one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was watching Critical Role and Taliesen (not in character) called Vax (the character) a snussy (sneaky pussy).
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fylterrred · 5 months
Xiv: Open up! Oh—
Tal breaks the door
Tal, proud of himself: There we go! I'm like Thor but for fuckin' doors Hahahahaha hehe, door d— I'm a door—
All three of them overlapping, chanting door
Tal, shifting right outside the doorway: I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR BRAIN!
Xiv, turning to leave: AHHH—
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vigilskeep · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time in dragon age i met my character’s boyfriend’s ex-boyfriend who had alistair’s haircut and then we killed him by the end of the scene, i’d have two nickels. that’s not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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bumblewarden · 2 years
I don't think i've talked about yet how the Taliesen encounter went down in my canon playthrough because it was a doozy first when i first went through it
My Tabris was on his way to complete one of the Crime Wave quests: The Private Collection. As he usually did when it was time for Crime Wave, he went off alone. It's his city, and he feels confident navigating it by himself. Moreover, he did not want his companions to know where he's been. Even among those he'd trust to not make a fuss about his burglaries, he thinks they'll get in the way more often than not.
As he was making his way alone to the target estate, Taliesen found him. As he begun his speech, Zevran very quickly appeared. You know the beats from there. Taliesen offers Zevran to return to Antiva with him. Tabris points out he would need to be dead first. Zevran will not allow that to happen. Then, the fight begins.
This is where going alone proved itself a monumentally bad idea. We now had two rogues up against Taliesen's army of what must have been between a dozen and twenty fighters. It was a difficult fight to be sure, but somehow, they scraped ahead and survived with some poultices still in the bag.
They held a brief conversation after the battle. It was decided that Zevran will stay with the Warden for the time being. There's still treasure to be found and worlds to be saved after all.
At this point, Zevran was now in the party. After that little unplanned bout, it was probably best he stick around and play bodyguard for the rest of this outing, no? He's taken levels in stealth as well and knows how to behave himself for a robbery. He'll stand guard at their entry/exit point to make sure everything goes smoothly.
But here's the thing about The Private Collection: it's a trap.
When Tabris entered the room where the treasures should be stored, he barely found a single deep mushroom, but outside of the treasure room, guards and mercenaries have flooded the halls.
This is where bringing Zevran along benefited us. If Tabris left the room, the game would register him as in combat. There was no way to escape alone even with maxed stealth without triggering it, and you can't venture forth while in combat mode.
Zevran was still hanging out stealthed by the entrance. It was as simple as switching control to him and exiting the map before the Warden has a chance to enter combat. Narratively, this probably played out as Zevran making sure their exit remained clear while combatants surged the halls and Tabris sneaks through like as shadow in the night to get back to him.
Meaning Zevran handily saved the Warden twice in one day, and both return to Arl Eamon's estate a little shaken up and a little worse for wear with a grand total of nothing to show for it but their lives
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Unraveling the Mysteries of Taliesin: The Enigmatic Druid Bard
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In the realm of ancient Celtic mythology and Welsh folklore, few figures loom as large and enigmatic as Taliesin, the revered Druid bard. Tales of his wisdom, magical prowess, and poetic skill have captivated generations, yet the true nature of this legendary figure remains shrouded in mystery. Join me as we embark on a journey to unravel the complexities of Taliesin's story, exploring his origins, his role in Celtic mythology, and his enduring legacy.
Origins and Legends
The origins of Taliesin are as elusive as the shifting mists of the Celtic landscape. According to Welsh mythology, he was born as Gwion Bach, a lowly servant tasked with stirring the cauldron of Ceridwen, a powerful sorceress. Through a series of miraculous events, Gwion inadvertently gains access to the cauldron's transformative powers, consuming three drops of its contents and gaining unparalleled wisdom and poetic inspiration.
Reborn as Taliesin, he emerges as a figure of immense knowledge and mystical insight, destined to become one of the greatest bards in Celtic history. His adventures, chronicled in various medieval Welsh texts such as the "Book of Taliesin" and the "Hanes Taliesin" (Tale of Taliesin), depict him as a central figure in the mythological landscape of Wales, navigating the realms of gods, kings, and otherworldly beings with equal ease.
The Bardic Tradition
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Central to Taliesin's mythos is his role as a bard, a revered figure in ancient Celtic society entrusted with the preservation of history, culture, and spiritual wisdom through the power of poetry and song. As a master of the bardic arts, Taliesin's verses are said to possess the ability to heal, inspire, and enchant those who hear them. His poetry reflects the rich tapestry of Celtic mythology, weaving together themes of nature, magic, and the divine in intricate patterns of language and metaphor.
Taliesin's legacy as a bard extends beyond the confines of Welsh mythology, influencing later generations of poets, storytellers, and mystics who sought to tap into the mystical currents of the Celtic tradition. His verses continue to resonate with readers today, offering glimpses into a world imbued with wonder and mystery.
Symbolism and Interpretation
The figure of Taliesin is rich with symbolic significance, embodying themes of rebirth, transformation, and the quest for knowledge. His journey from humble servant to enlightened bard mirrors the alchemical process of inner transformation, wherein the base elements of the self are transmuted into spiritual gold through trials and tribulations.
Furthermore, Taliesin's association with the cauldron of Ceridwen symbolizes the mystical depths of the subconscious mind, wherein hidden truths and latent potentials await discovery. His attainment of poetic inspiration through the ingestion of the cauldron's contents serves as a metaphor for the creative act itself, wherein the artist channels divine inspiration to give form to the ineffable.
Legacy and Influence
Despite the passage of centuries, the legacy of Taliesin endures, woven into the fabric of Welsh culture and beyond. His name lives on in the works of poets, musicians, and scholars who draw inspiration from his timeless wisdom and visionary insight. The figure of Taliesin continues to inspire awe and fascination, reminding us of the enduring power of myth and the boundless depths of the human imagination.
The story of Taliesin stands as a testament to the enduring power of myth to transcend time and space, offering us glimpses into the mysteries of the past while inviting us to explore the infinite possibilities of the present. As we continue to unravel the enigmatic tapestry of his legend, may we find inspiration in his words and wisdom, and may the spirit of the Druid bard guide us on our own journey of self-discovery and transformation.
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glyphknight · 1 month
Astrid and Essek having a tense stand-off in the backroom of a smutty bookstore in the midst of intrigue and wizardry may be the most fanfic thing Matt has done.
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grandpom · 1 year
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mixed reactions to nana from the hells
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witchiestwitch · 3 days
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V quick Zevran!
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densitywell · 1 year
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team comparatively sane and reasonable, team ???, team mom friend, team casualties of the powerful and the devout, team the isolated self after a traumatic event, team “’the worst thing that ever happened to me’ already happened.”
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roomy-ghosted · 6 months
pertition to give Xiv the last name Chao as that was their original name in the start of the game. It also sounds like how Ciao is pronounced. Like they're saying goodbye to the original meaning of the name :}
Alongside this: Pertition to give the party/video gang a group name as well so we can tag them properly away from the BG3 tags-
My Current ideas being: Slimegate, Wormrave (see:ending credits)
nyea. I love them your honour they need proper tagging system methinks.
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ineverguess · 2 years
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“If youre in pain long enough it just becomes background noise anyway." 𓇗⁺ ⭔₊
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isagrimorie · 2 years
One thing I'm amused with on episode 38 for campaign 3 are the reactions of Laura Bailey when she realized how efficiently ruthless Vox Machina (Vex, Percy specifically) 30 years removed and on the other end of the business end of an arrow.
(I just screencapped because i have no time to gif):
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I love the way Laura unconsciously used Vex's posture the moment Matt said: "Lady Vexhalia is at the door."
A second ago this was her posture:
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And then Matt described that Vex was holding a familiar (to Laura) bow, the way her eyes widened a little in recognition.
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And then widened even more in alarm as she realized Vex was aiming at Laudna.
And, the way Laura was ready to fight against her own character if something happened was just amazing. Two former de Rolos ready to fist fight their former characters.
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I love how almost everyone's reaction to Vox Machina and Percy's extreme preparedness (i.e.: a whole squad of soldiers ready to blow Pike's home to smithereens).
"Hell, yeah." (Travis),
Sam: Into It.
Laura: "Yes, that's my fictional husband."
Taliesen: Approval. "Yes, that is what that asshole 1 percenter would do."
Ashley is along for the ride.
Marisha and Liam seem to be still immersed.
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fylterrred · 5 months
Vellioth's third lesson is to not act in haste
Klip, sarcastic: Yeah Xiv don't act in haste
Xiv: Dude my fucking haste has literally saved you so many times I guess I won't haste anyone anymore I guess I'll learn a new spell
Klip: You've actually never used it on me you always use it on Tal
I can't transcript all of it oh my god but this bit is just so ✨ugh✨ i love them so much. From Charlie's bg3 vid around 2hr2min mark
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vigilskeep · 5 months
everything about fenris is delightful except the unfortunate part of my brain that still very occasionally goes oh my god thats fucking deucalion from teen wolf
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bluewren · 4 months
Writer vs OC
Tagged by @theluckywizard and @delicatefade.
Thank you for the tags!💙 Here's me and my two OC's, because I love them both.
Linked to the piccrew here.
In the order of Me, Taliesen, then Lex Lavellan
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Tagging @ficbrish | @anneapocalypse | @warpedlegacy | @nirikeehan | @melisusthewee | @varric-tethras-editor | @kiastirling-fanfic
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captainkingsley · 2 years
ok usually I love Molly and Caleb both being on the tall end / being the same height but I just got hit with the image of Molly, short, having to drag Caleb down or basically climb him for that forehead kiss and it's amusing me to no end
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