#taiju shiba x reader smut
kira-fluff · 2 years
𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 || 𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖏𝖚 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖇𝖆
pairing: single!dad!taiju shiba x fem!teacher!reader tw: suggestive (fluff to smut), shower sex, taiju being a service dom, adhd!child (cuz taiju has adhd change my mind), language, references to tokyo rev [spoilers] about taiju's back story and arc, mentions of therapy because no one talks about taiju's redemption for some reason, dead spouse, guilt, mentions of god bc taiju is canonically very religious, virgin!reader, handjob/bj a/n: so fun fact i'm an education major lmfao and i love taiju so much this was a shameless word vomit because i love my major and taiju aight - yes i changed the formatting again sorry lol also omggg we're almost to 2k followers i can't believe it!
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every classroom has at least one student that you liked to call "the student you loved the most". this student was typically the student with the most behavioral issues in your classroom. this term, "the student you loved the most" wasn't sarcastic - you recognized that these students were often really the ones who needed the most love.
one of the most important things you learned while running your kindergarten classroom was that the behaviors you saw in the classroom did not reflect the child's character, but rather, their poor coping skills with something going on in their life.
the same could be said about one of your students - koji shiba. he was truly such a bright child, yet not only did he struggle with attention deficit disorder, but he frequently disrupted recess with physical fights with other boys his age. you frequently wrestled with how to handle his struggles. on one hand, you understood that these outbursts stemmed from his adhd... but you were almost certain there was something else that you weren't seeing. however, your meeting with his parents was arriving quickly.
koji sat next to you at recess, a bruised elbow and a bleeding knee (all patched up now, thankfully, because you started bringing a first aid kit to recess). he was scowling, looking down at the ground with his arms crossed.
you kneeled down to look at him at the same level, "koji, could you tell me what happened?"
"he was lookin' at me like i was stupid."
you eyed him for a moment before showing concern, "koji, do you remember what i said we should do when we are having big emotions?"
he avoided your gaze, turning his head away from you as he replied, "nuh-uh."
you gave a patient smile, "when we have big emotions, we don't have to handle them all by ourselves. do you know why?"
he shook his head.
you continued, "because otherwise, those big emotions get bigger and bigger until we can't handle them anymore because they're so heavy!"
he looked pensive for a moment before saying, "'m sorry i punched him. i didn't mean it."
"i know you didn't, your big emotions just got a little too heavy. but who do you think you should be apologizing to right now?"
he lowered his head, pointing toward the boy who was running around the playground with a big bandage on his cheek. with an encouraging nod from you, he slid off the bench, making his way over to the boy. you watched from afar to ensure that both boys were safe, smiling as you saw koji sheepishly apologize to the boy with his head down, scuffing the sand with his foot. from what you could read from the other boy's body language, he seemed like he didn't mind too much, offering a smile and shrug and even inviting koji to play.
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sometime later that day, koji came up to you with a big grin on his face. tapping your arm gently, you turned to him as he said, "miss y/l/n, you're my favorite teacher. i like you."
you held back a laugh at his cuteness (and the fact that you're the only teacher he's ever had). "thank you koji, that means a lot." you ruffled his hair, "i'm so excited to tell your parents what good choices you made today!"
"oh, it's just me and dad."
your eyes widened and you quickly searched his eyes for any signs of sadness or uncomfortability. however, he seemed rather relaxed and even unbothered, though you supposed sometimes kids weren't able to fully process things like that at this age.
you decided to reply in kind, "what's dad like? is he as cool as you?"
you beamed as his eyes lit up, "oh yeah! dad is super cool! maybe even cooler than me! he used to beat up tons of guys.. but he says i better not because that's not nice. dad was in a gang when he was younger so he could beat up all the other kids' dads if they try to mess with me!" he replied proudly, puffing out his chest.
you laughed outright at that, "he does sound pretty cool."
"yeah, and he's single!"
you nearly choked on your own spit. this parent-teacher conference was going to be interesting, you knew that for sure. a former gang member? you couldn't help your mind wander to what he looked like, imaging tattoos, piercings, and the like.
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[taiju's pov]
koji had been going on and on about his teacher since the first day of school. it was a different story every day but usually included the same statements: "she's so pretty!", "she's so nice", "she lets me play with my pencil during lessons to help me listen", "she didn't yell at me when i wasn't paying attention" - all things considered, she sounded like a great teacher. which was good because, well, for most of koji's life he didn't have a mother figure. his aunt who would've been present otherwise was currently in college (as she should be!) and wasn't near our home. but, i think koji felt an absence without his mother, even if he never said anything or didn't even realize it.
it wasn't long after koji was born that we lost her to a car accident on her way to her first day back at work from maternity leave. there wasn't any use in blamin' myself for it anymore and god knows how much fuckin' money i've spent on therapy just trying to fix myself even before all that shit happened.
i swore after the way that i treated hakkai and yuzuha that i'd fix myself and never do that to my family ever again. i struggled for years with unbearable self-hatred at the way i'd treated them. even then, it's a struggle i have to bear because at the end of the day, my therapist says i gotta be kind to myself, too, or some bullshit like that. that i "had a lot on my back as the oldest" and that i "didn't learn good copin' mechanisms". wasn't diagnosed with adhd and a trauma disorder until i was fuckin' 30. still, to me it sounded all like excuses.. still does if i'm honest.
she was the one who taught me to see past myself - past my past self and instead look toward livin' in the present. my late wife was the one who brought me back from the hell i was livin' in day in and day out, and i'll never forget her for that.
my thoughts were interrupted by my son.
"dad, why are we goin' back to school during nighttime?"
"'s time for the meetin' between your teacher and me," i smiled, turning toward koji who started skipping excitedly.
i've met his teacher once before, but only for a moment as introductions were done at the beginning of the year to make sure koji got his school supplies. embarrassingly, though, i could barely remember what she looked like.
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"you're mr. shiba, right? sorry, i'm still trying to connect all of the names to faces," you smiled, bowing to greet koji's father.
"big" was an understatement. this man was massive. you mustn't have realized it last time because you were speaking to a whole crowd of parents from the front of the classroom while they were all sitting, but holy shit, this guy is enormous. similar to your image of a gang member, mr. shiba sported tattoos along his neck that likely trailed down to his chest from what you could see from his suit. no piercings though, contrary to your imagery, however. he must be at least 6'4 from what you could see and incredibly muscular.
realizing you were staring, you cleared your throat awkwardly and motioned for him to take a seat as you took yours, toji following suit as well. your cheeks flushed as you noticed a hint of a smirk on his face as he took his seat.
you folded your hands on top of your desk. "first of all, i wanted to just say that koji is an incredibly intelligent and gifted young man." you smiled toward koji, "but we're still working on making the right choice, however, when we have really big feelings."
mr. shiba raised an eyebrow, "so, he's been actin' up?" he turned toward his son with an expression that clearly said "we'll talk about this later", to which koji shrunk in his chair.
you leaned in closer, raising your voice a little, "i-i want to clarify that after koji and i talk after he makes a mistake, he tries his very best to fix it and make the right choice, mr. shiba."
"you can call me taiju. i've heard about some of the hittin' stuff from the principal, but is there more?"
"sometimes he struggles with paying attention in class, but this is something we are working on as a team, as you know. he is able to do mathematics at least two grade levels above his peers, so i think as long as we continue to practice redirection techniques he'll continue to succeed."
the conversation continued on longer than you anticipated, and you were grateful then that taiju and koji were your last meeting of the day. the conversation went from speaking of koji's behavior and overall developmental and academic success to things of a more casual nature. taiju, you found, was incredibly sweet. he had a way of getting you to laugh when you least expected it. koji got bored pretty early on in the conversation and began to color at his desk instead. taiju showed a great amount of courtesy, smiling softly while you talked and nodding along as you spoke.
in a moment of silence in your conversation, you looked at the clock and realized that it was already seven o'clock.
"oh, i guess it's getting rather late. thank you so much for meeting with me mr. shi-- taiju," you laughed, "and i look forward to seeing how koji grows this year!"
"pleasures all ours, right koji?" the little boy nodded enthusiastically as taiju moved him toward the classroom exit door. just as he was about to move through the threshold, he turned around once more.
"...have ya eaten yet?"
you looked up from your notes, startled, "dinner? ah, i had a late lunch..."
he eyed you for a moment, "... do ya wanna get dinner? ...with koji and i? on me, of course."
"oh, i couldn't impose on you.."
"ya wouldn't be imposin', i offered."
you mulled it over for a moment then replied, "well, if you insist.."
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following your impromptu dinner, you and taiju seemed to get closer. he had your number already because it was on the teacher-parent relationship form he'd received from the beginning of the year, but you'd found each other in the habit of texting each other almost every day. little did you know, this was something out of the ordinary for taiju, as he was rarely on his phone unless he needed it for business work.
taiju didn't know when it started, but that feeling he had once felt with his late wife... it was back.
he knew it was because of you. and that feeling - peace - was something that had seemed too foreign for so many years. the moment he met you again.. saw the way you were looking at him up and down, he knew that he was already falling for you. it was strange because taiju usually didn't let people in very easily, but with you, it was as if all his walls came down immediately. after months of spending time with you, seeing how you treated his son like he was your own.. he knew he couldn't ever let you go. he had to have you. and it was at that moment he knew he was in love.
but... did he really deserve you? he already felt that perhaps god wasn't going to give him another chance after his first love left this world. but slowly, he decided that made it was ok to be selfish again. that maybe if it was you, god would forgive him for wanting more. he reasoned that you would be such a great mom to koji some day, if you loved him back.
if you loved him back.
taiju was blind to the way you longingly gazed at him, wishing for something more. you wrestled with the ethical reasons first. was it wrong to date one of your student's fathers? after wrestling with that issue and your heart one, it was on to another challenge. what if he didn't like you back? after all, he'd opened up to you about his late wife.. explaining that she was no longer in this world... would his heart be ready and open to love someone else again? maybe he was just extremely kind, though you couldn't ignore the way you sometimes caught him looking at you... but you reasoned that it must be something you were trying to see rather than reality.
everything changed one night.
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"thanks for tonight, again... i had fun." you shyly brushed away a stray hair behind your ear as you stood at taiju's doorstep. you'd had yet another one of your little "dinners" ("dates"?) with taiju as koji was at hakkai's for the night.
taiju remained silent, staring down at you. his eyes flicking between your own, and down at your lips. self-consciously, you licked them, swallowing in the uncomfortable silence.
"...is everything okay, taiju?"
his brows furrowed, "....can't..back.....you..."
you raised an eyebrow, moving closer, "what did you say taiju?"
he shuffled his feet closer to you, his hands ghosting over your hips, asking permission. "...i can't hold back anymore with you..."
you placed your hands over his, moving them securely onto your hips as you leaned even closer. "you don't need to hold back, taiju.." you stared at him, eyes hooded with desire.
he sucked in a deep breath, "i hope you know what you're gettin' yourself into."
you carded your hands gently through his hair, then ran them down his cheeks.
he searched your face for any indication of protest before he held more firmly to your waist. then, he leaned in, though he couldn't help himself, and did so rather rapidly, crashing his lips into yours. you felt something stir in your stomach as his lips pressed against yours and a moan escaped your mouth, thus allowing him entrance into your mouth. you felt his wet tongue roam around your mouth in between breathy pants and sharp curses. he moved in closer to you, one of his knees sliding in between your legs as he pushed you up against the door of his home, only the sounds of your moans and his curses between the two of you.
you couldn't hold back any longer, either, as you began to grind your clothed cunt against his black slacks, eliciting a sharp heave from taiju.
"fuck, just like that..." he breathed out between pants, once more encasing your lips in his.
you whimpered as you felt his hands lightly skim below the hem of your shirt. you leaned even closer, if that was at all possible, whispering a soft, "please" in his ear.
he growled, picking you up by the back of your knees and hauling you over his shoulder as you yelped in surprise. he hurriedly thrust open the door to his home, lugging you to his bedroom. he then placed you down, standing up just near the edge of his bed.
he drank in the sight of you as he reached toward his belt, preparing to unbuckle it, when you covered your hand over his.
"wait... can... can i?"
his eyebrows rose as a smirk grew on his face, "ya don't have to ask me twice."
he moved in closer to continue to kiss you as you fumbled to unbuckle his belt, then slide his slacks down his legs. while you continued your ministrations, he worked at unbuttoning your blouse. he could scarcely breathe as he took in the beautiful sight of your tits as they bounced free from your bra - a laced one - he noted. you were so beautiful.
"don't know what i did 't deserve this.."
"taiju, you don't ever need to earn love."
he kissed you again, moving his hands down to trace the outline of your ass. you were wearing a skirt, much to his pleasure, so he slipped his fingers under the hem, skirting his fingers against your thighs.
"jesus, fuck, yer already so fucking wet."
you moaned as his dexterous fingers moved between your thighs, then up toward your waistline, yanking your panties down to your knees.
without an ounce of hesitation, he stuffed a finger into your needy hole, groaning as he felt you clamp around his finger. he then began thrusting in and out of your cunt, adding another finger.
"ah, right there.." you moaned, feeling tears already pooling in your eyes.
"yer so fuckin' pretty, ya know that? so fuckin' pretty for me."
you could only whimper as you felt him continue to thrust his long fingers in and out of you with an almost inhuman speed.
suddenly, he withdrew his fingers from your drooling cunt and picked you up by your ass, tossing you gently onto the bed.
"i can make you feel even better than that," he promised.
without any other warning, he readjusted so his head was just between your legs, and began slowly licking at your wetness, using his finger to flick your clit.
"you taste so fuckin' good," he moaned, "'m already so fuckin' hard for you and i haven't even taken off yer damn skirt yet," he noted as your skirt had merely been pushed further above you, resting a few inches below your tits.
his mouth worked wonders as he lapped at your cunt, drinking you up as you moaned your praises while you gripped his hair tightly. he continued to drink you up as you shook with pleasure until you gripped his hair a little tighter, "taiju, taiju 'm close!"
you cried as he pulled back, your juices covering his face.
he let out a soft chuckle, "don't worry, darlin'. 's okay if i...?"
"yes, yes, please, taiju," you begged, bucking your hips up to try to convey your need and desire.
his eyes were nearly black with lust and he slipped off his boxers. and goddammit, you took in his rock-hard cock, and you weren't sure if you'd be able to take it. everything about this man was massive from his broad shoulders and wide chest that was covered in tattoos.. to even his fat cock, dripping with precum. it was red-hot as he guided it to your hole. you clenched tightly just around the tip and he sucked in a deep breath.
"jesus, doll, 'm not even half-way in," he quipped.
"i-i.. don't know if it's.. gonna fit, taiju," you worried.
"i'll be slow, if ya worried... shit, are you a virgin?"
you blushed a deep red, turning away and nodding.
"fuck, i didn't think i could get any harder. look at what ya do to me, doll."
you slowly turned, looking once more at his angry red rip. you could practically feel his heartbeat inside of you as he pushed deeper into you, ever so slowly. the deeper he went, the closer he leaned into you, readjusting as he took you into his arms.
"y-you can go faster now, taiju.."
sweat was dripping off of him as he tentatively asked, "ya sure?"
you nodded, "'m ready for you."
he couldn't have held back even if he tried after hearing you say that and he began immediately thrusting into you, his pace quickly gaining speed.
"ah-AH taiju!" you called his name, and he let out another groan, thrusting into you harder. you felt so hot..it was unlike any other sensation you'd ever felt before. the tight knot in your belly coiled further almost toward its breaking point.
and all at once, you shouted out his name, cumming onto his cock as he continued to thrust into you, attentively slowing his pace for a moment. just the sound of your yelps of his name, your moans of pleasure, it was enough to make him go insane. he'd never admit to you the hundreds of times he'd woken up in a sweat in his bed, his cock hardened as he dreamt of fucking you until you saw stars. he'd imagined how you'd sound, but nothing could compare to the sweet sound of reality. you were so fucking beautiful. the thought alone was enough to make him let out a loud moan before he quickly pulled out, releasing his seed into the bed sheets. he couldn't help it as his lips met your own sloppily as he muttered praise and curses, telling you just how lovely you are.
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"let's clean you up, yeah?"
you nodded shyly, following him to the bathroom where he turned on the shower. you took the opportunity as he was turned around to hug him tightly from behind, muttering a quiet, "i love you."
he froze and for a moment you thought he was uncomfortable before he replied just as softly, "i love you too. so much."
the shower was warm against your hot skin, and you nearly melted as taiju worked at rubbing the shampoo into your hair gently. gaining a bit of confidence, you smiled mischievously and let your hand wander down to his cock. you were pleased to find it was already semi-hard. he took in a sharp breath, "quit teasin' me."
you turned around, letting the water wash the shampoo out of your hair as you replied, "i wanna make you feel good, too."
you swore his brain short-circuited what with the way his eyes bulged out of his head, eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline. however, just as quickly, a smug grin overtook his surprise. "gettin' bold already?"
not allowing him a chance to one-up you, you dropped to your knees, grasping his fat, drooling cock in your hand. you laughed as you heard him nearly choke in shock.
you gave his cock a few pumps before replacing your hand with your mouth, teasing the tip with your tongue as you heard him groan loudly from above you. you hummed, the vibrations sending chills down his body as you leaned further onto his cock, taking him in your mouth. he sighed breathily, stroking your hair and muttering, "just like that... yer so perfect..."
you hollowed out your cheeks, trying your best to take him fully. taiju, on the other hand, tried to be conscious of you, but he couldn't help thrusting his hips into you, causing you to gag. how the fuck were you so good at this?
you continued to suck him off and, unsurprisingly, taiju couldn't hold on for very long (he was beginning to realize in almost every case he couldn't hold back when it came to you). he made sure to warn you that he was about to cum, letting his seed splatter onto the shower floor.
"yer so good to me, doll. i hope ya know how much i love you."
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you awoke to tangled limbs and messy hair and above all, perfection. everything was just right. taiju slept softly next to you, his strong arms embracing you tightly as you slept together.
maybe one more hour couldn't hurt.
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a/n: lmfao remember when i only wrote fluff? lmfaooooo anywhere here's this shit
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taixju · 2 years
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A little something to get the gears going 🤭 (had to repost bc the readmore tag decided to act up again T^T)
CW: frat boy! taiju x virgin! reader, sacrilege, corruption, breeding, unedited
Frat boy! Taiju who swears you’re a goddamn virgin and roughs up anyone who claims otherwise. He hates it when people talk shit, ‘specially about you — his good little Christian girl, just waiting for a strong religious man like himself.
“There’s no way,” his friends sneer, “Fine piece of ass like that? No way.”
“Shut your mouth,” Taiju snarls, shoving his frat bros off his back, “Don’t talk about her like that.”
Frat boy! Taiju who gets all tongue tied when you flash him that shy smile and wave politely as you walk by. He feels the heat rush to the tips of his ears — how fucking embarrassing. You’re the only woman who’s reduced him to the likes of a timid virgin high school boy.
Frat boy! Taiju who isn’t a virgin himself. Far from it in fact. Rumors of his fat coke can cock spread like wildfire and girls and men alike lined up to get a taste. Hypocritical, you may think but his God named her Virgin Mary for a reason. Not the other way around.
Frat boy! Taiju who knew he had to have you as soon as he first laid his eyes upon you. His friends encouraged him, but you were far from another pussy conquest. You were different. Innocent. Kind. Pure. Surely God placed in front of him as his intended, because you were perfect.
Frat boy! Taiju who swoons you on your first date. He’s a little awkward, you note, but surely different than what all your friends warned you about. He wasn’t brash or mean or rude. In fact, he was very considerate — opening the door for you, pulling out your chair, complimenting you throughout the dinner. And by the end of the night, he had you smitten.
Frat boy! Taiju who can’t resist the urge to taint you when you reveal that you’re a virgin. It isn’t long before he has you naked beneath him in the back of his car — where he discovered that your tits were the prettiest he’s ever seen.
“You nervous?”
You nod bashfully as you use your arms to cover your chest.
“There’s no need to be — I’ve got you, baby. ‘Take real good care of you, don’t you worry — I promise.”
Frat boy! Taiju who swears to himself he’ll only insert the tip but can’t fucking help himself. Your cunt is too sweet — too fucking tight. Everything about this moment feels so right.
Frat boy! Taiju whose dick is too fucking big. His cock is fat, so thick and girthy — there’s so way he’ll fit, you can’t help but think as you stare down as he aligns the swollen tip with your entrance. His ass clenches as he drives forward, only for his slippery cock to slide upward, hitting his torso with a heavy slap. Even after stretching your cunt with his fingers, he struggles to fuck you properly after all this time.
Frat boy! Taiju who, despite his earlier promises, bottoms out in your pussy. And he doesn’t stop there. He’s lost in your cunt — driving his hips forward, the rough rhythm of his thrusts are enough to rock the car back and forth. He loves the sound of his balls slapping against your ass, it means you’re taking him well and he doesn’t forget to let you know.
“Can feel you clenching around me, baby. That feel good? Yeah, I bet it does. You look so pretty with my cock inside of you. You gonna cum? Huh? Can I cum inside, baby? You’ll look so pretty n’ round with my babies…you’d like that wouldn’t you? I promise to take care of you, yeah?
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effetsecndaires · 2 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐞𝐧 + 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬. (𝟐)
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➺ INCLUDES: taiju shiba, hanma shuji, ran haitani, rindou haitani, keizo arashi (benkei), wakasa imaushi, izana kurokawa, (all of legal age, timeskip or bonten) x fem!reader
➺ CONTENT WARNING | this post contains explicit porn links!! you may need to have a twitter account or change your privacy settings to be able to see them. Please do not interact if you are under 18.
➺ NOTE | You ask, I deliver :) the links will probably disappear after a little while but i'll do my best to replace them or find similar ones when that happens!
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Taiju’s fingers are so much thicker, so much longer than yours, always reaching places you can only dream of reaching yourself. He doesn't do sex before marriage but he'd be damned if he were to leave you frustrated and unsatisfied when you're whining and begging so prettily for him.
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Wakasa doesn't like to rush things. He’ll work you to orgasm nice and slow — his cock tucked underneath the rough lacy fabric of your lingerie as he thrusts his hips forward, his cock dragging between your folds while his thumb gently rubs your clit in time with his movements, his breathing uneven and shaky from the pleasure building up.
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Hanma loves being in control, and he loves to put you in your place when you start acting a little too bratty for his liking. There's nothing that thrills him more than watching you squirm and beg, his fingers furiously pumping in and out of your pussy, lewd squelching sounds accompanying the pathetic little sounds coming out of your mouth while his other hand tightens its hold around your throat, teaching you a lesson.
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Izana isn't exactly gentle with you. He’ll hold you by the throat, pull your hair and force your head back as he fucks you like you’re his own personal fleshlight, your neck arching painfully as he keeps you in place - knees firmly planted into the mattress for more leverage. But the pain is always worth it when you feel the sloppy press of his lips onto yours, reminding you of how much he loves you.
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Benkei always pulls the strongest, most powerful and body-shaking orgasms out of you. He's rough but never too much, just the right amount that turns you into a moaning mess, your eyes rolling back in your head. His thrusts are firm and rough, loud “plop” sounds echoing inside the room while the pair of panties he stuffed in your mouth serves to muffle your moans.
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Rindou eats you out like he's paid to do it — always making sure you're nice and comfortable before he dives in and makes a complete mess of you. He’ll slide his tongue whatever way he pleases, up, down, or side-to-side; tasting every inch of you and swallowing everything you have to offer.
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➟ RAN.
Why would you own so many toys of all shapes and sizes when you have your very own loving husband at home? You better hide them well unless you want him to dedicate a few hours of his day to edging you and overstimulating you until you pass out on his lap.
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salaciousdoll · 3 months
· · · ℜ · · · Aren’t You What They Call a Milf · · · ℜ · · ·
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.·:*¨¨*:·. starring Ken R. , Manjirou S. , Baji K., Emma S., Hina H., Takemichi H., Chifuyu M., Kazutora H. , Hanma S. , Kisaki, Peh Y., Pah C., Izana K. , Mochi, Muto, Shion, Sanzu A. , Shinichiro S., Benkei A. , Takeomi A., Wakasa I., Mitsuya T., Hakkai S., Taiju S., Kakucho, Kokonoi, Inupi, South T. , The Haitani brothers x Milf! reader .·:*¨¨*:·.
ᰔᩚ ━━ Warnings: ᰔᩚ ━━ Warnings: Final Timeline! So spoilers, smut, threesome, reader is a switch here, foursomes, fivesomes, gang bang( consensual), Benkei and Mitsuya are end game here, OG black dragons is a little mean, dirty talking( heavy, degradation, praise, pet names, bodily fluids( squirting, cum, spitting, sloppy blow job,etc.), big exhibition here( fucking in a top down convertible, Mitsuya fashion shop, and etc.), yes I know inupi is not in Tenjiku besides they’re all friends here anyways just decided to group them by gangs to avoid writing for every single one of them, little plot here, AGE GAP, DARK CONTENT! voyeurism, missionary, doggy style, attempt at frog style( if that’s what it’s called), reader knows what she wants, breeding kink, reader is a undercover slut, chubby reader, oc kids named amethyst and saphhire( twin girls), pink obsessed reader/momma which means kids are drowned in pink everything, you are 37 years old here so have fun with that, wanted to write an older reader for a long time, nipple play, lactation kink, spitting kink, rough and slow sex, teasing, headcannons are not really headcannons because again I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing with writing that shit, dilf( Draken ), reader and the husband was swingers once upon a time, cuckholding on Hina, Takemichi, and black dragon part, the oh black dragons are older than reader but that’s okay they weren’t even thought of until now. If I’m forgetting something lemme know.
ᰔᩚ ━━ Word Count: 14.5k
ᰔᩚ ━━ Dolly Note from Salaciousdoll: this is really a surprise drop because I thought I was going to post it Saturday tbh but said fuck it give y’all a gift early. I really hope you like it, it’s not the best but it’s something. Been wanting to feed my starving babies from the tr fandom for a minute so here you go. Also the reader is an older woman who’s just fucking everyone why? Because some people pissed me off by slut shaming but nevermind that, Love you guys 🎀
Minors do not interact, 18+
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Moms. The person everyone got or needed in their lives as the guidance they need. The carrier. The heart of the family because without a mom being the heart of the family, the family can’t pump blood and love. You were that mom. The mom that your mother was or weren’t, it all depends on yourself. You aimed to be better than your mother even if she was a good mother to you and you did with the two little girls you birthed and raised with your ex- husband. They were the joys in your life, such beautiful little humans to you and everyone around you all. After your divorce from your beautiful husband you still were on good terms with, you moved to another city. You were so glad that he agreed to have the kids a week after you because no matter if you got a divorce you didn’t want your babies to be affected heavily by it.
Your twin girls were the joy and light in your life. You were the pink mom every pink obsessed girl wanted. You always dress your babies in pink and don’t even get me started on the patterns you choose to dress your daughters in but don’t worry they both have a say-so if they don’t feel like wearing anything you pick for them to wear. Your mother didn’t give you that option, but you did with your little ones. From two year olds up until now, 9 years old.
The girls were so excited for today. Today was the day you were moving to another city as a result of starting your new job and new life away from your husband and his new girlfriend. You two have been divorced for years now and you were glad he moved on after sending letters and posting sticky notes on your Children’s backpacks or notebooks saying things like “ lunch today?” Or “ We could always try one last time” or your favorite one “ My sunshine and my little flowers”. It never ended with him until it stopped just five months ago when he met his girlfriend. His girlfriend was someone you called introverted and that’s just what he needs, a shy woman for his outgoing personality, plus she was an entire sweetheart and someone you gladly liked your kids to be around.
“ Mom, is this the house? It’s so big for us!”, sapphire said pointing to the house. It was indeed a beautiful, big house. From the opening gate with your last initial on it in pretty, cursive letters to the big, cilo pivot house-door, you knew you made the right choice for your babies.
“ Mommy mommy, I wanna go inside.”, Amethyst yells as she runs past the gate and towards the front door to open it.
“ Do not run, walk! Don’t want you to hurt yourself and then I’ll have to sit in the hospital while my baby get treated.”, You shouted after her, smiling when she actually listened and power walked into the house.
You really hope you three weren't disturbing the neighbors around and didn’t attract any eyes for now, you were dead wrong because Draken was bringing a box out of Mikey’s house and saw the huge moving truck down the street—just five spaces down from Mikey’s big ass house.
Mikey had boxes of Magazines Emma’s own since she was staying at his house while they were fighting. Draken loved Emma but their fights were stupid and frustrating sometimes, however, the fight they’re in is not. He stayed out all night with Mikey and Mitsuya partying because of the celebration of Mikey winning his championship game. Believe him, he wanted to leave around 12 am, but Mikey had other plans like having a race in a vacant parking lot. Nevertheless, he was glad she and his little boy and girl accepted his apology, they were even mad at him.
He stopped with the box in his hand with his mouth opened a bit in awe, you were a gorgeous woman, way too gorgeous and just right for him and Emma, especially Emma who was looking for another sex partner for both of them. You were taking a box out of the moving truck and you could hear your little girls in the house screaming and running around the empty house in excitement. You almost wanted to cry because you came a long way to get to this point right here. Bouncing from jobs to jobs after completing college and then getting an opportunity to become a fashion designer for your own company which has been skyrocketing since your first fashion show. All while going through departure and divorce from your first love, your ex-husband. Let’s not forget about your twin princesses who gave you the world every time they opened their eyes in the morning or whenever they wanna wake up since sapphire likes to sleep until 12 pm.
You didn’t realize you were standing at the back of the truck staring at the other boxes with your eyes wide and watering—you were dazed out until you heard a deep voice, “ Do you need any help? Couldn’t help but notice you moving in.”
You turned to the voice who interrupted your thoughts and smiled at him making his heart beat pick up, “ No, I wouldn’t want to bothe-”
He turned to pick up a box out of the truck, “ I offered and you’re saying you're bothering me, how rude of you.”
You studied his features and noticed he had a tattoo on the side of his hair, black silky hair was pinned up into a man-bun. His eyes were so onyx like but you were afraid if you would look longer at him, you’ll start trying to figure him out like you always do anybody you come across. It was annoying. You gasped once you just now noticed he called you rude, so you called out to him, “ Hey! I’m not rude, just didn’t wanna bother anyone okay? I’m new here, ya know.”
“ I could tell. No one as beautiful as you is around here. My name is Manjirou Sano, what’s yours?”, Another voice says from behind you. You whirled around to look down at a man who was just as beautiful as the other.
You were about to answer but the same man who helped you bring a box in spoke again, “ Mikey, I thought you were meeting up with your brothers?”
Your head went back and forth between the two as they spoke in Japanese in front of you now. You picked up some words like brother and annoying. It seems like the conversation was intense from the way the short one looked up at the taller one. They both held eye contact until they turned to you in the middle of them, the short one speaking again, “ Now that that’s out the way, what’s your name, pretty one?”
He took the box out of your hand smiling at you while you were finally answering him, “ { Reader’s name}, nice to meet you two and thank you so much for helping m-”
“ Mommmm, Amethyst isn’t giving me my tablet, she’s running around the house with it and I don’t want her to droppp itttt.”, Sapphire whined as she stomped out the house.
You looked at the two men with an apologetic look in your eyes and they waved you off, not bothered by your daughter acting like her age at all. You sighed and walked to her with a box in your hand, “ Where is she right now?”
Your daughter led you to Amethyst who was on top of the balcony smiling and laughing until she saw your stern face. She slowly put the tablet down and her smile sequenced with her tablet, both went down. You put down the box not noticing eyes on your full figured body. The body Draken has beat to when he was 19, it’s like all the milf videos he consumed has come to life as he analyzed the curves of your hips and the roundness of your ass. Your boobs were beautiful especially since it seems like they are still full of milk. He would know because Emma’s boobs looked similar to yours when she was pregnant with his child and that was 7 years ago in 2018. Now, Emma’s boobs were heavy with stretch marks on them kinda like yours except yours looked like you gave birth to two people and had to feed two people. He was beginning to feel like an obsessed weirdo and somehow his mind was only offended by the weirdo part.
Mikey was too busy focused on how your body rolls moved whenever you spoke or moved when pointing a finger at the child being scolded right now. He watched as your lips trembled while you spoke almost like you didn’t want to yell at your daughter or perhaps your love for them was too big and it took a lot out of you to yell at your daughter who looked like a cute kicked puppy being yelled at. Mikey almost spoke up for the little girl when he didn’t even know the situation or had anything to do with your family at all. His mind didn’t like the thoughts of growing attached to you, but his heart told another melody. He needed you or needed to be in your life one way or another. Even in the past life with Takemichi, he always wanted someone similar to you with or without kids. A mysterious beauty.
“ Ammy baby, I do not like yelling or scolding you, so can you please promise to be nice to your sister. You’ll be able to have fun with her just wait until I get us settled in and then you could play with your sister, he’ll even run in the backyard all you want just don’t go near the pool area, deal?”, You were now upstairs on the balcony with your daughter, both of you on your knees with a pink out. Your daughter smiled and wrapped her little pinky around your pink, sealing the deal with her speaking, “ Deal mommy, but mommy, can we go get our nails done again? I want light pink with zebra designs again like sapphire has with her star nails.”
You looked at her nails and smiled while nodding your head up and down, “ Okay, but no ac-”
“ No acrylics or press on or long nails at all, I know mom.”, Amethyst says with a big smile on her face. Her chubby cheeks were a cute distraction for you all the time but not this time as your voice grew a bit stern, “ Don’t interrupt me anymore, amethyst.”
Her little “sorry mommy” melted Draken’s heart a little because he remembered his little boy always saying sorry after Emma scolded him, even now while he’s seven. He could take a wild guess and guess your daughters are around his son’s age, maybe even older than him.
You smiled and pinched her cheeks owning a whine from her saying she’s older now but you paid that no mind, “It’s okay… but it’ll have to be when you come back after next week. Remember you have to go with daddy this week, which also means the faster you unpack, the more time we’ll have to get that mirror you wanted and take sapphire to get ice cream.”
“ Okay! We’ll help and stop playing, right Saphhire?”, Your daughter turned to hang her arms over the balcony while looking down at her sister who’s standing with her hands on her hips.
Sapphire narrowed her eyes before nodding her head. You smiled and clapped your hands, “ Okay, we shall be done by 6 pm since it’s 11 right now. Wanna see who can unpack the fastest?”
Sapphire perked up at the question and yelled up at the balcony where you and Amethyst stood, “ Yes! Gonna beat you two anyway. I run track.”
“ Oh please, saphhy, it’s baby track compared to the one we seen on tv, right mom?”, Amethyst said looking up at you.
You waved your hand and stepped back, “ That’s between you two, leave mom out of this one because you already know how she gets when people say that. You picked your battle now you gotta deal with her fact checking you. Sorry, baby girl.”
Amethyst pouted while sapphire was already on her way up the stairs to give her sister a talk and lesson meanwhile you were heading downstairs to the men you almost forgot were in your house.
“ Sorry about that, now where was I? Oh thank you for offering to help, but I think we got it from here, don’t wanna keep you for that long.”, You say while moving past them to walk outside to the truck.
“ Why are you trying to get rid of us so quickly, {reader’s new nickname}?”, Mikey pouts.
You whipped around at the name with confusion on your face, “ { reader’s new nickname}?”
Mikey smiled with his eyes closed at your question while Draken started to speak to you, “ yeah, I think it’s kinda insulting to say that after we just declared we’re here to help you. Besides, we can make it much easier if we invite our friends to join and something tells me they wouldn’t mind. The question is will you?”
You stared at the two and suddenly thought of something, “ hol up’ prior to agreeing to what you said. I need to know who’s moving my things in my house with me and my girls, so what’s your name? I already know your Manjirou, what’s your handsome?”
Draken almost stuttered but caught himself quickly with a small space of ruby hue on his face, “ It’s Ken Ryuguji, nice to meet you.” When your hand was in his, he felt the roughness of your knuckles and the softness on your skin. The feeling of your hand inside of his hand sent an electrical shock feeling inside of himself and he needed to know more about you. You got him to blush just like Emma and Mikey noticed that and saved it inside of his mind to tease Draken about it later.
Your unexpected laugh brought him back out of his daydream/thoughts, “ Nice to meet you as well, Kenny boy.”
Draken wonders if you could see how large his eyes got when you called him that, but your smirk lets him know that you did. Draken covered it up by turning around and taking long steps to your moving truck while Manjirou was on the phone with, you could guess, his friends.
And yes, there were a lot of them participating in moving your things. One guy with lilac hair in a mullet named Mitsuya and his friend with his blue hair in a haircut were great at getting your kids to focus on moving their boxes upstairs on the balcony by racing or in your words pacing with them. Another pair of guys, one with long hair and yellow highlights tied in a man bun and one with black hair down to his ears, were steering a guy with long, black hair and blue highlights in his hair away from you. You learned that they’re names were Kazutora, Chifuyu, and Baji, respectively. You suspect that these three are gonna be trouble for you, mainly baji. Oh how right you are…
A guy named Hanma wasn’t even helping just trying to get you to be his “ sexy vixen” for his photos to which earned him an insult and eye roll from Kisaki, a man that held elegance and if you looked in his eyes long enough, when he shook your hand when Manjirou first introduced you to him, you thought you seen hidden desires and mystery you could easily unsolve if you stared him into the eyes any longer. So you quickly broke eye contact with him.
You laughed at, who you learned are, Pah-chin and Peh arguing over one box, pulling it like a tug-of-war rope, it was funny but angry just ended up taking the box from them with Kakucho and his twin brother, Smiley, at his side. You were progressing greatly with unloading the truck but you also felt multiple eyes on different parts of your body. It was a lot of people here helping you so you could understand the eyes but it felt like some eyes you couldn’t shake off and when you felt a hard stare on you, you turned to see a white haired man with tan skin staring you down and he didn’t even blink while he stared at you. It was creepy and you were glad you were now grabbing the last box before another man with blue and blonde hair in a mullet helped you close the truck with his brother beside him.
You were so glad you were done by 6:45 pm because now you could take your daughters on their promised trips but first you wanted to thank the men that came to help you and your girls move your boxes inside. You didn’t particularly know why you allowed them all to help you, but they seemed to really want to help and plus maybe it’s a sign for something far greater to be bloomed. It was a gut feeling you were leaning on.
Your girls were now pushing their boxes into their rooms while you were on your way out the house.
Meanwhile, Draken and the rest were coming up with a plan to see you again. Chifuyu put his finger on his chin, “ what if we just show her around Tokyo one by one.”
“ How would we do that genius, we don’t live around here, only one who does is mi- that’s it, the key is Mikey’s house.”, Baji says to the other men around him.
Mikey shook his head and waved his hand in a ‘no’ motion, “ No, not possible. Need privacy, I mean it’s already bad enough seeing Baji and Hanma every other day drinking my juice without my permission.” He finished off his statement while glaring at the two men who shivered from his infamous glare.
“ She’s such a damn babe man ♡,why wouldn’t you like to see us win with her?!”, Hanma exaggerates, throwing his hands up.
Ran spoke next, “ She’s too good to be true. Almost too good. Perfect chubby body of hers, just want to palm every rumple and lump on her body, want her to scream my name. Fuck that I might even impr-”
Mochi interrupted him, “ Dude, you just met the woman, at least take her out or something. This is why women like her needs real men like m-”
“ Fuck no, she needs me because at least I’m good with kids, the orphanages proves that.”, Rindou says with a toothpick in his mouth.
“We’ve all participated in that Izana’s orphanage and were good with the kids so that’s debatable. Besides, the others haven’t even met her yet.”, Muto says next as he leans on his bike with his arms folded.
“ Sanzu should’ve been here then, so stop bringing that airhead up.”, Ran finishes.
You walk out to see all the men are either on their motorcycles or standing talking to another on their motorcycles. Your shoes were replaced with your pink heels which combined to your outfit of a pink, sleeveless top with dark blue jeans. Your sunglasses that were on your head were now on top of your sleeveless top. Each one of their eyes were now on you and they were analyzing every detail about you. From your walk they found attractive to your hair in a hairstyle you had, they even paid attention to the way your body bounced as you walked, specifically your tits.
“ I just wanted to thank you all for coming here to help me and my girls, hopefully we’ll see eachother agai-”, you say before feeling a hand grab yours, bringing it to his mouth.
You felt a small, wet kiss on your hand black hair with blue highlights falling in front of his face a little bit, “ You will see us again, after all Mikey and I are you neighbors.”
“ Mikey and I?”, Mikey asks, repeating what Baji said in confusion and frustration.
“ That explains why Kenny boy appeared out of nowhere.”, You say smirking when you see his face frown up because of your nickname.
“ Don’t call me that in front of them.”, Draken said with authority, balancing shyness in his tone. You laughed at his face, “ My bad would you like to hear me say it in private.”
Draken ears got red and he turned his head from your pretty eyes scoping out his face for his reaction to you baiting him, well. Too well especially when that comment made the other men's eyes wider and mouths drop into big and little o’s.
“ Anyways.”, you walked up to Mikey, who was eye level to your breast as of now and he was damn sure enjoying the view too. “ phone.”, you say as your manicured hand was held out towards him.
He had a confused expression on his face as he dug into his back pocket for his phone, now holding eye contact with you as you stared at him. He unlocked his phone and placed his phone in your hand— taking that as a go, you scrolled and found the phone app to put your number in his phone. Placing it back into his hand, “ Call me anytime you want, we’re neighbors now Manjirou. As for the rest of you, is there anyway I could re-”
“ Pssh, you do not have to pay us. Think of this as the start of a great thing, miss { reader’s last name}. It was very nice to meet you and I think that’s more than enough for many of us. So no payment.”, Kakucho says while starting up his motorcycle like the rest of them.
“ Is anyone gonna let me finish my sentences around here?”, You yelled as they were riding off. Mikey walked back to his house and Draken followed because his car was in front of his house. They were gonna continue until Mikey turned back to you with a big smile on his face, “ Nope. Plus that was a question!”
You laughed as he yelled back at you as the motorcycles rode off into the orange sunset. You had a feeling this wasn’t gonna be your last time seeing them. You heard your twins file out the house calling your name with their little jackets on them, ready to go on your small adventure before their dad came and got them for his week.
☆ᩧ  Draken and Emma ୨ ♡l
It’s been two months now and You and Draken hung out with each other a lot more than mikey especially because it’s their off season for their joint career. He told you all about his kid and wife which led to playdates with each of your children.
The playdates then led to meeting Emma who just got home from her trip with a woman named Hina. To say Emma wasn’t interested would be a lie because the way she held your plush body against her petite one was far too long and Draken knew from her famous wink and smile at him that he brought the perfect woman over to fulfill their desires.
From the way your tits sit in your light pink, ballerina wrap sweater and your hips looked in your blue jeans— hugging your wide hips tightly in the right places. You didn’t care about your tummy spilling over your pants which only added to your sexiness. You looked expensive and smelled expensive and yummy with your perfume following you everywhere you moved. They both thought as they eyed you while you were over for lunch— this time without the kids.
Coming to lunch with Draken and Emma was a normal thing, you lying underneath her as Draken was thrusting into your melting mouth was a different thing. A new thing— yet you and them loved this new thing because your moan-gargles were the highlight of both of their evenings and the fact that your pussy was getting sticky and wet from Emma was enough for you. Draken’s cock inside of your mouth was the plus.
“ Oh God! I haven’t had this much fun since Hina babe, Aah~.”, Emma moans as her slick covered yours— she sat her wet, pink pussy on top of yours and rose up to heaven because of how wet you were too. Your pussy was so much fatter than hers and she wanted to bury her face in it later.
“ Oh fuck, just like that, flick your tongue just like that pretty girl.”, Draken moans as he grips your hairstyle into a knot. Your tongue was flicking right and left his cock where his little vein lay, you knew that would break him since you used to do it with your husband. And believe me, he broke so much that he couldn’t talk to you for a day from embarrassment.
“ mmm, I cwn’t I cwn’t, mmmghhuhhh.”, Your moans were gargled and blocked by Draken thick cock going in and out of your mouth, the faster he went, the more the stretch burned the sides of your mouth. Emma went slower at rubbing her clit on top of yours— her hips were so tiny and round underneath your hands as you held her trying to make her go faster, sadly she didn’t listen. In fact, she loved the tears by building up in your eyes from the mouth penetration from her husband and the teasing she was doing as she performed scissoring against you. One of her pale creamy legs was in between your sorrel, thick thighs as she held onto your leg that she lifted up to a better position and held herself up. Emma was in love with the way both of your pussy’s made cute noises. Fuck it, they had to keep you for themselves. She’s gonna talk to Draken about it.
Speaking of Draken, he was too busy wrapping his hand tight around your throat, feeling his dick against your neck, the dick print caused him to become animalistic. His balls were now slapping against your forehead and it was a feel-good hurt. That wasn’t even summing up how brutal his pace was in your throat. Somehow it was too brutal, like the just right brutal and you loved it. “ Shit her throat is melting my dick, it’s like her throat is a predator clenching its teeth into a prey, so tight and wet. I could imagine that’s how her pussy feels right ems’?”
“Mmmphhh, fuck babe keep talking like that, I’m close but before you do, yes her pussy feels so good against mine. So wet and sticky, think I felt her clit, uhhghh Drakennn, h-her clit twitched which means she’s either about to cream or squirt. I’m betting on squirting. A shopping spree and another day with her on my end of the deal, what’s yours?”, Emma says as she starts speeding up by rocking her hips forwards and backwards in a riding motion that Draken loves when she’s on top of him. He was too mesmerized by her tits moving back and forth and your whines and moans vibrating his cock was not helping. Emma didn’t even want an answer because she was too lost in your pussy juices mixing with hers almost too perfectly. Your clit vibrated against hers and suddenly she felt a wet substance gush out of your pussy with your loud moans vibrating and engulfed by your own spit against Draken’s cock. All three of you screamed out or groaned especially when you swiped your tongue under his vein one last time.
Emma groped your right tit with her right hand and brought your hand to grope her left tit with your left hand. Her pussy was creaming against yours and yours was squirting against hers which means the substance was turning white and creamy. “ Dr-drakennnn! {reader’s nameeee}, I’m cummin’”
Draken’s hand reached between you two to feel both of your wetness and brought his hands to his mouth as his cock was parked inside of your mouth, lumping his cum into you nonstop, “ so fucking good, need you to swallow all of it, ya hear me? Wanna’ fuck you and my wife while you two lay on top of eachother but first I need you to take all of my load, fu-uuhhh-ck, so hot and sexy.” He was looking at Emma and then peered down at you with your face covered in mascara and spit dripping down your face from his rough face fucking. Yeah, he was definitely gonna give you and Emma a prize and you’ll be a fine third in their relationship, especially since your children seem to get along well with theirs.
☆ᩧ  Takemichi and Hina ୨ ♡l
Hina and Takemichi were looking for a person to fulfill both of their desires at once so when Emma told Hina about you and her time with one another, Hina was intrigued on meeting you, so when she did, she was stunned. Takemichi was definitely gonna love you because you’re exactly the epitome of his browser history and you are literally the woman described in his dream he told her about. He was so into Milfs so you were perfect and she was into hot older women so you were perfect.
Meeting Takemichi after Hina was something you’ll never forget especially when he blurted out “ Hot” when he saw you just for Hina to enclose her hand over his mouth, apologizing profusely to you in the act of saving you from possibly chewing up takemichi. She let out a sigh of relief when you just smiled at the two.
Once they both got to meet you, they started to hang around you a lot for a month, Draken and Emma hung out too but Takemichi and Hina were clingier to you, it was a weird but good feeling. The feeling of you being wanted was something you haven’t had in a long time towards you so why not indulge in it with another couple. Remember no strings attached to your little affairs; a note you made to yourself.
Reasons why you were rolling your hips on top of Takemichi snatching all of his moans from him with a sealed kiss each time he let out a squeaky moan. Your hands were flat against your bed and your boobs were happily bouncing in his face causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head, “mmmhh fuck Mitchy, you’re dick is stretching me open. Is this what you take every night little Hina?” Once your head turned to her Hina moaned even more louder as she watched you continue to roll your ass in a slow circle, taking his dick in and out of your clenching hole. She always wanted to see someone else fucking Takemichi while she watched or joined, last time it was Emma since they decided on swinging that one unforgettable night after planning that for years.
She reached down to rub herself through her panties as she watched you wait for your answer and once she didn’t give you one, you slammed your ass on Takemitchy’s sensitive cock, taking him deeper inside while still holding eye contact with Hina, “ I don’t like to repeat questions, pretty one. Now answer my question or would you like your husband to pay the price by expanding his overstimulation time, limits are only for good boys and girls, especially if they’re married to each other because remember, Ahh fuck, remember you guys are one, so what ever you do will effect the other one.” Takemitchy couldn’t take your pussy swallowing his cock so deliciously and came inside of you surprising you a little. Hina was even surprised but luckily she was even more turned on because she never would’ve guessed she’d be into sharing as much as she is right now. Maybe it’s because she wanted you too.
Takemichi clenched the sheets with a tight grip pleading for mercy, “ Please.. please, I can’t. Oh god, Hina please answer her baby. Ahhn shit, she feels so hot and perfect.” Hina now had her fingers inside of her squelching pussy not caring about anything but the way you demanded an answer from her, fuck she was in love with your dominance, “ I-I’m sorry, yes yes I take all his cock every night, can I please touch you or you touch me? I don’t care I just want your attention~”
You laughed and used two fingers in a come here motion to her which immediately made her stand up and come next to you— grabbing her chin tightly, you smiled at her, “ Touch yourself Hina, touch yourself while you kiss me as I fuck your husband like the dirty man he is. I got a feeling you want to see him cry just like me, isn't that right Hina?” She nodded her head and placed her lips on yours savoring the taste of your pink flavored lip gloss on your lips, although the flavor lasted longer than the gloss though. Hina reached to play with her clit in between her index finger and middle finger- whimpering in identical Rhythm with her husband who’s panting and crying with big tears rolling down his ruby flushed face, “ wan’ more! Need more miss {reader’s name}.”
“ Really now? Stand in front of me, on the bed. Latch onto my shoulders if you have to.” You looked down and smirked at Takemichi before lifting all the way up, his cock finally getting the rest it needed. Relief only washed over him for a quick second because now you were pushing his cock back and forth on your clit and vagina hole, it’s like you were teasing him too damn much and he knew he was gonna burst any minute especially from the water erupting from your pussy causing you to shake a little— letting go of his cock because of your pussy starting to squirt even more as you continued rubbing your pussy on his dick.
“ Shit Hina, {reader’s name}, I wanna cum. Wanna cum so bad. Can I cum please? Please.”, Takemichi moaned as his head flew back against the pillow. Takemitchy looked so pretty in your eyes as his sweat rolled down his face connecting with the fat tears pouring down his eyes, his slender chest lifting up and down and perky nipples red with bites from you and Hina prior to this session now. Wonderfully, something even more prettier was in your face now: Hina’s wet pink but slightly tan pussy. You looked up at her as you stuck your tongue out ready for her to ride your tongue. This just reminds you of you and your husband swinger days, oh how you missed experimenting with your ex-husband.
Hina threw her strawberry blonde hair back as her head snapped back in pure carnality of your thick, wet muscle swiping across her pussy. You hummed in delight before reaching up to grab her hips and shoved her pussy into your face— latching your lips on her clit during the time of her small, delicate hands holding tightly onto your head, raising one leg up on your shoulder to give you better access, “ Fuck, this feels soooo goodahhh, keep licking me like that miss {reader’s name}.” You gladly obliged to her small demand and flicked your o this faster over her clit making sure to apply a little pressure on her clit by the heaviness of your tongue. She tasted so damn natural and good, pussy was something you loved eating and appreciating when it comes to women, she was the woman who’s pussy you’ll come back to for thirds, fuck seconds.
Takemichi was cross eyed now at the time of small spit strings appearing and disappearing whenever he opened and closed his mouth, panting out wanton moans and whimpers when you finally reached down to skillfully place him back inside of you. You loved the feeling of his cock jumping inside of you as his and your juices mixed together started to drip down his balls and onto the bed. He felt so sticky and he didn’t care. This was his first time cumming back to back and it’s all because of you. You were Overstimulating him and his wife especially with the way your tongue flicked against his wife’s pussy. He couldn’t think about nothing as he heard Hina’s pretty moans and the slurping and wet sounds you were producing by your mouth and pussy. This was the best he had and he’s pretty sure Hina thinks the same because of the way she’s thrusting her small hips up and down— shaking as she approached another orgasm. “ mmm, God, I wanna do this again, Hina. Shit.”
☆ᩧ  Mitsuya Takashi ୨ ♡l
Mitsuya was in love with hanging out with you and your kids. They reminded him of his little sisters from when they were that age. The way they act, argue, and etc. was similar to Luna and Mana. He loves watching you be a good parent to them and them coming to confide in you about anything like the other day when Saphhire asked “what’s it like to be friends with someone you just met” when referring to her own friendship with someone at school and your own with Mitsuya and the others.
She even asked Mitsuya the same question and a question about his life, not too nosy, just a curious baby girl and he happily answered them, which gave the go to Amethyst to ask him questions too. They were slowly making their way into his heart just like you were.
Mitsuya loved being around you and watching you smile and light up at things you loved to speak about or indulge in. Every since you told him about your fashion designing career taking off, he’s been asking you to chime in on his own pieces so that’s why he invited you to his shop, which was a mistake because when he saw your dolce & gabbana leopard print dress clenching to your pretty full-figure and your black pumps, his pants grew tighter and he couldn’t focus.
Mitsuya couldn’t help but to place his hands on your hips as your ass was slightly bent over as you helped him with his patterns for his dress he was designing for his upcoming fashion show in Osaka. His hands felt like they belonged on your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulders to see what you were doing and you were doing the peacock design so perfectly, more perfect than what he had in his mind. He breathed in your expensive scent and sighed prior to trailing his large hands over the paunchy skin poking out your dress at your sides and down to your ass rubbing it. “ Remember what I said I wanted to do to you after our date? Wanna take you right here and now as you focus on helping to design my dress you’re wearing in my fashion show. Will you mess it up or will you finish off well?” Once you turned your head to look at him with a full blown lust in your eyes, he knew he had you wrapped around his finger now, especially with your next words, “ Please take me. Wanted you ever since our second date.”
With that, Mitsuya had your dress hiked up around your waist whilst pounding inside of your cunt, “ Fuck, you’re so sexy, my love. Want to fuck you every day of my life, don’t care how old you are. Want you forever now.” He felt you shake as your ass bounced against him every time he thrusted into you. The ripples from your ass plus the sexy leopard print on your body was causing him to have a feeling in his chest he couldn’t describe. He found the print he was going to fuck you in everyday in his life, for the future with you too. The print he was going to design with just to fuck and make love to you in. The print he was fucking you in now.
You stopped using the pen with blue markings for the peacock patterns because of Mitsuya twirling his hips as he snapped his hips forward, “ Yes, yes, mmmgh, god, your dick is fucking me so good right now.” You tried to go back to printing in the peacock pattern in the dress and you almost fucked up due to Takashi massaging your tits with both of his hands on each boob now, “ Takashiii, I can’t do it. I can’t focus while you’re, mmmhh, fucking me. But I don’t want you to stop.”
Mitsuya smirked before grabbing the pen out your hand—throwing it somewhere afore taking you away from the curvy Manikin that was creepily modeled after your body, too bad you were too busy getting fucked as you walked to his desk. Mitsuya couldn’t missed the opportunity of fucking into you at the angle your body was making right now. Your back was to his chest as you two walked step by step to the desk, your designer heels clicking against the floor with every step you two took. He slammed inside of you, fast and long were what his strokes felt like. Mitsuya was stuffing you full of dick, not letting up when you reached back to move your hand to his stomach pushing on it only to get your hands locked into both of his hands, “ fuck no, sunshine, you’re not getting away after all the stroking of my leg under the dinner table or the taunting you were doing by saying I can’t handle a woman you’re age as if you didn’t fuck Draken or Takemitchy, you play around a lot, love. Lemme show you what the other twin dragon could do.”
It was obvious he was a bit jealous you fucked Draken first but his jealousy was short lived when you said, “ I only got my mind on you right now mitsyy, you’re fucking me right now not them so show me what the other twin dragon can do, the one I really want.” You should’ve never moaned those words because Mitsuya was now holding your head down on the table with one hand and the other one was still holding your hands together alluding to a rope of his own, “ fuck, sunshine, you can’t say words like that. Fucking hell.” Mitsuya's eyes rolled to the back of his head as your pussy wrapped around his wet dick like a blue rubber glove sticking to your skin when you put them in water.
He moved his hand off your hand to let it join his other hand holding your hand when he suddenly heard you moan loudly as you whined and cried with your face on his desk, “ M’cummin, M’cummin right now. Kashiii, it feels like my stomach is snapping, ahhhnnn.” Mitsuya felt his shoes get heavy and wet making him stop to look down seeing you squirting on his cock and his designer shoe, some of the liquid landing on the floor. If you would’ve looked back at Mitsuya, you would’ve seen his wide smile and wild eyes full of shine because he found his new obsessions about you— the new obsession was joining his other details about you he was obsessed with.
“ That’s right, baby. Squirt on my cock just like that.”, Mitsuya says, still pushing his cock inside of you, not caring if tears were pouring down your eyes because of the overstimulation you were getting. You wondered if this is what Takemichi felt like. This was hell and pleasure at the same time. Takashi's eyes rolled and mouth opened to spurt out moans at the feeling of your ass throwing back against his pelvis creating powerful smacking sounds inside of his studio, which was closed as soon as he switched the sign off. He felt himself about to cum and couldn’t hold your hands back anymore, he needed to hold your body tight as you cum on his cock. He wanted to cum inside of you, not knowing if you’re on birth control or not— he doesn’t even care if you were or not, time for him to have a child anyways.
Mitsuya grabbed your stomach through your dress and pulled you up while you were still in your heels towering over him a little, yet he didn’t care. He just needed to see you cum undone again, luckily his mirror was behind his chair and he stared straight ahead watching your face expressions change multiple times in sequence with his thrusts too. Soon as he snapped his hips against your ass making a big clap sound, his stomach knot came undone and he came right inside of you with a loud moan following, “ Fuck yes. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect girl. My fucking girl.” He was babbling and you squirted out his white cum which essentially got mixed with his cum so now you were squirting out white juices as you broke inside of his arms. You tried to escape off his cock and out of his arms, but he didn’t budge not once even if he was growing a bit weak at the moment, “ You’re not going anywhere so just relax, sunshine. Kissing your forehead to finish off his sentence just right.
“ Yo, Mitsuya, you managed to bag a Milf huh?”
☆ᩧ  Taiju Shiba & South Terano ୨ ♡l
Taiju walked into Mitsuya studio right on time—seeing you bent over the table with your heels glued to the floor and dress melting in your skin because of the sweat dancing across your body was everything he needed to see to get hooked on you as well. He didn’t even like when Mitsuya hurried to cover you up with his jacket by the chair on the left of him. He wanted to see you even more.
Luckily, He finally got to see you in his restaurant with two friends from your old neighborhood accompanying you at the dinner to discuss everything in your life from your kids to your sex lives. Taiju was viewing the way your lips were moving from where he stands on the balcony above, he was listening to South speak but watching you intensely. South was a person he wouldn’t consider a friend but is very much a friend in other people's eyes. He was back from Ireland because of a match over there and was gloating about his championship win, yet again.
South felt like Taiju wasn’t listening and stopped talking to walk bedside Taiju looking down at you. South followed his gaze and saw you laughing about your friend telling you a story about how the men she fucked was a slug as he fucked her. South smirked and made his way down to you and when he got to you he interrupted the conversation and introduced himself. Taiju vein appeared in his forehead as he watched South spit his pathetic game on you. Taiju knew it wasn’t gonna work until he saw you writing down your number before raising a class at him as you gave your number to South, who didn’t notice the way you were staring up at Taiju.
You felt like you were being a slut but you were divorced for years and celibate for two years after, you needed this and that was your excuse besides you were still young in mother years so why not indulge in your fantasies and save your 40s for sitting down again. Your 20s were stolen from you by your ex husband so now you’re reliving them. You haven’t felt this feeling since your swinging days. You were always private about your life that people didn’t expect that or this act from you until they actually knew you. Yet, You never would’ve thought that these two would get you the first night of meeting them because now you’re in South’s black 2024 Chevrolet convertible bouncing on South’s cock at the back of Taiju’s restaurant with Taiju leaning on the car, smoking a cigar, “ Hurry the fuck up, South. I want her spreaded on this ugly ass car of yours.”
“ Shut the fuck up, this pussy is too good and tight for me to have to cum to your annoying ass voice in the background, so shut up!” South slapped your ass before grabbing it with his large ass hands, his cold rings on his fingers were a contrast with your skin as he lifted you up and down. “ Fuck yes, baby! Fucking tight for an old bitch like yourself, Mmgh fuck, color me impressed. Pussy is swallowing my dick like it’s a mouth. Fuck yeah!”
You were too drunk off how deep his thick cock was inside of you that you couldn’t even hear half of the words he was saying, plus your moans were growing louder and louder, “ Aaahn, it’s so damn deep, fu-uhhhmmm, I think I’m close.” Your hands came up to his neck as you wiggles your ass before riding him up and down to chase your own orgasm, “ Ahhh yes, dick, your dick is so fucking, hnnhahhh. Keep fucking me, South.” A slap to your ass and his head flying back against his seats indicated that he’s in pure rhapsody, basking in the feeling of your pussy taking him like no other woman his age could, the late 20s women couldn’t take all of his dick even if they tried. He’s now hooked on you and he doesn't plan on letting you go but for now, he got to because Taiju’s right here.
Taiju watched your movements whilst riding South’s cock like you were on a bull ride, your dress was up and gave him a perfect view of your ass he couldn’t stop staring at or fantasizing about since he saw it when you fucked Mitsuya. He exhaled the smoke building up in his throat— his yellow eyes watching the car move up and down as you two bounced even more faster due to South’s intense grip on your ass lifting it up and down like you were a pocket pussy of his. South didn’t care about your weight, he wasn’t a heavy weight champion for nothing so don’t underestimate him, “ Shit baby, I could feel your pussy shaping to my cock and now you’re about to cum aren’t you?” Taiju watched you babble out your words to the point they were coming out slurred. You couldn’t speak when South’s cock was reaching places you haven’t felt in a long time, thanks to his right- curved dick.
Taiju smirked at your head flying back as your arms were going limp meanwhile South wrapped his muscular arms around your waist still moving you up and down despite you going limp and mind fucked, some drool was even trailing down your mouth because of your head being back and your mouth open releasing now muffled screams in Taiju’s hand clamped over your mouth, “ Shit, she’s a creamer and screamer, can’t forget a squirter too.” South squeezed his eyes shut followed by a loud groan escaping his mouth, he came into the condom that was pathetically wrapped around his cock, “ Really now? Let’s see if I could—”
“ Fuck no. It’s my turn now give her to me.”, Taiju opened the car door and lifted you up into his arms to walk you to the hood of South’s car. “ You’re okay, little strawberry?” You nodded your head sluggishly, “ m’not done but yes I’m okay now fuck me.” Taiju hummed and unbuckled his pants to free his hard, aching cock onto your wet pussy— legs cocked open revealing the most prettiest pussy he ever seen, “ Fuck, she’s so pretty covered in your wetness.” To get his point across even more, he slid his index finger over your pussy to hold it up to your mouth, “ See how sticky she is, gonna make this pussy mine tonight.”
Taiju was a man of a few words but whenever he did speak, his words were absolute because his cock was driving you crazy as he fucked you on top of the car you’re desperately trying to hold on to. His hips smacked into yours, not giving a damn if people heard the loud smacking noises your bodies created as they slapped into each other. Each time he fucked into you, the car rocked with South chuckling in the back seat with his phone in his hand, he was on the phone with Mikey asking him if he’s up for fighting in benkei’s gym with him. Taiju paid no attention to his loud voice because of your moans drowning out South’s annoying voice, “ nngh! Wanna cum, wanna cu-uhnmmm.”
“ Cum on my dick, strawberry. Make a mess of my cock baby. Need that pussy squirting and creaming on me. Come on, I know you could give me what I want. Fuck!”, Taiju groaned as he leaned over you with his chin on your head while one of his hands were on your head and another one was on your thighs— printing his hand into your thigh from how tight he was gripping the fat of your thigh. Nothing but his chest was in your view and you loved it even if he had his white dress shirt on. Once his cock started to make its way to kiss your cervix you were glad you came before that because you knew that would’ve hurt you if he ended up kissing it. Taiju stopped and came inside of you when you came on his cock causing him to dent South’s hood by how hard he banged his falling hand from your head on it. Both of your moans and groans plus South vulgar language in all three languages he speaks fluently in were heard due to the effect of Taiju fucking up his car. Your friends weren’t even thought about as your squirting came out in white and clear water because of his cum and your cream mixed together.
“ Oh shut the fuck up, I’ll fix it.”
☆ᩧ  Tokyo Manji Gang ୨ ♡l
Your kids were growing a little bigger as the months flew by. It's now April and when you moved to Tokyo it was in the middle of January. They formed bonds with Emma’s son and the men you formed relations with. So when your babies were over for their week, you loved spending time with them and the men and women who stop by your house. Mikey and Amethyst always got into it over the dorayaki he got her hooked on by bringing them over and asking if you could make some from scratch. Sapphire loved riding on Hanma’s or Mochi’s neck or backs. During your week with them, it was nothing but fun and extraordinary things happening, reasons why they plan on getting their dad to move across or next to you, on the other side .
They love when it’s your week because you're the most fun out of the two. You were a little strict when needed but they knew to get their acts together quickly. They loved the house, friends, and most of all, you. So whenever they have to leave, like now, they always get a little sad until Kazutora- who you met at his pet shop- promised to show them the baby bobcat they recently placed in their pet shop. Instantly brighten up their faces, you whispered a thank you to him as he and Chifuyu hugged your baby dolls.
You’ve recently been getting so down and sad whenever they leave and this was one of the moments that the Toman crew got to witness with their own eyes, it was almost sad with how moppy you became, but when Mikey came up with a plan every piece of sympathy escaped the men as they came up with a plan to get your smile or cheeks brightened again, a great plan considering the way your mid-thigh, purple sundress sat on your figure just right with your light purple Steve Madden strap heels to match.
Sex and comfort was Mikey’s plan and it was working as he watched Kazutora and Baji lick your pussy at the same time, tongues knocking into each other several times as you tongue fucked you and hakkai kissing your lips to stop your moans from getting any louder not that they minded. He watched as Draken and Mitsuya spoke about their plans with the vacation getaway they were planning, but Manjirou wasn’t paying attention or going if you’re not. He wanted you there, so that’s why he thought this master plan of his was actually smart. As soon as you started to kiss Mikey before this current situation, you forgot what you were sad about. Your emotions didn’t exactly flip right then and there, after all it took Mikey whispering sweet sayings to you as he and Sanzu laid you down.
“ She’s such a loud moaner, wanna see if we can make her scream?”, Nahoya says to his brother Souya as a bet between them until Hanma decided to join in their conversation, “ 10 yen if I make her scream?” You couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation because baji’s tonhue ring was vibrating against your clit and you couldn’t hear anything but that, well at least you thought you could hear the vibrations from the momentum of his tongue flicking up and down your clit in a long oval taking in the beauty of pussy eating right in front of his eyes. Kazutora and, now, Chifuyu watched with gleaming eyes at how your body squirmed under their holds as Keisuke fucked his tongue piercing all over your pussy. The slurping sounds got louder as he proudly stuffed his face back in your pussy, not letting up even if you thrashed around with loud muffled moans contributing to your brain becoming mushy.
“ Fuck, she’s so fucking volumptous every where, even her pussy is volumptous, wan’ my turn too so Keisuke hurry the hell up!”, Pah chin says forgetting about Yuki for a moment until he heard her voice on the other side of the phone telling him to hold the phone up straight so she could see. She was too busy out with Senju and Yuzuha so she couldn’t participate with all the men of Toman like that but luckily Pah-chin was ever so the loving husband— deciding to FaceTime her so her and the girls could see what they were missing. Keisuke felt your fingers in his hair, yanking and pulling on his ponytail eagerly trying to get yourself off faster and he wasn’t having it, so he stopped and smirked at your head rising up from the sofa in hurt and confusion.
“ Sorry princess, can’t let you cum so fast yet, need you whining on our cocks begging to cum over and over again”, Keisuke says as he rises up from his knees.
Mitsuya chuckled before pitching in himself, “ She’s so damn beautiful when she cums, her little lip bite she does before screaming out will always get me going.”
Draken laughed and nodded his head in agreement while Takemichi blushed as he looked at you with your brown nipples out and your sundress bunched up on your tummy—your pussy was on full display. Your pussy was the prettiest he's ever seen, especially with someone who’s hairy, not bush wise yet not that he wouldn’t or they wouldn’t mind but it looks like it’s growing hair on it. “ She’s so beautiful.” A hand was placed on his shoulder as Takemichi stared at your body lifting up and down due to the oxygen you let in and out, “ Easy, we’re just getting started Takemichi.” Kisaki, a man Takemichi would’ve never thought he’d befriend but here we are. The final timeline was something he hardly discussed with anyone other than Mikey and possibly Chifuyu, he so badly wanted to say that you weren’t a part of the final timeline but damn you were a fine ass edition so why would he worry or complain.
Indeed it was the beginning because after Pah and Pey both took turns spitting on your pussy and eating you out, the twins were now fucking you while Sanzu had his cock in your mouth. You didn’t care about anything except getting fucked without any mercy from nahoya and mercy from Souya, they were ying and yin while fucking into both ends, courtesy to Draken for using his fingers to prep your ass to take Nahoya’s thick 7 inch cock. Your gags and moans were music to everyone’s ear, especially the man who’s holding your head as he fucked into your mouth while your body was stuck in between Angry and Smiley. “ Fuck, she’s a fucking pro at taking and sucking dick. Toman’s little fuck doll.”, Sanzu moaned as he threw his head back.
“ More like Toman’s pretty little Milf, fuck, I wonder what the others would say once they found out she’s milked almost everyone in this room by now. Such a naughty older slut we got our fingers on and in boys.”, Hanma boasts with a loud laugh following making the others roll their eyes at his foolishness. Once they heard the loud slapping and choking noises coming from them fucking into your body, they knew the only thing on your mind was the word dick and they were right. It was like an repeated echo in your mind because of how fucked your mind was. Soon after them though, Kisaki and Hanma both got a turn and you couldn’t take Hanma’s cock in your pussy, he was possibly the largest out of everyone but not larger than south and Taiju whom you had before. His big hands were imprinted on your thighs as he held you up, fucking you against the edge of the table, creaks of it scrapping the floor as he fucked his cum into you. The same cum Kisaki slurped out of you before spitting it back on your pussy and devouring you, “ Too much. Too much. Ahhn.” Your moans were music to Kisaki’s ears.
you managed to still hold on for Mikey’s and the Baji trio. Mikey has his cock in your pussy now and Baji had his cock in your ass at the same time of you switching between Chifuyu and Kazutora, either sucking their cocks or giving them handjobs. Mikey groaned as he felt your pussy tightly clench onto him as he sloppily thrusts his hips forward and backwards, him and Baji moving at different paces torturing your pussy and ass, “ Fuck yeah, bunny. So fucking good for me and my friends aren’t you? Wanna know something, my brothers gonna be pissed I got you first, even my older brother who I- fuck! You’re milking my cock so well- I talk about you to. Good luck dealing with both, my chubby bunny. Now cum f’me.” And indeed you came especially hearing how his entire family wanted you. Your body shaking and creaming on their cocks made the men chuckle and moan in delight.
☆ᩧ  Yokohama Tenjiku Gang l ୨ ♡l
Izana got word from his little brother bragging about how good you treated him and his friends. He didn’t like it one bit so he ended up inviting you over to his house to teach him how to bake your famous peach cobbler you made for him when you cooked dinner that one Sunday before your kids went to their dad. He remembered getting to know you even more as you told stories about your little family and where you all were from and etc.
He remembered that night, might even got it tattooed in his mind because he remembered your outfit you wore for the lots of them. Appropriate around your children but still somewhat inappropriate around them from the way it fits your body just right. He noticed all your clothes fit your body, that’s when a light bulb came to his head and he remembered you saying you design or tailor pieces of clothing yourself.
So when he invited you over to his house to make your famous peach cobbler, he or his friends weren’t expecting to see you dressed like you were walking the runway. With a pink and black spaghetti strap dress on and black and black custom made La Parfait heels with pink frills on them, Mochi was the first to ask why you were so dressed up. Neither one of them liked your answer because who were you going on a date with?! It wasn’t anyone from Toman, considering Koko asked the questions related to them and Toman, so who?
Too bad, you couldn’t tell them because A). They didn’t want to actually know and the peach cobbler was abandoned as soon as you mentioned the man you met two months ago, Keizo Arashi. The way that you gloat about him when meeting him in his gym for the first time, pisses half of them off so that led to you being split open by Izana's large cock. His cock was a cock you never wanted to let go of, which is why it gripped which made him release a hiss— slapping your heavy tits repeatedly, “ You really think I’m gonna let you go out with my brother’s friend when I could do more for you than he ever could, no matter if I’m 30. We are only seven years apart baby, don’t piss me off Mahal.”
You felt like your tits were gonna be sore after he and the Haitanis’ get done with them. They’re mouths were glued to each tit after he slapped them. Rindou’s tongue ring was enough to make you whimper and moan while grabbing his blue and yellow mullet without a care in the world. Ran’s mouth was the total opposite of how Rindou made you feel but you still loved him sucking on your tit until milk suddenly leaked out causing him to happily suck on your bouncing tit even more. Ran moaned in delight as he sucked out the milk of your tits, “ Still lactating after all these years, baby doll. Everyday I become more obsessed with you”. You tried to push him off in embarassment, but Izana grabbed your hands in his pulling them down to your stomach as he fucked into you missionary style, “ no, no, it’s so embarrassing but feel so go-ouuuuhhdah.”
“ Good. Be embarrassed, the more humiliated you are, the more your pussy grips my cock just perfect, pretty baby. You’re such a pretty slut who loves to put on a fake persona, aren’t you?”, Izana asks as he snaps his hips into your thighs. Before you could wail out your answer, a presence clouded around you whilst squinting your eyes, “ Mind if I fuck your mouth like the whore that you are.” Your pussy spasms on Izana’s cock making him moan as his white curly hair stuck to his face as it ran with the sweat forming on his forehead, “ Shit! This cougar pussy loves to be degraded, yeah.” Mochi tapped your chin with his huge, heavy dick telling you to open up as he saw your mind start to get foggy as you babbled about needing more like you were casting a spell. You glady opened your mouth and took his cock inside of it. Mochi took in a breathe during the time of your throat taking him in, the gags on his cock made him throw his head back, “ fuck yeah, slut. You’re taking my cock in so well, wan’ more don’t cha?” When you stupidly tried to answer with your mouth, more gags and muffles were vibrating his cock making everyone laugh at your stupidity.
Muto rose up from his seat with Koko and Inupi following behind, “ She’s so stupid. Can’t even answer because her mouth and pussy is being stuffed so well that she can’t speak or form correct sentences. Such a pity for a beautiful woman like yourself. Such a toy, our fuck toy.” Muto wanted to fuck your ass so he waited until Izana came deep inside of your pussy not caring about any consequences, your pussy was too good for him to pull out or fuck with a condom, “ Squeezing me so tight, darling. My little Angel is gonna make me cum. Fu-uhhghhh.” Mochi was next to cum deep inside of your mouth not caring how animalistic his groan was.
You thought you could catch a breath but Muto already had his hands on your body when everyone separated from you, the tit that Ran was sucking on was sore and sensitive to touch right now. Muto lifted you up in his arms and walked you to the couch to sit down with you still having your legs wrapped around him, “ Ride me in reverse, might cum too fast looking at your pretty ass face.” You giggled before getting up to get in the reverse cowgirl position, looking back at him as you grabbed his freed, long cock in your hands. Sliding your pussy on his cock was a magnificent view for Muto as it was for Koko and Inupi standing on the side of you two. You teased Muto at first as your hand still held his cock while slipping him in and out, gaining an irritated grunt from him until he grabbed your hips to slam your down on his cock causing your eyes to go wide and your mouth to scream out curse words. The impact of his cock inside of you was stretching and painful, he’s up there with fucking South, so you couldn’t move just yet because he was letting you catch your breathe again, “ See what teasing me do. Make me wanna make you scream and cry in pleasure on my dick.”
Before you know it, your body was bent down in a all fours position whilst Muto pounded into you with Koko recording the entire thing for himself, fuck everyone else because when you have to pratically manage Manjirou’s finance it was a lot of stress for him and Kisaki, so he needed this. Muto loved the way your ass jiggle as he thrusted up into you, “ The greatest ass I ever seen, just wanna fuck you all day to see it, may even wanna fuck it soon.” Your moans were muffled and what you were saying was gibberish so Muto bent down a little to lift you up to bring you into his chest so now your back was to his sweaty chest while his head was on your shoulders breathing in your intoxicating scent. Koko came closer with his cock now out, “ What was that? Couldn’t hear what you were trying to say, don’t tell me you’re becoming senile already, you’re only in your late 30s. But if you’re not senile, prove it to me and the camera audience.”
You didn’t care about what he was saying, you just needed something in your mouth fast or else you’ll wake their neighbors up especially since your pus A is starting to get sloppier and wetter which means, “ Holy shit, she’s squirting. The pretty bunny is squirting on Muto’s dick nonstop, can’t wait for my turn, so hurry up Muto!” A new voice, Shion, the man who was edging himself this entire time. Muto snapped his hips up three more times, cumming inside of you. You were now stuffed with two of their cum and you somehow felt like your younger self again, in other words, a young cum slut again. Muto grip on your hips were gonna make a dark purple bruise on your sable skin, but you were too busy silent screaming as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth opened in a little O. Koko captured all of it and now he was capturing it up close with his cock getting worked by your hand as the Haitanis’ and inui took you together. The fact that you were getting fucked in both holes recklessly tells them what type of slut you were back then.
Ran and Rindou loved how well you were sucking their dicks inside of your pussy and prepared ass, thanks to Shion who fingered and ate your ass. Shion slobbering all over your puckering hole was a little embarrassing for you since everyone was watching but it felt so good so you moved the embarrassment to the back of your head. So he was finally useful for something after all these years and that was opening you up for Ran to shove his cock inside of your ass proudly and loudly too. Rindou’s cock had lots of girth so it was hard for him to fuck into you without hurting you until you declared, “ Wan’ more. Rindou please fuck me, stretch me I don’t care. Need more. Ahhghn.” Rindou took that as a go to slam inside of you at the same time of his brother slamming inside of you from below. Soon they both found cadence, so when Inupi came from the side to grab your head to let you suck him, everything fell into place like dominos.
Inupi was trying to hold his whimpers and moans back until Koko reached to slap his hands, “ No. No. Let her hear how amazing that slut of a mouth she has is.” And he did by grabbing your hair tightly in his clutch as his long but skinny cock moved inside of your mouth like he never wanted it to stop. Your moans from how hard and fast the Haitani brothers were fucking you was cut off by Inupi slamming his cock inside of your spit bubbles filled mouth. Fuck your face was getting messier as your mascara poured down your eyes and snot started to form, fuck you were so messy and that only turned Inupi and everyone else on even more. Your phone ringing non stop wasn’t even heard because of how much everyone was moaning, groaning, or screaming. Izana held your phone with a devilish smile on your face while looking at the caller ID with Benkei’s name appearing and disappearing from how much he was calling you. “Too late she’s with us now.”
☆ᩧ  Original Black Dragons Gang l ୨ ♡l
Manjirou invited you over to his house again, this time it was only him so you were really excited. He wanted to watch you cook him your grandma’s Sunday dinner you rave about. He couldn’t focus on anything you had to say because he was just watching you cook with your pink polka dot apron that had “Hot Cook” on it. He was about to ask you a question about the macaroni and cheese but he got interrupted by Izana yelling his name all throughout the house trying to find where he was at.
Manjirou was annoyed he got cut off from his time alone with you so he and Izana were arguing and while they were arguing the doorbell rang again. You were debating if you wanted to get it but eventually you did because they kept arguing about you and other things. As you opened the door, three men including Benkei stood there.
Your action of hugging Benkei caused the other two men to be confused and jealous. After the hug, they all went inside and so Benkei introduced you to his friends. Handshakes came from Wakasa and Shinichiro while Takeomi tried to hug you just to feel your boobs squished against his chest. Mikey didn’t like the way the older men stared at you like you were the only person in the room. It irked Izana as well, seeing Shinichiro's eyes linger on your ass as you walked away to turn off the stove.
Great decision to turn off the stove and oven because you were being bent over the table by Shinichiro grabbing your hair as a cigarette hung from his mouth, “ Such a beauty you all were hiding from us.” Benkei’s tongue explored the inside of your mouth while both hands were occupied by Takeomi and Walasa’s cocks. Your jeans you wore were somewhere on the floor and the shirt completely ripped due to Takeomi’s hands so now you were only being fucked from behind with a apron on. Spit dripped down your chin as you tongue kissed Benkei so passionately as Mikey and his, final timeline, Toman gang sat on chairs, floor, and couches. All have their eyes on you getting fucked by people older than you. “ Mmphff.” Wakasa chuckled at you desperately moaning in the heated kiss you and his best friend shared, “Hear that, she’s enjoying this so much, did her body shudder from the touch of your hands… from the silence I could tell it didn’t so watch and learn boys.”
Shin yanked your hair in your hairstyle some more and pushed his long, hard cock inside of you. His baggy pants were on his ankles as he fucked you with skin to skin contact. His skin pumped fresh blood of excitement because he was fucking a Milf and he always wanted to fuck one, older or younger than him, he didn’t care. “ Shit! Her pussy is still so tight and comfortable after fucking every last one of you here. Such great pussy that you should treat as a prize every day. I always taught you guys right? Manjirou and Izana? To treat women like the best damn person to walk on earth and now I’m teaching you how to treat their pussies like the greatest prize you’ll ever get.” Manjirou gulped while Izana nodded his head, rolling his eyes after before speaking, “ You have a lot of nerve fucking my woman Shinichiro. Right in front of me.”
Shinchiro chuckled as he leaned down to your ear—stretching his arms to place his hands across your neck, squeezing it just right and not too tight, “ Little brother already claimed you huh? Benkei, how do you feel about this?” Benkei released your lips from his teeth since he was biting your lips as you moaned from the impact of Shinichiro’s hips smacking against yours at a steady and hard pace. Arashi’s cock was right in front of your face and you tried to reach to lick it but Shinichiro grabbed your hair and pulled your back depriving you of getting to lick his cock. You wanted to cry because you wanted him inside of your mouth so bad and Shinichiro was stopping you. Benkei gulped as he looked at you trying to suppress your moans and tears from falling out your eyes, “ She knows who she belongs with, so I feel good especially knowing that she’s choosing me after all of this is done.”
Soon after, Shinichiro pulled out and let Benkei take you to the couch that wasn’t sat on at all since Manjirou oddly enough had three couches in his living room. Once they did, you found yourself being spilt open by Wakasa and Benkei. Your hair was so messy from the hairstyle you had it in and your teary eyes were so watery that Takeomi almost felt bad for you as he fucked into your mouth, “ Mmmph, mmnnn, I cwn’tttmmmgh.” Double penetration was so hot and had you moaning like a bitch in heat. On top of that, Takeomi’s hair was down and sticking to his forehead so beautifully that you tried to keep eye contact with him as he pistol into your mouth with no care if your throat can take him, “ She’s so fucking pretty taking my dick down her throat like this, should frame it. So, Hanma get your ass over here to take a photo with your camera, you don’t mind right doll?” You tried to nod your head yes, but he just snapped his hips to your mouth causing you to gag loudly making the men inside of the living room groan and moan at your gags, “ my bad, thought you wanted more of my dick in you.” His pubic hairs were touching the sides of your mouth and nose from how deep he was inside of your mouth. And you loved it.
Benkei basked in the glory of your pussy taking all of his dick like a vixen at the same time of Wakasa fucking into your tight ass from above with one leg on the couch. Shinichiro was twisting your nipples causing more tears to fall because they still hurt from three days ago with the Haitani brothers sucking and playing with them. Benkei felt his dick getting wetter with your juices and moaned at the feeling of your warmth around him, “ Haven’t had pussy like this in a long ass time. Wanna get you pregnant so bad.” You moaned at his words because you were the most beautiful while pregnant and plus you loved the praise coming from him the most. It was him and Mitsuya praises that mean something to you. Wakasa gripped your neck with his hand, feeling Takeomi’s dick print moving in and out of you. Excitement from that, Wakasa happily plunged into your gaping ass, “ Say you want him to breed you, Princess. Wanna hear you loud and clear even if it’s through choked moans.” You shook your head, too embarrassed to say anything with a huge ass dick in your mouth slapping your uvula multiple times. Hanma was sitting on the other side of you taking pictures of this entire situation with a chilling smile on his face. Fuck, you looked so photogenic right now, well always really since he’s been taking pictures of you a lot lately.
Benkei and Wakasa slapped each of your cheeks with one of their hands creating more ripples and prints on your ass. You screamed and choked on Takeomi’s cock causing him to throw his head back in pure ecstasy, “ Fuck think m’bout to cum down her tight little throat.” Shinichiro tapped him as Benkei’s arms wrapped around your waist holding you in place as he pounded into you at a faster pace than before— Wakasa catching on and matching his pace. Their balls slapping against each other as they fucked into you, “ Let her speak a little but keep it in her mouth, wanna see her struggle to form words out her pretty, hot mouth.”
And he did just that, pulling half of his dick to hear Benkei now say it, “say you want us to breed you.” You moaned as you tried to bounce back on his cock, “ Wan’ you to brwwd meaaaa, I wanna cummmmh, want you cummmhhh.” Your words came out gibberish and you could tell it was filled with cock.
Shinichiro could tell you were enjoying yourself as if you never did, Wakasa did too which is why he spoke next, “ Would you look at that, the pretty princess acts like she never had cock this great in her entire life. Crying and slobbering everywhere while this pussy and ass gets stuffed to the brim. Seems like you all didn’t do your jobs.” Draken was the first to rebuttal, “ Fuck off, you old fuck.” Wakasa laughed and looked at him as he slapped your ass whilst holding eye contact with Draken to make him even more pissed. Wakasa's purple eyes grew more hazy as he trailed his fingers to your pudgy stomach, squeezing it causing you to squeal and choke on Takeomi’s cock causing him to cum deep inside of your throat from the vibrations of your coughs. Your hands tapped Takeomi’s thighs as he held your head while fucking his cum deep into your throat, “ Holy fuck! So fucking good f’me.”
Your vision was starting to see black spots as he held your head down. Snot was coming down your noise as much as your tears rolling down your face. God, you looked like a high class Slut. Their slut. Takeomi released you and you coughed immediately afterwards because you needed air especially since you were stuffed too much below and felt your lungs jump for air as he stuffed your mouth to the base of his cock. Takeomi and Shinichiro held your hair and tapped your cheek, Shinichiro laughed, “ So messy and pretty, so erotic and unreal as well.” Benkei fucked you with sweat rolling down his naked chest because his shirt was long discarded when he started fucking you. He could never get tired of fucking you, “ fuck!”, he moaned, not caring how he sounds, “ gonna”, feeling your pussy clench to him with a vice grip made him more feral, “ Cum inside”, Benkei lifted his hips into you, making you take all of his cock again, “ This”, your pussy was throbbing and melting his cock now, “ Pussy.”
Benkei came deep inside of you with a loud grunt of the word fuck stretch out. Soon as he did, your pussy started to make noises. Queefing noises, something you were embarrassed about yet everyone in the room knew one thing from that, you were enjoying yourself a lot more than they besides Wakasa thought. Even your cervix was moving back because of your pussy welcoming Benkei’s cum inside like no other. You couldn’t even moan because Wakasa was next to cum inside of you and with the way he rolled his hips and then snapped them into your ass was enough to leave you speechless and out of screams, “ Shit baby! Your hole wraps around my cock perfectly, couldn’t resist Cumming inside of this hole.”. Besides, you could feel your voice getting sore from how hard he was fucking it. You were breathing loudly as your cream on Arashi’s cock danced down his cock and his balls, the juices causing a funny feeling in between his ass cheeks, but he didn’t care especially with your tits in front of his face.
Shinichiro stood in Takeomi’s place with his cock out as he stroked it on your lips, “ Open, want you to take my load in your pretty little mouth, wish I could’ve came on your dreamy tits sticking out the side of that apron, but they’ll be for later.” You tiredly opened up your mouth to take his load and once his cum hit your tongue, it didn’t just hit that. His cum hit your chubby cheeks and forehead— dripping down now and surprisingly when you swallowed he tasted good, salty good, but not healthy due to cigarettes and beer. He turned to his brothers and their friends with a chibi smirk on his face, “ Guess we know which group is better. Just look at how tired and happy she is falling asleep on Arashi’s chest.”
Baji and Kazutora wanted to fight him because they both did the same thing with Chifuyu as well and Baji started to yell but was shushed by Benkei and Mitsuya. They stared at each other before nodding to one another afterwards. It’s obvious who you chose out of all of them.
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ᰔᩚ ━ Tagging: @highpri3stess @dejwrld @honeybleed @simpingfor-wakasa @mastermindenoshimaalicia @happygoluckyalexis @bontens-angel and anyone else who wants to be tagged
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 10 months
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Morning Sex 18+ Ft: Draken, Hakkai, Shuji, Taiju, and Ran Resident of @enchantedforest-network TW: Morning sex, suggestive theme, suggestive language, penetration, fingering, masturbating, making out, mutual masturbation
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Your dreams began sweet but ended a bit more sinfully when opening your eyes you could see your husband still sleeping. Seeing his chest rise up and down, he looked like a masterpiece. Biting your lower lip your hands began to rub his hard chiseled abs they began to travel lower and lower going underneath the band of his briefs finding his cock. You slowly began to stroke his cock. With just a few strokes you heard a low throat groan coming from him. His eyes half opened, his eyes fixated on you. “What do you think you're doing?” “Playing with what's mine.” you playfully spoke to him. Your lashes batting at him then back at the covers moving as you were stroking his cock. He looked at the time and Sunday services started in an hour and a half.  “Waking up with such sinner thoughts like the little slut you are.” letting out a lower growl. 
Pushing off the covers and removing the briefs from his lower extremities. “You love fucking this little slut. Doesn't that make you a sinner as well?” you cooed as you rub the tip of his cock that had pre-cum. 
“I guess we are lucky we have a little bit of time before the services. But it doesn’t give me enough time to fuck the sins out of you my way.” Taiju looked down at your hand reaching the back of your head gripping a fist full of your hair. “I wanna see how much of a little slut you can be before we have to get ready.”
“Ba-be  I- I mmmm ngh shit~~~ i need to get ready.” you couldn't even get the words out of your lips. Your hands were pressed on your beds as you were bent over. “You think I could resist you walking all nice clean for me.” He trusted hard a few times making you gasp for air. “They wouldn’t mind you being an hour late or two.” 
Hanma was getting a good view of his cock sliding inside of you. He saw the ring of cum at the base of his cock. You were simply enjoying every ounce of his cock being rammed inside of you. This wouldn’t be the first time you were late because of him. It definitely wouldn’t be the last time either. He leaned over his tongue sliding up your back till he reached your shoulder placing a sweet kiss. The soft panting coming from him, his hands grasped onto your breast. His body was already glistening with sweat as his body pressed against your back. “Fuck it this your third time being late? You don’t need that job now, let daddy take care of you.” he purred in your living you could hear the menacing chuckle coming from him. “Your only job right now is to take all of my cock inside of you.” Draken
He is the first one to walk up but he is too comfortable to get out of bed. His head is buried into the back of your head. He got a whiff of your shampooed hair “Babe get up.” he grumbled with his eyes closed. “No” you mumbled in a groggy tone. “It's too early….” “It's 7, come one get up.” he slightly opened his eyes to see the time on the alarm. “You get up then I will get up.” you weren’t gonna get up not until he did. It was a bit hard at first because his arms were wrapped around you. 
You felt his hand sliding up your stomach passing your breast where his hand applied slight pressure to your neck. That woke you up instantly then heard his voice in a low husk tone “You can be such a brat sometimes” his hand traveling to your lips. His index finger parting your lips. You began sucking on his index finger. You shifted your body, turning your head around the lazy expression on his face. His hands rested on your hip before his hands began to travel to your lower extremities. He began to the fabric where your cunt was. “I’m up.” you softly moaned. “Oh you are now?” a cocky smirk on his lips as he continues to rub your covered cunt. The more he had friction he noticed you becoming damper.
“I need my dose of vitamin D kenny.” you cooed as his hand went into your bottoms and he began to rub your swollen lips. 
The king of sleeping was in dreamland before he felt some slight friction against his groin. You did tend to move a lot in your sleep you were not consciously knowing what you were doing. His cock started to become harder. He let a low groan out. “Shiiittt.”  He wanted you to wake up. “Honey.” 
“Hmmm?” you heard his voice close to your ear. “Ran what happened?” you yawned not fully being awake.
“You have woken my friend with all your movements in your sleep..” his cock pressed against your ass. “Don’t you think it’s fair to take care of the problem you created unconsciously or not?” his lazy voice echoed in your ear. “Your right Ran.” you turned around your hand reaching for his cock and began to stroke him. You felt his cock pulsating in your hand as you continued to stroke his girthy cock. Hearing the soft moaning coming from him as his hand caressed your cheek his press latched onto yours. His hands sliding into your panties, he did waste time as his two fingers began to fuck your cunt. You began to pump faster the more he began to finger fuck you. 
 Hakkai’s throbbing member slid deeper inside of you, your walls squeezing around his cock. On your side, you were gripping the sheets. One leg was lifted slightly supported by Hakkai’s hands as the other hand was around you, his fingers messing with your sensitive clit. Everything you were feeling was just intensified. “Kai~~~.” Moaning his name out loud you could hear his panting in your ear. As he slowed down his thrusting, he let out a low groan. He barely arrived early in the morning after being overseas the last few weeks. Not even an hour of being him your both ended up in the bed you both shared. 
 “I missed you so much .” Raspy tone feeling warm breath hits the shell of your ear.
“I -I missed you too Hakkai~~.” You said between each moan. “D-don’t stop just like that~~” whimpering as the tall slender man's cock still slid in and out of you.
“Fuck.”..letting a long groan out loud as his thrusting was becoming a bit sloppier. In your tone and the way your pussy was tightening around his cock you were close to coming.  Turning your head towards him you could see him flexing his jaw and just for him to see the lewd expression on your face the sound of his cock thrusting hard into you... The warm cum filled your pussy up once again as you both locked eyes with one another.
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rinhaler · 3 months
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I Guess I Can't State My Feelings Too Soon
Your big brother is jealous and he hates himself for it :(
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.    ✧. ┊ step brother!taiju shiba x f!reader
Genre: porn! (minimal plot) Notes: my first tokyorev fic since i moved blogs wheeee did NOT think it would be taiju but i cannot stop thinking about that man Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, stepcest!, jealousy ♡, possessiveness, co-dependency, virgin!reader, male masturbation ♡, sex toys ♡, porn consumption, panty theft ♡, unhealthy relationship, power dynamics. Words: 3.5k
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He often wonders if you realise how ungrateful you come across, sometimes. Not only ungrateful, but disrespectful to boot.
Do you know how hard your big brother works? You’ll say you do, if he were to ask. But he’s sure you have no idea. He shielded you from the horrors of his world as you were thrust upon him out of nowhere. His new, beautiful step-sister who’s eyes would spill tears around raised voices. What choice did he have? You’d never understand or be able to comprehend his way of life or the world he had built for himself and his family.
As your other siblings grew up and drifted away, Taiju kept you dependent on him. He made it so you had to rely on him for everything. He’s putting you through fashion school while subsidizing your very existence. He keeps you fed and clothed all in the comfort of his beautiful penthouse.
You want for nothing.
And he’s never made you feel inadequate for your obvious dependency.
He doesn’t use it as a weapon or hold it against you. He just adores you, wholly. His beautiful little sister, the sweet little darling who needs her big brother to do everything for her. It motivates him, truthfully. When things feel hard, mundane, tedious, he reminds himself who he’s doing it for.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Takashi.” you smile, giddily, waving like a schoolgirl with a crush as you watch him leave.
He waves, too. A wide grin on his face as his eyes scrunch up with joy. It soon fades, though, as he finds himself accidentally walking right into your brother’s chest. Taiju’s expression harrows, though you don’t register it as you focus on the way Takashi smiles at you before excusing himself.
You’re ungrateful, and disrespectful.
His neck and jaw jerk as he tears off his tie. He’s visibly irritated, but you’re too naïve to realise. You greet him, excitedly, though you’re soon left feeling dejected when he opts to ignore you instead.
“Get me some wine from the cellar.” he demands. Without a please or even a glance in your direction, you know something is wrong. You’ve never been one to deny him, however, slinking away to the lounge to retrieve an aged red from the wall-built cellar.
He looks at you when you return, sliding the bottle to him across the marble countertop of the kitchen island separating you. It’s a brief look, that makes your heart throb with hurt. He’s mad at you, but you don’t know why. Soft yellow eyes that only offer gentle glances are showing you a side to your brother you didn’t know existed.
His pupils are almost slitted like a wild animal, eyes you’ve never seen before where your brother is concerned. He sighs, watching the cogs clank in your brain as you try and analyse who this man is before you.
Luckily for you, he doesn’t think he’s capable of staying angry with you.
“Would you like a drink, little sister?” he questions. It stops you from thinking, momentarily.
It’s a first. He’s never let you drink before, let alone his prized cellar wine. You take a seat on the bar stool regardless, nodding excitedly at the prospect of having your first real drink with your favourite brother. He twists off the lid and slides the glass he’d gotten for himself over to you.
Your heart rate quickens as his eyes, those same, predatory eyes, remain fixated on you as he pours. The wine spills like blood, sloshing into your glass until it’s halfway full. And somehow, without even watching what he’s doing, he managed to not spill a drop.
He takes off his blazer and sets it down on the counter. You watch him as he rolls up his sleeves and turns away from you to fetch another glass for himself. His muscles flex and you see his exposed, veiny arms sheen with sweat as he reaches up to grab the nearest glass.
“Pour it for me.” he tells you, setting it down as he turns to face you again. His eyes seem tired, now, but still unfamiliar to you. And so you find yourself nodding, doing exactly what your big brother has asked as your hairline begins to form beads of sweat.
You don’t look at him, not even briefly, as you start to pour. You’re slow and patient, but you feel him staring at you all the while. And it’s menacing. Even with patience and focus, you spill a drop onto the pristine marble.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him.
You move to find something to wipe it up with, but he stops you before you can even jump down from the stool. He presses his thick thumb into the cherry red liquid, seemingly absorbing it all before he raises it to his lips. You watch keenly as your brother’s tongue juts seductively from his lips before he meticulously licks over the pad of his thumb to taste it.
He clears his throat and leans across countertop.
You feel so small.
“Was that your boyfriend?” he wonders, eyes glued to you as he speaks with a low, gravelly tone. He sips soon after, making mental notes of your responses as you process his words.
“U-Um, no, Taiju,” you shake your head. You feel blistering heat in your face as you think about your classmate, and the intimate thoughts you’ve had about him for weeks now, all while your brother’s attention is entirely fixed on you. “We’re in the same class! He came to drop off some books he thought might help me.”
It’s a confession that is entirely the truth. He isn’t your boyfriend and you’re sure he never will be. Not unless he makes the first move, that is. You’re far too shy to even suggest that your feelings for him a more intense than they should be for simple classmates. Taiju nods, finally looking away from you as he takes another drink.
“Finish up and go to bed.” he commands.
You nod, too nervous to argue. You’ve never seen him like this or even heard him be so curt with you. It won’t bother you to go to bed, not one bit. Hopefully tomorrow he’ll be back to his usual, loving self.
He leaves you alone as he strides towards his study, finally giving you the chance to breathe. You knock back the remainder of your wine and pick up your book bag and school supplies, your pace hastening as you get closer to your room.
“Oi.” Taiju speaks, voice booming through the hallway before you can open the door to your bedroom. He leans against the doorframe to his office, arms folded as his eyes squint at you. “If you want to have people over, clear it with me first.” he demands.
“Oh,” you sigh, and it’s riddled with relief as you realise that is what the problem has been all along. He’s upset you’ve invited a stranger into his home without asking. It’s understandable, and you’re soon smiling again as you look at him. “Of course. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind.” you admit, regretting it almost instantly as it soon feels irrelevant to have said.
“I don’t want boys I don’t know here alone with my little sister.” he tells you.
He approaches, and your anxiety soars once again as you sense a looming threat in the air and the shortening distance between the two of you. He smirks as he takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger, your breath hitching at the contact while he forces you to look into his saffron gaze.
“You are very dear to me,” he confesses, “If anyone were to take advantage of you… well. You’re going to do as I ask next time, aren’t you? We won’t have to worry about that.”
“Of course… I’m so sorry, I should have—”
“You should.” he snarls. “But I forgive you. Go to bed, now.”
You nod, feeling slightly more upbeat after hearing he’s accepted your apology. He stops you from retreating to your room, though. His large, heavy hand encasing your forearm in a tight grip whilst his thumb still caresses your chin. It drifts, though, pulling the fat of your lower lip before he pulls it away. He taps his own lip twice, his expression still unamused as he looks at you.
“A goodnight kiss, princess,” he orders. You nod, it’s not out of the ordinary to kiss him goodnight. You stand on your tip toes before leaning in to peck his lips. They’re soft, and fit against yours beautifully as both of your eyes close during the contact. It’s chaste, to the point, and yet you’ve never felt an intensity during a kiss from him like you have just now.
His eyes are gentle, again. And the smile he offers is earnest. He kisses your cheek before you go, whispering in your ear sensually enough for a chill to traverse down your spine.
“Good girl.”
He opens the door to your room, remaining in place until you go inside. He shuts it after you get inside, leaning his back against the nearest wall as his head thuds against it. The cold metal of his rings cools down his flushed face, though he finds himself breathless.
Not from the act of a simple kiss, it’s the shame. Feelings for you, his sweet little sister, bubbling to the surface despite trying to repress them for so many years. He’s jealous and he’s ashamed of himself for letting things go this far. But you are his.
His sister.
His responsibility.
His property.
“Jesus Christ—”
He catches himself. He kicks away from the wall and rakes his fingers through tousled hair as he decides to distract himself with work in his office.
It’s taken blood and sweat to reach what he’s achieved. From being a sixteen year old menace to society, he’s now a highly respectable businessman with a chain of restaurants under his belt. Among other, less legal sources of income, of course.
It’s all for you.
As he looks through business expenses and documents from his lawyers, all he can think of is you.
It’s all been for you.
It’s always been for you.
He pushes his hair out of his face, noticing how it’s starting to cling to his forehead as he sweats profusely. Thoughts of you plaguing his every thought. His cock begins to throb in his slacks. His eyes drift from the papers scattered across his desk to his computer monitor. And then, slowly, they sink to the locked top drawer of his desk.
“Fuck,” he mutters. He ignores the drawer, instead, deciding to ignore his responsibilities as he types Pornhub in the search engine. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he speaks, exasperated as the homepage is flooded with an assortment of trending step sibling videos.
His heart pounds as he scrolls for a while, but eventually finds the willpower to click away, opting to find something else. He’s a simple man with simple taste. He’s always been into rougher stuff, deciding something along those lines will be best to quickly rub one out and clear his mind so he can focus on what he actually needs to be getting on with.
He clicks on a video, immediately cringing at the corny plot and dialogue as he unbuttons his shirt and rids himself of his belt. He’s panting as he pulls out his cock. If he’s been honest, his cock has been leaking since you fetched his wine so obediently.
He hisses when he realises he’s thinking about you again.
And soon enough he’s willing himself to concentrate on the girl in the video getting fucked within an inch of her life. It’s loud, rough, aggressive. Just how he likes. He tugs desperately, a vein popping in his forehead as he eagerly tries to get off to what he’s seeing.
It’s your fault.
He’s wondering if you’d ever be into fucking like this. He’s sure you’re a virgin, so he’d have to be careful with you at first.
“Fucking stop,” he whines.
He wants to cum to her, the girl in the video. It’s a lie, though. He wants to cum to you. He wants to hear how gorgeous you’d sound if he were the one to defile you for your very first time. Your own step brother, infiltrating your walls and making you cum around his cock.
“Shit,” he keeps trying to concentrate on her. His eyes soon wandering to the locked drawer again. He glances one final time at the video, grunting as he continues to fuck his fist until ultimately giving up.
He searches something new. Something he’s never beat one off to before. Softcore virgin. He grimaces as his finger hovers above the enter key, he knows he won’t be able to finish otherwise, but part of him thinks it’s not too late to turn back. His eyes widen slightly, taken aback by the sheer amount of results that are step-sibling videos. He considers it, again. He really does, but as he continues to scroll, he starts to take an interest in the masturbation videos.
The soft, feminine moans immediately make his cock jump. It’s perfect, it’s so sickeningly perfect because he can pretend it’s you. And if he’s this far gone, he feels no need to deprive himself anymore. He lifts up his keyboard, sliding the locked drawer key from a hidden compartment underneath. His hands are practically shaking as he tries to slide it into the slot. He quickly turns, breathing heavily as he almost rips the drawer from its place as he opens it.
He scoffs as his hand flies to a clear fleshlight, yanking it out and setting it down on his desk before he retrieves what he’s really been avoiding this whole time.
You’ve never had to do laundry, and he doesn’t do it either. He hires staff to come through the week to do tedious things like cleaning the apartment and washing dirty clothes. It’s been about a fortnight since he saw an opportunity laid bare before him.
You were at school, a fact now he’s growing to despise as he imagines you flirting with Takashi Mitsuya during your classes. But he was working from home, too irritated to handle business dealings in person on that particular Thursday. And he happened to see a maid emerge from your room with a laundry basket, a frilly pink thong atop a pile of outfits you’d worn through the week to college.
He wrestled with himself, he did.
But it wasn’t too difficult to distract the maid for long enough to pocket them for himself.
The video continues to play, his cock gushing as he stares down at your panties. He’s too far gone. He’s too aroused and his mind is muddied as he thinks about everything going on in his life and yours. You’re too honest to lie, Mitsuya isn’t your boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean he’ll never be.
He snatches the thong and strokes his cock with it in hand. His eyes roll back, a broken moan leaving his lips as he continues to pleasure himself. He stops abruptly, though, as the woman in the video he’s watching stops teasing her clit. She shows off a dildo, slowly rubbing it through her wet folds until she eventually begins to push it inside of herself.
She’s cute, but she isn’t you.
If he closes his eyes, however, she is. He looks to his fleshlight, deeming this the closest he’ll get to fucking you no matter how desperately he yearns for it. He carefully guides his tip into the plastic pussy, moaning a little louder than intended as he bottoms out.
He bites his lip as he recalls the woman in the store squeezing her thighs together as she helped him pick the toy out. It makes him laugh, briefly, as he recalls how forward she had been. He fucked her in the changing rooms as she insisted she’d need to see what he was packing so that she could help him pick the perfect model.
She sent him away with the biggest size.
Your pussy won’t feel like this, though. He’s certain you won’t be so generous and accommodating. Your tight little virgin cunt will fight against him, but he’ll make it fit.
“Jesus, fuck—” he groans, admitting defeat for the final time as he brings your panties to his face and almost suffocates himself with the material.
His chest swells as he inhales, before it deflates with shuddering breaths as he savours the scent of your used unmentionables. He picks up the pace with his toy in tandem with the woman in the video. His moans are boisterous and uncaring, he’s lost the ability to feel shame as he imagines you bouncing on his cock crying his name and trying to become accustomed to his length.
He needs it more than air.
He needs it more than he needs to fucking breathe.
“Shit, ah—” he grunts, he bites his lip as he continues to pound into the fucktoy in his grip. He grunts stridently as he spurts into the fleshlight. He watches through heavy, lidded eyes at the clear plastic, watching how his balls tighten and deposit his creamy load into the faux pussy. “Fuck, Taiju.” he sighs, but laughs as he slowly begins to stroke himself with the toy. He hisses, feeling sensitive from his release as he milks himself of every last drop he can drain.
He exhales breathlessly once he’s done. His chest rising and falling as he allows his body to melt into his leather chair. He looks around the room, and he looks at himself. The crushing reality of what he’s just done weighs down on him. He’s spent, but finds enough energy to put your panties back in the drawer, locking it promptly.
The fleshlight, on the other hand, he leaves out after making space for it on his desk. He winces as it rolls and his sperm begins to drip out onto the glossy, chestnut tabletop. The comedown from is euphoria is like reaching a new low. He can’t even bear to look at the scene of his filthy indiscretion any longer.
But as he’s about to stand, the door swings open.
“Taiju?” you pout.
He scrambles to hide his exposed lower half under his desk and dump some of the papers littering his desk over the sticky fleshlight. He can’t hide the grimace on his face as the corner of one of his documents begin dampen from his cum.
“O-Oh, sorry, I forgot to knock… I should have knocked.”
“Yes, you should.” He says, gruffly, “What is it?”
You’re quiet, allowing your sock covered foot to glide across the wood flooring as you awkwardly look down at them. It’s not like you’re scared to talk to your brother, but you know he doesn’t like to be interrupted when he’s in here. And you don’t want to embarrass him.
“Answer.” his order startles you, his voice almost thunderous as he commands your attention. Your eyes fill with water, but you bat the tears away as you speak.
“I thought I heard you yelling. Or… in pain.” you tell him, voice below a whisper as you confess you’ve been unintentionally listening. “I thought you might have hurt yourself.”
Pink dusts over his face, you can even see it from only the light of the monitor. He looks around, suspiciously, though you don’t notice or comment on it.
“Why were you listening to me? Can’t you sleep?” he wonders. “… Don’t worry. I’m fine.” he assures you.
“I was worried. A-About earlier. I don’t like it when you’re mad at me… I promise I haven’t got a boyfriend and I’ll never bring anyone here without permission again.”
He smirks at that, all of his teeth bared and you still don’t understand what kind of sick depraved man your big brother really is. Maybe you aren’t as ungrateful or disrespectful as he thought; it was wrong of him to even assume that when you’ve been nothing but a doll the whole time he’s known you.
You poor thing.
You’ve been fretting over your brother’s wellbeing and state of mind since he sent you to bed so long ago. He’s been on your mind this whole time. You’re more like your big brother than you even realise, he thinks.
You’re so timid.
So obedient.
So good.
“You must be so tired, princess…” he coos, and you nod dumbly. He tuts, feeling sorry for your innocent nature and naivety, but sweet little you thinks he’s sympathetic to your exhaustion. “Do you want me to help you sleep? Shall I play with your hair like I used to when we were younger?”
“Really?” you ask, eyes lighting up at the proposition.
“Of course,” he nods, grinning wildly. “What are big brothers for?”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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rickys-crypt · 3 months
"just the tip."
t. mitsuya, s. kawata, t. shiba
Inspired by this post by @slttygeto.
18+ content ahead, Minors Do Not Interact
Warnings : 'just the tip' excuse, bottom!reader, hinted established relationship w Mitsuya, Mitsuya is kind but also incredibly horny, casual sex, secret pervert Angry, Taiju is a bully, Taiju has a horsecock, (barley) implied friends w benefits w Taiju, Taiju (barley) preps you
Takashi Mitsuya
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"Mmm, Taka!"
Takashi Mitsuya was sweating.
He'd been the one to talk you into only letting him stick the tip in, swearing up and down that he wouldn't go any further, but he could feel you clenching around him, *begging* for more of his cock, and as the seconds ticked by he found it harder he found it to resist. Maybe just a couple more inches; that wouldn't be too bad…
"Ahh! Takashi!"
Your eyes snapped back to his in surprise as you felt him fill you completely.
'M sorry, baby."
He whined out as he began to thrust quickly.
"I could feel how much you wanted me, and I couldn't resist."
You felt yourself nodding along, barely able to think about much more than the feeling of almost being split in half by his heavy cock.
“This is okay, right? Doesn't it feel so good?”
He grunted, effortlessly pulling nearly all the way out before pushing back in.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good for me. Like you were made for my cock.” 
As he continued, you couldn't bring yourself to be anything but in agreement.
He was right. He usually was when he had you under him.
Angry | Souya Kawata
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Souya Kawata was a sneaky bastard.
Sure, he shared that with his brother, but while with Nahoya, you could usually sus out what he was thinking or planning, his brother was much better at hiding things.
So, you could be forgiven for not expecting things to go as far as it did.
It started with him offering a massage. This wasn't the weird part necessarily, as when you'd learned how to massage from an ex, you'd taught him and his brother as soon as you'd broken up, and offering them on a long day wasn't unheard of.
No, what was weird was how eager his fingers seemed to clutch at your flesh, especially your chest. As he spread the oil, you felt every stroke of his fingers on your nipples. 
You were also having a hard time ignoring how hard he was as he pressed against you. Eventually, as his hands slid between your legs, he finally made his intentions known.
"Please... I just wanna be inside you a little bit. Just the tip for a little while. Please?"
You thought about it. He'd done an excellent job with his massage, and you could feel his cock starting to throb. You shrugged. It wouldn't be too bad to reward him, right?
Of course, Souya Kawata was a sneaky bastard, and before you knew it, you could feel yourself being pressed into the mattress as his hips snapped into yours.
"Sou, what- mhm! -happened to just- ahh! - putting the tip-!"
The way he panted into your neck made your eyes roll back.
"Couldn't fucking hold back. Not when it comes to you.”
Taiju Shiba
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Taiju Shiba was a bully at the best of times, and no one knew it better than you, his childhood friend.
It hadn't been as bad when you were young. He'd been the one to lead you into shenanigans, and you'd often followed, but he usually listened to you if you told him he was going too far. But he'd changed a lot when his mom died.
People called you his partner often because he was marginally nicer to you than most, and he'd gotten in more than one fight on your behalf. But you weren't sure if that was true. It felt more like you let him take his frustration out on you, and in exchange, he sometimes listened to you and didn't get pissed when you argued with him.
Of course, he never purposely laid a hand on you in violence. No, he had sworn he never would again after the first time he'd choked you a bit too hard, and he'd stuck to it. But when everyone drove him insane, burying himself deep in you was his only solace. So when he invited himself over, you knew what to expect.
He always started softly, only manhandling you into his lap and leaving his kisses and strokes where he could reach.
"Sweetheart, I need you. You gonna help me out? Just the tip. I swear. You trust me, right?"
You found yourself with your back pressed against the couch, whines and moans spilling out as his thick fingers stretched you out. Taiju was the only one you'd ever been with, and you knew firsthand that he wasn't overdoing his prep. Even just the head of his cock was so thick that it could stretch you out. Eventually, his fingers were replaced by the air, and as you watched him line himself up with your hole, you knew he was not going to stop at just the tip.
Sure enough, you were whining and clutching at him as he managed to push himself farther than the couple of inches he'd promised.
"It's not gonna fit! Taiju! It's too big!”
You felt his hands clamp down on your hips to hold you in place and groaned, knowing you'd have bruises there later. You looked up at him, recognizing the look in his eyes that told you that you'd be here for the next couple of hours, at the very least.
"It's gonna fit. I'm gonna make it fit.”
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eggtartz · 5 months
getting caught 👀
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ran haitani
hands sliding to his lilac hair, the kiss deepened with a slight moan. the feverish feeling was intense as ran hold your waist, gripping it almost possessively as he pinned your body to the door. "so beautiful and to think you're all mine?" he smirked as he kissed your neck before sealing his lips back with yours. you two were about to take each other clothes before the door knocked. "oi, anikii. let me in, I have something to show you" the voice of rindou haitani made you slightly panicked as ran snickered "oh yeah? what's that?" ran asked while he kissed your face as you tried to stop him, flustered by the whole situation. rindou seemed to be clueless and opened the door to see his brother feverishly kissing you while you froze. "you're nasty" you said with a frown "nasty!" he said again while exiting the room. ran snickered as you looked down with heat growing in your cheeks. "wasn't so bad, eh?" he said before earning a slap to the arm.
taiju shiba
it was valentine's day as you accompanied taiju to the church every sunday and it ended with a full out making out when you two were alone in the car. both yuzuha and hakkai was buying groceries and once the siblings got out, the eldest turned on the car tints and took your breath away. the kiss was passionate, both of your tongues connected with a fast kiss. taiju's big hands are holding your waist, the hold was a complete opposite of his kisses. he hold you like a flower, a fragile and delicate person that he hold gently and he fears that he'll break you. his hand hold your back neck, holding it there for a better angle. you two did not heard the knocking on the window whatsoever, drowned within each other. "nii-chan, what's with the-" the two siblings stopped as you two stopped too. "oh! uh.. you know what? I think we forgot something in the store right, hakkai?" yuzuha managed to stutter after a minute of staring at each other with awkwardness. taiju had to clear his throat for the two to scramble and close the car door as taiju shake his head. "we'll continue this when we have more space, alright?" he managed to remark, planting one last kiss on your forehead.
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writingsbymo-mo · 6 months
Forgive me, Father
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Priest!Taiju Shiba x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (minors dni)
Contains: Priest kink, creampie, voyeurism, sex in a church, degradation, implied pregnancy, rough sex, pet names
Summary: you've been having a difficult time paying attention during mass ever since you caught Father Taiju fucking someone in the sacistry. Now you can't get the thought of him doing the same to you until one fateful day.....
Hope you enjoy! And Merry Christmas you filthy animals!!! hehehe
It was a dark and cool evening. You had just gotten off work, headed straight to the confessional at your church. You had so, so many sinful thoughts of Father Taiju, one of the priests spreading the word of god at your church. A mere glimpse from his serious gaze while you're sitting in the pews during mass has you squirming in your seat.
Father Taiju took his work very seriously as an honest man of God or...so you thought.
One day, you caught him fucking a fellow church goer in the sacistry. You hid outside the cracked door, covering your mouth the whole time, fingering yourself as you bit your bottom lip, holding in moan after moan. Every wet slap, and deep growl emanating from him sent you spiraling until you came with him.
You wanted to be the woman in there.
To get a taste of Father Taiju's dick.
With that tall, muscular structure that screamed he was well endowed, how could you not want to see what he's packing. Just the way he gleamed at you with those sharp eyes, judging your every move. He'd often clutch his rosary as you passed, closing his eyes and rubbing the beads. Was he praying for a sinner such as yourself? Or...did he have something else he was hiding?
The doors to the church creaked as you opened them and closed them behind you. Your choes clacked against the polished, pristine floors that led you to the nave where Father Taiju would reside in the confessional during this time. You managed to snag an appointment with him for today all thanks to your shitty work schedule.
One thing you remember, he never took his eyes off you during the scheduling process, almost like he was looking forward to it more than you were. The way he moved was more rigid than normal too as if he were trying to hide something whenever he leaned across the table to hand you the papers that officiated your appointment. Why? You could only devise assumptions.
You approach the confessional, admiring the intricate details in the carved wood as you entered the private space, sitting in the chair provided.
The space was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop from across the room. You relaxed your shoulders and let out a deep sigh, shifting in your seat as you whispered. "Ok." It was finally happening. You could finally speak to him in privacy. He was literally on the other side of the screened window, barely making out his silhouette.
With a deep breath you were holding in released, you began with the sign of the cross. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I um, haven't been to one of these in some time but," you clutched the hem of your shirt and squeezed your eyes shut, "there's someone I've been having thoughts about..." Your voice trailed off. All the hairs on your neck stood on end at the heavy air settling around you. This whole confession was so much simpler in your head, why clam up now? You want him. Need him. So why are you hesitating?
"Mmm, what kind of thoughts?"
Father Taiju's baritone voice broke your thoughts. You gasped when his sweet tone sang in your ears. He's waiting. Tell him!
"I've been having lustful, very lustful thoughts, about someone who goes here," you paused and took a deep breath, "every time I see him, I can't help but imagine stripping him down until he's bare naked...and...I might've caught him one day fucking someone...and have been imagining him doing those things to me and more..."
You bit your lip and started to squirm in your seat. What would he think of you now? Just another sinner asking for forgiveness? Seeing you as nothing more than a harlot?
"Gah, tell me more. How were you fucking this man?"
Warmth pooled into your face as you tried not to stutter. "Well...almost anything really. I want to feel his massive dick jamming into me, making me cum and scream his name over and over until I pass out." You began to hear low, deep pants from the other side but didn't pay it any mind. "I want to taste him, swallow him and his cum. And honestly...I really want him to just use me as he sees fit. He's just so fine...his muscles and the way he moans—"
Like that...oh fuck...
If you weren't feeling wet and warm earlier, you certainly were now. Your pussy twitched at every deep groan that he made until one moment, he stopped as you heard a door open. He yanked the door to your side, almost tearing it from the hinges.
You had never seen him look like this before. Taiju ran his free hand through his hair. His wild, predatory gaze sent warmth pooling into your gut. You couldn't stop your eyes from trailing down to the obvious tent behind his alb. Oh, he's definitely big, maybe bigger than you thought.
Father Taiju practically snarled, stomping into your small space in the booth, grabbing you by the arm as he kept his feral gaze upon you. He was the wolf, and you, the rabbit caught in his claws. "Come, we'll continue this elsewhere," his voice was stern with a hint of desire leaking through. He picked you up in his arms like you weighed nothing to him, carrying you off to his private quarters.
The clacking of his shoes hitting the polished floor felt like eternity, basking in the silence, waiting for his next move. He'd mumble under his breath, closing his eyes as his lips moved. Was he praying? Thinking of you? Asking for his own forgiveness to what awaits you two? You silently gasped when he shifted you in his arms, reveling in the flex of his bulging biceps. You turned your head to gain a better look at him and whispered, "Father Taiju?"
He paused his steps in front of the altar. His sharp gaze now peering into your very soul. "Shhh, don't say another word unless you'd rather I place you right here to be fucked in front of any passerby?" You shuddered a gasp at his low, deep growl as he began to chuckle darkly, "you'd like that, wouldn't you, harlot?"
"F-Father?!" You stuttered in surprise and want.
Fuck...yes, you would like that.
You swear, this man will be the death of you.
"Not today," he smiled, showing his teeth as he stroked your cheek fondly. He kicked the door to the sacistry wide open, causing you to flinch. It slams shut behind you when you're suddenly thrown onto a soft bed, almost knocking the wind out of you. Taiju throws off his clothes, throwing them onto the other side of the room without care. All that was left was the rosary around his neck, accenting the tattoos near it.
He was panting, grumbling deep in his chest. His dick stood angrily between his muscular thighs, dripping with need. The bed bounced and creaked when he pounced atop you. That yellow gaze hungered for you, screaming you're trapped, you're his now and forever more. "I've been waiting for this," he growled, ripping off your clothes and throwing them in a heap, "been waiting for you, sinner, my favorite sinner."
Taiju grabs your face as you part your lips and slams his dick into your mouth, ramming it down your throat over and over as you try not to gag too much. Your eyes roll back, beginning to lose your breath. He noticed and slid his dick out of your throat, stilling it until you caught your breath enough for his liking, picking up the pace once more as his deep growls grew louder and much closer together. Spit rained down your chin onto the sheets below, growing more plentiful by the second.
"Fucking take it like the sinner you are!!"
A few harsh thrusts later and his hot, sticky cum sprayed down your throat in quick spurts.
Your eyes widened at the fullness, attempting to swallow every drop to no avail. Saliva and cum dripped down your chin, connecting to his dick as he pulled out. You took the deepest breath you ever could, stifling a cough. The string snapped. Taiju shifted his body lower, grabbing your hips with his large hands and hoisting you up to meet his. He smirks down at your small form beneath him, grabbing his heavy dick and slapping it against your wet pussy. "Beg for it you fucking succubus," he sneered, watching you squirm and mewl with every slap on your sensitive bud.
"Please..." You rasped. Slap "FUCK!" He slapped your thigh with an open palm.
"Tch, please what?" He growled, slapping your thigh again.
"Please, Father Taiju—ooh fuuuck!!!"
He rammed his thick dick into your cunt with a wince beginning his unrelenting assault on your cervix, "so fucking tight!"
Your eyes glazed over, sputtering out moan after moan while your insides were battered and bruised in the right way. He stretched you out like no one had before, almost painful, but you welcomed him. Your walls squeezed around him with every harsh, powerful thrust. Drool pooled down your chin and onto your chest as you became drunk off his fat dick.
Taiju grabbed your legs, throwing them over his shoulder, putting you into a mating press. He gripped your hips firmly to steady you as he went harder than you ever thought he could manage. You screamed, digging your nails into his back, raking lines down the tattoo on his back. Your vision went white, letting your tongue fall out of your mouth as shockwaves shot through you with your first orgasm of the night. You screamed, body convulsing as your cunt winked around his dick still pounding away.
Father Taiju threw his head back and laughed. "You're a special one. I'll make you transcend this world over thrust and over thrust and over again!"
His eyes gleamed with adoration and lust, reaching to brush your face with the back of his hand. "You're mine, my succubus. I can't concentrate when I'm near you." His thrusts grew sloppier by the second as he growled. "Your figure drives me insane. Fuck! Those other whores can't compare to your beauty. You are a true work of God!"
You weren't sure how much more you could take. Your body already felt the fire coursing through your veins again, ready to let the dam burst. "F-Father Taiju, I-I'm gonna cum!"
"Not yet." He grabbed changed his angle slightly, making you jolt.
"Tell me, sinner, who does this pussy belong to?" He grunted.
"Y-you Father Taiju! It belongs to you!!!"
He grips you harder, enough to leave bruises. "That's it, be a good sinner and cum for Father Taiju."
On cue, the band snapped. Juices gushed out of your pussy onto the bed below as you screamed his name. Your walls winked around him, begging for his cum that suddenly flowed into you, filling you up with warmth with a deep growl.
You stay like that for a good minute, catching your breath as you just let your body go limp. Taiju let his softening dick slip out of your pussy. Mixed fluids of cum flowed onto the sheets below, making him smile. "I have cleansed you of your sins for today," he reached around his neck, slipping the rosary over his head then placing it around your neck. "Now, if you need me again, just wear this and I'll fucking cleanse you again."
You grasp the rosary draped around your neck with a smile etched on your face. "Thank you Father!"
"No, thank you, my favorite sinner."
From then on, whenever he sees you at mass with his sacred beads around your neck, he has that knowing glint in his eyes. Some have been giving you glances and talking behind you, noticing purple bruises and scratches along your neck and back. You keep your head held high, though you can't help those days when they get to you.
"I see you're wearing my rosary today, my favorite sinner," he wipes whatever tears fall from your eyes to reassure you. "Spare those harlots over there no mind. You are mine! Care to join me in my sacistry to purify you?"
"Always, Father Taiju," you smiled as you placed a hand over your stomach.
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cu7ie · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀૮ • ﻌ • ა ain't nothin' but a hound dog!
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cw; hybrid!characters, mentions of knotting & rut cycles. scent kink. panty/underwear things. some genital specific hcs.
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Hound!Baji was easy enough to share a roof with, but as he adjusts to being the only hybrid in the house, he gets a little too big for his britches & forgoes his respect for you, not honoring the space as something you two share - but that he allows you to exist in. Now he’s stubborn to share - never mind a room; and especially not a bed.
And when he realizes you don’t have it in to argue with him, he stakes his claim on most things in the house. He's become aggressively territorial to the point you don't even have to be actively threatening his space for him to bully you.
He doesn't have a problem with mounting you to remind you who's the alpha in this house. His cock presses into you with the intention to make you submit, since you so often forget your place.
establishing a hierarchy is paramount because Baji will feel actively threatened with you in the house after a point. He'll expect several things of you from that point forward; and no, he doesn't care if it's humiliating, or 'not something humans ought to do' - as the only member of his pack, (nevermind it's your fucking house, he is the pack leader) as soon as you're in the house he's trying to stick his dick in your ass, get all that earthen 'outside' smell off of you. Constant scenting, constant marking (he does it with his cum because he's fucking de-gen-er-ate), and your coworkers start complaining about how you and your office smell like cock & cum.
Hybrid trainers and recommended routines don't work on that dog. He's just hellbent on being bad to the bone, rearranging your guts til you send him to the pound.
he is too up his own own ass to think you threaten his status, (wait until he finds out about your strap,) and as a result you can slink about your house without much issue beyond Baji getting a little in his ways, in his feelings and cornering you between your granite counter top; get you better acquainted with his knot since he always imagined rounding you out with pups some time..
And he will, eventually. You've got this fat little pussy that drives him mad, pheromones don't work on you but they are all he can smell and he won't be satisfied until he can sniff out himself pouring off of you in waves - the litter of pups growing inside you cementing you as his for the rest of your natural lives.
Dog!Hanma is always hiding. But he's more playful than Baji, he's hiding to surprise you of course; though more often than not he's not the most honest. Sometimes he'll stay hiding when he shouldn't be looking.
Maybe he came into the closet to try and spook you, but he quickly forgot and ended up aimless and in the dark with nothing to do; but when he tries to leave,
You're passed out on the bed. At least that's what it looks like, but as he swings it open and he slinks out without a sound, that's when he hears you moan.
His ears snap up at attention, his head nearly bashed against your bedpost as he tries to angle himself to -
"Fuuuuck." you growl as you cum on your fingers for the second time tonight , agitated with the feeling of your own flesh, clawing at the sheet as you toss it over yourself and turn off the light. The scent sticks to his nose like blood to a hound and he's just … dogged about ya.
He starts stealing your underwear and other garments sometimes just so he can smell you all over again, soiling the cloth with his seed before the end of the night. He just hopes you don't notice how often your favorite pairs go missing.
Wolf!Taiju doesn't live close to people on purpose, so when you stumble into his neck of the woods, he's annoyed. He can smell your campfires and your food and you and he thinks he hates all of it,
Until he sees your sleeping face, screwed up in discomfort as you shudder from the cold. You look like an experienced hiker, the kind that usually goes missing this far north. 
Courtesy of him of course. Self-aggrandizing aside, Taiju takes a liking to something about you. You two meet formally when you get targeted by another feral & he doesn't hesitate to come to your rescue, and as per your irritating human custom, you demand to help him. Pay his kindness forward.
You have the audacity to look shocked when he tears your shorts to shreds, his breath hot on your ear as he raises your hips and uses you to get off,
his rut making coherent decision-making rather difficult.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
being submissive is cool and all but a man that likes when you talk your shit back? yeah, my type 🥴
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cw: rough sex, slapping, spit play, name calling, very vocal reader
one that’s already dogging your shit out..I’m talking both hands around your throat, fingers in the mouth…pulling you up by the top of your head and telling you to take that dick as it makes home at the inner corner of your cervix. Only letting him do so becatse he promises to get it redone. But honestly? He knows you like it just as much he does. Especially considering the fact that you’ve never been shy about letting him know what turns you on..
“Yeah, fuck me! Right there…don’t you dare fucking stop.”
sucking on those teeth in a sultry tone as you glare right into his eyes..groping your own tits and and telling him everything you wanted. And best believe, he’s trying to keep up. God, he’s trying because he doesn’t want to disappoint his freaky little damsel. The one that swallows his cock with ease, whether it’s in that slutty throat or sloppy warmth. The one he can’t last more than three minutes without nutting inside of because that shit has a vice grip like he’s never seen. Honestly, you have way too much power over him but satisfying you is his top and only priority. Even if you do boss him around like a little bitch!
“Goddamn…you feel so fucking good..this my pussy, baby? Tell me?”
“Is it? You better fuck the shit outta me then..like you mean it. Make me nut on that dick.”
you get so aggressive and into it that he can’t help but twitch inside, having to adjust his pace so that he doesn’t blow his load entirely too early for your liking. Only, you’d never let him live it down. Laughing like a fucking demon every time he lost his rhythm and starting panting because you’ve starting purposely tightening around him; making those spasms enclose him like you never wanted to let go. It’s only when he starts pounding your shit into oblivion, spitting into your mouth and slapping your cheek does he elicit a few submissive moans but it’s right back to shit talking shortly thereafter..
“That’s all you got? I said fuck this pussy, beat this shit up and quit playing with me! I want you to come all in this bitch..or you ain’t man enough? What? I gotta go get another nigga to do it?”
at this point, he can’t tell if it’s the immense pleasure or the fact that you’ve pissed him the fuck off but he’s trying to plow you into the mattress and he’s not letting up until he watches your eyes trail ti the back of your skull. Grunting through gritted teeth, he just smirks and continues clutching your neck as that cream coated dick keeps stroking in and out..and all the while, you know that you’re in for the best night of your life.
“You little bitch..just wait. I’m about to have you crawling out of here. Just hold those legs open and don’t move until I fucking say so..”
.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*: .・*:。.・*:。.・
sukuna, toji, taiju, eren, tengen, worrick, kenny ackerman, mikey, draken, touya/dabi, zoro, law, eustass kidd, doflamingo, crocodile, smoker, gajeel, taiga, laxus, garou, zeke, draken, kisaki, connie, south, geto + anyone else you’d like to add
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taixju · 2 years
All this smut manga got me thinkin’ of yandere taiju. A possessive, controlling authoritarian - twisted just enough to manipulate n gaslight you into being his devoted wife.
CW: yandere!taiju x reader, toxic relationship, smut, unedited horny hours
“In health and sickness, do death till us part — that was all a fucking lie, huh?” he pulls his fingers from your weeping cunt, admiring his beautiful wife’s arousal. His tongue predatorily swipes along his teeth; like a beast ready to devour his prey.
“No!” You grip the bedsheets, knowing better than to touch your husband when he hasn’t permitted you to.
“And yet, you welcome other men into our home?”
Guilty tears begin to pool in your eyes; their heaviness threatening to spill over. Unbeknownst to you and him, your childhood friend just happened to stop by.
“I’m sorry,” you bite your bottom lip, preventing a whine from slipping out, “Tai, forgive me…I didn’t mean to upset you.”
He ignores your pleads, bringing his fingers, slick with your cum, to his lips. When he tastes you, he releases a guttural groan. His wife was his favorite flavor.
He gazes upon your pathetic, withering form from above. As long as you were willing to repent, he’d always forgive you.
Taiju bends down, his heavy cock jutting out and hitting your cunt. He is rough — grabbing your breast before taking a perky tit in his mouth. He sucks harder when you cry out. He loved when such erotic sounds poured uncontrollably from your mouth.
He releases your nipple with a loud pop, admiring the now reddening mark he left on your chest.
“Y’know I love it when your cry,” he mumbles, as his fingers find their way to your sensitive clit, “Maybe if you get on your knees and beg, your merciful husband will forgive you.”
Your were his and he’d make your you’d never forget that.
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maginxlia · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Men ✰ In Dirty Pictures of You PT 2
Cast Line Up✰ Draken, Takashi, Takemichi, Chifuyu and Taiju
Rated TV-MA
Minors this isn't For You
Summary ✰ You wanted More, I’ll give you more! What kind of Filthy (Consensual) Pictures the Men have of you on their phones plus Them touching themselves cause you're so fucking sexy. The Sequel Baby!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
✰ Draken Has his share of pictures of you on his phone and he treasures all of them but the photos that his eyes always linger on is the ones of you Topless on his bike
✰ Your titties free as you sat there all sexy and delicious make the tall man want to crawl to you
✰ His home screen is you sitting on his bike with nothing but barely there panties blessing your frame
✰ He's not ashamed to say he pulled those panties off with his teeth that very night
✰ Mikey Nearly making him jump out of his skin whenever he sees his phone in his hands “I didn't know Y/N knew how to ride a Motorcycle” Mikey said as Draken Turned every shade of red
✰ Had it been anyone else their asses would've gone missing
✰ Draken dirty little secret is that he has a video of You riding his dick while he sat on his bike
Draken is happy that the shop is nice and empty, He looked at the video of you balancing yourself on his dick and now his dick is heavy, Hard & In need of your pussy
He had to resort to fucking his fist as he sat on his bike imagining it was you on top of him
Sweat beading on his forehead as his hand glided up and down his dick making him grunt “I cant wait to bury myself in you, make you feel every inch baby” He groaned out as his head went back
His Hips bucked up into his hand as he chased his pleasure, his balls tightening as he fucked his fist harder
Draken stopped himself before he had the chance to cum. He snapped a quick picture of his hard dick before sending it to you with the text along “Wanna go for a Ride? Come to the shop, I’m saving every drop for you”
Takashi Mitsuya
✰ You are Takashi`s Favorite model, That's why he has so many pictures of you in lingerie he made especially for you
✰ His phone is filled with pictures of you scantily clad in different positions and his excuse will always be that it's for his portfolio
✰ But there are no excuses for his Home Screen being you standing on his desk spread eagle, Your body bare to him
✰ He keeps his phone to himself and he doesn't let anyone use it, let alone breathe on it
✰ He gets off to your photos whenever he is alone. How can he not touch himself when you give him so much inspiration that keeps his dick nice and hard??
Takashi had his right hand stroking his dick as his left hand held onto his balls, He was looking at the photo of you spreading your pussy for him
His Lilac eyes worshiped your body as he pretend that it was your hands around him making his eyes roll back
“I want to lick you up and dick you down so bad right now, I want to cum inside your pussy and fill you up” He groans to himself as his hand continued their work in getting him off
His breathing was irregular while he toyed with himself with expert hands, Goosebumps on his skin as he felt himself close to cumming
He closed his eyes as he came hard, his body shaking while he thrust up into his fist
Groaning as he regulated his breathing again while his hand found his phone to text you “I Hope you're ready to be overstimulated tonight Because I'm going to fuck you so good you'll be trembling when I'm done”
Takemichi Hanagaki
✰ Poor Takemichi, you use his phone to take pictures of your ass and titties.
✰ Every day is a new tempting picture of you gracing his home screen, He swears you're trying to kill him ( A Death he would happily accept cause he's a SIMP)
✰ Your Titties already make his dick stand but you adding your ass to the equation?? All his blood gone to his dick quick
✰ He studies the pictures of your ass and titties like he's getting graded
✰ Chifuyu and friends catching him with his eyes locked on his phone all the time making him get all flustered while clenching his phone to his chest talking about “It's nothing!” when they ask him what the hell can be so interesting
✰ Crybaby Hero's phone is practically glued to him, No one can peek inside but him
✰ Takemichi would legit bawl like the crybaby he is if you stop taking dirty pictures of yourself
✰ Newest Obsession of his? The Video you took of him while he ate you out good
Takemichi currently was laying down on his belly in your shared bed, His left hand was holding up his head as his right palmed his dick through his pants
His eyes were focused on his phone that sat up against his pillow before him, the video of Him lapping between your folds played as your moans filled the room
“Ugh so Pretty” Takemichi Moaned as he grind his dick into the mattress, His hips keeping up with the pace of your moans
Tears of pleasure pricked his eyes while he continued to fuck himself to the video of you, “ Yes Baby I want to lick up your juices, please let me have a taste” He grunted to himself as his hips began to tremble
Takemichi couldn't stop himself from cumming along with you as the video ended, He came in his pants but he felt no shame as he grabbed his phone to text you “ Please come home, I need to taste you”
Chifuyu Matsuno
✰ Chifuyu the King of your Lewdness, So many pictures of your naked body litters his room, and his phone
✰ You making a fucked out face? Your ass? Your Titties? Your pussy? Your Tongue with his cum on it? Chifuyu has pictures of all that
✰ Chifuyu can be balls deep in you with his hair in his face and still take the most flattering pictures of you
✰ He cherishes all his dirty photos of you and he hides them well, No one knows he has these photos but you
✰ His Home Screen is you laying on your back in a maid outfit with your ass in the air with your panties showing to him
✰ He has his phone in his manga when he's reading it around his friends cause he can't go without looking at you every ten minutes
✰ His eyes roll in the back of his head whenever you send him videos of you playing in your pussy
✰ You drive him crazy but He's happy to be driven insane by you
✰ Your photos already keep his dick mad hard but your videos? Nearly ends him.
✰ He cums to your videos whenever he gets a chance. He can't help it you make him needy
Chifuyu runs his free hand through his bangs while stroking his dick to the Video of you fingering yourself
“Yeah Baby, Just like that. I bet you can't wait for me to replace those fingers with my dick, Yeah? Mhmmm” He groans out as his hand works his shaft
He could barely keep his body from shivering as he continued pleasing himself “ Pussy all pretty and wet for me just the way I love it” He said to himself while he kept up with the pace your fingers entered in and out of you
Chifuyu knew he was going to bust soon if he kept this up, he couldn't keep himself still in his chair as his rate of breathing increased
He grabbed his phone to record himself as he went over the edge, cumming all over his thighs
He gave himself a few more pumps as he enjoyed the euphoric feeling before sending the video to you, The Caption? “I need you baby but before you can sit on this dick, I'm going to need you to ride this face first”
(Bonus) Taiju Shiba
✰ Taiju Has the audacity to have you saved in his contacts as “Angel” while having the most sinful pictures of your body saved on his phone
✰ Pictures of you sitting naked on his clothed thick thighs are only a meager example of the type of filth he has of you
✰ His home screen is a picture of you fucked out on his dick
✰ Taiju has videos of him fucking You and They are good quality too
✰ “Keep the Phone Still, I want to see how well I fucked this pretty little pussy up” Taiju commands you while he drills your guts
✰ If you don't keep the phone still?? If the video isn't to his liking??? Taiju fucking you again twice as hard and he's going to fuck you until you get the perfect video for him
✰ His phone is always near him, He never lets it out of his sight. Plus who's going to touch TAIJU SHIBA's phone?? Mans a walking ass beating machine
✰ When he's by himself he can't help but watches the videos of him fucking you into a babbling mess
Taiju Sat on the couch in your two livingroom, his shirt is unbuttoned as he used his fist to fuck himself
His Huge dick is uncomfortably hard as his Beautiful yellow eyes glare down his phone that plays the video of him fucking you sore
He studies the way he fucks in and out of you as he pretends his hand is your pussy gripping him
His stomach contracts every time you moan like it does when he fucks you making him grunt along
“Who fucks you silly like I do? No fucking one. That Pussy belongs to me” He grunts loudly as he grips himself harder
He was on the tip of cumming right when you entered the living room, He didn't stop stroking himself as he beckon you to come to him with his free hand
As soon as you got near to him, He pulled you to him so that his lips were by your ear “ I hope you're ready Because I'm going to fuck a baby into you Tonight”
Hotties on the Taglist❤️‍🔥 @obitohno @whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon @bakarilennox @ransluvrboy @earlmeow
Likes, Comments, Reblogs, And Asks are Appreciated & Loved
Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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s0dium · 2 years
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A/n: Cant believe my other one got taken down, here we go again ig
Characters: Draken, Ran, Taiju
Warnings: Squirting, forced orgasm, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, multiple orgasms, dub con, recording
Ken Ryuguji
King at making you squirt unintentionally
His dick is just so gosh darn big T_T
He'll act sorry about it too but really he is not
"Talk to me y/n" Draken groans, letting his dick slip in and out of you methodically. Your unable to answer, only offering wanton moans and whines in response. The pressure of his dick thrusting against your sweet spot was exhilarating, it was all too much.
Your cunt fluttered and squeezed around drakens cock as you came without warning, juices leaving your pussy in quick spurts like a fountain while he stared in fascination.
Ran Haitani 
Always tries to make you squirt whenever y'all fuck
This causes sexxy times with multiple orgasms and you being winded after
His chest fills with pride every time he makes you squirt sometimes he will even catch it on camera and watch it during meetings
Ran clicks the tongue on the roof of his mouth, creating a tsk nose as you tried to squirm away from the relentless prodding of his fingers.
"Come on now baby, no running away~" While the fingers to one of his hands curled up to hit the sweet spot in your cunny, the other hand remained splayed on the inner thigh of your leg, keeping you pinned down. You whine at the unfamilar feeling building up in your stomach, like something was pressing down on a dam waiting to explode. "You can give another one for me right? I know you can, just look into the camera baby everything will be alright."
Taiiju shiba
Thinks its hella cute but totally degrades you if you do
Isnt always intentional but doesnt mind
Tries to embarrass you in every way possible really a true menace
"Hgnnghhh...! I-I am so close!" You whine, the grip you had on his blue and white hair tightening every time he thrust his tongue into the tight channel. Taiju groaned into your head, switching from fucking your hole to rolling your clit on his tongue, making your legs trembled.
"Im gonna-"You cut your self off with whine and let your self topple over the edge, juices spraying from your cunt.
"Fucking nasty" Taiju grumbles, lapping up your juices.
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 11 months
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Pierced Nipples 18+ Ft: Draken, Taiju, Nahoya & Hanma WC:1000+ (unedited) A resident of the: @enchantedforest-network TW: Pierced nipples, masturbation, fingering, sucking on breast, tiddie f****** , hickies, penetration, Suggestive themes, Suggestive language Synopsis: Your tits are their main focus. MINORS DNI 18+
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Nahoya’s eyes focused on your tits and didn't leave them for one min. This would be the first time he would see them without the bra and they were perfect for him. He was a little surprised to see the jewels of your pierced nipples. “You have some pretty tits baby girl.” he licked his lips. He was getting hard as he began to imagine his lips latching onto your tits. “You’ve been depriving me of seeing your body for so long I’m gonna savor every min of it.” His hand reaches over grasping onto your tits. “Don’t be so rough Nahoya.” softly whimpering as you felt your head hit the pillow. 
His lips inches from yours “I can’t make any promises on that now.”  his lips press onto yours.Feeling his teeth nibble on your lower lips, his lips traveling lower and lower till he reaches your tits. Hearing the soft pants was turning him on he reached for his cock and began to stroke himself. Hearing the lingering groan coming from his lips as he still sucked onto your breast. He could feel the cold metal of the nipple piercing against his tongue.
Your hands grasping his thick hair.. “Na-Na”  your eyes looked down at him, you couldn’t even say your boyfriend's name. His hands slid down to the dripping mess between your thighs. His index finger slid up and down making your body squirm. “Na-ho-ya.” he said, removing his lips from your perfect tits. his finger finally penetrating your aching swollen cunt.
His tongue slightly dragged against your nipple as he blew on them getting hard. He watches as your nipple becomes warm. “I fucking love your tits pierced.”  he admired your tits that had hickies all over them from his lips. “Who would have thought you would go through the bet months back.”  He didn't think you were going to pierce them but when you were there getting them done he witnessed it. He was deprived of touching or sucking on your nipples during the first month of them healing. He held onto your hips raising your bottom of the bed. He raised his body up and he had a good view of your body with his hands rocking you against his hip as his cock rammed inside of you. The way your tits bounced with each thrust. Your hands gripping the sheets underneath you. Your knuckles were turning white due to your grip on the sheets. “Shit mmm Hanma just like that.~~~” 
“Play with them sweet tits of yours,” he grunted his order at you. It didn't take long for your hands to reach for your breast. Your thumb grazing your nipple you began to grope your breast. "Fuck that's so hot."
His brow cocking down at you, as you were between his legs. You made eye contact with him, your hand stroking his cock your lips wrapping around his thick member. “Remove your top,”  Taiju spoke in a deep voice as his yellow orbs pierced down at you. Removing your lips from around his cock the string of salvias that connect your lips from his cock separated. Pushing down the straps of your top exposing your breast. The cold air hitting them makes your nipple get hard instantly. The decorative jewelry he picked out for you when you get them pierced. The intense yellow orbs focused on your lips and then on your nipples. Bringing your chest a bit higher to his girthy erections. His slippery cock slid between your tits. You held your breast as your breast slid up and down his cock gliding with ease. Hearing a low growl coming from his throat his eyes closed for a moment enjoying the sweet euphoric form of pleasure. “Does it feel good, my king?” you cooed softly as you leaned your head down your tongue licking the tip of his cock. Feeling his cock twitch between your breasts. “It would be better if that pretty little mouth was wrapped around my cock more. But seeing your tits work just fine… for now.” his hands began to undo the rest of his shirt as he was becoming hot. The pretty little gems on your breast sparkling back at him he wanted to play with your tits so badly “Enough playing around I wanna see those pretty tits bounce as your ride my cock.”
He liked it when you got them pierced he found it sexy. He understood they were sensitive the first few days and you could wear a bra. He didn't mind it. But when they started to heal the more you wore a bra and it would be obvious when your nipples were cold.  Hanging out with friends was all fun until he noticed a few Toman members looking at your chest and seeing the outline of your pierced nipples.  He began to become a bit more possessive about how exposed those intimate piercings were.  The little empty closet you both managed to fit in as he wanted to ‘talk’ to you.
Your back was against the cool concrete he held one of your legs up. The low panting spilled from your lips as he sucked on the nape of your neck. “I already told you about wearing something underneath so people couldn’t see them when we were out.” His voice was raspy. “You know how many Toman members were looking at you?” he thrust a bit harder as he brought his head up looking at you.
“I’m sorry babe mmmmm. Oh shit~~~”  you whimper softly.
Draken's free hands pull your top down exposing your breast. “Now the next time we go out what are you gonna abide by?” his eyes watching your tits as he was becoming a bit more sloppier with his thrusting.
“I- I will make sure to cover my tits more~~~~”  your eyes looked at him as he was enjoying the view of your tits before bringing his eyes up back at you and giving you a smirk.
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Intersted in joining the taglist please fill out form below to get notification of your favorite character when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist
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mitsuriwritessmut · 1 month
╰┈➤P LINKSೃ⁀➷
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✎ watch it on your own risk. 18+ content. Don't forget to clear your history. If you didn't like it or if the links provided according to you doens't matches the character, THEN DON'T WATCH IT. Simple. No need to post DISGUSTING comments please. And if the links don't work for some reason, just comment which of them ain't working. ✎
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Sano Manjiro ( Mikey)-
❤️ Scandalous outfit prank on him
❤️ How he rewards you
❤️ Fucks you while you're asleep
❤️ He wants to please you
❤️ How he punishes you
❤️ Tits typa man
❤️ The reason why he loves missionary
Ken Ryuguji (DRAKEN)-
🧡 corrupting you
🧡 Tits massaging day
🧡 brat taming you.
🧡 unleashing his frustrations on you
🧡 Fuckin u in Mikey's bedroom
🧡 pussy inspection
🧡 love making
Ran haitani -
💜 earn it baby, fukin ride me!
💜 Eating you out
💜 His favourite Toy
💜 Take it bitch ( spank )
💜 missed you princess
💜 night after a date
Taiju Shiba -
( as you all know, taiju isn't a person to ask for consent, if he liked you, he'll get you. There's no-buts- whatsoever, so according to his character I chose this links, they are very mature compared to others, watch it on your own risk)
🤍 you caught his eyes, now obey him.
🤍 A Quickie
🤍 loves it missionary
🤍 Dick inspection
🤍 Car fuck
🤍 You wanna be a brat? Here, have it you slut
🤍 He loves to suck on your TITS.
🤍 When he can't control himself anymore
🤍 How he eats your pussy
Haruchiyo Sanzu
(sanzu) -
🟪 His fav way of fukin you
🟪 you're his fav drug
🟪 loves to be between your tits
🟪 loves to be between your tits pt.2
🟪 Groping your Tits
🟪 Shower Sex With him
🟪 Riding him + nipple pinching
🟪 fucking you in every spot
🟪 Pussy inspection with his tongue
🟪 When he is in a good mood. So he rewards you
🟪 You cheated on him, so he got you fucked by his gang.
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