#tgcf volume 7
raylin-creates · 2 months
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What the hell did Hua Cheng do for He Xuan that he can get away with all this?? I know part of it is for taking care of his fish but that can't be all of it!
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illuminatedferret · 8 months
One of the things I was very surprised by when reading Volume 7 is how few martial gods seem to be in the Heavenly Court. By the time that Xie Lian is evacuating the Heavenly Court and running from/chasing Jun Wu, it's continually mentioned how short-handed they are when it comes to martial gods, what with Pei Ming being tied up and later burnt to a crisp, Feng Xin and Mu Qing being missing, Quan Yizhen getting burnt to a crisp also, and Lang Qianqiu... okay, I dont actually remember what was up with him prior to suddenly becoming a dad.
But really, I'm very curious as to just how many martial gods actually exist in the Heavenly Court. Is it that most of them were on Jun Wu's side? Xie Lian's thoughts didn't read to me like there were martial gods, but they were significantly weaker than the higher-ranked martial gods; he continually thinks about the various ways martial gods have been incapacitated, and each way we can tie to a god we know, as opposed to a background character.
It does make sense when you think about it: if a territory has a martial god, why would you pray to another? After all, we've seen how precarious a martial god's position is, with Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen. It still tripped up the mental image I'd built in my head before this point.
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radiantmists · 3 months
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"If I wasn't destined to be perfect, I at least wanted to be perfectly kind. But I couldn't even manage that."
I think most people stop trying to be perfect pretty early; it's seen as almost egotistical to think you can be. But I think most people hold on to the desire to be good, and for a lot of us being a 'good person' means at least not doing terrible things, and ideally not having terrible feelings and impulses either.
And that's not achievable, not for real humans, and not even for the gods of this world. As the preceptor said, those who ascend are still human. The world has no true gods.
But in the wake of that truth, what Xie Lian says earlier is important. Everyone has the capacity and the impulse to do bad things, and everyone screws up and hurts someone sometimes. All you can do is shamelessly go on living, and keep trying to do good things and help people and make the world better.
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7 days until tgcf Volume 7’s release!! 🦋✨
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imnotpoppunk · 2 months
I'll always be so obsessed with the part where Xie Lian is bracing himself for Hua Cheng finding out about the part of his life that he's most ashamed of. He knows how bad it was, how low he stooped, and truly believes that it would make him unlovable.
And then Hua Cheng kneels before him and reveals that yes, he already knows. He was there. He lived that nightmare with him.
And despite all of that, he still loves Xie Lian. Loved him then and loves him now.
Xie Lian's tears were so real and I could feel how cathartic it was for him to get that reassurance. I could feel his fear dissipate as he realized and WOW.
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goatpunches · 7 months
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“do you want to borrow spiritual power, gege?”
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Alrighty! The TGCF Present-Day timeline has been updated to include Volume 7/the first half(?) of Book 5! Book 5 largely takes place over the course of a few days, which impacts how it gets displayed on a timeline, but there's still a lot going on.
Other updates: Hualian Kiss counter and commentary for Volume 7.
Edit: this timeline is also posted to my ao3(same name as my tumblr), it just won't have Book 5 posted until volume 8 drops
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fancy-rock-dove · 9 months
Once again having feelings about Hua Cheng’s snake eyes moment (Book 5):
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And just how well structured I find TGCF as a whole. The parallels in this novel drive me insane. I just cannot see this moment without also thinking about the moment in Book 3 where Xie Lian actually reacts to an injury, and how much I freaked out about it.
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Because these were supposed to be facts, right? Xie Lian doesn’t react to pain, and Hua Cheng’s luck is always perfect. If you are going to establish your characters to have some core, unassailable truth about them, this is EXACTLY how you should use it. These were two of the most worrying points in the entire novel for me, because if you’re going to establish something that has always, always been true, and then we’re suddenly in a situation where it’s not?
All bets are off. Anything can happen.
And placing one of these moments each before the final climactic moments of books 3 and 5 respectively is such an excellent move. Book 1 does this too, actually, in letting us see Xie Lian lose his temper for the first time ever to our knowledge. It elevates our estimation of the threat Qi Rong poses to our status quo there just as much as it raises our estimation of the threat Bai Wuxiang poses in the latter books. It’s a great way to give us a climax that matters not only to the plot, but to the characters on a fundamental level, because that’s where they’ve been shaken: at what we took as part of their foundations.
But moreover, I LOVE this moment for Hua Cheng before the final showdown, because of his reaction to it. He’s shocked and shaken enough to even pause, before moving on. Being completely without luck isn’t new to him, but it’s not something he’s fought through since the very beginning, since the origins of his devotion. And it’s understated in the grand scheme of things, but I am Not Normal about the fact that he goes into this showdown with the evil that’s been haunting them both since the beginning in the very same state, fortune-wise, that he was in then, and he doesn’t hesitate any more now than he did then.
Lest we think that his centuries of going in with an advantage have made him any less insane or willing to just make his own fortune. We make a point here of proving that’s still true, at the most critical moment.
Idk it just means a lot to me. This moment is small but it does a lot.
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we-are-ignited · 2 months
Guess I’m staring book 7 oh no
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sillygoofyqueer · 9 months
TGCF VOLUME SEVEN RELEASE DATE!!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!!! Oh shit, and it's my boyfriend's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABES
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raylin-creates · 2 months
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Live Mu Qing Reaction
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aelkitofsunset · 1 year
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these two…. insufferable (affectionate)
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radiantmists · 2 months
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This is such an interesting comment because of course this is how Hua Cheng sees the world, and of course it's heavily informed by how he saw people treat xie lian, but the imagery of slicing up oneself immediately reminded me of the Land of the Tender.
And it makes me wonder-- does hua cheng think of himself as an exception to this, at least when it comes to xie lian? Or is the boy who stole that pearl earring from his savior and then kept coming back for more, the man who has just been offered more of his god than he ever thought possible and is now eagerly teasing for every bit of affection he can scrape up, speaking of greed from thorough self-knowledge?
and then, the inverse. Hua Cheng has offered so much to xie lian, gone through so much for him, literally been ripped apart for him-- and xie lian hardly asked for any of it. back when they were discussing ghost ashes, hua cheng said something along the lines that if *he* gave someone his ashes, it wouldn't matter to him if they destroyed them.
to hua cheng, love isn't about the trust that someone will value that first slice of you; its the willingness to cut yourself down to the bones, if they need it.
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1 day until tgcf Volume 7’s release!! 🦋✨
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kousagi7hikari · 6 months
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Happy volume 8 release day!
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guess who now owns 6/8 of the english heaven official's blessing volumes? me!!
im so excited to start my reread (first one since i read the fan translation oh so long ago and im so excited)
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