imaginationmess · 3 years
TAKE MY HAND (Zombie Apocalypse) [Bakugou Katsuki X Reader]; ONE
Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
Summary: When you take on the burden to keep the ones living safe, which causes you to become a traitor, but you had to pick a decision, and it cost their trust in you. You reverted to your old violent self. Months later, you find yourself face to face with your old friends. They want you to help them because they know you can handle yourself in this current state of the world. They are still ignorant of the state the world is. They have no idea how more dangerous it has become.
"We are still fucking fighting and won't stop fighting. If you fucking give up, we lose!"
Previously Chapter ZERO; Masterlist
Chapter One
Word Count: 1,500 
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The intruders' hands were tied behind their backs. There is a young woman who sighs out of annoyance seeing them not awake yet from one of the children's quirks. They were doing what they were trained to do to protect their home.
"Why aren't we killing them, yet even torturing them for invading our territory? Miss Glitch." An older man with tattoos all over his body and many burn scars on his face from his old days of being an assassin.
"Daichi. I made a promise a long time ago to their teacher. He wouldn't lose another student. I will admit it was the stupidest bold thing they could ever do. I am not usually here on the main base and taking care of business on the other bases." The [hair color]ed young lady pulls a chair to sit down, knowing they are gonna be waking up soon enough.
"Was it that time? You decide to try to become a hero enrolling in that prestigious school. You were acting to be a normal teenager once in your life to blend in with the normal ones." Daichi recalls when you were 15 years old.
You left the mafia life, having no other choice because there would have been lethal consequences. If you didn't leave, you may have lost your life. He was more of a father than your biological one. He was the one who helped you get a new identity using your mother's last name and getting in contact with your biological mother who left your father to find out how abusive and dangerous he was. She lost the custody battle against your biological father due to him having the money to bribe the judge.
You thought back to a couple of years ago, where it felt like a good dream to be too good to be real. You had a normal teenage social life where you have friends around your age instead of being way older than you and weren't afraid of you. Those connections that you made were genuine, not faked despite everyone thinking it was.
You were just a child who wanted to be accepted and cared about.
There was a knock to reveal the 8-year-old girl that snaps out of your daydream state before ordering her to come inside.
"You can go ahead, wake them up, dear." You smiled at the young child who returned it, before running off to touching their skin.
"Wake up." Her command was crystal clear, causing all four of them to stir awake.
You stand up and reach into your pocket, your knife flicking it up with a snap. The sound of the knife opening cutting through the tense air.
"You can go back to playing with the kids. This is gonna be a conversation for the adults." Daichi walks the young child out of the room. Daichi hands her over a piece of candy that is technically like treasure due to the state of the world.
The four started jumping up and down on their wooden chairs to break them. They have the right to be scared. They realized who was standing in front of them. You had killed their friend in cold blood all those years ago at the beginning of the apocalypse. You were approaching them with the calm expression similar to their encounters with serial killers.
You walk around their chairs despite them moving around attempting to break free. You cut the restraints off of them swiftly. You didn't flinch when all of them turned around to try to land an attack on you.
You let your body become ghost-like letting their punches phase through you causing them to be surprised. You took your hands to make them solid again and grabbed the two colored-haired and the green-haired smash into each other heads harshly. You teleport out from the tight spot a few feet away from them.
Your body reverts to normal and takes a seat casually.
"Are we gonna throw punches at each other or we are going to talk about how stupid the four of you are for walking into mafia base? You only got lucky. I was even here because you would have met your end by my soldiers from the normal protocol when it comes to outsiders invading our base." You laid back on your chair and crossed your arms against your chest.
The green-haired male was hesitant and took a seat on the chair that he was originally tied to. This caused a domino effect among the group.
"We were sent by Pixie Bob and Eraserhead to recruit the leader, but... we didn't know it would be you." He lays out the facts.
"Midoriya, why would they even want to recruit m- Unless you guys are planning to travel in other territories that aren't in my restriction." You voiced your thoughts.
"We may have found a way to find a cure. The downside is we are lacking supplies to complete it." Midoriya stares into your eyes with confidence.
"If you know what you need, I may already have it. I can spare some of my laboratory materials." You crack your neck, relaxing your shoulders from the tension of thinking. You need to fight.
"Don't take us like dumbasses who can't use their brain. What's the price?" The sandy blond male standing up from his chair.
You smirk mischievously. "It's the simplest thing. You can easily provide. Bakugo."
Bakugou's face scrunches up in frustration. He can't read your body language like before. He can't tell if you are teasing or being serious.
"We aren't trading Bakugo. If that's what you are thinking." The two-colored male responds.
"Todoroki, the naive one as always. I don't want him per se. You can keep him. What I want is a gallon of his sweat, in exchange for the materials I have on hand." You say, before standing up.
The shock of all their faces hearing something they never have heard from negotiating with other survivors. Bakugou's sweat.
"Do you even have what we wan-" The black-haired man with the red tips says, sticking his hand into his pocket to find it empty?
You pull out the list of materials that you stole from his pockets. This automatically causes them to search on their person to find out they have been unarmed.
"You are insane if you think. I was gonna leave you guys armed with knives to small pistols and guns. To answer your question, Kirishima. I do have them and you will get your weapons back when you depart from the base. It's a primary rule that is in this haven. No weapons allowed if you aren't on duty." You casually say as you double-check upon the list of materials.
"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard." Bakugou retorts.
"It's to prevent a tragedy if a minor doesn't know how to use a gun. This base is a primary home for families who have young children into orphans and create weapons. But do we have a deal or not?" You look up at them and fold the paper, slipping it back into your pocket.
"What are you gonna do with my sweat?" Bakugou asks.
"Make explosive bombs, of course. What do you think? What it takes to have the amount of territory I possess. I have to have an upper hand on handing the other mafia groups to keep everyone in my territory safe. I am gonna let you four think about it for the night." You turn around and walk to the door to open it. You wave your hand to signal someone to come over.
The same teenager who was in combination with the young child from earlier comes inside with two swords strapped on his back. You clap your hands on the young boy's shoulders.
"Speedy here, will give you guys a quick tour of the base and take you guys to take a quick shower because you four hella stink. Getting something to eat from the cafeteria and where you will be sleeping. He will be taking care of you while I am doing the rest of my business before you guys come interpreting it. He considers him as your watchdog. If you misbehave, he is allowed to knock the fuck out. He may be young, but he is deadly. See you boys later."
You walk away leaving your former classmates speechless. You are in a way welcoming them into your base knowing they don't trust you, which is why. You are using a young teenager to be their tour guide.
"I don't suggest acting out. We were ordered not to harm any of you, but we are still allowed to knock you out and kick you out without your weapons." Speed comments.
"We can take your punk ass down, easily."
"You hesitated because we are minors. We have been growing up in the apocalypse for a long time now. We aren't children anymore. We are survivors for a reason." 
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
Any thoughts/Feelings/Predictions that you have while out reading this chapter.
I would love to hear them! <3
If you wish to be tagged, do comment down below. 
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imaginationmess · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
Summary: When you take on the burden to keep the ones living safe, which causes you to become a traitor, but you had to pick a decision, and it cost their trust in you. You reverted to your old violent self. Months later, you find yourself face to face with your old friends. They want you to help them because they know you can handle yourself in this current state of the world. They are still ignorant of the state the world is. They have no idea how more dangerous it has become.
"We are still fucking fighting and won't stop fighting. If you fucking give up, we lose!"
Chapter ZERO; Masterlist 
Word Count: 1330+
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An old pickup truck filled with ammo and different kinds of weapons arrive. The barreled fence that had several pots and bells of all sorts tied to it, closes behind it. The fence was created to alert them if someone was trying to climb or cut through the perimeter. There is more security taken further away from their haven. A rush of people comes over to the truck and starts to unload wooden cargo and bring it inside the building where it's being worked on. The building isn't in its best state due to the apocalypse but it's been working whenever they have the time.
Numerous children were running around freely and laughing as they played. Everyone was oblivious that four outsiders were able to get through undetected. The outsiders could see how peaceful it was behind the fence. They saw everything that had been built as a community.
It was free of fear from what lure further out from their haven.
What they didn't expect was to see the same cargo that always without fail arrives each month of supply from food to plant seeds to a variety of weapons. It has spray paint on the side, saying "Mountains". It was being filled up with their resources.
Does this mean whoever was boss here is willing to provide resources to their camp haven?
"Man! Are these heavier than usual?"
"Yeah, it is! Hopefully, our x-ray man could tell us what is in here."
This is a new piece of information that causes the outsiders to be a bit nervous and the possibility of having to reveal themselves a lot sooner than expected. They weren't informed that they had additional security detail after passing the fence. They already pass through multiple security and pass undetected.
"This isn't part of the plan. Midoriya." A black-haired with red tips whispers into his earpiece. He was hiding inside one of the wooden cargo.
"We still have the element of surprise." The two-colored-haired male states, before moving away from the same holes.
"We already have the map memorized which route to take. We can run for it." The green-haired male whispers back.
"That's the shittiest plan you ever created!" The sandy blond male angrily whispers and holds back a groan when the cargo box gets dropped harshly.
"Let's just hope we come across the person Pixie Bob and Aizawa thought would be an excellent addition to recruit for the mission," The black-haired with the red tips whispers to himself, letting the others hear.
"They better be worth the trouble."
All while, the four were waiting for the best time to strike and being surrounded by numerous wooden cargo. A young male had a clipboard writing down the number of cargo and what is inside each one while looking through his black and blue swirls eyes. In other words, his eyes are x-rayed vision.
The sandy blond male was itching to break out of this hot wooden box just like everyone else. They have to try to follow the plan as much as they can. They only know that whoever they are recruiting is the reason why other mafia groups have not invaded their camp haven, because the boss of this group claimed the land.
Ever since the heroes system failed, the old mafia groups that were pushed to roam through the shadows choose this time to rise and take over making people submit to them for protection, especially for the quirkless population. They have a lower chance of surviving on their own. No one has the choice of joining or not. It was more of not being killed by the mafia because you refused.
The four only have heard rumors from survivors who had found their haven. It was labor slavery and tournaments. Citizens to heroes are to fight to their death in exchange for their freedom from mafia grasp. It was entertainment in this time of age. It is a ruthless environment to even live in. That is the reason why they were surprised to see a peaceful community of people and children running around.
They all think to the pro heroes Pixie Bob and Eraserhead, of why they even suggested whoever is the leader. It may be related to knowing how this new world works now. On how to talk to the mafia about persuading them to pass by and knowing how the system works. The Mafia is the new standing system in Japan where people fear them and who can protect them.
The U.A camp haven is where the remainder of the students, pro heroes, and parents weren't affected by the infectious virus. Numerous citizens have been sent by other pro heroes to their camp and protect them. Once in blue moon, there will be other students who were in training to become heroes from different schools to come inside and seek shelter.
There were a lot of people they lost during the journey to get their haven, including people who betrayed their trust.
It was a world where it was hard to even trust each other because someone can easily change their mind and betray them all. Just what happened two years ago, by a classmate who was trying to save their skin and letting all of them be killed. Thankfully as a group, they were able to break through and flee. However, what was unsettling was how easy they fled. It was way too easy. It was a group of rogues that were kicked out of the mafia.
The pro heroes swear they wouldn't be betrayed. No one would die in this mission of recruiting whoever this mystery person was.
"Get ready, They are approaching the one where Kirishima is first," The green-haired male whispers as green lighting surrounds his body. The two-colored male was warming up his fireside as the sandy blond was placing his palms above him as his hands were starting to light up in a bright yellow mixture of orange.
Kirishima was the one who had black hair with red tips. He was hardening his skin and kneeling in a position where he could burst out easily.
"Now!" All four destroyed their hideout and looked where they were before running or jumping as they dodge the people.
They were running and making sharp turns as if they lived here. All of the people were running inside with weapons including the children. The two-colored-haired male was freezing people left and right. They make a sharp turn finding a young teenager no older than 13 years old and 8 years old on their back, standing right in the middle with its body lighting up with bright blue. It disappears in the blink of an eye where the four freeze, not seeing where they are.
Each of them felt a slap on their skin such as on their wrists, cheek, or forearm.
"Fall asleep." A command echoed in their minds, causing their body to feel slush and heavy despite not wanting to.
"This is a surprise. Who would have known? Bakugou, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Todoroki crash into a mafia haven. That wasn't a smart decision to do." They saw someone walking towards them with a mask on, before kneeling in front of the sandy blond male. The mysterious individual removes their mask to reveal their identity, but he couldn't see. His eyes felt heavy and his vision was blurry.
However, he knew that voice from anywhere. It was a traitor from years ago leaving them all to get killed. A person who he thought he could trust with his life.
"[Last Name]." He gritted his teeth in anger and tried to not fall asleep, but his body refused to listen. He whispers in pure hatred.
Worst of all, there was once upon a time he had genuinely fallen in love with her. He only got his heart shattered by her betrayal.
It was all an act to get him and his friends to care for her. 
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
Any thoughts/Feelings/Predictions that you have while out reading this chapter. 
I would love to hear them! <3
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imaginationmess · 3 years
TAKE MY HAND (Zombie Apocalypse) [Bakugou Katsuki X Reader] MASTERLIST
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Summary: When you take on the burden to keep the ones living safe, which causes you to become a traitor, but you had to pick a decision, and it cost their trust in you. You reverted to your old violent self. Months later, you find yourself face to face with your old friends. They want you to help them because they know you can handle yourself in this current state of the world. They are still ignorant of the state the world is. They have no idea how more dangerous it has become.
"We are still fucking fighting and won't stop fighting. If you fucking give up, we lose!"
AGED UP AU! Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
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Disclaimer (Warnings)
Available in  Wattpad | Quotev | A03
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imaginationmess · 3 years
TAKE MY HAND (Zombie Apocalypse) [Bakugou Katsuki X Reader]; Disclaimer
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This book is a FEM! Reader book, throughout the book, will be using she/her. It is a BAKUGOU KATSUKI X READER BOOK!
The reader isn't gonna be goody two shoes and kind all the time. This is the apocalypse. It can change anyone to become numb to violence. You aren't allowed to have a weak heart to survive in this real hell of a world that you will be reading.
All canon minor characters will be aged up to 18-19 due to the time skip living through the apocalypse. The flashbacks will be when they were 16-17 years old or when they were back in school in the U.A. I am going by what they are now, they are currently in their second year or gonna be I believe in the manga. This also goes by their traumas and character developments in the current manga, not in the anime.
This book will contain bloody gore, missing limbs, and violence against the dead and the living. It will contain curse words just in case.
There will be stereotypical groups that exist within zombies movies and real life, cannibals, gangs, and predators.
There will be warnings on the chapter if it contains sexual harassment and assault of any type.
There will be original characters, OC throughout the book, not that many.
Please don't ask me to write lemon/smut, currently, as of now, it will not happen anytime soon in the book or planning to. If I do change my mind, I will let you guys know but not in the beginning, nor the middle. It may be near the end of the book.
There will be ships written or mentioned throughout the book, PLEASE FOR THE DEAR OF GOD! PLEASE DON'T HARASS EACH OTHER. I know how toxic it is within the bnha fandom when it comes to the ships. PLEASE RESPECT THEM! Don't even comment on it if it's not respectful. I will automatically mute you. I will hate to do that, but to keep the peace and to have no drama.
If you are okay with this disclaimer, feel free to read. If not, block #takemyhandseries
KEEP IN MIND! I am a college student and a part-time worker. The updates may be slow or scheduled depending on how much I can write. Please be patient with me. 
I will apologize for any grammar and spelling errors in advance.
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