#thank you moustik X)
nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
__Moonylight__: Heeeeey actually since I've been following "The Polar Star" story from the beginning I thought it would be fun to write a one-shot where my OCs Tyler/Fanta and Tim/Masky arrive in the base thanks to the power of Fanta and meet the Autobots, Skyfire and Starscream at the very beginning of the story and what a racket it could be XD! (Wattpad request)
It would be in chapter 12: When Starscream and the others return to base right after Shockwave's attack and Star smashes his face XD And if Tyler and Tim appear literally in the middle of the base lol. Because one of their missions went wrong and Tyler thought that teleporting to this universe would give them some safety before going home. (request on Wattpad)
Thank you for your request X)! Fanta and Miko are going to be dangerous together, I can feel it XD!
The Autobots, Starscream, and Skyfire were back at base, with plenty of energon. They hadn't yet talk about their encounter with Shockwave, who was alive and well, and the scientist's altercation with the Seeker. The children quickly approached them when they saw them, and Miko asked:
"Are you okay?
- Yes don't worry. reassured Bulkhead.
- What happened?
- Well… it's good question…
- Starscream smashed Shockwave! Bumblebee beeped.
- Eh?! Seriously?!" wondered the wrecker, while the scout nodded in the affirmative.
The Japanese girl frowned a little, mainly because she hadn't understood what the yellow car had said, and she wanted to know!
"Who is Shockwave? Raf asked.
- A psycopath." Starscream replied as he walked past them as he and Ratchet made their way to the medical bay.
Skyfire accompanied his conjux, after giving the children a light bow, then Jack turned to Bulkhead and Bumblebee, before asking:
"Isn't that the case with all Decepticons?
- Hey! Take back what you said! You little brat! Or I'll crush you! the Seeker got angry.
- Star… the shuttle intervened, with a disappointed look.
Arcee didn't say anything to that remark, but her eyes spoke for her. Optimus sighed softly, not really seeing any improvement in the Autobots' interactions with the jet...
Just then a portal suddenly appeared in the middle of the base, and everyone turned towards it, blasters activated! Starscream stood in front of his conjux, wings high! Even handcuffed he wasn't going to let anyone hurt Skyfire!
The robots quickly lowered their weapons, as they faced two strange little humans. One had ginger hairs, and had animal ears on his head. The other was slightly taller than his partner, and with brown hairs. He wore a strange white and black mask. The two didn't seem to notice the robots, and the redhead laughed.
“You see Masky! Problem solved! Another world, no more danger! We just have to wait quietly until it calms down!
- It's a bit your fault if we find ourselves in this situation, I'll remind you, Fanta…
- Hooo! You always have to exag-"
The two "humans" eventually saw the Transformers, and there was a long moment when neither of them said a word. The silence grew heavier and heavier, until Bulkhead said:
“Uh… Hi?
- Ooh! Daaaamn! They talk, Masky! They taaaalk!!! yelled the one called Fanta, shaking Masky all over the place.
- Let me go, I'm going to vomit!" cried out the masked one.
Starscream and Skyfire looked at each other with a hint of confusion, then the shuttle decided to go towards the newcomers, much to the Seeker's shock.
“Sky! exclaimed the jet. Don't go! You don't even know if these things are dangerous!
- If they had wanted to be hostile to us, they would have attacked us already. answered his conjux.
- They literally teleported in the middle of the base!"
The big white robot knelt in front of Fanta and Masky, and smiled:
“Hello, I'm Skyfire.
- I'm Fanta!" smiled the half-wolf.
The masked one slapped the back of his partner head, and exclaimed:
“Don't introduce yourself to the first comer! You don't even know who he is, or if he's dangerous!"
Bulkhead laughed a little, and looked at Starscream, before saying:
“It's funny, he reminds me of someone.
- Hey!" the Seeker said indignantly.
The redhead rubbed his head, then replied:
“Well, I know who it is, he's named Skyfire. He just told me.
- No, but you- started Masky.
- And then look at his face, he wouldn't even hurt a fly!"
The older one made a face palm and sighed heavily. Bumblebee approached in turn, and said:
“Hello, I'm Bumblebee!"
Fanta gave a nervous smile, and blinked several times, clearly indicating that he didn't understand anything.
"Um... Hello... Beepbebeep?" »
The scout looked a little vexed, and Raf moved closer to intervene.
“He said his name was Bumblebee.
- Ooh! I also thought it was weird Beepbebeep for a name!"
The bespectacled boy laughed at that, and Jack and Miko were quick to approach in turn, curiosity quickly overcoming mistrust. Optimus came over to them as well, and gently greeted the newcomers. The only ones still back were Arcee, Ratchet and Starscream, who gave their trust very hardly.
The Seeker had his wings tight behind his back, while the proximity of his conjux to these potential enemies only made him anxious every second... The Japanese girl turned to the three remaining robots, and said:
"So what?! Aren't you coming to introduce yourself?!
- To do what? Arcee asked, crossing her arms.
- I don't see the point… answered the jet, frowning, wings high.
- Who knows where they come from and what scrap they can carry around with them…! the doctor hissed suspiciously.
- That's not very nice… Fanta pouted.
- Yeah, it's true. nodded Jack. It's not nice. Plus, they don't look dangerous.
- Don't looking dangerous, doesn't mean not being dangereous! replied the ambulance. Do you want me to remind you of the scraplets episode, or is it fine?
- It was an accident… murmured Raf.
- Don't worry, we'll be leaving soon anyway. Masky interjected. We just wait for things to calm down in our world, then we go back."
There was a silence, before Starscream repeated:
"Your world?
- Yeah? replied the masked one, incredulous. Our universe if you prefer.
- Great! They literally come from another universe!" the Seeker exclaimed sarcastically.
Skyfire's gaze shone with clear interest, and leaned a little closer to Masky, before asking:
"Oh! Can you tell me about your world?! How did it looks like! Is it the same as here or different?! Besides, now that I'm wondering, how did you get here? Are you able to travel between universes?
- I confess that it intrigues me too. said Ratchet, who had wasted no time closing in after the masked human's statement.
- Why are you different from the humans we see here? Bumblebee beeped.
- It's true that it's intriguing. Are there a lot of masked people and half-wolves in your world? added Raf.
- I want to know too! joined Jack.
- F- Fanta! Help!" Masky exclaimed, but his companion had already walked away with Miko, to join the two suspicious robots.
The half-wolf boy smiled broadly at Arcee and Starscream, and gave them a kind wave, before exclaiming:
"Hi ! I'm Fanta! And you?!"
The motorcycle pretended to look away, while the Seeker replied:
“Why should we tell you?!
- Aren't you tired of being mean?! Miko retorted.
- I just don't want to answer him!
- Well, I'll answer for you then!
- No!
- I do what I want!
- …!
- The stubborn one is Arcee, and the unpleasant one is Starscream!
- Hi… finally said the warrior.
- Hm… grumbled the jet.
- Ah well, you know how to say hello in fact, it's cool! Fanta laughed.
- …
- If you have any questions don't hesitate, I would be happy to answer them! All you have to do is ask a question and answer!
- I don't want to…
 - I begin!
- …
- What are you exactly?! Are you a new form of artificial intelligence?
- Ha! As if humans would ever be able to build one of us!
- The MECH almost succeeded. Miko reminded.
- … Shut up…
- What is MECH? asked the half-wolf boy.
- Hey! It's up to us to ask a question now!
- You haven't answered my first question yet!
- We are Transformers. Arcee replied. Most are from Cybertron, and I'm from Caminus.
- Are these planets?
- Yes.
- That's cool ! You are actually aliens! Hey, Masky, aliens exist!
- Help me…" only answered Masky from afar.
But his companion quickly turned his attention to the others.
“Our turn now! Starscream exclaimed.
- I'm listening to you! Fanta smiled.
- What are you? You don't look 100% human! Are you another species?
- We are creepypastas!"
The Seeker and the warrior looked at each other in confusion, then the jet said:
"Isn't 'pastas' a terrestrial food?
- Well yes, normally… confirmed the motorbike.
- No, but not that kind of pastas! Miko intervened. Anyway, I'm surprised, I didn't think there would be a world where you really existed! This is so cool!
- You really think so?! smiled the redhead.
- Yeah absolutely! But, what are your abilities?! Do you have the skills of a wolf?! Can you see in the dark?! Do you transform during the full moon?!
- I'm not a werewolf! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
The two robots watched the whole conversation from afar, without understanding a single word of what they were saying. Masky on his side answered the lot of questions as best he could, especially from Skyfire who was the most curious. The masked boy had come to enjoy answering it, having come to feel that it was more due to curiosity than mistrust.
For their part Miko and Fanta moved away a little, after taking two, three objects lying around on Ratchet's desk, accompanied by the Seeker. The redhead told them he needed help building a weapon, and the Japanese girl quickly replied that since the jet was a former scientist, he might be able to help him.
Ratchet moved away from the first human a bit, and turned to see what the others were doing. He cried out as he saw Miko and Fanta building something way too close to a weapon for his liking, while being supervised by the Seeker, who was clearly encouraging them in their proceedings.
“Your gun will not work like that, you have to take that too. said the jet, handing another object found on the ambulance desk.
- Hey! What do you think you're doing here?! cried out the doctor.
- Damn ! We're spoted! exclaimed the Japanese girl.
- No, but it's my material! I needed that! Why didn't you arrest them, Arcee?!
- I didn't think they were serious!" replied the latter.
The trio quickly scattered, while they were all chased a bit by an enraged Ratchet! Fanta slung the weapon, and replied:
“Sorry, but Masky and I are going to need it for our mission!"
The masked boy nodded, then said:
“Anyway, we're going to have to go, we can't stay longer.
- Oooh… but why? pouted Miko.
- Nothing prevents you from staying a bit. added Skyfire.
- So that they can steal my material again?! Ratchet get angry. No way!
- Don't listen to him. laughed Bulkhead.
- If we can do other science projects, I'm not against keeping them. added Starscream.
- There's no way we're giving him the opportunity to have access to a weapon! Arcee objected.
- Scrap…
- He's not even hiding anymore!
- Just kidding! Primus, what humor!"
Fanta laughed at this, then said:
"Slender will be worried if we don't come back! And then, we have two or three assholes to destroy!
- Take care. said Optimus.
- Don't worry! See you soon!"
Particles began to swirl around the two creepypastas, and before they disappeared, Miko asked:
"We'll see each other again, do you think?!
- Of course ! After all, I know the way now!" Fanta answered with a wink.
Masky waves goodbye to them, and the duo ends up completely disappearing, as if they had never existed. In the end, the only evidence of this strange encounter was Ratchet's missing material.
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