#tcl s2
fairydust006 · 2 years
I love the slow burn between Arman and Thony!I love the way he pines for her.The longing looks, hearts 🥰 eyes, the sexual tension! The lingering looks filled with shy unexpressed loving emotions!Arman pinning for Thony is everything ❤️
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Cortes.. “ How long have you and Arman been together?”
Thony …”But we are not together “
Coretz ..” Really? You could’ve fooled me”
Me .. She could have fooled me too!!🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤣🤣
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There was a rattlesnake sitting next to Garret’s car!I wished so bad it will bite him,if he got out of the car!!🤦🏾‍♀️🤣Does it make me a bad person?!🤦🏾‍♀️I dislike 👎🏾 him so much!!
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gild-and-fire · 2 years
OK ok it's like arman makes messes and thony cleans them up. but like then it’s thony who makes messes and arman is there to clean them up!!!!! and it’s like push/pull, give/take, messy/tidy, dark/light. and they're always there for one another when the other needs it and they are each other’s lifeline and they would get their knuckles bloody for each other
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beebster69 · 1 year
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Who was worse Hayek or Kamdar my choice would be Kamdar 
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missusplum · 1 year
Why are you so hopeful when these writers might bait and play us again?
What were you’re thoughts on the finale and what stories would you like to see next season?
Here’s hoping for one of your long essays
lmao i completely get the frustration, but the way i really see it, i don’t think the takeaway from this season is that armony will never be a focus; it’s that this show chooses to be chaotic just for the sake of being ~shocking~ and ~unexpected~ so really by that benchmark anything is possible lol
for those reasons i think going into the business of trying to predict anything on this show is generally a bad idea and a recipe to setting yourself up for disappointment. so i have no thoughts on what might go down in s3, just that i hope we get one loool. because despite all my yapping and complaining i really do want to see more of this show, and i think there are lots of stories still to tell. i started watching for elodie and i’m gonna stay for her too 😌
i’ll share my thoughts on s2 behind the cut:
my general sentiment on this season is a big meh lol. like all the criticism and worries i had about where the season was headed and about kamdar being nothing more than a lightning rod all stumbled into fruition. my biggest criticism is that the writing seems intent on delivering shocking moments and stressful situations at the sacrifice of interesting stories and actual character development. the biggest example of this is the show choosing to drop chris’ story, the far superior and more emotionally-compelling storyline, halfway into the season and choosing to fully focus on kamdar instead. i really think it was a gigantic misstep to veer into this direction and a misread of what drew people to this show in the first place. to me, the real strength of tcl was always, always, the chemistry between arman and thony, and between thony and fiona. people watched because of the actors’ chemistry; even in s1 the mob drama was always less interesting and draggingly melodramatic at times. but people put up with it because it was the vehicle to showcase the chemistry and relationships that intrigued everyone. s2 literally went full throttle into mob territory and sacrificed the emotional side and the relationships that made us care in the first place. and that is the true fumble here.
i do get frustrated reading some of the postmortem interviews with the EPs because i really want to know what progress they think this season made at all. almost all the new characters that they brought on have died (shoutout to JD for living to see another day!), the triangle of death is still in tact, thony is still single-mindedly focused on her family, luca is still sick, the de la rosas are still undocumented, arman still has no power, etc. and everyone is so miserable 🥴 something something about a clinic and helping out the community was completely overshadowed by this kamdar storyline which ended exactly how we all knew it would end, with him dead. oh i guess g*rrett miller died too. overdue imo but i’m sorry to his fans for your loss lol
one thing i will say is while i think it was very deliberate to have thony do unlikable things and behave antagonistically, i still think a lot of the fandom is being unfair with how much hate she’s getting and letting recency bias cloud their judgment. this is the same character that agreed in a second to sell street drugs because arman looked sad and then immediately incriminated herself when they got caught, literally only to protect arman. it’s a complete disservice to the character and franking oversimplifying just to write her off as selfish. she is anything but selfish imo. i do believe, and the EPs have said as much, that she has a tendency to be arrogant and to think she knows better, and this stems from her career as a surgeon. but to say she hasn’t paid for her mistakes is crazy lol, the entire two finale hours was basically nothing working out the way she wanted, and everyone telling her off and giving her shit for what she’s done. which for the record i liked; thony has often acted purely on instinct, but i like that this time that she had to lose and that the same instinct led her to make bad decisions. makes for a more compelling character vs. one who is always doing the right thing. i will say that i think reverting to anchoring all of thony’s actions to be about saving luca’s life was a narrative mistake. not only because it only underscores what we already learned about her in s1, but because atp (and i hate to say it) luca is nothing but a plot device imo. like people get frustrated when luca is thrust into the forefront again because aside from being a cute kid who is unfairly ill, there’s nothing else to the character. is he not literally only there to be sick and to cause thony to act irrationally? instead of investing time into actually making luca a well-rounded character with a personality, we wasted scenes on the likes of kamdar and maya, none of whom ended up having any staying power on the show anyway, and the stakes ended up feeling repetitive. i cannot understand why there was a need to bring on so many new (and temporary!?) characters in a short season when you already have existing shallowly-written core characters that the audience actually wants and needs to know more about.
i’ve already made my opinions on love triangles very clear lol and it still stands. like if you’re a fan of any of the characters of arman, thony, or nadia, i cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would want this triangle to continue. it’s horrible for all of them; it’s unattractive to see arman continue to divide his heart between two women; it’s depressing to see thony reduce herself to an emotionless robot because she has to shut arman out; and it’s ridiculously unrealistic to think that nadia would still put up with arman after all the arguments they’ve had about thony already. if you’ve read any of the postseason interviews with melissa carter and miranda kwok they seem pretty intent on continuing to ride this out. i’m flummoxed because like what more is there to explore???
in one of the interviews, they said that they had to slow down armony because they went too fast in s1 which is wild to me when that’s one of the few reasons why people tuned in in the first place lol. the philosophy behind thinking that when a couple gets together it becomes boring is flawed and imo more of an indictment on the writing if interesting stories can’t be told with your leads in a relationship. miranda kwok said that the bond between arman and thony will be strengthened after surviving what they went through in s2, but literally none of that was communicated to the audience lol. melissa carter said there was an opportunity for more romance in s3 because there was none in s2 but like y’all literally wrote it that way 🥴🥴 i really do think the writing massively overestimated everyone’s patience and tolerance for nothingness and crumbs. it might have been more tolerable if the rest of the show was just as compelling, but imo it just isn’t so s2 was really just watching this show shoot itself in the foot repeatedly lol. fwiw i think a push and pull between these two could have worked but s2 was literally all pull lmao; like if you have guaranteed five seasons to arc out a molasses-paced relationship then sure but we’re barely scraping by here lol 🤧
anyhoo, all in all i hope the writers actually do get a chance to read some of the criticism of this season and it’s not just written off as shippers throwing a tantrum lol. s2 was a bit of a drag to get through but if nothing else, and for better or for worse, i feel like i have a better grasp of what this show is trying to be now so that’s something. all my criticism aside, at the core of it i do love that this is a show with southeast asians at the forefront, with elodie yung at the forefront, and for those facts alone i’ll happily keep rooting for it to succeed and keep contributing my views and ratings. the rest i’ll just keep hoping for the best.
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buckttommy · 2 years
Okay I’m so interested in the Nadia/Robert and inevitable betrayal of this arc though because you can see in her how much it’s pulling her in, the fact that he (at least theoretically) listens to her and relies on her and is out here telling Arman that he wants her to work for him because everything he has is because of her/that he couldn’t have done it without her…like there must be something very powerful and seductive in that when Arman, the man she thought was her partner, is pulling further and further away from her, trusting another woman over her, relying on this person he’s known for less than a year when she’s been at his side as his wife for all this time…she’s messy but in such an understandable way idk I’m so 👀👀👀👀 about where this is all going
YEP! She IS messy and I think it would be really sexy if this season ended with: Arman and Nadia breaking up, Thony and Arman partnering up in the business and Nadia and Robert partnering up in their business so that Season 3 can be about both couples trying to fight for space in the criminal underworld. Salivating at the thought. the Drama would be off the charts. Nadia is so ruthless, far more ruthless than Arman is at this game. She takes to the life like a moth to flame; she'd be willing to do whatever it takes to push him/Thony out, especially with Robert's backing AND her own spite fueling her.
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idealisticrealism · 2 years
Ride or Die (The Cleaning Lady fanfic)
(Inspired by a behind the scenes pic from the filming of S2, but with no real spoilers.)
Ride or Die
3k words, Thony x Arman, nil warnings
Summary: When a deal goes wrong, Thony and Arman are forced to make a fast getaway– and then, finally, they stop running.
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eg515 · 3 months
I forgot about the new season of The Cleaning Lady starting earlier this month, so I just watched the first two episodes at once now and..... it's all so messy
I really hope they figure out where they're going with this, because it doesn't really look like it just yet
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perfectarmony · 2 years
There seems to be a fair amount of promo trying to sell Nadia & Arman. Not expecting Thony & Arman to have an easy time of it early in S2 but it seems like there is a shift suggesting that Arman's biggest concern will be losing Nadia. If so, at some point it starts to undermine the main love story, which was clearly Thony & Arman in S1. It would be a big mistake IMO for the show to drop/back burner Armony for too long. What are you hoping/expecting to see? Thanks.
Hey anon! 😏
Before I lose myself in my thoughts here is a quick sentence that resumes it all: I am not worried one bit about Arman and Thony.
Warning! Honest thoughts incoming, and probably more than you asked for anon, but let me try this anyway. 😅
I made points so feel free to skip some parts if you just want the answer to the question. I lost myself again. Sorry.
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I'd like to start with this: season 1 had me floored with how well they handled Thony and Arman as a ship. Did not expect them to kiss this soon AT ALL. I had seen promos going around and was still like ''meh..they'll stop as soon as their lips touch, don't get too excited girl'' and then HE FREAKING PICKED HER UP. And still, as fast as it all happened between the two, everything felt so right, so easy and so real.
From my point of view and experience based on other tv shows I watched that had me frustrated at times - most showrunners almost seem to be intimidated by their ships. Like really. And it's fine most times, you'll get a nice slow burn, then finally something happens - but what do they do next when they give the audience what they wanted? Turn around in circles with the endless I love you/I hate you? Happily ever after?
With TCL, they got that out of the way right away. They knew the audience craved for Armony and when no one really believed physical contact was going to happen that fast, well here it is. And honestly I love them for that. We don't have to worry about the will they/won't they anymore - it's clear they feel something for each other and it's only a matter of time or circumstances until a kiss (or more) happens again. 
And because of that, we can just enjoy the ride, appreciate the little details between the two and watch the emotional connection grow instead of having to desperately wait for them to finally barely touch hands, kiss or have sex. Don't get me wrong - I would love to see them get in bed together but I'm much more interested in watching their relationship grow.
Season 1 had Thony and Arman build a bond that in my eyes is now almost unbreakable at this point. They care about each other, they trust each other blindly, and let me put that out there now - they consider each other as family at the end of the season.
Let me develop that a little. Thony and Arman had both justified their actions in their heated conversation in the 3rd episode the same way: they are ''helping their family''. Thony using Arman's resources to save Luca / Arman using his violence to protect Hayak and the organization.
BUT throughout the season, Thony went out of her way to protect Arman (even with Fiona, who means the world to her, detained in the Icebox) - and that even before she told him she was in contact with the FBI. 
She told Garrett she couldn't do it when he asked her to put the necklace on to get Arman to talk in 105. Not because she was scared, but because she cares and as she tells him later, doesn't want to hurt him. Same goes for Arman, this is more than just him keeping the promise he made to her in the pilot.
Each of them will take a bullet for the other. They really are partners, a team, a family.
At this point I don’t see anything strong enough that could tear them apart. And Thony is supposed to guide Arman out of the darkness he’s slipping into in S2. I mean...THOSE TWO WILL GET AMAZING SCENES WITH THIS STORYLINE.
And I don't feel like this is the kind of show that will mess with Armony unless a storyline really justifies it.
Eva has been promoted as a series regular, so she needs her own storyline now, and of course they need to promote it. We only really know Nadia’s character through Arman, and her ex being in the show will bring us a much needed backstory that will develop her character. And to be honest, I’m excited for this, I love Nadia but I had trouble understanding some of her reactions in S1, and this will give us a chance to see where she’s coming from and see her in a new light.
Once again, not worried at all for Armony with this. Of course Arman cares about her, and will get confused and maybe fight for her, but here again, we will learn more about those two characters AND...just look at it from another point of view - what does all of this mean for Thony? How will she react? Will she support him? Retreat to give him some space? Maybe get a little jealous? And then how will Arman react depending on her reaction? 
No matter what happens, this storyline affects Armony and this is what's fun too, and it will make them grow as a ship, and somehow, I feel like this storyline will push him even more in Thony’s arms as the episodes go by.
What am I interested to see and maybe a bit worried about is how they will handle so many new storylines and addressing them in every episode 👀 there's not only Nadia's ex, but also Garrett's former case and informant/lover coming in, and how will that play out if he still is on the Barsamian/Arman case and on Thony's back.
I agree completely, things won’t be easy for them. And to be honest I’m more worried about Thony right now, because she is the one that decides how far things are going between her and Arman. And like I said in previous posts, the scariest part is the consequences of Marco stealing Luca.
But, but but Arman and Thony are linked with everything. Business, family, emotions.
I mean just one example: Arman almost cares about Luca like a father, just think about how he will react when he finds out that Marco took Luca (will he feel guilty? if so will Thony reassure him?) or will Thony feel guilty and he will give her space? So much to explore with those storylines.
Another example that just dropped on Twitter ⬇️
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With everything we know (and it’s not much so far given the amount of storyline they have pilling up), there is no way and I mean really no way, that we won’t get plenty of direct and indirect Armony scenes! 😏
Okay I think I'll stop here and go to bed. 
Thank you for this Anon! ❤️ Hoping I didn't bore you to death until you finally got a somewhat answer to your question 😏
Also..sorry no bonus this time, I unfortunately don't have anything in store concerning Nadia 😔
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largetechs · 6 months
Öğrencilere vergisiz telefon kampanyası nasıl olacak ?
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Vergisiz telefon kampanyası, üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir fırsat olarak sunuluyor. Bu kampanyadan yararlanmak için bazı şartlar var.
- Başvuran kişinin 26 yaşından küçük olması ve ilk kez telefon veya bilgisayar alıyor olması gerekiyor. - Başvuran kişinin üniversite, yüksekokul veya açıköğretimde okuyor olması gerekiyor. - Başvuran kişinin hattının kendi adına kayıtlı olması ve 2 yıl boyunca telefonu satmama taahhüdü vermesi gerekiyor. - Başvurulan cihazın Türkiye’de üretilmiş olması ve fiyatının 9.500 TL’den az olması gerekiyor. Bu şartları sağlayan öğrenciler, başvuru sonucunda, cihazın fiyatının yüzde 44’üne denk gelen kısım geri ödenir. En fazla 4.180 TL indirim hakkı vardır. Vergisiz telefon alabileceğiniz marka ve modeller ise şunlardır: Samsung: A serisindeki bütün telefonlar1 Xiaomi: Redmi 12, Redmi Note 122 OPPO: Reno 6, Reno 6 Pro, Reno 6Z, A94, A74, A54, A153 Realme: GT Master Edition, GT Neo, 8 Pro, 8, 8i, C25s, C21, C11, C204 TCL: 20 SE, 20L, 20L+, 20 Pro 5G5 Reeder: P13 Max, P13 Blue, P13, P12, P11, P10, P10S, P9, P9C, P8, P8C, P7, P6, P5, P4, P3, P2, P1 Casper: VIA S40, VIA S30, VIA S20, VIA S10, VIA S10 Plus, VIA S9, VIA S8, VIA S7, VIA S6, VIA S5, VIA S4, VIA S3, VIA S2, VIA S1 Vivo: Y53s, Y72, Y51, Y20, Y12s, Y11, Y1s, V21, V21e, V20, V20 SE, V19, V17, V15, V15 Pro, V11, V11 Pro, V9, V7, V7 Plus, V5, V5 Plus, V5s, V3, V3 Max, V1, V1 Max Read the full article
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rodos-news · 7 months
Μήνυμα του Δημάρχου Ρόδου Αντώνη Καμπουράκη για τον εορτασμό του Πολιούχου Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου Υδραίου
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dolahebih · 2 years
Gesslein s2 bedienungsanleitung samsung
           Schnellverschlüsse und gegebenenfalls eine Ein-Hand-Bedienung haben viele Vorteile. Praktisch sind auch rutschfeste Griffe und ein etwas größerer Stauraum. Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für TCL 40S5200 an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Kinderwagen und wurde von 1 Samsung DV80F5E5HGWEG Wärmepumpentrockner. 999,00 €. Preise inkl. MwSt Gesslein S2 Buggy. 299,00 €. Preise inkl. MwStWELLER WXD 2 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG SAMSUNG >> DOWNLOAD LINK vk.cc/c7jKeU .tumblr.com/post/692279985637048320/gesslein-s2-bedienungsanleitung-medion. Balios S 2-in-1 Gazelle S Eazy S Twist 2 Easy S Twist+2 Eazy S 2 Eazy S+2 FRANZ styler FRANZ DUO Gesslein S4 + FRANZ S5reverse FRANZ FX4 LIFE FRANZ FX4
https://cowarewimiho.tumblr.com/post/694043597347176448/vw-radio-r110-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://cowarewimiho.tumblr.com/post/694043655882801152/esam-3000-b-bedienungsanleitung-sony, https://cowarewimiho.tumblr.com/post/694043655882801152/esam-3000-b-bedienungsanleitung-sony, https://dolahebih.tumblr.com/post/694043657176842240/rossmann-ideenwelt-wetterstation, https://dolahebih.tumblr.com/post/694043596831277056/gutmann-mega-macs-50-bedienungsanleitung-sony.
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fairydust006 · 2 years
Fi …. “JD I wasn’t going to marry a man who didn’t love me”
Jd .. “Who said I didn’t love you?!”
Me..Fi??! How did you let this man slip through your fingers?!
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gild-and-fire · 2 years
just realized that when thony said he told arman everything about what happened in the motel, she had to tell him that her husband was now dead and they were fighting and he took Luca and basically things that would make arman realize that she is very much available lol
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beebster69 · 2 years
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missusplum · 1 year
me reading every postmortem interview with miranda and melissa like:
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ruxikupaku · 2 years
Reelbox avantgarde 2 bedienungsanleitung sony
           Sehr geehrter Kunde, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für die ReelBox Avantgarde von Reel Multimedia entschieden haben. Dieses Handbuch ist in vier Abschnitte 2 ReelBox Series: Übersicht Reel Tuner-Karten Dieser Tuner Guide enthält Kurzanleitung Installation Conax CA-Modul & Sendersuchlauf Sony ModelReelBox Avantgarde Series II. Die in dieser Anleitung enthaltenen Informationen können ohne Vorankündigung jederzeit ergänzt oder geändert. Planung des MultiRoom-Systems Ab Werk wird die ReelBox Avantgarde mit zwei DVB-S2- oder zwei DVB-C-Tuner-Karten ausgeliefert. Der freie Tuner-Steckplatz
https://hokofoviga.tumblr.com/post/693077659004059648/tcl-fernseher-55-zoll-bedienungsanleitung, https://hokofoviga.tumblr.com/post/693077659004059648/tcl-fernseher-55-zoll-bedienungsanleitung, https://hokofoviga.tumblr.com/post/693077659004059648/tcl-fernseher-55-zoll-bedienungsanleitung, https://hokofoviga.tumblr.com/post/693077659004059648/tcl-fernseher-55-zoll-bedienungsanleitung, https://hokofoviga.tumblr.com/post/693077659004059648/tcl-fernseher-55-zoll-bedienungsanleitung.
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