#that cats apparently will do this if they've been very sick for a while
melonisopod · 6 months
I'm still obviously torn up about losing Tommy but the fact that cats do this is kind of funny. They'll just fucking leave one day like "Lol, bye,"
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littlebigmouse · 2 years
Words cannot describe how much I would have loved to see an episode that is just the Coven Heads interacting sometime before or in season 1 but also Raine is already there. Think about it. Between Lilith and Kikimora at least hating each other subtly, Lilith and Hunter hating each other probably a bit more openly, everyone bullying Hunter, Eber being a pure chaos gremlin, Darius and Adrien trying to out-class the other and just being general divas, the awkwardness that would be Lilith and Raine interacting "Hi Raine I didn't expect you to clean up your life and become a Coven Head good job" "Hey Lilith I heard you're trying to arrest my Ex who is also your beloved sister how is that working out for you" coupled with the doubled "Ugh this is worse than having class with Darius in school". But also Raine, Darius and Eber are each seperately plotting how to kill the other people present (but like, not even for personal reasons, which is rare in this room, everyone else is also very much plotting murder, they're just more petty) and fishing for weaknesses, while Raine is now working alongside that one weird old lady that tried to poison them and their classmates in middle school - what was that even about - and all that is guest starred by Emperor "has been planning to kill everyone in this room and their loved ones since before he first laid eyes on them and is just biding his time... any... day. now." Belos trying to keep this herd of cats in line that are one sick insult away from clawing each other's eyes out. And that does not even include literally four more unnamed Coven Heads who are stastically speaking at least as quirky as the aformentioned bunch of people and just. How is this government still functioning. How do these people get anything done. I'm 98% convinced the Emperor's Coven has a Head aside from Belos so he can avoid interacting with these weirdos as much as possible. And who can blame him. Three of them are probably having an affair with each other. He isn't sure if Eberwolf can speak, they've certainly never done more than growl in his presence. The closest he came to ever regretting his 400 year old 2743 step plan to erradicate all life on the Isles was when he had to sit in an 8-hour meeting over major budgeting decisions effecting all Covens. Lilith actually did throw punch. The punch was Kikimora. Into Adrien's face. Belos likes Terra the best in theory but in practise he's very close to making her eat vine every time she makes a stupid plant pun. She's been working for him for over twenty years. He's heard them all in the first week, and new material apparently does not grow on trees (pun very much not intended).
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buddha-in-disguise · 3 years
From boom to bust.
What in the ever fucking hell was that Supergirl?
Okay, quickly. It wasn't as bad as some episodes. It had some great moments, but as is so often the problem since S5 on the show, they got completely overridden by the shit portions.
The biggest one? Well, everyone is rightly complaining about the lack of Alex telling Kelly that Kara is Supergirl.
I'm still reeling from this one. When it became apparent that Kelly knew - I will be honest, I was so stunned, I couldn't even appreciate the great acting by Chyler and Azie. It detracted that much from their scene. And it never should have, because once again, they showed why so many of us love seeing them work together.
So now the next one on my list.
Tough to chose, but I'm going with the time issue.
When was this episode supposed to be set, in relation to episode one?
Because we get the introduction of Silas, and while they don't give a timescale on how long Kara has been missing, the way Nia then mentions Kara still being with Cat Grant, and the initial CatCo scene, all suggests this is very quickly after 6.01 ended.
Plus, even in The Tower, the suggestion is it hasn't been long at all since Kara was lost to the PZ.
But then, William (more on him later) is standing in CatCo, no sling. No sign of having ever been shot. Now, don't get me wrong, I've never been shot, but I have a multitude of health issues, and even if he had great physio, there should be no way in hell his arm has that much movement without some kind of impingement.
But then we have the trial of Lex.
Now even in Supergirl's world, there is no way that a trial would be just a couple of days after Kara is sent to the PZ.
And CatCo has published their hit pieces on Lex. The pieces they were still only discussing in the opening portion of the episode.
Cue in Kelly and Alex - no mention is given on how long Kara has been missing.
So is it days, (highly unlikely) weeks, (possible) or months (who the fuck knows).
That scene with Kelly and Alex was sitting there, just ready to give us the clarification on how long they've been trying to rescue her. But as usual, we are having to make up our own minds and try to figure this shit out ourselves.
William. What is the point of him? No seriously. What does his character bring. Other than him sitting in front of a monitor (oh yeah, what happened about trying to get to the court 🙄) like some neanderthal, grunting at the screen, throwing a temper tantrum at the Lex trial.
We got those scenes by him edited in, but nothing from Kelly and Alex that would've been far more impactful and emotional for the main audience.
William is utterly pointless.
Lex - to sum it up, I love Jon Cryer. I love his version of Lex Luthor.
I am so done with his villainous monologues and looks. It is not the damn Lex Luthor show. How do they not know this, even now. Episode one, I thought it was okay, but this episode - enough already.
Which brings me to Andrea. Look, I love Julie, and I've no issue with Andrea as a character per se, but already I'm sensing that Andrea is drifting towards the same fate as William, of being surplus to requirements.
These are my immediate thoughts on the episode. I know many more will go through my mind as I think on it, but right now - thank fuck that wasn't the season opener as planned, because I would've easily turned off.
The only thing keeping me going so far, is knowing that we are getting more action as Superfriends in general, plus we know Jon didn't film for much longer. Even if we are supposed to be getting Lex back in 5b for an undetermined amount of time. God helps us all.
Oh I almost forgot - Kara delivering that speech knowing what it is like to lose everyone you love. I've got no clue what she was referencing there. Not. A. One. Nothing we know from previous seasons fits the actual dialogue she gave. So many choices could've been made, and yet we got more confusion over what she was referring to.
Last thought, since we know Nia is involved with Brainy in the upcoming Midvale episodes, I'm wondering if that scene at The Tower with Brainy, Dreamer had is a precursor to the Midvale episodes but she didn't realise it, because of the circumstances of why she saw it? I guess we wait and see.
Do better Supergirl. Jesus, the writing alone this episode. I see better consistency with fanfic writers. Netflix has SG if you need to check on things, and failing that, Google is only a few keystrokes away to the answer.
Let's hope this improves because if it carries on in this vein, watch viewing numbers plummet again.
Unedited by me before posting, so apologies for any errors.
Oh shit. I forgot to add. I'm also sick and tired of Kelly shouldering everyone else. Kara was her friend too. Moreso her girlfriends sister. Not only has she now been told who Kara is, the impact that has isn't just on Alex.
Is it this unconscious bias that Black women are strong and should carry every burden? Because that's how it comes across to me.
I want Nia or Lena even being there for Kelly FFS.
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