#thank you for requesting my lich with your mens as well
As a more light and fluffy request, I would love your perspective on Hades, Captain Hook, and the Horned Kings flirting styles <3
Beeeeeeeee this is so cute I can't 🥰
Bring on the fluff I'm blushing as I write this, hope you enjoy!
Flirting Styles for:
Babble. Just absolute babble.
Hades's excitement at the prospect of spending even a minute in your company expresses itself in an unruly pink tinted flame and verbal word spout. Do the words even make sense? No. Is he laughing at his own jokes and experiencing Instant Regret at not thinking this through? Oh, yes.
He can't exactly do flowers ok?! And people react weird to gems and precious metals being used instead (he does Not want a repeat of being thought to buy peoples company, especially not you.) He can make things from smoke but they aren't permanent -
He can learn your favourite places (yay, stalking? Uh-) or try and get you somewhere romantic, but is it romantic of him to basically coerce you there?? Titans Help Him he's overthinking this.
If by now you're not scared off then he *might* be able to get his head screwed on enough to actually try flirting properly.
Puns. Puns and touch. Aphrodite smite him if you can't gel with the corny baseline of his personality this is a lost cause -
Oh - oh - you're laughing? At him? With him? You're not moving away? Is that a blush?!?
HA he's still got it! C'mon babe, let's keep it coming~
Captain Hook
I'm sorry did you ask for the most gentlemanly gent to ever gentle in your presence?
Dashing, charming, chivalrous - hand kisses and acts of service abound.
Do you need an escort? Of course you do- let him accompany you! SMEE! Get the bags!
So many terms of endearment - 'my dear' being chief among them.
He's going to bow and whisk off his hat every time he sees you, this dramatic bastard.
He would try letters and poetry but honestly none would make it out if his cabin as he feels it's doesn't convey his feelings enough. If you ever find the stash hidden away in his desk you're going to get one hell of a blush and one very panic striken Hook.
WILL defend your honour, start swordfights in the streets just to show off his skill and wink at you mid combat.
Hand holding/physical affection is the next level up ok, that's when it gets serious.
The Horned King
What IS flirting??
What do you mean standing ominously in a room with his crush isn't communicating his feelings??
Very tempted just to kidnap you and call it a day.
He's observant and very good at blending in with the background. He will remember practically everything you've ever said or done, and call upon that knowledge to - hesitantly - start a conversation.
The King's love language is quality time. Simply spending time with you is enough for him, which makes moving things along a bit more uncertain.
Like Hades, flowers and greenery wilt in his presence, and he's well aware of what he looks like so he refrains from initiating touch.
He couldn't stand seeing the disgust on your face if he tried
Will offer to torture or kill your enemies if you have any. If not then well he's stumped.
This man does what he wants when he wants. A clear sign of his respect and interest is that he will abide by your boundaries as if they were laws. Those that don't do the same in his presence will receive broken bones at minimum.
Will teach the gwythents that you are off limits. Oh you, you want to pet the gwythents? Give him a month and you'll be riding them.
Once he has some confidence that this is indeed, mutual interest, he becomes much more verbal.
He's another one to use 'my dear', though you may find him slipping into ancient Welsh when he thinks you can't hear him.
If you express interest, will offer to teach you said ancient Welsh.
Now he's in deep.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 years
Elsabet (Female Lich) SFW
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Rating: Teen Relationship: Female Lich x MTF Trans Reader Additional Tags: Reader Insert, Exophilia Content Warnings: MTF Trans, Pre-HRT, Dysphoria Words: 1536
I got a request from @chaoswolf1982 for a fem trans reader and a Lich lady, and managed to knock it out in a few hours! This was a fun one, since the Elsabet is from the 1600s and speaks all fancy, and I haven’t done a MTF trans woman before now, so that was a new experience, too! Please enjoy!
I accept requests, but they are limited to 1500 words. Anything more than that, and I’m afraid I’ll have to charge.
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The day it happened was actually your first day on the demolition site. It was a shame; this crumbling ruin must have been glorious when it was first built. You could see the structure of the fallen parapets and towers in your mind’s eye. There weren’t many real castles in your country, and even though it was the job you’d been given, you thought it a pity to get rid of it.
The other construction guys had been looking at you sideways all day. You hadn’t started hormone replacement therapy or undergone any surgeries yet, so even though you’d grown your hair out and despite wearing black jeans with flower embroidery and a feminine-cut button-up shirt with thin, pink pinstripes and a half sleeve, you still had a five o’clock shadow and a tell-tall adam’s apple. You knew you didn’t quite pass yet, but you didn’t care. You’d spent too much of your life hiding yourself and you just plain refused to do it anymore.
At least they had enough consideration to hold their tongues while you were in earshot. Not that it mattered, of course; you were the only explosives expert within a hundred miles that they could hire, so what they thought about you and your life choices didn’t make a difference either way.
“Okay, so, that tower that’s leaning,” You said to the tear-down team. “It doesn’t need explosives. If you take out those three support stones underneath it, it’ll come down pretty quick. The main hall is the one thing I’d say we’d need to rig up, but we’ll work inward toward it and leave it for last.”
“Okay, boys,” the team leader said. “You heard the…” He paused, side-glancing at you. “Start on that tower. I want to have at least half of it cleared out by dark.”
You shook off your annoyance and started mapping out the plans for the main hall. You heard distantly the sound of the supports being smashed away, looking up to make sure the men got out of the way before returning to your measurements.
Then a blood-curdling screech shattered the atmosphere around you. You stood up straight and saw the men scattering, yelling and cursing.
“What the hell is that?” You asked the men as they ran past you like rabbits from a fox. They all jumped into their trucks to flee.
“Wait!” You called, but they were gone, kicking up dust as they sped off. “It was probably just a coyote, you fucking cowards!” You shook your head and growled at them, as they left you here. You reached into your own truck and pulled out your high-impact airsoft rifle. You weren’t really a fan of guns, but you worked in the country a lot and predators were a common problem, so at the very least, a non-lethal deterrent was necessary.
You approached the fallen tower with your rifle up and ready, whistling loudly.
“Alright, whatever is in there needs to fuck off! I have a job to do here,” You said loudly, your voice echoing off the stones. You grimaced at the sound of it. You didn’t have a lot of body dysphoria, but your voice was one thing about yourself that really bothered you. You didn’t know how to make it sound more feminine without feeling like you were pretending.
You didn’t see any movement inside the main structure, so you called out again. “I’m serious! Get out of here!” You even cracked a BB off of the nearest rotting wooden window pane in warning, which you assumed once had glass.
To your immense surprised, a largish rock came sailing out of the darkness in your direction, and you ducked with enough time to avoid getting brained.
“Begone!” A voice inside said. It was a rasping, crackling voice, as if whoever it belonged to hadn’t used it’s own voice in quite some time. “Let this accursed woman rest! I have paid your infernal tax well into the next decade! Get thee hence and vex me no more!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” you said, lowering your rifle but stepping tentatively into the main hall. It was still pretty solidly standing. “This place has been scheduled for demolition. You can’t stay here.”
Another stone was lobbed at you, and you dodged it.
“Dost thou intend to eject a lady from her own dwelling? Bought and paid, I have! This land and all that exist within is my own! I shall not suffer thee! Darken my doorstep no further.”
“Ma’am, please,” You said. “This property is owned by the state. They’ve plans to turn it into a resort. You can’t stay. If I have to call someone to get you out of here, I will.”
“Threats?” You saw two pinpricks of light in the dark, moving around the room, and froze. “I should like to see thou maketh good on thy foolish promise. Come, then! Come and see that which you so blithely provoke.”
The person to whom the voice belonged stepped into the sunlight, and you immediately pulled your gun up again.
It was… a corpse. A walking, talking corpse made of tanned leather skin stretched over a skeleton with no muscle or organs beneath. It’s lips were drawn tightly back, leaving it’s long teeth exposed. The lights you had seen were coming from the sockets of its eyes, deep in the darkness of it’s skull. It was tall and wore a tattered, ill-fitting dress; old-fashioned, perhaps centuries old.
“Dost thou comprehend now?” It asked. “Dost thou see what it is you seeketh to expel from her own domicile?”
“What are you?” You asked in shock, your rifle forgotten in your hands.
“I am an undead thing, bound to this castle,” It said. It peered at you curiously. “What is thou?”
“I… I am a woman,” You replied, your heart skipping a beat. It was the first time you had ever said that sentence out loud.
The lights of it’s eyes dimmed, as if it was squinting. “Lookest ye not like a woman.”
“Neither do you,” You retorted, bristling.
You expected a barbed reply, but instead it said, “Thou dost not speaketh a falsehood,” It--she--sat on a moldering wooden chair. “This curse hast robbed me of much. My womanhood is but the smallest facet of the jewel that I once was.”
“How did this happen to you?” You asked, setting the rifle aside.
She waved a bony hand dismissively. “Money and power breedeth hostility. Any number of the vulgar rabble would revel in my misfortune. I am the last of my damned line. The curse hath fixed me so that no further children of my blood would be born, but that my house and name continue in death for eternity.”
She waved her skeletal hands at the remains of her castle. “All that you see is the remnants of my home and my prison. Eternally shalt I pay for the sins of my forebears, though no such sin did I commit.” She looked introspective, her angular shoulders hunched. “Perhaps, if thou dost breaketh down these walls, I shall crumble with it. Perhaps I, too, may fade.”
You knelt down. “How long have you been trapped here?”
“What is the year?” She asked, and you told her. She gasped softly in surprise. “Has it really been so long? I had grown melancholy that I thought to sleep for only a few years, just to pass the time. I have… severely miscalculated.”
You had the strange urge to reach out to her and take her hand, and you did. She looked at you in surprise.
“I’m sorry,” You said. “I can’t stop the demolition. It’s not up to me. You scared off this crew, but they’ll hire more.”
She shook her head, the wisps of hair still left on her scalp floated around her ears like dandelion fuzz.
“No,” She said. “What must be done shall be done. I shan’t stand in thy path or interfere in thy work. The time has come for the end, as all things must.”
“Are you sure?” I asked. “What will happen to you?”
“I do no know,” She said. “But circumstance will be different. That shall be well enough.”
“What’s your name?” You asked her.
She frowned, thinking. “It… it is Elsabet.”
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The next week, you began planting explosives around the main hall. Elsabet had retreated to the treeline to watch from a distance. The other workers hadn’t spotted her; the faded green hue of her clothes and tan of her skin made it easy to blend in with the foliage.
You twisted up the charges and set it to the trigger, calling for the team to clear the area. Once it was free of people and everyone was behind a blast shield, you glanced in Elsabet’s direction, and she nodded once. You pushed the plunger down, and the entire main hall blew out from the bottom and fell straight down, shooting dust and debris across the forest floor.
That evening, after spending at least twelve hours cleaning up the wreckage, you made it home and sank onto your couch with a groan of exhaustion.
You felt something push the hair away from your brow, and your eyes jerked open with a start. Elsabet knelt in front of you.
“This place hast not the grandeur of which I am accustomed,” she said. “But… it doth retain a… charm. Perhaps, if thou wouldst enjoy my company, I may stay with thee? I shall endeavor not to be troublesome.”
You smiled at her and touched her cheek. “Only if you want to.”
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Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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blightarts · 6 years
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Disclaimer: Endless Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. This fanfic takes place in an alternate universe, told in a children’s bedtime story.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Once upon a time, in the continent of La Huerta, there lived a Boy Scout, named Tyler, and a Princess, named Taylor. The twin siblings live in the Celestial Kingdom, a peaceful kingdom with hundreds of subjects that look up to their kind rule. However, one day, a hole filled with hellfire appears at the center of the castle square. Tyler and Taylor arrive at the scene as a figure rises from the hole
Tyler: Wha... What’s going on?!
Taylor: Who are you?!
Figure: I am the end of your kingdom, the future ruler of this world... RAGNAROURKE!
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The twins grit their teeth as they approach and confront Demon King.
Tyler: Listen here! This is a prosperous kingdom and if you threaten us, you will be punished!
Ragnarourke: HA!! You think that you are strong enough to defeat me?
Ragnarourke unleashes a strong and heated air pressure towards Tyler and Taylor. They fall to the ground and wince in pain from the sudden rise in temperature.
Ragnarourke: You have twelve days to surrender your kingdom and kneel before me.... or dust will be my subjects.
The Demon King returns to the underworld and the hole closes. Tyler and Taylor stand up and discuss matters between themselves.
Tyler: What are we going to do?
Taylor: We can’t do this alone. We need help from much more... powerful beings.
In order to defeat Ragnarourke, Tyler and Taylor must enlist help from the Four Masters of the Elements and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. And so, the twins don their heroic costumes and set out in their journey.
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The twins first arrive at the harbor of Colonnade Covein order to find the great pirate ship, the Canis. This ship is the home of the Virtue of Humility, Diego. As they arrive at the harbor, right beside the ship, a voice calls out to them.
Voice: Yaargh! 
A figure swings from the ship and lands behind Tyler and Taylor. It is revealed to be Diego!
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Diego: What do ye two need?
Tyler: Are you...? Diego the Humble?
Diego: Aye, that is correct.
Taylor: We ask for your aid.
Diego looks at the twins and nods. He knows what they want and drops his pirate accent.
Diego: Judging from your troubled faces, I presume that Ragnarourke has returned...
Taylor: Y-Yes... how did you...?
Diego: This was not the first time that Ragnarourke has threatened us. It happened twelve hundred years ago, and our ancestors managed to take him down. However, they can only seal him until today, not completely defeat him. They said that it takes the power of two special individuals, called the Twin Embers of Hope, to band the Masters and Virtues together in order to completely defeat Ragnarourke.
The twins look at each other and back at Diego.
Taylor: Are you implying that...?
Diego: Yes. You two are the Twin Embers of Hope, and that I accept your request.
Tyler: Seriously?!
Diego: Aye, matey! I shall help ye on yer quest to find the others and save La Huerta! Now, hop on my ship. We have limited time!
Tyler and Taylor smile as they board the ship along with Diego. But before they could depart, someone calls out to Diego.
Voice: Hey! Wait up, dude!!
The three turn to see the all-star chef of Colonnade Cove, Raj. He is also known as the Virtue of Temperance.
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Raj: Delivery for the great Diego the Humble.
Diego: Oh! Of course! My meal.
Diego rushes to Raj and humbly takes his packed lunch.
Diego: Thank you, Raj the Abstinent.
Tyler: Hold on. “Raj the Abstinent”?!
Taylor: He’s one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues too!
Diego and Raj turn to the twins. Diego looks back at Raj.
Diego: Ah, yes. Raj, my friend, “he” has returned and these two are what the prophecies are referring to.
Raj’s eyes widen as the time has come for him to fulfill his true duties. He then grins.
Raj: Well, what are we waiting for, dudes?! Let’s ride!
The four smile as they board the Canis and depart from the harbor in order to find the rest of the Virtues and the Masters.
After a day in the sea, the group arrives at the harbor of the snowy city of Elysian, where they learned that the Virtue of Chastity, Michelle. They reach the center of the city, where Michelle the Chaste seems to be performing a dance in front of an audience in her kimono.
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After her performance, the crowd approaches and greets her. 
Tyler: Come on.
As the group approaches Michelle, she spots them. She immediately notices Diego and Raj, and know what is going on. 
Michelle: Is it time?
The two boys nod at her and she sighs. She looks back at the other citizens around her and smiles.
Michelle: That would be all for now. Thank you for coming.
The crowd disperse and the group of five board the Canis.
Tyler: Where to now?
Diego: Ursa Forest!
Taylor: Forest?! But how are we going to get there in this ship?
Michelle scoffs and opens two of her Pavo Fans.
Michelle: My dear, you underestimate the power of the Virtues.
She then spreads her arms and unleashes her power. Sparkling winds then appear at both sides of the pirate ship. The wings flap and the ship rises from the sea. The twins are startled by this.
Tyler: Woah!
Taylor: What the?!
Raj then imitates a pose of an archer drawing a bow, and a giant, glowing silhouette of a centaur appears behind the ship. With the ship acting as the arrow, Raj fires and the Canis blasts towards the forests of La Huerta. 
Diego: WOOOHOOO!!!
Diego controls the direction of where they will go and after a few minutes, they arrive on top of Ursa Forest. Diego leaves the helm and grabs a long rope. He then ties it on the ship’s railings and drops the rest of it down to the forest.
Diego: We are here!
Diego turns to the twins, who are on their knees, nauseous. He smiles shyly and waits for the two to compose themselves. After a few minutes, the group drops to the forest and search for the Virtue of Kindness, Craig. 
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They then come across him by a campfire, seated on a log and eating blueberries. He spots them and smiles.
Craig: What’s up?! Want some blueberries?
Craig offers them his blueberries and a few seats by the campfire. The group happily take his offer and gather around the campfire.
Taylor: So, you’re Craig the Kind?
Craig: Sure am!
The group explains the situation to Craig and he excitedly grins.
Michelle: Ugh! Craig, this is a serious matter!
Before Craig can respond, the group is instantly teleported on top of a tower in the old forest of Quarr’tel. They look around, confused as they are approach by the Lich Queen and Virtue of Diligence, Zahra.
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Zahra: So, “he” has returned...
Raj: Zahra the Diligent...
Craig: Yo, Z! So, about that date...
Zahra: That’s not why I teleported you here, dumbass!.... it’s this Saturday....
Craig: YEET!
Michelle immediately pinches Craig’s ear and pulls him away from the conversation.
Craig: Ow!!
Michelle: Shut it.
While Craig is being pulled away, Tyler and Taylor cautiously approach Zahra.
Tyler: Zahra... we...
Taylor: We ask for your aid...
The Lich Queen smirks.
Zahra: I’m in. Don’t worry.
The twins smile as she puts both her thumb and finger together.
Zahra: And now, to that Mad Scientist’s lab.
Zahra snaps her fingers and teleports herself and the group to the Observatory a few kilometers away from Mt. Atropo’s peak. They enter the laboratory and finds the Virtue of Patience, Grace.
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Grace: Ah, there you are. We’ve been expecting you.
Taylor: “We”?
Suddenly, a voice behind the group startles them.
Voice: Yes, “We”.
The group turns to see the Virtue of Charity, Aleister.
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Aleister: We already knew about “his” return and we have been expecting you two and the rest of the Virtues.
Grace: And we accept!
The twins smile at their accomplishment while the Virtues smile back at them.
Tyler: This is awesome!
Raj: You bet it is!
Taylor: What now?
Aleister: The Virtues shall gather at your kingdom and keep “him” at bay while the two of you search for the Masters of the Elements.
Grace: It’s better if you two split up. It’ll save more time.
The twins nod as Zahra teleports everyone to their respective destinations. Tyler is teleported on top of Aquila Mountain, the home of Sean, the Master of the Winds. Meanwhile, Taylor is teleported in the Chasm of Draco, home of Estela, Master of Fire. And the Virtues are teleported to the kingdom, with the task of evacuating its people and keep Ragnarourke occupied.
On top of Aquila Mountain, Tyler calls out for Sean. The Master hears his calls and descends from the sky as the clouds part for him.
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Sean: Welcome, Tyler. 
Tyler: You know me... then you know why I’m here.
Sean: Yes... but before I must join you, you must pass my test.
Tyler: Test?
Sean: Indeed. You must endure the strong air pressure that I will deliver to you in order to test your strength as the one prophesied to save us all.
Tyler contemplates and nods at Sean.
Tyler: Alright... let’s do this!
Sean flaps his wings and sends an air pressure, strong enough to move boulders. Tyler crosses his arms to endure but he was immediately blown away. Though he has failed, he stands up.
Tyler: Again...
Sean smiles at his determination and tests him once again. They do this over and over until Tyler finally holds his own against the Wind Master’s blasts. As Tyler heavily breathes, Sean offers his hand.
Sean: Tyler, I would be glad to help you in your quest to defeat evil.
The two men shake hands.
Sean: Now, I must take you to the Master of Water, Quinn.
Sean helps Tyler up and flies him towards Delphinus Lake.
Meanwhile, within the depths of the Chasm of Draco, Taylor is sparring against Estela, whose fists are engulfed in flames as she does a special fighting pose. 
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Both women are filled with bruises and small burn marks as they hold their ground.
Estela: Impressive. So far, you are the only one who stood this long against me. You really are one of the prophesied heroes.
Estela drops her pose and composes herself.
Estela: I accept your request, Taylor.
Taylor: ....Really?
The kunoichi nods as she whistles for her pet dragon. The beast walks beside Taylor and motions her to mount him.
Estela: While I make my way to your kingdom, my friend here will take you to the Great Lupus Plains. There, you will meet the Master of the Earth, Jake.
Taylor: Understood.
Taylor mounts the dragon as it takes off and flies to the Great Lupus Plains.
After a few minutes, Taylor arrives on the plains and the dragon leaves her alone. She looks around for Jake.
Taylor: Hello...? Jake...?
While she looks around, Taylor hears a sudden rustle behind her. She turns to see a creature pounce at her and pins her to the ground.
Taylor: AAAHH!!
Creature: Grrr... Who are you?!
Taylor opens her eyes and sees a man in the midst of becoming a werewolf. But somehow, she falls for him.
Taylor: I... I... I’m T-T-Taylor...
The man sniffs her and she blushes.
Taylor: H-Hey!!
The man then pulls away from her and helps her up.
Creature: Sorry. I thought you were an intruder. You’re actually one of the prophesied heroes. I’m Jake.
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Jake offers his hand and Taylor shakes it.
Jake: So, your test.
Taylor: Y... Yeah...
Jake: You okay, Princess?
Taylor realizes that she’s just staring at Jake and shakes her head.
Taylor: Oh, sorry. So, what about the test?
Jake smirks and quickly dashes away from Taylor. The woman is startled and gives chase.
Taylor: HEY!!
Jake: You gotta catch me, Princess! That’s the test!
The two run around the plains while smiling at each other. Jake raises small stone spires and tosses rocks towards Taylor to obstruct her. After a few minutes, Taylor manages to tackle Jake to the ground, pinning him down. They both laugh.
Jake: You are full of surprises.
Taylor: Really?
The two look into each other’s eyes and lean in for a sweet kiss. Taylor doesn’t seem to mind Jake’s fangs and fur while she savors the kiss. As they pull away, Jake smirks.
Jake: You owe me a date after all of this.
Taylor: Deal!
The two stand up and hurry back to the Celestial Kingdom.
Meanwhile, Tyler is in a small boat, in the middle of Delphinus Lake. He seemed a little scared.
Tyler: Geez, it’s like It Lives Beneath but in real life...
Suddenly, he hears a beautiful voice singing a song near him.
Tyler: H-Hello...?
The makes his way towards the voice and spots a woman in the water, singing.
Tyler: Are you.... Quinn?
The woman doesn’t answer but instead smiles and continues singing as Tyler approaches her. Once he is near, the woman reaches up and cups Tyler’s cheeks. She leans in and this infatuates Tyler. He leans closer in response but instead of getting kissed, the woman instead pulls him down to the lake.
Tyler is dragged into the depths of Delphinus Lake. He tries to swim upwards but his body doesn’t seem to move. He turns to see the woman, who is actually a mermaid, controlling the waters to keep him underneath the lake. His question is answered. The mermaid is Quinn.
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Quinn: Your test is to hold on for as long as you can. Do not worry. You will not die if you are the hero that was promised to us by our ancestors.
Tyler tries his best to stay strong but few minutes have passed and his body starts to slump. He is almost at his limit but Quinn quickly swims towards him and revitalizes him with a kiss. Tyler is startled while Quinn raises them both up to the surface in the midst of the kiss.
Tyler faints from the lack of air but soon wakes up with Quinn being the first person he sees. He sits up and sees that she magically gave herself human legs in order to travel with him. 
Tyler: Umm... hi...
The mermaid smiles and pecks Tyler on his lips. The boy blushes and says nothing. 
Quinn: You are just so cute. 
Tyler: T-Thank you...
Tyler shakes his head. 
Tyler: We... should really hurry back to my kingdom. 
Quinn: Oh, of course. Sorry but I just... can’t help but fall for you over and over...
Tyler smiles. 
Tyler: Well... you wanna go out after all of this mess?
Quinn smiles back and nods.
Quinn: Absolutely.
Tyler then pecks her on the lips as he rows the boat back to the mainland. The two then hurry back to the Celestial Kingdom.
The twins and the Masters return to the kingdom to see the Virtues fending off Ragnarourke while fighting his army of demons.
Tyler: Tch! Come on! We gotta help them.
Taylor: Roger that!
The twins, the Masters and the Virtues gather at the center of the kingdom and work together to defeat the Demon King’s army.
Diego fires the cannons from his pirate ship and blows some of the demons away. Raj conjures a bow and shoots down the others. Michelle unleashes a dazzling gleam and burns the demons away with holy light. Craig uses hand-to-hand combat to beat down the demons. Zahra uses necromancy to summon her own army of skeleton soldiers to fight for her while she uses ice magic to freeze the demons. Grace pulls out her laser guns and disintegrates the demons while Aleister, mounted on his giant cobra, slaughters the others.
Sean sends out strong gusts of razor winds to slice the demons into pieces. Estela and her dragon breathe fire to burn the demons into ashes. Jake uses his claws and mastery of the Earth to slash the demons and pierce them with sharp spires of stone. Quinn uses her supersonic voice and mastery of Water to immobilize the demons by either deafening them or freezing them.
And of course, the twins fight in their own terms. Tyler carries a sword and the shield, and defeats the demons with a simple bash -and-slash combo. Meanwhile, Taylor carries two daggers and quickly stabs the demons in their hearts with swift movements.
Recommended Sountrack: United States of Smash (MHA)
Soon afterwards, Ragnarourke’s army is defeated and he is left, enraged.
The Demon King grows into immense size, towering even the height of Mt. Atropo. He looks down upon the thirteen heroes destined to stop him.
Ragnarourke: DIE!!!
Ragnarourke fires a beam of dark energy towards them but the Masters and the Virtues quickly combine their powers to form a Prismatic Force Field around them and the twins. The Dark Beam is blocked and the power of the force field is then harnessed by the Masters and the Virtues, and fires a Prismatic Beam towards the Demon King. He flinches and goes down on the ground, though his size remains.
Diego: This is it! We have to end it here once and for all!
Tyler: But how?
Quinn: Use our combined powers, and the one hidden within the two of you.
Taylor: Within... us...?
Jake: That’s right, Princess. We’re not the only ones here with power.
While the twins look at each other, the Masters of the Elements and the Seven Heavenly Virtues surround them, and begins blessing them with power.
Diego: Humility...
Raj: Temperance...
Michelle: Chastity...
Craig: Kindness...
Zahra: Diligence...
Grace: Patience...
Aleister: And Charity...
Virtues: With these virtues, you are blessed with the power of the heavens...
The Seven Heavenly Virtues bestow upon Tyler and Taylor their combined powers.
Sean: Wind...
Estela: Fire...
Jake: Earth...
Quinn: Water...
Masters: With these elements, you are blessed with the power of this very world...
The Masters then bestow their own combine powers upon the twins.
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Tyler and Taylor then harness these powers and concentrate. They call upon the powers hidden inside them. Taylor gives Tyler her own power.
Tyler: Wait... why?
Taylor: It’s better if you finish it... for all of us. Do your best, little brother...
Tyler nods as the combined powers of him, Taylor and their eleven friends, conjure the strongest weapon of La Huerta on Tyler’s hands, the Sword of Vaanu. Tyler wields the sword and ruses towards Ragnarourke. The Demon King rises up.
Ragnarourke: I REFUSE TO LOSE!!
He then conjures a giant sphere of dark energy and hurls it towards Tyler. However, the Boy Scout slices the sphere in half with the Sword.
Ragnarourke: NO!!!
Tyler: YES!!!
Tyler then pierces the heart of Ragnarourke as he begins to gleam. Tyler drops to the ground, with a superhero landing, and the Demon King bursts, as he is once and for all been defeated.
Tyler turns to his friends.
Tyler: Is it... over...?
They all nod at him with a smile while Taylor and Quinn rush towards him.Taylor hugs him tightly while Quinn kisses him deeply.
Taylor: It’s over, alright. We did it!
The proud people of the Celestial Kingdom return as they cheer to their heroes. The heroes then smile back at their grateful people. Within the next few days, a celebration is held, commemorating the day where the continent of La Huerta is saved by those who were destined. A shared wedding was also held for Tyler and Quinn, and Taylor and Jake. 
And everyone lived happily ever after.
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iskrenthebear · 7 years
📹 What’s their saddest memory?
Iskren turned his eyes from the flame roaring within its hearth, towards the blonde goddess that sat nestled in the chair near him. Lips forming into a line, the Elf leaned forward, arms still balancing on his knees and... sighed. It was evident how much it weighed on the old man, the way his shoulders tensed, the way that those fingers of his stiffened. 
His lips moved, but for a moment, nothing came out. Then... it began.
“Keep pushing! We cannot afford to lose this ground!”
Boots crashed against the stone, as the front line pushed as hard as they could, tower shields pushing away the crack of magic that nearly tore them apart. It was an ambush. A damned good one at that. Something that they weren’t expecting at all when they had set foot upon the grounds of Northrend. Being requested to report to the Grizzly Hills had set up a rather unique opportunity for the small force under instruction of Lor’thane La’sen.
Drawing his shield back, Iskren, meanwhile had eagerly drawn his blade downward, cleaving into the already fractured skull of a scourge minion, and kicked hard to send it back. “Commander! They definitely aren’t giving up!” The young Elf hollered, as three of his fellow comrades, brothers in oath and arm had covered their Second. Drawing away, Iskren scouted what was still barreling towards them, and then back to the distance. Conquest Hold was nowhere near entirely situated, and they knew that reinforcements were still at least a good hour away, perhaps less. How long had they sounded the call for aid? Even he couldn’t remember during this.
“I know Iskren. I know. But we cannot give up. Any ground that we gain here, means that the Horde will have access to it as well. While we can do more here in the Hills than Quel’thalas, our family’s pride is on the line.”
Iskren nodded his head and turned, not towards the men fighting before him, but behind. “Magi! Prepare for bombardment!” He hollered, raising his blade. There were rallying cries as some of the less armored individuals had moved forward to their placements. They had done well to scout as much of the Hills as they could to determine the best locations for magic strikes. And that damned army of dead and shambling nonsense had set themselves up perfectly.
“Ready... FIR--”
The crack of a large explosion had rocked the land about them, as well as that ominous horn that sounded. And everything had been going so well.
Both Iskren and Lor’thane knew what that horn meant. They had gained the stories about those damned soldiers, the so-called ‘special’ ones of the Scourge Army. Death Knights.
Three had stepped out of their gates, two of them wearing hoods, while the third refused to wear one, instead carrying it at his side, obviously one who had, perhaps, more ranking over the duo.
“No survivors. The Lich King needs simple fodder for the Scourge Machine. Kill them all!” The dead Elf ordered. Iskren’s eyes widened, especially as he watched the helmless Knight travel downwards. 
“No... Not you...” 
... Iskren shivered, almost feeling like something cold had fallen over him. He barely registered the feeling of arms slipping about his shoulders. Glancing over, tears lined those green orbs, although he didn’t sniff, they didn’t fall.
“When the chaos had settled, all I saw, was the Death Knight drawing his rune blade out of father’s chest, taking his soul with it to probably torment, or who knows what. The Expedition had shortly arrived after, and the Knights left the scourge minions to their fate.”
He felt the Lioness squeeze him, and his hand lifted to grip along her forearm, squeezing reassuringly. “I didn’t know you witnessed the death of your father. I’m sorry.”
Iskren chuckled. “Aye. But, that’s not what makes it sad. It’s that I watched Pride, without any control over himself, kill my father, and ordered his followers to massacre my brothers and sisters in arms.
“Father did exactly what he wished. He fought to the end. Lor’thane could have run. Could have pushed more of our soldiers to cover for him. Fel, the old man could have asked me to fight while he retreated, Yogg knows I’d have done it. He died with his sword in hand, as a La’sen, not as a coward.” He smiled weakly.
] @themadamelioness Ah, it is so good to see you back in the inbox. Thank you so much for this ask. Been thinking about this all day since I saw the message. Still a bit rusty, and sadly, I didn’t feel confident for a lengthy combat scene, but I did want to show that there was more to Iskren and Pride’s relationship and history than some might have figured. [
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