#the crown and the sword// raul castillo
Closed starter: Raul and Rhysand (@stvrdvstsx)
When Raul had been a prince, he had traveled around to other countries, had met rulers from all over and experienced Europe's grandeur. He had been a younger man when he had visited England and France and had met the kings of both places. The king of France at the time had been older, but the King of England had been younger than he was. Though Rhysand had seemed like he was too young to have the responsibilities of a king, it took only knowing the man to understand that his age showed nothing of his wisdom.
Raul and he had become fast friends and, though Raul did not love to write often, Rhys was a notable exception. Before Rhys, the prospect of becoming king had seemed like the greatest boredom, all talk with no action. Rhys changed Raul's views on his kingship, showing him the power and responsibility in such. Raul had even written Rhys a letter before they journeyed to France. Finding his old friend was most definitely a priority.
When he saw Rhys standing in the hall, Raul grinned the impish grin of a much younger man and grabbed another drink in addition to his own, holding it in front of the other man. "I am opening up the conversation with a drink or else you are going to be liable to start talking business and we will have none of that," he crowed. "How the hell have you been?"
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Closed starter: Raul Castillo and Rhysand Windsor @stvrdvstsx
Sobering. The sight of his belongings strewn over the floor and into the hallway took Raul right out of his buzzy state of drunken revelry from the New Year's Party and into a focused fury. Whoever had broken into his rooms had woken something in him, something that rarely was tapped. The King had seen his rooms destroyed and his private, personal possessions laid bare, including letters from his children. Gone was a locket of gold that held the last remnant of his Ana, a lock of hair. Now all that was her was gone and so too was Raul's self-control. After he had established that his boys were safe, he stormed through the halls of Versailles, every bit a storm.
"Rhys, open up, we need to talk," he called, standing outside his friend's door, knocking loudly until the door opened. "We must figure out who did this so I can gut them like a fish. Please tell me your great mind has a heading because all I have come up with is pulling people out of their rooms and checking them and I doubt that will go over well."
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Closed starter: Raul Castillo and Yekaterina Bourbon @stcrryncghts
Thus far in France, Raul was having a very nice time. Reunited with friends that he had not seen in years and enjoying sights that he had never seen before, Raul was glad that he had come, even if every moment away from home weighed on the king. So much had changed in France since the last time he'd come, before he had been made the king. Alliances had been forged and broken and the face of Europe had almost been changed irrevocably.
Raul had to admit that he was very pleased that the Bourbon family was back. Napoleon's ambitions had been far too grand to leave anyone in Europe with any sense of security; eventually, the general would have tried to start war with every country on the continent. It would have eventually turned into a bloodbath that he could not have avoided; he was glad the man was gone.
He found the new French queen, formerly the Russian Duchess Yekaterina. They had seen each other before and he had sent something for their wedding, but this was his first time addressing her as queen. He bowed low and took off his hat. "Queen Yekaterina, this is truly an event beyond compare. You have made Versailles, once again, the center of the world."
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Closed starter: Raul and Javier (@dxncingxnmyown)
This was Javier’s fault, Raul reasoned as he headed over to the Prussian king, his body taut with anger and flushed with far too much drink. Of course, Amara had not helped matters by speaking to the King after the wound in his pride had been so cruelly reopened; Raul could do little to remedy Amara’s part in what had happened, but Javier had spoken cruelly to Amara, enough of a crime that someone would need to redress the grievance and he cared enough for his old friend to make sure it was him. He felt guilty, almost, a little gnawing feeling that had almost subsided as he indulged himself for the first time in what seemed like forever, drinking himself into anger. 
“Hey asshole!” It was a common enough insult between the two of them even when they were on the best of terms. When Javier spun around, Raul was already swinging, catching him with a right hook right into his chin. “What the fuck is with you, eh?” He looked down at his friend and offered him a hand.
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Closed Starter: Raul Castillo and Elizabet Lorraine (@independencs)
Versailles bustled during the daylight hours and even for a few hours into the night. Never completely quiet, she glittered with promises of merriment and mischief. It was these promises of mischief which had been keeping Raul awake for the last few nights, prowling the halls of the palace like some jaguar hunting for prey. Though exhausted, Raul found himself in the halls again. His steps were labored and each step seemed to take more energy than the last. He kept his fingers tapping on the hilt of his sword as he searched the night for signs of those who moved through the night with ill intent.
There was a nip in the air, a sharp January wind that made Raul miss the warmth of his bed in his palace at home. An ache in his chest took hold as his mind turned to his children and putting them to bed with stories of grand warriors and epic adventures. With all that had happened, he had hardly been remiss in not bringing his youngest, but he still missed them terribly. So too did he worry about his country while he was away. His advisors were wonderful, but ultimately they each had their own motivations and would make choices based on their own motivations; Raul knew this and allowed each of them carefully cultivated roles. In his absence, he worried at their grasping.
He heard footsteps coming down the connecting hallway and he snapped back to attention, his hand grasping the hilt of his sword until he saw the beautiful woman who turned the corner. Though he had heard about the famed beauty of the queen of Hungary, he had yet to experience her beauty first-hand. He took his hand off his sword and put it across his waist, bowing deeply before the queen.
"Queen Elizabet I presume? What brings you out at this late hour? Or have I just been out here so long that the day has dawned without my knowledge?"
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Closed starter: Raul Castillo and Stefan Hanover @starrcrvssed
It had been days since the fun and joviality of the French carnival had been interrupted by the robbery and looting of the royal and noble courts of much of the world and Raul was exhausted. He had spent the nights after the robbery on high alert, patrolling in the night for sight or sound of who could have entered all their rooms and taken from so many of them; if he could find even one of the robbers, perhaps he could find them all. The days and lack of success only deepened his fury though, he had to admit that it had started to diminish his energy. He found himself dozing in the hall on that day, the lack of sleep finally catching up to him before someone stepped near him, waking him, and causing him to pop up sword in hand before he recognized Stefan Hanover. "I'm sorry...just a little tired. How are your children by the way? Did they lose much in the robbery?"
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Closed starter: Raul Castillo and Amara Romanov @stvrdvstsx
Raul was not often a man who found himself pulled down into rage, fury, or true fear, but when the rumors sparked of rooms being broken into, instantly, Raul's heart leapt into his chest. First, he went to find Santi and Antonio. The crowds dispersed as the revelations passed from person to person. Raul looked over the crowds, his eyes whipping around from person to person. Looking for a higher vantage point, Raul climbed onto a statue and looked at the heads below before he saw Amara and jumped down, pushing past everyone in the way to get to her.
"Amara, have you heard?" he took her arm, pulling her closer to him to hear her above the hubbub that surrounded them. "I am looking for Santi and Antonio. Have you seen them or can you think of where they might be?" He rattled off his question before shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. "Anyways, have you seen your husband? Do you need any help in finding him?"
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Closed starter: Raul Castillo and Stefan Hanover @starrcrvssed
There was a freedom to being a visiting king in another land that Raul had not expected to feel; he had no responsibilities, at least as of yet, to France's royalty or its people. When he was at home, he was Portugal's leader, all decisions went through him and he was responsible for all that happened in the country. In France, he had only to behave decently well, make smart alliances, and enjoy himself. The last task was made significantly easier with a boatload of alcohol and a multitude of beautiful sights and beautiful women.
He walked along the halls of the palace, stopping in to see the Hall of Mirrors. He looked around at the gilded room. Others danced through it and looked at themselves is the golden light of the candles. All was reflected back at them.
"I don't know if I have ever seen such splendor," he remarked to someone standing next to him. "The majesty and the beauty. It is unparalleled. Not to mention the drinks are quite fine as well."
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☼☾ ( santiago cabrera , 41 ,he/him , cismale , king of portugal) - have you seen RAUL CASTILLO?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re CHARMING but also COCKY. when you think of them , you think of A RAPIER AT THE SIDE, RARELY USED FOR ANYTHING BUT PRACTICE; A SMILE THAT HIDES ANY NUMBER OF WORRIES; A CROWN THAT NEVER SEEMS TO FIT.
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tw below: death, poison
The oldest prince of the King and Queen of Portugal, Raul was educated from birth in the glories of Portugal and their colonies. His father spoke with nostalgia of a Portugal long past that had been the pride of the sailing world a few hundred years ago. Raul loved the histories, particularly those of the sailors who colonized Brasil. He imagined himself going on such adventures, conquering the world in the name of his country. He was older before he realized what it truly meant to be the crown prince; the adventure was for others and he would sit.
Unfortunately for his mother, father, and perhaps all of Portugal, Raul was terrible at sitting around and giving orders. He wished to be one with those he commanded. When it was suggested he get lessons in swordsmanship, archery, and battle tactics, Raul jumped at the suggestion and claimed several soldiers to train him night and day, commanding that they teach him well enough that he would be able to fight alongside them if he wished. At first, of course, they balked, but soon they realized their prince would not be deterred. He became skilled with a rapier, though he knew it was likely he'd never get to use it.
Royalty did have its perks, though. As the crown prince, the Portuguese nobles were often more than happy to place their daughters in Raul's way. Raul was more than happy to learn the ways of women and statecraft and managed to have several children with them, though none of them earned a place as his wife thanks to his mother's insistence that his marriage be only to solidify alliances. There was one who managed to get through to his heart, however, Ana of the Delgado family. She was clever, confident, and unimpressed by his status, treating him like a man, not a title. He fell head over heels and proposed. Within a fortnight, however, his Ana was dead, poisoned for not being the right woman. Though he could never trace the act back to his family, he suspected that they were to blame in some respect. It would be years before he entertained the thought of marriage again, long after his parents were gone.
When his mother and father passed, they left Raul with a country that seemed on the edge of a precipice, constantly beset by Spain in an uncertain world where even countries like powerful England were losing colonies. He knows that he must keep Portugal strong, and he hopes to do this by securing alliances with his siblings and maybe even himself. France also presents new possibilities and curiosity as a country brought back from the brink of ruination. Raul cannot wait to see what happens next.
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Raul's Ball Outfit (and Black Pants)
Cause he's a drama queen
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Closed Starter: Raul Castillo and Francisca Castillo (@txacups)
Raul had spent the last couple days since the robbery trying his best to find out any information about the theft and also keeping watch over his family. He knew there were guards around and that he had his own personal guards who traveled with the family, but thus far, the knowledge had done little to reassure him. He was exhausted and, after spending time with his boys, practicing their fencing, he found himself fatigued beyond all reason. There was a wiser portion of him that knew that eventually he would have to rest, but there was still so much to do. He sat writing letters to his advisors and to Bruna, Josie, and Marco but he could feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier. He barely realized when his head went from being vertical to lying on the desk until he heard his sister's voice and felt a hand on his shoulder. He shot up, bleary-eyed and with ink on his face.
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