#taggidy tag
dingbatnix · 2 years
Speedrunning this cause now bleh—tumblr you ungainly piece of shriveled toothpaste—anyway
Let's hurt poor Max and say Daniel gets ahold of him for a bit–maybe for a few days, nobody can find them–
Somehow Daniel doesn't kill Max in those few days, just traumatizes him a bit and kinda hurts him a bit--nothing to major of course, (I feel slightly uncomfortable hurting kids in anything (which is a good thing! Probably))
But David eventually finds them and gets Max a chance to run, and then there's like this half-pathetic fight between David and Daniel (because they're both scrawny sticks, duh) but David wins eventually (my man can survive getting hit by a bus, I mean woah)
He runs, finds Max, and there'd be some ending hurt/comfort to close it off
Alternatively, it could be Max saving a very hurt David, maybe accidentally kills Daniel, and then it just weighs on the poor kid
G/t idea:
David's just a lonely mini-giant chilling in the forest sorta near the camp—he lingers close to it sometimes, seeing the kids makes him really happy
Our main trio of Nikki, Max, and Neil fing large tracks one day, and decide to follow them
After a while though, they get lost in the forest and end up wandering
Eventually they find a huge cave, and inside the cave is a freaking giant dude
But he's asleep so the freak and run away, but they're still kinda lost
All the noise they make wakes the mini-giant, and he wanders out to find three small children running away
Eventually he manages to communicate to them that he's not gonna hurt them (we're going mute, more animalistic mini-giant here, don't want to make it easy for any of the characters:) ) and he brings them back to the camp
Neil and Max would rather forget the whole experience, but Nikki is curious, and wants to adopt this strange forest creature (like a pet!)
Maybe Gwen and Jasper would let her keep it?
So she wanders back out, finds David, and practically drags him back to camp
As you can imagine, pretty much everyone freaks, but the adults moreso than the kids
David's pretty happy though, cause some of the kids have decided to climb him
So he just plops down with a happy hum and just chills as he's used as an oversized jungle-gym
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spamerousc · 5 months
Why do you people follow me????? Actually nvm, this is Tumblr I've already lost my dignity
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heartstringsduet · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @alrightbuckaroo @birdclowns @lemonlyman-dotcom
Have some First Aid this week.
Carlos runs a thumb over his wet brow, orgasm housed in his heavy breath. His eyes don’t turn away, no matter how long TK blinks up at him and loses himself in trying to find the edge of iris and pupil but only finding darkness. The touch to his face is feathery, oppositional to how needy and rushed Carlos had pumped into him moments ago.
“One of those days your’re gonna get caught,” TK whispers.
“Caught doing what?” Carlos asks, brows furrowed, leaving his forehead in wrinkles.
TK contemplates tipping his chin up and stealing another kiss just because of how adorable Carlos looks. Instead he brings a hand to the lower back, knowing even tracing Carlos’ sensitive body being safer than kisses at the wrong moments. 
“Caught going through my window of course.”
“Don’t worry bout that. I never get caught.” Carlos says smugly.
“Oh really? Should I be worried that you can say this with such conviction?”
TK watches for the miniscule changes of Carlos’ features, but even months and months of seeing each other regularly doesn’t tell him what’s behind his mask. Carlos finally nips at the skin beneath TK’s chin; no trepidations himself of initiating any touch clearly.
“Do I need to remind you of last week and the cinema?”
 Just last week, they had sat in the last row of a nearly empty movie past midnight and TK had snuck his hand into Carlos’ underwear and challenged him to keep still and quiet. Another way to try and keep himself excited.
“Do I need to remind you that you moaned so loud I had to slap a hand over your mouth?” TK challenges.
Carlos sucks harder, then lets go of TK’s sensitive skin. He smirks up, dark eyes watching him through the thicket of his eyelashes. “Well, did we get caught?”
“No.” Looking up, into the creases of the wall that still holds year old polaroids, the pillow thrown on the floor somewhere, TK dares to say, “But you know, I actually meant it. You can come through my front door.”
I tag @liminalmemories21 @chaotictarlos @wtfuckevenknows ;) @paperstorm and whoever sees this. Taggidy tag no way out of it.
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judas-had-a-crown · 5 years
so I kinda was tagged by @horrible-device and my head needed a lil distraction so there info boost ay 🤷🏻‍♀️
ONE / name/alias: Jasmin, disaster, panic bitch, regular bitch but mostly panic
TWO / birthday: November 8th
THREE / zodiac sign: Scorpio
FOUR / height: 155 cm
FIVE / hobbies: Earlier? writing, reading, occassionally drawing, watching let’s plays, imagine music videos about my current otp. Now? Trying not to collapse 👍🏻
SIX / favorite colors: black, white, dark red, gold, silver
SEVEN / favorite books: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Duma Key, Lisey‘s Story, Doctor Sleep and IT by Stephen King (I grew up on his books and Harry Potter he‘s got a special place) Perfume - Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, The Heart is a lonely hunter by Carson McCullers, Red Dragon, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris, the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud.
EIGHT / last song I listened to: The bully by Sody
NINE / last film I watched: The Green Book
TEN / inspiration for muse: Heartfelt movies and series, lots of music, the night
ELEVEN / dream job: I don‘t know. A travel journalist maybe. I wish to see the world before I go.
TWELVE / meaning behind your url: A title for a wip I planned out with love but never finished. I still hold it dear though. Kept the url because it somehow feels like me.
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships: Ineffable Husbands (Crowley x Aziraphale), and I somehow have a huge need for Ruseb (Ruvik x Sebastian) and Valeyne (Jerome x Bruce) again lately. Also I ship Billy Hargrove with happiness but *sobs*
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
FIFTEEN / currently reading: Do Androids dream of electric sheep by Philip K. Dick and I‘m sick of it.
Tagging everyone who wants ta do it and @sabotage-prowl
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pauleonotis · 4 years
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Idk I just had to draw this—
This complete picture is inspired by this post so make sure to check that out pls! :D
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 2 years
Tagged by @solomon-tozer to list six fictional characters I love.
Hard, as there were either too many. Maybe I watch too much TV.
1) Top spot has to go to Sgt Tozer from The Terror. Well, what can I say, he has it all. Fantastically played, super well written, I can't think of many as complex characters in TV.
2) James Delaney from Taboo. "I have a use for you"- yes, please do.
3) (Sir) Gwain from Merlin. I loved all Merlin characters, but Gwain by far the most, for the fighting spirit, and for the humour.
4) Athelstan from Vikings- from a monk to a slave to one of Ragnar's closest friends, what a journey that was. I was about to put Torstein here, but... well, Athelstan won in a poll I conducted with myself.
5) Crown Prince Chang Yi from Kingdom- fighting zombies in XVI century Korea, doesn't get much more badass than that.
6) Fox Mulder, especially before X files became all weird and there were so many conspiracies within conspiracies that I had no clue what was going on anymore. Seasons 1-6 or so, thumbs up for Mulder and his antics.
Voila a collage, because I'm all about visuals.
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HM's, because I also don't mind cheating (Edward Little from the Terror, Torstein, here is your chance to get in there, J Edgar from Bosch, Marco Inaros courtesy of Expanse, Ragnar the Younger from the Last Kingdom)
I have not been around here for very long, so tags may be a bit random, feel free to respond, feel free to ignore if it's not something you're into :)
@megabucks85 @missandart @loverswreck @orchiddingme @bewilderedraven @buttymcbuttface @zombqueen87
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cali-in-reverse · 7 years
I was tagged by @deathtopi4. Thank you!! 😁 Tag 9 people you want to get to know better: @japanese-zombie-hero @nica-sun @fallynfate @jrockbassistlove @cassbme591 @annieinblack @theonlybabybitch @pearlchen @peachyminpha Relationship status: Single Pringle who don't need no can Lipstick or chapstick: lipstick, especially if it comes from Jeffree Star Last song I listened to: Wolfman by Comodo Dragon Top 3 TV shows: CSI, Supernatural, Glee Top 3 ships: Reituki, Ereri, Destiel Books I'm currently reading: Not a book, but Street Brat by @monsoondownpour
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smoldinopup · 4 years
Rules: Your lock-screen, last song you listened to, and last image you saved.
Was tagged by @whatwasdead ! Thank you, dear Melle! ❤
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That photo though 😌👌
I am tagging: I forgot everyone's username 😭
@agu5td , @fivegems @forever5hines , @my-eyes-on-shinee , @a-stranger-song , @jonghyoney
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Moodboard game
This was super fun to do! I had absolutely no idea of what I was supposed to do tho, so I just made a moodboard of the things I like and are interested in right now.
I was tagged by the lovely @wondercookieunicorn
I'll tag @bubbleminseok @silverklunk @ohdaddyjohnny @belsmultifandommess
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jumalrebane · 7 years
20 followers tag game
tag 20 followers you want to get to know better tagged by @honestlygarbage, thank you dear
name: Elli  nicknames: I don’t really have any, (Okay @minyuu, calls me elli-chu, and I think some people have nicknames for me, but none pop up right now) gender: female star sign: aquarius height: 1,7 m (for people in the imperial system 5′7″) sexual orientation: hetero  hogwarts house: ravenclaw favorite color: I don’t have any, I like many favourite animal: Too many to count, but look at my avater, those cuties top. And wolves, don’t get me started with wolves, or big cats... average hours of sleep: More than 8, lately I seem to be hibernating cat or dog person: both, both is good favorite fictional characters: Blasphemy! You want me to pick between my dears, not gonna happen.  number of blankets: One or more, depends on how cold it is. favorite singer/band: I really don’t have favourites, I basically listen to everythig. from chhesy songs to Rammstein and to Mozart and to .... dream trip: Somewhere where there is quiet and the nature just takes my breath away, preferably with someone who can stand my lame jokes. dream job: I don’t have a dream job, maybe a writer when was this blog created: A bit more than a year ago, but less than two.  when did your blog reach its peak: This thing here has a peak? 
I tag: @rufuwus, @lovesanangelwithashotgun, @deanstiel, @minyuu, @elilont, @dwarf-tyrant-kadri, @minyuu. And everyone else who wants to. I want to know about the people who follow my “high quality blog”.... 
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thelillzmonster · 7 years
I was tagged by @suckerforhobi thank you <3
RULES: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
01. Nickname: Lillz (here on tumblr)
02. Gender: Female
03. Star Sign: Cancer
04. Height: About 158 cm / around 5′2 ft
05. Time: 13:26 / 1:26PM
06. Birthday: June 23rd
07. Favourite bands: BTS; Gorillaz
08. Favourite Solo Artist(s): (Don’t really have any)
09. Song Stuck In My Head: As if it’s your last - BLACKPINK
10. Last Movie I watched: Hot Fuzz (I didn’t count any re-watches of movies)
11. Last Show I watched: The Ricky Gervais Show (lol)
12. When did I create my blog: About a year and a half ago
13. What do I post: Fanfics about BTS
14. Last thing I googled: “e4 trafikolycka”
15. Do you have other blogs: Nope
16. Do you get asks: Yeah, pretty regularly
17. Why did you choose your url: I actually don’t remember exactly where it originated from, cos the “monster” isn’t even a reference to Rapmon..
18. Following: 56
19. Followers: 3360
20. Favourite Colors: I like reds and pruples, and a shit ton of other colors
21. Average hours of sleep: About 6-7
22. Lucky number: None, cos ain’t no number ever done nothin’ for me
23. Instruments: I used to play the [transverse] flute, not anymore tho
24. What I’m wearing: An oversized t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts
25. How many blankets I sleep with: Uno
26. Dream Job: Writer, Choreographer ( lowkey a bighit idol)
27. Dream Trip: (we’re talking DREAM rn) Anywhere with BTS, but realistically I don’t really know
28. Favorite Food: PIZZA, spaghetti, cake, et cetera.
29. Nationality: Swedish and Finnish
30. Favourite Song now: I NEED U, always and forever
TAGGING: @taeslilbitch @thatoneblondefangirl @galaxycynd @cloud9carats @mochi--jiminie @kainks
[one, two, three, four, five-... yep, I count twenty]
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let-sanji-say-fuck · 5 years
Taggidy-tag (twice)
Tagged by @morikawahotaruotakuhime~! Been tagged a lot lately, thank you! :D
My fellow tagger here did a wonderful job at tagging people, so I think I won’t tag anyone in these... unless you see it and wish to do it! Then, by all means, please do!!
Nickname(s): My name can be shortened a lot, and the shortest I’ve ever been called is Bri, so let’s roll with that.
Gender: Female
Astrological sign: Leo (rawr)
Sexuality: who knows?
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not me
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor but I can totally roll as a Hufflepuff
Favorite animal: as long as you don’t add bugs to the mix (ffs) I could happily embrace all species on this planet.
Number of blankets: right now? -5. Nah, one very thin cover. Summertime does that.
Where are you from: Spain, España, that country that looks like a profile face, one place too hot for my liking, you name it.
Dream trip: Recently I’ve wanted to go to New Zealand~ Some classics are Scotland, Ireland and Japan.
When I started this account: I missed One Piece and missed writing. You add those two together and BAM, you got me typing smut and tears at a questionable pace once again! Started a month ago, have this baby blog :3
Second tag is a shitty playlist called Let Sanji Say Fuck, right under the cut because it got long:
Love on top, by Beyoncé.
Enamel, by SID.
The villain I appear to be, by Connor Spiotto.
Sick of it, by Skillet.
All nightmare long, by Metallica
No mercy, by The Living Tombstone.
Juice, by Lizzo.
I’ll sleep when I’m dead, by Set it off.
Stand my ground, by Within Temptation.
Alphabet boy, by Melanie Martinez.
You don’t know me, by Ariana Grande.
Flames, by David Guetta & Sia.
ULTRAnumb, by Blue Stahli.
Crazy = Genius, by Panic! at the Disco.
Kissing strangers, by DNCE & Nicki Minaj
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vamprefaggot · 6 years
oh goodness
@futurefamousperson whom you all should follow tagged me(thank u lauren :D)
~rules~ questions and taggidies ;)))
name: Logan
gender: my uhh mcWhat now
height: Short
star sign: leo Dope
sexuality: gay af my smooth lads
hogwarts house: ravenclaw((ikr can’t believe im in the smart house))
fav animal: bATS
average hours of sleep: i’m on break so its either 12 or none
dogs or cats: cats and i promise i’m not just sayng that bc otherwise my cat would shit in my bed
dream trip: brighton w/ @ethxnnestxr :’))
dream job: tattoo artist maybe?
when i made this account: uhh fuck a While Ago 
# of followers: 260 last time i checked lmao
reason for url: hhh i blame josh @designerdadiel 
taggenators: @floristphill @designerdadiel(suffer) @theyremarried @sammisays and the lurksquad sorry fellas 
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judas-had-a-crown · 4 years
@lilac-bramble​ Thank you for tagging me in this, dear <3 I haven’t done these thingies in a long while so it’s nice to dive in again
name: Jasmin
fandoms: A lot, but currently major Bungou Stray Dogs & minor Naruto
where you post: I have an ao3 account named Hanahaki_Blood where I post my most recent works. Somewhere, my abandoned ff.net acc still cries itself to sleep...
most popular oneshot: Surprisingly enough it’s Isn’t it Lovely or The Long Way Home, a Valeyne Oneshot. It’s been so long, but I still love it to bits. I was, you could say, totally enarmored and unrestrained regarding this ship and my wording of it. I could just go, literally, batshit crazy. At times, I’m sorry I ever left it.
most popular multichap: Gioia because of the explicit tag obviously. Y’all are dirty birds and I appreciate that.
favorite story you’ve written so far: 
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fic you were nervous to post: I’m nervous about every fic I post so this doesn’t narrow it down much. XD I guess Lemmings did make me worry a lot since this ship is not for everyone and I was scared of the reaction it would receive. A pointless fear, however, since said reaction has been overall positive which I’m glad about.
how you choose your titles: *cracks knuckles* Love this topic. It’s usually a draw between three options: Song Title / Lyrics, Untranslatable words with special meaning or Specific Phrases or Quotes I just can’t get out of my head. Without music, life would be a lie, so songs are pretty much essential to me envisioning and visualizing my stories as needed background music. I pretty much translate mental pictures into sentences. And Titles might turn out weird but should always have the core of the story slipped in somewhere.
do you outline: I’m not good at it but I do try when it comes to multi-chapter fics. I have a rough plan in my head usually, yet most often this rough plan... fucks up somewhere down the line and then it’s Plan QWY. Don’t ask me, my brain is just that kind of bitch.
complete: Sometimes. Not always. May be left unattended for months only to be finished still, oh the surprise.
in progress: Do you want me to embarrass myself in public or send you a private list?
coming soon/not yet started: Dazatsu Fics, Fyolai Fic, Shin Soukoku Fic, Fukumori Fic, Chuuatsu Collection - ALL OF THE BSD SHIP FICS >:3
prompts?: I would honestly love to do prompts but I can never write like, a 500 word piece and be done with it. I always tend to overwrite things. So sadly no. v.v
upcoming work you’re most excited about: There are a few actually! Of all, two Dazatsu stories and the Chuuatsu one^^ I hope I can make it all in time though. Deadlines hate me.
Who to tag in this one? I’d go and say @kiranatrix​, @ghostoftasslehoff​, @four-dreams-in-a-row​ , @walking-meme​, @reaperlight​ and everyone else who’d like to do it >:3
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prosesque · 6 years
Taggingo Gameo
Taggidy by @spacefreaks thanks matey
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better ;-)
Sign: Saggitarius
Height: 5’ 2"
Time: 12:05 AM
Birthday: Dec. 19th
Average Hours of Sleep: 2-6
Lucky Number: 11
Relationship status: single 
Favourite colour: black, grey, shades of purple (purple itself included), pastel pink, brown and its shades, and silver !!!
Lipstick or chapstick: chappu sticcu
Song Stuck In My Head: drive by oh wonder 
What Did I Last Google: My friend’s home location
Last thing I ate: marshemllow with shreds of coconut sprinkled all over on top of crackers !! was suprisingly good :-)
Last movie I watched: Black Butler, Book of Atlantic (ALTHOUGH I DIDNT GET TO FINISH IT BECAUSSGKDFJHG;KJGH;SKJG) 
Last Show I Watched: The Office
Top 3 TV Shows: The Office, Black Butler, & Psych
Last books I read: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinback & Turles All The Way Down by John Green
Hogwarts house: Ravenpuff
What Do I Post: Dodie and Phil related things and themselves and anything i find interesting or funny or relatable i reblog or aestheticy 
When Did I Create This Blog: June of 2016
Other Blogs: None other
Do I Get Asks: Rarely (please talk to me, I’m lonely) (also yes i kept this in from space freak because relatable) (LOCVE ME GUYS)
Following: about 300
Followers: 1.8k
I taggaroo: @doddlie-clork @theamazingcorpsefreak @frightphil @asplashofstardust & @oldsoulmemories !! But feel free to do this; it isn’t an obligation to do so !! :-) xxx
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alloybuilt-blog · 6 years
taggidy tag
people tags 
◣* ┋ TAG NAME 〉 … tag
◣* ┋ PEPPER POTTS 〉 … she was already perfect 
◣* ┋ JAMES RHODES 〉 … war machine; comin' at you
◣* ┋ HAPPY HOGAN 〉 … forehead of security 
◣* ┋ BRUCE BANNER 〉 … finally; someone who speaks english  
◣* ┋ STEVE ROGERS 〉 … the whole world was wrong about you
◣* ┋ NATASHA ROMANOFF 〉 … nothing lasts forever
◣* ┋ WANDA MAXIMOFF 〉 … they’ll come for her 
◣* ┋ JAMES BARNES 〉 … the winter soldier  
◣* ┋ SAM WILSON 〉 … wears a bird costume  
◣* ┋ CLINT BARTON 〉 … sees better from a distance 
◣* ┋ NICK FURY 〉 … no matter who wins or loses; trouble still comes around
◣* ┋ MARIA HILL 〉 … everything’s changing
◣* ┋ PEGGY CARTER 〉 … the best that we can do is to start over
◣* ┋ HOWARD STARK 〉 … was a pain in the ass
◣* ┋ THOR ODINSON 〉 … mean swing; point break
◣* ┋ LOKI LAUFEYSON 〉 … there will always be men like you 
◣* ┋ PETER PARKER 〉 … i wanted you to be better
◣* ┋ MARIA STARK 〉 … always made it work
◣* ┋ VISION 〉 … our very strength incites challenge 
◣* ┋ T'CHALLA   〉 … vengeance will not consume him
◣* ┋ DIANA PRINCE 〉 … she will save the world 
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