#tcl 2.04
gild-and-fire · 2 years
tcl 2.04 was literally a love letter to thony x arman!!
the soft smiles, the prolonged eye contact, the “he’s always there for me when I need him”, and arman doing something he hates for thony but doing it anyways because it’s for thony, and thony leaning into her boss-bitch persona and arman staring at her a little too long and thony trusting him with her family and thony apologizing for calling but arman saying it’s always okay to call and and and
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perfectarmony · 2 years
I am actually frustrated with TCL this season cuz where is the armony magic??? Like they are hell bent on showing us Nadia/Arman and thony always fixing luca and going loco loco in the process. I seriously though that this Western drama would make me stick to it but nope...
I mean who are we kidding here! The showrunners of this are the same devils who ruined the 100
What a waste of time
Hello anon, and sorry for the delay!
Okay, I could literally feel the awkwardness and frustration here on tumblr given how quiet the tag is 👀
Warning as usual: this is just my opinion - but it's also completely understandable for people to get frustrated when they're passionate about something 😉
I hear you anon, and I understand the frustration with the teasing and anticipation each week if you focus and wait for some Armony content - but really, the show is so much more, and I don't think the showrunners have failed us so far.
~ A while back, an anon told me it might be best to not expect anything from Armony, and take crumbs if there were any - and it's pretty much the voice of wisdom in this case. If you look at the characters' development - how the different relationships affects them, and how they evolve, the quality of the show hasn't diminished at all.
When you think about it, Thony started selling drugs because she needed the medicine for Luca, and wanted to help those who didn't have access to medical care. Then, she turned away from that, to become as Gabriel called her, a drug dealer - to help Arman. It wasn't so much about Luca anymore - it became about getting him out and then quickly about themselves getting out - it was about her/their survival. Arman is now kinda free of Kamdar - yeah, he's not free at all when at least 3 men want him dead, add Tarik to the mix and it makes 4 - but still, he doesn't have to work for him anymore. So now, Thony proved her worth and we're back to the show's core - keeping Luca alive any way she can.
Wait for it, I'm about to use that quote again. It's not about doing things the right way or the wrong way - but any way you can. That's what it has always been about - and Anna-Mae telling Thony that she ''always knows the right thing to do'' was also a nod to that quote, and to Garrett telling her in 1.09 that what she's doing [helping Arman] is wrong, and to Fiona telling her she's someone who always things she knows better than everyone else, and to 2.04 - how we do it isn't always the way we want/Bahala Na. And there are more!
Again it's just my opinion, but it all makes sense, and they are still doing an amazing job putting this story together.
And again, I completely understand that the fandom expects so much more when Armony has been so vivid in S1 - but the spark is still there. Plus, they barely had time to sleep since the season started. I'm not going to list everything they all had to go through - but I mean, Arman has been arrested on October 15th, and if TCL's timeline is now synced up with real life, so much has happened in just ~6 weeks from 1x10 to 2x09!
That being said, I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't also frustrated at times and didn't sometimes wish for more for the entire show - but mostly because I'd like to slow down a bit, and spend a bit more time on some scenes.
~ I haven't watched the 100, so I don't know much more about that other than what I saw amongst the vidding community when reading video descriptions and comments on Bellarke fanvids - but I'm kinda aware of the anger many fans felt in the fandom. I guess that's what you're refering too? Or are you talking about character development in general? Miranda was indeed working on the show for a while - and I can completely understand your reaction, but unfortunately can't go any further than that when I haven't watched it, sorry 👀
But where I can compare is with Queen of The South. If you haven't watched it, I 100% recommend it - and even more as a show you can binge-watch! I won't go into too much details to not spoil the series for those who haven't seen it - but it has always been about Teresa Mendoza and her journey to becoming the drug queenpin in white. A ship - Jeresa - quickly emerged, and long story short, James wasn't in s4 and came back for s5, which was announced as the final season. And of course, with the clock ticking and each week getting us closer to the end, everyone - me included - had big hopes for their reunion and wanted them to be together. There was a lot of heat, anger and frustration amongst the fandom - that I watched from a distance, but also saw in comments on mine and other fanvids.
To sum it up without giving too much away, their ''relationship'' was..stopped/paused?..in the second episode, and with everything she had gone through, it made sense too. She was scared, had lost many people, was getting deeper and deeper to desperately make it to the top to finally become legit and be untouchable / and feel safe - and was also protecting James by pushing him away.
All of this rambling to get to the point that Armony and Jeresa are the magnificent cherries on top of a magnificent story. No matter how powerful a ship is, I won't be sticking around if the rest makes me want to fast forward. I was drawn to QotS by Teresa, then also fell in love with James, Camila, Branda, Pote, Kelly-Ann,...Thony's story made me want to watch TCL, and then I fell in love with her little human, Fiona, the kids, Arman, Mateo (who was supposed to be my parallel to Pote 🤧 rip), Nadia,...
If you really aren't enjoying the show as a whole anymore, I feel like it might be a good idea to take a step back once the season is over, and binge-watch S1-S2 once your frustration has hopefully eased off 😉
I hope I could somewhat help anon? And I'm sure we'll have 3 amazing last episodes with Armony content - don't give up on it just yet ❤️
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tocchiclub · 4 years
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中国の太陽光発電産業の概要:TCLが中環の分散型太陽光発電を買収 中国最大の電子機器メーカーの1つであるTCLは、Zhonghuan Semiconductorを買収しました。一方、国家エネルギー局は、6月に分散型太陽光発電セグメントの記録的な成長を報告しました。 国家エネルギー局(NEA)によると、中国は今年、これまでに約2 GWの分散型太陽光発電システムを配備しています。 画像:scottwebb、pixabay Tianjin Zhonghuan SemiconductorがTCLに買収されました。中国の家電メーカーが、国営の親会社であるZhonghuan Electronic Information Groupの株を購入するオークションに勝ったためです。TCLは上海上場のソーラーメーカーを3社に分割する計画だと語った。中環の半導体および太陽光発電事業の発展を支援するため、20億人民元(2億8,580万ドル)以上を投入する。 中国の国家エネルギー管理局(NEA)は水曜日に、新しい住宅用太陽光発電設備が6月に767.5 MWに達したと発表しました。これは毎月の記録です。統計は、チベットを除くすべての州のエネルギー行政からのデータに基づいています。山東省は、330 MWの追加で再び主導権を握り、続いて河北省が168 MWの新規PV容量を獲得しました。NEAは、中国の累積設置住宅PV容量は6月末までに2.04 GWに達したと述べた。 大唐グループは2020-21年度のPVモジュール製品の戦略的購入の結果を発表し、ロンギ、JAソーラー、トリナソーラー、ジンコソーラー、ライゼンエナジーが勝者として浮上しています。国有グループは、通常購入の4.2 MWと予備購入の1.3 GWを含め、合計約5.5 GWを購入する予定です。 Solargigaは今週上半期の短い更新を提供し、監査されていない収益が昨年の最初の6か月の18億4千万人民元から今年は26億人民元に急増するという予想を伝えました。香港上場のソーラーメーカーによると、シリコンインゴット、ウエハー、セル、モジュールの外部への出荷量も、上半期に1.6 GWから2.86 GWに増加した。 #太陽光発電 #飛花落葉 #hikarakuyho https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzRN5egld_/?igshid=j63dbcu04w7d
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gild-and-fire · 2 years
thinking about tcl 2.04 a little more and feeling very normal about the last scene. the hades x persephone is jumping out and im absolutely obsessed
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