#thank U for sending some slkdfjlj love talking about The Process
orcelito Β· 1 year
🎢🎒πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜ˆ (I know theres a few options for that last one lol)
🎢 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
ykno i Used To. but idk, smth flipped in my brain so i cant write on my computer anymore & HAVE to write on my phone (focus is way better) & music on the computer is natural background noise but on my phone it feels like more of a focus. so i just cant. plus if i listen to music i HAVE to have smth that matches the mood of the thing im currently writing, which can be very difficult to find. so i can just get into the headstate for writing better if im in a quiet, low-distractions room with just my phone before me. idk it's weird. during EDITING though, i do that on my computer still (moving words around feels more natural on la computadora, i guess) & music on computer is a Must. i like to listen to nice background music, which frequently ends up being psytrance lol bc there's just smth about that music that wraps around my brain so wonderfully & helps with the Concentration. but depending on the thing im doing i might do smth else, like how i listened to the album HOME by SIAMES over and over again while editing the first chapter of Summer Nights bc it just had that childhood nostalgia feeling that was Perfect for Childhood Nostalgia, The Fic. as for what ive been listening to more lately lol ive been listening to a lot of muse. unrelated to writing tho. i just enjoy their music lol.
🎒 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
hmmmmmmmmm. well i figure quite a few readers of discacc would claim it's a wild ride, but it's honestly pretty linear. less of a 'whats going to happen' and more 'how is it going to happen'. still enjoyable! but i wouldnt say it's a wild ride. but my magic prince au??????? lmfao now THAT is gonna be a wild ride. whenever i finally get the chance to write it. massive angst and drama and tragedy and plot twists and More. plus not being restricted to the timeline of the game means the plot will be a lot more variable than discacc (which is ultimately just a canon divergence fic, when you get down to it). *sighs longingly* someday i will be able to write my magic prince au...
πŸ₯Ί Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
hmmmm. honestly anytime i get to make akechi feel vulnerable and/or loved. he is So traumatized & it's difficult for him to trust anyone. so seeing him get Tastes of friendship and belonging is so, so good. also of course the akeshu lol. gotta love Their dynamic & the ways akira always makes goro second guess himself. it's so good.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
hahahaha WELL. ive definitely more than once had a cliff hanger i purposefully put to fuck with people. bc that's very fun to do at times. only a few! im not typically the cliff hanger type. but Sometimes. it's fun to be like "ooOOoO what's gonna Happen?(emotional pain is what's gonna happen)". ive also been just plain mean many, many times, but i dont think i could count that as playful lol. times where i am Kind Of brutal towards goro. with even more to come <3 he's just such a great target lol. tho of course akira will have his time too heheh
questions r from here !
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