#thats what angels taste like owo
venusararara · 9 months
Would Gatherine like human food?
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dork-empress · 4 years
Worst of 2019
I’ll start with this right now: I haven’t seen Cats yet. I probably will, but I couldn’t morally watch it opening weekend, and then there were just....other better ones.
I’ll also say, not all of these are BAD movies, and none (well maybe a couple) shouldn’t be shamed by the creators. This is determined by my own personal enjoyment, and until someone wants to pay me to do reviews, meh.
So, 5 that didn’t make the list (most of which I actually did like, but were just ok) Tolkien, Late Night, Spies in Disguise, Charlies Angels, Ready or Not.
#10 Frozen 2
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THATS RIGHT I”M COMING AT YOU DISNEY. While Frozen 1 I considered good but overrated, this one....alright, it looked beautiful, and most of it would be harmless fun, but...IDK. The story seemed weak to me, the humor mostly came from things that I don’t like (Olaf can MELT) And just. I don’t know, it didn’t work for me.
#9 The Addams Family
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This one hurt because I was really looking forward to it, but it was kinda just....blah. It had some really good bits in it. What really hit me was....when you make villains so incredibly...I don’t know the word, but like, they specifically and used words to say ‘conformity is good’ or something....it bugs me. I know there’s a necessity to make things clear to kids, but I worry that children will see this and think that’s what it looks like in the real world and like. Not recognize actual bullying and pushes to conformity when they see it. IDK.
#8 Godzilla King of Monsters
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So this was the first Godzilla Movie I had ever seen? And like. It was ok, I think? It had some cool shots in there, and I loved Mothra, but I think it didn’t have the heart I look for in movies. Am I expecting too much from a movie called Godzilla King of Monsters? Probably. But anytime humans were on screen I was just tired. Honestly, if they had done a dialogue-light movie focusing on the monsters, that might have been more interesting.
#7 X-Men Dark Phoenix
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I actually didn’t see this when it came out, I saw it on a plane a few days ago, and I’ll be real, wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. They backpedalled the biggest thing from X-men 3 of “Charles Xavier: mind manipulator” as a thing that was unequivocally wrong, but like. Meh, it was fine. Didn’t make much sense. But fine. Jennifer Lawrence finally got out of there, bet she’s happy.
#6 The Lighthouse
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This one wasn’t bad, and some people would put it on their best of list. I think technically speaking (as in, the techniques) its very well done. But I. It was hard to care about it. But it’s fine.
#5 Missing Link
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I keep rooting for Laika because I WANT them to do well and I can see it’s a crazy amount of work but. Oh god was this boring. Just...just so boring. I was hoping I’d fall asleep. Also they narrowly avoided that bland romance bullet, but it was still too close. Also the main character is terrible.
#3 Alita: Battle Angel
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This looked really pretty, but was clearly a manga that had been adapted and didn’t feel like a cohesive movie. If they could get the budget, it might have been a better TV show. IDK. They thought they were getting a sequel which was cute. Oh well.
#3 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
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Boring until I physically couldn’t watch ‘cause of the violence. Felt like....bad taste. I can’t pinpoint it. I didn’t know much about the Mason family, but after watching, it feels like. Like Tarantino was purposefully making them bad guys ‘cause they were hippies and not racist cultists. This seems....REALLY bad coming from a guy who is often critiqued for not being progressive. Eek.
#2 Isn’t it Romantic
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Oh man, I had hopes for this movie, to show the actual good and bad of Romantic Comedies. But instead the whole thing was “hey you know this trope? It sure is a trope.” And despite what it thinks, it’s not the first to show the ‘i just need to love myself and I’ll find love’ idea. Meh.
#1 Ugly Dolls
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I watched this movie because of a dreadful mistake. But I did watch it. This goes back to the idea of conformity I mentioned with the Addams Family. This one had a very “I don’t care if you’re black, white, or purple owo” kinda vibe and reeked of capitalism. Eeeeeeek.
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shiba-boyfriend · 5 years
smile, faith, ink, twilight, flower power, dandelion, wishes, angel!! :3
smile - a quirk that you find cute/attractive?people who text with lots of hearts and exclamation points, sing quietly to themself, absent minded hand holding, unironically saying stuff like “OwO” “uwu” “hewwo” “:3c”, laughing and smiling a lot
faith - do you have any superstitions?yep! i knock on wood, i keep good luck charms, i believe in ghosts and other supernatural things, i have a mild belief in astrology
ink - your favorite word?oh thats hard, i dont know if i have one. there’s a lot of nice words out theretwilight - what is your favorite time of day?i like the blue hour in the morning best, but any time when its really nice and sunny from midday onwards is also nice!
flower power - what is your favorite outdoor activity?i love picnics! plus that can encompass a whole lot of “hanging out with people i like and doing stuff and theres also food” activities :P
dandelion - what is your biggest dream right now?moving out and getting on T wishes - what would you do if you were omnipotent for a day?as much good as i could in 24 hours!
angel - what do you like about yourself the most?appearance wise, i’d say my hair, my freckles, my eyes, every little bit of body hair i’ve acquired but especially my sideburns and jaw scruff. otherwise, my music taste, my artistic skills, my ability to play the ukulele, how good i’ve gotten at hand sewing!
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moonchildhcs · 5 years
yeonpark hcs!
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yo lets g o i might be in a funk but i can be productive
the most teasing boyfie alive!! hes like. 9 inches taller lmaooo u BET ur ass that whenever u wanna smooch not only does he refuse to lean down to meet you halfway he goes on his tip toes just to piss you off
and ur like “u know what? ill never kiss you ever again!” and then yeonjun goes Instant Babie Mode and goes ‘w A IT-”
yall just have that cute dynamic where yall tease each other but more often than not yeonjun has the upper hand bc. hes older. taller. part of a successful idol group. the whole shebang ! hes just got an advantage in terms of superiority in more ways than one
but at the very least,, you dont have to call him oppa owo
some common dates!!
honestly b e t yall go to mcdonalds or something at 2am for like. ice cream or fries or straight up a Feast because you dont sleep and hes always at practice so youre both still enthusiastic and fun and the workers arent fazed by yalls attitude but d a m n
you: “do you think this cookie would taste good if i dipped it in ranch”
him: “oh my god fucking bet?”
you, almost vomiting: “it tastes so good, try it”
also just driving aimlessly in general! its good content especially if neither of you can sleep because uwuwuwu you get to watch the sunrise together!
and you say something cheesy like “you shine like the sun! uwu” and this boy. this soft angel. he refuses to be outdone in cheesiness and hes like “you glow like the moon uwu” and yall are in SHAMBLES in the car like... shishters... get them uwus under control
you guys also like going to the arcade !! arcade hours ACTIVATED the competitiveness has jumped out lads
you guys almost fist fight over dance dance revolution bc. homeboy is literally an idol but he didnt even TRY to go easy and lessen the gap a lil but its okay bc ur the number one dancer and musician in his heart anyways uwu also he won you several plushies so !
on the topic of musician ! yall playing the guitar and singing a duet together? a nice soft love song that leaves yall in a soft mess of uwus ? adorable and incredibly realistic
also just. hes the Adult member of the group so sometimes he just stays over at your place and yall cuddle and now just imagine:
you wake up in the morning, your eyesight bleary as some rays of sunshine stream through the curtains. you try to get up but youre pinned down by yeonjun, fast asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. you try to inch away to get a glass of water, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, but yeonjun wraps his arms tighter
he mumbles a good morning, sleep dripping from his deep voice as you mumble a quiet good morning back, asking him if he could let go of you so you can relieve your throat, but he drags you back to him. “later. let me cuddle you.” 
and you both slowly fall asleep again in each other's embrace as the sunshine kisses your skin
that is LITERALLY so soft and so ideal and yall have mornings like that so hecking often
also !! lemme get into some pda :^)
first of all: hugs!!! he literally gives the best hugs bc he fucking towers OVER you you barely reach his shoulders !!
so he just. engulfs you !! and its so nice especially when youre feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated so he just hugs you and the world melts away and all you can sense is him
like... truly and ideal mans!! also because yall are real playful you guys do running hugs a lot !! like when he gets home early from practice you just YEET through the halls and throw yourself at him and he picks you up and twirls you around ! and hes like !! princess!!
yes indeed he calls you PRINCESS how soft is that...
anyways: kisses!!
usually yall peck each other wherever !! you tend to just. smooch his shoulder or, if you rlly put in the effort is neck or his jaw, which sends him into a fit of giggles
he loves to peck your forehead, your nose, your cheeks !! he just loves to SMOOCH bc ur small and pretty and cute and lovely
like... wowza !!
but most importantly he loves to actually KISS you !!! and usually its real soft and sweet
but sometimes,, homeboy is tired and anxious and riled up and so he just. kisses you so needily and youre like.. :o but also :^) and it quickly devolves into a nice long makeout session
he likes having you sit on his lap/straddle him during those :^) and i will end it at that
sometimes yall get into some funks and thats so valid!!! it happens to the best of us
so yall order some of your fave foods and desserts, pull up netflix and marathon your favorite movies as yall distract yourselves for the time being
and afterwards, yall put on some nice jams and just. talk about whats bothering you, what life has been like, etc! because both of you are big ol softies at heart and your feelings tend to be rather transparent and you guys cry it out, be it sadness or frustration
and it makes you guys all the more closer because youre at that level of comfort where really, you can talk about anything without feeling awkward or uncomfortable
anyways, back to some nice fluff
you steal his clothes a l l t h e t i m e and its kinda funny because hes literally nine inches taller so you are just SWIMMING in his clothes but it makes you all the more cuter
and sometimes when he wants to make you laugh he’ll steal your clothes, the ones with a nice stretch, and model them for you (with a strict no photo policy unless youre feeling down) and its the funniest thing seeing this toned, 5′11 guy wear your crop top that BARELY covers anything for him
and hes just like “just look dont touch” with the s a s s i e s t voice and youre in fucking s h a m b l e s
overall hes a really nice guy that might tease you sometimes but he loves you SO much its unreal and hes ready to be with you through good and bad
and hes down for all the adventured that youll have and he hopes--no, he knows--that he will spend the rest of his life with you :^)
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