#teddy and scully are awesome for me to imagine on their own and stuff
steaksex · 5 months
GAGHHHGGGG I NEED TO THINK ABOUT OC SEX OR ILL EXPLODE!!!!!! scully thinks of sex as something Important, feels like hes already fucked up by drunkenly making out and the messy inexperienced bullshit he did as a teen. Feels guilty every time he masturbates and avoids it (his procedure is to try to sleep, fail, then take a shower and fingerfuck himself while clenching his jaw ao he doesnt make a sound. Then he cleans up and pretends it never happened)
Teddy my best friend forever hes had plenty of casuak sex and hookups, though mostly those consisted of him giving them head and saying he was fine becausw of fear of being rejected for being trans. Doesnt fuck a lot nowadays but thats just because he isnt looking for something casual and wants a longterm relationship (he isnt ashamed like scully is when he gets off. Has a plethora of toys and gizmos. Brother he can take a truly impressive amount of silicone. Does feel shy that he isnt very tight but its nit that bad. He has to set aside a whole evening to really get off though and he DOES cry when he cums YAYYYY)
Sterlings so issues hes okay with casual sex but he likes to have power and control, not in an awesome way but in a 'really will fuck up your life' way. He has a crossdressing kink (though rlly hes just transfem but can only explore that through sexual means due to internalized transphobia and misinterprets the gender euphroia as sexual pleasure whoch isnt mutually exclusive) but he wont do that on his own, needs to pretend that someone ELSE wants it and thats why hes doing it its just for his partners benfit. More likely to seek someone out than masturbate because he doesnt wanna seem like GAY or something by imagining wearing panties but he cant cum without them. Dumbfuck.
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