#Auston and tia
leafs-lover · 6 months
This is how he looks at Tia when she does anything
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ladylooch · 9 months
do you have any blog recommendations for nhl/sport writers i love your blog so much
Oh gosh... I have many, and I am so worried about leaving someone out! I focus mostly on hockey, so that's the theme of the blogs below:
@senditcolton - The Matt Martin agenda worked. So quickly on me. In love with we're a bad idea.
@cellythefloshie - Road Wife. That is all. Holy shit. A creative mastermind.
@bitchinbarzal - The queen of AUs 🤌🏻💋
@sc0tters - Hot, HOT smut. Whew. Need a shower if I'm going into her stories 😘
@comphy-and-cozy - Love her style! Her JT Compher X reader fic in the locker room... was all the things: dreamy, sexy, intimate, exciting. One of my fav fics I've ever read on here.
@nicohersheys - My Timo bby. Foaming at the mouth for whatever is gonna come from your brain with our man.
@leafs-lover - Not an Auston Matthews girl... and yet, I am deeply invested in Auston and Tia. Incredible character development!
@mikkomacko - The Nico- bookworm story lives rent free in my head. Was absolutely speechless and breathless at the end.
@mendeshoney - I am still on my knees for their Barzal story. Holy shit. (No pressure but I need the next part. not want, need. I check every day, okay love you write when you feel like it and not because of external sources 😂)
& many, many more! I admittedly don't read a ton on Tumblr anymore. I am too caught up in my own stuff. But am always taking recs.
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equallyshaw · 1 year
birthday posts feat, auston matthews
- in this au, auston and his longtime girlfriend - now fiancé have kept their lives very private and only his teammates know of her and their daughter, mia who is now 6! also…the two share the same birthday 😚
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@austonmatthews: happy birthday to the best mother and best friend, and soon to be wife, I could ever ask for. love you to the moon and back, my love xx
467k likes, 23.8k comments
@williamnylander: that’s a god awful long run on sentence bud
@williamnylander: happy bday to the queen @ lolaam
↳ @lolaam: 😌
@stephlachance: OMG FINALLY
@mitchmarner: not Steph and I sobbing rn
@fanone: this is so cute !!!
@justinbieber: this is so wholesome 🥺
@arynetavares: you guys are just so cute...mia is so blessed!
@alexmatthews: only took ten years to post...how sweet
↳ @breyanamatthews: this ^
↳ @lolaam: mia misses her tias!
↳ @breyanamatthews: we miss her so stinkin much
↳ @alexmatthews: we bide our times with pictures from over the years
↳ @austonmatthews: oh shush
@joethornton: lola is up there for the best mom award
↳ @joethorntonswife: ahh yes!!!
@tessavirtue: happy birthday queen!
↳ @lolaam: love u
@43kadri: we dont celebrate aus' bday on the same day we celebrate lolas!
↳ @mitchmarner: what im saying
@fantwo: this is so cute
@fanthree: I had no idea he was engaged and had a child...i always thought he was single
@lolaam: looks like the cat is out of the bag!!!
↳ @austonmatthews: I guess it is🤩
↳ @williamnylander: I swear to god if you use that emoji one more time..
@connormcdavid: happy birthday lol!
↳ @lolaam: aye aye cap🫡
↳ @austonmatthews: u mean the grinch...?
@laurenkyle: happy birthday bestieeeee🥺
↳ @lolaam: love u to bunches laur!!! mia and i are coming up - soon!
↳ @laurenkyle: fridge and pantry stocked ready always 🤍
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@lolaam: happy birthday to the absolute best dad who is the king of summer and king of mias and i's heart's, nosotros te amo con todo mi corazón xx
tag: austonmatthews
455 likes, 98 comments. (private account)
@stephlachance: I love you guyso freakin much
@haileybieber: cutest trio in the world
@Michaelbunting: there's Mia being a princess and then there's aus
↳ @austonmatthews: on my birthday?
↳ @michaelbunting: the best day of the year to do it
@laurenkyle: mia steals the show each and every pic😌
↳ @lolaam: mini me🥺
↳ @connormcdavid: lolol dead
cute little edit! hope u enjoyed :)
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When there are times a media member asks about Carson or Tia I bet Auston smiles a whole lot but I also feel like he’s a little guarded and a bit protective like he is smiley but also will be guarded cause they’re asking a question about people the closest to him? I feel like he doesn’t answer many like maybe one or two just cause he knows they’ll start digging for more?
For sure, like he’ll just be so smiley at the mention of his girls but he never gives a lot or details. Like he’ll answer the question pretty simply because he does like to keep them out of the media and separate from all of that
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leafs-lover · 2 months
A live look at Tia:
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leafs-lover · 3 months
Does Tia continue on with therapy? Do her and Auston ever do more couples session?
Yeah, shortly after the Matthews’ walk in on them she has a virtual call with Heidi. She continues in after, but the sessions do tend to be further apart, or after major events (her interaction with Kylie, after Charlie, when she finds out she’s pregnant with Quinn and others).
Her and Auston do have couple sessions on occasion, kinda depends on the topic. After Kylie, Auston doesn’t join her, but they do have sessions after Charlie and Quinn because they have different opinions there.
Auston does have his own therapist he has been talking to for years, so when he needs a 1-1 session he goes to his own therapist, he only sees Heidi in select instances.
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leafs-lover · 3 months
Do people find out that they are actually married at the wedding?
Becks and Fred figure it out almost immediately but neither one tells them, they let them keep pretending for a bit. The rest of their friends find out within a year or two. Auston doesn’t tell him family right away because he doesn’t want to upset his mom by knowing she missed it, but they do tell them about 4 years after and then Ema is mad they kept it for so long.
Some fans speculate because sometimes Auston calls Tia his wife during interviews, others view it as “they are engaged and have kids and are basically married so it makes sense.” Auston also starts wearing a ring on his left index finger that looks suspiciously like a wedding band, and in some of the social media posts for her line Tia has been spotted with a wedding band, which gets gossip blogs fired up.
That said, nothing is ever posted publicly until they actually get married.
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leafs-lover · 3 months
When Auston and Tia finally get “married” how involved are the kids in the wedding? Does Tia make her dress?
Tia makes her dress, bridesmaids, and the girls dresses!
Taylour is 12 and is Austons best man 🥹. He does a first look with maddie and Quinn, then loses it over how adorable they are. Benji was supposed to spend the day with Auston and the boys but because he wanted nothing to do with Auston he was in the bridal suite all day. He refused to leave Tia even for a minute so he walked down the aisle with her. Felix has a little bow tie that matches the wedding party and stays with Taylour at the alter, and is in all the pictures.
They planned on a sweetheart table, but Benji refused to not sit with Tia. And because he wasn’t, Maddie also refused to sit with Austons family, which meant Quinn had to join in and Taylour, so the six of them crammed into a small table designed for 2.
The kids are very involved in their wedding, and somehow the seven of them end up in the honeymoon suite for the night, sharing the king sized bed. Th kids ate all their breakfast (Auston only ordered for two originally) and had to get more brought up 😂
They do take a honeymoon without the kids in Fiji at one of those over the water bungalows.
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leafs-lover · 3 months
Do Auston and Tia get caught in many compromising positions? Maybe in a bathroom at a bar/party? Or on a pool lounger in the backyard since they live with Fred and Trevor?
They learn what doors are and how to use them.
If they are alone they sometimes get caught up in the moment and will have sex in the living room, the roof (obvs), by the pool etc. but they are much more aware of their surroundings. Basically the kids and Trevor have to be gone for the night, or the kids asleep and the doors are locked.
They stop having sex at parties or at bars and do what civilized adults do fuck in the car on the way home
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leafs-lover · 3 months
Since Tia is wildly out of his league, do guys ever hit on her when they are out together?
All the time.
Auston normally just sits back and lets her handle it, because he knows she can.You have to remember that Tia spent used working as a stripper, and men are not kind to women in that industry. They often think they can touch wherever and say whatever because they are sex workers. She has shut men down before and she has no problem doing it again if needed.There have been a few who refuse to take no as an answer or she has given Auston a look, and he will then step in.
That said, when her mental health is struggling she sometimes falls into her shell. We saw it a few times: her work, with Thomas; and it does happen again. When Auston knows she is seeking extra support (after Charlie) and when he is trying to encourage her to seek extra support (after her next encounter with Kylie) he will keep an extra close eye on her, and steps in almost immediately in those situations.
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leafs-lover · 4 months
What the f*ck has Tia been doing to Auston? The number of hatties is just absurd.
Way to go, Tia 🔥❤️
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leafs-lover · 5 months
How is maddie? Is she crawling, walking, talking? How is Auston handling it?
Not walking yet, she can crawl and pulls herself up on things. She loves cheese and hates tomato’s.
She struggles really hard with people leaving. And I don’t just mean Austons road trips (which are bad) but if Auston goes to the store, Taylour goes to school, Tia goes to the bathroom, if anyone leaves the room she has a melt down Taylour offers to stay home from school for Maddie but his parents don’t agree 😆.
She can clap and just learned to blow kisses, so before every home game she will give Auston a million kisses through the glass. The leafs (with permission of course) posted a little story of it and everyone went crazy over it 🥰
She said her first word, which was mama, but she said it in front of Auston and Taylour. So Tia was upset about missing it and Auston was upset it wasn’t dada. He had been really trying for dada but since Tia takes her to work some days (she does part-time daycare) she hears it a lot. When Auston came back from that Cali road trip, Maddie said dada for the first time, so it was only a couple days apart!
She hates the word no and because she is developing into her “I can do anything I want” stage she hears it a lot, and then she cries a lot.
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leafs-lover · 5 months
Tia would have so much to say and none of it good except the open chest she is a slut for the open chest
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leafs-lover · 6 months
Where does the nickname come from and do all the kids have some?
Quinn has quite a few nicknames, the most of any child. She loves the princess, pumpkin, sweetheart, peanut, all those sorts of names that don’t originate from her actual name, and is called all of them.
Quinnie Bear is one Auston gave her when she was only a few months old, they had been watching Winnie-the-Pooh earlier in the day, so the theme song/ melody was in his head. He took her for a diaper change and she was fussing because she hates the cold, so Auston started singing the song to calm her down, but after getting halfway through it and forgetting the lyrics, he’d start over. Eventually instead of Winnie -the-Pooh, he sang Quinnie-the-Pooh and is sort of stuck little miss was a bit of a stinker so it made sense
From there, Quinnie-the-Pooh evolved to Quinnie Bear, which went to Bear, and when she was having temper tantrums, Auston would call her a grizzly bear which she hated, so he doesn’t say that anymore. She also has Quinn-a-lynne because it rhymes, but Quinn always responds with “my name is Quinn Leigh” because she doesn’t get it. She earned the slightly ironic nickname of Lightning McQuinn after she wanted to show Auston how fast she was in a race and came in last, but not even a close last, like a horribly off-pace last. Whenever she plays a sport and messes up a simple play, Auston will playfully mutter to Tia with a proud smile, Lightning McQuinn, which always earns him a scolding.
Tia almost exclusively calls Benjamin by his first name. As a baby, Auston called him Benny a lot as a cute name, and Benito as a playful one. There is Benji or Ben, and Benji evolved to Banjo and Banjo sticks for a while. As he becomes a toddler he attaches himself to Tia and basically refuses he see Auston, even if Tia is at grocery shopping or at work, he will refuse Auston. Because of his sometimes prickly attitude toward him, Auston named that version “Ebenezer” (as in Scrooge). That name does fade as he opens up to Auston and stops blatantly favouring Tia but around 13 he starts talking back and getting an attitude, so that nickname makes a re-appearance.
Maddison used to get called princess, but by about three she would quickly retort “I’m not a princess” so all those cutesy nicknames stopped until Quinn was born (and she loves them all). Maddie is an obvious nickname, or Mads, Mitch started Mad-Dog which she loved and it stuck for a while. Auston used to call her Sunny, but by six she told him she didn’t like when he called her that. For a while there was Maddie-moo, and every time Auston would do his best cow impression to make her laugh, which eventually was shortened to Moo. The only time she is really called Maddison is when she is in trouble.
Taylour is the one without a lot of nicknames. He has Tay, but even then his parents generally go by Taylour, as he grows up he becomes worried when his parents don’t call him Taylour and instead use some shortened version.
When Jumbo nicknamed Fred, Fredzilla, Taylour loved it, so Freddie started calling him Taylosaurus Rex, which quickly was shortened to T-Rex. Some of his friends have called him T, which he doesn’t care about but it bothers Auston because he assumes they are talking about his mom, then he has to remind himself they aren’t and it’s a whole fight in his brain for about six seconds whenever he hears it. He actually ends up getting more of the hockey style nickname of Matty or Matts and those stick more than anything else.
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leafs-lover · 6 months
Which of the OCs are fake/real tree girls? What are their Christmas aesthetics?
Tia could never have a real tree. The thought of needles everywhere makes her skin itch.
She definitely goes all out for Christmas, every holiday/ season really. Auston tells her she should launch home decor line because she has “such strong opinions” about it, but she is too busy.
For Christmas they hire someone to do the exterior, hanging lights it’s not something Auston wants to do. Inside, Tia has decorations for every room. Pictures that go up for the season, specific blankets, pillows, pyjamas. Normal decor items get packed up to make room for the Christmas decorations.
Every December 4, Tia has Auston driving to their storage locker (because they couldn’t fit it all at the house) to get tote after tote. She does prefer a clean look, white, greys with red and gold mixed in. She isn’t a fan of too much sparkle, and even though she buys stuff every year she stays away from trends so it can be used year after year.
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Auston hates the decor in the bedroom (to be fair he hates the 700 pillows and throw blankets she has on year round). The entire house looks like it’s from a magazine, special towels in the bathroom he can’t use etc. The only thing that is not “clean” is the tree. It is littered with homemade decorations, crafts from the kids. She buys tinsel and lets them toss it on in clumps and candy canes hang everywhere, instead of plain warm lights there are coloured ones that change patterns and flicker. Every year there are more ornaments on it and she absolutely loves it.
The kids can decorate their own rooms however they want. Quinn always wants to decorate November 1st and to have a tree in her room. While Auston and Tia don’t decorate the rest of the house until after Benjamin and Taylours birthdays, they do let her decorate her room early.
All the kids have trees in their rooms. And this is the general vibe for what Taylours room looked like this year, except he has a giant fluffy tree covered in Toronto maple leaf and SpongeBob ornaments and a giant Santa shaped pillow.
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Hadley has a mixture around the house. She likes to keep it warm, and in the front room that the neighbours can see she has a large fake tree that looks like something out of a magazine. But in the back, off the kitchen is the living room where they spend their time, and that’s where the real tree goes.
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As you move around the house you start to really notice Hadleys taste mixed in. That while the decor appears to be a lot of white and cream, there are pops of black, or items that some people wouldn’t consider to be “festive.” It’s not an overwhelming amount, just a little over subtle, but the perfect blend. These are the types of ornaments on the real tree up in the living room, and an idea of the different kinds of stuff you’ll see on tables, shelves etc
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Nicole has very mixed feelings of the holidays, and it’s not always enjoyable as painful memories come up. She has a few decorations she’s bought over the years, a fake tree, wreath garland and some other bits and pieces, but the decor is isolated to one area. Many parts of the house are not decorated, some years the decorations are up early November other years it’s Dec 20 and they still aren’t up. She tends to be simple and doesn’t have a theme to her items. If she saw it, liked it, and was in a festive mood, she bought it and found a home for it.
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leafs-lover · 6 months
Did Auston and Tia take the kids to see Santa? How was Maddie - was she a screamer? Was Auston all soft reassuring her and keeping her close?
Auston and Tia planned on taking the kids to see Santa at the Leafs Christmas party. There are no crowds/ fans so they can enjoy the experience as a family, and because Taylour is bouncing off the walls with excitement it lets Auston actually be present with him and not taking pictures or something.
This year Auston was sick so he wasn't able to go. He still told Tia to go because she and the kids were fine, and Taylour had been looking forward to it for a while. She tried to leave Maddie, but then felt bad because he was basically dying and she was suggesting he watch a baby, so she said maybe Mitch could take Taylour and they'd all stay home. She really didn't want him to miss her first visit with Santa. She offered for them to take her in a couple days when he was better, but Auston said no, and for her to take her.
Tia did FaceTime with Auston when she actually went to see Santa. She did not cry but her eyes bulged from her face and she basically had a "wtf" look during the entire time. She pulled at his beard, and his hair, did not smile once, and did not take her eyes off him. She wouldn't look to get a picture, wouldn't look when Tia & Auston called her name, didn't look at Taylour when he tried. She didn't trust him and refused to look away. When Tia pulled her from Santa it took her a while to smile and be bubbly again, she kept looking for him and glaring the entire time, everyone found it pretty funny.
Taylour of course had an amazing time. He made Tia FaceTime Auston seven times (even though he was supposed to be resting) and Uncle Fred once too. Overall it was a great night!
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