week ago. Adi asked if Abbie is the daughter of them? Abbie replied; “No” because I’m just a maid here and I’m working with my mom here. After Adi knew about Abbie's life story and experiences, she asked Abbie to play at her house, Abbie said yes but she need to ask permissions first. They went to Adi’s house and play. Abbie was amazed when she entered their house, she told Adi, "Your house is like a castle and you’re the princess who is living in it!" but Adi said to Abbie, "Is this is what a castle looks like to you? This is not a castle because it is very small, I wanted larger than this. When I grow a little older, I will buy a larger house rather than living in this small house. For me it is more than enough." Abbie said. "We should stop talking about this house let’s go to my room." Adi said. When they entered the room, Abbie looked around the place and still can’t believe of entering this kind of house. Adi and Abbie played the toys that Adi have. Abbie is so happy when she experienced to play an expensive doll that Adi has. Adi saw how Abbie was so happy playing that kind of doll and told her, “You can have that cheap doll I am going to throw that anyway because I am going to buy a larger and more expensive doll rather play with that cheap doll", Abbie was surprised when Adi gave her that doll. Abbie told Adi that she is very thankful of having it because she never experienced of having a doll on her own in the case that her parents can’t afford to buy unnecessary things that is not really important. Adi didn’t mind how thankful Abbie was. After how many hours of playing, Abbie needs to go home already because she needs to help her mother again. It is Monday morning already and Adi needs to go to school. When Adi is going to school, she saw Abbie walking to the school and gives her a ride and ask her why are you walking to the school? Abbie replied I need to save up money and besides the school is just near here. Adi also ask how did Abbie enrolled on an expensive school, then Abbie replied I am a scholar from the family where I work right now. They let me study on this school in exchange of working as their maid. Its break time when the two girls meet again in the cafeteria. Abbie brought sandwich for snacks while Adi bought lots of food but she didn’t finish it all and leave only on the table. Abbie started talking to Adi about her doings, she told Adi that next time when she buys food, she needs to make sure that she finishes it all and will not waste any of it because many unfortunate people are not eating three times a day. But Adi just told Abbie that she can do anything she wants and no one can stop her. When they arrived home, Abbie invited Adi to visit their house this weekend and Adi just agreed with the idea of Abbie. When the weekend comes Adi went to the house of Abbie with Abbie’s mother, when they reach Abbie’s home, the family of Abbie warmly welcome Adi like their family and Adi was astonished because of that kind of welcoming. Abbie talk to Adi and asked if she is comfortable in the small house that they have with cheap furniture in an average place. When Adi is looking around the surrounding, she slowly realizes the value of all the things she has no matter how big or small, cheap or expensive things, she needs to be happy, thankful, and contented of what you have.
( GROUP 2 )
                                              Levi's POV 
      Staring at the ceiling, feeling empty. Thoughts are wild in my mind. Thinking about how i'm gonna survive this mess. "Levi!" My friend Kageyama called. "Hey bro, what's u-oh what happened to your hair?" I asked while laughing. "Why? Do I look like a tangerine?" He asked. He said tangerine because he colored his hair orange. "Of course.." "Of course what?" "You know what I'm wasting my time on you haha let's go inside our classroom." I said and laugh at him. "You jerk!" He said and poked my head. I just laugh and shrugged it off. We've been in the class for 5 months already, my classmates are close now with each other. But there's one girl who really caught my attention. She doesn't like to meddle with others, she's always alone. Even if our teacher do grouping, she always chose doing the task alone. It's been five months already, but I never saw someone talk with her. I gathered all my courage to talk to her. "Hi, I'm Levi Ackerman. How are you?" And offered a hand shake. She glance at my hand, then at my face. Okay, to be honest, this girl is pretty. Her eyes looked like the ocean, her pointed nose, pinkish lips that doesn't need a liptint, her wavy hair that below shoulder long and her fair skin that matches her perfect looks. Oh, now this is awkward, I stared at her. But to my surprise, she talked. "H-hi, I'm Hiraya. I-I'm fine thanks for asking." She talked and not making eye contact. She stuttered, I think she's not used to talk to people. But, I'm gonna make her my friend, it hurts not having someone to talk to when you have problems right? Weeks have passed, i'm still making Hiraya comfortable with me. But I think, she is now, uh just a little? "Hiraya, knock knock." I asked while smiling at her widely.   "Uh, wh-who's there?" She asked but not making eye contact again, damn. "Mustache." "Mustache who?" "I mustache you a question, but i'll shave it for you later." And I smiled widely, BUT the looks this girl giving me is like disgusted.   "Okay what a funny joke." Uhh damn. 2 months have passed, it's our intramural's day. I am excited because I'm gonna play basketball. And if you ask me what happen to me and hiraya... She's now my friend. I'm happy that she's now smiling at me. I really am, when I look at her, I feel like I made her walk out of the shell.  It makes me proud. I got out of the shower, feeling fresh. Now dressing up in the locker room. I just finished my game and we won. I'm done wearing my shirt. I took my phone out in my pocket and texted Hiraya. Me: Hey, what are you doing? She replied. Hiraya: Nothing, u? Me: Intramurals' done, how abt we meet up? Hiraya: Sure, I want to tell you something too. Outside her house. "Hey." I said and smile as I saw her walking towards me. "Hey." She also smiled, purely. Who would've thought that I would fall in love with this girl. For the past 3 months we've been together, she made me happy. Her cute cheeks that turns red when I tease her, made my heart flutter. Her laugh that is like a music to my ears, her-scolding me because of my rude actions, made me fall in love with her. "I- want to tell you something." She talked and that makes me go back to my senses. "Oh, what is it?" We walked through that little park in front of her house. "We-" She gulped as her voice cracked. Her eyes is also teary, I wouldn't notice it if i didn't look at her. "Hey what's wrong-" She cut me off. "The doctor said I only have 4 months left." After saying that to me, she broke down. Watching my love crying, makes my heart break. "You're- you're sick?" I looked at her in the eyes with my shocked face. She sniffed "Y-yes, that's why I am not talking with our classmates, I'm not making any conversation, the reason why I eat alone- I- I don't want to hurt them and leave them hanging at the end. Also you! I don't want to be friends with you but- for the first time in my entire life, I felt special. You made me realize that living, even if I have a little time in this world, is worth it." She told me as her tears rolling down her beautiful face. As I hug her, I broke down. Watching the love of my life look miserable, makes my heart torn into pieces. After 9 years A cute little girl jumped in front of me. As she smiles, she resembles my first love. "Daddyyy why are you crying again? " Little Hiraya Celestine is pouting again as she wiped my tears. "I just missed mommy." I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks. "Do you want to visit mommy?" I asked her. Her smile automatically wide. "Yes daddy, I also missed mommy." I put the flowers beside her. "I missed you." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I talked. Hiraya lived longer than I thought, we were happy, we made a lot of memories together, traveled outside the country and married each other. Our love for each other  made her life longer. Her last words are the words I cannot forget. "I didn't regret talking to you back Levi, when "I didn't regret talking to you back Levi, when you asked me if I'm fine, it really made my heart flutter for the first time. Except from my family, you're the only one who asked me in the school if I am fine." She smiled. "I distanced myself with people because I am afraid I would leave them in no time. But you made me feel that even if I have 2 hours of living, I would make it special with people that I love, Please take care of my little Hiraya Celestine, I love you". She said and sleeps... Forever. "Your daughter grows up beautiful just like you." I smiled. "Wherever you are, I hope you're fine. I promise in our next life, i'm gonna find you my Hiraya Manawari." (My dream/hope) 
( GROUP 3 )
                            The Legend Of Lady Finger 
   In the land of terias, there was a fine lady a beautiful lady that has a wavy hair, a heart shaped face that has an innocent chestnut eyes, small and pointed nose, a high check bone that more defining her features, and kissable rosy lips. Maria Corazon "Cora" Tampyado, who really work hard for their future by working in the farm together with her partner Alejandro. They are not yet married, because of lack of money and resources and they cannot even provide a simple wedding. But even though they are poor as rats and many are against on their relationship, they didn't give up. 
 One day, In the farm where Cora and Alejandro work, Cora was sitting under the tree of mangoes, and she noticed that Alejandro wasn't there, so she asked the other workers if they saw him. But all of them didn't know where he is. Until night came, Alejandro is still  nowhere to be be found. Cora is cring while thinking negatively, she think that Alejandro might be in danger, that Alejandro was kidnapped, even in her dreams Alejandro was still there. 
 While Cora is sleeping, she heard some noise coming from the outside, so she hurriedly came out, thinking that it will be Alejandro, and she's right its her Alejandro washing his feet on the well. 
"Alejandro, where have you been? I'm so scared that I'd lose you" she said while hugging Alejandro very tightly And Alejandro only respond to her hug And starting that day, Alejandro seems so very distant to her, like everything has change after he came back. And those changes lasts a weeks, months. While she is in the middle of her siesta, Alejandro woke her up and what he said made her jaw dropped "Let's get married" 
Everything went fast, until she saw herself wearing a long conservative white wedding dress, holding a flowers, walking on the aisle together with her parents while crying. She can't believe that finally she will get married to the man she ever been love, Alejandro. Wearing a Barong Tagalog, a slacks, and a black shiny shoes. Her Alejandro is dashing right now, with a clean cut hair, pitch black eyes that full of tears right now, pointed nose and those sweet lips that is smiling while looking directly to her eyes. I really love this man, she said to herself while holding his hand 
 She doesn't know where Alejandro get the money to afford an expensive wedding like this, but all matters to her is her and him, will get married. 
 " Do you Juan Alejandro Arsagon take Maria Corazon Tampyado, as your lawfully wedded wife?"
 "Yes, I do" but while Alejandro putting the ring on her finger, someone spoke that made them stop
 Someone who is beautiful like a goddess from Mt. Olympus, and she's crying...
 "So, that is the reason, why I've been forgotten uh?" She said while wiping her tears
 "Acacia, stop this, let's talk after the ceremony" - Alejandro 
 "Okay fine, not after this!" And the last thing happened is when everyone is in the floor, lying, not breathing. 
 "That's the cost for hurting and using me Alejandro!"
 But, Alejandro is still breathing and before his last breathe he want to put the ring on Cora's finger, that symbolized the promise he made to her, but while he is holding Cora's hand who's lying beside him he can't feel the ring finger of Cora. And that's the question that is on his head before he died. As time passes by, while one of the worker of the church cleaning outside, he saw a plant, a strange plant that form like a lady finger, so that's what he named it, Lady finger or also known as "okra". 
( GROUP 4 )
                                 Loving Girl In Town
Once upon a time, there was a sweet girl living in a sittio who loves her family so much. She is sweet, caring, loving and a good daughter for sure. She doesn’t really mingle with other people for her family is enough for her. One day, her mother planned to go to town to do some errands and buy their necessities. Her mother marched her way to her, “Veronica, I’ll be home a little bit late. I know you won’t let anything bad happen to you siblings and I trust you but for now, just don’t go out, okay? Just stay here at home.” Veronica nodded, “Yes mother! Take care!” Then her mother made its way to the town. Veronica have three siblings. Next to her is a guy names Leon and their youngest are twins namely, Jia and Jea. She knows she loves them so much, up to the point where she would do and risk anything just to make them happy. She looked at them playing and a sweet genuine smile plastered on her face. “How I love my siblings,” she thought. While doing the household chores, Jea approached her and said, “Manang can we go out to play with our playmates? Please?” Veronica didn’t left her eyes on her younger sister’s face. It was pleading and her sister was genuine on asking her. She didn’t know what to do for she want them to be happy but she doesn’t want to disappoint their mother. She sighs, “Sure just don’t go far and come home earlier than you usually do, alright?” “Yes manang! Thank you so much! You are the best!” And the three left their humble home. While watching them walk away, she thought, “Maybe mother wouldn’t notice it. She said she’d go home late, and I told my siblings to go home earlier. And what’s the case? They usually play with their playmates and noting bad happens. Maybe mother was just a little bit paranoid.” And she continued her chores. After doing all her chores, she lounged on their wooden chair in their sala and listened to the hums of the birds. Her eye hit the clock. It’s already 4:30 pm! And maybe her mother would arrive at 6! By 5:00 pm they should be cleaned and fresh up so that their mother wouldn’t notice what they’ve done. She panicked and got nervous. She hurriedly walks out of their home and started searching for her siblings. She asked almost every people she passed by. She looked everywhere and searched every corner of their sittio, but they are nowhere to be found! Her heart is beating so fast, it would burst out. “Hey have you seen Leon and the twins?” She asked a girl with her age who she knows, “I’m sorry I haven’t noticed them. Maybe they’re just back at you home?” And the girl walked pass her. She nodded and continued the search. She was asking someone when her acquaintance approached her and said, “Veronica your mother has been looking looking for you. You should go home now.” She was shocked and didn’t know what to do. She thought that by now, their mother already knew what happened and oh no, she would be mad at her for sure and she still haven’t found her siblings! She had no choice but to go home heavy hearted and nervous. As she is approaching their home, her sight already recognized their mother’s figure. She ran towards her mother and kneeled with head bowed down, “Mother, I’m sorry. Mother, something happened, they were lost and nowhere to be found.” “Manang we’re just here,” Leon voiced out. Veronica quickly search where the voice is coming from and she saw her three siblings. She ran to them and hugged them tightly, “I thought something happened to the three pf you already!” She was sobbing non-stop. “Manang, sorry we tricked you,” Jia said. “Huh? Tricked?” Veronica wondered. “You see manang, we passed back door to surprise you but then you weren’t inside the house,” Jea replied. Their mother walked her way to them and tapped Veronica’s shoulder, “I see what happened here. You disobeyed what I told you earlier.” Veronica turned to look at her mom, “Mother I’m so sorry. I just want them to be happy mother and I thought you wouldn’t know about this so maybe this would just be our little secret from you. I really apologize mother.” She replied with a sad tone. “Come, four of you, sit here,” Their mother gestured them to sit on their long wooden chair. “No parent wants harm to their children, remember that. Everything parents do is for the wellness of their children and not for their harm. Therefore, you should listen to what we tell you for it will lead you to a brighter future.” “I’m sorry mother, I promise I won’t disobey you again. This will serve as a lesson for me,” Veronica apologized. Their mother sighed, “Enough, Veronica. I forgive you, just learn from this and don’t do it again, okay? Now come here you four and let me hug you.” The five of them gathered into a huge hug that made Veronica realized that even though she loves her siblings that much, their mother knows best and every decision their mother makes is for their good. Moral Lesson: Whatever the circumstances may be, we should listen and obey our parents for what they do will lead us to a successful future.
( GROUP 5 )
                                           The Flute Player
    In the land of the rising sun, there lives a lady who bears the name Kiyoko which means "pure child". Neighbors and even visitors from the far lands would describe her beauty as 'ethereal' for she possesses porcelain-doll like skin and jet black hair. Her eyes were big and round unlike her petite figure and a small face. Kiyoko came from a poor family which. To help her parents provide their needs, she practiced playing the flute. She would walk to the village square and sit in the corner beside the fountain hall and play the flute. Villagers would come and gather to listen to her smooth and melodious music. It was pleasure to their ears and her beauty is a completion to the package that would give such scenery to their eyes. Some would offer money to Kiyoko just to have her play the flute in occassions and she would gladly accept the opportunity. "Mom! I'm home." she cheerfully greeted her mother and was excited to tell her the news of her special performance in the village square for the upcoming festival. "Kiyoko, can you stay here for a week and take care of your mother?" A woman from the neighborhood said in a low tone. "For the week? The village leader offered me a big job for the festival mom. They'll pay me big amount too. It will greatly help us." Kiyoko explained the excitement she felt in her heart but their was no sound of happiness in the house. It was purely solitude and lonesome. The woman went out leaving Kiyoko and her Mom alone in the house. " You should go and do your best in the festival." her mother said in a low tone. "What's wrong, mom? You don't look well." she was confused but her mother told her not to worry about her and enjoy the festival. "I'll continue selling herbs in the market, you should have fun." Kiyoko obeyed her mom and went to her room to practice for her performance for the next day. Kiyoko played the flute and amazed the village folks. Her face could light up the whole town with the smile she showed to everyone. It was the most beautiful day of her life. The village head payed her a huge amount of money. She rushed to go home and tell her mother the good news she brought. By the time she arrived infront of their house, there were people going in and out. Their eyes were watery and sad. Kiyoko's excitement washed off as she walked slowly entering their house and saw her mom lying in their bed, pale. "What happened?" tears began to drop in her eyes as her voiced cracked in weakness. "She endured the illness too long that her body couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry for your loss, Kiyoko." the woman from yesterday approached her and tapped her shoulder. Tears piled up and started to fall. She did not know her mother was dying, she was left brokenhearted in their house with no one to cry to. She knew no relatives, it was just the two of them. Her father left them when she was still a baby. With no knowledge of how to live her life alone, she spent all the money she earned for her mother's burial. She did not know that she should have just saved it for her future. With the age of 10 years old, she wandered everywhere with nothing in her mind. The beauty she possessed attracted the people including the men from the courtesan house, they would tell the workers to hire Kiyoko and be a courtesan for her beauty is a prize to them. Kiyoko without doubt rejected it and lived her life alone. At the age of 18, she worked as a housemaid in a common family to provide for her needs. She then lived not too hard like before. She left the household when he fell in love with a samurai named Jun'ichi. She was so in love with the mere guy that she would do anything just to be him. Kiyoko lived her married life full of love by her husband and even the people in village. She is a very loving and a caring wife to Jun'ichi as well as a welcoming neighboor to others. She does all the chores in their house. She would wash the clothes, prepare the food and clean the house. Every afternoon, while waiting for her husband she would play the flute which resembles her mother. She would remember her mother as she played the flute given to her. Everyone would agree that Kiyoko is indeed a very loving and an ideal woman to all. Many would envy her husband for having a good and faithful wife but it was not the same for Jun'ichi. Kiyoko grew up and was discovered to be infertile. She could not bear a child which Jun'ichi finds his married life incomplete.
Jun'ichi therefore changed. From a faithful and loving husband he turned out to become a cheater. He cheated and slept with other women out there, leaving Kiyoko alone and waiting. Because the love Kiyoko had for Jun'ichi is pure and true, even if she's aware she still doesn't say a thing just for Jun'ichi not to leave her. But what Kiyoko feared the most, happend. Jun'ichi left her for some other women. She blamed herself again just like how she blamed herself for the death of her mother. She thought that it is her fault that his husband ran away with other women because she can't bear a child, she can't fulfill her part as a woman. She had no one left, she was all alone again with solitude surrounding her. She gave up on everything and waited for the time that everything would give up on her too. Kiyoko died alone as the time for her to go came.
( GROUP 6 )
                                              Lazy Child  
       In a small town with a quiet village, there is a young girl named Niña which means "child" in Spanish, she was smart and beautiful young girl. Her beauty is simple but admirable, she has a long black hair, pale white skin and her lips were red as blood. She was the only child of Rose and Cliff. Niña's father is a Business Man who came from a poor family unlike Rose, who is a simple woman who came from a rich and famous family. Rose's parents have a high expectation when it comes to inheritance of their family, they did not agreed to marry Rose to Cliff but because they fight for their love and overcame the unexpected trials, they surpassing their love until the end. Niña is only 11 years old. She is a smart and good when it comes to academics, she is a consistent honor student and she gets a lot of awards every time there is a competition at their school. But despite of her intelligence and beauty she is lazy when it comes to household chores and most especially when it comes to her mom. It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and her class starts at 7:45 am. "Niña, wake up! It's already 7 o'clock in the morning. I don't want you to be late for your class." Rose said in a raised voice. "Mom later, my grades are high enough and my teacher in our first subject is kind so it's okay mom, I can handle it." Niña replied while still lying in her bed. "What if I'm gone? who will take care of you? Look, you haven't clean your bed again. You also did not put away the scattered papers. I still have a lot of things to do, so get up and fix yourself." Rose said with a problem on her face. "Okay, okay mom here it is." Niña replied and she immediately got up and take a bath. The next morning, it was Saturday. Niña doesn't have classes so her mother ordered her to wash the dishes and clean the backyard. But Niña doesn't reply and she just ignored it, instead of cleaning she chose to play computer games and spread the book papers on the floor. Her mother was too busy putting her messes away while she was just sitting and doing nothing. Her mother could do nothing to her daughter. Even if Rose repeated several times to remind her. She would still not listen to her mother. Until Niña's graduation day arrives, Niña is very mad to her mother because she has been waiting her for an hours. She expected that her mother will come early, as she was one of the honor student in their class. But her trust was completely broken on her long-awaited day. Her mother did not make it to hang her medals and awards but Niña waited her for a few more hours and her mother was still not there. Niña lose hope and she just went home to their house. She still expected that when she came home they would have a surprise. "I'm home!" her voice was full of excitement. But when she heard the last words of her father uttered about her mother, the smile on her lips was replaced by sadness and she cried out over and over again. "She's gone. your mother she can't make it." Cliff said. "W-wha-at happened?" she asked. "She was supposed to go to your graduation day but the car she was riding in had an accident due to a collision. I'm so sorry" He replied. The only thing on Niña's mind was that she loved her Mother so much and she knew it was too late to realize that. After her mother passed away she learned by herself how to cook, wash dishes, clean the house and other household chores. She even taught other kids to do other household chores and reminded them to value and obey their parents. And because of that, she became more independent until she was able to live alone at her young age. The mistake she made before became part of her testimony to other children. And Niña will continue to learn a new lesson in the future. A regret is a simply mistake but the most important is we learned from our past mistake. The End.  
(GROUP 7 ) 
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mysmeshc · 7 years
Eyyyyyy mate, could I maybe get some RFA+V+Unknown scenarios with a tomboy MC? Full package of Mistaken For Gay kind of tomboy (short hair, wears men's clothes, lacks makeup 95% of the time, has more guy friends than girl friends, etc., etc.), whole nine yards. Not gonna go through the trouble of discluding Jaehee because reasons but you can write that one platonic or romantic as you see fit. as a smol straight tomboy i want to feel validated here because obvious reasons
Ofc!! You’re beautiful just the way you are!!
RFA +V + Saeran react to Tomboy MC
Yoosung- Yoosung was surprised when he saw you for the first time. - You never came off as very feminine, but for some reason he pictured you with long hair and softer features. - So when you show up to the party wearing a similar outfit to his own he was definitely thrown for a loop. - “Yoosung? Hi! It’s me, MC!” He blinked in response. - “MC… is that, really you?” - You immediately knew why he was confused and you were crushed. - You didn’t blame him, but you had hoped he grew to enjoy your personality more than your external appearance. - “I’m sorry, Yoosung, but this is who I am. I’m not interested in make up and dresses and other feminine things- not that there’s anything wrong with that!!- It’s just really not my cup of tea…” you rubbed your neck sheepishly. - Yoosung blinked once more before shaking his head slightly and smiling. - “MC!! I don’t care if you’re not girly! I just wish you would have told me! We could have coordinated matching bow ties!” he grabbed your hands, finding it hard to make eye contact after what he said. - “I’m glad you are the way you are…”- AWE MY PRECIOUS BBY- When you smiled back up at him he thought he was gonna faint. - You were breathtaking.
Zen- When he flirted with you over chat he did refer to you as very feminine, so to say you were nervous was an understatement. - You really liked him, and it seemed he really liked you, but you knew that your appearance could be called… unexpected. - Jaehee had short hair like you, but her face and body screamed femininity, while yours was much more androgynous. - It wasn’t that you had a problem with how you looked! - You just hoped that your appearance wouldn’t be a deciding factor between you and Zen. - So upon seeing a long white ponytail in front of you it was hard not to panic. - so, like the brave lil tomboy u were, you tapped him on the shoulder. - “Hm, yes-” - “Hi Zen! I’m, uh… I’m MC!” - His eyes opened slightly before a gentle smile took over his once surprised expression. - “You have no idea how much it means to meet you.” he grabbed your hands and kissed your knuckles, treating you like a princess. - “Z-Zen! You don’t… You don’t mind the way I look?”- omg he looked OFFENDED- “MC, what could you possibly mean? You and I are the most gorgeous people in this room!” He winked. - cue ur face turning into a straight up tomato- “But really, MC, you’re perfect just the way you are.”
(I’ll skip Jaehee since you didn’t seem worried whether she was here or not)
Jumin- oh boy was he excited to meet you- Literally felt like a child on christmas morning- He was even more excited when you agreed to wear the dress he bought you. - you seemed hesitant but he concluded that you were worried about cost, which he ensured you he had covered. - he tried hard to keep composure but when word came through that you arrived he spoedwalked to the front of the party like it was NOBODIES business- Jumin is now Nyoomin- He looked around frantically until a gentle tug at his coat sleeve caught his attention.- “Hi Jumin, I’m MC.” you greeted warmly. - “MC…” He looked down upon you and you looked… uncomfortable. - “MC, are you okay? Is the dress the right size? You seem unhappy…”- Just like you could read through his bullshit he could read through yours. - You sighed, having dissapointed him in your eyes. - “I’m sorry Jumin, it’s a beautiful dress! And it fits like a glove! It’s just that… I don’t really like wearing dresses. It’s not my style, you know? I’d much rather wear what Yoosung is wearing…” You rubbed your arm, glancing off in Yoosungs direction. - Jumin looked like a kicked puppy, his eyes widened slightly with his lower lip barely puckered out. - “MC I wish you would have told me… I never want to be the reason you’re uncomfortable or don’t feel beautiful.” He grabbed your hands in his. - awe this man is too good and too kind- “Jumin it’s okay, I just thought you wouldn’t find me beautiful if I-”- OH HE WAS HAVING NONE OF THIS- “I would have to be the stupidest man on earth to not find you mind numbing my beautiful! No matter what you’re wearing, you’re my MC.”- … His MC?- Jumin realized what he just said and coughed, breaking eye contact. - “I- uh, What I meant by that was-”- you cut off his stutters by giggling behind your hand. - “It’s okay Jumin. I… I feel the same way.”- The smile that just lit up that man’s face is a smile you would never forget.
Seven- Bruh u could have shown up wearing Optimus Prime cosplay and he would still be like “LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL MC!!”- 100% loves how tomboyish you are. - When you arrived he nearly tackled you with a hug. - “MC!! You’re finally here! In person! HOW CRAZY IS THAT!!”- “Seven! Calm down! It’s just me…”- oh was that a smidge of SELF DOUBT HE DOTH HEAR?!?- oh no sweaty ;)- not on his watch- “Ya, MC, just you. that’s like saying the Mona Lisa is JUST a painting! or that Doge is JUST a meme!”- awe that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to u :’)- Seven understood your attitude though, when the waiter addressed you as sir. - He saw your confidence drop and knew exactly how to fix it!- “Actually, sir, it’s ma'am-”- “I think he was referring to moi~” you looked over and he had a LONG ASS WIG ON WTF WHERE DID HE GET THAT??!- you broke out in laughter as he used a redoculous high voice. - “See, MC? that waiter was just stupid! If putting on a wig makes him question my gender shows that he’s the problem, not you, so keep on keepin on with ya cute self!”- and that you did.
V- Honestly V had no clue bc u know he’s basically blind. - He could almost see your silhouette but just barely. - He was so overjoyed to meet you that he didn’t really consider that much about what you look like. - He was falling in love with your kind personality. - “Excuse me, sir, would you like anything to drink?”- V was about to answer when you cut him off. - “A-Actually, it’s ma'am.”- wait he wasn’t a ma'am what are you talking abo-- “I’m terribly sorry ma'am! please what would you like to drink?”- you ordered and he turned to V- “And you, sir?”- wait… the waiter thought you were a sir?- V ordered and as soon as the waiter left V smiled. - “Was the waiter blind too?”- when you didn’t laugh, but instead sigh, he got concerned. - “If you could see how much I looked like a boy you wouldn’t be surprised.”- oh no MC- “Well, then, even though I’m blind, I can clearly see a beautiful woman standing in front of me.”- “V… That’s very sweet but i’m over here.” you giggled, tapping on his shoulder. - V turned towards the sound of your voice, an embarrassed blush painting his cheeks. - “Ah, I’m sorry… but i still find you incredibly beautiful, MC.”- AWE V
Unknown (I’m gonna have this where he is found and at the party with Seven so this is where u meet him but u 2 had been talking and such on the messenger app b4)
- Despite his cold demeanor, Saeran wasn’t intentionally cruel- unless u were Seven lolol- but otherwise he was just straight up neutral. - so when u introduced yourself you were expecting a “hey dude/bro/other masculin nickname” - but instead when you said hi all you got was a “hey mc”- okay could u be ANY MORE disinterested. - you managed to talk to him, your nerves not easing throughout the conversation, afraid that he’ll bring up your appearance. - It takes him a while to notice your discomfort. - you’re in the middle of talking when he cuts you off - “Hey, stop acting all… tense and shit.”- ???- how did he know??- “I’m sorry, Saeran… I just thought you would reject me sooner or later.”- he raised an eyebrow - “It’s just that I look so much like a boy and-”- “Do I look like someone who gives a flying fuck about what people wear? For the love of God, MC, I wear chokers and I paint my nails. Fuck what society thinks a girl needs to look like. Who cares?”- you just stared at him in awe- “Wow… Thanks, Saeran.”- He looks back at you, ruffling your hair and the smallest hint of a smile graces his face. - “Don’t mention it.”
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