#tarlos engagement 💍
tngrace · 2 years
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pragmatic-optimist · 2 years
So I don’t usually write posts about songs because I tend to find a song that hits me in my Tarlos feels every day, and I’m not trying to spam people’s dashboards with random text posts lol.
But I’ve been listening to this song on repeat today, and I love it so much that I feel compelled to share it because we are all celebrating this week! 🎉💍🎉
I am a big James Bay fan, and if indie/pop music is your thing, check out his new song, One Life. I am currently obsessed with it. He hasn’t released an album since 2018, so the timing of this new single release has me losing all my chill (whatever was left after Monday’s finale—not much 😂).
It’s like he knew I needed an engagement/wedding song for TK and Carlos.
This part in particular has me 😍😭—
Sometimes I get sad at the front, at the back In the middle of the happiest moments 'Cause good things can go bad easily So I don't wanna slow down Wanna jump, wanna fly, wanna fall I wanna hit the ground running Do you wanna marry me? I've only got one life and I want you in it
This was TK’s headspace while watching Carlos sleep. This was the proposal!
Anywho, I’m totally fine and having totally normal feelings about everything. 👍🏽
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maxbegone · 2 years
happy tarlos engagement day 💍💍💍💍💍💍
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unstatedmartini · 2 years
For full drama, the gang will be ath the firehouse and when tarlos would be like 💍💍💍 we are totally gonna get pregnant Catherine and then *the* second wife shows up 😅 (maybe with a secret child too? depending on the writers how much drama they want) and then Enzo would walk in with baby Jonah. And Tarlos would totally go 'well lets elope we ain't staying here for this'
tk going from one sibling to three in the course of one scene in which he and carlos are also trying to announce their engagement would be peak lone star comedy chaos, i'm totally in favor of this
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doublel27 · 2 years
I feel like the potential engagement is going to happen in a way we haven’t even thought of! I always find the Tarlos storylines go in a different direction to what I’m thinking they’ll go (like ep13 but not in a bad way! I just convinced myself it would be more about Tk opening up to Carlos about what’s going on and why he’s always late home etc etc but it turns out Tk has been pretty open about that and the episode was more about Carlos and his jealously and learning to accept Tk needs more than just his support.. I didn’t see that coming lol!) 🥺 and I really don’t want the decision to be a massive curveball! So I’m really hoping it’s future based.
This is so old Nonny! I'm sorry.
I am so glad the proposal went the way it did. So delightful and soft and heartfelt and beautiful.
No one expected the deision to be a will-and for that to be part of how TK Strand structured his 3:18 AM proposal - because a will is easy when you just leave everything to your husband! (will I ever be over it? NEVER) And then his SPEECH! "The LOVE IS INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FEAR OF LOSING IT" I swear...fiendish forever. I have lost count of how many times I've watched it.
I hope you also enjoyed 3x18 dear nonny! Looking forward to the honeymoon and wedding decisions that have to be made in season 4.
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doublel27 · 2 years
Wishing the 911 Lone Star fandom a very happy Tarlos Tuesday: engagement edition!
I am glad we have collectively decided sleep is for the weak.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I loved the ‘smoke? Lizard? Why are you waking me up?’ Moment
I was just rewatching and I thought he said lizard. Poor Carlos, he really is signing up for a lifetime of that, huh? 😂
I am not kidding when I say I love everything about that scene, starting from that moment all the way to the "you're not just saying yes so you can go back to sleep are you?" It was funny and sweet and tender, and so true to them. And it was a huge moment for TK, who was finally able to move past the fear of losing everything in the face of a love he realized was stronger than that. And it was a huge moment for Carlos because he has someone who loves him enough to do that, who he loves just as much in return which we know at some point is something he never thought he was going to be able to have.
Everything about it was spectacular and I will not be over it for at least 2-3 business days.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I keep coming back to that last interview with Rafa and Ronen with EW where they asked about their future and Rafa was like "idk whats going on, suddenly i can't read" and Ronen completely deflects the question and talks about the final scene in 13 and it was around the time they started working on the finale so I'm like, get in losers- we are going ring shoppinggggg
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doublel27 · 2 years
Rafa improvised the Tyler?! Oh I’m invested in this now
YES! Tim said he's pretty sure Rafa improvised it. Said he didn't write it in the script in one of the post mortem interviews for 3x18.
And like, I want to know WHY. I have my theory that it's because he tries to use TK's name to interrupt the sleepy, confident but at this point still rambling proposal twice early on and TK pushes the issue to convince Carlos.
Tyler is foreign and an interrupter, and it's perfect there.
But that's my theory. I'd love to know WHY Rafa chose it there and his theory about it.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
Sorry if someone already said this but I just realized we started season 3 with the end of season 1 - TK waking up from a coma and deciding he needs to be with Carlos. So the only way to end season 3 is with the beginning of season 1 - a proposal
Nobody has said that yet (at least not to me) and I have to say I'm kind of mad I didn't put that together on my own. Those are some excellent parallels, and some excellent evidence for that proposal 👀
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
TK was legit vibrating out of his skin in the last scene.
I do like that Marjan and Paul were instantly suspicious when they held hands.
Them (and Nancy) figuring it out before they could say anything is probably my favorite part of that scene. It just shows how well they know each other, and I love it so much.
And lets face it, TK was all of us in that scene.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I've been reading some discourse, and I understand those who want Tarlos to have the marriage talk, but I agree with you that I'm sure it's happened offscreen. Carlos didn't hesitate to call Owen his FIL, which is bold, one episode after coming off a months long break up where there was very little interaction between them. Also, the way TK mentioned in the coma dream, there was no hesitance in them applying for the loft mortgage which in theory is a 10-30 year commitment. I think they always knew they were forever- which I think Carlos subconsciously still knew and that played a part in not telling his parents but that's an argument for another day and that's why there was zero hesitance of TK wanting Carlos back and in the loft and vice versa.
It’s the father in law thing that really seals it for me.
Not only did he say it, but he said it to one of his superiors. Maybe this is me reading too far into things or projecting, but Carlos Reyes is someone who strikes me as being pretty private at work. I just don’t see him volunteering any personal information. Not in the way that he’s hiding anything, but more in the “if it becomes relevant sure, but otherwise no” way. So for him to say that at work period is a big deal, but to the detective he’s spent all week trying to impress? HUGE deal. He means that.
But the mortgage is another strong point. I do not own a house (thanks student loan debt✌️), but I have looked into it. Paying it off in 10 years is the absolute best case scenario. Maybe it’s different with buying an apartment, but I don’t really think it is. Unless you’re able to put down a huge down payment or buy it outright (and if Carlos could buy it outright I think I have to hate him just in principle), you are looking at a decade of paying that bill at minimum. That’s not something you enter into with another person lightly.
All of this is to say that they’ve talked about it. Probably even before the breakup since the only reason they didn’t buy the loft together was TK’s credit. At no point did he indicate there was any hesitation at taking on a mortgage together. Especially given TK’s history, there’s no way it wouldn’t come up.
Would I have liked to see it? Yes. But if the sacrifice for not seeing that was getting Nancy’s story or Paul’s story or even the storyline with Lou, I’m okay with it. I know it happened. They’ve talked about it, they’ve made a decision. They know where they stand and now it’s just a matter of who decides to ask the question.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I’m also really not over how affectionate the proposal scene was! They didn’t stop touching each other 🥹 physical touch is definitely their top love language. It was both so emotionally intimate and physically intimate 🥹🥹😭😭
It’s so affectionate, but so are they. They do love physical touch, and I love that it’s not all sexual. They rely so much on casual intimacy right along with the kisses and everything else. And it’s so beautiful to see.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I’m clowning extra hard on proposal tbh, Owens voice over in the promo was very seize the day to me
Very good point. I guess it just all depends on the timeline of the episode. I was thinking the Owen thing would be the end, leading us into next season, but if it happens more in the first half that leaves much time for emotional discussions and proposals. In fact, it leaves a lot of time for emotional discussions that could lead to a proposal. I can absolutely see TK watching Carlos doing everything he can to help while they’re at the hospital and asking what he needs and just generally being himself and blurting out the question.
I’ve always loved a spontaneous proposal for them anyways.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
That proposal was EVERYTHING. It was FUNNY and it was SWEET and it was so THEM.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
Imagining a 3x18 proposal and a 4x01 scene with TK bemoaning the control freak wedding planning tandem of Carlos and Owen to the 126, akin to the scenes with the 126 hangout and the tandem of Gwyn and Owen in 2x01. Parallels!
🕯manifesting this exact scenario🕯
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