#the DSMP as a whole is like all of my obsessions shoved into one
sing-me-under · 1 year
Dude I’m just so obsessed with the fiancés (mostly c!Sapnap). Like, I just love them so much. It’s frankly absurd.
They’ve been dead since 2021 and it’s almost 2023 and 90% of my artistic energy goes straight into these three. I like to draw them, and my notes app is mostly Even my post it notes at work are just some variation of KSQ. I have no idea to explain it.
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localsharkcryptid · 1 year
LARGEST of thank yous @waterloverextreme​ for asking to hear my thoughts. This is all about characters of course but I don’t feel like putting the C! before every name-
SO! *clapping hands together* Now a pretty lengthy explanation of Sam being classic dragon coded: First off there are two main portrayals of European style dragons: Benevolent & Malevolent, Sam in fact fits both.
Starting with the benevolent, ‘good’ aligned dragons are creatures who grant protection and often wisdom - Sam originally upon joining the server often went somewhat out of his way to help people, namely Tommy much to Tommy’s dislike, and it is noted that his immense building and redstone knowledge in general made him the kind of guy people would get to help them. Sam also keeps his offer to Tommy to protect or help him if he ever needs it throughout the server events, making Sam Nook and all that.
Though this changes, drastically, with the construction of the prison and Sam’s role as the warden - turning from the benevolent to malevolent interpretation. This take on dragons is the og classic fantasy style portrayal, a giant beast of fire and wrath known for their cavernous lairs, obsessive nature towards their hoards and their lethal ire. This is the warden. The warden is the dragon that guards the vault, a prison of blackstone and lava, traps and tricks, rare valuables built into it’s very foundation with netherite blocks. Sam as the warden is more serious, the kind nature gone almost entirely shoved away by sense of duty to protect- for the greater good, he knows everyone that enters, everyone that leaves, and if anything is ever amiss or stolen from his lair. His anger flares more so as the warden, he leaves nothing to chance and threats are to be dealt with. violently. While yes there are other guards of the vault but the warden never truly leaves, after all a dragon never leaves what it guards for long. Adorned in neigh impenetrable armor and armed with lethal weapons, his appearance does only aid the comparison considering dragon scales are said to be stronger than any metal and their teeth and claws sharper and more lethal than any weapon of man. Oh yeah and the whole hostage situation thing with Ranboo and Michael, kidnaping is another signature. Also it’s not uncommon in folktales for dragons to have been employed or utilized to guard something and ultimately being slain for it, which works with cannon and a personal idea of mine but I will save my tie in rant for a technical au scene/dragon slayer Punz for another day.
With how I see it, he is a benevolent dragon turned malevolent through drastic measures and his own need to protect- no matter the cost. The vault brings out a side of him that is far more brutal and cold- reptilian even- than his true nature.
Along with this, his technical immortality falls in line as well, while Sam’s is through body swapping it is still immortality- much like how most dragons are portrayed as almost ageless beasts that only become more powerful as they live. Considering my headcanons Sam follows that as well- every body being a better improvement from the last. Golden armor being apart of his base design usually, gold being eternally connected to dragons.
Both his deaths as well fall in line with methods from dragon slaying legends - struck through the eye [one of the few universal weakpoints on a dragon] and generally collapsing to numerous wounds after, left to die if you will.
Now falling into personal headcanon territory: Within my own take on them Creepers are an apex predator species that has in the modern era split off into numerous sub-species to adapt to the various biomes BUT they do have a common ancestor within the histories. Referred to as The Draken Spawn this ancient ‘origin’ beast was said to be a creature of fire and destruction, a spawn of dragons left to the world since it could not fly. With my personal design for Sam, his current body for the events of the dsmp is a genetically modified “hybrid” of numerous creeper variants: a botched Draken Spawn effectively. That’s more just design symbolism though.
There’s probably more notes I can’t remember at the moment but yeah, the creeper man is dragon coded and I swear one day I’m gonna make a cool comic thing with this concept.
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