#i answered this late oops
magicalara · 1 year
I did go to sleep but I woke up :P
Anyway, it was good BECAUSE! I get some of my best ideas when I'm about to sleep or when I just wake up and just... Going off of them as adults and maybe when they all first move in together? That is some good stuff right there.
So at first, Haruhi would probably not want anything too fancy and obviously wouldn't want tamaki and Kyoya to pay for everything so she insists on paying for her part of the house (Maybe they get something a little fancier because idk secret rich people activity)
The bedroom situation would be interesting, not too sure about the dynamic there so I'd wanna know Ur thoughts on it.
Maybe tamaki invents something dumb like "Hey I know, since you're my Husband, and you're my wife, And you're both besties why don't I make a spinny wheel to see who I get to sleep with tonight!" He's like, ecstatic and loves the idea and Kyoya is abt to say something like "No tamaki we can just... Sleep in one bed" But Haruhi doesn't let him rain on his parade, at least for a little while.
Other than that, I feel like when they first move in Tamaki would either be trying to teach Haruhi about normal house things like "Ah this is a toilet, you see Haruhi? You sit down on it and after you're finished you flush with that little thing there," And Kyoya is like "She knows what a toilet is, we've been to her house before"
Every Friday the husbands treat Haruhi to fancy tuna to see the happiest look they've ever seen on her face. Even Kyoya cracks a smile at her eating the fancy tuna. Tamaki is more like "I wish you'd look at me like that fancy tuna, Haruhi" And she'd laugh and him and he'd go and grow mushrooms in a corner or something lol
Around the house, I feel like kyoya would let down his walls a little, and maybe show a little more affection with Tamaki than Haruhi around the house. Ofc Haruhi still shows effection but she's still a lot more of a chill person and her affection is stuff like good food and quality time.
Also they both lived with maids so they'd probably end up learning to do a lot of the housework from Haruhi, who most certainly won't be doing all of it herself. Also could lead to some very cute moments where they learn to do stuff themselves.
I feel like Kyoya would know what to do, in theory but had never actually gone through with any of it. Like folding laundry but accidentally folds it into an... Abstract shape?
Tamaki is completely clueless but silly and completely along for the ride and laughing when he fails at things and Haruhi has to come and help him.
Alright that's all I got for now, going back to sleep
-Ao3 out
I really thought that I answered this. L take skill issue for me I see. Anyways
She totally wouldn't let either of them or the two of them buy anything without letting her pitch in and does it cause an argument because Kyoya gets her logic and Tamaki just wants to spoil her? Yes. But also eventually they'll get him to come around with the promise of lots of affection so they split the monthly payment into thirds. (Kyoya gives himself the bigger third while letting Tamaki think that he has it and letting Haruhi think that they all pay equal amounts)
The bedroom situation!!!!
They all for sure have their own separate little quarters like Kyoya has an office, Tamaki has the living room a space for his little knick knacks, and Haruhi has like this little comfy room full of books and art supplies (bc i really love the idea of Haruhi being really good at art on the side). But for sleeping, I think that there's generally two bedrooms. One has a bed big enough for the three of them that is permanently inhabited by Tamaki and the other has a smaller full sized bed that is big enough for two if needed but is mainly used for when someone just wants to have a night to themselves or they get home really late and don't wanna risk waking the others. I think Kyoya would get the most usage out of the smaller room for the later reason because being a doctor and running the Ootori group probably has him dealing with long nights quite a bit :(
That room is also used to inhabit the sick whenever someone gets a cold or the flu or something like that. That's why there's the double bed because they use to have like a twin xl but the first time Tamaki got sick and was put in that room he whined all night because he wanted Haruhi and/or Kyoya to stay with him and they were like "but there's no room" and he was all pouty until he got better and immediately changed the bed without them knowing until they came home one day and would you look at that next time he's sick there is room.
Tamaki totally would want to make a spinny wheel at first though before he comes to the conclusion that they can just use a bigger bed (and then he totally makes it out to have been his idea the whole time while Kyoya's looking at the sheets he bought from the store a week ago for a big bed like mhm wtv you say sweetie)
Feed Haruhi Fridays lmao I love it. They spoil her so much whenever they can. And she'll do the same back just in littler ways that they might not realize at first and it's so cute and they're so cute and i just akflakbflablfsd
Ahem. Anyways
Haruhi having to make a game out of chores otherwise Tamaki won't do them. That's all I'm gonna say lol
And Kyoya letting his walls down little by little especially now living together with the other two because he was mostly in solitude as a kid and has to get used to it. He probably used the extra room the most before getting comfortable being in the big bed with the others bc he just...didn't know what to do or how to do it. But ofc the others were patient with him and now the three of them mostly end up in the same bed at least 5 out of 7 nights a week
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
Ik this is super random but I’m seeing MCR tomorrow and I’m so excited I could cry and I feel the need to tell everyone.
Hope you’ve been doing well
Mushroom anon it's been ages! I've been wondering how you've been!! I'm like so excited for you??? I hope you had/are having a great time!
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sad-leon · 11 months
cheese anon be upon ye minimum one character must now be slapped with cheese
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paradoxbeta · 3 months
I've disappeared for a while, because of my friend and crk, anyways--
Im back-
So, could i request our Iterator sillies?
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have an SRS and NSH! ((someone here has to know robots by flight of the conchords, right))
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ruelin024 · 2 months
as a simp, I humbly request nightmare in your style (only if your comfortable) because damn your art is good.
@superbfirnacho My fellow certified simp, I've received your humble request. Now I shall serve you some drawings of Grandpapi Goopy Nootnoot. 🤭
*cough-cough* I dunno what art style I have, I'm inconsistent.
(There's also a suggestive one in there, yeah. (¬‿¬)
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I also make drawing for your Main OC, Ivy. ヾ(•ω•`)o ✨💕
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mrrwsoup · 4 months
3 & 13 for dirge, 1 of them or both if you feel like it
3. What do they want done with their body when they die? Do they have a plan?
No real plans...Doesn't really matter to him. Fine with just rotting where he falls and whoever discovers him can deal with it lol! At least these are his thoughts before he gets involved with Mamba.
Before they start living together Dirge is pretty much a recluse who doesn't have any close friends or family, just going around graverobbing and killing time, so theres no motivation for any memorial or anything.
Post-Mamba....still no solid plans honestly lol except since theres someone around so his body wont just be sitting around waiting to be discovered. The extent of his death plan is just offhandedly half-jokingly telling Mamba like. "Just roll my body into a hole in the yard when youre done with it."
That being said Mamba is a few years older than him and a heavier smoker so in the case Mamba died first Dirge might just dig up his grave and climb in with him ...............yayyyy. he's open-minded tho
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13. Do they like to snack? What do they snack?
Dirge cant cook like. At all. So he honestly probably snacks more than he has actual meals. (Much moreso Pre-Mamba, Mamba can at least cook basic meals and not burn spaghetti so Dirge gets him to cook for them). He'll eat almost anything but doesn't have a lot of money so its just whatever chips and cookies and stuff is cheap or on sale. No regard for health. Likes slim jims and spray cheese on crackers. Has a sweet tooth so im sure he's into all the different hostess snacks. Honey buns probably his favourite.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
What do you think of Hunters eating habits? Do you think he struggles to eat, struggles to keep on weight etc etc
I doubt he was eating all that well in the coven, but he also lives with Darius Deamonne who just wouldn’t let it slide
The way I struggled to find this, I need a better tag system for my blog, but anyway! I actually shared some thoughts here but let's go with some extra thoughts anyway.
It's definitely going to be a challenge for him to break his bad eating habits and actually have three meals a day and such. Because Darius wouldn't want to force him to eat either if he's not up to it, I can imagine at the beginning there was a lot of "well, at least have a snack" which he picked up for later and then that "later" coincidentially never came.
It would have been easier for him to eat normally and healthily at the Human Realm because it wouldn't feel like it's just him doing something he hasn't earned, his friends were unknowingly leading him with their example. It's easier to do something when everybody else is doing it and acting like it's totally normal to have multiple meals a day even when your make-shift portal exploded on your face for the third time this week. He might not fully understand but it's not him committing a wrongdoing all on his own and overtime he probably relaxed with how nonchalant they were about it too.
I think he was generally very polite with Camila, and very grateful, and he felt comfortable there to a certain level, while all of them knew it wasn temporary, plus Camila only had so much time in her day between work and six whole kids, so he didn't have to talk too much with her if he felt anxious. If he ever felt tense, he could just follow his friends' lead and keep going, even if he was doing something as innocent as grabbing fruit from the kitchen while Camila was around. Not so daunting when you have company and you don't have to spend a lot of time with this figure of authority anyway, even if they're nice.
Now, when he moves in with Darius, it's different. Darius doesn't have six kids he suddenly has to care for while simultaneously worrying about coupons and where to get the money for all of them to be able to live in decent conditions, and this isn't a temporary arrangement either, so Hunter would worry more about making a good impression because if this is to be permanent, he has to be a good kid, exactly how it worked at the castle. He spends more time with Darius than he ever did with Camila, and while they already have the precedent of their time at the castle, Darius is now his guardian, so it's different.
Darius would probably tell him straight away he doesn't have to earn anything at his house, and everything there is at his disposition because it's his house now too, but Hunter would probably feel too awkward at first to even open the fridge if he hasn't been specifically asked to retrieve something or told that he could. So between that and his tendency to tell Darius he's not hungry during this or that meal, very early on he would be kinda going back to his habits at the coven.
But yeah, Darius absolutely isn't going to let it slide, even one or two weeks is too much because Hunter needs to eat, he's a growing teenager. Part of it would be definitely Hunter feeling like he doesn't deserve the food, but even without that, once it gets actually into his head that he doesn't need to earn it, he might struggle to actually keep enough appetite for the three meals at first.
I think it's also possible at the Human Realm he could get away with it a lot because Luz and him were probably the club "I don't feel hungry" and then the others looked at them and they looked so worn down that it was evidently not a physical issue, so they just let them because no point in forcing them when they aren't feeling well. It's absolutely the same with Darius and Eber, except there's no urgency nor lack of ability to take Hunter to a healer and see if part of it is his body not being used to have frequent meals like that.
He probably has to start slowly, perhaps with light meals at first, and Darius would help him work through it both with making sure he has the meals he needs so he can eat properly and with encouraging him and supporting him so he stops feeling guilty about "wasting his time and resources".
He gets there eventually, and if he ever doesn't feel like taking a meal, Darius still takes the time to make him a snack. He doesn't pressure him to eat it, but he does encourage him to not feel like he doesn't deserve it. It takes time, but Darius has plenty of it and a lot of patient for this kid that has been hurt in far too many ways.
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difeisheng · 6 months
hi ash, i think i may have asked this before, but from one asian diaspora to another, i was wondering how, if you're able to, you keep up with your chinese practice in a country that's dominated by english (and/or french canadian since ik you live in canada). bc i know a lot of suggestions are like turning your tech to the language you want to learn, put sticky notes on objects with the name in the language you want to learn, etc. but like. i feel like it doesn't matter how much i try and practice bc i'm not in a class, so i don't get it consistently enough, and the rest of my day is filled with english bc, well, that's my first language, and what is needed for my job and every day living. do you have any recs, strategies, or tips? i'm getting desperate; i used to be so much better than i am now. thanks!
hi! honestly, most of my chinese upkeep since i stopped taking mandarin classes (which tbh was relatively recent; this april, and then i'll be taking a cantonese class next term so i can learn to read it) has been a lot less I Need To Practice My Chinese through exercises or dedicated study time, and more just making sure i have frequent exposure to the language that i'm also engaged in. which is a long way to say that basically c-media is how i'm maintaining my proficiency.
i listen to music, i watch dramas and variety shows, look up other vids on bilibili that catch my interest, sometimes read articles, and (very slowly) read fanfic, with pleco open to note new words. just generally scrolling through chinese social media has helped too. having that environment i can immerse myself in helps me learn new vocabulary and practice using what i already know + listening skills, but it also doesn't feel like work or study, just dealing with things i like and am interested in. (this is important for me because i'm so exhausted when i get home every day lmao, if language upkeep outside of class felt like additional Student Time i might have tapped out on attempting it. this way turning on a c-drama at the end of the day just seems like relaxation first and then chinese exposure on top of it).
just by poking through c-drama or fandom things, i know my vocabulary has definitely expanded since i finished my last class, instead of shrunk. even though i watch c-dramas with english subtitles (or chinese and english depending on the platform), i've still picked up stuff from them, and when it comes to things like variety shows i don't rely on subtitles anymore/make myself not. you absorb a lot more of a language than you think just through exposure, imo. although as a caveat for reading specifically, picking up new characters, recognizing them, and reading has been one of the easier parts of learning chinese for me, when it's probably the inverse for a lot of people. i don't know how well just casually reading things will work as a method for others, ymmv.
the thing that i struggle with is getting opportunities to practice speaking, because it's english in my classes and usually with my friends, and either english or cantonese with my family (and i'm not living with them right now). however, i do have a lot of diaspora friends given that i'm in vancouver, and we occasionally dip into speaking mandarin or cantonese. this isn't perfect, but hopefully in future i'll be able to get more speaking experience somehow. what's also helped me with keeping up pronunciation despite these limits is learning to sing chinese songs. singing is one of my hobbies anyway, so i'll use pinyin or jyutping as a guide (getting better at sightreading characters for singing though!) and it's helped me work on certain sounds i had trouble with, and improved my accent. (watching c-dramas even if i don't speak as often has also aided on that front tbh; i listened to recordings of myself from last year and i sound less canto when i speak mandarin now compared to back then, or even earlier this year).
if you want a place to start that i personally think has helped me maintain chinese proficiency, i would choose a variety show you're interested in and try watching it without english subtitles, when you've got free time and want to do something fun. most will have chinese ones you can use to practice reading along with listening, and people usually speak at a conversational enough level that it shouldn't be too difficult to follow along (for ref, after a year and a half of heritage learner mandarin classes at uni i could watch 《我们的歌》/Our Song without english subtitles and understand most of it). variety shows are also really accessible lmao, so many have full seasons on youtube.
tl;dr it's been media exposure for me all the way down since i left classes, wherever i can get it.
not sure how actually helpful all this rambling might be, but this is what i do to keep up my chinese proficiency and keep learning in daily life nowadays! hopefully maybe you or someone else will be able to get something out of it :)
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iraprince · 2 years
hey I might be blind but I remember you made a post about vtubing/pngtubing with some tips and stuff I thin?? and I wanna be a png tuber but I don't know where to start could u maybe link me tht post? i can't find it on your blog. (or im having fever dreams and imagined it lol then ignore this) have a good day ♥
no problem! here's the stuff i've posted so far:
a really really rough overview on getting started with pngtubing (programs you can use to create a model)
a really really rough explanation of OBS/stream overlays (this means what your stream looks like to your viewers, besides just the actual capture of whatever you're doing on your computer)
little example of what my streaming setup looks like
i also have two tutorial streams recorded on my twitch! one is a long-form, real time workalong of me making a pngtuber for honk (the program i use for my own model) start to finish; i cover how to separate out moving parts, layer organization and grouping, and how to import and "rig" in honk (rig is in quotes bc it's really very simple, "assemble" would probably be more accurate.) it's literally like 6 hours long tho so i recommend you speed it up or just have it on in the background while u do other stuff and scrub back thru it if u found anything helpful or interesting, something like that; i also have a much faster/less serious version with a different model if that's more useful for you (way less info but it's 2.5 hours instead.)
w/ these pls keep in mind that, like all my social media, my twitch recordings and streams are 18+ only and also i am stoned a lot of the time
there's also tons of resources online when u search like "pngtuber tutorial" on youtube etc, or if you follow some vtubers on twitter a lot of times we share tutorials and most ppl are happy to answer questions. when i post more stuff on here it will go into my #vtubing help tag, or at least it will whenever i can remember to tag it that
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katierosefun · 1 year
hey :) do you have blogs to recommend for people who love beyond evil? or queer centred kdramas in general haha? i don’t know who to follow i’m new on tumblr and was scrolling the beyond evil and random kdramas tags and got lost to be honest
hi anon!
while there are a lot of really lovely people in the beyond evil fandom, some of the people that i'm particularly friendly with are @b1uetrees, @tiffanylamps, @l-tyrell, @ahjussy, @unrememberedskies, @hanjuwonsupporter (who all write fics/have written fics).
some really lovely beyond evil gifmakers include @thoresque, @yeo-jingoo, @baek1nho, and @juwonah.
and some beyond evil artists include @sickandspiteful, @armouries, @soonsam/@sowarumnicht, @baguettemast3r, @dusty-nao, @thistlearts, @rosesotheracc, and @shhhsoftnwet!
and of course, some other beyond evil people that i'm friendly with/have chatted with on twitter before they migrated over here: @absentomnipresent, @feministdongsik, @moonshalf, @srabaskerville, @urheartsamess, @dulcetpill, @kseniyagreen, @iamatrueidiot, @juwonton, and i'm sure so many others that i might have missed (I'M SO SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE IT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU LESS!!!!! JUST THAT I HAVE LOST TRACK OF PEOPLE I FOLLOW!!)
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
what are your favorite yaksha headcanons? and/or do you want to hear mine?
they tease minu for his little circle symbol on his forehead. when their designs were revealed in that cutscene i was like wow. bosacius drew on his face like he did on xiao but it just never came off! /JJJJ
pretty sure it was already implied but given that new lantern rite lore has been released i still think it's interesting about how the karmic debt amplifies their original like instabilities or conflicts; bonanus was complaining abt her skirt length and menogias was like No I Will Not Change It and then the one scene we got with them is them killing each other.... sighs and sobs. her + bosacius vs minu's design choices who would win
i think it would be neat if bonanus could talk to insects and calm plagues (does teyvat have locusts) but also be an incredible dps (if she was playable). also if bosacius was a catalyst (4 fists do a lot of damage but conjuring thunderbolts do more)
none of these are really favorites but they are at least thoughts
to the and/or: YES give 🤲. i need the hcs so they can feel more like rounded and then I can be thoroughly devastated that they're all dead
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imjustawaffle · 5 months
just randomly remembered my middle school DHMIS obsession and specifically that i fucking loved your DHMIS art (i'm pretty sure i drew fanart of your fluffybird kids at some point?!) and went back to your acct to look at your DHMIS art and it's just hitting me how much of my art style was influenced by yours back then!!!! i really really liked the bouncy fluffy energy it had, i guess. anyway just thought i'd share hope you're doing well!
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sorry for taking so long to respond, I wanted to draw something for this, but I'm an old man who takes forever to draw things. I'll gush under the read me so I don't take up the feed space.
Thank you so much for leaving this ask, I've been struggling a lot recently with finding purpose in my art and it's very heartwarming to hear that I helped someone on their creative journey♥ Fun fact: I was in freshman/sophomore year of high school when I made a lot of my dhmis art, so I wasn't much older lol.
I wanted to do this drawing to showcase how much my art style has changed in the past 5 years, but also to show how much fluffybird has changed as a ship from the youtube -> series transition, when we found out in more detail what the puppet's relationship was. (which in my opinion is probably the funniest ship 180 I've ever seen) Seeing these characters I used to draw in flower crowns and cuddling start beating the hell out of each other was in fact the highlight of my 2022 when the series came out. I hope you enjoyed it too dear anon.
overall I hope your art journey is going well anon! whether it be something you stopped doing or something you still partake in, I'm glad I could be an inspiration to you on your journey, and I hope you find many more inspirations on your path to success, whatever it may be.
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tubbytarchia · 9 months
What do you think of the designs of GEPD's other forms/upgrades?
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I cant wait for another Galaxy-Eyes Photon upgrade because Neo Prime is an insult to the entire archetype's designs and I will eat grass for the rest of my life if it remains the last GE upgrade to ever be released
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motiveloss · 1 year
Hello again ^^ I thought of a cool name for ya, how does Adapt!Sans (ádapt) sounds? You adapt in any environment you are in, since you are drawn in so many of them! I dunno, just dropping some ideas for your human friend ^^
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peachteaships · 3 months
Daily reminder that your f/os love you so much 💖💖
Hehehe, thanks, and your f/os love you oh so much too!!!!!!
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soaricarus · 8 months
oh please bro anything about the ancients. i love learning about people's ancients its the best for real. whaddo they look like?? any societal norms or ideas on governing/social tiers??? and if youve thought about it or an event like this even fits into your headcanon events what do u think the mass ascension/disappearance of the ancients was like?
i've already rambled abunch about them; you can find them all here, a good 2.2k words worth of rambling.
they're a little creature to me. the best example i have is pearls collapsing within stained grounds, but they are an echo, and a kid, so they don't have their mask. digitigrade legs, tails, snouts (maybe even beak-like heads or even just beaks if i end up vibing with some more avian-esque designs), even wings in a few cases (though those would mostly be genemods - which also means yeah they could have feathers 'n fur 'n whatnot, but some wings could certainly be "natural"). they have funky patterns because i can so i will (and also because it's based off of this and this mural from in-game). think stripes, swirly stripes, rosettes, rings, y'name it. they probably have it. they also have lotsa colors, probably either darker or lighter and less saturated; some higher circle members probably have vibrant colors, depends. they can be little creature guys. as a treat. (except for you vigil you can like- get echoed a second time or something)
societal norms? docked tails, cropped ears, clipped wings (if applicable), unless you're higher circle or in a community that doesn't particularly care about it or are just a lucky lower/middle circle member. full masks always on for middle/higher circle in public and during important events. most higher circles probably had feeding tubes. speaking of social tiers, this post right here has my thoughts on them. can go into detail about anything if prompted; this goes for anything i've already said.
i think the mass ascension was by force, considering a majority (~99.5% for my own headcanon) lived atop iterator superstructures by now due to the lethal rains, and the higher circles Definently held the most power, which meant they got the say in it and it was agreed globally that "hey everybody's ascending". there were certainly outliers that didn't ascend (void knows i've got a few ocs like that, looking at you eclipse) due to a multitude of reasons. either because they were outcasts living on the ground, forgotten and left behind, or straight up hid to stay and not be force-ascended. most of the ones that didn't want to ascend did get caught and just- straight up dunked in a vat of void fluid by force, it was very strict and they made sure everybody ascended by checking id drones and wrote down records. though, if they only checked id drones, there's of course be the ones without any or ones that malfunction and weren't counted.
its 5am this might be a little incoherent and not make much sense oops
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