#tagging with ouran bc these are basically hcs at this point
magicalara · 1 year
I did go to sleep but I woke up :P
Anyway, it was good BECAUSE! I get some of my best ideas when I'm about to sleep or when I just wake up and just... Going off of them as adults and maybe when they all first move in together? That is some good stuff right there.
So at first, Haruhi would probably not want anything too fancy and obviously wouldn't want tamaki and Kyoya to pay for everything so she insists on paying for her part of the house (Maybe they get something a little fancier because idk secret rich people activity)
The bedroom situation would be interesting, not too sure about the dynamic there so I'd wanna know Ur thoughts on it.
Maybe tamaki invents something dumb like "Hey I know, since you're my Husband, and you're my wife, And you're both besties why don't I make a spinny wheel to see who I get to sleep with tonight!" He's like, ecstatic and loves the idea and Kyoya is abt to say something like "No tamaki we can just... Sleep in one bed" But Haruhi doesn't let him rain on his parade, at least for a little while.
Other than that, I feel like when they first move in Tamaki would either be trying to teach Haruhi about normal house things like "Ah this is a toilet, you see Haruhi? You sit down on it and after you're finished you flush with that little thing there," And Kyoya is like "She knows what a toilet is, we've been to her house before"
Every Friday the husbands treat Haruhi to fancy tuna to see the happiest look they've ever seen on her face. Even Kyoya cracks a smile at her eating the fancy tuna. Tamaki is more like "I wish you'd look at me like that fancy tuna, Haruhi" And she'd laugh and him and he'd go and grow mushrooms in a corner or something lol
Around the house, I feel like kyoya would let down his walls a little, and maybe show a little more affection with Tamaki than Haruhi around the house. Ofc Haruhi still shows effection but she's still a lot more of a chill person and her affection is stuff like good food and quality time.
Also they both lived with maids so they'd probably end up learning to do a lot of the housework from Haruhi, who most certainly won't be doing all of it herself. Also could lead to some very cute moments where they learn to do stuff themselves.
I feel like Kyoya would know what to do, in theory but had never actually gone through with any of it. Like folding laundry but accidentally folds it into an... Abstract shape?
Tamaki is completely clueless but silly and completely along for the ride and laughing when he fails at things and Haruhi has to come and help him.
Alright that's all I got for now, going back to sleep
-Ao3 out
I really thought that I answered this. L take skill issue for me I see. Anyways
She totally wouldn't let either of them or the two of them buy anything without letting her pitch in and does it cause an argument because Kyoya gets her logic and Tamaki just wants to spoil her? Yes. But also eventually they'll get him to come around with the promise of lots of affection so they split the monthly payment into thirds. (Kyoya gives himself the bigger third while letting Tamaki think that he has it and letting Haruhi think that they all pay equal amounts)
The bedroom situation!!!!
They all for sure have their own separate little quarters like Kyoya has an office, Tamaki has the living room a space for his little knick knacks, and Haruhi has like this little comfy room full of books and art supplies (bc i really love the idea of Haruhi being really good at art on the side). But for sleeping, I think that there's generally two bedrooms. One has a bed big enough for the three of them that is permanently inhabited by Tamaki and the other has a smaller full sized bed that is big enough for two if needed but is mainly used for when someone just wants to have a night to themselves or they get home really late and don't wanna risk waking the others. I think Kyoya would get the most usage out of the smaller room for the later reason because being a doctor and running the Ootori group probably has him dealing with long nights quite a bit :(
That room is also used to inhabit the sick whenever someone gets a cold or the flu or something like that. That's why there's the double bed because they use to have like a twin xl but the first time Tamaki got sick and was put in that room he whined all night because he wanted Haruhi and/or Kyoya to stay with him and they were like "but there's no room" and he was all pouty until he got better and immediately changed the bed without them knowing until they came home one day and would you look at that next time he's sick there is room.
Tamaki totally would want to make a spinny wheel at first though before he comes to the conclusion that they can just use a bigger bed (and then he totally makes it out to have been his idea the whole time while Kyoya's looking at the sheets he bought from the store a week ago for a big bed like mhm wtv you say sweetie)
Feed Haruhi Fridays lmao I love it. They spoil her so much whenever they can. And she'll do the same back just in littler ways that they might not realize at first and it's so cute and they're so cute and i just akflakbflablfsd
Ahem. Anyways
Haruhi having to make a game out of chores otherwise Tamaki won't do them. That's all I'm gonna say lol
And Kyoya letting his walls down little by little especially now living together with the other two because he was mostly in solitude as a kid and has to get used to it. He probably used the extra room the most before getting comfortable being in the big bed with the others bc he just...didn't know what to do or how to do it. But ofc the others were patient with him and now the three of them mostly end up in the same bed at least 5 out of 7 nights a week
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