#tagging because i NEED people to know abt this it was VISCERAL
had a dream that wayneradiotv released a new spamton toy commercial advertising a toy that was like. a spamton puppet made of felt and clothing hangers that you had to bend if you wanted to move him. every time the toys limbs were bent it would make the sound of wayne groaning in pain. there was a segment in the commercial that involved the spamton puppet slowly walking across the screen in dead silence broken only by his moans of agony that lasted like a full 2 minutes
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hypokeimena · 7 years
ronan, hjp
i just did harry so
FEELINGS: i love him. i mean obviously i love him. i had to put this bullet point down and do the rest of the post before coming back to this. i project all over him. i can’t think of anything to add here like my feelings about this boy are Too Big.
romantic ships:
henry cheng. i feel like this needs to go first because this blog has a hard-line pro-henry/ronan stance. i like a bickery flirt, i like boys who throw pens at each other… i want them to have a conversation about ronan’s dad and henry’s mom. i want to know about the torrid affair they had freshman year before ronan fell in with gansey and how badly henry took being ghosted. okay.
now that that’s out of the way obviously gansey. let’s go get some orange juice, et fucking cetera. they’re in love
i really like pynch in canon but the fandom has soured me on it a little and i don’t tend to seek it out
nonromantic ships
BLUE! ill write you a headcanon post someday sorry it wasnt happening today i’ll have to PERCOLATE but god i want to tsee them to be better friends. sinking feeling ronan got in his stomach the moment he realized he was ride or die for her.
his brothers………… like he loves them but family is hard for him OBVIOUSLY but i want to know more about. after aurora dies.
i want more of opal but i absolutely viscerally hate the thought of her being a pet and i don’t want her to be a sweetheart baby for him to raise like Let The Boy Exist. they’re definitely close tho idk exactly What i feel abt that relationship or how i choose 2 interpret it but it’s good. 
noah but i have complicated feelings abt that on which i go back and forth lmao. but i do like them together esp w/gansey or gansey by proxy
k*vinsky like i have complicated feelings about that relationship and how m*ggie chose to play it out but that was definitely a Critical relationship and it just. as someone whos had Complicated Relationships that i sometimes wish hadn’t happened but which were still Formative it just really bugs me when people are just like “la la la it never happened” like idk maybe i wish it hadn’t happened too but it did! this is me having trauma feelings idk.
unpopular opinion:
uhhh what i just said about the k stuff, basically, that you can have a relationship with someone and it can end badly or even have been bad the whole time but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t important. his mom shouldnt have died… niall lynch was a bad person. those aren’t unpopular i dont think. fuck.
uh ok this one is going to make me sound kind of bitchy bbbbbut it’s super hard for me to read most fic in which ronan like, exists, because in almost all the stuff i’ve read (not all! but it happens so often that i’m surprised when it doesn’t) the fic is like, about how, ronan is so desperately in love with someone and willing to take what he can get from them. like “ronan loves adam” “adam likes ronan” are tags i saw on a fic and i… i hate that he deserves better? he’s not just like. a source of love for adam or gansey, or an accessory to rodansey so that no one gets left out, like. he is a real boy with emotional needs no matter how bad he is/was at expressing them that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. also adam is crazy about him let them be idiots who are embarrassingly into each other i’m so #bored with post-trk fic where the way they feel about each other is still unbalanced. i hate it.
i like to headcanon him as trans but i would really vastly prefer it if he wasn’t in canon on account of internalized something.
oh also, uh, let him be damaged? the way a lot of this fandom talks about what it means to be a survivor abuse makes me super uncomfy. like yes he has an alcohol problem and bad coping mechanisms; the fact that he overcame the worst of his suicidality doesn’t mean he’s going to be magically better. idk. also a lot of time this is subtle and not explicit condemnation of ronan but goes hand in hand with like “adam is the way survivors of abuse should be” (may of us are not) or “k was bad because he was damaged and that’s why you should hate him” kind of stuff (no uh he did a lot of bad things and that’s why). this is incoherent.
missing from canon: his dad was a bad person, his love scene with henry, the fact that he and gansey have done it. i mean i’m joking about those but like. Give Him Emotional Range we know has it. it sucks that we didn’t get any (? hardly any? none that i can recall??) pov of him healing during bllb. uh. idk.
edit: MAKE HIM GAYER. let him be sweaty and furious about every hot boy. thanks.
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