#sword spirit siblingsssss
casiavium · 3 years
Fi did not return to the blade. She stayed still, watching her master return to the Goddess, desperate for council he would not receive. He would have to come to terms with leaving her behind if he were to go back to his world. She understood this. She was tired, and ready to sleep.
There was one last thing she had to do.
"I know you're watching." She addressed the empty space behind her. There was still no aura to be placed, but her calculations said there was a 90% chance he would be here.
From out of the shadows, stepped Ghirahim.
"So you're alive."
The words hung in the air between the two spirits. Fi still faced where Link had left, watching for his return.
"Just barely." The demon behind her whispered. He sounded worn down, struggling to hold on.
Fi wasn't sure what to do. Any knowledge about the other sword spirit was hidden from her, if she ever knew of him in the first place. All she had left were fading memories of battle records and empty spaces when Link had cut her off. To her, he was an enemy to dispatch of. Still, bits and pieces of conversations suggested otherwise.
She knew what she had to do, for Link's sake.
With a small gesture towards her sword, she asked, "You can feel him, can't you?"
The last traces of Demise's spirit were trapped within the blade, and if luck was on their side, they would never get out. However, they were still there. Fi was unsure if it was enough to keep a hold on the other sword, but if there was any possibility Ghirahim was still trying to follow the orders of Demise, she would never let him near Link.
"Nothing can release what is trapped in the sword." Finally, she turned, cold stare burning into the spirit behind her. Still in the same form as her, Fi could see the damage the Master Sword had done to him. Core cracked and exposing lava-like blood, limbs scattered with dents and scratches, dull patches of ash from lightning strikes he wasn't made to withstand... Demise's mistreatment of his weapon had led to his downfall.
The white eyes closed.
"Don't worry, I don't wish to. I had thought... I had thought he would be different."
"He didn't make you to think."
Ghirahim glanced back at her. "You're right. We're weapons. Tools to be used. Forced to follow the will of the gods," he scoffed, eyes wandering around the temple, "and you may have won, but you're no better off than me, are you? Still dying. Discarded by our creators."
Fi softly shook her head. "I may be. You have no master. What will you do now?"
"I can't last long like this." Ghirahim sighed, hand grazing over his gem. "I may have escaped Demise, but that just means... it's only a matter of time before I start to fade like you. If fate is kind, and it has no reason to be, I'll never wake back up. At least you know who your next master will be. Demise never thought to put such precautions on my blade."
"Link will be waiting for you."
Ghirahim almost missed her statement. Gaze snapping back to her, he looked confused.
"I'll tell him to find you. In his time. You'll be healed by then, won't you?"
Fi turned back to where Link was talking to Zelda.
"He doesn't understand why, but he cares for you. He needs someone, but now that he knows his best friend is the goddess, he won't see her the same. It will be hard to trust their friendship, and nothing more will come of it. He wants more. You are not the best option, but... it's where his heart lies."
"Even after this?"
"Yes. 100% positive."
Fi could hear slight arguing from her master and the goddess. She knew their time here was coming to an end.
"He's wanted this for a while. I was worried to leave him alone after this, that he would start seeking out danger he wouldn't be able to handle. Our quest was not kind to him, but he will be reluctant to leave it behind. From you, he can have the sword he needs and the intamacy he wants. With no reason for you to harm his friends, he shouldn't have trouble controlling your darker side."
Ghirahim considered her reasoning. Making up his mind, he shook his head in acceptance, smiling back at Fi.
"You knew I was a sword, didn't you? You've thought about this for a while."
"I had reason to believe. You misspoke and included yourself in a statement referring to sword spirits, no other could posses your unwavering loyalty to a master such as Demise." She paused, remembering the few pieces of information she had saved.
"... I could never sense your aura. I don't believe Hylia wanted me getting any ideas. Free will is not something one generally wants in a weapon." She almost smiled.
"Is that... all you know of me?"
Ghirahim's question was never answered. The argument from behind the Gate of Time was dying down, so Fi started to explain her plan with more urgency.
"Wait for him somewhere he'll find you again. I'm sure you know of a place. I'll tell him not to fear your return. For him, it won't be much longer after this..."
"I can't wait another thousands of years." Ghirahim panicked, eyes widening at the prospect.
"It's not that bad. You need the time to heal. "
"Easy for you to say, you weren't alive for it! You weren't conscious!"
"And you won't be, either. You said so yourself. You'll start to fade soon, entering a rest that can only be broken when someone draws your blade again. Be sure Link will be the next."
Fi spoke harshly. If she had been human, she thought this would be what annoyance felt like. Changing her tone, she softly added, "It... doesn't hurt. Not like... becoming the sword."
"Tell me about it." Ghirahim replied sarcastically. He didn't take her comment seriously, before looking back to see the spirit looked uncharacteristically distressed.
"I wasn't supposed to remember that... I don't believe..." She muttered, drifting back from her blade.
"What do you remember?"
Her lack of response was telling enough. Hylia must have seen it as a mercy to take her memories, to leave her only with what she needed to help Link.
"Not... much. Not... anymore. It's... it's over."
Fi flickered, trying to keep from disappearing into the sword too soon. Looking back at spirit, she requested one last time, "Please, Ghirahim... take... care of him."
The other sword nodded, stepping back. He was ready to leave, but out from behind the Gate stepped Link.
The hero froze. The pair had a second of eye contact before the demon faded away into diamonds.
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