#tfg: Benjamin Levi
leafs-lover · 6 months
Where does the nickname come from and do all the kids have some?
Quinn has quite a few nicknames, the most of any child. She loves the princess, pumpkin, sweetheart, peanut, all those sorts of names that don’t originate from her actual name, and is called all of them.
Quinnie Bear is one Auston gave her when she was only a few months old, they had been watching Winnie-the-Pooh earlier in the day, so the theme song/ melody was in his head. He took her for a diaper change and she was fussing because she hates the cold, so Auston started singing the song to calm her down, but after getting halfway through it and forgetting the lyrics, he’d start over. Eventually instead of Winnie -the-Pooh, he sang Quinnie-the-Pooh and is sort of stuck little miss was a bit of a stinker so it made sense
From there, Quinnie-the-Pooh evolved to Quinnie Bear, which went to Bear, and when she was having temper tantrums, Auston would call her a grizzly bear which she hated, so he doesn’t say that anymore. She also has Quinn-a-lynne because it rhymes, but Quinn always responds with “my name is Quinn Leigh” because she doesn’t get it. She earned the slightly ironic nickname of Lightning McQuinn after she wanted to show Auston how fast she was in a race and came in last, but not even a close last, like a horribly off-pace last. Whenever she plays a sport and messes up a simple play, Auston will playfully mutter to Tia with a proud smile, Lightning McQuinn, which always earns him a scolding.
Tia almost exclusively calls Benjamin by his first name. As a baby, Auston called him Benny a lot as a cute name, and Benito as a playful one. There is Benji or Ben, and Benji evolved to Banjo and Banjo sticks for a while. As he becomes a toddler he attaches himself to Tia and basically refuses he see Auston, even if Tia is at grocery shopping or at work, he will refuse Auston. Because of his sometimes prickly attitude toward him, Auston named that version “Ebenezer” (as in Scrooge). That name does fade as he opens up to Auston and stops blatantly favouring Tia but around 13 he starts talking back and getting an attitude, so that nickname makes a re-appearance.
Maddison used to get called princess, but by about three she would quickly retort “I’m not a princess” so all those cutesy nicknames stopped until Quinn was born (and she loves them all). Maddie is an obvious nickname, or Mads, Mitch started Mad-Dog which she loved and it stuck for a while. Auston used to call her Sunny, but by six she told him she didn’t like when he called her that. For a while there was Maddie-moo, and every time Auston would do his best cow impression to make her laugh, which eventually was shortened to Moo. The only time she is really called Maddison is when she is in trouble.
Taylour is the one without a lot of nicknames. He has Tay, but even then his parents generally go by Taylour, as he grows up he becomes worried when his parents don’t call him Taylour and instead use some shortened version.
When Jumbo nicknamed Fred, Fredzilla, Taylour loved it, so Freddie started calling him Taylosaurus Rex, which quickly was shortened to T-Rex. Some of his friends have called him T, which he doesn’t care about but it bothers Auston because he assumes they are talking about his mom, then he has to remind himself they aren’t and it’s a whole fight in his brain for about six seconds whenever he hears it. He actually ends up getting more of the hockey style nickname of Matty or Matts and those stick more than anything else.
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leafs-lover · 8 months
What kids do/don’t wear leafs jersey once they are older?
Taylour wears a “daddy” jersey and then switches to a Matthews one, or will wear a tshirt, sweater or some sort of leafs apparel to every game.
Around 4 or so Maddie starts saying “no” when Tia asks if she wants to wear it, not every time but sometimes. And as she gets older she wears jerseys less and less, eventually Tia makes her some clothes that fit her style that still represent Auston or the leafs. Maddie also doesn’t understand the hype around Auston and constantly says things like “you’re just a hockey player” “it’s just a sport” or will call him out for not scoring in a couple games, doesn’t quite get or care for the importance in wearing leafs gear.
Benji just goes with the flow, he wears it for a while and as he gets older he just wears it so he doesn’t have to pick out clothes.
Quinn wears something of Auston’s to almost every game. She loves the pink jerseys/ clothes, so they get her a bunch of those and has a bunch of custom jackets, and even some dresses the girl loves dresses that have his name/ number or something on it. Before every game she will tell Tia she has to “wear daddy.”
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leafs-lover · 11 months
How does Auston handle his kids dating? Is he strict with them like Paul or lets them have sleepovers and stuff?
I might have mentioned this before, but both Auston and Tia want their kids to be open with them about where they are, who their with, and that applies to dating. Tia is very strong in her belief that strict parenting only leads to them lying and potentially not being safe. If their kids do lie and go to a party when they say they are at a friends (let’s be real, every kid does that) if they call for a ride or anything, they won’t punish them because they are thankful they called them to get home safely (they also believe the hangover is punishment enough😂).
They do let Taylours gf stay over, but in a separate room. One night when he is almost 17 they walk by and see them passed out in his bed with a movie playing. Tia says they should wake him and have Taylor move, but Auston is like “he’s almost 17, it’s fine T” and Tia quickly reminds him that what they let him do they have to let all their kids do, but because Maddie isn’t even a teenager Auston doesn’t give it a second thought.
Fast forward to Maddies teen years, and Auston is losing his mind. Maddie has a fake ID (which they confiscate) and she gets another one. They find drugs and alcohol in her room, she’ll leave her bedside drawer open with a condom box fully on display when Auston is putting away laundry. He takes the box to Tia (who already kinda knew because she took Maddie to get bc, she wasn’t having sex at the time but just wanted to be prepared and made her promise to always use condoms when the time came) and says she can’t be going out every night, that when she says she is sleeping at a friends she probably isn’t and instead is having sex, and basically says they need to be stricter with her. Tia then reminds him that they let Taylour go to parties, and his gf used to sleep over (in a guest room) at her age, and they can’t stop Maddie from doing it solely because she is a girl. That of course annoys him to no end, and he tries to fight her on it, and Tia tells him the only way they can say no to her doing all those things is if she breaks their trust (and when they find her second fake ID and tattoo they do take away those privileges, but she earns them back).
By the time Quinn is a teenager, Auston swears he is having an ulcer. Something happened with Maddie (won’t say what because spoilers) but he wants to be even more protective of Quinn as a result). Quinn is a little different though (not to say she doesn’t have her moments) but at 12 she went out with some friends and about an hour in she calls Auston to come get her. He picks her up at a park and when he asks what happened she says her friends were going to smoke some weed and she didn’t want to, she decided to go home instead. Of course Auston loves that not only did she leave, she actually told him about it, and the first time she smokes it is actually at home with her siblings a few years later. He is still uncomfortable with her boyfriend spending the night (and it seems like the age in which bf/gf can share a bed dropped with each kid because Quinn was 15) and he hates himself for not listening to Tia years ago, because if he never let Tayloiur’s gf sleep in his bed than none of the kids would be allowed to.
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leafs-lover · 1 year
How do the kids react to people asking for pics or autographs?
Taylour mostly doesn’t care, sometimes he’d get annoyed by it but mostly it doesn’t bother him.
Maddie hates it. She always has a snarky remark that she’ll mutter under her breath. It also takes her a while to understand all the hype and she’ll be like “why do they even care, you just play hockey?” but as she gets older and her sassy side fully comes out it switches to “why do they even care, you’re not that exciting?”
Benji hates it but only because he hates strangers and people. He typically prefers Tia, so if he is with Auston he can already be on edge and if a random person comes up he basically has a meltdown.
Quinn loves it. She will talk her dad up and gloat on his behalf. Everyone in her class knows who her dad is, people in the grocery store, basically everyone she meets. If she sees someone staring she’ll be like “that’s my dad, Auston Matthews, he plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs and is really good. Do you want a picture?” Auston jokingly calls her Kris Kardashian.
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leafs-lover · 1 year
How does Auston feel about benji preferring Tia for everything
He absolutely hates it.
As a baby Auston gets it because he is gone and Tia is breast feeding, even Maddie as a baby preferred Tia (I’m not saying Auston isn’t hands on, when he is home he does bath time and will change diapers and once Tia starts pumping he will feed them, but babies just tend to gravitate to mom at that young age). The issue is once he is older and can recognize both parents he outright refuses Auston. He has hit him in the face when Auston has tried to pick him up, he’ll scream bloody murder if Tia leaves the room and doesn’t seem interested in anything to do with Auston.
As he gets older it continues and he will be walking around looking for Tia, will ask Auston where she is, he’ll say she is out and he’d be like “oh, okay,” and it would be painfully obvious he wanted something. Benji would walk away and Auston would stop him and be like “I can help you too” and he would straight up say no and walk away.
When he is five he falls off his bike while Tia is in Europe. Auston of course springs into action and takes him inside to clean him up but is pretty sure it’s broken and takes him to the hospital. Benjamin climbs up into Auston’s lap and sits there crying the entire time, Auston tries to comfort him but he would just whimper “it hurts daddy.”
At first they wait patiently, and Auston sees a few people who arrive after them go in first. He tells himself it is an emergency room and maybe they are more urgent than Benjamin. After six hours they still haven’t made it past the waiting room and Auston looses his mind. The nurses think he is trying to play the “Auston Matthews card” which only infuriates him more and he starts yelling at the hospital staff for leaving a child in visible pain. They threaten to bring in security if he doesn’t calm down and the emerg doctor (and there is only one, hence the major delay) walks over checks on Benjamin’s arm and immediately sends him for X-rays.
He gets a cast “blue, because he wants to match daddies jersey” which only makes Auston slightly emotional and they stop and get McDonald’s on the way home. Benjamin tells Auston he wants to watch a movie in his bed, so they both climb into his bed together and fall asleep pretty quickly. Tia comes home a few hours later absolutely frenzied because she was gone and when she asks Benji if he needs anything he says “just Daddy” and that was kind of the turning point for them.
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leafs-lover · 1 year
Benjamin Levi Matthews
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Benji is a fairly quiet kid. Because Maddie has such a big personality he kind of lets her do her thing and hangs out in the background. With Auston being gone for hockey he quickly attaches to Tia, and when she has her miscarriage she welcomes in his cuddles/ love which only increases their bond. This does cause problems because if Tia leaves the room he will scream bloody murder and if Auston tries to pick him up he'll say no and cry.
He does grow out of it in a sense, but Tia is always the parent he gravitates toward.
He is definitely the most sensitive child they have and feels everything stronger. It does worry Auston at times because he sees so much of Tia in him and when Tia was younger she definitely had very high ups and very down lows and he doesn't want to watch his son go through something similar.
He grows up to be somewhat introverted and the quietest of the Matthews children, very much a home body (even as an eight year old). The only thing he wants to do is play hockey or eat cheeseburgers, if the night doesn’t have at least one of those things he doesn’t want to be there. Every time they go out as a family, Auston and Tia make a bet on how long until he will come find them and ask to go home, and the winner gets to plan their fun later that night (Tia has literally made Auston clean the bathroom while she drank wine so it’s not always bedroom fun 😉).
Like his older brother and Dad, he does follow in their footsteps and play in the NHL. The first couple years they are in different conferences and rarely play each other, once Taylour becomes a UFA he signs where Benji is playing. Like Auston, both boys are centers, drafted first overall and brought the same excitement/ promise as Auston did when drafted. With them both being first line centers their entire lives, the sportcasters always talk about “which Matthews will be on the 1st line tonight.”
Taylour is the type to joke around on camera, actually give personality in his interviews and Benji doesn’t, often giving one or two word answers or will just stare blankly at them because he has zero patience for the cliché hockey interviews/ answers and this is when Taylour will swoop in. Management (spoiler, Auston is in management) has talked to him countless times about his attitude and every time he will shrug and say “if you don’t like my answers don’t make me available for interviews.”
Benji in videos
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