#the clothing is pretty and you don't want to talk about the larger implications of that
hearthmistress · 1 year
Because I mention this every single time I see a corset-defending post that suggest that corsets were in NO WAY constricting, here is evidence that Indigenous women, specifically Anishinaabe women rejected wearing corsets and found them restricting, even when they adapted aspects of white western dress in the nineteenth century (written by an Indigenous historian, fyi). I have stated this before (and will state again and again), that the ideology around corsets was about enforcing a certain type of femininity - specifically a white, upper-class, and thin form of femininity - that did not pertain to many women: 
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From: Brittany Luby, Dammed: The Politics of Loss and Survival in Anishinaabe Territory (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2020), 145-149. 
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
Hey, where did you hear there's traces of something similar to sa in the Anakt Kit book? I don't know what age they graduate Anakt Garden from, but the implications of that are... something else.
I fully believe it's heavily implied Till was sexually assaulted in that scene. I can't think of any other reason the alien would have its clothes off. And I can't think of any reason he'd be sweating like that if it wasn't penetrative in some way. Maybe if he was molested, but I don't think that'd leave him looking so ill. In all the scenes before when he's been beaten and drugged, he wasn't sweating or hazy-eyed like that. And his eyes weren't like that before he was held down either, like they've had the color drained from them. The suggestive way he was held down and his disshelved clothes, while not proof on their own, further support those conclusions. I do think it's left up to interpretation, I just... don't know what any other interpretation would be.
I'm new to Alien Stage, and I'm trying to dig up as much lore as possible. It seems to be scattered all over and the wiki is near-useless. I just want to write angsty trauma recovery fanfic 😭
By the way, do you know if that red alien that grabbed him is his guardian? And when was he being thrown around with telekinesis as you mentioned?
Okay, so there's a photo shared around on twitter apparently from the Anakt Kit Book? It's of an older (most likely adult) Ivan and Till, their faces squished in the hands of what is a presumably a larger alien (the framing of the sketch puts you in the perspective of this alien, only it's hand is visible). The photo isn't inherently suggestive, but the forceful grabbing of their faces and the fact that they both show obvious disdain lead people to speculate that being physically forced is something that happens very often in their position.
Yeah, the pieces for the interpretation are there. With Alien Stage being based off of our own twisted idol culture, it's definitely not out of left field to expect that kind of topic to pop up, especially once the series begins exploring it's darker themes. This is going to be the last time I'll be talking about it on here, though. I'd prefer not to overdo it.
I feel as though that alien is in fact Guardian Urak. We actually haven't seen Guardian Urak properly, save for his shadowed form in ROUND 2. The Patreon posts showed an earlier design of him that matches pretty well to his silhouette in that episode.
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(This was the earliest animated sighting of Guardian Urak)
The telekinesis thing I talked about referred to this scene of Till getting tossed at the wall.
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I assumed it was via telekinesis because Guardian Urak sits upon a levitating chair, and we don't see any other force pushing against Till in this shot. In hindsight, Till probably could have just been thrown normally by someone who wasn't in frame.
Regarding the head alien, I believe it could be the new, finalized design of Guardian Urak, especially since he retains the qualities of a covered face and mainly white design. He also behaves as if he's directly responsible for Till, quickly becoming upset when his own pet won't perform for his guests.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a huge number of miscreants out today and we have to start getting out there and chasing down this warrants and apbs and they're massively annoying and they are implicating themselves but it needs to be enforced in order for that to do anything. They're talking smack out loud to him and you can hear it and they don't care about going to prison I guess I don't care about getting sick in prison. Haven't they serve the chocolate fudge ice cream in prison
**there's a huge number of these stores and we're acquiring all of them it's a giant chain and it's Target believe it or not the one of the world's largest retailers on Earth it's all mostly close and they sell toys and they sell small appliances some toiletry items bathroom items and small amount of furniture it's a lot of clothing and it's a huge huge chain they grew significantly in the past two years and people can go in and get something to eat and it only takes a few minutes and that's why they do it Walmart takes too long the store is too big and you can't get clothing there it's not just low level stuff so it's been doing very well it needs to be revamped about half the clothes mostly by the schmuck John River Lord who is here in the park indicating himself again in a minor crime compared to his other crimes. And we're also talking about another retailer but these people are signing to us and they don't want to retain a chair not one chair
**this retailer is gigantic everybody knows who they are and it's Marshalls and it's one of the largest retailers in existence it is third to Walmart and Target and they sell all clothing and it is a competitor of JCPenney and Walmart and Target and they are the largest clothing distributors on Earth but the other stores have like a mixed sales and they sell different items and that's why they compete and but it is a very nice store because they have sales and things are price reasonably and have decent brand names but we're going to upgrade it it is done very well and survived well it's because of the max who are running it they did a very good job and their decent sales people and they present things well they also are organized so we're going to continue in those way in that vein to make sure that the business continues
**and one more retailer this is a size they are humongous they sell tons and tons of items and it's not necessarily just clothing it's a department store and it's bells and they have probably now 90% clothing but they have a better brand names than Target but they're more expensive and there's a larger selection and it's well presented and it's becoming a higher end place which we don't really want this there's three or four higher in places there's no need to add one and we're going to make sure it stays there another signing to us but they're going to retain two chairs and they have the goal of raising the prices and increasing the level of their brand names but we don't think that's very appropriate so we're going to stop that and they also have a lot of stock options by comparison to other companies we only have 80% if they want they can Branch off and have a higher end company then they won't do well because most people don't have the money on the look at it differently
**one of the final retailers and it's a pretty good size chain and they do Fair is Sears we mentioned them before they said they're humongous but now they're not this sold a lot of their stores and those stores went to places like bells and they went to Target and other places inside malls even and it's showing all over the United States in the world and they're trying to start trouble with the name of the store Will Smith people it didn't work and Sears is going to sell a variety of products and we're going to reopen Sears automotive because people have almost no place to do automotive work. The sunny over the majority of the company and we'll have 90% of it and they want to retain two chairs in Sears believe it or not two chairs so we know what that is and we understand it. We're going to open a Sears outlet branch and put it at all the outlet stores again they took them out in the late 90s and we're going to include lawn mowers and small equipment and construction equipment and tools at those places including hand tools and power tools excavators backhoes the small one it's actually a good size and more
**there's a few more companies that were acquiring today and they're in the retail industry and we have about 80% of the stock and 20% is not controlling share and we hold most of the chairs in these companies list them as people haven't heard of it for a long time is filenes Nordstrom's Macy's and Neiman Marcus and several other high-end stores JCPenney had a high-end store division but they canceled it and our son says they should probably open it again only because JCPenney had high-end stuff at a lower price that's a good reason to do that and their suit stores terrible now I can't you can't wear the stuff and it's $300 for a stretchy suit that they would sell in the past for 80 bucks
**a couple other retailers and they are large and they're all over the place and people always miss it and the Sun is missing they're part of the chain and that chain is like Marshalls but it's not and it's clothing but we'll discuss it later apparently it's not caliber they're closed they're gone. It's a large chain and the sun is not been there for a long time but where are we opening it and it's like filene's but it's less expensive it's more like a cow door or Target and we have fun to be useful it's like Marshalls
**there's a couple other stores that are going to be acquired by us today Lock stock and barrel we're going to have about 90% of the shares by the end of the day today and will retain all the chairs except two ourselves really where just going to let them retain too and these stores are chain stores they're different specialty shops we mentioned the outdoor store and that's one that's signing to us and there's several stores of that nature Dick's sporting goods and some other sporting goods stores as well as furniture stores there's like 10 major furniture stores including Ikea although Ikea is not signing we are gaining shares right now we have 60% I'm pretty soon they'll start selling because we're going to start changing management and we're going to change out employees and how they run things right now they're trying to run in the ground and they're going to all be fired and decided to leave the country you'll become arrested and then you go to jail then prison then they get sick then they disappear. Ashley's is signing over everything except 20% the retaining two chairs canes deciding everything over no chairs retained and we're going to keep the company says even though we're thinking not to and it's for the name there's about 20 other furniture stores and Jordan's furniture is still pretty big and we are retaining the company name and employees we have 90% they're retaining one chair and it's Mac and there's four other huge companies and for the life of me says I can't remember them that idiot repeated Ashley furniture 50,000 times a day and we hate him and it's one thing he's doing trying to do a lot of people it's dumb down people. Is a lot of furniture out there most of it's way too expensive and most of the companies are far too expensive and we're not going to take over the factories they're going to go out of business when they go out of business we'll take over there outlet store sell off their stock at a steep discount probably 10% of original cost because it's way too much and we'll start producing hours more and put it in there right now it's too much money it's ridiculous they can't charge that much and survive and these people are obnoxious and try to move our son instead he moved them a bunch of f****** assholes and she got to departing message you're probably not welcome in the country at all she's going to go tell people they didn't start bothering people and get killed
There's a lot of retailers out there that were signing over today I would say 50% of the industry and by sales and my volume of sales the number of companies is almost 50%, so it's a decent demographic and there's tons of teeny ones too where gobbling up and we're going to change over immediately it's too much of this b******* and stores that sell one garment a week and and they usually suck and you can't wash it without falling apart that's what fisherman's village it's all about and those people are corn okay it's disgusting we're going at it with these people in a moment I've had it with your s*** he said over there s*** too that's a clone and the family's ruined and the husband is been missing for 2 weeks and she doesn't know what to do Samantha said it's a warlock but he said it can cause trouble to figure out the case and he's on it.
John remillard heard it but now he's on the case he's going to figure out what happened these people are heinous heinous jerks his clones are nasty f*****.
Them other big businesses that are signing over to us and basically they run most of the business on the planet and it's kind of gross cuz there's not enough in the FBI is going to start bothering us and we're going to crush them they're full of clones. Tuesday we're going to talk about boat companies he's going to get lunch somewhere
Thor Freya
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